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File: 911 KB, 960x600, daggerfall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2084520 No.2084520 [Reply] [Original]

Hi fellow /vr/ brethren

So, my life is pretty meaningless and I have no obligations or responsibilities at all. I've made the choice to withdraw myself from the real world and immerse myself fully in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.

I've always found that game cozy as fuck, and I love the idea that I can do whatever I want and travel wherever I wish in the game.

So my request is this: Share you fondest Daggerfall memories (or any other retro crpg) so I can carry them with me when I begin my journey in Tamriel.

>> No.2084665

>Share you fondest Daggerfall memories
when I uninstalled it

>> No.2084819

I don't have any nostalgic feelings for it as I only really got into it last year

But it's a fun game

>> No.2085049

daggerfall is best in series, i have like 1000 hours in it

timed quests with timed travel was so beautiful

>> No.2085104

dead of winter, nowhere to go, nothing to do, 40 degrees outside my window, the sky as black as pitch, with my coffee keeping me warm

It's either daggerfall or dwarf fortress

>> No.2085128

my love goes out to you. Daggerfall is a great game and Bethesda fucked it up with the mmo verison.

>> No.2085146

When is DaggerXL going to be finished.

>> No.2085162

The MMO has nothing to do with the mainline games and was made by a different development team. It means little.

probably never

>> No.2085208 [DELETED] 
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Texas Hotel Records was an independent record label based in Santa Monica, California, which released records by singer-songwriter Vic Chesnutt, Henry Rollins and the Rollins Band from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s.

>> No.2085232

>That dragon

I thought they removed that. What?

>> No.2085542

Fixing the prostitute mod when?

>> No.2085565

1000 hours? Impressive dude. I always liked to get on top of a horse and riding around for days, exploring. No, not in-game days, real life days.

>> No.2085567

I dont think so no. It's the contact in the quest "The Daedric Book"


>> No.2085572
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OP here. That's what I mean! I live in northern Europe where it's pretty much always freezing, but now especially so.

I think it's time to heat up the coffee, get my blanket and break out the Daggerfall box.

>> No.2085589

>to this day, nobody has made an RPG as sprawling and ambitious

>> No.2085592

And when they re-introduced some of the material from Daggerfall (randomized infinite quests), they presented it as brand new.

The only thing with the size and scope is probably Dwarf Fortress's adventure mode, but that's only got the big world part down.

>> No.2085752

Exactly. It's as close to a tabletop rpg as you can get. You're not forced to follow any quests, and can pretty much just wander around the world, influence the political system or whatever you want.

>> No.2085923

It took me a long time to figure out how to do basic things (got stuck on the character creation screen until I googled the issue and found out that you're supposed to click the little triangles next to stats in order to allocate experience points) but then I sort-of got into it.

The gameplay's a little confusing to an Oblivion babby, though. Is there any incentive to going into a bunch of houses to explore, or is it basically the same stuff after you've explored a handful?

Shockingly, I succeeded in the first quest when the person I was supposed to rescue was in like the 1st or 2nd room of a dungeon. that was good, since I spent like 20 min looking around that room and couldn't figure out how to advance any further into the dungeon. I figured there was some semi-obvious gameplay mechanic that I was missing but couldn't be sure.

I got pretty far into another dungeon and would occasionally stand in an out-of-the-way corner to wait/heal, but then a super high level monster appeared when I came out of rest and killed the shit outta me. But I think I'll restart anyway because I created a shit character and didn't realize that you have to begin with strong magic stats in order to join the mage's guild or acquire any magic.

>> No.2086097

Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm taking a brake from the game right now, to prepare some food.

Sure, the game is extremely unforgiving and not rookie friendly at all. Also, it's valuable and almost necessary to have the 96 page manual at hand, to get a decent explanation on many of the elements in the game. Bethesda have made a scanned copy available online if you need it:

It should give you an overview of the mechanics of the game.

>> No.2086114


They removed a 3D dragon that was going to be made of texture-mapped polygons; that's just a regular sprite character in the screenshot.

>> No.2086126

It's hard as shit and I love it. I fail a lot of quests just because I run out of time getting lost in a dungeon.

Anyways, here's my experience with it.

>be fanatic Morrowind player
>never really wonder about earlier games in the series
>see Bethesda released Daggerfall for free, figure why not try it
>4 hours of figuring out DOSBox later and I'm finally playing the game
>Make a character, not really sure what I'm doing
>game starts in this dark-ass cave
>"oooo 2spoopy how will I ever make it"
>getting close to the exit
>A literal fucking bear roar plays right next to my ear
>frantically look around
>literally a fucking real grizzly bear

>> No.2086129

You know how in the dungeons you'll occasionally find women tied up? It always bothered me that you couldn't interact with them.

Also, I like how they couldn't be bothered to finish the tutorial after the first dungeon.

>> No.2086205

Ha! I had a similar experience when I first started out. It's creepy as fuck in certain places not to mention the endless horseback rides in the snow, trying to explore some new strange and distant areas. I don't care if it's randomly generated, that shit felt real.

Luckily, some hardcore fans made an easy installable bundle with the CD-ROM version of the game, all the official patches together with some fan made fixes all bundled with a preconfigured DOSBox setup tailored specifically for Daggerfall.

>> No.2086207

Forgot the link. In case you're interested:

>> No.2086214


Yeah, I've seen that version, it's the one I use now. Using DOS was still a fun part of the experience. Besides, it was neat to see the old ads that Bethesda put in the installer.

>> No.2086219

Sure, ads always contributes to the nostalgic feel. That's why I love to break out my ancient pc that've been collecting dust in the closet for ages, just to install it the right way. Plus, the feeling of opening the plus-sized box with manuals, inlays and all that stuff just puts me right in the mood.

>> No.2086224


Definitely. I got Deus Ex complete-in-box, in pretty good condition, from a Goodwill. Felt awesome. I'm happy to play downloaded Daggerfall though, I never had a DOS computer back in the day so it's not really a point of nostalgia for me.

>> No.2086310

Does Daggerfall have sex mods? These slutty townspeople sprites are too much.

>> No.2086430

There is an MMO version of Daggerfall? LINK PLS

>> No.2086450
File: 179 KB, 1255x1210, 1364241763619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Elder Scrolls Online

>> No.2086454

I'll just leave this here:


(require Unity,press Z,shat bricks)

>> No.2086463

Well it is not really of Daggerfall, but what is wrong with it? Nobody ever even talks about it, I had thought a multiplayer Elder Scrolls game would be pretty good.

>> No.2086470

It's a bad game even by MMO standards

not worth anyone's time

>> No.2086495

I still maintain that Daggerfall is the best Elder Scrolls game, except maybe heavily-modded Morrowind.

>> No.2086508

Can I get a link to that bundle?

>> No.2086509 [DELETED] 


Look at this liar. Look at this liar and laugh.

>> No.2086528

a-anon what is this

>> No.2086530

should be all here

>> No.2086535

Those skeleton sounds scared the shit out of me. Definitely was not expecting that entering a building in a town.

>> No.2086553

It looks like someone just ported Daggerfall resources over to Unity.

Kind of neat, but not really that impressive.

>> No.2086564


Its is, its quite an impressive demo. Dungeon/city import tools, weapon and monster support but sadly no character progress though. Still its very easy tools (I don't know shit about Unity and manage to get them working)

The author of those tools will soon release a version where ALL Daggerfall map will be fully explorable.

This dude made more in 2 month than Lucius for years!

>> No.2086580

Not really. Getting the entire map explorable is like 1% of the total work needed to get a playable recreation of DF.

Any retard could do that shit. It's just useless and not a good starting point for an Engine recreation.

>> No.2086603


So any retard could write a script that fully recreate a map via streaming and player GPS?

Don't meant to be rude but man give the guy some credit jeez. Plus, he's not planning to getting Daggerfall remake(because daggerXL), but he will make the tool to do so.

>> No.2086687

so I've installed daggerfallsetup, but audio in cutscenes is choppy. anyone know how to fix it?

>> No.2086706

..How do I fight?

>> No.2086716

Same way as Daggerfall. Hold right click and move the mouse

>> No.2086720

Doesn't work in dungeons.

>> No.2086807

Z to show weapons
Right click and drag to fight
left click is to enter dungeon or house

Currently I don't think you can die actually,but you can still kill things though. There is only one dungeon and its Direnni tower (very cool dungeon)

BTW, what is your favorite man-made dungeon guys? For me, its the Mantella Crux, its such a piece of art

>> No.2086851

It worked just fine for me. Try again. I'm assuming you already did, but make sure your weapon is out.

>> No.2086857
File: 2.88 MB, 640x400, privateers_hold_fast.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that new players have trouble with dungeons in Daggerfall, but it's aggravating that most of them blame the game rather than their lack of experience.

You get some Morrowind or Skyrim fan coming along, playing Daggerfall just as a novelty. "Look at me playing an old game!" Then they get stuck in a dungeon, quit, and blame the game. Surely they could never fail, it must be the game's fault. If they just played through their failures a few times, like the manual even says to do, they'd get better and would have no trouble navigating.

Well, maybe except when the game decides to disguise levers as random candles and torches. Those switches can go fuck themselves.

>> No.2086868

This. As someone whose only experience with The Elder Scrolls was Oblivion and Skyrim, I had a tough fucking time making out of the first dungeon. I eventually made it after like 8 new characters.

The game is rough, but it's still pretty good. I really need to start playing again.

>> No.2086873

Does anyone like skyrim? It just felt like shit compared to the previous games, even oblivion with the shittiest main quest ever was still 100 times more fun. Skyrim doesn't feel like it was made by game devs it feels like it was made by robots, who were programmed to make fantasy themed video games.

>> No.2086878

It wasn't any worse than any previous Elder Scrolls game. Better than Oblivion by virtue of containing a world in which every person didn't look like some sort of horrid mutant. If Morrowind had a different soundtrack I guarantee it wouldn't have the same praise it gets.

>> No.2086893

I loved it. I've probably got a good 1000+ hours out of it on PC, easily. Then around 500 hours or so on the 360 version (my laptop at the time could only do like 15-20 fps on low at 800x600).

As far as comparing it to other Elder Scrolls games, I don't know. Each game has its own little thing I love. It'd be hard for me to pick a clear favorite.

>> No.2086920

what did you love about it? I thought it was some of the most tedious bullshit ever. The world was way too boring, like ever green trees and snow, it was like second rate real life. Oblivion might have had stupid looking npcs but at least the world had character and tons of strange things. Skyrim just feels like norseman simulator 2014.

I'm not trying to be rude the game just honestly rustles my jimmies because of all the praise it gets.

>> No.2086961

Well, the game itself is very barebones. There is no need to finish the main quest, hell you can prevent dragons from spawning just by ignoring it. It basically gives me a template to create my own adventure. The base game does get boring after a while, but then you can start installing mods. I'm also one of those people that love the snowy/forest-y feel. Wooded and snowy areas are usually my favorites in any game, so a game revolving around just that is near perfect for me.

I feel the same about all of the Elder Scrolls games. I usually finish the main quest once just to say I did it, then start a new character and make my own story up as I go. I hate to be one of those people that parrot the word, but the game is very immersive.

>Oblivion might have had stupid looking npcs
I looked past that. Sure, everyone looked like a potato, but I just played the game, mainly just exploring, like I did with Skyrim.

>> No.2086968

I guess thats my problem with skyrim, the world just sucked to me. It honestly looks like where I grew up (canadian rockies) so I'd rather just go camping or something.

>> No.2086969
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>nobody mentions OP's announcement to withdraw from reality, it's all daggerfall
i like you, /vr/.

>> No.2086975

Yeah. I live in a very temperate area, so it's nice to play something that isn't generic temperate forest medieval fantasy every once in a while.

But you know you can change that, right? There's that tropical Skyrim mod. It's pretty nice, but it adds too much foliage for my tastes. It's hard to see shit coming out of the grass to attack you.

Isn't that what we all do anyway? Everyone's got at least a few games they use to just escape.

>> No.2086981


That reminds me of one of the things that put me off originally about Oblivion, even before everything else.

I know this is a nerdy as fuck complaint, but one thing I hated about Oblivion is what they did with Cyrodiil. Cyrodiil was supposed to be a jungle. For that matter, the Cyrodiilians were supposed to be at least vaguely Roman. A sort of hybrid civilization of the Roman Empire, the Chinese Empire, and the Frankish Empire, if they developed in a jungle (which Cyrodiil was supposed to be).

So how come Cyrodiil in Oblivion was basically just Late Medieval Germany with magic instead of gunpowder?

>> No.2086991

I dont mind summer time skyrim. snow can fuck off though.

>> No.2086994

I never thought about it, but you're right. I guess it was just easier to do, fewer tree and grass variety and such. I would like to see an Elder Scrolls with a jungle. Maybe we'll get Elswyr for 6.

I guess it's all subjective, but like I said before, I don't mind the snow at all. Didn't Bethesda promise changing seasons at some point? I wish that would have happened.

Polite sage because this is getting way off topic and non-retro.

>> No.2086996

The biggest thing I hate for me in skyrim is the way character is build. Its just plain too simple for me...I miss the old Daggerfall/D&D style character creation.
In Skyrim I don't feel that I level a character that I build...It feel that I level the dragonborn and that's it.

