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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 130 KB, 550x280, SFIItitle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2161528 No.2161528 [Reply] [Original]

How many you dudes played this growin up?

Started me on a life long love of Tactics.

I played all of em... game gear, saturn3, but SF2 holds a special place in my heart.

Who'd you pick from Creed?

What'd your Final Force look like?

>> No.2161532

I tried playing them recently but ended up dropping both pretty early.

>> No.2161627

Why does Gong earn reduced experience? He seems to get 75% experience compared to the rest of the cast.

>> No.2161672

It doesn't matter since he can heal for ridiculous experience whenever.

My healers always ended up being promoted in the same chapter that I acquired them.

SF2 was fun, but I like it least of the games in the series. Just so damned cutesy. It's my brother's favorite though.

>> No.2161693
File: 88 KB, 451x265, characterssf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime there's a Shining Force II thread I get so excited.

I've never played 3, but I've played the rest. How did you play it?

I picked Tyrin from Creed because Freeze4. My final team looked like...

>> No.2161696
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>> No.2161737

>Who'd you pick from Creed?
Tyrin (I think?) because I liked having mages, probably due to the flashy spell effects.
>What'd your Final Force look like?
All the wizards and sorcerers.both brass gunners, May and all around a lot of ranged attackers. Badarse looking characters like Slade, monster Kiwi and Gerhalt were all in.

>> No.2161836

What the fuck happened at the end of II?!

>The King is revealed to have been the real Xeon all along. (?)

Or did he just murder the King and wear his body?

Yeah, I'm not exactly sure what happened there.

>> No.2161852

I beat the first game, don't remember if I reached creed in the second. FFT is my favorite tactics game of all time, but I'm having a ball with Shadowrun: Dragonfall, the cast and strategy are excellent lately.

As far as SF2 went I remember wanting to train rat-thief hard, but mostly Kazin and May were my favorites -- therefore they got the most training and maxed out before classing-up.

>> No.2161853
File: 18 KB, 160x232, jogurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually found my own uses for this guy.

If I was feeling lazy I would just put him on the team if there were treasure chests with cool shit it them. (His movement speed is insane.) Then after I picked off all the goodies I'd just egress and swap him out.

>> No.2161870

In fact the first game was full of shit like that where you could be rewarded for thinking outside the box.

For example you could USE a cursed item instead of equipping it. So you could take Mae and tear shit up with that Black Ring. As long as the ring didn't start showing signs of damage immediately you could own motherfuckers.

Or if you needed a flying unit to fly out and troll somebody in the back enemy ranks you could for example give them the fucking Chaos Breaker.

Can you even name a game these days that just let you give the most powerful weapon in the game around to other party members?

>> No.2161898

Shining Force 1 & 2 were my favorite Genesis games ever.

I tried to get a couple mid 20somethings interested in it recently but they hated it. They like other old RPGs but I guess they werent elite enough for SRPGs.

>> No.2161915
File: 156 KB, 1276x942, Slade 101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shocked to see a shining force thread. I name all of my characters after the characters in shining force in any game I play.

Here's my slade. Not bad for 11 years ago. Probably the most versatile offensive character in the series.

>> No.2161926

Solo SF1

>> No.2162012

Shining force has the greatest feeling of epic adventure in any SRPG ever.

The game is also surprisingly skillful for something so simple. You can clear the highest difficulties without resorting to any grinding if you are clever enough. This is true for both the 1st &2nd game

>> No.2162112

Always takes longer for healers to level, for me. Am I doing it wrong? 15exp on avg?

>> No.2162147

There are no XP penalties for characters in either SF 1 or 2. It only depends on their level/level of enemy killed.

Healers get about 10 xp per heal in 1, and between like 5-40 depending on how much they heal in 2.

>> No.2162148

The king was taken over by an evil spirit that worked for Zeon. You kill him and it releases him.

>> No.2162149

I played 3 on an emulator. In english, part 1 only was released. But now you can find translated roms of parts 2 and 3.

