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2083960 No.2083960 [Reply] [Original]

Just started playing Majora's Mask for the first time. My biggest complaint so far is that it's really unclear what the game does and doesn't remember when you go back in time.

Close to the end of the swamp dungeon, I ran out of time and had to return to the past again... and now it seems like I have to replay the whole dungeon? Is this seriously the way this game works? I barely have the patience for once through a Zelda dungeon nevermind twice.

tldr; I'm pissy

>> No.2083963


>> No.2083968

When traveling back in time, Link loses all Rupees, quantities of items (although not the items themselves; e.g. arrows but not the bow, etc.), dungeon progress (dungeon maps, compasses, etc. unless, of course, the dungeon is completed) and most interactions with others (except for his fairy, Tatl, and a few other exceptions).

Did you talk to the Scarecrow in the shop at west clock town? On the dawn of the first day play the song of time backwards to slow the flow of time. Manage your time correctly.

>> No.2083972

All the dungeons except the stone tower are hella short m8.

>> No.2083989

this, you should be able to almost get through the first two dungeons on slowed time.

>> No.2084007

when you finish any of the dungeons you learn a song that you can play to bypass the entire dungeon and go straight to the boss again.

the powerup you get for finding all the parts of the fairy in the first dungeon is definitely worth it. the others not so much.

>> No.2084009

You can save your rupees in a bank in Clock Town.

>> No.2084041


thank you for the tips, kind anons

>> No.2084557

I can never decide if I love or hate the stone tower temple. In a way its my favourite part of any zelda game, but in others its the most tedious part of any zelda game...

>> No.2084571

I hated the time aspect of the game,and i found it extremely confusing what to do at first,like the very first part your supposed to go somewhere and i couldn't find it,then i ran out of time,think i spent like 9 days before i checked a map on gamefaqs,after that i started making good progress but then i just lost interest

>> No.2084601

I loved the parts leading up to it. The temple itself is meh.

>> No.2084606


1. Wait for the 3DS port.

2. There's a song that slows time by half. Look it up. This will help you a lot.

3. Plan ahead. Do a dungeon in one go.

>> No.2084631
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I like the temple, it has great atmosphere, design and music, but the boss kinda sucks. All the minibosses were good tho. Its just so vast and confusing the first time you attempt it that it takes at least a couple of attempts/time cycles to complete.

I also really liked Great Bay Temple and the whole game in general though, so maybe I'm just a fanboy.

>> No.2084749


Once you get the Goron mask in Snowhead, the game is a lot easier especially when trying to get travel faster (besides using the owl statues). When you are using your Goron roll in Termina field, you will easily a lot of ruppees, magic, and ammo for your weapons in no time. It's good when you need to stock up. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, before you turn back time, warp back to Town and find the banker and give him all the ruppees you have. The ruppees will stay at the bank regardless of whether you turned back time. This will come in handy for quests and shit.

>> No.2084893

i wanna add theres a bird that flies around outside lon lon ranch. if you kill it as soon as you go back in time you get 200 rupees every time.

>> No.2085686

Only ever played up to the first dungeon of this back in the '90s. Never bought it, for some reason (only rented several times).

Just got a 3DS, planning on waiting for the remake.

>> No.2085692

probably not on the first playthrough

>> No.2085775

Just to be clear - is there no way to get a fourth bottle before Pirate Fortress, aside from unintended skips that are probably 2hard4me?

>> No.2085913

>My biggest complaint so far is that it's really unclear what the game does and doesn't remember when you go back in time.

I started playing this recently but I'm going at a really slow pace. I was so pissed when I found out it didn't remember my fairies I collected in the first dungeon and that I have to redo bosses. However there are teleporters to the bosses.

If you're talking about the whole dungeon, do you actually slow down time when you play? It helps a lot. Also you should automatically reset time to the beginning before each dungeon.

It's kind of like a timer like in Mario games, or any game really. But it's more realistic. Running out of time is preventable though. Its why they sell bombs/arrows in shops.

>> No.2085915

>when you finish any of the dungeons you learn a song that you can play to bypass the entire dungeon and go straight to the boss again.

What song is this?

>> No.2085916

Also when you get the bunny hood there's a 100 rupee treasure chest right there in clock town. If you hop around on buildings you couldn't get to because your jumping was too short you should be able to find it easily.