>> No.2087005

If you really have nothing at all to do and want to withdraw from reality I'd kind of recommend you try emulating the Shadow Tower games. They're good fun.

Blame it on CHIM man, blame it on the CHIM

>> No.2087010

I live in snow like 8 months of the year, its cold, its heavy, its a fucking pain in the ass. So I have always just naturally hated snow levels in video games.

>> No.2087016

It snows maybe once or twice a year here, if at all. Even when it does, it's no more than a few inches at the most.

>> No.2087031

I got that this weekend alone :( I hate the winter but I dont really have any way to escape

>> No.2087294

It felt unresponsive to me compared to when I played the real Daggerfall. Maybe it's the weapons?

>> No.2087298

I tried Morrowind and the melee combat felt like a downgrade compared to Daggerfall's.

>> No.2087304

Maybe it's something on your end. I barely have to move the mouse for it to swing. The mouse look is definitely too floaty though.

>> No.2087374

melee starts off shit in morrowind you have instead of dying when you run out of stamina you just miss. It takes a bit to actually get good enough to hit anything consistently.

>> No.2087442

>daggerxl is taking fucking ages
>Meanwhile OpenMW is speeding along to completion
The this is why Luscious needs a team, hes way to fucking busy to work on his project and probably could do faster with a team of coders working for him.

>> No.2087445

How do I have fun in Daggerfall? I make it out to the surface but aside from doing the main quest line I have no idea what towns I should go to or what quests I should partake.
I'm basically crippled by the overwhelming freedom.

>> No.2087470


This made me want to play.

>> No.2087495

The game doesn't hold your hand at all, but that's what I find so rewarding about it. It feels like an rpg should feel.

>> No.2087496

Try to put away the mindset you bring to a typical game, where you consciously play just to complete it.
Take some time getting to know the game, enjoy fooling around or try random stuff. Roleplay your character and figure out what quests he/she might be interested in. It's a different and more rewarding game, but the freedom takes some getting use to.

>> No.2087501

Winter is cozy as fuck man, and this is coming from a guy who lives with it all the time. It's the perfect excuse to snuggle up and game all day long.

>> No.2087839

How does climbing mode even work? I can't figure that shit out.

Also, how the fuck do you climb the ladders into the attics of houses?

>> No.2087958
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>"Daggerfall Mammaries
>0 results

come on /vr

>> No.2087990

Looks like muh wimmon

>> No.2088119

That's some nice looking box art.

>> No.2088142

Yup, they knew how to make sweet luxurious boxes in the olden days.

>> No.2088143
File: 47 KB, 640x481, Scary_spooker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was like 14 and an Oblivion fanboy when I decided I wanted to play Daggerfall because I learned it was free.

I read a bit on the UESP and then I make a character and I take I excitedly walk around and get killed by the fucking imp in the first room because I got shitty weapons. I try again and I fucking hear this


So I shit my pants and I turn around and there's a fucking skeleton in my face and I ALT-F4 the fuck out of the game.

Then I didn't touch the game for some years. Dungeons still creep me out.

>> No.2088147

That sound effect... still gives me the chilles to this day.

>> No.2088149

Yeah. The skeltals were fucking terrifying.

>> No.2088164

I've always wanted to give this game a whirl and this thread has inspired me. Thanks daggerpals

>> No.2088172

>that's what I find so rewarding about it

Actually finding your target in a Daggerfall dungeon is so fucking satisfying, especially once you've done enough of them to get a decent grasp of the "blocks"

>> No.2088204

This is why I love /vr/

>> No.2088246

i really want to play DF but my laptop is too shitty to emulate a dos pc

>> No.2088253

I'm guessing you just don't know how to use dosbox properly

>> No.2088260

How bad is your laptop? I was able to run it fine a few years ago on a single core v120, Mobility HD 4200, and 2GB of RAM.

>> No.2088295

I probably don't.

Its like one of those shitty small pcs with an atom cpu and some shit intel graphics card

>> No.2088315


Is it one of those government-issued netbooks for primary school children?

I tried fiddling with one of those a few years back and it could barely run GTA3.

It should be enough for dosbox daggerfall.

>> No.2088337

this guy here. Made it out of the starter dungeon surprisingly easily after about half an hour. I was intimidated by the whole "expect to try at least 10 characters before you get out successfully" warning I've seen, but it really wasn't that difficult. It's not like there were tough obstacles to surmount, but rather just dangerous rooms (skeletons and those fucking imps, and occasional humans) you have to avoid. As long as you're careful and save often it's pretty straightforward.

Anyways I went to daggerfall first as the tutorial suggested and am baffled by the sheer size of the city. I also spent some time just looking around at the world map, amazed by the volume of areas.

>> No.2088341

forgot to mention that I just made a nord warrior and equipped all the strongest gear I could find and just plowed through the bats n rats. I was also able to kill the first archer to find and that one thief asshole later on

>> No.2088352

I guess it might be one of those? I bought it a few years ago to play old games while I traveled, and it seems to run everything up to 2003 just fine, it's fucking dosbox that fucks it up i dont know why

>> No.2088368


Thanks for sharing the link to the guide. I've made a couple of attempts to play the game in the past but never got very far.

I'm about a third of the way through reading this guide, once I've finished it I'm going to make a proper effort to play and stick with it because I know I'm missing out.

>> No.2088378

Did you ever try that all-in-one installer that has everything preconfigured?

>> No.2088397

It's probably the output that causes the troubles. Try to open dosbox.conf in notepad and find the line that says output=surface
and change surface to either overlay, ddraw og opengl. It could help with the speed. Also, try the DaggerSetup as linked to earlier, it's preconfigured to daggerfall, it might have some tweaks that'll make it work for you.

>> No.2088402

No problem. It should pay off for you to read it, so good luck! I wish you many great adventures

>> No.2088403

I already tried that, and the framerate is wonky. Especially on interiors. And I remember trying all kinds of outputs and options on the conf file.

>> No.2088408

Do you run Windows on it? I don't know if you're tech savvy, but you could probably benefit from installing something like Linux Mint on it, because it's not as hardware taxing as windows can be.

>> No.2088413

OP here. Thank you guys. I really like that no one made a big deal out of my plan to go all hermit, but instead stayed on topic and shared Daggerfall information and memories. You guys rock.

>> No.2088483

Don't turn around, just walk DIRECTLY into a pixel and you'll climb

Also press activate on ladders

>> No.2088520

we ain't /v/

>> No.2088674

I need a good game to play during my 4 days of Thankgiving break. Between being alone, and seeing Black Friday chaos I just get down.

Is Daggerfall the game to get lost in. I never really played Elder Scrolls except Morrowind a bit (Which I liked)

Whats the best beginner guide that will explain just what needs to be explained, while letting me figure the rest out

>> No.2088682



You'll probably have to spoil quite a bit more to git gud at the game, but these are most of the basics. Some spoilers you may want to avoid are under the "Guilds" and "Vampires/Werewolves" sections.

>> No.2088694

Meh, I dont even need to know that much. Really I was just looking for the basics of how combat works and such.

Thanks a ton

>> No.2088795

Never been a fan of Elder Scrolls games but after seeing this thread I gave it a try. Loving it so far; I actually feel like I'm in a living world, unlike Oblivion or Skyrim.

>> No.2088845

Any decent builds I should use? I prefer melee and suck and choosing stats and skills.

>> No.2089138

Can anyone tell me why my encumbrance is like 40 even when I put every single thing I own in my cart?

It this normal?

>> No.2089195
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Trust me man, you haven't really experienced true terror unless you've encountered a lich for the first time.

>> No.2089198

It's probably the gold you're carrying and/or the equipment you have on.

>> No.2089202

Oh shit, it's totally all my gold.

Can you not put it on a cart? Do I have to put it in the bank?

>> No.2089254

>Can you not put it on a cart?

Sadly no.

>Do I have to put it in the bank?

Yes. Unless you're content on dropping a large amount of it and losing it forever, I'd suggest depositing most of it as soon as possible.

>> No.2089276

What's the deal with finding items for quests in dungeons? I'm pretty sure I've search every possible spot in this dungeon and I haven't found it.

Is it just a chance for every loot pile, or is it in a specific spot and I just missed some secret room? I don't know how I'm supposed to find secret rooms. Especially when the map is so fucking useless.

>> No.2089321

If daggerfall had more wilderness experience/content it would be great. Fast travel kills immersion by a long shot for me.

>> No.2089351


It's probably on a monster and/or behind a secret. Apparently secret doors show up as gaps on the 3D map.

Red brick doors are apparently teleporters sometimes?

>> No.2089353

I'm on a netbook and I want to play this game, but I don't have a mouse. Are there any control schemes that make it at least bearable to play with a trackpad? I have a PS3 controller too, so I can play it like a filthy modern console peasant if need be.

>> No.2089365
File: 15 KB, 320x200, Daggerfall in a nutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2089383

Been wanting to try this game but I'm afraid the graphics will hurt my eyes. Does anyone experience this problem with these oldish games?

>> No.2089392


>> No.2089397


>> No.2089871

Stop making stuff up anon. It formatted your harddrive first.

>> No.2089881

They will. The scaling is really bad and the textures are super pixelated.

>> No.2089884

How will the graphics hurt your eyes? Will they crawl out of the screen and give you a black eye?

>> No.2089915

they will as long as you're looking at the map screen in basically any of the procedurally generated dungeons.

otherwise they're okay.

>> No.2089947

One of the things I love about this game is the difficulty (assuming you don't abuse the fuck out of some glitches and loopholes, which is apparently so easy that it can happen on accident in this game).

Modern CRPGs are like "Grind for a bit and become God". This game's like "You got stabbed in a disgusting medieval sewer full of feces, roll for dysentery fuckers".

>> No.2089961

pretty much never play this game without paralysis immunity, because that is some shit right there

it varies whether I choose to roll high elf and pick critical weakness to paralysis though

I do hate grinding

>> No.2091139

I'm never going to find it. This is such bullshit, fuck this game.

>> No.2091960

I'm about to install the game for the first time, there are alot of little fixes to choose from. Should I go with vanilla or just check all the fixes?

>> No.2091962

It's most likely on a monster like the other guy said. Git gud

>> No.2091967

Eh, looks better than Ultima Underworld.

>> No.2092139

My fondest Daggerfall memory is probably that feel when I figured out I could loiter for 3 hours at a time in an item shop until night when the shop keep disappeared and rob the place blind. That and masturbating to the nude womens, Daggerfall was the first game I ever played that let you strip your character at any time.

>> No.2092172

>I tried Morrowind and the melee combat felt like a downgrade compared to Daggerfall's.
Even fanboys agree in that combat is the weakest point of the game, but the word building really compansates. You have quite a few things to learn an find even in the first city.

>> No.2092181

What I really fucking hate about Oblivion is that it killed the uniqueness of the saga.
I mean, in morrowind you have jungles, swamps, the telvani towers, and a thousand diferent places, while in oblivion you have... mid-density forest, castle, cave, city, cave, forest, castle, and a sewer here and there.
In prior games, bethesda made a world and then put it into a game, while in newer games they make a game and then ma world that fits it.

>> No.2092225

Any class/stat builds?

>> No.2092323

it was one province, plus you had expansions that fixed that. Sheogoraths realm the shivering isles is just fucked up

>> No.2092338


Morrowind was one island in one province.

And anyway although it would make sense for Cyrodiil to mostly just be one kind of environment, it's the *wrong* kind of environment in Oblivion. Every mention of Cyrodiil in the previous games described it as jungle. A jungle inhabited by two closely related cultures of dragon-worshipping feudal pseudo-Romans.

>> No.2092362

>Better than Oblivion by virtue of containing a world in which every person didn't look like some sort of horrid mutant
>being a graphics fag
What are you doing on /vr/? Fuck off

>> No.2092365

Arena, Daggerfall, and Oblivion share the same aesthetic style.

>in morrowind
Morrowind is the outlier, not Oblivion.

>> No.2092372

I wasn't talking about Morrowind easthetic, I was talking about it's variety.
He was talking about the style, not the quality. Again, oblivion and Skyrim are notorious for their lack of variety.
Also I miss spears. Spears where cool.

>> No.2092561

Oblivion just looks like the LoTR movies

>> No.2092594

new player here, any tips for completing some of the random quests?

I'm doing one where you show up at a shop of a guy looking for help, but he accused me of stealing a ruby and peaced out, and his 'associate' a thief tried fucking me up.

Eventually I received a letter incriminating some bitch, and to track her down I brought the letter to a guy healing in a temple of kynareth across the county. Now he told me to re-acquire the ruby, return it to the original shopkeeper to clear my name, and then they can put away the woman that framed me.

The problem is I can't find the Woman with the ruby. The only detail I've found is that she's an honest shopkeeper in Kirkbury, but no one in kirkbury tells me anything and I've checked every shop. The only detail people mention is how she likes everyone except this one person, or how according to One Guy (the dude I brought the letter to in the temple about her) hates her.

How the fuck can I track her down? Do I need better Personality or Streetwise so people tell me more? or should I find the person she allegedly dislikes and talk to them?

>> No.2093071


There are more people in the shops than just the shopkeepers. Most multi-story shops have the shopkeepers wife on the top floor and one or two other people on the second floor. Maybe she's on the second/third floor?

>> No.2093137

>level 3 or so
>in a random dungeon
>rest a bit, wake up when "there are enemies nearby"
>vampire wrecks my shit

Do random high-level monsters just show up for no reason when you're resting, regardless of level?

