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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 170 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2122421 No.2122421 [Reply] [Original]

Whered the Saturn thread go?

That wasnt even a day old

>> No.2122428
File: 1.22 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres my chinese video card
Works for all the games just great though

>> No.2122438

How many games actually need the video card? I was looking into one and it seemed to be mostly sakura taisen and sukebe games.

>> No.2122484

It was deleted because requests aren't allowed here.

>> No.2122512

It was for the VN's that the Japanese Saturn got towards the mid to late 90's. Also they published like idol videos on Saturn as well.

>> No.2122524
File: 117 KB, 799x870, b2d498c5f86f9f1b41de3f8164c5536e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember requesting anything. Just asked what the good game were.

>> No.2122527

Asking for recommendations is a type of request.

>> No.2122754

No. One fucking Seha thread was enough (some anons find it questionable but I don't mind it since it's such a goofy show, and /vr/ related); do not bring the plague of waifu threads to /vr/. Please.

>> No.2122781


Only seven titles used it, and some of them are not even games, they are fan discs. I guess, the only game that is actually interesting would be Lunar, it actually had a version that needs that video card.

>> No.2122790

Is this a saturn console thread or a saturn girl thread? Mega Dora a best

>> No.2122802
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is chibi Saturn so sexy?

>> No.2122832
File: 116 KB, 469x392, arino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a lolicon?

>> No.2122861

All Saturns are sexy.

>> No.2122883
File: 275 KB, 1414x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is the 3D pad so perfect
I wish fighters used the analog
I mean non 3d ones

>> No.2123001

Why the heck do people let their saturns turn piss yellow
So many on ebay like this its almost worse than an snes
Did they use the same plastic?

>> No.2123013

It can't be helped on some models it's the way the plastic used deteriorates. My Dreamcast is piss yellow yet still works fine.

>> No.2123024
File: 531 KB, 1600x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some retrobrite on that man

>> No.2123090

So I take it sticking a AR in a japan Saturn lets you play NTSC on it huh?

Also who Last Bronx here?

>> No.2123096

Last Bronx 4ever. Meaty fighting in the streets...it's a good competitor with Soul Edge from that period (lot more aerial to SEGA's game).

>> No.2123116

Ntsc is japan and north america
But yes it lets you play any region game on any region saturn
The ram is the best though, and backups

>> No.2123126
File: 40 KB, 320x240, Pepesiman the best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tiny Saturn collection

>> No.2123143

What's there is very good.

>> No.2123161

I cant read most of those
Except megamix

>> No.2123303

This is a small PSA to tell everyone to avoid the saturn game Ninja Jajamarukun: Onigiri Ninpochou Kin.

There is practically no info on it other than a somewhat vague HG101 article, and some youtube videos:

It's not rare, it just rarely comes up for auction. I bought it thinking it might be a quirky action platformer. In reality, it sucks. Graphics are awful, the stages are pedestrian, the boss are LOL shitty, and the game is boring overall.

I was bummed that I had spent a whole $30 on the game, and want this post to be a warning lest it goes the way of most saturn games of becoming overhyped and overpriced.

The only good thing is the music. And that's on youtube.

>> No.2123324
File: 86 KB, 500x708, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your noble sacrifice
The only good platformer is Keio 2 flying squadron
And metal slug? Does that count

>> No.2123385

Platformers are surprisingly in short supply on the Saturn. The Playstation has a stronger domestic/import selection of platformers in2D and 3D, for goodness' sake.

Astal is ok, but I never thought it was anything special outside of its graphics.

Shinobi Legions sucks, plain and simple. Unworthy followup to Shinobi III. Funny cutscenes

Mr. Bones is mega shit. 2/10 material, and those two points are for the soundtrack and cutscenes (ie not the game itself).

Keio 2 looks graphically excellent, but a little easy (never played it).

Dark Savior is enjoyable (check the thread), though not Landstalker-quality.

Not many Saturn exclusive platformers beyond that.

>> No.2123443


Taromaru, but it's so expensive that most people just burn their copies.
Super Tempo
Tryrush Deppy

>> No.2123487

>only 1 copy of tryrush in all of ebay
Was thing limited production or something
It looks fantastic
And car boobs

>> No.2123576 [DELETED] 

If that's the case than half of the other threads need to be deleted.

>> No.2123983

I thought about listing Taromaru, but it's at the point where no one is reasonably going to own a copy unless they have a spare 3-hundo lying around.

You can say Silhouette Mirage, but I don't think the PS1 port is as "mutilated" as people generally parrot from HG101 or whatever. The game is not too different across versions. Not different enough anyhow. IMO, you lose out on the charm a bit without the localization.

>> No.2124109

Then report them. These "I got X, what are some games for it." threads that don't even mention what games the poster already has or what he wants are crap.
The /v/ Wiki may be crap but you could at least get some basic ideas before wasting a thread.

>> No.2124213
File: 864 KB, 1816x2120, 1415887581692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the best saturn shoot em up

Hard mode: No Radiant Silvergun

>> No.2124216

Console port of Batsugun is the only reason I'm sad I don't have a Saturn.