>> No.2162152

?? attack
dat Gisarme

Rad Slade. I love him

>> No.2162153

Shining Force III - Scenario 3 is probably the best SRPG I ever played in my life.
Scenario 2 was so shit, though...I had to force myself to finish it.

>> No.2162254

Yup, pretty great for one of the earlier strategy games.

>> No.2162258

Try to get them into the GBA port, it might be easier for them to digest.

>> No.2162395
File: 162 KB, 635x599, max_mae___shining_force_by_saintjoanoftheroses-d396cqe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mae is best centaur-girl.

>> No.2162398

How would you rate the game gear entries? Are there more than one? I just picked it up.

>> No.2162402
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>> No.2162446

There are 3 games, 2 of them were remade on the Sega CD and you should be playing them if you're emulating.
Still you probably shouldn't play them unless you already played 1 and 2 and want more, they are battle-only games, with a lot less content.

>> No.2162676

see >>2162446

There is a lot less content. They're a bit clunky, even for the standards of the day. If you crave more SF Tactics Combat, go for it. Otherwise you won't be missing much.

>> No.2162846

Pink-haired bitch, whatever her name was. Then went back and got the rest of them later. You know you can do that, right?

>> No.2162896
File: 48 KB, 451x265, i9snzy47l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What'd your Final Force look like?
Usually like this. I know that's one too many but I can't for the life of me remember who I leave out. What I do know is I used to go high mobility+high range. Meaning centaurs, birdmen and bowpeople over everything else for the majority of battles. And if Jaha and Lemon weren't Jaha and Lemon I'd probably leave them out more often.

>> No.2163135

The ability to go into towns is great and it blows my mind that every other strategy game is nothing but battle after battle.

>> No.2163284

Agreed. I like exploration a little. Have you ever played Order of the Griffin? It's a D&D game for TG16. I used to play it on my Express back in the day and loved how the battles in that game worked. Very strategy-like, but the game still had plenty of exploration. For such a short game, anyway.

>> No.2163412

Would I like these games as someone who hates Fire Emblem?

>> No.2163417

theres a traditional jrpg overworld and equip screen
units dont disappear when they die
it's pretty easy

>> No.2163418

They play out quite differently. The biggest differences are that you have skills that cost MP to use and the turn order goes by a speed stat, not just the massive "one army goes, then the other" that FE uses.

>> No.2163420

The only one I have played is Shining Force Neo; I thought it was pretty fun. A little grindy, but to be expected, and it was easy to cheese the monsters with ranged weapons.

How are the other ones in the series?

>> No.2163484

I like to think that it was Zeon in a weakened state.

>> No.2163747

damn it's been forever since i played.

i remember at the end of one of them (think 1, maybe 2) where the hero's attack animation would change if he dealt the last blow to the final boss. was like woah awesome! guy would take a sword-pointing-at-the-boss stance and then flick it to the ground.

i also remember using a game genie on sf2 and cheesing the enemies into getting fast upgrades. you could control the enemy teams and make them drop their weapons, which would then show up in the shops lol. and i would always kill that phoenix fucker since he would kill snipe

>> No.2163778

anyone EVER picked randolf/that other horseguy over tyrin/karna at creeds mansion? just curious

>> No.2163782

Shinning force is a lot more forgiving than fire emblem. You can grind (although you can win without grinding on any difficulty) and a unit dying just costs a bit of gold to ressurect. Most items don't have durability.

Shining force is a much less precise game than fire emblem. In fire emblem you can practically prevent the enemy from attacking at all if you play properly, good play is neccary as a unit can be completly destroyed almost instantly. Shining force is more a giant brawl where you throw your army against the enemy, the tactics isn't as advanced and it's more forgiving.

Shining force also feels much more heroic. You explore towns and ancient runes. It really feels like an adventure.

>> No.2163786
File: 10 KB, 256x224, 10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when red baron walks straight toward your hero uses his dark sword and it procs

>> No.2164347

I think if you liked Neo you'd like all of them. Shining Force 1 is a bit clunky, SF2 is quite polished. Both are good.

Easy to emulate. I'd say go for it.