>> No.2093220
File: 456 KB, 1365x504, ultima head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anon answer my question pls. I want to install the 'Daggerfallsetup'.
There are alot of third party fixes included. Should I go with them or rather play vanilla.
I never played Daggerfall before.

>> No.2093237


Go with them, unless you like being literally unable to complete a game because of game-breaking bugs. Seriously, no one plays unpatched Daggerfall unless they're either masochists or want to laugh at a hilariously broken non-functioning game.

>> No.2093319

I believe stronger monsters are more likely to appear if you're high level, but they can appear at any point. I randomly come across Ancient Liches while exploring dungeons at low levels. And I saw in a LP on youtube, a player's rest was interrupted by a lich in Privateer's Hold.

>> No.2094135


That guy. Yup, just found a dungeon full of zombies, still at level 3. This game don't fuck around.

>> No.2094249

I ended up figuring it out. I was told she was from Kirkbury but she was hanging out in Vanvale or whereever it was that the quest originally started. I'm working in finding the ruby in a dungeon but its so ducking huge that I had to take a break and try another quest.

>> No.2095087

still feels good to find the quest targest, whatever it is, right in the first or second room so that you can leave right away

>> No.2095115

1. "Rusty relics..." is the lowest quality shop. They will carry the lowest
quality items; however, the prices will also be the lowest and they will pay
top dollar for your stuff!
2. "Sturdy shelves..." is below average.
3. "practical and straightforward...adequate construction" is average. You'll have an average chance of
finding the better items here, and you'll get standard prices for buying and
4. "better appointed...skillfully crafted" is above average.
5. "Incense and soft music..." is the highest quality shop. You'll have the
best chance of finding better items here; however, you will pay more for them,
and they will give you less for your items when selling.

>> No.2095143


Why are zombies so ridiculous in this game, anyway?

Hell, assuming zombies and skeletons are all created by necromantic magic, why would anyone even bother raising a skeleton if a corpse having flesh when it's raised from the dead apparently turns it into fucking Rambo? I mean, surely it's easier to find of a fleshy corpse than a skeletonized one, and it obviously gets way better results.

>> No.2095190 [DELETED] 

can we stop talking about this shitty game?

>> No.2095347

the easiest way to do that is to leave the one thread about it on the whole board, swit.

>> No.2095365

Every time I played daggerfall is like this.

OK, let's actually play the story.
Do the first story mission.
Run around doing random missions for guilds.
Get inside a random dungeon.
Spend hours over a few play sessions to find my way out.
Never do the story mission.
Love every minute of it.

>> No.2095367

I like to take the "Darkness Powered Magery" disadvantage, to get extra points at character creation. You can only use magic indoors, in dungeons, and at night. Outside during the day, you lose all your spell points.

But, how often do you actually use magic outside during the day? You're rarely ever attacked at that point. Stores are rarely locked. I think the only downside is that you can't levitate around town in the sunlight.

>> No.2095382

Never brah

>> No.2095396

Fuck off.

>> No.2095415

what else? 2006 runescape?

>> No.2095703

are you complaining that this is an old game? on the retro games board?

>> No.2096707

Honestly one of my favorite OSTs ever.


Folk2 is my favorite, but Dungeon and Dungeon2 are great too, really give an epic fantasy feel. Best DOS soundtrack IMO, except for Doom but nobody plays DOS Doom anyways.

>> No.2096810

It's pretty fucking retarded, but Steam actually uses DOSBox for running Doom if you buy it from them.

So, I bet a good number of poor souls actually do play DOS Doom still.

>> No.2096842


Have they really never heard of g/zdoom or zandronum? Or do they really hate their customers that much?

>> No.2096853

Daggerfall is still the scariest game to me.

No linear, jumpscare-filled horror game even comes close to these humongous dungeons that you can get lost in for dozens of hours, never quite knowing what could be waiting at the next corner, while creepy noises of opening doors and hisses come from every direction.

Daggerfall is scary because it truly feels like exploring a mysterious place, something that hasn't been exhausted by decades of explorers. There are still things in this game that people don't really understand, that were left unfinished or weird shit that just happens due to the randomized nature of the game. And maps aren't going to help you with the hundreds of these sprawling, confusing cave systems.

I need to be in a right state of mind to go dungeoncrawling in this game, it's very, very unnerving. I feel that if it was released when 3D graphics were already looking good it wouldn't be half as creepy, this way it looks just right to be fucking strange.

>> No.2096860

It's the kind of game that pushes new players away but it's really quite easy to get immersed in it once you've learned some lessons.
The character creation in this game is very prone to abuse, your experience will pretty much depend on what character you made, you could be an indestructible god by level 8 or you could constantly fail and not be able to hit a rat.

Basically you don't want to start with your Agility and Speed below 70 (I prefer 80). Bring your Personality and Luck way down, you can raise it later anyway.

Advantages are crucial, as well. You'll want to have 3X increased magery, rapid healing (at least in darkness) and expertise at using a chosen weapon.
There are other useful things but these are the basics.

Then just offset this with as many disadvantages as you can cram. Forbidden weapons that you're never going to use, materials that you can safely skip. Weakness to disease and paralysis isn't too much of a set-back as well, you just need to have spells to fix it.

I could go on and tell you how to essentially break the game here, but just remember that if you suck, it's because your character sucks.

>> No.2096863

>the tutorial will continue in 7 days once you reach Daggerfall
>you can't possibly reach it so soon

>> No.2096873


I don't remember that. I mean, a lot of hanged corpses, but I don't think I've ever seen any living people in dungeons except for enemies.

>> No.2096917

I love Daggerfall's music too. Check my collection of remasters. And if you know of any I'm missing let me know.

>> No.2096919

and forgot link: http://teatimecoder.com/daggerfall-music

>> No.2096924
File: 1007 KB, 1343x662, daggershit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like they never really tried.

>> No.2098409

Anyone here played DaggerXL? I've never played daggerfall and am wanting to get into it, but I'd prefer to play some updated remake or something if possible.

>> No.2098425


DaggerXL is a long, long way from being finished. It's missing a lot of things, but from the top of my head I know that it's missing the main quest. Also, the overworld looks bloody awful: it's basically the 2.5d tree sprites, run through a million smoothing filters and placed on a way-too-detailed bump mapped ground.

>> No.2098435


This. It's true for Morrowind too, I never really had fun with that game until I looked up a "gets you through the game" build. But then I also suck at RPGs, so I was picking Mercantile and Short Blade as primary skills.

>> No.2098445

>No linear, jumpscare-filled horror game even comes close to these humongous dungeons that you can get lost in for dozens of hours, never quite knowing what could be waiting at the next corner, while creepy noises of opening doors and hisses come from every direction.

That, and you're kind of hurrying because almost every non-storyline quest is on a time limit. I've been on the last week to complete a quest, still inside a dungeon, rationing every rest stop so that I'd have time for the return journey.

>> No.2098446

I never liked Oblivion until I perfected my "never level up" level 1 build.

>> No.2098471

I see. Thanks.

>> No.2098472

what did that look like?

>> No.2098483

2 that I used. Both had the same idea: all your primary skills (which level you up) are skills that you never, ever use. One build was a paladin, 2 handers and healing magic, the other was a summoner. Summoning a Daedroth at level 1 is hillarious. It casually shambles around killing enemies in one hit.

All of this is a result of Oblivion's level scaling. Morrowind didn't have scaling like that (just harder random encounters as you leveled), and Daggerfall is likewise (at least, as much as I've played of it).

>> No.2098485


Daggerfall just straight fucks you over. As >>2093319 said, liches can show up before you've left the starting dungeon.

>> No.2098486

that summoner sounds like a good time. i'll give that a try

>> No.2098498
File: 40 KB, 600x301, daggerfall4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a 'Drake' in game, like a smaller Dragon
they were going to have large ones but they were cut

anyone know if any good mods exist?
I have one that ads Pirates and the ability to raid ships yourself from your boat, as well as a bunch of gameplay fixes and stuff

also is Magic recommended?
like is it useful or really awkward to use?
I just started off as a Premade Knight class so I could at least be decent and not worry about fucking up in custom, also I've been RPing a minor noble Redguard Mamaluke
I wish the wilderness had more stuff in it but at least the cities are really cool and feel like ACTUAL cities rather than a glorified village that exists only for the players sake rather than its own

>> No.2098502

idk, Dorf Fort is pretty cool as well

>> No.2098506

>on /v/ people are saying Oblivion is the best
ride never ends

>> No.2098515
File: 17 KB, 226x372, CIS scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yea

>> No.2098519
File: 2.91 MB, 1920x1080, Oblivion 2014-10-20 10-51-20-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it is, with mods.

>> No.2098530

>also is Magic recommended?
>like is it useful or really awkward to use?

always felt awkward to me but there are useful spells like water breathing, levitate and stuff like that. you can create your own spells in the mage's guild later on though, don't forget that you need high levels of magic skills to join though, not sure if it was having 2 magic skills as main skills or having 2 magic skills relatively high up (at 30%)

>> No.2098532


>> No.2098539
File: 425 KB, 800x600, day2n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I find bigger dungeons?
all I find are like graveyard tier shit
only Quest dungeons have been massive romps which I love, then going back to relax at the The Lucky Giant Pub

>> No.2098550

Join a guild

>> No.2098554

join one of the guilds and do quests for them they usually end up in a dungeon.

I know many people don't want to level with guides and shit, but at least take a look at how the guilds work, makes it a bit less frustrating.

pro-tip: save before you talk to the quest guy. if you don't like the quest (some are really shit) load again. if you refuse to do it your guild reputation gets lower, he offers another quest if you refuse but if you refuse again he gets angry and doesn't offer you anything at all any more for a time I think.
you kind of get points for doing quests (invisible counter), each month they are counted together and if you exceed a certain treshold you rise in guildranks. every month your total score sinks by at least a point if you do nothing and if you get under the treshold you get demoted to a lower rank.

>> No.2099056

Is that your own screenshot? Not trying to turn this into a filter/shader thread, but it feels easy on the eyes. Is it a lanczos shader? The game was clearly not meant to be blasted up on a huge LED monitor, so I'm experimenting with some filters and shaders that keeps the pixelated feel, but takes the roughness away.

>> No.2099315

>if you refuse to do it your guild reputation gets lower, he offers another quest if you refuse but if you refuse again he gets angry and doesn't offer you anything at all any more for a time I think.

Nah, you don't have to worry about this. You can turn down quests as much as you want. Occasionally they won't offer anything (they might say "You're too late, I gave the job to some spellsword) but you can still keep asking. It doesn't drop your reputation either, but they'll bitch at you.

I don't like doing that, though. Feels "out of character" I guess.

Like already mentioned, you can join a guild and they'll send to them. Be sure to write the dungeon names down, because you can visit them again on your own time. Also, while in dungeons (even graveyard dungeons) you can sometimes find maps in the loot piles. These will give you the name of another dungeon, just remember to write it down.

>> No.2099318
File: 18 KB, 400x400, upset wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw that fucking spellsword is always one step ahead of you

>> No.2099326

>break into castle Daggerfall
>trek through the maze of dungeons and tunnels
>finally arrive at the royal treasury
>solve all the puzzles, unlock the magic barriers
>sneak in, grab the totem, sneak out
>hide in the woods outside town, unwrap the totem
>it speaks
"You're too late. I gave the job to some spellsword."
>Numidium steps on you

>> No.2099346

>You feel somewhat bad
>Almost 400 gold to cure me
I've just started for fucks sake

>> No.2099379


Oh shit, its DVD from DeadAwaken

>> No.2099380

I started a new character, I have never played daggerfall before but I started a nightblade. This first dungeon is fucking impossible, I'm not a melee enough melee character to battle my way out and I'm not enough of a mage to have any spells to help fight my way out. Any tips for me? I know the game will get easier as I gain new spells but is there anything I should be aware of for the first dungeon.

>> No.2099404

when you get to the main hall either take the hidden passage on the left side of the stair, use the lever at the top, o just climb up to leave

>> No.2099417

I started at a Knight (adjusted it a little to optimize the skills since I don't need Every weapon ever) because the melee focus seemed simple enough, as did the healing skill and etiquette.
got through pretty easy and so far don't have many issues, took archery as well for ranged damage but dont use it so much
joined the Knights of the Hawk as a guardian of the small Santaki province with a home garrison outside in Antyphyllos

>> No.2099430

>Smell ya latter!

>> No.2099447

i wish there was a mod that allowed disease to spread person to person in towns, like if i come back with plague suddenly everyone starts getting sick, and I can play Plaguebearer

>> No.2099459

Thanks guys for making this game sound awesome I love it. It's been awhile since I got really into a game I played for 2 hours the first time I played

>> No.2099479

use this download link rather than the free Bethesda one
includes a on of patches.some mod fixes and uses a pre-configured DOSbox do you can start immediately on installation without hassle like any other game


>> No.2099486

also a decent list of 'mods' and extra fixes/content
there don't seem to be that many legit mods, or at least not on any central depository

>> No.2099595


Seconding >>2099056, this game is painful to look at on a giant 1080p LCD monitor like I have hooked up to my PC. What can I do to make it look more natural without making it look like shit?

