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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2077420 No.2077420 [Reply] [Original]


Discuss any repairs or mods you're working on here!

General cleaning guide:

Service manuals (if you have any, please check the list and add what's missing):

(Old thread: >>1995236)

>> No.2079263

Is there any special way to bend back atari joystick metal pads? Do I just have to bend the flaps back and it will do the trick? mine are not clicking anymore.

>> No.2079492

You can buy new ones on ebay. $10 for 50 of them.

>> No.2079730
File: 163 KB, 450x328, Mastersystem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Sega Master System is pretty much destroyed. Rust ( i think thats the right word) has invaded completely the inside, and i cant take off the last 2 screws of the protective plate. and believe me, i tried EVERYTHING.

whats the best thing i can do at this point? just sell the games and controller on eBay? ...
pic related, the model i have

>> No.2079737

You could, but you risk them not working

If you really want a master system, but this one is shot, it might be worth investing into a Master System adapter for the Genesis

>> No.2079749

games seem to be in good shape, all with their boxes
only one has the minor flaw of a little white mark, problably from forcing it while taking it out of the console.

...is there any liquid where i could literally bath my SMS to get rid of the rust ?

>> No.2079758

unfortunately I don't think there is any liquid that wouldn't eat away at the good part of the circuit board under the rust.

If it's as bad as you say, it might be worth just chocking it up as a loss.

If you're determined, you can rub the rust off with super fine steel wool, and if any traces are exposed in the process but not cut, you can apply new over coat to the traces.

Is there any way you could take and upload pictures?

>> No.2079782
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this is the protection plate. i used a product recommended by my father to take off all the rust i could called "isopropyl alcohol" in 99% concentration

>> No.2079789
File: 412 KB, 1920x1088, back_ports.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ports in the back. before opening the console, looking at this i knew it had a lot of rust. i removed part of it with the isopropyl alcohol

>> No.2079790

Can you possible take one with the light on?

If I am seeing right, the metal RF shield is the one that took the brunt of the rust.

Is there anyway you can take the shield off?

And I am sorry to say, your dad is wrong about the isopropyl alcohol being able to take it off.

IF it's just the RF shield that needs a de-rusting then you can take that off and soak it

>> No.2079791
File: 404 KB, 1920x1088, back_screw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the screws that just wouldnt go off. i lost my nerve here

>> No.2079793

Jesus Christ

Why would you do something like that? Get some WD-40 man if its stuck

>> No.2079796
File: 456 KB, 1920x1088, front_screw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well what i did was soak a toothbrush in a bit of isopropyl alcohol and it was pretty effective from what ive seen. maybe we are talking about a different product. and i dont have the power supply but let me check if i have a good adapter.
>pic is the other screw that wouldnt go off either although the front part of the console didnt have as much rust

>> No.2079803

The console looks in relatively OK condition if its just the RF shield and back RF box that needs some work.

apart from this >>2079791

Is that screw stripped? If so, you can drill the head out

>> No.2079804
File: 410 KB, 1920x1088, cartridge_slot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried with WD-40 and 4 different screwdrivers

>> No.2079808
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you think it can be saved? i should check the insides for more rust

>> No.2079814


For future reference, drill out stubborn screws.

or cut the head off.

And that rust looks like its on the edge (The grounding plane) of the board. It might be salvageable so long as there's not any rust on major components.

It might be salvageable but it is going to be a ton of work to get it working and might not be worth the effort

>> No.2079818

If you can get the RF shield off, you can get a better look at the board and you might be able to soak or sand off the rust you see.

If the rust goes too deep (and it can), on the RF shield, it will just punch a hole though the metal if its eaten all the way though

>> No.2079829
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Thanks Anon
I will do my best to try and fix this

>> No.2079831

Get a multimeter to check for bad connections

>> No.2080851
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R8 my AV mod

>> No.2080857
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I didn't want to ruin the case, so I used a 3.5mm TRS jack to get the signals out
(The yellowing isn't caused by the camera, my Famicom is actually like that)

>> No.2081076

My Model 1 Genesis puts out a slight staticy buzz on the right side when I use headphones. Anyone know what could be causing this? The sound to the TV is just fine, and it still plays the right audio, just with static over it.

>> No.2081241

Although not retro, I had to replace a capacitor in my Xbox because it was leaking this blue liquid over my mother boars. Never seen anything like it. In retro related, I had to clean up a sonic the Hedgehog cartridge that was faulty. Nothing serious, just a bit of annoying dirt.

>> No.2081243

*Mother board

>> No.2081245
File: 1.28 MB, 953x684, 1396571777427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that beautiful feel when you take an alcohol swab to a new/old cart and the contacts immediately start shining again

>> No.2083603

Is my Super Nintendo dead? Was working fine Then I put it game yesterday and the screen is flashing grey with a black streak through it. Tried new cables, hooking it up to a different TV, cleaning everything, different games... everything yields the same grey black flickery screen.

>> No.2083671
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Good god, get some retro bright

>> No.2084321

What's it like to be illiterate?