>> No.2124280

The best: Darius Gaiden and Layer Section

Hon. Mention: Guardian Force, Soukyogurentai

These are the final answers; everything else can be played on Mame, PS1/PS2*, or XBLA. Oh, except for Cotton 2/Boomerang, but those aren't the best.

Shmup library can honestly be a bit lacking compared with the PS1 library sometimes.

*and Darius Gaiden and RayForce can be played on PS1/2 and Mame, but I overlook that fact in their case.

>> No.2124434

Ive never had more fun with friends or alone with a shoot em up than with Twinkle Star Sprites
Its tailored for the Saturn and its puzzle style pvp is great along with its awesome soundtrack
But for some reasons the sfx sound low quality compared to the music

>> No.2124436
File: 44 KB, 570x570, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega hard girls got me into Saturn
Time to feel the sunshine

>> No.2124618 [DELETED] 

You sound autistic as fuck.

>> No.2124967 [DELETED] 

Deleting reply's now are we?

>> No.2125164 [DELETED] 

Some are but most aren't. Janitards deleting stuff is shitting this place up far more than anything else.

>> No.2125174

>mr bones is still on the wiki
Other than that it's still a decent choice of games for old systems. Stay the fuck away from the 7th gen systems

>> No.2125176

lists though*

>> No.2125178 [DELETED] 
File: 365 KB, 850x1200, 38add9fda4ab1a21b42a60262b96bd4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. He shouldn't have deleted the thread just because he thought it was shit. Called him autistic and he deleted my reply.

>> No.2125212

Keio 2 is extremely easy. Very nice looking game though, and certainly enjoyable.
it's gotten a bit expensive-ish these days, I got mine for $35 a few years ago.

yeah, Taromaru is one of those games where nearly everyone who's played it either has a chipped Saturn or emulated it (but hot damn, it's actually a great game)

man, I wish more people liked Last Bronx
Sega had some really cool stuff going there.

That's a decent pile of games. Daytona CE sucks though. It might have better visuals than the original release, but the handling is all kinds of fucked.

I heard the Japanese version of Daytona CE has better handling, but I haven't been able to check that myself.

>> No.2125227 [DELETED] 

Yes. He is.

>> No.2125236 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 627x836, 623069b37fb80ccdffbff9674b162f1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought /vr/ had better mod's than that. Time to find a new place to go I guess.

>> No.2125268

Japanese CE also has improved draw distance over american CCE
And use of the 3D pad is great

>> No.2125382 [DELETED] 

It's just some janitor being a dick. Several of us have already bitched to moot about it. I'm sure things will be back to normal in a while.

>> No.2125414
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>> No.2125424

If I play it, it's going to probably be through SSF. I've been told that it actually is a great game, as opposed to most ultra-expensive Saturn games.

SSF + PlaySega! USB Pad + Saturn ISOs = good time for all involved.

People need to stop recommending Mr. Bones. The myth of oh-so-quirky games like that need to die and stay in the 90s where they belong. Unfortunately, this goes for Enemy Zero as well.

I know this may invalidate the previous statement, but I actually enjoyed Lunacy quite a bit. It's way too expensive for what is essentially a new take on D (another abomination), but it's fun in a cheesy shitty way.

Emulate it if you want to enjoy the cryptic nonsensical dialog, the plastic doll faces with the most wooden line delivery on the planet. It was in no way worth the $65 to my dismay! Or better yet, since it's a completely linear adventure game, you can just watch a playthrough and have a laugh.


>> No.2125471 [DELETED] 

I liked it. And if you want to call it a platformer, which it's not, then it has to be in the top 10 since there weren't that many. What did you dislike about it?

Have faith. This isn't the first time a rogue janitor has shitted the place up. I'm sure it won't be the last either

>> No.2125826
File: 49 KB, 400x400, 1416242346454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats a good Saturn RPG
or are they all also in japanese

godamm sega america

>> No.2125831

>tfw don't have the time to learn moon

There's so many cool untranslated Saturn games... fuck you Bernie.

>> No.2125945
File: 200 KB, 256x430, Magic_Knight_Rayearth_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic Knight Rayearth is a good one. Japan had a way better selection of pretty much everything though.

>> No.2126045

Shining force 3 it's for some reason divided in three parts and only one is moon-only

>> No.2126183

daytona championship circuit edition is technically the best version on the Saturn

>> No.2126186

I herped, meant to write Daytona USA: Circuit Editoin

>> No.2126189
File: 265 KB, 640x387, 1416461873850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats wrong though
Daytona Circuit Edition Japan (CE) is better than Championship Circuit Edition US (CCE)


>> No.2126190


>> No.2126318

before anybody asks, the jp version has
>Weather effects/time of day
>better framerate and draw distance
>option to switch to old music
>hovercar cheat
>drifting more similar to the arcade version
>Jeffry's easter egg is back
and probobly something else i'm forgeting about.

>> No.2126319

I cant believe USA's CCE Netlink edition is the rarest Saturn game ever
Considering the Daytona games are so common

>> No.2126757

Do you need a very fancy newfangled computer to emulate Saturn properly?