>> No.2085945

I'm having a vague, half-remembered feeling that there are two hundred-rupee chests in clock town, but i could definitely be wrong

>> No.2085951

not lon lon ranch, whatever the ranch was called... romani?

>> No.2085957

There isn't one, anon was confused. Its actually just a teleporter to the boss room that appears when you return to the dungeon after completing it.

>> No.2086063


Stone Tower is really well designed and the reversing aspect is incredibly cool IMO, but I find the atmosphere a bit..meh. My favorite temple in the game is pretty easily Snowhead.

Snowhead>Stone Tower>Great Bay>Woodfall

>> No.2086209

You'd have to really suck if you start a dungeon at 6 AM the first day and can't beat it within three days on slowed time.

You did start on the first day and slowed down time, didn't you?

>> No.2086278

>Playing Majora's Mask in the 90s.
Did you play the Song of Time?

>> No.2086289

Have you learned the inverted song of time yet?

>> No.2086327

Early 2000's. Same thing.

>> No.2086382

The game flow is supposed to be
1. Spend a three day cycle learning how to get to the dungeon/getting to the dungeon
2. Spend a three day cycle inside the dungeon and find the treasure inside
3. Spend a three day cycle to complete the dungeon now that you can easily make your way through with the new item.


Get the slow time song:
Spend a three day cycle doing the quests to get into a dungeon
Spend a three day cycle completing the dungeon

>> No.2086512
File: 66 KB, 286x260, 286px-Ocarina_of_Time_Gold_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majoras mask was a cunt and sold on name brand alone.
>retarded story
>even more annoying navi
>worst characters, FUCKING TINGLE
>retarded time mechanic
>clock town fetch quests and DIARY fucking DIARY
>masks mechanic
this was bad in OOT, but just a side quest filler made it fun and acceptable, the whole focus of masks in this game is stupid and annoying, it deviates too far from what made OOT great, dungeons, princess, bosses and LINK.
the mask man, skull kid and majora is just too fucking far out acid trip.
Did I mention the moon? nigger are you high ?
deku scrub flower poppin stupidity
goron rolling retardedness
zora swimming bonk everything

miyamoto gave them too much free rein and they took what could have been an amazing sequel to OOT and managed to shit out some stand alone what the fuck is gong on retarded pile of shit.
Take away the zelda name, and link clothes and this would have stood shoulder to shoulder with all the other fail heap of shit games the N64 is infamous for, its superman tier.

good music? yeah the clock town theme and battle track, no catchy ocarina melodies, oh?


>> No.2086515
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[...] cont

The convoluted dungeons and annoying side quest like that fucking crying baby or the fish egg tanks.
even 100% speed runs cant be optimised because of so much back and fourth.

UFOs? what the fuck is that in my zelda for?
popular culture alien anal probes southpark lolololol!
FAIRY MASK LOL! cant forget this shit, cross dressing is fun! did I mention you have to catch all the fairies !
100 gold skultullas was cool in OOT right?


I dont hate this game, but I hate the fact they ruined the opportunity to make a good OOT sequel, this is not zelda, this is a piece of shit mask and dress up game where I need to make a diary to serve and keep people happy while I try to get my horse back but the ominous moon.

This whole shit game could have been avoided if miyamoto gave direction and we wer'nt a little faggot and KEPT OUR GOD DAMN FUCKING HORSE AND RODE IT PAST THIS SHITTY TOWN WITH A WEIRD PEDO MASK MAN, NO I DONT WANT A FUCKING MASK FUCK OFF.


>> No.2086527
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>Skim thread
>See post of guy who clearly didn't enjoy the game

I'm just not even going to bother reading this shit.
Why the fuck would I want to listen to someone who doesn't even like the game whine about it.

Go away.

>> No.2086624

>PUT SOME STUPID OWLS IN, THAT MAKES SENSE, KIDS LIKE OWLS, no nigger thats the illuminati.
I've always liked this part.

>> No.2086626

Pretty sure most players can complete the dungeons in one cycle.

>> No.2086635

ebin :^)

>> No.2086694

yeah, I've got it now, making things way fucking easier to fit in

>> No.2087381


This guy has been consistently shitposting in every MM thread in the same SammyClassicSonicFan style, and I'm genuinely curious as to whether it's a persistent troll or an actual retard.

