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File: 254 KB, 1045x480, screenshots-crystalis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2116085 No.2116085 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: We discuss Zelda clones that are arguably better than the original.

>> No.2116156

I have always wanted to try that game but I never see it at a fair price. I should just ebay it it's actually not too expensive on there.

>> No.2116172

ROMs are free, you know.

>> No.2116173

Dat music

>> No.2116174


>Better than Zelda

why do I keep seeing this?

It's easy as shit and dungeon/overworld design is all over the place

>> No.2116176

Heard good things about Battle of Olympus recently, as I've been playing Zelda II and enjoying it (not sure if the former's considered a clone).

>> No.2116179

Found mine on ebay for $4 plus shipping. It can be done with a bit of patience.

>> No.2116184

god of thunder

>> No.2116187

Faxanadu and Battle of Olympus are good, but there are obviously some annoyances, Battle of Olympus you need to grind for olives to buy items to progress, its a bit of a pain, but you know, over all its pretty good.

I guess for Zelda clones theres also Alundra, which is like a more "hardcore" Zelda in that combat is more difficult and the puzzles are very difficult. Theres also a pretty interesting story, at least more interesting then "Get the 8 whatevers and kill ganon becasue hes a bad dude"

Theres also Beyond Oasis which is pretty cool.

>> No.2116198
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>pic related

>> No.2116203

A lot of people dislike Zelda. They like what the game tries to go for though so clones appeal to them a lot.

>> No.2116207

Play BoO with Game Genie code for infinite Olives.

Makes the game so much better.

>> No.2116213

Probably because it had a lot more RPG elements. Leveling-up, shops and money, NPCs, et cetera. There's really nothing that the original Zelda did better than Crystalis, even if Crystalis owes existing at all to Zelda.

>> No.2116219

I want to play in my chair in front of my TV though. I have nothing against emulation, I just have a better set up with my consoles.

>> No.2116227

Neutopia 1+2
Not /vr/ but darksiders

>> No.2116229

Flashcart, dude.

>> No.2116241
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>Zelda clone
Stop that shit.

>> No.2116250
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The Magic of Scheherazade but it's much more RPG based, even more than Crystalis.

Had some badass music as well:


>> No.2116253

>sperging this hard

>> No.2116256

Crystalis has a cool setting, the world itself is really varied, the bosses are better and there's something very comfy about the game that Zelda lacks for me. Zelda has much better dungeons and feels more tightly designed, though.

>> No.2116260

Muslims would start detonating nukes if this game were made today. Especially in the Japanese game, where you are a descendant of Isa, which is the Islamic name for the prophet that Christians call Jesus.

>> No.2116265


Crystalis has more character.

Zelda is a good game, with solid design, but there is no characterization, link is just a dude saving the princess.

Crystalis has a larger scope in comparison and had kind of a batshit story.

>> No.2116268

Macro can't even get dates right: Dragon Slayer came out the same year as Hydlide, a few months prior (though Hydlide's influence is greater). Xanadu also plays much differently from Zelda II, with overhead turn-based battles (Ultima) and dungeon-crawling with item shops and more limited platforming. Not sure about Zelda II's main influences, but I recognize Ultima/Dragon Quest (overworld) and Dragon Buster (dungeons) in how it plays.

Telenet's Exile games, uncensored, would have been controversial if Arabic MSX players ever played it.

>> No.2116270

I'm too deep into it now to resort to that. Really there is something I enjoy about having individual games too.

>> No.2116273

doom wasn't the first FPS but it didn't stop everything after being called a doom clone. It's nothing to get offended by.

>> No.2116274

>I'm too deep into it

We can get you help.

>> No.2116282

Don't bother. People seem to have a hard time distinguishing between inventing something and innovating something.

>> No.2116289

I like how Muslim references weren't censored NoA in that game. It has mosques, clergymen and an Imam.

And drink Mashroob (liquor) to recover magic unless you are a saint.

And yet LoZ 2's prayer statue was turned into a "trophy" in the US.

>> No.2116294

I use a toploader so I'm going to hunt down an adapter for a game genie and pay out the ass for one either.

Grinding isn't so bad, just takes like 5-10 minutes

>> No.2116338

Mashroob is Arabic/Urdu for "drink", it doesn't have to be alcoholic, but it's obvious that it is.

>> No.2116352
File: 2.99 MB, 4128x2322, 20141017_173355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hey, I'm playing this game right now! Cool beans.

>> No.2116356
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>> No.2116359
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>> No.2116394

Yeah, non /vr/ or gaming but I got a near mint early press of King Crimson's debut LP for £14 once, usually goes for £70+. Sometimes auctions slip under the radar either because the seller gives them too simple of a title or spells it wrong.

>> No.2116405

Got it box, manual and all for around $20

>> No.2116412

>say wrong thing
>get corrected
>"le autism buzzword"

>> No.2116413

one of the only SMS games I like

>> No.2116417

And Rogue wasn't the first roguelike, but I don't hear anyone say "beneath apple manorlike."