>> No.2126776

Keio 2 gets harder if you wanna have a good score though, since you have to avoid all the negative score stuff...

>> No.2126791


Not really, a 5-7 years old rig can play most Saturn games on SSF.

>> No.2126869
File: 1018 KB, 2146x2994, 2007-12-18-82481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not the only thing that gets harder

>> No.2126891

>Keio 2 is extremely easy.

Not really, the controls are odd, which makes the game plenty difficult. The transition from walking to running, as well as the momentum buildup, is not quite smooth which makes it difficult to platform around fast.

Also sometimes if you die at a boss you'll have no item around so you have to beat them without taking a hit, which is not that easy give the iffy controls and the sometimes odd hitboxes.

>> No.2126969
File: 82 KB, 678x480, poster_in_cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the best saturn racer and why is it Sega Touring championship

Under appreciated racer compared to the more popular sega rally plus and daytona

>> No.2127023
File: 1.00 MB, 269x205, 1414767493135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sega rally plus

>> No.2127035


Probably less appreciated than both because it takes a good amount of time to get used to controls if you don't play with a Saturn wheel.

>> No.2127056
File: 83 KB, 640x640, 7039_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and?

>> No.2127064

I use the Saturn 3D pad with the analog functions and makes it way better

>> No.2127416
File: 1.57 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got vatlva
Multiplayer vehicle arena game where you try to blow everyone up

Up to 6 players too with the multitap

>> No.2127542

Didn't knew about it
What's different?

>> No.2127568

Also the game plays in hi-res mode and has music by Yuzo Koshiro, and supports the MPEG card for higher quality FMVs.

>> No.2127687

Thanks anon, now I know what swimsuit I must buy for my gf.

>> No.2127713

It adds online support and tuned to work with the 3D pad

>> No.2127729
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No problem.

>> No.2127954

pretty much anything with some kind of Pentium Dual Core from 2010 should be just fine (that was my previous machine)

this little i5 laptop I'm typing on has zero issue whatsoever, SSF is actually really fast

all you'd need is an ISO mounter since SSF doesn't do that itself (it won't even start if you don't have a disc drive either, so you'll NEED an ISO mounter to open it in the first place on some machines)

>> No.2128085


Nobody wants to see your landwhale gf in a 2-piece bikini

>> No.2128110
File: 44 KB, 279x350, Sanshiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not starting the thread with the real Sega Saturn mascot.

>> No.2128261
File: 11 KB, 320x240, 9mrLN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based man died for us live
But he at least got a poster in Sega Hard Girls
Saturn chan is filling in for now

>> No.2128429

>and tuned to work with the 3D pad
Shit I gotta get Plus now

>> No.2128439

>/v/ talking to tre/vr/
- "hey why doesn't sega saturn have a console-tan?"
- "shhh, we don't talk about that"
- "fuck that junk I'll build my own saturn-tan"
>saturn-tan is completed
>he turns around for a second
>when he looks back the saturn-tan is destroyed
- "what the hell"
>segata emerges from the shadows
- " せがた三四郎 S E G A S A T U R N - - S H I R O !!! "

>> No.2128442
File: 1.90 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the best photo

>> No.2128447

>2 guardian heroes
>keio 2
>story of thor 2
>die hard arcade
>darius gaiden
>in the hunt

Jelly status acquired
Why the NTSC and PAL copies of Guardian Heroes though?

>> No.2128448


Fuck off back to youtube's comment section, you mongoloid.

>> No.2128450


>> No.2128454
File: 723 KB, 2048x1520, IMAG0429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love that game so much i needed all versions, my pal version got stolen so i had to replace it.
wrap your peepers around this

>> No.2128457
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>> No.2128461
File: 38 KB, 352x500, f06eeca2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck me
How much did you squid out for that beauty
I'd love to have RS but I won't pay 300$ for a video game on principle alone

>> No.2128463

>Shmup library can honestly be a bit lacking compared with the PS1 library sometimes.



>> No.2128465

didnt pay 300 i payed 170

>> No.2128468
File: 1006 KB, 2048x1520, IMAG0432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2128481

Just FYI anyone can retrieve your facebook profile from a picture filename. Luckily that's not your profile, but just saying, be careful with that.

>> No.2128496
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>Sengoku Blade

One of my first furious vidya faps.

>> No.2128516
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>Shmup library can honestly be a bit lacking compared with the PS1 library sometimes.

>> No.2128701
File: 1.02 MB, 2592x1552, IMAG1626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started collecting. Just going to keep it NTSC-J i think.

>> No.2128706

I have this game
You are not special now

>> No.2128714
File: 968 KB, 2592x1552, IMAG1627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My PAL saturn that i want to replace with a white or grey jap system at some point.
Anyone know how uncommon the cart in the the system is? I have never seen anybody post one before, and am curious to learn abit more about it.

>> No.2128717

I know right

I have these teo shmups and holy hell they are great
Especially Twinkle star
Never thought a shmup/puzzle vs game would be this good

>> No.2128721
File: 1.23 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot picture

>> No.2128732

I have never seen or heard of it

>> No.2128738

Yeah yeah, I've read the racketboy lists.