>> No.2087706

>same as 2000's

Not at all you fucking retard.

>> No.2087742

The 2000's didn't become the 2000's until the mid-2000's, don't you know how culture works?

>> No.2087759

You can steal that Goron's hotel room and take 100 rupees from the chest in there

>> No.2088206

>needing 3 days to beat a dungeon

>> No.2088209

I felt terrible after doing that, the guy ends up sleeping on a bench outside.

>> No.2088226

I like you,

>> No.2088262

You can get all six.
>Obligatory one in the swamp
>Winning the Goron race
>Stopping the aliens
>Helping Dampe on the graveyard
>Beating the Beaver brothers.
>Anju and Kafei quest

First 3 are easy. The Dampe one requires the Captains hat, which you can obtain before entering the Pirate Fortress.
You will need the hookshot to get to the Beaver Brother's place, and for the Anju and Kafei quest.

>> No.2088348 [DELETED] 

Literally the worst Zelda ever.

>> No.2088353 [DELETED] 

Literally the worst post ever.

>> No.2088360 [DELETED] 

Literally the most butthurt response ever.

>> No.2088370 [DELETED] 



>> No.2088446


Oh no, far from it.

Zelda II is a pain on the ass, dude. Not bad eh, but maybe the less good (sic)

>> No.2088762
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>all this sub-/v/ level shitposting

Friendly reminder that, yes, there is a report function, and that you can, in fact, use it.

>> No.2089453

Damn there's a lot of fucking about and fetch questing in this game, leave nintendo to find novel ways to avoid gameplay.

I swear this shit wasn't as bad in ocarina.

>> No.2089456

I don't understand why people like stone tower, just as much as I don't understand why people hate great bay.

>> No.2089461


both are equally shitty

>> No.2089614

fucking hell

zelda, believe it or not, is an action/ADVENTURE series. Majora's does a better job at actually being an adventure game with memorable characters and character-based quests than any other zelda game ever did. It also has better graphics and gameplay than OOT

if you can't appreciate MM for having depth then you're retarded

>> No.2089875
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Stone Tower has a unique atmosphere with a catchy theme, an interesting aesthetic that really adds to an air of mystery, and has a rather unique overarching puzzle with being able to flip the entire temple upside-down, which is in of itself an interesting concept. Of course it also makes repetitive use of the Elegy of Emptiness, which can be very tedious, and the fact that the player has to keep in mind both the right side up and upside down versions of the temple means the temple is very confusing to navigate fully.

The Great Bay Temple has a similarly unique atmosphere and setting (a mechanical pumping station is unheard of in Zelda in general), and it makes use of the Zora Mask, which makes traversing water both fast-paced, intuitive, and actually fun (I'm actually shocked a 3D Zelda game managed to pull this off, really, the Zora Mask is so well-designed I've yet to see another game pull off water controls as excellently). On the other hand, it has a really lame, unimaginative boss fight, and like the Stone Tower's inverting mechanic, the dungeon's mechanic of changing the direction of the water flow can confuse and irritate some.

Personally, I love both temples, but I can easily see why other people would hate them.

>> No.2090685

I was 9 when this game came out and understood where to go just fine, you just suck at video games apparently

>> No.2091234

>You can get all six.
>You will need the hookshot to get to the Beaver Brother's place, and for the Anju and Kafei quest.
You can't get the hookshot before you do the Zora eggs, though.

>> No.2091241

People like presentation and concepts more than actual level design. Nothing new.

>> No.2091291

I always liked the theming of that.
The banker just assumes that since you have the stamp you must have deposited the money but since that money doesn't exist any more, you're sort of stealing.

>> No.2091301

If you get a bow, you keep it, but all your arrows are lost.

Spending any amount of time thinking about how the time travel works is a total waste.

>> No.2091346

and theres the 100 in Anjus room on the 3rd night.

>> No.2091476

There really should've been a pawn shop or armory or something where you could deposit (or sell, maybe) your supplies, and get them back in the next cycle.
Having direct access to your money but not your other shit was a bit inconsequent.

>> No.2092414


The 2000s started in 1999 with The Matrix.


>> No.2093985

You get it before the eggs, in the same area.

Also it's worth noting that since there are seven eggs, you will HAVE to make two trips (even with six bottles) so it's not worth getting more than four bottles.

