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2091568 No.2091568 [Reply] [Original]

Hidden Gems: SNES edition

>> No.2091579

shinobi 3 return of the ninja master

>> No.2091582

A very nice game, but saying that Shinobi fucking 3 is a hidden gem is like saying that Gears of War is a hidden gem, you know.

>> No.2091592
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>> No.2091594

Final Fantasy 6

>> No.2091598

Brandish is bretty gud

>> No.2091607

mind giving an overview of the game for me?

>> No.2091613

Sheeit, dis nigga knows what's up.

Also, Metal Warriors.

>> No.2091617

Chrono trigger

>> No.2091623
File: 49 KB, 640x480, gfs_4235_2_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ninja Warriors

The game seems very basic at first, but the more you play it, the more you realize how great it is. 3 very different characters with very different playstyle, kickass gameplay with plenty of cool moves to learn, challenging and fair difficulty, high skill cap.
Honestly once you learn the moves and come up with your own combos, the game is fantastic.

Also Wild Guns, it's a Cabal clone which by itself is great (there aren't many), but it's also probably the best Cabal clone (and better than Cabal itself, too). Even better in 2 players.

>> No.2091624

This but 5

>> No.2091627


>> No.2091639

When did this game skyrocket in price? A couple years ago, it was about $40. Now, it is more that double that. I'm glad I got my copy for $5.

>> No.2091653

Allow me to step in and help with that.

It is an action arpg that is about this group of students from the military academy 'Avalanche' that are in a race to collect magic crystals before a rebel force 'Turks' can get them and use the Mist to corrupt them and use them as sentient weapons of war. I think there's some kind of collectable card game about kart-racing ostriches thrown in there somewhere, but I can't say for sure, I never figured out the card-junctioning system.

>> No.2091654
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Actraiser 2

>> No.2091658


When 16 Bit Gems made a video on it.

>> No.2091675

That fatass Clan of the Furfags 'Roo' can drive up game prices? I didn't know so many losers watch shitty YouTube game presentation

>> No.2091680

Where have you been for the past like 5 years?

>> No.2091693

top kek

>> No.2091728

Macross Scrambled Valkyrie

>> No.2091732
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>> No.2091736 [DELETED] 

Shit game, you horrible cunt

>> No.2091741



>> No.2091742

Magical Pop'n.

>> No.2091745

What's wrong with you?

>> No.2091746

Whoa hey, man. I'll agree it ain't exactly a hidden gem, but I found it fascinating and enjoyable.

>> No.2091762
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>> No.2091772

is dat sum brain lord

>> No.2091843

brainlord is cool

I kinda wanna finish my game now, I put it on the back burner

>> No.2091854
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The Great Battle series had a bunch of snes games. It's a cross over of Ultraman, Kamen Rider and Gundam.

>SD The Great Battle (December 29, 1990)


>3/4 top down shooting action

>The Great Battle II: Last Fighter Twin (March 27, 1992)

>side scrolling beat em up


>The Great Battle III (March 26, 1993)
>side scrolling beat em up


>The Great Battle IV (December 17, 1994)

>side scrolling action platformer, similar to Mega Man X


>The Great Battle V (December 22, 1995)

>Wild Guns copycat

>The Great Battle Gaiden 2: Matsuri da Wasshoi (January 28, 1994)


>Super Tekkyu Fight!

Then a bunch of side games:


4 and 5 look the most interesting.

>> No.2092019

Not on fucking YouTube, that's for sure. I only like slowbeef

Seriously though Roo offers nothing but horrible opinions, what's the value in watching his trash?

>> No.2092086
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>> No.2092089

I don't think anyone on the western hemisphere does anything else than watch shitty youtube videos.

>> No.2092096
File: 2.97 MB, 2100x1534, 2363705-snes_claymates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rented the shit out of Claymates as a kid. I loved the holographic cover. The game is hard as fuck btw.

>> No.2092110
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>> No.2092116
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>> No.2092129
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>> No.2092157

YES, I have been looking for this game, I forgot the name, had it for a few days back in the day.

>Blaze processing

>> No.2092168

Uniracers was a great jam but I never see it posted. Felt so fast and so many tricks. I remember a great difficulty curve. (too hard at the time. Might do better now)

>> No.2092187

I don't think Congo's Caper is underrated, plenty of people in my town knew about it

it's a freaking good game though

>> No.2092213

There is a special place in Valhalla for Goatman.

>> No.2092302

Blood Bros > Wild Guns

>> No.2092313

A friend of mine has a comolten copy of Wild Guns. He had absolutely no idea what it was worth until I told him. Played it through with him a few times.

So gud.

>> No.2092371

Great game, but not really that hidden

>> No.2092373
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Was supposed to say 'complete' not comolten... anyway this.

>> No.2092462

Tell me about this game

>> No.2092732

I haven't found too many people who know it, and those that do never seem to have any idea that it was technically a Joe & Mac game.

Yeah it's awesome though.

