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2143415 No.2143415[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that this is archived somewhere in England...

>> No.2143425

daily reminder that perfect dark was better

>> No.2143432
File: 56 KB, 535x577, FeelDrowningCry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2143436


Daily reminder that shitposters miss the point.

>> No.2143439

whats the point? the better game is also on xbla, why care about not being able to play the shittier version of it on 360

>> No.2143441

It's also an entirely different game. I prefer Perfect Dark to Goldeneye as well, but you're being a retarded shit right now. Please piss off.

I would have loved to have this for GE at a smooth framerate with improved controls.

>> No.2143445


>a game is better than another game
>less games can't be enjoyed

Do you also hate The Godfather because The Godfather part 2 is better? maybe we shouldn't watch A New Hope and Return of the Jedi since The Empire Strikes Back is superior.

>> No.2143446

Star Wars is a much better movie than Empire.

>> No.2143473
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I just want to play the 1964 mod but Avast says it have a malware..

>> No.2144195

nbd, surely

Graphics are the least of Goldeneye's problems, and the visual design in the HD version looks fucked. What else were they finna change about the game?

>> No.2144502


It doesn't.

>> No.2144860
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* has


> trusting 4chan

You know what?, fuck it..

>> No.2145036
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Oh, yeah!, better than sex..

>> No.2145130

hopefully some disgruntled programmer or some shit leaks this eventually

>> No.2145250 [DELETED] 

And for good reason. Browneye aged like shit and is only enjoyed by hip kiddies who shit on CoD despite it being the CoD of its time. Play a real shooter like Quake 2, kid...

>> No.2145253

>Graphics are the least of Goldeneye's problems
let's say goldeneye was a modern PC game, with all of the technical/control trappings of a PC game, but exactly the same otherwise + bug fixes

what is still wrong with it?

i dunno why people like to shitpost on goldeneye so much, it's the FPS version of FF7 or OoT or Mario 64 or MGS in that regard

>> No.2145276
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Is this a Goldeneye thread or a thread for lamenting over lost Live content?

Lost Live content is the holocaust of gaming.

>> No.2146164

>let's say goldeneye was a modern PC game, with all of the technical/control trappings of a PC game, but exactly the same otherwise + bug fixes
People would assume it's a joke game. Goldeneye is uncanny & absurd, the essence of slapstick projected in FPS form. It ain't the hardware's fault, boo.

>i dunno why people like to shitpost on goldeneye so much, it's the FPS version of FF7 or OoT or Mario 64 or MGS in that regard
That's a false equivalence. Mario 64 is the seminal 3D platformer (Jumping Flash is better but historically insignificant), MGS is the seminal stealth game, etc. Games that set the bar in their subgenres. Almost anyone who likes 3D platformers likes Mario 64. So the equivalent for FPS is Doom, not Goldeneye.

Even if we're talking console FPS in particular, Goldeneye's platform & license are literally the only reasons why it was so successful. Take 'em both away and it would have been a curio piece in hipster collections, not a MUH CHILDHOOD MUFUGGA staple. Halo is the seminal console FPS, responsible for the predominance of semi-tacticool shooters on console, plus the mechanics people love to hate. As that anon in the impressive games thread said, Goldeneye started a subgenre of its own ("objective-based arcade FPS" or some-such; it was an apt description) of which the only other prominent example is the Timesplitters series.

As for why Geldeneyestein isn't great, some copypasta in parts:

>> No.2146168


The AI is as crude as, say, Doom's, but much less responsive. Never seen characters flatly ignore so much carnage around them. Plus, the AI lacks any features that lead to interesting mechanics (c.f. Doom's monster infighting). They run up & shoot & no more. While it gets the job done, it's bizarre to see the AI praised. GoldenEye did nothing to advance the art.

Shooting is surprisingly satisfying for a game with no gore, thanks to varied, hilariously flamboyant hit reaction & death animations, yet the extraordinarily rapid infinite respawning of enemies quickly sucks all the joy out of dispatching them. Run-n-gun is quite fun here except that it's trivial, and the only real threats are (spawning forever) behind you. You need eyes on the back of your head. Stealth elements feel tacked-on, and just bog down the game. The counter-intuitive marriage of arcadey shooting (GoldenEye's light-gun game roots show) with stealth may be possible, but Rare botched it.

>> No.2146173


Level design has a couple high points but through most of the game it's either too linear or pointlessly expansive, in the latter case mostly via extremely repetitious, boring, & constricted 90-degree-angle interiors. It's so easy to get lost, because everything looks identical. The few moments where there's real room for flexibility are welcome. GoldenEye kicked off the unfortunate trend of "realistic" level design and is one of the worst examples of its use. Objectives are mostly unobtrusive thematic fluff, but some of them are vague (copy the key?) or frustrating (the ole' escort-the-dumb-bullet-sponge objective again & again). Doesn't help that there's zero saving within missions, automatic or manual. Oh, and unmarked exits that abort your mission and force a restart, they're fun too.

