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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2141056 No.2141056 [Reply] [Original]

clay sprites and backgrounds?
clay sprites and backgrounds!

>> No.2141059
File: 17 KB, 73x111, earthworm_jim_clayfighter_gif_by_spyaroundhere35-d3f1r2i.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animations encouraged

>> No.2141063

I remember hella days back I got a big box of PC game demo CDs at some garage sale, this game was in there, as well as some others. I remember You Don't Know Jack was in there which I enjoyed, also some platformer type game about a squirrel.

>> No.2141073

Dear klayman,
How do you spell Hoborg?

>> No.2141086

I'd forgotten that the VGA Quest For Glory 1 used digitized clay models for a lot of the characters.

>> No.2143251
File: 115 KB, 640x480, 505886-willroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I tried installing my old Neverhood game onto my new computer (Windows 7) to see how it worked. The game runs well except all the colors are fucked up and I can barely see the screen. You guys know a good way to fix this?

>> No.2143527

Try this http://uloz.to/xpPd1KTk/the-neverhood-en-for-windows-7-and-later-rar

>> No.2143537

claymates was a fucking awful game

>> No.2143539
File: 86 KB, 422x308, claymatesontheball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The bonus game was rad, though

>> No.2143570

ScummVM supports the Neverhood.

>> No.2144214

Oh man I love The Neverhood. It has the innovative mindset of the best 2010s indie developers and a sufficiently big budget to realize the thing beautifully. One, animating anything in clay is so painstaking one has to admire the sheer effort and two, the soundtrack is absolutely stunning.


>> No.2145248

Its a couple years past retro, but if you like claymation graphics, this game's worth a look.


also check out the upcoming kirby game for Wii U. it looks gorgeous


>> No.2145278
File: 62 KB, 450x483, 790i-7i976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi-rez, pre-rendered claymation sprites

>> No.2145283

scummvm allows for Neverhood emulation

>> No.2145608


Yes. If you disable explorer (alt-tab out of the game > task manager > processes tab > right click explorer.exe > end task [ignore warning] > at-tab back to game) the colors will be fine. To reactivate explorer, just switch to the applications tab in task manager, click new task and type in explorer.