>> No.2092839
File: 64 KB, 399x721, Cameltry_SFC_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard there was a sequel for DS. I wonder if it was as addictive.

>> No.2092953
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Friend just introduced me to this, one of the best I've ever played.

>> No.2092954

This game, god damn literally one of my favorite games of all time.

>> No.2092991
File: 668 KB, 640x468, Uniracers_boxart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantom 2040 Isn't a SNES exclusive

Unirally/Uniracers has good reason for being a hidden gem and staying under the radar

>> No.2093023
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>> No.2093040

bathroom stalls as enemy generators


>> No.2093057

I would have to say...

Rock n' Roll Racing. Maybe not hidden but whatever.

>> No.2093085

Because terrorists are shit, of course.

>> No.2093106

>rock'n'roll racing

Come the fuck on

>> No.2093118

>two schwarzeneggers on one box

can't go wrong

>> No.2093430


I have the Genesis version. Love that game.

>> No.2093443

Not sure if it counts as hidden, but Demon's Crest was based as fuck.

>> No.2093448
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Rock'n'Roll racing isn't even that good imo

But in the same genre, Biker Mice From Mars is THE hidden gem.
That boost system when playing as Vinnie and Modo... so good

>> No.2093452

>dat moonwalk at the start

>> No.2093458

I had this 'A-Z of Super Nintendo' magazine special form Super Pro back in the day and they really raved about this game. Never did play it though. Always wanted to.

>> No.2093517

Modo was completely overpowered though, his rush dealt two damage compared to everyone else's one and it can serve as a speed boost as well

>> No.2093837

This. Loved the parts you could buy.

>> No.2093880
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JRPG fans should give a try to Emerald Dragon, it's a really good RPG with an original story and unique battle system. The Super Famicom version might not be the best version, but it's the only release with an english patch.

>> No.2094602

I had the cartridge once, but I was a turbofaggot back then and I returned it because it didn't have the simcity mode

>> No.2097045

secret of evermore

>> No.2097054

That's what I thought at first, but trust me, Vinnie is just as overpowered as Modo if not more. The difference is that Vinnie's turbo system takes more skill than Modo, so you need more skill to reach the same level of speed, so I guess that'd make Modo a bit more overpowered indeed.

>> No.2097086
File: 223 KB, 256x461, Majyuo_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure it's hidden but, Majyūō/King of Demons.

It's a Super Famicon import, think Contra meets Castlevania with some added edginess. http://youtu.be/vD9A4HbmbuE

>> No.2097121

>dat character portrait
Mario looks like he's seen some shit.
All dem years stomping on turtles and ambulatory mushrooms and fighting talking, fire-breathing magic lizards that inexplicably have eyebrows and hair didn't faze him. What could have fucked his day up so bad that he'd wind up looking like a a disgruntled war vet?

>> No.2097803

>Phantom 2040 Isn't a SNES exclusive
but the SNES version was better than the Genesis version
the extra buttons were helpful

>> No.2097874

>no you're wrong. you're right.

>> No.2098052
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>loved Uniracers when it came out
>Pixar killed the franchise out of sheer ignorance and greed

>> No.2098152


Hards as balls, that fucking game.

>> No.2098216

>ljn making a good movie based game

>> No.2098223

Beam Software made it, actually.

>> No.2098225
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7th Saga
Hard as fuck without grinding though.

>> No.2098232

JP version's not so bad.

>> No.2098234

was Demolition Man on the SNES? The Genesis version was great!

>> No.2098251
File: 22 KB, 256x224, EVO_Search_For_Eden_SNES_ScreenShot4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love E.V.O., it has some issues and isn't the most polished game, but the idea is neat as fuck and really original for its time. The evolution system is impressive in how the player characters look changes with every upgrade, making the number of possible looks staggering. In practice it wasn't anything else but a simple stats increase level up system, though.
The concept of the game always appealed to me. I've always been very interested in prehistoric times and the early history of the Earth, so when I found out a game like this existed, I just had to play it.

It's a sidescrolling action-RPG in which you play a creature on Earth who has to make its way through various levels, defeat enemies, and adapt to its surroundings by evolving. Instead of leveling up your character, you're prompted with a menu where you can upgrade various aspect of the creatures body. So basically, you start as a fish, and then become and amfibian, a lizard and so on until you finally end up as a human. You go through a bunch of timeskips that all represent times of the Earth's history, so in the introduction it's all ocean, but later on you're a dinosaur walking around eating other dinosaurs.
It's cool as fuck, play it.

>> No.2098272

pllayed this game as a kid...

fuck, what a weird game...however, an impressive atmosphee for such a shovelware...at least forth first stages,

If you could change the hero from that nigger to a sorceror or archer or shit like that, and adapt the plot accordingly, this game coulda been awesome...

X then Y in the baskets was the shit though...

>> No.2098274


god, what a hard mothefucker...at least for me at 10 years old...