>> No.2164349

I've played SF2 so many times. I've gotten every single character.

The centaur, Eric, if you promote him with the Pegasus Wing is the best pegasus knight. Most of the time I reach Zeon with him having 0 deaths.

The warrior/berserker/baron... Randolf? I think. He's the most underwhelming of the 4 in my opinion.

Karna is amazing whether you do Master Monk promotion or Vicar, simply because of the Aura spell and the speed at which she learns it.

Tyrin is an excellent caster. He get spells earlier than anyone. I generally promote Kazin as a Sorcerer though, simply because Tyrin is a better Wizard than Kazin is.

After you get to Moun (where Astral forces you to have Freyja in your party whether you want him or not), you can egress and walk all the way back to Creed's and pick up the 3 you didn't choose, if you want.

>> No.2164350



I love Fire Emblem. But the Exploration of Shining Force is really something special. There's lots of little secrets and places to find scattered all over. It's fun being able to go into towns and talk to the residents (SF2 in particular has really corny and funny dialogue).

>> No.2164384
File: 23 KB, 658x360, 14239806985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tyrin is absurdly slow, anon.
In fact Kazin will be the only wizzard that will learn a level 4 spell during a normal run, unless you somehow compensate his lack of power by multi targeting enemies he's not good as wizard ar all.

>> No.2164414
File: 106 KB, 319x617, Sarah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shining Force II

man fuck that ending. If it where up to me id pick Sara everytime

>> No.2164427

I played SF 1 + 2 on the genesis as well as the CD and Game Gear versions, later as an adult even several times. I tried the GBA remake, which had a nice gameplay, but nostalgic feelings were gone. I am sure SF2 is the best part of the series, although I haven't played any parts on the modern platforms.

It has been long ago, since I played the game the last time. My final force during the Zeon battle had always its iron core with Slade, Karen (MMNK), Gerhalt, Rick (PGS) and Peter. I had all characters at least once in the final battle. I'd say they're all good as long as you build them up gradually, early and long enough, which is why I didn't like using the characters you get later on in the game. Some of the later characters have awesome stats but aren't worth one's while to even bother that late in the games, when you already have almighty soldiers. Zynk the robot, Clyde the golem and Gyan have the highest (start-up) attack power, but were always so slow, they didn't even reach the battle when the death blow had already been made to the enemy's leader. I'd rather give my running pimiento to the leader and the other one to the MasterMonk, as you definitely need it for them in the battle with Zeon.

Be sure to pick Karen at Creed's mansion. She can be levelled up to infinite attack and defense, while simultaneously being able to cast Aura 4, which heals every soldier in your party. I cannot comprehend, why so many people on 4chan suggest using the master monk promotion item on Sarah who is not even able to learn Aura1. Another excellent choice is Eric - PGKN with high attack and defense power as well as boosted INIT and MOVE. Forget about Randolf and Tyrin.

>> No.2164434


they are useless. Use the sorcerer item on kazin and additionally use slade with his spells. better choice.

>> No.2164442

You don't say.

>> No.2164463

Because Sarah is the worst healer in the game, but she's great as monk, while Karna is good as vicar and as monk, and you can main her even without the second vigor ball.

It's up to how you like to balance your party. If you get a great equipment, do you give it to the best character to make him awesome, or give it to the weakest character to make every member of your party good? You clearly like to do the former, given that you use the running pimiento on characters that are already fast.

>> No.2164474
File: 85 KB, 451x265, my forced party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My party looked like this.
Obviously both Sarah and Karna are Master monks and Kasin is a Sorcerer.
But the last space in the force is always open so I use a random character, usually Higins or Gyan because I admire non-hipster moustaches and beards.

I always consider picking him but I never do, Karna is too sexy and her's voice makes me laugh.

A question, that Game Gear SF is good? I could get it for 3DS since apparently only the old games are the good shit for it.

>> No.2164475
File: 3 KB, 94x91, sarah_02_defend.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


plus the vicars are just ... yaeh Im not looking at that

>> No.2164506


I've never met anyone that used him. Does he suck, or is he decent?