In terms of exclusives, and games that aren't just as easily emulated on MAME, the PS1 has as good a library of shmups imo.

Straight ports don't really do it for me, all that much, though I'll say I am very fond of Darius Gaiden and RayForce. By contrast, you have RayStorm and RayCrisis' Arrange modes, Einhander, entirety of, R-Type Delta, Gradius Gaiden, Xevious 3D/G with lots of nice extras, etc.

Not to mention budget releases of Raiden and Raiden 2, and Strikers 1945 II.

The exclusives on the PS1 make as good (if not a little bit better imo) impression as the Saturn shmups library.

>> No.2128742

You can emulate anything on a pc especially shooters
Thats not what this thread is for
Get your mame out of here
Radiant silvergun is all you need

>> No.2128746


From what i know it's a Magic Card V2 from china, it can play copies and run any region game. So its basically a modchip on a cart. I would love to somehow dump the code it's running, but don't even know how i would do that?

>> No.2128856


From "a bit lacking library" to "the other console has a little bit better library" it's a step. But in the end, is all subjectivity.

>straight ports don't really do it for me
>for me

>> No.2129057

I don't necessarily see a huge difference.

Key word being "bit." I think the PS shmup library is a 'bit' better. This feeling has grown over time.

And I've said from the start I've said that this is my opinion.

>> No.2129078

begone sony scum!

>> No.2129809
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x1840, albertodyssey (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol here i post my Saturn "street cred."
actually not a fan of this one at all. Great graphics, music, and translation, but the game is soooo slow, and the boss fights are very lackluster. Disappointing given its price tag.

>> No.2129827
File: 24 KB, 624x439, _harada_takehito_keio_flying_squadron_red_tagme__jEUTh9DaQd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm torn between buying Keio 2 and Astra Super Stars, which one should I get?

>> No.2129946

PSX go back to bed

>> No.2129949

I got that for Xmas back in the day. But this was also back when Electronics Boutique/GameStop/Babbages/whatever actually sold JPN games on a small shelf for non-rape prices.

>> No.2129973

I don't remember any games that required the card to play specifically, but there are a few that with the card have much better video quality. Too bad most of the ones that use the card are mostly shit.

>> No.2129981
File: 122 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lunar silver star mpeg ban required the video card to play

Implying vatlva, Lunar silver star, and gungriffon are not godly fun

>> No.2129992

While astra is great uniqe fighter it has a limited roster
Keio 2 is great for being a platform on the saturn which is hard to find its very pretty
You might get more in the long run with keio
But if you have friends Astra is better

>> No.2130001
File: 221 KB, 300x415, Sega_Saturn_Magazine_Issue_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, thanks. Looks like i'm going with Keio 2 then.

>> No.2130005

>Daytona 2

>> No.2130008
File: 19 KB, 199x262, 10191_124233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, I didn't notice that. Maybe it was cancelled?

>> No.2130019

Probably just CCE, no?

>> No.2130041

Yeah, but you sort of lose something if you can't enjoy/understand the story in Lunar.

Gungriffon is indeed fun, but I have yet to beat it because that "defend the plane" level is so horseshit.

>> No.2130123

My first Saturn game was Gungriffon. Turned me on to some great music, that's for sure.

>> No.2131635

I want to like Astra, but it just feels off. My friends dropped it pretty quickly and we went back to playing KOF. Get Keio 2.

That transition is weird as hell, yeah. Takes a bit to get used to.

I'm just guessing, but I think that might be just a region bypass cart. Never seen it.

>> No.2131780

I'm pretty sure you didn't need the card for Gungriffon... I actually didn't know you could use the video card for it.

>> No.2131804

I never said you needed it
It does use it for the intro cinematic
only the Japan version worked with it

>> No.2131907
File: 702 KB, 2281x856, SatColle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that

Heres my Saturn collection

>> No.2131932
File: 1.70 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggar, there is nothing special about your cart. That's is a shorty Chinese version of the action replay 4m auto.

>pic related

>> No.2131936

I meant a boot leg Chinese version of the action replay. Damn auto spell check...

>> No.2131937

>twin sticks
I'm so fucking jelly.

and it's nice to see someone with Bulk Slash, that game is fucking incredible

>> No.2131947 [DELETED] 

I have two for with friends

Bulk Slash is by far my fave of the bunch
Have more games shipping in soon too

>> No.2131951
File: 1.59 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two for with friends

Bulk Slash is by far my fave of the bunch
Have more games shipping in

>> No.2132023
File: 2.20 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same selection from my collection

>> No.2132028

I almost got zero 3 for 110..
Until some asshole went to 250 last second
What an asshole

>> No.2132029

wasn't me i payed about 85

>> No.2132040

This is one of the priciest games on it

>> No.2132084
File: 357 KB, 582x981, 1401567380205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too poor for Saturn.

>Princess Crown
How much did you pay for that?

