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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2154408 No.2154408 [Reply] [Original]

Happy New Year /vr/

>> No.2154409

Happy 1999!

>> No.2154412
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Happy new year OP

>> No.2154414
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Happy 1999.

>> No.2154418

Another year closer to letting the rest of 5th gen consoles in.

>> No.2154419

Even as a robot, Tre/vr/'s shit-eating grin makes me happy.

>> No.2154421

What are you talking about? There aren't any new consoles due out for two years.

>> No.2154423

jeez, I know, right

>> No.2154425

*6th gen

Boy, this new keyboard sure does love fucking my shit.

That's pretty soon. 2 years will pass before you know it.

>> No.2154428

>tfw I forgot to y2k-proof my house.

>> No.2154430
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I'm not ready for it
Not yet.

>> No.2154432

2001 will never come though.

>> No.2154434

Bull. Nintendo will have one ready for 2016.

>> No.2154436

I can't wait for those Dreamcast vs Playstation 2 threads.

Can you imagine all that wonderful shitposting?

>> No.2154440
File: 98 KB, 600x600, Eekum Bokum Oomenacka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have the 5th gen here.

>> No.2154442
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Yes, yes I can and it terrifies me.
Hold me /vr/

>> No.2154446 [DELETED] 

fuck, all I want to do is talk about is Dark Cloud

>> No.2154447

>he comes from 17 years in the future
Do we get hoverboards?

>> No.2154448

No. It's everybody for themselves when the time comes.

Each and every day this place is becoming more and more and more and more like /v/. And we can't stop it.

>> No.2154450

I just wish I could talk about Dark Cloud

>> No.2154453

But you can. Gloomy non-Cloud from FFT is fair game.

>> No.2154456
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>> No.2154457

oh you!

>> No.2154481 [DELETED] 

not /vr/, reported

>> No.2154489
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donnt fuc withh me man, im crazy

>> No.2154494

Happy new year!
Play Plok! and Weapon Lord if you haven't yet.

It will be the new handheld, 3ds is from 2011.

>> No.2154503

Hope 2015 will satisfy as expected. This last year wasn't so bad either. Freeman's Mind is finally done, for example.

>> No.2154506

We'll have to get moot to make /vvr/ - very retro

It'll be ultra retro, then we have /vr/ for sort of retro, and then /v/ for not retro!

Until the filter down consoles into /vvr/ get too bad and we make /vvvr/...

>> No.2154513

Happy New Year /vr/. You're a great board and you've helped me discover and rediscover some great games.

>> No.2154526

>yfw people from 1981 are now old enough to post here

>> No.2154536

>tfw I don't feel 34
>but I will in 2 months
I'm still young, right? It is still cool to play video games, right? Contra is still awesome, right? RIGHT?!?!

>> No.2154581

Of course it is. Finally finishing Contra was so satisfying I looped the damn thing to make sure the ending didn't change the second time like Zero Wing or Ghosts n' Goblins.

but it was released before I was born

>> No.2154594
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>tfw I'm turning 30 this year

>> No.2154612

Its ok friend I'm 26. Take comfort in knowing most of the shitposters are migrants from /v/ who are 18 or less.

>> No.2154614
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Are you going to achieve wizardry, anon?

>> No.2154616
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Happy 1999!

>> No.2154641
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>still playing games with your hands

>> No.2154967

>he comes from 2015
Did Lavos ever happen?

>> No.2155107

Seeing how it was supposed to surface in 1999, no.

>> No.2155132
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>> No.2155186
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Same here brah. More and more when I read about something that happened in the 90s or early 2000, my brain goes "wait, fuck, that was 10/20 years ago"

>> No.2155197

How many games took place in the year 2015?

>> No.2155224

Obviously, the first part of Back to the Future II & III.

>> No.2155356
File: 83 KB, 500x500, 1419997271793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my hair gets gray already
>find white strands here and there
>I'm only 23 years old
H-happy new y-year... Getting older is t-totally cool, r-right? ;_;

>> No.2155363

My hair was getting a little gray at 24 which was 16 years ago.