>> No.2164604

You know there is a second secret vigor ball in the game right? You can have both Sarah and Karna as Master Monks.

>> No.2164882
File: 41 KB, 207x159, kiwi fire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else try to put all the unique characters on their team?

In SF2 I always try to put Kiwi and Claude on my team. Kiwi means using a lot of items on him and usually the power ring but its worth it to have another flying character since 2 has so few compared to 1. I also love his flame breath, its great to get the monsters with the critical shit that always screws you over. Then Claude absolutely requires you to save a running pimento because the guy has no movement even if he has kiwi-like defense.

Zynk is the only unique character I tend to avoid (outside of Jogurt). While I like his laser attack crit I don't like his battle looks, he doesn't have a great stat, he doesn't promote and he basically requires yet another running pimento.

>> No.2164885

If I remember correctly you don't have to pay to revive him because he is a vampire or something like Lemon.

>> No.2164949

Been playing 3. Is it just, or does this one have the worst music? The songs aren't bad or anything, there just isn't any variety. Nearly every battle uses the same song. Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I recall SF1/2 having a good number of songs for the battles.

>> No.2165105

SF 1/2 only had about three different songs for battles that I can remember off the top of my head. SF3 has a few more in the other scenarios.

>> No.2165193

It's somewhat decent, totally better than Jaro but less movile and leagues better than any other non-human character and Frayja

I think you are correct, not sure though.
I don't recall letting him explode even one time.

>> No.2165259

I play ironman, no priest revives, and no repeat battles. When they would drop a low level Slade I would freak out.

Makes for a pretty good run through for advanced.

>> No.2165265
File: 140 KB, 256x248, Brigandine_-_The_Legend_of_Forsena_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other tile games have you guys branched off into?

I was really digging HoMM3 until I snapped the learning curved. I think pic related is the best example of a different system but similar style game.

>> No.2165446
File: 40 KB, 634x369, 1420435716255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna be my end game in a hour or so.

>> No.2165490

Yeah, Randolf was the 'more balanced' Xylo.

Xylo was hilariously broken in the sense that you got one free FUCK THEIR SHIT UP every player round.

>> No.2165498

Oh my god, this. (Sexy) monks only, tyvm.

>> No.2165525
File: 20 KB, 160x258, amon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorites from Shining Force.

Looks like one of those DOW Scrubbing Bubbles, a caster and he can fly! Damn them to the pits of Hell for turning him into a fucking Pokemon.

If you take the short time to level him you end up with a flying Xylo.

He's motherfucking GONG.

>Mae & Ken
The game seems to be chock full of centaurs with mediocre stats. The first ones that show up are the only ones you really need.

Pic related. You only needed the bird people for a few maps but... Chica is for casuals.

>> No.2166260

This is really a fun challenge. Especially on Super difficulty in SF2.

The Kraken fight, though. god fucking damn it wrecks you

>> No.2166279

You can actually get the Achilles sword before fighting the Kraken. Gives you a few levels and a better weapon for Bowie.

>> No.2166293

Just started emuating SF CD. Is this a good place to start, I hear 2 is better but I'm not much for town sections anyway, and while the soundtrack dosen't seem great at least it's CD quality.

>> No.2166317

I'll add no item exp scumming on my next run since I was still able to break certain characters.

I was doing this run on SF1 and the Marionette one-shot half my squad. Which is frustrating because the AI on SF1 is abysmal.

>> No.2166323

>but I'm not much for town sections anyway
I guess you're just playing CD and Final Conflict then. The town sections are what make SF unique though. And I don't get why CD quality is a requirement for you. SF1/2 have a great soundtrack.

>> No.2166457
File: 29 KB, 304x137, Two Red Barons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tyrin is a slightly better sorcerer since he learns spells sooner. Kazin doesn't lose out as much by going Wizard because he keeps Desoul 2, which can actually connect pretty often thanks to the area of effect. You weebs all love the Gisarme so much when it never procs and you have to savescum for hours to even get it.