A constant bugbear is a low and wildly inconsistent framerate, where the drops often have nothing to do with the on-screen action. Even in 1997 this was no technical masterpiece. Aesthetically it's a mixed bag. Some environments play to the strengths of the hardware, while others are just awful. Throughout, the artistry behind textures is mediocre.

>> No.2146197

You're welcome.
Just kidding, nobody plays it.

>> No.2146212

wow who shit in your childhoods cornflakes

>> No.2146614

You don't know that much about the game's mechanics dude. At least how the respawning enemies and AI work (which are only in some levels) because trying so hard to be Mr. Hardcore Critic.

If you can't see how GoldenEye, despite its flaws, had a big list of impressive features for 1997 you're not thinking very hard or lack historical perspective.

icycalm is not going to publish this dreck.

>> No.2146615

boo, typos
>At least learn how... before trying to hard

>> No.2146620
File: 146 KB, 610x406, goldeneye_kaboom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goldeneye's AI is simple by modern standards but was quite reactive for the time and it's what makes the stealth elements possible

they run for alarms, investigate noise, pull grenades, have "what the?!" animations for when bullets start flying around them, etc. They react to other guards dying when you aren't visible. You can point guns at the scientists or shoot near them to "hold them up" and scare them into dropping their keycards.

all guns and small items are 3D models with rudimentary physics, grenades bounce, guns clatter to the floor (and can be shot so they bounce around), shooting the gun or helmet part of the enemy model doesn't hurt them, only flesh

if you shoot an enemy before he pulls the pin on the grenade you can pick it up off the ground for yourself, you can also shoot the grenade itself to blow it up

the list goes on and there are lots of touches like this which seem quaint now but were TECHNOLOGY at the time

>> No.2146693

I wish that Perfect Dark on the 360 let you use the face buttons for movement. I know it's weird but after the 64 version I can't use anything but c-buttons to move and stick to aim. As such, I must suffer poor framerate or use a controller I dislike and a control scheme to which I don't want to adapt.

>> No.2146698

Goldeneye started a subgenre of its own ("objective-based arcade FPS" or some-such; it was an apt description) of which the only other prominent example is the Timesplitters series.

That's exactly why it's good though, there's actually barely anything that plays like it aside from other Rare/Free Radical games and Bond shooters. There's not only barely anything with its fundamental mechanics, there's little that can be said to have actually improved on it.

>> No.2146703

>Doesn't help that there's zero saving within missions, automatic or manual.
The fact that you actually consider this a flaw says a lot about how you approach and understand the game. The framerate is a genuine problem, but almost everything else is either not an issue or is actively a strength of the game.

>> No.2146707
File: 58 KB, 600x600, WhatTheFuckAmIReading (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2146709

>MGS is the seminal stealth game, etc. Games that set the bar in their subgenres
MGS set the bar for movie games, not for stealth games. Movie games before MGS were mostly lousy FMV affairs, at least MGS had a decent game attached to it. Thief set the real bar for 3D stealth games. For 2D stealth games? Probably the original Metal Gear.

>Goldeneye started a subgenre of its own ("objective-based arcade FPS" or some-such; it was an apt description) of which the only other prominent example is the Timesplitters series.
That's because Halo's release dovetailed with the decline in popularity of arcade-style games. Goldeneye was based on Virtua Cop, that kind of game was no longer cool with casuals.

>Never seen characters flatly ignore so much carnage around them
Goldeneye's guards dodge step and roll. They interact with environments by pulling alarms and even throwing grenades. Sure it's not perfect, but if the AI wasn't exploitable the game would be literally impossible to finish on 00 Agent. Perfect Dark fixed most of the odd behavior and improved things further by having guards even do things like one guard running back and waiting baiting players into traps filled with 5 guards.

>extremely repetitious, boring, & constricted 90-degree-angle interiors. It's so easy to get lost, because everything looks identical
The levels are based on photographs and floor plans of movie sets, which in turn were based on realistic buildings. It was an experiment, sure, but a good change of pace from other FPS.

> Doesn't help that there's zero saving within missions, automatic or manual. Oh, and unmarked exits that abort your mission and force a restart, they're fun too.

>Even in 1997 this was no technical masterpiece
IGN's 1997 review: "Excellent animation, detailed models and worlds, tons of variety -- brilliant graphics."

>Throughout, the artistry behind textures is mediocre.
Hah. Based on photographs of the movie sets.