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2125874 No.2125874 [Reply] [Original]

So i decided to give this franchise a go, since i've dealt with zelda 1, A link to the past, OoT and MM

so this is my first time playing an RPG, and i refuse to consult a guide. however, i figure it's cool to ask people for advice based on their experience :) without spoiling anything major, what are some highlights i should look out ffor?

>> No.2125876

FF6 when Terra and Celes totally make out.

>> No.2125881

and about FF1, whats a good party to start with?

>> No.2125882

Honestly you could probably skip the first 5 and not miss much, they tend to blend together.

>> No.2125885


1. Ribbons are godly pieces of equipment.
2. Fighter, Bl. Belt, Red Mage for sure. The fourth should be Black or White Mage, depending on whether you want additional healing or damage. Don't use Thief.
3. Don't give Black Belts weapons when their accuracy hits 21%. You should be in Elfland by that point.
4. Check the tombstones in the Elf Village.

>> No.2125887

The traditional party for beginners is Fighter, Black Belt, White Mage, Black Mage.

Honestly FF1 might not be the best launching point for newbies, maybe you should shoot for 4 first. If you really want to start with 1, try the FF Origins version on PS1.

>> No.2125894

Fighter is the best fighting class, but equipping more than one is rather taxing on resources.

Monk is squishier, but doesn't use any equipment and can grow into a combat monster with some levels.

Thief is the worst class. IIRC due to coding oversight, his ability to escape battles more efficiently doesn't even work, and he's flat-out weaker than other fighty classes in all regards.

Red Mage can learn all spells that matter from both White and Black magic lists, and dish out some physical damage when he doesn't have to cast spells. Due to programming oversight, the fact that he has less intelligence than Black and White Mages does not matter in the actual game because intelligence doesn't affect the effectiveness of spells as it was supposed to do. Red Mage is thus flat-out more effective than Black and White Mages in most situations.

Any combination of Fighter/Monk/Red Mage will work out for you.

>> No.2125895

>not playing 4 fighters

>> No.2125896


...why don't we just have him play FF12 and its auto-play feature? Come on, anon...

Look, I'm not gonna lie OP...FF1 is retro hard(for instance, if the enemy you target with your fighter dies before he gets a turn, he swings at empty air...he does not turn to the next enemy to attack). But it's far from unbeatable. Just follow the standard RPG guidelines: Save often, and when in doubt, grind.

>> No.2125897

Four fighters.

>> No.2125898

>implying FFV isn't the best

>> No.2125904

I didn't mean FF1 was a bad launchpoint because it was hard, but rather because it's kinda boring, especially compared to most later installments.

>> No.2125908

sadly i don't own any consoles other than GC, N64. so i figured i'll take the challenge and play them in chronological order since im completely new to the franchise.

tried that, was fun til i realized i can't learn any magic spells lol curious about everything right now

>> No.2125914

I earnestly recommend the GameFAQs FFI NES board. One of the view boards with tolerable posters that actually know their stuff and are always keen to guide new players.

The game is also bug ridden which I recommend you check out what's what first so you don't buy spells that don't work.

To plow through the game you can go a party of Fighter, Fighter, Fighter, Red Mage. If you want some variety with no repeats then Fighter, Black Belt, Red Mage, White Mage is your best bet. Make sure to look up the mechanics of Black Belt if you choose to take one.

>> No.2125915


>> No.2125919

I'll spoiler this if you don't want to ruin amything but when you upgrade the fighter to the knight you can learn low level spells

>> No.2125925


I won't argue that. But it's a sincere feeling of accomplishment to beat the original. Yes, it's draining, and yes, it's boring, and yes, it has bugs. But there aren't many games that give a sense of accomplishment anymore, and I still feel that despite everything, FF1 is one of them.


It was a figure of speech. As I said, I misunderstood the intent behind the statement. I will say this much: no one will think less of you for skipping out on 2. Don't ask why...just know that.