>> No.2132093

Not that great if you cant read it

>> No.2132108

Anyone have more art of Saturn chan?
Her design is as best as the console itself

>> No.2132137
File: 12 KB, 400x400, IKa - 目玉焼きを先に全部食す姫様.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already played it (and can read it) but I played the shitty PSP port and want to replay it on my Saturn. Prices are pretty damn high though.

>> No.2132972

It would be nice for a Saturn Virtual Console on the Wii U

Great way to introduce people

>> No.2132982

Time to get out the pro action replay again

>> No.2133259
File: 149 KB, 640x480, wakuwak76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has the Saturn become more popular recently? I've been seeing more and more posts about it recently. Kinda hoping this won't drive up the price for games even more but I'm happy to be able to talk to people about the games/system.

>> No.2133284

Requesting a drawfag to draw Sega Saturn dressed in a Gi hitting a giant Sega Saturn while controller with a ghostly image of Segata cheering her on.

>> No.2133313

I don't think it has become exceptionally more popular. I think it's just caught up in a "rising tide lifts all boats" kind of thing with the general retro boom. If anything I would say that the Saturn has been the most resistant of the 5th and earlier generation consoles to the retro hyper (or, if you want to look at it another way, the last one to get any recognition), because in the western world it has always had really heavy (and undeserved) stigma against it.

>> No.2133382

I said I would get waku waku 7 one day

>> No.2133398
File: 54 KB, 1000x750, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Christmas present I just bought myself. Was only $77.

>> No.2133402
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And I got this to go with it.

>> No.2133439

I'd say you way overpaid for the console, but considering it's not yellow as fuck that's probably not that bad a deal.

>> No.2133456

For a JP Saturn after shipping? That sounds like the going rate last time I checked.

but last time I checked was in 2012 or so

>> No.2133461

don't bother compared to the arcade its shit

>> No.2133492

mine was the same price this year 40+30 ems shipping. Didn't come with a game or anything though. I bought it just because I wanted to use the 1mb ram cart because the action replay glitches the graphics on some SNK games. I got my american saturn for 10 bucks plus shipping though a couple years ago. It had no cables or anything though.

>> No.2133495

>I'd say you way overpaid for the console

If he had to import it than he got it cheap. Shipping from japan alone is ~70$.

>> No.2133519

Yeah my saturn is the sexy white and was 30 + 40$ shipping with cables
But came with chinese video card

>> No.2133561
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I got it from a US seller so I didn't have to pay a lot for shipping. The ones that were in Japan were way more expensive plus the shipping is high.

>> No.2133571
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It was still a deal compared to most of the others that were on ebay. If I would have bought a cheaper on that was yellowing I wonder if I could have scrubbed it with some magic eraser and made it white again...

>> No.2134462

Why were the usa cases so xbox hueg
and made of the most fragile propriety cases ever

I wish games STILL used jewel cases it just looks so sexy and clean

>> No.2134475
File: 51 KB, 357x312, wipeoutxl-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is hard as balls to find on the saturn

>> No.2134476

Leftover sega CD cases.

>> No.2134523

I like the sexy white, though I'll always have my soft-spot for the muscle-car black.

Going to try to emulate Burning Rangers today. Looking forward to a flickering, jittering good time.

>> No.2134527

>tfw you own a black US saturn and a white japanese saturn

It's the best of both worlds.

>> No.2134549

But one any can play anything with action replay
But the AR matches the white

>> No.2134561

Actually using the 4mb ram cart or action replay with samurai shodown 3, samsho4, and real bout fatal fury all have pretty bad glitches making the games unplayable. (Real Bout Special does work fine though). So I got a japanese saturn with a 1mb ram cart, also I got a black action replay for my US saturn so shit looks slick as fuck monica.

>> No.2134573
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>> No.2134648

Is it silly if I only got a japan saturn for the intro

>> No.2134781

How is Virtual On?
Getting a Saturn very soon and this and the twin sticks look like a lot of fun.

>> No.2134790

I think it plays well enough with a controller. I have played the actual arcade version too so don't let some asshole tell you it doesn't.

>> No.2134794

The Saturn conversion is bad, very long load times. However the soundtrack is better than the arcade version.


>> No.2134818

Virtual On is an amazing game. I find that its nuances are better realized in PvP rather than playing against the computer.

I don't care what >>2134790 says, I grew up playing the arcade version and the game just feels much more elegant with the twinsticks. The game was designed with that control system in mind, and some of the more complex moves like BBB's rowing or Fei Yen's close combat cancels are much easier to do and more intuitive with the sticks than the saturn pad.

>> No.2134841
File: 51 KB, 470x353, 090416-saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What color Saturn are you getting?

>> No.2134843


>> No.2134856

Nah ur just bad, both control setups are easy as hell. Now the dreamcast version, just yeah don't touch that one.

>> No.2134878

It's black.
I'm super excited, but I've gotta find out about region locking and all the extras for it.

>> No.2134896
File: 45 KB, 500x500, sega-saturn-action-replay-plus-4m-expansion-ram-play-imports-82-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to buy the Action Replay Plus if you want to play imported games. You'll also have access to cheats, memory backup, and 4M of ram. You'll also need to buy a battery to save your games and calender info.