>> No.2155432


>Dreamcast vs Playstation 2 threads

I don't even want to imagine it. All the endless threads about games everyone has already played will get annoying too.

>muh Vice City vs San Andreas

>> No.2155441
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>living in fear of becoming a cool old man

2001 was 80 years ago and I give no fucks at all

>> No.2155452

The fuck?
Are you me?
I remember when the barber made a comment about that, in 2012.

>> No.2155547

I got grey hairs as a teen, but not anymore. I'm 36, so I probably have about 2 years before it starts again.

>> No.2155626
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At first I thought it wouldn't be that bad, but then you mentioned VC vs SA, and now I realize that it would be the literal fucking death of this board.

>Hai guis! Halo vs Halo 2 thread go!

Oh god my head.

At least your hairline isn't receding...

>> No.2155629

Why do they have to be versus? I like them both for different reasons.

>> No.2155630

>At least your hairline isn't receding...
I know a few guys who have shaved their heads. It's a pain to look after but some people can really pull off the look.

>> No.2155635

I went to bootcamp.

I look like a fucking psycho when my head is shaved. It's why I'm kinda freaked about going bald.

>> No.2155641

I will be 26 soon. That's still young right? Maybe if I exercise more I will feel younger.

>> No.2155645

26 is quite old, but you aren't better off just shooting yourself until you hit 30.

By 35 you're essentially experiencing a living death, worse than the torments of hell.

>> No.2156060

At least you're not going bald ;_;
Not even 30 yet

>> No.2156656

of course man did you see Back to the Future??

>> No.2156841

I celebrated this by letting my nephews
playing Night Striker with my Joystick Thrustmaster T16000M
They love it.

>> No.2156961

>tfw got married at 35 to a 20 year old
>tfw had a baby at 36
>tfw 38 next week
>tfw now have a 20 year old girlfriend too

Midlife isn't so bad. Wasn't so crazy about the parts were my family died though

>> No.2157184

They don't have to be versus, but for some reason shitposters always have to frame discussions that way. It's mainly a way to bait for replies and get people pissed at each other.

>> No.2157270

At least you can dye it. My hairline has receded so far I'm practically doing comb-overs.

The worst part? I just recently turned 19.

>> No.2157385

You sir give me hope for having a sane, normal life one day.

>> No.2157951
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It's much, much better to wait as opposed to rushing into marriage and kids when you're young - especially for men since we don't necessarily get less attractive as we get older until we're WAY old. Nerd-types especially get more attractive as we actually learn the rules and apply them.

Get Game, Son and never cum in a pussy you can't trust.

>> No.2160458

Fuck, I'm 21. I didn't know /vr/ was this old.

>> No.2161991

/vr/ has probably the highest avarage age of all boards.

>> No.2162013

Why are you cheating on your wife.

>> No.2162027

20 year old vrfag reporting

you guys are all cool people

>> No.2162036

I'm not.

>> No.2162038

You just said you had a 20 year old girlfriend too.
What does that even mean?

>> No.2162042

They're friends.

>> No.2162053

>not cheating on your wife with someone half her age

>> No.2162056

Wife is 23, GF is 20. They're best friends and cool with everything. I'm the one that's almost twice their age.

>> No.2162057

I'm 26. It feels like just yesterday I was a 16 year old fucking around on /b.

That is fucking surreal, to go from having been an underage user to fast approaching being one of the "older ones," to see 4chan go from an obscure niche site to whatever mess it is today.

Goddammit. I want to go back. Just for a day. Please.

>> No.2162059
File: 7 KB, 300x319, nothing to mongle about.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It's over. It's never coming back, anon.

>> No.2162184

I'm old and crotchety and wouldn't want N64 in there let alone Dreamcast, but /vvr/ would be my favourite so long as it doesn't mess about with all that filthy polygonal crap. We don't need no stinkin' 3D.
While I've owned Dreamcast, Playstation, Saturn and N64, I've never liked many 3D titles, especially 3D continuations of well-established series, such as MML, Cv64, OoT and SA. SM64, SF64, WR64 and SMK64 are notable exceptions cuz they're fucking great.
Due to my aversion to 3D gaming, my favourite of the 5th gen is Saturn followed by PSX then N64 at a distant last.
Anyway, yeah: should such a thing like /vvr/ ever come to pass, I'd like it to be called /v2d/ - 2D Gaming. All 2D is fair game, retro or otherwise. Obviously, the majority of the content will happen to be retro anyway.