>> No.2099606


Use your sound. The stereo effect is very distinct and every monster constantly makes a loud-as-fuck noise, so it's rather easy to avoid them if they can't open doors. Most of the mobs in Privateer's Hold are monsters or animals, so you're safe from everything except the skelly in the main hall and an orc that wanders near the main hall.

SAVE BEFORE YOU REST. Just about any monster can show up to interrupt your rest, at any level.

>> No.2099780
File: 511 KB, 320x200, df-azura.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try this out
it might be what you need to decrease how harsh and bright the game is in some cases


otherwise im sure there are other filters or you can edit them yourself

>> No.2099782
File: 9 KB, 282x209, daggerass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why isn't there a decent add on which put prostitution back in?

>> No.2099787
File: 268 KB, 500x313, 1.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those Snow themes
such comfort
the OST is always amazing in the Skyrim series

>> No.2099808

I will do that I would like to clear up the cave a bit for free xp and stuff first though. Those green bat like things always fuck me up though.
I figured out that save before you rest thing the hard way :P

>> No.2099830
File: 1.35 MB, 3175x1684, DF-Map-Vamp-Bloodlines.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a map of all the Vampire Bloodline's controlled regions because *Autism
will think of other things to map out maybe latter

>> No.2099845

the Imps?
you may not have a weapon able to harm them
else you may just be weak to magic
either way try and get close to them and stunlock them as a melee PC so they cant use magic on you
if you still have trouble maybe start a new character as something more straightforward like a Barbarian or Knight
and try to get the Ebony Dagger or Silver Mace

>> No.2099853

yeah I only have the shortsword I started with, I am resistant to magic as I am a breton but I still need to find something I can kill the imps with. I have no offensive magic yet just chameleon and water walking

>> No.2099863
File: 81 KB, 640x400, Nothin Personel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you select specific answers to the questions in Character creation you can get special starting weapons, especially the Ebony dagger which would be really useful for a nightblade

>> No.2100058
File: 127 KB, 700x438, scout_df02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as buggy as this can be (though the patches basically fix everything) there are so few games that have a true 'World' to legit live in and explore
I have only done the main quest once because I forced myself through it, but I always just wander about and roleplay far more than most other games, settling down in a city or the countryside, being an Imperial Ecologist sent to study the local wildlife as well as the people and their customs (attending festival days, taking notes on specific types of worship, noting cultural difference between regions, meeting with isolated populations), not to mention attending parties and meetings with the nobility.
was really fun and required barely any actual combat which was a nice change of pace for a 'diplomancer' style character.

>> No.2100083
File: 24 KB, 320x200, fall_033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish

>> No.2100117

The ebony dagger is useful for literally any character

it's inherent bonuses give you the ability to fight regardless of your starting specs and the material lets you damage ghosts and imps and shit when you might not have any other means of doing so

I answer the questions every time even though I make custom class and min/max that shit anyway

>> No.2100168
File: 77 KB, 154x210, DF-Coven_Witch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here try this, comes fully configured and ready to play on instal
I loved diving into the massive dungeons though, spending hours exploring some place and taking notes on shit was so much fun compared to 2 minute long linear halls
the Cities are another great thing, you don't feel like the Mary Sue PC charecter who walks in to find 5 houses and shops which only exist to serve you
it feels like a real city with its own shit going on, and you have to gain your reputation there to even get recognized
plus the fact that other cunts could STEAL YOUR QUESTS was annoying but at least it wasn't like you're the only person in the world doing this shit.
the banks too were a cool idea, idk why they dropped them, as were the different shop qualities and tones of voice, not to mention formal/informal wear (morrowind kept this but it was removed latter for no reason)
really I felt like I could go adventuring for litteral hours, load up my horse and carriage, then go back to my home city to relax in my favorite pub

>> No.2100174
File: 14 KB, 56x111, DaggerfallMummy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops forgot
this link

there were a few things I with the game had
first, special tombs in the desert where mummies would spawn
second, being able to spread disease myself and infect towns
third, more shit in the wilderness, like anything, even random encounters while fast traveling, and more vegetation/height difference when wandering
fourth, hunting, like there should be game animals outside of towns (liek royal forests) where I can hunt shit.

I haven't tried modding and im not sure it its just difficult or few people have tried, maybe with DaggerXL or whatever it will be easier

>> No.2100204

How do you dual wield two handed swords?

>> No.2100207
File: 101 KB, 281x169, DaggerfallDaedraSeducer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maxing your gains and eating lots of protein

>> No.2100208
File: 25 KB, 320x200, COVEN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come all the NPCs in the cities seem to be stuck in one place, is there a fix for this?

>> No.2100213
File: 9 KB, 250x366, dunecover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imperial Ecologist sent to study the local wildlife as well as the people and their customs (attending festival days, taking notes on specific types of worship, noting cultural difference between regions, meeting with isolated populations), not to mention attending parties and meetings with the nobility.

Is... is that Liet-Kynes?

>> No.2100217


Is it an all-the-time thing? NPCs within a certain distance will automatically turn and face you as if to initiate conversation. If you keep moving past them they'll bug out because they can't decide to keep walking or keep facing you.

>> No.2100241
File: 70 KB, 861x736, fremen_naib_by_kristele-d2ybi87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I was thinking along the same lines
I tried to base it off his sort of, set up my home in the Alik'r Desert in a smaller town, my only weapons skill was short blade, and I tried to play him as the sort of wandering scientist who could also clean up for a meeting with the local nobility as to inform them of my findings

>> No.2100245
File: 69 KB, 500x594, dumb and Dunmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I mean normally they should just we wandering around town even before i enter their speaking range, and reset back to normal wandering when i come out of a building

instead they just walk in place forever
only outside of cities do they wander around the walls

>> No.2100293

I had the same problem. In your dosbox.conf file, limit to cpu cycles to 48000 or something. That solves it for me, as well as other random issues.

>> No.2100357

I still remember who scared I was when I first heard the skeleton screaming sound.

So many broken quests though.

>> No.2100364
File: 293 KB, 620x448, Desert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the patches fix A LOT
use this instal and it includes basically everything plus some more quest plugins
>tfw get a mission to save my favorite bartenders daughter
>go to dungeon and immediately get attacked by Harpies which I cant harm with my shit weapons
I need to join a knight order for some good weapons

>> No.2100368


>> No.2100387
File: 64 KB, 634x900, gothic_knight_by_beaver_skin-d5wxywr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a BossMoor Mameluke and witch hunter

>> No.2100390
File: 56 KB, 640x480, spoopy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was going down one of the steep vertical ramps that show up a lot, when I suddenly stopped. I looked down and realized I'd landed on top of a zombie. I was stuck and couldn't get off, had to load a save. Yet one more way to be fucked over by zombies in Daggerfall.

>> No.2100513

Years ago when I used to play Daggerfall, my brothers and I always used the High Elf trick (picking that as race then picking a critical weakness to paralysis for extra points with no downside)

This time though, I'm gonna do it "properly", and make a non-cheesy thing.

>> No.2100670 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 374x371, miltank used Milk Drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try for 'Ironman run'
>kill some rats
>get plague
>"Mara is merciful, but OY VEY the moon is waning, give me 500 gold to cure you goy"
>don't have enough

that was a fun adventure of Esteban the Ranger

>> No.2100673

How well does the Dodging skill work? I don't want to wear armor.
I used DFHACK or whatever it's called and raised Dodging to 100 (and my Speed is naturally 80). I stood in front of a warrior and he still hit me with every swing. Or does Dodging just improve your armor rating, or... how does it work?

>> No.2100692

According to the UESP, racial modifiers don't actually work unless you're High Elf or Nord. Does that Daggerfall pack linked to earlier fix that? Does it even matter?

>> No.2100702

>Expecting based Mara to give a shit in your time of need
Should have gone to Kynareth

>> No.2100739

that sounds cozy as fuck

>> No.2100746

Fuck the final dungeon. Fucking platforming bullshit out of nowhere.

>> No.2100780

fucking grizzly bears in the starter dungeon mang

>> No.2100817

Thinking of multiplayer Daggerfall adventures gives me a boner. I want it so bad.

>> No.2100842


Because Lord of the Rings had just come out, they had to cash in on that. They had also got rid of a lot of the creative staff who made Morrowind, leaving talentless fucks to build the world.

>> No.2100852

I'm glad I got this it comes with patches and a few bonus quests

>> No.2100903

wait, that's actually in the game?

>> No.2100990

Can someone give me a decent starting build focused on melee and slight range and magic?

>> No.2100994

This thread inspire me to check out Daggerfall. Hopefully it's as great as you guys say.

>> No.2101017


A lot of what has been said so far is pretty legit, but also consider that it was pushed very hard by microsoft's marketing as a big 360 title. I doubt the console could handle a good looking jungle. I think that's why they chose to make it a forest instead.

I know it wasn't exclusive to the 360, but it was definitely the lowest specs of the three platforms it released on.

>> No.2101020
File: 34 KB, 320x398, daggerfall controls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just please don't come back shitposting if you realize it's not your thing

>> No.2101240

This isn't /v/, why would I do that

>> No.2101281

I don't see why it would be so difficult to set up if they created mods for Morrowind an Fallout 2
It's just lack of will seems to be the case, at least though is seems Daggerfall is getting more recognition lately simply because its becoming easier to play

>> No.2101283

Are you sure? I got the combat related buffs as a Redguard

>> No.2101327
File: 165 KB, 643x1205, 1406681703886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea it is
there are 9 Vampire clans each with different territory and powers
although there is no real difference in the flavor of quests you get from them as they all use the 'Vampire' quests and other misc ones and which clans or other groups you are allied/enemies of
being a Vampire is pretty fun in Daggerfall, since the cities are so massive you can prowl around and pick off victims or just do urban quests
as well Ancient Vampires are probably the strongest enemies in the game so being a vampire means they are non-hostile to you (unless you're an enemy clan)

>> No.2101342
File: 15 KB, 320x200, Daggerfall_this fucking mess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could pick a preset
That's what I did, and then I just slightly modified it to fit what I wanted.

like the Battlemage class seems to be what you're looking for
its always best to play a pre-made class just starting out so you can learn how the game works

also remember to answer the background questions

>> No.2101343
File: 52 KB, 300x300, df-gortwog1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have leveled jumping
I'm trying to work my way up in the Knight order, they give your new armour every rank and once you reach Paladin rank they give you a pretty sweet house

>> No.2101345

just remember to try and pick a pre-set first run since they are all at least useable
I tried making custom classes before I got the hang of how to play and how leveling worked and it always fucked me over

>> No.2101348


This. Nothing worse than making a character with Jumping or Etiquette or something like that as a primary skill.

>> No.2101363

Etiquette is actually pretty easy to level
just always talk to people politely as default
and try to talk to nobles a lot

>> No.2101367

I used to level with Jumping in Morrowind because your level would go up the fastest. And then I'd have a high level character with garbage stats.

>> No.2101372
File: 72 KB, 320x200, DaggerfallDIE_00I0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea and then you better hope you can jump high enough to get away from those Liches

>> No.2101484

What magic and resistance stuff would you recommend?

>> No.2101489

you can grab magica absorption along with weakness to paralysis so you can balance them out
since paralysis is magic it means you can never get paralyzed anyways

>> No.2101501
File: 18 KB, 320x200, Daggerfall_Fashion_Gallery--catintree_FromBobCFed08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so I got this quest from the knight order in Jalallaara to kill some traitor, but they tell me instead of a dungeon he is in Jalallaara
now I ask around but his name never pops up in dialog to ask where he is and i cant just search every house
how do I find this guy?

>> No.2101507


I didn't level jumping. It doesn't really matter in the end because the main story gives you the Travelling Pants, clothing enchanted with 10 seconds of levitation. It's really useful for getting around those bloody mountains.

>> No.2101518

are there like dungeons in the cities?
because they gave me like no info where to find this guy in the entire town

>> No.2101530

I'm having the same problem as this guy. In-game, it's fine, but during cinematics, it slows to a crawl, and the audio is all stuttery.

>> No.2101536

try lowering the CPU cycles
open up the DoxBox CONF file in notebook and change the CPU cycles from max to 'fixed 48000'

modern computers may be too fast for the game so it causes bugs

>> No.2101542


Had the same problem. Opened the DOSBOX config file and set cycles to "auto", it fixed it pretty well.

>> No.2101554

I tried the palace but there was no dungeon inside
idk what to do and I'm going to fail this quest now

>> No.2101557


Is there a dungeon also named Jallalaara?

>> No.2101563

not that it looks like
and usually dungeons have some sort of title like "ruins of' or whatever

>> No.2101580

it might just be bugged since there are barely any dungeons in this province, and some town dungeons you cant even enter

>> No.2101652

not one of the anons that asked, but holy nuts thank you. I've had this issue (although I haven't encountered many cutscenes so it hasnt been an issue) but there were no google search results or solutions

>> No.2101659
File: 34 KB, 640x400, Elder_Scrolls_-_Daggerfall_(DOS)_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the spellmaker and enchanting in this game so much

>> No.2101661

my issue was more with NPCs being stuck in place, which it also fixed, as well as sound being jarring

>> No.2101903
File: 71 KB, 640x400, 531444-the-elder-scrolls-chapter-ii-daggerfall-dos-screenshot-inside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its actually a Deadra's avatar form, I think its Pyrite, there are no true Dragons in the game other than small dragonlings (where are not considered Dragons)
there was supposed to be a single massive dragon fully 3D rendered but it had to be cut

>> No.2101907

>but it had to be cut

story of most games

>> No.2102181
File: 15 KB, 300x239, lamia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to go back to an earlier save, luckily enough I didn't actually loose anything important

also thank god for the [ cheat
honestly while the dungeons are fun they are really huge and I'd rather explore a bit then teleport to quest locations, or just try to find my way out once I've gotten to the quest spot

while I know you guys disdain cheating
check this out just in case for how to enable cheats

>> No.2102265


Probably a good thing, since I can guarantee that 3D rendered dragon would've looked hilariously awful.