>> No.2134897


Its a great game, its only enjoyable with a dual joystick setup imo.

The best home version I have played is the Japanese Sega Ages Vol.31 version. Lots of extras and more faithful to the Model 2 version (much higher resolution and 60fps) and dual shock sticks work well without shelling out a ton of money for Saturn sticks. Thats the version I recommend, the Saturn didn't fair as well as some of the other Saturn Model 2 conversions.

>> No.2134914

How easy is it to mod a PAL Sega Saturn to read burned games, and out of region burned games? Will they display without PAL bars?

>> No.2134943

>I said I would get waku waku 7 one day

I do have a copy I want to get rid of, complete with box and ram cart.

>> No.2134949

How much?

>> No.2134951

I've noticed pretty much everyone has that. How much should I be expecting to pay for one of those?

>> No.2134969

They are going on ebay for $30 to $40. In my opinion it's worth the money but the Saturn is an expensive console to collect for.

>> No.2134971
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What is your offer? Here are some pics.

>> No.2134979
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>> No.2134980

it's pretty cheap to get a good starter collection going though virtua fighter 2 and the super common games are all like 5 bucks for the japanese versions.

>> No.2134986
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All I can do is $25. If I were you I'd sell it to someone else for about $35 to $40.

>> No.2134989

I know, but a lot of the really good games are around $80 to $100...

>> No.2134993

Best price on ebay is 32$ right now (I bought it for that much as well), so I'll take your offer. As long as you mean 25$ plus shipping. Fair warning: I only send registered mail, which should be something between 10-13$, I'll have to measure the weight.

Drop a mail to zyrobs@gmail.com if that price is ok with you.

>> No.2135007

A lot of good shmups are only in the 20-60 dollar range. Salamander, Gradius, Darius 2, Darius Gaiden, Layer Section, all cost me less than 40 and donpachi and dodonpachi were 45 and 50. Strikers 1945 2 is also around that price. I never paid more than 100 dollars for any of my saturn games I posted here >>2134945 dungeons and dragons I got for 90 and I would have paid up to 120 for because it's two very good games anyway.

>> No.2135080

The hell you talking about
The dreamcast version surpases the saturn one in every way
Of course i used the Saturns twin sticks too
Such better framerate and visuals

>> No.2135081

How is the Saturn port of D&D vs. the arcade? Is it like King of Dragons SNES, which is nearly indistinguishable? Or more like Turtles in Time SNES which is noticeably cut down?

>> No.2135107

I'm talking about using the dreamcast controller with that version, it's just bad.

>> No.2135109

pretty faithful visually there are a few gameplay differences that only autists will notice and I'm being serious. Of course they are only 2 player now instead of 4.

>> No.2135130

They didnt think to use the multitap ala bomberman and guardian heroes

>> No.2135142

That's cool. If I ever got a Saturn, D&D would be high on the list. Those two games are probably my third favorite beat em ups after the previously mentioned King of Dragons and Golden Axe II. I am pretty familiar with the arcade versions, though. But sometimes the console versions manage just fine. King of Dragons on console is basically the same, and Golden Axe 1 would be the same if not for the sound issues (that are fixed in the console only sequel).

>> No.2135165

I found Keio 2 to be hard as fuck. Am I just pleb as fuck?

>> No.2135172
File: 90 KB, 960x720, saturn 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The black Saturn is ugly as fuck, so I decided I was going to go with another color, if possible. Ended up with this Model 1 NTSC-J Saturn. Complete with box and manuals.

Modchipped it because I am too poor to afford games right now. It was worth it.

It's the only system I own that has a box and the jewel of my collection.

>> No.2135181

>hitting a giant Sega Saturn white controller

One day I actually want to build something like that, with small boxing pads on each button, and all of it set up on a huge steel stand so it sits about on chest level. I've been imagining how Virtua Fighter 2 would control that way. Akira would be definitely near unplayable, but I think it wouldn't make much difference with, say, Jacky.

The L-R shifts would be tricky though.

>I found Keio 2 to be hard as fuck. Am I just pleb as fuck?

No, the controls are pretty poor and the hitboxes on some enemies are very odd, killing you more often then they should. Also your weapons have small range too.

The game feels like it wasn't playtested enough, because it has some frankly absurd oversights.

>> No.2135182

There's some third Keio Flying Squadron book by Studio Katsudon that isn't scanned. It might only have the characters on the cover though. It's been ages since I looked it up.

and holy shit where did that hi-res cover came from, is the entire thing scanned in that resolution?

>> No.2135183

>the jewel of my collection.
Damn right. I think the grey Saturn is sexy too.

>> No.2135191

Grey Saturn and White Saturn shows dirt way too easily, plus they get yellowed all the time.

Black Saturns are superior. The one with the best colour scheme would have to be the Hi-Saturn; it has a black base, dark grey upper case, and khaki buttons.