>> No.2162271
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>not smiling anymore
have things really changed that much?
I feel old.
Or older anyways.

>> No.2162316
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>> No.2162331

>Melee threads
>MGS2/3 threads
>Halo threads
>on /vr/

Oh god no

>> No.2162363

I just dont want to be 60 already when my kids turn 20.
>tfw your son/daughter might never know their grandpa

Or you could just, ya know, go to a better /vr/. one that is two times as good. hint hint.

>> No.2162387
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>tfw your son/daughter might never know their grandpa

sad anon side-fact:

i'm 27, my wife is 22. her parents had her at 17/18 while my parents had me at 26/36 (parents ten years apart)

>mfw my father is OLDER than her grandfather
>mfw my son has GREAT GRANDPARENTS on her side YOUNGER than the GRANDPARENTS on my side
>mfw my shitty father-in-law is only 14 years older than I am
>mfw my son will only ever remember my parents and my two siblings from my side, if he's lucky. my dad is in rough shape at 62...

i mean, fuck, my grandma is 90 years old. NINETY YEARS OLD. my wife has a great-grandma who is only 75ish... (yeah, my son has a great great grandma younger than my grandma)

my family will be dead and my son is only going to know his mother's shitty white-trash side of the family....

sage because of blog post and general sadness

>> No.2162401
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Well, like I said most of my family died there when I was in my early 30s and that was what made it clear to me that I better start my own. My son's named after his dead grandfather the same way I'm named after mine.

It was kind of nice to be in a hospital for a happy reason - but I guess it would have been happier if there had been as many members of my family there as of my wife's instead of just my mom.

>> No.2162408

The /vr/ whose cutoff is 2003? No fucking thank you.

>> No.2162430

Yup, that's exactly what's going on with me except the gap is even bigger
>Us 37/23
>Mother older than any of her 4 living grandparents
>F-I-L and M-I-L less than ten years older (I'm closer to their age than her age)
At least they can't give me grief because they all had kids at like 16 and shit is why THEIR family is that way plus they're all major Christians so they're not shitty. They have a nice house but there's 3 generations living in it.

My family could never stand to live together much past adulthood and since they all had great adventures before they died they're probably better in stories than their actual weird-ass personalities would have been in person.

>> No.2162463

It's also an absolute ghost town there. They occasionally go more than a whole day without a single post on the entire board.

>> No.2162473

Having a harem sounds nice.

>> No.2162492

Just turned 30 last year.
It's surprisingly similar to being 29.

>> No.2162569

what's wrong with 2001-2003? absolutely nothing you faggot

inb4 Halo

>> No.2162573
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EVERYTHING is wrong about 2003

>> No.2162576

>What's wrong with 2001

>> No.2162578

We've been over this bruh. The real happening is everything but Halo.

>PS2 vs Xbox opens the door for /v/ console shenanigans
>Oh look everything GBA is fine, let's have a Pokemon general
>/vr/ will never stop it, same reason as the other generals here
>the higher age margin is over
>we will dissolve into /v3/

>> No.2162603

Too soon.

>> No.2162623

But what about 2001 and 2002?

>> No.2162625


That's not the same as going grey. Grey hairs will pop up from time to time, it's just some kind of whacky fuck-up in human DNA. Sometimes you get this really long, really fine hair that sprouts up out of nowhere. Shit happens.

>> No.2162638
File: 38 KB, 245x280, 1397899884403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying pokemon started on the GBA
>implying they wouldn't just be told to fuck off to >>>/vp/ like when /v/ was full of pokemon generals
>implying /v/ cares enough to make console war threads of 2 generations ago when the current one is already a shitfest
>implying there's a huge gap in age margin between 1999 and 2003
>still living under rules that don't permit conversation of Deus Ex

>> No.2162652

I just want a place where I can go to stroke my harbl to pictures that may or may not be duck, tell Bosnian kids off for not adhering to basic :cockbean: when writing posts, and enjoy admiring pictures of zoomj fuck DONATE TO 4CHAN.