Other games around this time tried making 3D dragons, and it never ended well. Look at the crystal dragon from KQ7 for instance.


>> No.2102269


Whoops, it was supposed to start at about 7:50. Just skip to there and watch how awful it is.

>> No.2102313
File: 77 KB, 640x480, redguard_dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one in Redguard was passable
it would have been massive though apparently which would have made flaws stick out more

>> No.2102334
File: 96 KB, 616x652, Bahamut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends what you mean by "around this time". This is only a year later and looks good.

>> No.2102357
File: 134 KB, 1024x768, ShadowDev1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it depends more on the skill of the modeler/good design rather than technology so much

I find the sprites to be really good looking in Daggerfall overall, as with the buildings, yes they are still simple and geometric, but their are still some cool looking designs, especially the main faction's castles

>> No.2102910

I think that dragon looks pretty good.

>> No.2102954

Holy fuck, that's in the game? I've never really checked out the desert stuff

>> No.2103270

>Total Dungeons: 4232
The monsters and loot will be different every time, but otherwise the structure of each dungeon remains the same. Maybe one day, we'll have a group of skilled dungeon navigators who will make maps of each dungeon.

Probably not. If one person did one dungeon every day, it would take them 11 years to finish...

>> No.2103308

It is, but that is taking the city map outside of he game to editing software so you can get an areal view

>> No.2103313

Each large dungeon is different though, I think only the cemeteries that are already known on your map are the same

Literally spent an hour in some Orc stronghold just adventuring last night, I found the chieftain I was looking to kill and just kept going to see how deep it went

The only thing about this game is you have to save like all the time

>> No.2103328

It's the Capitol city of Sentinel, the desert is pretty cool idk why you neer went there

Also the Alki'r desert province is the best place to sell anything, you get like 78% markup compared o other zones

Like selling a holy tome worth 2500 in most provinces would get you maybe 1000, but a city in Alik'r will pay 2200-2400 gold for it

I always go back there to unload my junk, such easy money without really cheating

>> No.2103356

>the desert is pretty cool idk why you neer went there

every time I played the game I never actually started the main story, I thought I'd just gear up first but then some reason or the other made me stop playing the game (last time it was a HD crash) so I never came around actually leaving Daggerfall. Only that one time I moved to another state of the Iliac Bay and it looked basically the same as Daggerfall.

>> No.2103372

Yea there are general "regions" where stuff pretty much looks the same, mountains, far north, swamps, desert, and some other climate zones

I never start the main quest either, I just left Daggerfall righ away after doing the first quest you get the letter for to meet that woman (if you don't do it right away you can never start the main quest since its timed)
I just moved onto the desert area to check it out, and eventually settled there; mostly because I'm a redguard.

Also I realized how fucking hard it is to learn languages, I had been fighting Orcs for so long because this province is full of them that my Orcish actually made it to a passable level and I managed to speak to some and pacify them, only thing was I just killed them anyways because fuck orcs

>> No.2103414
File: 8 KB, 140x250, god damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 hours of figuring out DOSBox

>> No.2103421

There is a link in te thread that does the Dosbox shit for you so you can just play immediately with all patches and add ons already

>> No.2103492

yea man the palaces are usually pretty cool
but I guess a low lass pleb like yourself never even gets to the cloud district now do you

>> No.2103694

>if you don't do it right away you can never start the main quest since its timed

of that I knew and I always did that, but after that I trained up skills, joined (the mages) guilds and tried to progress in them, get items etc, but I either changed my mind and played something else or, as last time, something managed to delete my saves.

Fuck man, I bought the game when it was released (actually, my dad bought it for me since we had to import it), that's fucking 18 years ago now.

>Also I realized how fucking hard it is to learn languages

What exactly can you do with it? Will you get a conversation popup to choose your answers from or will they just stop attacking you and you get a message?

>> No.2103724

The latter unfortunately for the most part
Though some languages like Daedric and Orcish help for dealing with orc and daedra characters, Orcs for Orsinum quests and daedric for dealing with Lords

>> No.2103740


It was an exaggeration to give an idea of "a long time" because I can't remember how long it actually took me to figure out DOSBOX many many years ago.

>> No.2103761

Me too, in fact the clunky mess of the platform is what turned me off the game to begin with
I only played Daggerfall first when it was announced as free, before that I had only started with morrowind
I hated it at the time though both because of Dosbox and my own inability to understand how the game "worked" both with class creation and controls

Only with that all inclusive installation did I fully appreciate the game

I'd like to try my hand and modding but I'm not sure how, it looks like it would be simple enough

>> No.2103843

Languages are one of those features that it was intended more that could be done with them but ended up pretty much exactly what you've found: just a device to pacify certain enemies some of the time.

These days it wouldn't happen because apparently everything has to be voice acted unless your game has to be funded by a kickstarter like Wasteland 2, so languages as a thing would not even be there. Shame really, it's quite a good idea.

It's a shame that more was not made of it. Morrowind in a sort of related way has a surprising amount of dialogue on otherwise always-hostile enemies (the 6th house peoples) as a leftover of earlier intentions that were not realised (without mods anyway).

>> No.2103960
File: 60 KB, 638x474, lab2 daggerfall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least Morrowind has that stellar modding scene
Daggerfall to my knowledge has barely anything, only Andyfall I'm aware of, which is more of a Patch+ sort of thing

is the game that difficult to mod? or is it just that Dos era games never had the same level of modding commitment as modern ones do. I was only a little kid during DOS and only played daggerfall the first time in like 2010 (I had heard of it as a kid but my parents never even let me touch it)

>> No.2104042

Yes, old games weren't very data driven. Even text tended to be just part of the binary. Modding the game often required not only reverse engineering the data format but also patching the executable.

>> No.2104074

Doom and Doom 2 had shitloads of fan-made levels, which is a kind of modding.

>> No.2104082

Yes and they were applauded for their use of WADs which separated games from engines. Exception proving the rule.

>> No.2104214

I think about as much that could be done was, since there was patching and additional quests but there wasn't really any easy way at all to get further into it than that. At the time anyway.

I hope at least one of the upgraded engine projects allows for a greater degree of modding. There's scope for adding a ton more things in terms of detail at the very least.

>> No.2104218

I think part of it was that the source code was actually lost. Like, the devs actually lost the source code.

>> No.2104646

just like KH then

>> No.2105503

Morrowind has mods?

>> No.2105802

Funny story that. Yes, they lost the source code AND everything else. Down to the point when Mark Jones was making some graphics for a mobile version (that was waaaaay before smartphones) and wanted to reuse Daggerfall assets he didn't have the source files for them and he just reused the production graphics supplied to him by fans. I don't even know if he used them but it'd be easy to find out. I don't wanna go all nostalgic but back in the day devs used to post on the forums and just chat with fans.

>> No.2105808

Also Mark Jones was the reason I went into the games industry in the 90s... before I left disgusted when microtransactions became a thing (actually not that recent). Ah, the days when Todd Howard was an office monkey and not the idiot in charge.

>> No.2105995

If there's one thing right with this game it's fast travel. Just typing in your location or being able to filter types of locations are huge advantages. Imagine you had to search for that one shitty hamlet in Daggerfall

>> No.2106062
File: 133 KB, 646x508, poisoned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was attacked by an assassin while resting. I shot him down, looted him, and found this.
Will this let me silence wizards or something, or is it only useful against the player?

>> No.2106394

Does Daggerfall hold up with a gamepad?

>> No.2106410

Maybe, as long as you don't mind using the keyboard, too.

>> No.2106437


I can't imagine that working too well. The game uses too many keys, I think.

Really, the best thing to do is just to use a keyboard but rework the controls. I agree that the default controls are terrible, but that's why whenever I play I re-assign them to roughly the same things I use for Doom (view-based movement, WASD for forward/backward/strafing, left mouse button for interacting, right mouse button for attacking, wheel/middle button for readying weapon, CTRL for crouch, space for jump, left shift to run, etc.)

>> No.2106461


Tons and tons of mods. All sorts of mods. A must-have is Better Bodies, it really makes the game much more bearable to look at and doesn't have any problems that I've seen.

>> No.2106491

Anyone else notice the screen is slightly off center using the prepacked dos version?

>> No.2106513

Iron is the worst kind of metal in the game, it has no impact on magic. metal in general has no impact on magic, you can be a wizard and wear all plate armor. the only important thing to know is you can't injure werewolves, demons and vampires and the like with iron or steel, you need silver or elven metal or up, but gunning for silver is nonsense, it does exactly the same damage as steel but is very very rare. rather pick up anything that is an improvement and at least at the beginning and middle of the game, pick everything up (except leather, chain iron and steel stuff) and sell it., when you enter a shop, check the shop quality (I actually marked that in my last game with numbers of 1-5), I posted the list earlier here:
quality 1 shops get you the most when you sell stuff but they offer basically just crap, quality 5 is bad for selling but they have rare stuff.

if you want to buy a ship or house you need a few hundred thousand gold so save up a bit.

buy a wagon or whatever it's called by the way. when you are in a dungeon it's basically parked outside and every time you are packed full, go to the entrance, you then get an option to access your wagon and load all that stuff into it. really practical.

and now that I've actually looked at your screenshot again I see that it's poisoned. forget all the shit I've written, I'm posting it anyway though since it took me a bit to write it down.

Magebane is just some kind of poison in Daggerfall, you probably think about that unique weapon from Morrowind but that's something else. I think magebane poison removed some of your mana in addition to weapon damage or something but that's it.

>> No.2106629

Explain please?

>> No.2106637

It's possible but you have to record some mouse movement macros in order to get the weaping-swinging to work.

>> No.2106939

>Iron is the worst metal in the game
I was talking about the "Poisoned with Magebane" part of the sword.
But I already learned that after I put it in my inventory, the poison is removed from the sword. Though it still remains blue in my inventory, like mithril gear.

>> No.2107067

Magebane will work against enemies though, you can just make potions yourself if you are either in the Mages Guild or the Temple of Stendarr

>> No.2107312

Anybody have the VENGEANCE video?
shit's classic

>> No.2107349

Reminder that DaggerXL beta literally NEVER EVER

>the guy making it promised a working beta which featured all of the stuff in original Daggerfall, before new features got added, around October 2011 and he expected the beta to be out by December 2011
>for years has just been making up excuses and then going into hiding and not releasing shit, despite the fact that in October 2011 he estimated 2 more months of work to get the beta out

What a useless cockteasing faggot.

>> No.2107369

What is more galling is the lack of people picking up the ball and running with it, since it can be demonstrated to be done.

>> No.2107380


Is this actually in the Daggerfall soundtrack? Everything seems to suggest it is but I don't ever remember hearing it and it sounds way too high quality. Is it only CD Music or something like that?

>> No.2107402

Daggerfall music is MIDI. All of those are remixes/remakes/rearrangements whatever you want to call them.
OK, that is fucking weird. Winter on Yeomsley Farmstead is not a name of a track in Daggerfall. As far as I can remember Tansel came up with the name on his own. And if that wasn't a dead giveaway already I've listened to it so many times I recognized the track immediately after the guitar comes in. The track is by Tansel Coskuner and I have no idea why he isn't credited there (or anyone else for that matter).

>> No.2107414

OK, I had a look at the rest and that playlist is basically a mishmash of remixes made by other people without crediting anyone. It even has Bart Klepka's elven fable mix. It's nice that someone put it up on youtube but they could've credited the musicians.

>> No.2107529

Would you consider taking up critical weakness against paralysis when you are a high elf as an exploit

>> No.2107542

Its cheap, but the game allows it so I wouldn't say don't do it. For all we know the genetic trait for immunity is dominate and the one for critical weakness is recessive and not mutually exclusive. So if the high elf mated with a non high elf, his/her offspring could have a critical weakness.

>> No.2107576
File: 67 KB, 640x480, Guy see what you did there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if lawyer or biologist

>> No.2107606

I think it's an exploit. When choosing advantages/disadvantages, you can give yourself an immunity to paralysis (or any other element/status) but you cannot also give yourself a critical weakness to the same thing. I don't think the game means for you to have both an immunity/resistance + critical weakness.

Doesn't mean I don't abuse it, though.

>> No.2107639

I meant the immunity thing, for some reason I wrote weakness. by all rights you should at least be normally vulnerable to paralysis when taking it up, ignoring the high elven inherent immunity or it should be unavailable as a disadvantage for them

>> No.2108604

>you are paralyzed

>> No.2108698
File: 41 KB, 645x444, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Scorpion Nests as a Knight

>> No.2109189

You've got me downloading, hope I find it as comfy as you do. Well maybe not to the point of quitting life.