>> No.2135207
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Oh yes look what I just got
And for $80 bucks thats pretty good for this

>> No.2135210
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Just came in the mail
Japanbro sent thank you letter too
Thanks japanbro

>> No.2135250

Just in time for christmast
Theres santa right there

>> No.2135283

>show dirt too easily
Then clean them nigga damm
I keep all my systems clean

>> No.2135689

VO in Saturn is great. I agree with the other guy in the thread that says the game in completely playable with the gamepad controller. Even the advanced cancelling gameplay and all that. VOOT on DC is not playable due to the simple fact that the DC gamepad loses 2 buttons, which were quite important in being able to map VO's complete functionality into button presses.

But yes, if you have the twinsticks, then by all means play the game as it was meant to be played. I have 2 twinsticks for that reason.

>> No.2135694

>One day I actually want to build something like that, with small boxing pads on each button
That's sorta how one version of the original Street Fighter was. Instead of the 6 buttons, you had 2 analog punch/kick buttons, and the strength depended on how hard you hit them.

>> No.2135702

Nope, just a look at the arcade game.

>> No.2135703

Nope, just a look at the arcade game.

Signed, Dick who doesn't know hoe to use /vr

>> No.2135871 [DELETED] 

Why is the selection of Sega games so weak compared to Famicom and Super Famicom games?

There's one single Mega CD and two Saturn games, all untranslated.

>> No.2136390

Tfw your friends dont enjoy playing saturn with you

If only i had friends who actually liked fighters or shmups

>> No.2136407

I know how you feel...

>> No.2136431

my brother isn't that into shmups but he loved playing dodonpachi with me. I even turned my TV sideways so we could get the proper experience, he was impressed.

>> No.2136443

Having an lcd tv i cant do that but would love to
I love the heck out of dodonpachi

>> No.2136446

This is kinda why I want to get co op games on the saturn
Can anyone list good ones?
Besides guardian heroes

>> No.2136479


D&D is a fantastic coop experience, in my opinion.

>> No.2136872

Do you guys don't even the option menu?
There's two other methods of control that aren't completely retarded. I usually go with hold R/L to run.

>> No.2137596

How good of a deal is $30 for a US black Saturn?
Local thrift shop has 2 of them for sale and I've always wanted a Saturn. It seems to be better than most online auctions.

>> No.2138104

$30 upfront?
That sounds great if its clean
Take it and get an action replay

>> No.2138107

It's very clean. I've bought multiple systems from this guy before and he cleans everything he gets and let's me test everything before buying it.

>> No.2138147

Wait does it even have the cables or a controller?

>> No.2138927

Yeah. A second model controller and composite av.

>> No.2139007

Oh good good
Model one usa sucks ass
I hate americanizations

>> No.2139153
File: 1.93 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out Vampire Savior has a secret RGB mode for beating the game no continues
Got back into this awesome fighter Its so much fun
Best taunt and best girl

>> No.2139154


>needing to unlock graphics options

>> No.2139175

Is this statement to me?
Or the game

But very few use rgb back then so im suprised it even had it
I use an hdtv with scart to hdmi and makes things super nice

>> No.2139180

Ive never come across a saturn game that doesn't output RGB straight away,are you sure about this? i would think something like that would be a requirement by sega.

>> No.2139201

Yes im very sure
After doing the requirements theres more options unlocked and the default is set to S-VIDEO/C and you can change this to RGB from there
Also you can make the game english
It even turns the names to the english ones like B.B Hood instead of Bulleta

Its wierd I know but Street fighter zero 3 does this too

>> No.2139430

The RGB/S-Video setting just changes some of the mesh transparencies into blinking patterns. Mesh looks transparent enough in c-video and maybe s-video too (never played any game with s-video), but with RGB you can see the mesh pattern, so if you pick that option in the game it is turned into a blinking pattern of inverted meshes (like the water graphics on the 3rd or 4th level of Super Mario World).

At least one other game has an option for this, I think it was Street Fighter Zero 3 but I'm not sure. And it is not hidden there.

>> No.2139435

>That's sorta how one version of the original Street Fighter was. Instead of the 6 buttons, you had 2 analog punch/kick buttons, and the strength depended on how hard you hit them.

No, I'd want it to be just a huge Saturn pad. But you'd have to go Fist of the North Star at it if you wanted to do more complex combos in fighting games, since a thumb move would equal an arm movement.

>> No.2139589

Thanks for clearing that up
Still neat

>> No.2139658


£30. In mint condition with Obi strip, which is fine by me because it's like my fav game on the system.

>> No.2139660


Plenty of english walkthroughs for it. Although it may be slightly more enjoyable if you could read moon.

>> No.2139661

People actually like the Saturn?

>> No.2139708
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Yes. Why do you ask?

>> No.2139759
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The negative history will never leave the saturns shoulders in the usa will it

>> No.2139784

As somone who loves fighting games and shmups its the best console ever in my eyes. It's got the best ports of SNK fighting games and capcom arcade games without actually getting the hardware.

>> No.2140374

I really wish more games made use of the ram besides fighters
Why was it ONLY for fighters

>> No.2140385

It's not a bad system, especially if you were big on arcade ports.

I still like that US pad, but only when playing Virtual On. Dunno why, it just feels more comfortable for that game. I still wish I had a pair of twinsticks, though.

