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File: 31 KB, 800x600, Captura de pantalla de 2014-12-27 17:45:15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2147132 No.2147132 [Reply] [Original]

Homeworld thread.

>> No.2147895
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page 6?!?!?!?! AWW HELL NAW

>> No.2148954

>Finish a mission
>Spend twenty minutes recolecting all resources

>Start mission
>Spend five minutes making the squads, scort orders and formations again

>During mission
>Spend the entirety of the mission stopping the resource controller that escorts my two collectors from going deep into ennemy territory

This game really needs fast forwarding and some simple scripting system to create complex orders and macros.
Also I want the fucking needle ships from the nebula to stop hitting my ships.

>> No.2148960

problem with Homeworld 1 was the lack of resources, plus like you said, having to spend 30min after every mission sucking every system dry.

Not to mention Homeworld 2 was broken cuz of it's awful auto-difficulty shit. Oh you have a fleet of 25 of this ship? Next mission has 50 of the perfect counter to that fleet. Only way to really truly get thru HW2 without a headache short of selling your fleet at the end of every mission was to hack to moneyhack the savefile.

>> No.2148963

Yeah, the recourses are annoying but my point is than this is a fully three dimentional game, and having only simple orders just doesn't cut it.
For example there is that mission where you have to get to a base that is covered by a sphere formation of what, 200 ion frigates? being able to say the ships "Hey, you go distract this guys and then my six destroyers go there while my salvage corvetes steal as many ships as they can", but you can't, so you have to do it manually, but you can't do that either because salvage corvetes require constant supervision and your destroyers will be completely overpowered if you don't keep at least 30 plasma bomb ships deffending them, which require even more supervision, as the lore book itself will tell you.

>> No.2148996

>game begins
>five minutes pass
>ten Corvette walls warp into one of the bases one after the other

every game

>> No.2149004

Wait, people uses corvetes for actual combat?
I always use plasma bombers, the corvetes cost way too much money and are outdone on the cost/use by destroyers or missile destroyers.

>> No.2149049

I always sucked at this game but I really loved the setting.

>> No.2149092

Back in 2000, all I can remember was Corvette walls. Maybe it had something to do with the community/clan I played with. I barely remember anything else from the game, but as I recall, it's not like there were tons of rooms and servers, so I figured this wasn't something that was contained.

>> No.2149109

I dunno, I haven't ever played this online (Dat feel when you find a game and the multiplayer is dead) so maybe there is some balance difference that makes them way more useful on multiplayer.

>> No.2149131

I loved the ion frigates, regardless of how useful they really were.
I kinda enjoyed the few minutes downtime at the end harvesting the remaining resources. When I built a carrier I'd imagine stories about the people living inside.

I can't wait for Homeworld Remastered to come out. An HD texture and model update of the original is something I've wanted for ages. I hope Gearbox finishes it soon.

>> No.2149138

Using salvage corvettes isn't that annoying when you realize you can just tell them to get as close as possible to the target, and then tell it to capture the enemy ship when it has no time to react and readjust.

The thing is that when both a hostile salvage corvette and a hostile ship with guns are in range, the AI will ALWAYS focus on the ship with the guns, UNLESS you tell the salvage corvette to capture the target from the beginning, before getting in range.

Sorry for breaking the game for those who didn't know.

>> No.2149140

>"Hey, you go distract this guys and then my six destroyers go there while my salvage corvetes steal as many ships as they can", but you can't, so you have to do it manually
Is there a single RTS that does this?

>> No.2149141
File: 112 KB, 731x1500, 81kdqSvGN0L._SL1500_ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.2149145

You should add that you can really only capture ships once you have enough salvage corvettes nearby to capture every enemy ship left in the battle. Try to capture a single ship and every other ship in the enemy group will stop what it's doing and target your salvage corvettes. Some anchor spots can keep getting shot at even when captured, So you're always at risk of losing them.

>> No.2149191

Very few RTSs are really 3D in the first place.

>> No.2152692

>pause battlecruiser/destroyer a few seconds before completion
>move onto next level
>unpause construction
>shrek puny fleet awaiting you

>> No.2154487


Pretty sure enemy ships also behave that way towards Workers in Cataclysm, if not more relentlessly. Grabbing a Taiidan ship in that game is more of a challenge (I'd say mainly because of the SU limit) than grabbing ships in the first game.

>> No.2155516
File: 80 KB, 800x600, Captura de pantalla de 2014-12-31 20:43:14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to beat this game already
>Reach The Dreaded
>The Cursed
>The ion cannon frigates sphere
>Save just before launching my all in all attack with pic related
>Frigate destroyed-Frigate destroyed-Frigate destroyed-Frigate destroyed-Frigate destroyed-Carrier destroyed-Heavy cruiser destroyed
>Decide to give a chance to the cloacked fighters
Oh god.
This is the funniest thing I've done in quite some time.
I just wish I had taken the screenshot at a higher resolution and with the HUD disabled so I could use it as a wallpaper, but wine dislikes 3D engines.

>> No.2156674


If you're gonna do the good old 'fuck everything' assault, you should try scout kiting. Harass one frigate at a time with a wing of scouts (two would be fine; you should do it with cloaked fighters too if you so wish), then drag your scouts back to where your main assault group is waiting. Not many frigs should come after you, and it should make taking apart the frigatesphere little by little manageable.

>> No.2156928
File: 65 KB, 800x600, Captura de pantalla de 2015-01-02 01:56:28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, I destroyed arround 40 ion friggates without lossing a single cloacked fighter and captured another twenty, the meteor was piss easy with them on wall.
Now, on this other side...

>> No.2158057


That mission is murder even with a fuckton of capital ships. Gotta watch your flanks at all times. Did you have any Repair Corvettes on hand?

>> No.2158212

I have a few repairing my frigates, should I use all my money in more repair corvetes?
I used to have 14 of them or so, but when I stole all those support frigates I stopped replacing them.

>> No.2159139


Yeah, you'll want to turn to repair corvettes to keep your Mothership afloat in major attacks if you've gone past the frigate build cap.

>> No.2159287

So I remember hearing about homeworld when I was off playing thief, unreal, hl2, heroes of might and magic, and frankly too many other games to squeeze in another.

What is it, and what makes it great?

>> No.2159474
File: 349 KB, 1277x938, M04_Great_Wastelands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Homeworld was a fully 3D RTS (you could move units along the X, Y, and Z axis, which allowed for some neat strategies/tactics), and, for the time it was released, it had stunning graphics, as well as great sound effects and music. The game's singleplayer campaign is quite compelling; it throws an 'Oh shit' moment at you early on, and offers a variety of situations all throughout.

>> No.2159503

>Attacking a sphere of ion frigates with cap ships
u wot m8

>> No.2159513
File: 256 KB, 4096x1600, 1385669485492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the spaceboxes, even when they get brown.
Sarum is my mouse mat right now.

>> No.2159970

I remember bringing a little tear in this mission... you know... that one.


>> No.2161985


The sounds of the flight recording are etched into my mind. For me, it is the sound of genocide.