>> No.2094134

Holy shit do they still sell that statue anywhere or is it over9000 on ebay now.

>> No.2094147

>Spending any amount of time thinking about how the time travel works is a total waste. Anonymous 11/27/14(Thu)09:57:21 No.2091346 >>2087759
>and theres the 100 in Anjus room on the 3rd night.

Well you see the items fall when you travel back in time, and you don't see the bow...so it does make sense sort of...

>> No.2094160

ITT: OP doesn't know how fucking time travel works

>> No.2094435

Sorry, I somehow thought you got the hookshot in the Great Bay Temple.

>> No.2096216

>Wanting vidya figurines for display in your home.

>> No.2096256

The music in this game is so fucking good, all of it.
The astral observatory may be my favorite but I'm not linking it because everyone already likes that one the most.

>> No.2096263

Nah, The Matrix is actually kind of tame with its being a not-so-subtle live action Ghost in the Shell ripoff. It went full retard in 2004 with Reloaded, though.

>> No.2096640

>>even more annoying navi
yet again, only /v/ kids ever thought Navi was annoying. it's a meme they made in 2009.
>>worst characters, FUCKING TINGLE
Tingle is great dude

>> No.2096641

Your opinions are dumb and wrong

>> No.2096782 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2096792

Tingle seems to be a stereotypical Zelda fan.

>> No.2096826

More like a GameFAQs meme made in 2001.

>> No.2096843
File: 64 KB, 640x480, reggieshrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Close to the end of the swamp dungeon, I ran out of time and had to return to the past again...

Dude Play song of inverted time

>> No.2098794

>but the boss kinda sucks
Holy shit this, why does everyone hope that Gyorg is the boss that changes in the 3ds version and not Twinmold which pretty much doesn't even attempt to fight you.

>> No.2098868

i don't care what anyone says. this game gives me a boner and i love it and its the best atmosphere and I'm a fucking fanboy faggot. i love the shit out of this bullshit. i eat it the fuck up.

the masks are so fucking good, i beat the whole game with just the bunnyhood a few times, just because. i love it, fuck.

I love the stupid ghost bullshit with the samurai ghost faggot. that shit is so fucking good, FUCK oh my god. i wanna play that shit, but I'm waiting for the 3ds version. i might emulate it once so i have a refresher before i speed run the 3ds version and spoil any additions. f u m8

>> No.2099093

>people who will wait for the 3DS version
>playing a remake before playing the original
you people are disgusting

>> No.2099110

When I was a kid reading Nintendo Official Magazine (UK), they always used to say how Gyorg is the hardest boss in the whole series. It really isn't, but it seems like it is if you don't fight it properly (i.e stand on the platform waiting for it to jump at you)

but yeah Twinmold a shit, the graphics look like shit when you use the giant's mask, why bother making a boss really huge in a 3D game if the only way to beat it is to get really huge thus making it look small..? Nintendo could've had a Shadow of The Colossus esque fight 5 years before SoTC but they ruined it.

>> No.2099185
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>> No.2099393

>but yeah Twinmold a shit, the graphics look like shit when you use the giant's mask, why bother making a boss really huge in a 3D game if the only way to beat it is to get really huge thus making it look small..? Nintendo could've had a Shadow of The Colossus esque fight 5 years before SoTC but they ruined it.
Damn, never thought about that, but the boss would've definitely have been way fucking cooler if you had to take one literal giants as a small ant.

Would've given even better themes and shit also.

>> No.2099414

>TFW want to talk about symbolism and shit in Majora's Mask with people.
>All they will talk about is the Zelda timeline, at tops the overrun "Link is dead" thing.

>> No.2099415

It is actually doable, but damn if it doesn't look tedious:

also like other anon said, the boss does nothing at all to actually fight you. its just like fighting 2 giant volvagia without any danger of getting hit at all. Definitely the lamest 3D zelda boss ever.

>> No.2099424

The Twinmold battle would've been great if you could use the mask outside that battle.
Atleast somewhere else in the game.

>> No.2099427


I love it, I love the music, I love the mechanic.

>> No.2099434
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>Dubstep remix

>> No.2099435

I seriously hope Nintendo adds a harder difficulty mode in the remake. Like Master Quest in OOT3D but with only minor changes to temples, because MM's temples are so well designed.