I still use my Japanese pad for everything else, though (especially since the US pad is super shit for fighters).

>> No.2140389

Its just too fat even for my american hands

>> No.2140392

because no one was making original games for the Saturn lol

>> No.2140397

Because (arcade) fighters were the HOTTEST genre at the time, so extra effort was made for the conversions. Also, use of the RAM cart was a double edged sword. If you had it, it gave your console system a huge boost in capabilities. But if you didn't have it, you couldn't play those games.It wasn't an insignificant purchase, so most people didn't have one, and at the time, Sega was feeling a little of the burn from the Genesis peripherals.

>> No.2140585

>tfw skeleton saturn's are a small fortune
feels awful man

>> No.2140623

And spooky too

>> No.2141280

Merry christmas Saturn general
From Segata himself

>> No.2141292
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>> No.2141792

>Merry christmas Saturn generalFrom Segata himself

Slightly related:

Segata Sanshiro Choujin Densetsu for PC. You need your machine to be set to Japanese locale to run it (Applocale does not help), but it works even on modern 64bit installs. On non-Japanese locales it still works but you get quite a bunch of skippable errors and some text is garbage.

Also obviously not too useful if you can't speak Japanese, but it has a shit ton of goodies to extract - wallpapers, videos, etc.

>> No.2143853
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How good is Sonic Wings special if anyone has played it
I love that two disc case and shmups in general

>> No.2143894

>Layer Section
Wait, why? It can be emulated on MAME too and the only thing the Saturn version does better is the music unless I am forgetting something. God-tier game otherwise, though.

>> No.2143901

While it has some wackiness going for it, I wasn't a huge fan. I never thought there'd be a problem of having too many ships to choose from!

Strikers 1945 II (on the PS1 it's dirt cheap as "Strikers 1945") is sort of in the same style (made by the same people from Video System) but a more enjoyable game, imo. No dolphins though.

I've been mulling over whether or not it's time to give NiGHTS a second chance. I wasn't big into it years ago when I first had my Saturn, but I wonder if it might be time to pick it back up again, and maybe at least try to beat it this time.

Speaking of shmups, yikes as to the price of Kingdom Grandprix. It used to be a $30 purchase, easy, not even 2 years ago.

>> No.2143909

read my little * at the bottom of my post. Layer Section = RayForce

Yes, the game is god-tier. Makes me wonder why Taito never topped the game.

>> No.2144146

how much is kingdom grand prix now? I have 2 copies.

>> No.2144204
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2014-12-18-00h30m39s32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her. She's the best girl.

>> No.2144215

Its like about $60
Ide love to have one though

>> No.2144217


>> No.2144251

The show had no right to make her as best as saturn was

>> No.2144584

I will sell you one, I don't need 2. I actually had 2 sent to me from ebay seller error.

>> No.2144630

It's 50$ on ebay without spine, 60$+ is only if it has spinecard and/or regcard. Anything more would be only for mint copies.

>> No.2144837

Send me an offer

>> No.2145228

Picking up a Saturn on Craigslist tomorrow. What all should I look for when I go to check it out?
There's the obvious stuff like make sure it turns on and can read games. Anything else?

>> No.2145406

Not really much to look for as long as the disk drive works
Saturns are pretty sturdy

>> No.2145409

If it has an battery in the back already I would replace it with a new one

>> No.2145847
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I'll have to do that. It just looks like a circle watch-like battery, right?

And here's my first Saturn.
Guy gave me 4 controllers, Daytona USA, Nights, Myst, Mortal Kombat 2, Virtua Fighter, and Wing Arms.

>> No.2145904

How much did you pay for all that? That's a really nice bundle you got there.

>> No.2145931

For all of that.

I was worried for a bit since the controllers kept going unresponsive every so often, but alcohol and cotton swabs to the port fixed that. Aside from that happening at the start, it all works.

>> No.2145968

That's a really good deal. I wouldn't worry about the controller port thing though, same thing happened to me when I first got mine but I cleaned the ports and haven't had a problem since.

>> No.2146123

Nice deal, too bad that all of those controllers suck, except the 3d pad which is halfway decent... and Nights is the only decent game in the pile.

Get a modchip in that thing and start downloading some shmups.

>> No.2146129

>all of those controllers suck, except the 3d pad
Not really. The model 1 controller is pretty good.

>> No.2146162

I'm okay with the NA original controller. And I already plan on getting more controllers (probably Japanese) controllers since I've told my roommates about Saturn bomberman with a lot of people.
I will probably mod it soon,though. Just because that'd make sure I play this all the time.

>> No.2146194
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>> No.2146217

Whoah hey what episode is this from?

>> No.2146271
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Last. Aired today.

>> No.2146386

I actually like the NA controller over the JP one, which just felt too flat, like playing with a NES/SNES controller.

>> No.2146521

This shitty ass moeblob weeaboo piece of shit has no business giving me such feels.
The twist was nice.

>> No.2146879

I'm sorry I didn't love you back then, Saturn and Dreamcast.

>> No.2146929

They died... because of you.

>> No.2147130
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