>> No.2116421

Not bad.

I got it at Goodwill (cart only) for $2 a few years ago.

>> No.2116723

wtf sms has tons of great games.

>> No.2117003


>Zelda Clone

Zelda inspired? Yes. But Clone? Nah. It does things differently, and combat feels different.

There are zelda clones though that seem more like 1:1 copies.

>> No.2117005

>I want to play in my chair in front of my TV though.


Soft-modded Wii plus CRT TV.

>> No.2117015

>There are zelda clones though that seem more like 1:1 copies.

Like The legend of Zelda games.

>> No.2117037


they're not even the same fucking genre you mong

>> No.2117069

is duke nukem 3d a doomclone? yes.
Is duke nukem 3d a clone of doom? no.

You autistics need to stop taking the word clone so literally.

>> No.2117162


because the only thing Zelda has going for it is nostalgia

>> No.2119447
File: 161 KB, 300x346, 3D_Dot_Game_Heroes_JPNBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, but not /vr/.

>> No.2119453




>> No.2119506

It's more like Zelda than Dragon Slayer is.

>> No.2119512
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>> No.2119532
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There is two of them and they are fun.

>> No.2119792

>Those shitty hitbox designs
You could have had a entire crowned clone series to be Zelda clones!

>> No.2119803

Crystalis, Landstalker, and Alundra is my perfect trifecta of action adventure games

>> No.2119831

>Zelda clone

Nah. Crystalis is to Zelda as Zelda is to Hydlide.

>> No.2119836

>DOOM clone
I've never heard that term outside of games that were literally just resprited DOOM.

>> No.2119841


they're fun, but they're not nearly as good as Zelda. not by a long shot. my biggest gripe is they're so easy that they feel like Zelda for little kids.

>> No.2119897

I was playing this on my dreamcast the other day. I still have the overworld theme stuck in my head. Catchy as fuck.

>> No.2119907

I am the only person on this planet who just finds Crystalis to be meh-tier. Original Zelda > ∞ for me.

I don't have anything particularly negative to say about Crystalis or anything. I just find it altogether meh, is all. And no this has nothing to do with nostalgia. I understand the difference between nostalgia gaming memory and a genuinely good game.
Mickey Mouse, for example, is a nostalgia game for me. I liked it as an itty bitty kiddie despite its suckage. Phantasy Star III is also a nostalgia game for me. And, believe it or not, so is Crystalis. A nostalgia game is one I'll play now because "eh, why not?" despite its shortcomings rather than because it's a fucking well-designed game.

>> No.2119910

All the Genesis Zelda-types are better than the original:

>Story of Thor (aka Legend of Oasis)
>Soleil (aka Crusader of Centy)
>Landstalker (aka ?)

>> No.2119913

bonus: Wonderboy in Monster World

>> No.2119936

thats because you're only 16 years old, every FPS was called doom clone before the term fps existed

>> No.2119945

you forgot Beyond Oasis

>> No.2119946

13 year old spotted, they were just called shooter games

>> No.2119949


Apologise for your ignorance.

>> No.2119953


not even remotely a Zelda clone, by even the loosest of standards.

>> No.2119958

thats why I made it a bonus.

but it arguably is, only its a side scroller

>> No.2119968

no they were called doom clones and dark forces was one of the first doom clones. Romero even uses that term in interviews you fucking 13 year old retard. Sorry I gave you 3 years benefit of the doubt.

>> No.2120020
File: 11 KB, 666x720, Doom_clone_vs_first_person_shooter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go you fucking idiot

>> No.2120104

It's more of a LoZ2/Faxanandu clone.

>> No.2120129

RIP Doom clone.

>> No.2120136

12 year old here, that's actually really interesting.

>> No.2120223

welcome to /vr/

it's just a /v/ that grew up

>> No.2120227

>Zelda clones
Stop, Chrontendo. Not all top view sword and sorcery games are Zelda clones.

>> No.2120375

I think a better way to go about this thread would've been for OP to have people list their favorites games that are similar to zelda, using the word clone instantly garnered hate.

>> No.2120385
File: 40 KB, 390x380, 1322005549855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are any of these recommended?

I'll bet Adventure requires an ass of patience just to advance the first 5 minutes.

>> No.2120460

lol, Hydlidefags are still alive?

>> No.2120463

>not playing Spiritual Warfare

>> No.2120486

Adventure can be beaten in less than five minutes. It's really short.

And you really need to use your imagination, because none of the graphics resemble anything found in nature. There are no plants, rocks, rivers, or any other obvious geographical cues. Just different-colored walls. Is the blue-walled area is supposed to be mountains? Is it a swamp? Who knows.

>> No.2120931
File: 116 KB, 1440x1080, Spiritual_Warfare_-_1992_-_Wisdom_Tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga! That game is awesome!

>> No.2121064

it's surprisingly not terrible.