There is one more item of concern you should be aware of...VERY late in the game, on your way to a boss, you will come across a narrow bridge. RUN, DO NOT WALK, across that bridge...and pray to all that's holy you don't get an encounter.

>> No.2125928

>VERY late in the game, on your way to a boss, you will come across a narrow bridge. RUN, DO NOT WALK, across that bridge...and pray to all that's holy you don't get an encounter.
now i'm excited as hell haha is the boss that gilgamesh character? i've only heard names with zero context from some classmates back in high school

>> No.2125932

Nah. Gilgamesh first appeared in FFV. The FFI GBA and PSP ports had Gilgamesh as a bonus cameo boss, but he's not a thing in the original game.

he's talking about the secret FFI superboss you only have a very slight chance of encountering in a very specific location

>> No.2125936


>>2125932 called it. Trust me, you have to see it to believe it...especially if he OHKOs you.

>> No.2125940

I've never been able to meet it in Dawn of Souls, despite walking back and forth along that bridge many times.

>> No.2125949

WarMECH/Death Machine is very underwhelming in Dawn of Souls, seeing how in the original he was only marginally weaker than the final boss, but in Dawn of Souls he is only a tenth of that while everything else was massively buffed in absolute numbers to accommodate much faster and extensive leveling, streamlined magic and other easy mode gameplay changes.

>> No.2125959


I remember back in the day Nintendo Power ran a WarMECH challenge, where you'd have to take a picture of your party fighting WarMECH for a chance to win a prize. They made him sound like this big deal and that he was hard to find, so color me surprised when my first time on the bridge if I didn't encounter him. I remember thinking "I guess he's not as rare as they want you to think, I wonder what's so special about him? Well let's get....... Oh."

>> No.2125983


FF1 is rad as hell; I just did my first full runthrough of the game back in the summer, but I suggest you get this before you do so:

Fixes all the weirder bugs in the game (like making the other 2/3s of the spells in the game actually functional for one, makes the thief not garbage) and makes the story intelligible. Even gives you boss music for boss encounters. It's good shit.

>> No.2125984


That "...Oh" speaks volumes for all of us, anon. More than one glorious charge was brought to a screeching halt by that shitbag...

>> No.2126029

FF is a terrible game by any standard.
Theres a stat in the game called 'magic' it's bugged and does nothing. The result is the black mage class is utterly crippled.

The thief and black belt are identical to the fighter except their equipment costs a little less and their stats are a lot worst.

This leaves you with fighter, white mage, and red mage as the only classes in the game. And choosing these classes will be your ONLY STRATEGIC CHOICE in the entire game. FF1 is the 2nd most shallow game in its entire series, the only one worst is ff4 which doesn't even let you pick the classes.

Do yourself a favor and skip it, there's nothing to be had in it. It's not even of any historical value, early ff was just a cheap knock off wizardry and ultima. If you want a good jrpg look at shin megami, pokemon or ff5. If you want a very pretty one look at chrono trigger or sd3. If you want a game of historical importance look at wizardry which all jrpgs are descended from (including dragon quest and ff).

ff1 is garbage and only is well known because japan was notorious for not releasing their rpgs on home consoles in the early days. Westerns had very few choices and practically anything that got translated was called a classic.

>> No.2126061


The only correct answer.


>> No.2126148
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>> No.2126152


Have fun with the undead.

>> No.2126169

>FF is a terrible game by any standard.
I must have missed the meeting where this opinion was formed.

I've been playing it off and on since North American release, and right now I've got a solo Black Mage going.

This game owns my heart, bug ridden peice of steaming offal though it might be.

If you play NES FF2j, cheat as often as you like. That game can consume your life if you don't.

FF3j is very good. Think of the improvement from MegaMan 1 to 3 and you have it to scale.

>> No.2126179

Fighter/Fighter/Fighter/Red Mage is bulletproof

>> No.2126202
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>> No.2126219

>improvement from MegaMan 1 to 3
Other than adding the slide, Megaman 3 is objectively worse than 1 and 2.