Is that too much to ask?

>> No.2162831

>going to /vp/ to discuss anything except newest
I accept and enjoy gen 1&2 threads and they're here for a reason. After, however...

>> No.2164158
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Goddamn, it's been a while since I saw that posted anywhere

>> No.2164242


>implying /v/ cares enough to make console war threads of 2 generations ago when the current one is already a shitfest

It's looks like you don't put your feet on /v/, and I don't blame you. Every day you got console war threads there of GC x PS2, N64 x PS (shitstorm bonus using the "PSX" acronym) and Genesis x SNES, it's so common it hurts.

>> No.2164317

>Tfw turning 30 in one and a half years

I'm honestly not ready for this at all...
jesus christ I don't know where the fucking time has gone either. I remember being 24 just yesterday.

What's turning 30 like? Because it pretty much sounds like the worst thing ever.

>> No.2164334

I'm kind of enjoying it so far. The wait and the pressure of the actual tuning is over, I'm calmer than I've been in a long while and actually feel like I can realistically get shit done as opposed to the powerlessness and guilt I felt same time last year. Not much has changed though, just my outlook and expectations to life for some reason. Really don't fell like I'm an adult yet though.

>> No.2164341

>Really don't fell like I'm an adult yet though.
Iktfb. I wonder if I ever will. Maybe after I spawn some bastards to consume my entire life.

>> No.2164359

>Really don't fell like I'm an adult yet though.
The most disturbing revelation happened to me in my mid 30s. I began to realize how fast time goes and that the concept of "adulthood" at all is largely irrelevant. Every human is just a child who has been around for a set period of time and gained some knowledge through experience. Some learn how to deal with the world. Some never do. I doubt that anyone ever truly feels like an adult.

The entire world is populated and run by children. Doctors and teachers. Kings and presidents. Everyone. The world is full of grown-up children muddling through and trying to maintain the world's structure and causing various amounts of harm to each other either intentionally or unintentionally.

>> No.2164372
File: 113 KB, 381x500, crawling in my skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean. On top of that, most people seem to think they know fucking everything and that whatever works for them has to work for everyone else, too. One thing I just don't get about people is why most find it so important for everybody else to accept their own beliefs. I also don't understand the intense and somewhat irrational fear that people have of simply being wrong about something. Denial is so fucking stupid.

I had a similar thought to yours just as I was writing the post you replied to actually. I remember being a kid and asking my parents and teachers questions about anything and everything. I always thought that adults knew everything and that when I was their age, I would also know 'everything'. It's funny because I'm more confused now than I ever was in my entire life. Growing up almost felt like having my entire world somersault and flip upside down when I realised that my parents did, in fact, NOT know everything, and that maybe there wasn't a god, there wasn't a heaven, there wasn't really a meaning at the end of all this; and I'm gonna go ahead and keep doing all this everyday pointless bullshit until I finally die. I wish I could escape this existential funk I'm in but I've been trapped in it for years now, well after puberty, too. I guess that's depression for you though.

>> No.2164382


not retro


>> No.2164386

whole thread ain't retro chump

>> No.2164389

>I also don't understand the intense and somewhat irrational fear that people have of simply being wrong about something.
I think every human concept and social structure was created out of fear and continues to be maintained out of fear. Fear of the unknown created religion. Fear of the uncontrollable created government. Fear of losing these things causes people to kill each other.

>> No.2164698

Is that also somehow related to /v/'s 'stop liking what I don't like' phenomenon?

>> No.2164704

I think it's probably related to most human behavior everywhere.

>> No.2164863


I've been in that funk for a few years myself, though I'm a few years younger than you bros. Some of the best yet worst advice I ever got was from my uncle who basically said what >>2164359 said. It's somewhat scary that you grow up thinking grown ups know everything, and when you figure out they don't you realize you won't either, and while most can deal with that, it's paralyzing for some of us. I'll never know as much as I thought others did, I still have yet to accomplish the kinds of things they did (and may never will), and though the only way to get there is to take that first step, my feet won't move with all that weighing it down. I guess I need to just get to thirty and chill out like >>2164334 or hope my new medicine turns me into a zombie for a few years so I can cope with life

>> No.2165363

Dude, my father and his girlfriend had their second child recently and he's fucking 54 years old. You're relatively fine.