>> No.2098280

>Vinnie finishes first and modo fucks everybody up, the game.

Seriously..Vinnie is ridiculous. I finished this game on the hardest setting and it was a cake...that jump+boost broke the game.

>> No.2098285

God, I loved EVO, played the first time in a emulator as soon as I discovered what the fuck was a zsnes.

The game should reward you more if you want to be a 'pacificist' animal and pick adptations that don't necesseraly increase your attack (like, being able to interact with the enviroment with some evolutions)...because frankly, all you need to break the game is 'tyranossaurus jaws'...

>> No.2098303

Theres a few of these.
If you become a Pteryodactyl you can avoid a lot of stuff by flying over it.

If you evolve into being more of like a horse animal you get massive kick power ups in the ice age and you can wreck the yeti that way

>> No.2098367
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>The concept of the game always appealed to me. I've always been very interested in prehistoric times and the early history of the Earth, so when I found out a game like this existed, I just had to play it.

Yeah, same here.

When I was 4 or 5 years old I was very into prehistoric stuff (this was before Jurassic Park even came out) and would visit the local museum weekly just to see the prehistoric/dinosaur fossils.

There was also a TV series called "Once upon a time... man" which was about mankind's story, but the first episode was about the beginning of Earth and the first plants/animals and of course dinosaurs.


When I played E.V.O., it made me remember that show heavily.

I played it recently through emulation though, and it made me wish I had played this when I was a little kid, it would have blown my mind completely away, would have been probably my favorite game ever, since games with dinosaurs weren't really that good, usually, unless you count dino buddies like Yoshi or the ones from Adventure Island, I guess.

>> No.2098652

You're wrong in the sense that Vinnie is even faster. You're right in the sense that Modo's optimum speed takes less skill to reach than Vinnie's, so in terms of speed Vinnie is the most OP, but in terms of balance between skill-required and speed, Modo is the most OP

>> No.2099143

Just picked this up thanks to your recommendation OP. Very impressed so far!

>> No.2099268

I at least have never heard of it, I can admit. Looks cool.

>> No.2099732

Swat Cats. It's a platform game with things from Metroidvania and Mega Man. Also the jet stages are hard as fuck and overall the games is pretty fun.

Also Jurassic Park 2, Batman TAS, Toy Story and Pitfall are great platformers too.

>> No.2100087

Holy shit that video got dark at the end, fast.

>> No.2100142

That's my favorite, I even want to make an Android version of this and the original.

>> No.2102816

Some brilliant autist made a no-damage playthrough on Hard. This is what makes the internet great.


>> No.2102819

>Using tool-assisted methods
oh, what a shame

>> No.2102834

He said SNES

>> No.2102851

Top Gear 2

>> No.2102865

>top gear 2
>hidden gem
a thousand lels

>> No.2102909

no it's not. even a game of average skill should have no problem beating it in a couple hours.

>> No.2102912

*gamer, not game

>> No.2103872

i want you to identify my gem

>> No.2104872
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really gotta thank u for this one

not to sound gross but ive been sick on the toilet and i just threw this on my phone emulator

looking forward to seeing what this game is all about

watched a couple 'hidden gems on snes" things and i think EVO was only on one or two of the lists. Any more suggestions?

thanks again

>> No.2104875
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i enjoyed this video way too much

>> No.2105303
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never played it before

>> No.2107292

Super Adventure Island 1 and 2

>> No.2107326


>> No.2107331

>SWAT Kats

that fucking soundtrack, tho

>> No.2107441

Not all that interested from brief <10 minute tests on parts 1 through 3

>The Great Battle IV
Holy shit this is sweet. Aside from a brief PTSD flashback to rocket knight adventures requiring a quick trip to gamefaqs for the explanation/movelist. Thanks internet.

>> No.2109446
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>Uncle Furry's

>> No.2109487
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this hit me right in the feels, i loved this game as a kid. thanks anon.

>> No.2109576

You're welcome!

I am a massive nerd for the Turrican series. I've owned all of them in some fashion. (Except Super Turrican 2)

>> No.2109586

>Beam Software
They made the BTTF NES games, too.

>> No.2109597

Mega is the best imo, what one do you like best? I think apart from the slow alien level everything else in mega turrican is too perfect. Combine super and mega though would be the best, I did miss the electrowhip in mega turrican. The bombs were okay enough replacement for the powerlines

>> No.2109607
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My favourite is the original Turrican for the Atari ST (sadly the Genesis version is a really butchered port), with Turrican 2 a really close second.

Of the console versions, I like the level design of Super Turrican more, but the feel of Mega Turrican a bit more.

>> No.2109776

The Goonies II for NES? There's an old lady in the intro who moves her eyebrows weird:

>> No.2112084



Only released in Europe

>> No.2112659

Good game but no compare to RRR

>> No.2112693

This game is great, I really recommend it.

Also pretty much any game published by Enix that wasn't an Actraiser, Soul Blazer or Dragon Quest game are hidden gems