>> No.2109201

I didn't ask for these comfy feels

>> No.2109230

Well I assume they decided that truckloads of money was more important than your anal integrity anon.

>> No.2109404

as numerous people said in this thread, it is quite hard to get into it, first thing for you to change as soon as you are actually playing the game after character creation (if it isn't already like that in the download), go to options, controls, mouse and change from cursor to view, else you'll have that retarded Eye-of-the-Beholder system.

>> No.2109781 [DELETED] 
File: 2.14 MB, 2560x1600, sahara_desert_wallpaper_5-wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me a little over a year to break off engagements, save money (my greatest challenge), and leave the urban life for the Alik'r Desert. I brought several books of Weltan's poems as my travel guide.

"A sacred flame rises above the fire, The ghosts of great men and women without names, Cities long dead rise and fall in the flame, The Dioscori Song of Revelation, Bursting walls and deathless rock, Fiery sand that heals and destroys."

These first six lines from my friend's "On the Immortality of Dust" prepared me for my first image of the Alik'r Desert, though they hardly do it justice. My poor pen cannot duplicate the severity, grandeur, ephemera and permanence of the Alik'r.

All the principalities and boundaries the nations have placed on the land dissolve under the moving sand in the desert. I could never tell if I was in Antiphyllos or Bergama, and few of the inhabitants could tell me. For them, and so it came to me, we were simply in the Alik'r. No. We are part of the Alik'r. That is closer to the philosophy of the desert people.

>> No.2109784 [DELETED] 
File: 2.39 MB, 2669x2054, Desert_Cemetery_Merzouga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the sacred flame of which Weltan wrote on my first morning in the desert: a vast, red mist that seemed to come from the deep mystery of Tamriel. Long before the noon sun, the mist had disappeared. Then I saw the cities of Weltan. The ruins of the Alik'r rise from the sand by one blast of the unbounded wind and are covered by the next. Nothing in the desert lasts, but nothing dies forever.

At daylight, I hid myself in tents, and thought about the central character of the Redguards that would cause them to adopt this savage, eternal land. They are warriors by nature. As a group, there are none better. Nothing for them has worth unless they have struggled for it. No one fought them for the desert, but the Alik'r is a great foe. The battle goes on. It is a war without rancor, a holy war in the sense the phrase should always imply.

By night, I could contemplate the land itself in its relative serenity. But the serenity was superficial. The stones themselves burned with a heat and a light that comes not from the sun, nor the moons Jone and Jode. The power of the stones comes from the beat of the heart of Tamriel itself.

Two years I spent in the Alik'r.

As write this, I am back in Sentinel. We are at war with the kingdom of Daggerfall for the possession of a grass-covered rock that belongs to the water of the Iliac Bay. All my fellow poets, writers, and artists are despondent for the greed and pride that brought these people into battle. It is a low point, a tragedy. In the words of Old Redguard, an ajcea, a spiral down.

Yet, I cannot be sorrowful. In the years I spent in the glories of the Alik'r, I have seen the eternal stones that live on while men go dead. I have found my inner eye in the tractless, formless, changeless and changeable land. Inspiration and hope, like the stones of the desert, are eternal though men be not.

>> No.2109790

>tfw Daggerfall books

I might never have gone to the Alik'r Desert had I not met Weltan in a little tavern in Sentinel. Weltan is a Redguard poet whose verse I had read, but only in translation. He chooses to write in the old language of the Redguards, not in Tamrielic. I once asked him why.

"The Tamrielic word for the divinely rich child of rot, silky, pressed sour milk is ... cheese," said Weltan, a huge smile spreading like a tide over his lampblack face. "The Old Redguard word for it is mluo. Tell me, if you were a poet fluent in both languages, which word would you use?"

I am a child of the cities, and I would tell him tales of the noise and corruption, wild nights and energy, culture and decadence. He listened with awed appreciation of the city of my birth: white-marbled Imperial City where all the citizenry are convinced of their importance because of the proximity of the Emperor and the lustration of the streets. They say that a beggar on the boulevards of the Imperial City is a man living in a palace. Over spiced ale, I regaled Weltan with descriptions of the swarming marketplace of Riverhold; of dark, brooding Mournhold; of the mold-encrusted villas of Lilmoth; the wonderful, dangerous alleys of Helstrom; the stately avenues of grand old Solitude. For all this, he marvelled, inquired, and commented.

"I feel as if I know your home, the Alik'r Desert, from your poems even though I've never been there." I told him.

"Oh, but you don't. No poem can express the Alik'r. It may prepare you for a visit far better than the best guide book can. But if you want to know Tamriel and be a true citizen of the planet, you must go and feel the desert yourself."

>> No.2109792
File: 2.39 MB, 2669x2054, Desert_Cemetery_Merzouga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2109795
File: 2.14 MB, 2560x1600, sahara_desert_wallpaper_5-wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me a little over a year to break off engagements, save money (my greatest challenge), and leave the urban life for the Alik'r Desert. I brought several books of Weltan's poems as my travel guide.

"A sacred flame rises above the fire, The ghosts of great men and women without names, Cities long dead rise and fall in the flame, The Dioscori Song of Revelation, Bursting walls and deathless rock, Fiery sand that heals and destroys."

These first six lines from my friend's "On the Immortality of Dust" prepared me for my first image of the Alik'r Desert, though they hardly do it justice. My poor pen cannot duplicate the severity, grandeur, ephemera and permanence of the Alik'r.

All the principalities and boundaries the nations have placed on the land dissolve under the moving sand in the desert. I could never tell if I was in Antiphyllos or Bergama, and few of the inhabitants could tell me. For them, and so it came to me, we were simply in the Alik'r. No. We are part of the Alik'r. That is closer to the philosophy of the desert people.

>> No.2109797
File: 245 KB, 1600x1200, desert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the sacred flame of which Weltan wrote on my first morning in the desert: a vast, red mist that seemed to come from the deep mystery of Tamriel. Long before the noon sun, the mist had disappeared. Then I saw the cities of Weltan. The ruins of the Alik'r rise from the sand by one blast of the unbounded wind and are covered by the next. Nothing in the desert lasts, but nothing dies forever.

At daylight, I hid myself in tents, and thought about the central character of the Redguards that would cause them to adopt this savage, eternal land. They are warriors by nature. As a group, there are none better. Nothing for them has worth unless they have struggled for it. No one fought them for the desert, but the Alik'r is a great foe. The battle goes on. It is a war without rancor, a holy war in the sense the phrase should always imply.

By night, I could contemplate the land itself in its relative serenity. But the serenity was superficial. The stones themselves burned with a heat and a light that comes not from the sun, nor the moons Jone and Jode. The power of the stones comes from the beat of the heart of Tamriel itself.

Two years I spent in the Alik'r.

As write this, I am back in Sentinel. We are at war with the kingdom of Daggerfall for the possession of a grass-covered rock that belongs to the water of the Iliac Bay. All my fellow poets, writers, and artists are despondent for the greed and pride that brought these people into battle. It is a low point, a tragedy. In the words of Old Redguard, an ajcea, a spiral down.

Yet, I cannot be sorrowful. In the years I spent in the glories of the Alik'r, I have seen the eternal stones that live on while men go dead. I have found my inner eye in the tractless, formless, changeless and changeable land. Inspiration and hope, like the stones of the desert, are eternal though men be not.

>> No.2109847

>Spend ages trying to get out of the first dungeon
>Get plague in proccess
>Die misrably
>Try again
>Forget about it
>Read this thread
>Fireup FALL Z.CFG
>Checkout the latest save
>You're a common citizen
>You are healthy

Goodbye life

>> No.2110038


>> No.2110261

Very nice, thank you.

>> No.2110826

daggerfall is so comfy looking
i love looking at pictures

i know this will make me sound awful but is there a way of cheating to remove almost all difficulty from the game? i would love to just explore with no risks.

>> No.2110846

Yeah, there are savegame editors. Different strokes and all that but I still think you're weird.

>> No.2110946
File: 92 KB, 1703x315, DF Temples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enable cheats in the C.ZFG file
then you can use stuff like Godmode and [ ] to teleport to quest locations in a dungeon

I don't use much of the cheats other than [ in dungeons sometimes, usually i'll explore a bit and kill shit, then after a while if I haven't found anything ill use ] to skip to another location and explore there until I find my objective

it cuts down on dungeons just enough so that you still can spend a long time in them, but they don't have to get tedious

other than that its extremely comfy, I' working on some Temple stuff right now as my Monk PC
got a quest for a Haunted House in town and it was pretty spooky because you go there to exorcise the ghosts and they just pop out of nowhere to scare you

it was a very big house too with lotf of doors and corridors so it was a good while clearing all the ghosts out and blessing the place so they wont come back

had another one before where a kid was possessed by Daedra and you have to perform an exorcism on him which was pretty funny

recently realized too that every temple has a special bonous for members,

Zenithar and Dibella seem pretty shit, at least Julianos allows you to enchant weapons which you would otherwise only be able to do in the Mages Guild, which is great if you are a non-magic character and want to Enchant

>> No.2111129
File: 95 KB, 640x400, df boat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its more fun with risks
otherwise what is there to do
most of the quests involve some sort of danger so in god mode it removes a lot of the fun, unless you just want to sail around the seas and meet friendly pirates

>> No.2111146

>walking around in an inn
>open door
>suddenly titties
Daggerfall is like a box of titties. Every time you open a door you never know what you'll get.

>> No.2111161
File: 22 KB, 640x400, Elder_Scrolls_-_Daggerfall_(DOS)_23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there used to be a prostitutes guild you could hire or even join, sort of like the thieves and dark brother hood guilds for Bard/Acrobat type characters
but it was cut sadly
like a lot of fun stuff which is still sort of partially there

I really wish they would revisit the game and make a definitive remaster of it in HD with some of the loose ends filled out

>> No.2111162

If Daggerfall Unity or DaggerXL were completed it just might be possible.

>> No.2111170
File: 25 KB, 383x444, spellmaker DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are some decent mods available now
most are pretty basic but some like Pirates of Tamriel are really cool

>> No.2111172

The lighter the color, the bigget the dungeon. Light orange are the biggest ones. Red are smallest.

>> No.2111176
File: 698 KB, 1200x750, DosBox 2014-12-05 19-35-37-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beat up snake babe with fists
>turns into a puddle of gore

>> No.2111184

What does Pirates of Tamriel do exactly? Does it add random encounters while sailing?

>> No.2111195

also if you take quests from a local fighter faction you are going to find the regions dungeons very quick

>> No.2111218
File: 75 KB, 297x456, Monk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the class you're playing now
I'm basically a modified Monk focusing on H2H fighting, mobility and Restoration


also figured out a glitch to level Mercantile really fast
go to the item identifier in the Mages Guild and spam 'identify' with nothing selected for 0 gold

every time counts as a transaction

>> No.2111251
File: 83 KB, 656x518, asdasdasdasdsssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ran up to a guard and hit him once. Suddenly I'm in jail for murder. fuck the polees

>> No.2111261

lrn to debate m8
then you wont get such shit sentences

>> No.2111318
File: 224 KB, 1195x900, HALT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta learn how to run.

>> No.2111775

I might just try that out as well, but joining (fighter-oriented) guilds must be impossible.
how's your damage?

>> No.2111797

and how do you fight big bads that are only to be damaged by actual (special-) metal weapons? I trust it doesn't work like D&D monks, who get some +damage modifiers on their hands after a couple of levels gained.

and what advantaged and disadvantages did you take? no plate armor allowed?

>> No.2111893

Lol. Oblivion was more diverse in Morrowind.
Temperate forests
Oblivion gates, which take you to places with fire and lava everywhere

Compared to ashlands, ashlands and more ashlands (plus cliff racers).

>> No.2111919

I could never get into daggerfall
It just felt so clunky
Ultima underworld was best

>> No.2111928
File: 173 KB, 1292x727, 1371690390955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Morrowind totally didn't have swamps, forests, hilly areas or open plains in addition to ashlands.

Always nice to see people go full retard because of their fanboy convictions though.

>> No.2111936


Ah, c'mon now lads. Less of that, we're all daggerfriends, here.

>> No.2112082

>and how do you fight big bads that are only to be damaged by actual (special-) metal weapons?
I'm like, 90% sure fists can hit anything in Daggerfall. I know it's that way in Morrowind as well. I'm not sure if the devs intended for this, or they just assumed nobody would actually use H2H and didn't think about it.

>> No.2112157

>fists can hit anything

oh good to know. how's the damage though?

>> No.2112160


This walkthrough is very helpful, describes how guild works, how to create well-balanced spells and items, vampirism, lycanthropy etc.

>> No.2112172
File: 188 KB, 922x1000, TheRealMannimarco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh Do-able. Certainly enough to punch a few Imps early on if you specialise a bit. Kicking is included which is nice.

>> No.2112176


>> No.2112184
File: 109 KB, 656x518, guards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I quit, I always save and go on a rampage, to see how long I can survive.

I killed so many guards, my reputation crashed through the bottom, looped around, and now I'm Revered status.

>> No.2112191

Depends on in you level H2H, that plus enchants to buff it you fists are more powerful than daedric dai-katanas

>> No.2112194

I'm sure it's intended otherwise a H2H build would be useless late game
You just have to buff yourself to constantly put out high damage

My monk build right now is really solid, just enchanting whatever I can grab with either fortify h2h or criticals

>> No.2112196

I've heard you can run this on Android pretty easily with DosBox. Anybody tried that? What is a good DosBox for Android?