>> No.2167494

don't remind me.

>> No.2169269

Very sad.
I've enjoyed this little oasis on 4chan.

>> No.2169276

Turning 24 this year and I'm stressing like crazy. I need to really pull my head out of my ass and get on with my life.

>> No.2169310

>this thread started to wish everyone a good year
>now its fucking depressing
lmao remember its always enough time to kill you'reself

>> No.2169312

Let's keep this thread alive to 2016!

>> No.2169318

>tfw you lost your virginity at 13 and have lost all hope of becoming a wizard

>> No.2169323 [DELETED] 

horrible thread, btw, if you were rly as old as you say youd know better not to post in metathreads

>> No.2169327 [DELETED] 

>anything about a /v/ subculture is meta
le shig'd my coffee out my nose

>> No.2169334 [DELETED] 

I'm laffin, m8.

>> No.2169707

This will be a good year /vr/. Trust me.

>> No.2169719
File: 20 KB, 500x438, 1417664252000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not feeling it.

>> No.2169729

Start feeling it. Believe your own new years bullshit, transcend the bullshit and make it a reality. You can do it anon.

>> No.2169731

I'm feeling it now.
>Star Wars

All the stars align for a /m/an.

>> No.2169734

I'm not feeling it either. Shit was already happening on the first. Not a good sign.

>> No.2169846
File: 534 KB, 2404x1409, 1197292923453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2169848

why not just let the gamecube, ps2, and xbox titles in now?

>> No.2169910

m-muh hard line stance

Apparently games released fifteen years ago aren't "retro". I'm glad the mods are being lenient about GBA.

>> No.2169915

>lenient about GBA

So I'm dreaming when I see all those deleted threads about the GBA in the archives.

1999. 20th Century. This isn't a sliding scale, that date has never moved.

>> No.2169926

You realize how ridiculous you sound? No one on /v/ wants to discuss Gamecube games. If this is a "retro" board, you should be able to discuss retro games. Just because you don't like Halo doesn't mean it should stay out. I don't like every game discussed on /vr/. I don't even like Halo. But it would be wrong to not allow discussion.

Riddle me this, older /v/, what separates games released in 1999 and 2000 aside from the date itself? Was there a magical situation that prevented games released in 2000 or 2001 from being retro? Your arguments are all ridiculous.

>> No.2169942

>spewing about how ridiculous I sound
>changing topic to Gamecube
>then changing it again to assume I'm railing about Halo

Yeah, holy shit, I'M being ridiculous.

Like I said previously, that "magical situation" you're looking for was already stated: End of the 20th Century, which was A Huge Fucking Thing. If we're going to have an arbitrary point, there is almost certainly nothing more reasonable than that point.

>> No.2172189

Yeah, 1999 is nice every time!

>> No.2172208

Did you remember your Y2K protection /vr/?

>> No.2172954

I can't believe we're still alive to tell the tale.

>> No.2173318

I remember how I always thought that it was bullshit. Remember those "Y2K Compliant" stickers on PCs in 1999?

>> No.2173354

>Implying the world didn't end

>> No.2173368
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>yfw Y2K was supposed to be a warning
>everything went to shit after 2000

Yes, it kinda did end.

>> No.2174652
File: 45 KB, 392x480, pokemon_neo_leak_exclusive_angelfire_courtesy_scanner_at_the_library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for more info on new poke game. getting tired of thrashing E4 with my epic gyarados

>> No.2174792

Beginning of police state

>> No.2175278
File: 18 KB, 290x350, wow-its-fucking-nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's turning 30 like?

>> No.2175280

>cool old man

>one is gay/cries like a bitch because modern acting is tuff QQ sitting infront of a greenscreen for millions
>the other a sith lord

>> No.2175295

>the other a sith lord
Dracula, too. Tallest ever leading man and a personal idol.