It needs it, at least for me, because although I love the game to pieces, that final boss' potential is so wasted. It needs more 'hit points' and to do more damage. It would be an amazing fight if the final form could fuck you over in a few hits.

>> No.2099436

I kinda wish I played it the first way, I used the inverted song of time and at no point felt hurried or rushed, which took some of the air out of the whole experience.

I have a playthrough where I beat a dungeon up to the item, told the area to fuck off, went back in time, used the item to get to the second dungeon, get that item, etc etc.

It was fun, felt like I was telling Termina to go fuck itself I just want the loot. "Fire arrows, yes! Sorry Deku chick, you're screwed"

>> No.2099439


Better than MM's actual fan theory community which thinks Stone Tower is a giant penis or something else hilariously gay

>> No.2099443

Would be interesting to do this and beat the dungeons in reverse order.

>> No.2099525

Care to elaborate anon? I've never heard this and I can't find any theories on it.

>> No.2099569


Haven't read it in quite a few years but it's something about the Stone Tower Temple was built to reach the gods in heaven, they got annoyed and flipped it upside down so they built a staircase to hell.

>> No.2099572

Every time I try to Play this game again, I always end up trying to speed run it and get frustrated when I lose too much progress during to resetting time.

Still I loved the way they used time resetting to justify NPC's very strict routines. I kind of wish other games had used this system, like Elder Scrolls.

>> No.2100038

That's what I love about the game. You can build up theories that take each detail of the game into account and actually make sense, yet they remain theories. So many parts of the game leave me with this feeling "why did the developers put it exactly like that, what's the meaning behind it".
A good example is the moon. Inside the moon there is a... green field and a tree with kids playing?! Much metaphors, such deep thoughts.

>> No.2101005

I was more looking for the fan theory that this tower is "literally a penis".

>> No.2101598

Just shoot them with arrows. Done.

>> No.2101660

If everything resets how are you supposed to get 100%?

>> No.2101702

100% is usually all masks, which in turn means all side quests have been completed. You keep masks and other rewards even after the time jumps, so *technically* the sidequests aren't all "done" in a 100% run when you finish, but you have all of the rewards.

>> No.2101715

I got to the boss of the second temple but ran out of time fighting it, sorry I don't have the patience for this, that's a really REALLY dumb mechanic and I'm not replaying the whole dungeon just cuase I ran out of time.

I'm done

>> No.2101719

>running out of time
Either you didn't go back in time right before starting the dungeon (in which case quit being a dumbass) or you're fucking awful at the game (in which case quit being a bitch and gitgud)

>> No.2101727

If I rewind time I lose all the stuff I got, that's fucking stupid and an awful mechanic.

>> No.2101730

Oh no, you have to pull a few rupees out of the bank to buy some arrows. Quit being a faggot.

>> No.2101824

I agree the time mechanic serves absolutely no purpose in the dungeons, but when in Clocktown, it's absolutely vital for the plot.
Nintendo really should've made it so the clock was utilized inside the dungeons too, only case I can remember where it was actually used was that the mirror shield only worked in daylight. As is, the game feels really disjointed, like you're playing two different games between dungeons and the overworld.

>> No.2101832
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The worst is when you beat that boss, win the Goron races, BUT have to do it all over again to actually use the prize. That one irked me.

>> No.2102085

Late reply, but if you're precise you're able to get that rupee through roll jumping on the targets

>> No.2102089

>lose all your stuff
You mean bombs, arrows and other shitty pick up items that you can get from cutting bushes?

>> No.2102110

The OP's problem would be solved easily if he had known about the song of inverted time. It makes time go by so slowly that actually running out of time in the dungeons becomes next to impossible.

>> No.2103026

the moment I realised that was the precise moment I put the controller down and went to find something else to play

>> No.2103031 [DELETED] 

Majora's Mask sucks.

>> No.2103047

who gives a shit, either use savestates or stop sucking at a fucking 3D zelda, how scrub are you?

>> No.2103445
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You only lose consumables, like rupees, bombs and arrows, which are all easy to find anyway. There are tons of purple rupee chests scattered all over Termina Field in caves, and that huge enemy bird monster that flies around the entrance to Milk Road will give you an orange (200) rupee if you kill it with arrows. There is also a really easy silver (100) rupee to get in the Clock Town sewers. When you pass that little Bombers kid who guards the sewer entrance, turn left and head down that water stream, and get to that alcove at the end to the left. If you bomb the wall there, there should be a chest with a silver rupee in it.