>> No.2121112
File: 494 B, 147x247, ataridragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somebody get this freakin duck away from me

>> No.2122113

Commander Keen heavily influenced Zelda 2

>> No.2122158


um no. Zelda 2 was released years before Commander Keen.

>> No.2122281

Could somebody explain the final level for me?

>Hero instructed to protect the tower and DYNA.
>Hero enters tower.
>Starts destroying everything.
>Destroys DYNA.

What the Hell is going on here? Was there a translation error someplace or did he just decide on his own to disobey the ancients and put DYNA down?!

>> No.2122295


Adventure is simple and fun, if you come to it with some historical curiosity or interest in the console or some other such reason for being at least mildly impressed by it

it's not tedious or unfair, anyway

Hydlide is tedious and unfair

dunno about the others

>> No.2122302

The password system was fucking hilarious.

For a game that would kill you at the drop of a hat you had to enter the freaking AN ENTIRE BIBLE as a password to continue. Not kidding.

Beat that bitch once and put it away forever.

>> No.2122306

Bro, it's NES, translations were all horrible. You played these for the gameplay, not the story.

>> No.2122314


(Crystalis spoilers below)

It's hard to tell but it seems like a mixture of translation error and (possibly, probably) bad writing. The concept is interesting and good: If I understand/remember right, the tower is meant to be insurance that prevents humanity from becoming too warlike again. It'll destroy civilization if there is too much trouble... but also, Draygon wants to take control of it maybe, and use its power himself... but that effort of his is actually part of what makes the tower want to destroy humanity again to begin with... plus there's some weird thing where the evil emperor Draygon and the would-be enlightened guide/leader Azteca are sort of the same person or something?? It's very murky. But the game seems to suggest that when you kill Draygon, you have killed Azteca....

Anyway, given all of that, the hero's effort at the tower should be to gain control of it so as to either ensure it fulfills its purpose of destroying civilization, or to save civilization by wrecking DYNA. That is to say, he and Mesia, at the end, are in the position of judging humanity. Unfortunately the game doesn't give you a "Do you think your species is redeemable? Yes / No" choice at the end, so we just have to assume that the two of them quietly decide that yes humanity is worth preserving, even though the game's text glosses over that crucial event completely for some reason.

It does make it all seem pointless though--why build the tower to protect the world from war, only to start a war, activate the tower, and then wreck it before it can do its job? Oh well, it's an anime-level story, it isn't going to completely make sense....

>> No.2122326

>Crystalis was supposed to have a sequel on the Neo-Geo
I know it probably never got out of the concept stage. But I still wonder everything about it.

>> No.2122463

By the time you kill Draygon and end the war he's already called the tower down. It's only supposed to scour the Earth after hope for humanity has been completely extinguished, but between the bloody war, Azteca's death, and Draygon using Mesia to manipulate it it's already firing. So if you want to save humanity you have to kill DYNA.

I don't know what the hell Draygon is. Most likely he's a split personality or physical manifestation of Azteca's 100+ years of repressed evil thoughts but the (mistranslated?) dialogue is so vague maybe he's just some sorcerer or scientist who (during maintenance?) found a treasure trove of forbidden knowledge and megalomania in Azteca's dusty brain and went hog wild with it. It wouldn't explain the shared damage without some Dragonheart style power leeching bullshit, though.

>> No.2122573

Faxanadu was basically everything Zelda II should've been. The whole overworld map/monster mechanic from Zelda II was awful, and the game would've been better just skipping it and sticking as a side scroller throughout. Plus the music was probably the worst of any Zelda game in the series.

>> No.2122658


Everything you said was completely wrong.

>> No.2122721


>> No.2122901

Sorry mate, but there is really no comparison for just how much better the core mechanics of Zelda II are than those of Faxanadu. Zelda II had smooth and responsive momentum based combat controls where as Faxanadu was almost Castlevania levels of crappy in the controls department.

>> No.2122913
File: 5 KB, 320x288, 3-FFA_8_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Final Fantasy Adventure / SD1 yet. The later seikens went on to get their own distinct identity, but the first one is undeniably inspired by Zelda. But I also feels it's better because movement is more fluid and the magic system adds more flexibility compared to LoZ.

>> No.2123215

>any top down adventure game is a Zelda clone

I love ignorant kids who think Nintendo invented video games.

>> No.2123223

It's very nice to see SMS games where the sounds and music don't make your ears bleed.

>> No.2123295


where the meet up around 97/98.. I don't recall ANYONE saying FPS.. it was corridor shooter..

>> No.2123319

You could get your hands on one of those little Android media boxes on DealExtreme and a Bluetooth controller.

>> No.2124264

>go to the first elder's cave to break the back wall
>get poisoned in the next cave figure hey I have plenty of time to get back to the inn
>get back to Leaf

... Fuck.

>> No.2125867

I played it. Years ago. Good game.

>> No.2125870

I don't think poison can actually kill you.