>> No.2126264

>black belt
>worse than fighter

Please ignore this retard. You're supposed to strip black belts of their weapon after the first few levels.

>> No.2126298

I was thinking about this OC the other day. Thanks, guys.

>> No.2126323

I've got an ff1 instruction book, and pp 36-37 offer party suggestions. they are:

for the beginner: f/bb/wm/bm
default: f/t/bb/rm
alternative for veterans: bb/bb/wm/bm
magic users: f/rm/wm/bm
heavy magic use: rm/wm/bm/bm
powerful fighting: f/t/bb/bb

they seem to put a positive spin on thief, saying that he's got agility and dexterity. but iirc his ability to flee battles doesn't work because of a bug.

>> No.2126324



You aren't allowed to use this buzzword unless you actually back up the statement from now on, /vr/.

You can't just use the word objectively to make your shitty opinion irrefutable.

So please, point out the reasons mega man 3 is objectively worse than 1 and 2.

>> No.2126334

This. The patch will make things much better and the way it should have been.

>> No.2126421 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2126738
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anyone who doesn't role 8bit theater doesn't belong here

Atomic Robo tangentially related

>> No.2126797


He's right though, even doing that Black Belts just can't keep up with with a fighter's insane damage output and defense when you give them the best gear.

I like FF a lot but I do understand why people don't care for it as it's an unholy mess of bad programming despite the cool quasi-D&D setting and charming atmosphere

>> No.2126809

as some people probably already said, FF1 isn't really a good starting point for FF or RPGs.

Try FF4 instead. It's retro, good, aged well, and good for beginners. Best SNES version for english speakers is the J2E translation version.

>> No.2126812

ya, maybe 8 years ago it was OC.

>> No.2129470

>The Running Glitch is a glitch in the NES version of Final Fantasy. Running is supposed to be based on Luck and Level, but is instead based on Luck and the status of the character two positions lower. This means that characters in the top two positions can run perfectly when they have more than 15 Luck and a healthy party member two positions down.

Well SHIT, now I know why Thief sucks at the only thing he's reportedly good at. Nasir get your shit together.

i still luv u tho bb

>> No.2129529

By the way, this means if your bottom two characters have ANY status effect or at low HP you will not be able to run from the fight.

Running with the bottom two characters almost never works, you see.

>> No.2129649

go four fighter killbot squad

>> No.2131346


I rolled F/BM/T/RM on my run through. Since I patched most of the bugs out it wasn't so bad. Once you find Magic Use items it becomes laughably easy.

>> No.2131957

>the MSX version will never be fan translated
it's so much better than the NES game

>> No.2132052

Solo white mage

>> No.2132168

I feel like no one has had Black Belts in the party, because they are a fist full of rape once they get enough levels in and all of mine have time and again surpassed any fighters damage output I've had.

>> No.2132187

I use a Black Belt every time, man. They get really strong after the first...hmm...1/5 of the game, i'd say.

>> No.2132212

Play the ps1 version of FF1.
Try Fighter 1st unit, Red Mage 3rd with any other unit if your choice.

Play for fun.

>tfw now I only do duo playthroughs

>> No.2132250

Am I the only one who does Fighter, Thief, WM and BM?

>> No.2132261
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This guy knows.

>> No.2133815

That's casual, OP should do solo Thief

>> No.2133879

Playing it for the first time since it came out because of this thread.

Forgot how grindy it was.

I was very tolerant as a child.

Just got the mystic key and looted some treasuries.

>> No.2133930


I do that as well, but that's out of tradition and the fact that I play the remakes mostly more than anything. I'm not a fan of jack-of-all-trades characters, even if the only thing he'll be missing out on is shitty death spells and NUKE.

>> No.2133941


there's not very much grinding until some odd parts, just cycle the person with the highest health in the top. and don't ever heal in battle.

>> No.2133950