Also it goes without saying you should be using the bank to deposit cash before the end of each cycle.

As for arrows and bombs, just roll around Termina Field as a Goron and slice up the bushes for items, you should be able to refill your entire inventory in less than a minute. And if even that is too much for you, there's the little store in Clock Town that sells all that stuff anyway.

>> No.2103769


You just teleport to Snowhead, use the teleporter in the first room of the dungeon that brings you to the boss, kill him quickly and you're gtg. It's not that hard, but it is a bit of a pain in the ass. Doesn't seem like it was thought out very well.

>> No.2103832

I like to assume that by defeating Majora those people are helped by default since his curses are broken or whatever

>> No.2104197

>we wanted mario to be linear and zelda to be non linear
>we wanted to make a direct sequel to ocarina of time where we got to explore a fairly large map and got in depth with the characters, as well as employing several gameplay mechanics and sidequests which we couldn't include in the final cut for ocarina of time

i understand your dislike, but you have to understand where the developers wanted ths game to head.

also the DS Games are much worse, so stop complaining

>lmao kids love trains right XD

>> No.2104204

>on a bench
lel no he slept on the ground

>i felt terrible
this is exactly what the developers wanted to get out of this game, emotion and nvolvement

this guy seems to not get that

>> No.2104229

i actually thought the last boss was pretty cool. i mean you already spent so much time battling here and there, spent a whole month getting though ikana canyon alone (tfw 9 years old at the time) and you finally reach the boss

tbh as a 9 year old the last thing i wanted was a hard boss, if they had given me Queen Gohma again i'd have been happy as fuck. i also like how they set you up with the whole 'enjoy being gigantic for the only time ever' and then make majora impossibly hard

[spoiler/] Well if you bothered to get all the masks majora is easy af anyway [/spoiler]

>> No.2105272

The curses only affected the general areas, there's still shit going down on a smaller scale.
The cows on the farm will still get abducted by aliens, the monkey in the swamp will probably get killed, the zora eggs are still at the pirate base, etc.

>> No.2105275

>impossibly hard

>> No.2105301
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>not-so-subtle live action Ghost in the Shell ripoff.
Try The Invisibles.

>> No.2105874

I watched a video where a guy fought Majora using ONLY sword and shield. It was far from 'impossibly hard' but it certainly prolonged the battle and revealed that Majora's Wrath actually had some pretty devastating attacks, i.e. being able to grab and throw Link repeatedly over and over,kicking Link away when he gets close and spawning 3 spinning tops that dance around the arena before exploding.

Those are all things I never even saw when I beat the game, because being Fierce Deity Link makes the fight with Wrath last about 10 seconds. Even using arrows and Zora mask make it pretty damn easy. Majora's Wrath is a really original design, its whips are really well animated and it just looks scary as fuck, but it poses no threat whatsoever unless you're doing a 3-heart run or something. Such wasted potential.

>> No.2106401

A fun challenge I like to do once I've done everything else is see how much of the world I can help out in a single 3-day cycle.

It helps if you've already fought Majora once since you can use the Fierce Deity Mask against Odalwa and Gyorg (and technically Goht and Twinmold, but they're really hard to hit with the sword-beams so it's easier to fight them the normal way)

>> No.2106568
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>Majora's Wrath is a really original design, its whips are really well animated and it just looks scary as fuck,

I still find the whips to be impressive visually speaking to this day. The way they drag across the ground and flop around in the air is very natural looking, and it's odd I haven't seen similar effects done in more recent games.

>> No.2108910

i realized playing through majoras mask this week that the game basically overpowered every item

>goht was easy as cheese, srsly rollng was fun as fuck, not challenging really other than bumping into rocks
>gilded sword takes 10 extra minutes to get and it makes every enemy seem like a joke
>15 fairies in stone tower temple aren't even out of your way, so getting the fairy's sword is pretty much a given and makes the cave of ordeals or whatever very easy as well
>chateau romani. nuff said
>fierce diety mask took me ~2 minutes to get thru all three stages of majoras mask