Always wanted to check out Daggerfall!

>> No.2112205

Damage is pretty solid like I said, that's why I took restoration over the pre-set monk build so I can use buffs for bursts of strength
Yea maybe the fighters guild would let me join but I won't anyways, joined the temple of julianos (for RP reasons and enchanting) and the mages guild for spell making, through its hard to level up there it's an easy way to get early ebony shit, then sell it.

I swapped illusion there for alteration because its more useful even as a minor
Basically just enchant everything I can with buffs for my hand to hand, criticals, speed and other shit so I can be like Bruce lee with rapid fire death punches

Most fun with a h2h build I've had in an ES game
Nothing beats performing an exorcism on a haunted house then getting one hit crit to the face on a ghost

>> No.2112213

Never tried but I've heard the same
I just wonder how it would work, I mean combat could be cool since you could swipe in what direction you want to slash I really wish they would remaster the game and release it for PC and mobile

>> No.2112228

I really wish that someone else had tried to do what DaggerfallXL was doing instead of going 'eh we'll wait and see if the guy is dead first before anyone else tries'

>> No.2112239

Someone is doing it in Unity as well and he has had great progress

>> No.2112243


A game with Daggerfall's level of tits and gore would get an AO rating if it was released officially. It'd have to be an unofficial thing on somebody's personal website, if it ever came about at all.

>> No.2112293

I guess you could say your character was a

Ghostface Killa

>> No.2112327

lol it's a redguard too

>> No.2112329
File: 123 KB, 400x400, 1365381532694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is basically my character inspiration, named it Moses too

>> No.2112371
File: 1.96 MB, 230x173, 1396059119781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've punched a Daedra to death which is Mithril+ required so I assume so
can't be a bug, would defeat the point of H2H as a skill
the only issue is damage but it easy to compensate to put out really high dps
speed is the big thing since fists have zero weight and therefore the highest speed potential of any weapon so at high enough levels you can obliterate enemies like pic related

>> No.2112584

It would require a team. He is failing because he doesn't have one/didn't open-source his stuff. If there're coders around here willing to give it a whirl, I'm game.

>> No.2112624

You can say that about any TES game

>> No.2112649

Because of this thread I got interested in playing this game.
Then I saw everything I had to do in order to be able to play it in windows 8.

Maybe some other day.

>> No.2112684
File: 43 KB, 500x312, daggerfall3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man I'm playing it on Windows 8.1 no issue
just use this download

>> No.2112757

Daggerfall had modern day first person controls.

>> No.2112759

They're afraid. You've been acknowledged as a god.

>> No.2112925
File: 130 KB, 656x518, daedric dagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to use the "Create Item" spell to make a new dagger, because mine was always breaking. For some reason, the items I make are permanent when they're supposed to disappear after the spell runs out.

I selected "Steel Dagger" and look what popped out.

>> No.2112930

im not sure iff that's intended is it?
I spam Create Item sometimes as a Wizard to make easy money since Steel usually sells for ok money and occasionally you get rarer shit

>> No.2112931

I think the items are supposed to vanish. The spell has a duration, and the larger the duration the more SP it takes to cast. But as it stands, that duration just prevents you from casting the spell a thousand times a second.

>> No.2113014
File: 22 KB, 320x240, 1417418917024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dungeon is full of tigers and bears
>except for one skeleton pal hanging out underwater
>spend 2 hours killing tigers and bears looking for someone for a mission
>find him in a room surrounded by 4 tiger pals, wielding a giant axe
>this is only the first quest for a guild

This game is ridiculous and not in the bad way

>> No.2113028

I had one where the Count of Alik'ra lost his pet Tiger and you have to go into a dungeon to find it
I thought I was going to have to kill it but I read the note he game me so I ended up hitting it like once just to wound it then ringing this bell he gave me and the tiger became docile so I could bring it back

was pretty neat
the Fighters Guild quests are pretty fun too, as is the Temple and Knights (I like the Save the Princess quests) I haven't tried any other guilds yet

there was one where some guy was chalenged to a duel and he asked me to pretend to be him and fight on his behalf since they other guy didn't know what he looked like

then talking to the other guy he gives you some bullshit about wanting the 'other' person with the same name who happens to be a battle mage

so basically both guys hire someone to fight for them because they are scared, I found ti funny

>> No.2113118
File: 675 KB, 1200x750, DosBox 2014-12-08 19-03-57-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dungeon crawlan
>suddenly lich pops out of corner
>no warning, it just starts screaming as soon as it pops out
This fucking game.

>> No.2113121
File: 711 KB, 1200x750, DosBox 2014-12-08 19-09-28-92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right at this spot too. Just when I was about to pick up some sweet loot.

>> No.2113465

is that you, monk guy?

>> No.2113470


>mouselook off by default
>arrow keys
>"J" for jump

yup that checks out

>> No.2113482

yeah you had that as standard until Quake II.
Ultima Underworld didn't even have the possibility to remove any of that, in Daggerfall you could configure that.

>> No.2113513


Yeah, the quests are pretty great. Really, the writing in general in Daggerfall is way better than in any TES game including Morrowind (though Morrowind is a close second). The main plot isn't about some epic generic black-and-white evil; most of it's just court intrigue and dirty Medieval politics, and it works fantastically. Anyone who hasn't done the main quest should really do so. It would probably make a pretty good novel or series of novels.

>> No.2113515


I've often thought that Daggerfall could be an unofficial Game of Thrones/Song of Ice and Fire game. There's definitely enough tits and gore and YE OLDE PEASANTS to pass for it at a glance.

>> No.2113520


Yeah, that kinda what I think, too. It was Game of Thrones before Game of Thrones.

>> No.2113541
File: 145 KB, 300x450, DF-King_of_Worms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite like the main quest, especially Mannimarco's bits, I always feel compelled to side with him, even when I'm playing a Holy type character
just that office of his full of half naked belly dancing necromancers and some lich buddies
plus he looks way more domineering here than in Oblivion where I audibly scoffed when I heard he was in the game, let alone saw him and his 'plans'

>> No.2113549
File: 207 KB, 640x400, daggerfall12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it kind of funny when he starts sending Zombie messengers every day with letters sewn into their flesh after you when you don't reply to him fast enough for a quest he has

>> No.2113654

Is there anyway to reduce screen tearing in DOSBox? I have a shitty old monitor and the red flash on getting hit makes me want to puke.

>> No.2113661

scaler=advmame2x [OR advmame3x]

>> No.2113675

Didn't really work for me. Tried it with all the different outputs, too.

>> No.2113692

See I too have issues with it having been playing since Daggerfall, it all felt too simple and there were no constraints on the character you built (while some argue it a good thing, I maintain that an RPG requires character constraints) I like oblivion more simply because of this (but not a great deal more) it just felt like a lazy game that didn't feel rewarding in any way and babied you far too much

>> No.2113738

Is there any reason not to go for plate armor except for Roleplaying? It doesn't really hamper magic or reduce your thieving skills, does it?

>> No.2113751


No, but it is a bit on the heavy side. Besides that, if you're playing as a character whose main orientation is something other than melee combat (such as a wizard or a thief), the "Forbidden Armor Types: Plate" disadvantage is a good way to lower the Skill Advancement Difficulty (basically, the lower that is the easier it is to gain skills and levels).

Encumbrance does matter, by the way. Even besides limiting how much loot and even money you can carry (money has weight in this game - very little, admittedly, but I can tell you from experience how annoying it is to not be able to pick up a pile of gold from a dungeon because you're carrying too much, because you're playing as a knight with like 30-40 kgs of armor), encumbrance also hampers your swimming, and if you're really encumbered, you'll be completely immobile and just straight-up sink like a rock the moment you enter water (that is, the swimmable/diveable water in dungeons) without using some sort of Water Walking spell/enchantment.

>> No.2113756


>> No.2114065

Tbh not really but sometimes taking the no armour disadvantage can help for getting other shit and the issue of weight in a class with low strength is an issue,

But then again as a Mage, having all those little extra bits on you to enchant can only buff you even more, I found a few pieces of silver Armour (the best for enchanting) and just buffed them for int and willpower bonuses as well as spell absorption, and the boots for strength so I could carry everything I need

>> No.2114126
File: 7 KB, 493x402, 1394732959757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant get the damn thing to work

I installed all the files and it installed to my hard drive, then it told me to type in c:\Dagger into DOSBox, but then it just says I inserted the wrong CD

>> No.2114143


>installing from dos

There's not really any reason to do this anymore, just get a modern EZ installer. If you want to play vanilla DF for any reason you can just uncheck the boxes to get an unpatched or unmodded install.


First thing on the list, fully patched up including some unofficials.

>> No.2114162
File: 28 KB, 400x250, 400px-DF-Iliac_Bay_Political_View.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore that
delete it and use this install


this should be in the OP because there is no reason not to use this repack of it, no messing with DOSbox needed

>> No.2114167

wtf does that map even mean?
I've seen it before but there is no explanation for the colours

>> No.2114215

the blue is water. the other colors presumably refer to political/territorial borders

>> No.2114217
File: 19 KB, 300x309, 464070875584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start the game
>miss a rat from point blank 15 times
>open a door, imp one shots me
>restart, this time kill the imp
>die again because LOL NO HEALING ITEMS
>even though Im a monk and put pts into healing
>all these empty rooms
>terrifying screaming
>oh god oh god oh god
>die from a bat because I missed every time again

>> No.2114237

yea but is there any relation to the colours? I thought it was to denote counties, kingdoms, baronies and other shit

try stabbing instead it has a higher accuracy, and imps are fucking cunts, just have to rest and heal when you can

>> No.2114289

why cant I hold all these empty rooms

>> No.2114315

>the blue is water

and here I thought it was mashed smurfs

>> No.2114336
File: 33 KB, 327x547, Egypt DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be thankful for those empty rooms
better than a room full of screaming liches!

>> No.2114404

Can monks just not use any shield at all?

>> No.2114507

Good place to rest too.

>> No.2114530

don't think so
I don't much like the pre-made monk class because I want some magic like resto
but then without increased magery you have piss poor magika

>> No.2114635
File: 1.13 MB, 1200x750, DosBox 2014-12-09 15-08-52-79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This monk guy?

>> No.2114640

>play character for 20 or so hours
>get to somewhat high level, have lots of cool stuff
>get bored, roll new character
>repeat process

I'll never finish the main quest. Or get an entire suit of Daedric gear.

>> No.2114647

you can always cheat and steal full daedric from one of the inns

>> No.2114649

someone else I think

>> No.2114701

Can someone tell me what that outfit is?

>> No.2114714

I finally escaped the dungeon, but now Im just walking endlessly through the field

pressing the map key doesnt bring anything up

>> No.2114726

Ha, ha. Did the exact same thing despite reading the manual. You have to rightclick the map to the get the world map. Or press W I think.

>> No.2114756

its like the Egyptian Queen or something
you have to activate it in the files since its not automatically in the game
I do this in every game pretty much

>> No.2115009

>speed 125


>> No.2115016

Gotta go fast. Can't let those damn Lords outspeed me.

>> No.2115102

that map reminds me of southern europe and northern africa

moreso in geographical shape than political.

>> No.2115176

Speed is really great if you get it into the high numbers, dungeons go much faster. besides it increases your jumping length as well

>> No.2115192

also it increases attack speed so high speed with Hand2Hand is like fists of fury
I want to make a no-armour, no shield Ninja class next
either one Dai-Katana, or dual weild katanas for maximum edgy
they even have a ninja suit in game so its basically a requirement to do
tbh that's basically what it is in game, considering Hammerfell is full of black Islamic styled dudes and High Rock full of a ton of little European style principalities

>> No.2115209

northern part always reminds me of a flaccid penis.

>> No.2115252

it represents the impotency of the Kingdom of Daggerfall after the death of their old king, and the naive failure of the new one being manipulated by his mother and all the women in his life

>> No.2115304

Once you find out about Castle Faallem, is it normal for it to show up in conversation options as "[player character]'s house"? And is it normal for that to *stay* on the conversation menu even after you've found the letter there and brought it back to Lhotun?

>> No.2115372
File: 97 KB, 966x748, 006d7b98e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went to Ykalon for the first time, and somebody in a merchant's shop accused me of burglarizing a ruby. I finally tracked down the ruby and the note incriminating the person really behind it. Now I have to find this Barbyssa Moorcroft, and she was only mentioned in this note. Any tips on finding her and completing the quest?

>> No.2115382

go to Ykalon on the world map and click Find the type "The Resolution of Z'en' im pretty sure its a temple or shrine of some sort

>> No.2115713

Nope, I think Resolution of Z'en is the name of the temple faction. But to be safe, I checked and it's not a place on the map. I also checked the only temple in the city of Ykalon, which is a temple of Mara and 3 Temples of Zenithar in other cities.

>> No.2115720


Ask people in town.

>> No.2116037

This is your best bet, just ask people and the palace nobles

>> No.2116471

All guilds have bonuses. Some give you free weapon repairs (fighters I think), some free room and board (adventures maybe).

Been years since I played but I remember getting those bonuses.

>> No.2116638

The name doesn't come up in Chesterbridge, where the quest started. So uh, I guess now I'll just check every other city.