>> No.2166492

>Is this a good place to start

CD is a direct SF1 sequel. It happens years after the events of the first game and there's a fuckton of recurring characters and references. I'd play it after SF1, honestly.

>> No.2166984

>Luke AND Skreech

Someone hates himself.

>> No.2167004
File: 272 KB, 1100x1374, ShiningSeries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much the greatest piece of music I've ever heard:


>> No.2167024
File: 16 KB, 195x267, sf_book_chaos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one thing I REALLY fucking love of Shining Force is the robots. They seem like a perfect blend of technology and magic.

>> No.2167027
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>> No.2167036
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>> No.2167042
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>> No.2167045
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>> No.2167059

Are there any good robot units? Adam and Zynk are pretty bad investments, as I remember.

>> No.2167079

I've heard Adam is fantastic once promoted and leveled, but I've never had the patience for it.

>> No.2167105

Eh, finishing Shining Force with all character at the same level is something that I still have to do, there are even characters like Arthur, that's bad even with high level, but then skyrockets after the promotion and becomes the best centaur.

>> No.2167109

If babying is required, then it's not a good unit. The only real exceptions are those who join extremely early like Slade.

>> No.2167229

Minimum character runs in SF1 are fun. Takes a while to get going since the first few fights are "Max gets as much XP as he can until he bites it" but it's fun after that.

Only downside is you skip best waifu.

>> No.2167370

I would be curious as to how you'd take Elliot down. Of all the bosses his health regen is just INSANE.

I consider Elliot a beginner's trap of sorts because dat first feel when after a tough fight he's down to 1/4th of his health and then you go to attack him and he's almost all the way full. This always forced me to grind his map several times to get levels up enough to out damage his healing.

>> No.2167383

By the time you get to Elliot you're close to a full party just from unskippable characters, and all of them are overleveled to hell and back relative to how early you got them.

Max is around level 10 by the time you're done the first two battles, for example, because it's impossible to actually solo them at the intended level without savescumming for crit, double hit and evasion.

>> No.2168669
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Wasn't this game great? Or am I blinded by nostalgia? I've never played another game in the Shining series

>> No.2168672

It was okay. Pissed off a lot of older fans because of how they handled the returning bosses, but other than that it was fine.

>> No.2168690

It was pretty good. Diablo for GBA basically.

>> No.2168693

I honestly don't understand this.
How can anyone love Final Conflict of all things and dislike Shining Force III? Especially that 3rd scenario.
Please explain, anon.

>> No.2168718

Anyone else only ever find the Pegasus Wing years later with the internet?

>> No.2169521

I use them with peter as a forward attack. They swarm a single target and rip it apart.

>> No.2169550

I found it as a kid cause I had too much time and I searched every wall

>> No.2169878

Slade is my favourite character as well. He gets killes quite often and quickly at the beginning of the game, because of very low defence. I always put an effort into his building up; he had always the highest attack power in the force, second only to the main character.

I never use wizards, only a sorcerer (Tyrin) and Slade as a compliment wizard.

>> No.2169969

>they flap around then get blindsided

>> No.2169981
File: 32 KB, 78x78, masqurin_p2[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know /vr/ hates stuff like this, but who's your favorite SF girl?

>> No.2169994
File: 81 KB, 350x730, sf_book2_tao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2170018


>> No.2170041
File: 580 KB, 800x700, karna_or_sarah___by_kamiomutsu-d5lgvk8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ hates stuff like this
what? aren't we all in deep love with our waifus?

Anyway, Karna is the winner with Sarah running too close.
>Mfw the artist had a autist attack and now she isn't making fanart anymore.

>> No.2170046

>Slade with the highest attack
>Bowie in second.
You don't use Peter or Gerhalt or Karna?

>> No.2170070

Peter is so broken it's no even funny.

>> No.2170113

How many hours of your life will you never get back, because you just had to get the Gisarme from the Dwarven Blacksmith?

>> No.2170919

lol, it is.

>> No.2171004

I don't remember having that much difficulty with it. In fact I don't think I reset at all, just kept making weapons until all the mithril was gone and chose the coolest ones.

>> No.2171058
File: 67 KB, 640x641, 57339_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does vr think of SFROTDD? compared to SF1 i hated how you couldnt get hanzo and musashi but it was nice to see a remake

>> No.2171061

You get Hanzo and Musashi the same way as you can in the original.

>> No.2171063

Actually, you get them earlier.

They can promote too.

>> No.2171065

ive always tried to but i never could get either of them in the remake
hows that

>> No.2171070

Musashi is in chapter six now, and Hanzo is in chapter 5.

They can both promote as well.


>> No.2171156

missing sheelia

>> No.2171157

autism: origins

>> No.2171159
File: 30 KB, 451x265, 1420435716255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they made a game like this using the same system but adds like a battle or two a month to a on going story. Or just hand over the engine for making it and watch the community light it the fuck up.

Claude is fucking op as fuck. I am one hitting shit in last fights. I wish there was more games like these....fire emblem any good and where to get emu of it?

>> No.2171229
File: 118 KB, 800x500, shining force1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jogurt of course.

>> No.2171390


Most of Japanese artists are like that. If they see their art uploaded in somewhere else, and especially in a Western website, they will get pissed and demand the person to remove their stuff immediately.

>> No.2172263

The games aren't terrible, but no, it's not a good place to statrt. Judging the games on their abstract gameplay and battle design, the two Shinning Force CD games are the worst of the bunch, and the two Genesis are the best.

>> No.2172298

Only in the gba version they can promote.
Classic versions still kickass

>> No.2172371

Wait, is he raping Max's face?!

>> No.2173185
File: 76 KB, 500x409, 1414622446693.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Max didn't want to have his face raped than he should not have accepted Jogurt's ring.

>> No.2175621
File: 25 KB, 246x276, may.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never get to know the warmth of entering her tight little horse pussy

>> No.2175727

I can't look at SF Centaurs the same way after seeing the horror that is tenseiani.

>> No.2175882

I NEVER had any sexual idea with the beast half-beast characters in any game other than May, She indeed looks pretty fuckable

>> No.2175907

/mlp/ is that way --->

>> No.2175914

Horsefuckers have existed thousands of years before /mlp/ and will continue thousand of years after MLP is forgotten.

>> No.2175916

>implying horsefuckers will ever forget MLP

>> No.2175935

>implying MLP isn't already mostly forgotten

>> No.2175937

fucking a horse girl must feel baller as fuck

>> No.2176050

No wonder Shining Force is always associated with furries.

>> No.2177692

Just finished the first game last night. Fun ride, relatively touching ending, bitchin' post credits scene. Guntz & Zylo 4lyfe.

Started up Shining Force CD

>> No.2177716

Enjoy the cameos.

>> No.2178038

Definitely. Lowe being the new Nova makes sense. Also goddamn, looking forward to getting Domingo again.

>> No.2178252

The Shining Force CD battles are more or less on par with Shining Force 1, a little bit more fun and battle techniques as well as gameplay slightly improved. Apart from nostalgic feelings (I didn't play CD as a child), what I missed most in CD was town and map exploring. This probably sounds a little weird, but I think RPGs without any houses or towns to enter and explore; without any NPCs to talk to are kind of loveless. You could refer to Shining Force CD as 'Shining Force Light'.

>> No.2178257
File: 52 KB, 640x586, notreally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of that. Are you a retard or just a troll?

>> No.2179780

I hope I will one day be able to relatively effortlessly play Sc2 & Sc3 of Shining Force 3. Always loved the series, got me into RPGs and Strategy Games as a kid. Maybe even fantasy in general, man, that artwork and that music really got my imagination going.

>> No.2179787

>Sega will never re-release SF3 as a single combined fully translated game on PlayStation Store or Nintendo eShop

>> No.2179829

Legend has it, they've lost the source code.

>> No.2179836

Wouldn't surprise me, Sega clearly hasn't given a flying fuck about the series since the GBA remake.

>> No.2180004

/b/ pls

>> No.2180012

It's Breath of Fire, not Shining Force.