>> No.2116641

if it doesn't come up there either you missed something or its bugged and broken

you might get another letter later
or did you try the temple?

>> No.2116653

It doesn't have much unique content. The amount of detail is kind of impressive and the atmosphere is cozy, but it would be hard to get even 100 hours out of it without it getting redundant.

You get a lot of well written paragraphs of text, that's about the most impressive part about the gameplay.

That being said, I still love it and it's better than Skyrim for sure.

>> No.2116663
File: 191 KB, 612x468, dagger flame.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to find it on here
there are walkthroughs and lists of common bugs
tbh its a different experience than the latter games, Morrowind has better quests and a more focused experience allowing for more diversity in that respect, but its not as open to free play and experimentation

Oblivion is like the middle ground between them, free enough, but still a little focused, I think that might hurt it more than help it though

I think what I like most if playing around with different characters and playstyles, or just role playing, I feel its a lot better for that than latter games, and I feel more re-playability even if the staying power per character is less
like I said before made a Ninja pc and am having some fun just fucking around with it

>> No.2116810

I got super lucky and managed to find her in the first random nearby city I checked. Thanks everyone for trying to help!

>> No.2117104
File: 19 KB, 220x441, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post qts

>> No.2117438

How the hell do I get magical gear as a knight? I mean, I'm trying to roleplay, too, so joining the Mages' Guild is right out. But... even doing the main quest, I have a distinct lack of magical equipment and it's affecting my abilities (like, I have no way of levitating or slowfalling so falls are always a danger, and I have nothing to absorb or reflect spells so I can't hope to defeat any liches unless I get really lucky, likewise I have no way of getting through Direnni Tower.)

>> No.2117440

Join Temple of Julianos. At rank 5 you have access to enchanter.

>> No.2117442

Also their required skills are
>Short Blade

>> No.2117508
File: 84 KB, 640x480, 123342121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Character I'm playing right now, doing a no magic run so forgive the cheesed stats.

>> No.2117581

Can I be a necromancer?

>> No.2117593

>level 3
>health 55

did you take +4/level?

>> No.2117802

If you took 100% combat you probably can't do much unless you cheat
If you join a knight order at higher ranks they give you Quests to find artifacts which can be pretty good, otherwise you're probably stuck with what magical stuff you can find in dungeons/quests

You can do Daedra quests if you summon them on the right day, but withought temples and te mages guild I think te only way you can summon a Daedra is to find a witch coven which can be pretty difficult, or get super lucky and have Sheogorath appear for you randomly to fuck with you.

Or you can always hit the books and start trying to buff a magic skill enough for Julianos to take you in since to level up in temples doesn't require levelling up in any of their skills, just reputation

>> No.2117810

Or buff short blade/lock picking or anything else

If you have lots of money you can just pay a trainer to level up quick

>> No.2117814

There isn't even a conjugation school for being a Demon Summoner

>> No.2117961

that's not what he meant. he meant training up short blade and lock picking from a trainer and then joining Julianos' temple, which offers a lot of stuff the mage's guild offers.

>> No.2117973 [DELETED] 

Hrgota holy shit man

>> No.2118461

well Julianos offers a decent library at low levels and enchants/selling soul gems
Kynareth as well offers Spellmaking but other than that is kind of shit

idk who you were replying to though

>> No.2118963

Ok for some reason temple quest givers aren't revealing dungeons on my travel map. How am I supposed to do these quests if I can't even travel to the dungeon.

>> No.2118990

Nevermind. Fixed it. I used the fixsave tool in the daggerfall folder.

>> No.2118991

uh yeah, now I noticed I fucked up, looked like the one I was replying to replied to the post right above that.

have you tried typing in the name of the dungeon in the travel map? it usually automatically shows up. or maybe it isn't in the same kingdom? maybe the questgiver sends you off into another kingdom, better read the quest text again.

>> No.2119009

oh never mind then.

>> No.2119013

Tried that, but the map wasn't written down on the Travel map. Fixsave.exe did the trick. Problem was that dungeons weren't being revealed by the quest giver.

>> No.2119289

Skyrim is like a vast ocean but only knee deep. It's fun to tread around in but nothing that'll really pull you in quite like the older Elder Scrolls games did. First one I played was Morrowind and I absolutely adored it. I've probably pumped more hours into that game than anything else.

>> No.2119891
File: 1.23 MB, 1200x750, Onion Bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is so much more fun with slow characters. I have no idea why.

>> No.2119932

probably because it's not an impediment on getting around the world given horses and carts

>> No.2119938

Why are you wearing an armor made of bananas?

>> No.2119963

they're good for you

>> No.2119978


Hey man sometimes you get hungry in those dungeons.

>> No.2120057

>high elves using hokuto shinken
dear gods

>> No.2120220

So I decided to finally try this. It's actually pretty good once you get the controls to work right, the only issue is I cannot save no matter what, it just crashes back to DOS. How do I fix it?

>> No.2120229

Which version did you DL? Also get all the updates and community fixes.

>> No.2120231

I got it from Bethesda's website, also which community patches am I supposed to get? I don't want the kind that's not vanilla enough, if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.2120234

Stuff under
Official Patches and Utilities
Unofficial Patches and Fixes

>> No.2120237

Alright, thank you. I'll try those and see if they work.

>> No.2120240

need that potassium

>> No.2120254

Unfortunately, it's not working. I installed the Hackfall and DFQFIX patches, and it still crashes with the same old "error writing to drive" error.

>> No.2120261

Anyone know any quality LP's of this?

>> No.2120272

It's your dosbox config. Look for a guide to fix that.

>Go look in your dosbox INI.
>look at and find
>change it to

Also how do you run the game? With a shortcut or with dosbox?

>> No.2120276

use this install
this should be in the OP

>> No.2120280

I set it to 32 and it still crashes. And I launch every DOS game from the DOSBox shell, that can't be what's causing this issue, right?
This is gonna sound autistic and weird, but I don't want to use that since I already have a DOSBox install with a bunch of games, I don't want an additional install. Stuff like that is why I don't like GOG.

>> No.2120293

If you run it off dosbox make sure you have -freesize 10000
or something

>> No.2120378

Yeah, it's still not working. I guess it just doesn't like my computer.

>> No.2120404

>tfw no Elder Scrolls game has the amount clothes and clothing framework to compare to Daggerfall
>tfw Daggerfall doesn't even have that much clothing

>> No.2120537

Just get the installer that >>2120276 linked. Be sure not to install the extra quests though since some are bugged. If you want to DL extra quest mods, read their documentation and apply them one by one, keeping them if they work.

>> No.2120551

Yeah, I fixed it, nevermind that. Turns out that for some reason I didn't have the SAVE folders and the game wouldn't let me save, so I created them and now it works.

>> No.2120787

>This is gonna sound autistic and weird, but I don't want to use that since I already have a DOSBox install

Muh nigga. I'm the same.

>> No.2121068

Please add invert mouse


>> No.2121083

>invert mouse
Now I just don't get this. Is it just for games? What about desktop navigation? I know that Ken Silverman uses invert, too.

>> No.2121532


>> No.2121570

It doesn't help that the fucknut has been doing it closed-source.

>> No.2121786
File: 63 KB, 280x300, 1417544823030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here, only played Oblivion and Morrowind. Is being a thiefy-stealthy character viable in this game?

>> No.2121825

Yeah. You can also abuse sneaking early game if you go thief/mage, using a low cost chameleon spell. Hell the game even has a critical, backstabbing, and a dodge skill.

>> No.2122303
File: 218 KB, 846x612, 1417905991411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man being a sneaky ninja is so OP
just because of the backstab + critical strike skills
short or long blade + those two as primariy skills = top teir stealth

put steal in secondary and illusion plus give yourself a little magic bonus in the advantages then you're good to go
enjoy teleporting behind Daedra Lords and slitting their throats while you tip your Colovian Fur helm

>> No.2122373


>> No.2122383

>183 total votes

holy shit man, lots and lots of lurkers here

>> No.2122547

>Get enough cash to buy a horse
>Get off

I haven't really looked into any patches, but is there any way to get rid of this?

>> No.2122628
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1418445615321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It goes away if you restart the game. The problem is that you were holding a movement button when you opened a menu screen (such as the map or travel mode selection) and were not holding the same button when you closed it. Prevent it in the future by releasing all movement before opening menus on horseback, and if/when you accidentally forget to, just keep it held down until after you close the menu.

>> No.2122676


You don't need to restart the game. You just need to enter a building, fast-travel, basically anything that would involve entering a different area and resetting the sound effects.

Now the tavern music playing everywhere forever after you leave the tavern, THAT requires you to restart the game.

>> No.2122835

There is a distinct lack of good conjugation in the elder scrolls setting.

>> No.2122909

The closest to legit conjugation is the Master level quest in Skyrim where you have to do a seance and shit to summon and control a high level Daedra

>> No.2122921



Yeah I agree they should flesh out the languages more, I don't even know how Dunmer verbs conjugate at all.

>> No.2122972

This game is awesome but I have no idea what I'm doing.

I tried to map my keys to wasd and did it just fine, but now for whatever reason A is sending me forward and D is sending me to the left and W is now going to the right.

I have no idea what I did, but my bindings are the same as they were. Very amusing.

>> No.2122984

Open up z.cfg with notepad, edit "betaplayer" to "viewplayer". It switches the original controls to standard wasd + mouselook. I know that's not your problem but fucking with that might help.

>> No.2122998

Oh, this is perfect thanks.

>> No.2123158
File: 204 KB, 640x961, Best controls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2123185

Is the destructive magic good in this game or am I better off just hitting things with swords? Just got into this last night.

>> No.2123213

So, just a real quick question.
In Daggerfall, how does joining a Temple/Templar Order work? Are they practically the same?
If I join the House of Dibella, do I also join the Order of the Lilly?
If not, can I join both, or do I have to choose between the temple and the order?

>> No.2123364
File: 42 KB, 640x480, The House of Dibella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're the same in all but name. In fact, if you're a member of a Temple or its Templar Order, you are also automatically a member of its counterpart which does exactly the same things.

That's how it works mechanically, at least. But as far as I can tell in my long time playing, actual Templar Order buildings do not exist except for those of Akatosh, who does not happen to have any Temple buildings.

In other words, the following exist in numerous locations:
Order of the Hour (Akatosh Templar Order)
Order of Arkay (Arkay Temple)
House of Dibella (Dibella Temple)
School of Julianos (Julianos Temple)
Temple of Kynareth (Kynareth Temple)
Benevolence of Mara (Mara Temple)
Temple of Stendarr (Stendarr Temple)
Resolution of Z'en (Zenithar Temple)

The following almost certainly do not exist, but may just be extremely uncommon:
Akatosh Chantry (Akatosh Temple)
Knights of the Circle (Arkay Templar Order)
Order of the Lily (Dibella Templar Order)
Knights Mentor (Julianos Templar Order)
Knaran Order (Kynareth Templar Order)
Maran Knights (Mara Templar Order)
Crusaders (Stendarr Templar Order)
Knights of Iron (Zenithar Templar Order)

>> No.2123463

You're supposed to be able to join multiple temples but Bethesda patched that out on 1.91 for no reason. It kinda ruins immersion when you can't go Arkay/Julianos/Kyne and be totally independent of the mages guild. For now you can only join one. But you can work around it by installing a fresh DF and 1.79, then moving your savegame, joining then moving it back you your normal DF install.

>> No.2123480

Destruction Is a really good alternative for DPS if you're smart with spell absorb. The rick is not to have too much WIL and max INT. Since you'll end up saving vs your AOE spells and not absorbing mana.

>> No.2124090

If you press "U" button while customizing your character, you can max all your stats to 75 and the negative bonus points returns to 0.

Tl;dr pick custom character, press "U" after setting your str/end/etc. levels and you can make everything 75. Only works for custom chars.

>> No.2124167
File: 103 KB, 400x250, DF-Map-Regions-Post-Df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, I see the reason why they patched that out, it would make other guilds redundant and make it too easy to just "do everything" with one character

>> No.2124169
File: 1.43 MB, 630x330, dagger death scene.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea but what's the fun then?
the farthest I go for cheating is the High Elf paralysis glitch and the skipping to various points in a dungeon one

>> No.2124583

quite interesting how the game checks your primary attributes and then decides for the questions to ask when you create your background by questioning.
I just created a more thief-oriented character and it asked me thief-questions while on my swordmage guy I played before it was more magic oriented questions.

>> No.2124585
File: 172 KB, 892x823, daggerfallmap1jg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2124614

Got to love those aesthetics

>> No.2124648

OP here, taking a short break from the game. Thanks everybody for a fantastic thread! Hadn't expected that at all. Due to the amount of replies (521!) we've hit the bump limit (plus we're already on page 10) so the thread probably won't be around for much longer. Just wanted to say thanks you all, for reminding me just why this is such a fantastic game.

>> No.2124656

thought we had 750 posts limit here as well, else I would have made a new OP. will do one right now with a bit of an info dump.

>> No.2124665

New Thread:


>> No.2124778

Op here again, nicely done! I should've linked that stuff earlier here too, hopefully it'll help people get up and running faster.

>> No.2124931

Of course it's just for games you dingus, what kind of asshead would want an inverted mouse for the desktop.

Some of us who've been playing games for 20-odd years have become very accustomed to airplane-style navigation in first person games, it's just more intuitive.