>> No.2084380

I don't know what that means

>> No.2084802
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It means you don't read so good, ya dingus

>> No.2085127

>irony: the post

>> No.2085143
File: 61 KB, 800x498, 479349999_336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry because not retro, but /g/ is not tech support
>after i got done getting ultima and quick on all my characters, i beat ff6 advance and wanted to finally play bonus content
>drop bogusly
>screen doesn't work anymore, but power light comes on
it has two small Phillips screws on back. is it worth trying to take apart and repair?
pic related

>> No.2085148
File: 2.56 MB, 4128x2322, 20141123_215458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking apart my super advantage controller to clean it and also i will bleach it to make it grey again

>> No.2085149

>i will bleach it to make it grey again

Why do you want to destroy it if you're trying to restore it?

>> No.2085153
File: 11 KB, 355x355, 61Al7O2qPLL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about this

>> No.2085165 [DELETED] 

So you're using peroxide, which isn't bleach.

Both cause a similar color effect, but vastly differ on how they affect the structure of the plastic.

Saying you're bleaching it, implies that you're using the substance bleach. Not expecting someone to call you out on this is kind of stupid.

>> No.2085186

How much do buffers help with ps1 games?
My star ocean the second story is quite scratched, but the only thing that doesn't work is when I try to enter any building in lacour. So I was wondering how much buffing helps.

>> No.2085187

There was this dude that came up with a good solution to de-yellow old plastic. But the risk is you might damage it.

>> No.2085192 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 1137x529, 4Chan on Earbuds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science Park Amsterdam is a science park in the Oost city district of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

>> No.2085194

Shit is called Retr0bright. It is a mix of peroxide and oxyclean. Then you treat it with a UV lamp.

>> No.2085282 [DELETED] 

>Saying you're going to go full medieval implies you're going to build a time machine and travel back a few hundred years

>> No.2085287 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 470x328, 1011_53_226_2007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asahi Camera (アサヒカメラ Asahi kamera?) is a Japanese monthly photographic magazine.

>> No.2085794

I have a lot of PAL SNES carts, a Super Scope receiver, keyboard from 2001 and a EPROM burner from 1986 that are yellowed.
Also a few GB and NES carts and 1 N64 cart that show some brownish stains.

I would greatly apply that stuff but i waited instead to know how great it looks after a long time.
This does not make me happy:

Not worth the effort IMO when it lasts only a few years. If it's more than 10 years then i would consider doing it.

>> No.2085838

I didn't know clarifying the difference between bleach and peroxide was grounds for deletion on this board. Good to know, I now know that I shouldn't deter people from using bleach, since the post will be deleted.

>> No.2086325

So I found an SNES in a thrift shop today. I didn't pick it up because it's in terrible condition. And I do mean awful. It's entirely yellow on both sides, they cracked the Nintendium near the reset switch, the on and power buttons feel as though there is sand trapped in them, it sounds as though sand (though nothing metallic) is rattling around on the inside, and it wouldn't power on.

Is it even worth a 10 dollar gamble to see if it could maybe be fixed?

>> No.2086331

Near the eject, on and reset buttons. Sorry, kinda tired.

>> No.2086394

There's a good chance it can work again, and the shell can be patched up and painted however you want.

It was probably left in an attic or garage for a long time.

>> No.2086407

I may grab it tomorrow. Don't know shit about technology and I'll have to order that security screwdriver because lolproprietary bullshit, but I guess 10 bucks isn't too much to gamble with.

I'll take pictures for you when all this finally comes together.

>> No.2086427

Unless they added them in later models, you should only need a phillips to take an SNES apart.

>> No.2086432

I'm pretty certain I saw the security screws, but now you've got me second guessing myself. Guess I should've taken pictures. I'll stop there after class tomorrow and, if it's still there, pick it up.

>> No.2086445

No, I'm wrong, I was remembering the wrong console. You do need the game bits to take it apart.

>> No.2086452

So /vr/ can you recommend any decent soldering iron for more fragile/retro electronics? in Brit bongo land so any uk based stores would be a bonus.

>> No.2086801


>> No.2086850

>Using 0 instead of O

How autistic are you

>> No.2086860

What are you even trying to talk about?

>> No.2086862

My genesis cartridge slot is looser than a Filipino hooker. It does not take much to make a game stop working from a misconnection. Any advice?

>> No.2086914
File: 2.10 MB, 4128x2322, 20141123_164919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I just wanna keep you guy updated on my little project

>> No.2086921
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After I put the peroxide and let it dry on the sun

>> No.2086927
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All back together

>> No.2086942
File: 2.02 MB, 4128x2322, 20141124_200144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And all done and put together it's amazing what a little bottle can do so yeah I am happy with the results

>> No.2087015
File: 3.91 MB, 4996x3264, cartridge slot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy with a slutty genesis here: see anything out of the ordinary in this cartridge slot? Cartridges wiggle around real bad, and if it's not in the exact correct spot, the game either freezes or doesn't start to begin with. Probably has something to do with the fact that I had to use a paperclip to remove the fur of no less than three cats from the slot.

Also, there's kind of a burning smell, but that's probably just what I get for opening it immediately after playing some Sanic.

>> No.2087210

>Not worth the effort IMO when it lasts only a few years.
It should have been obvious that it's not a permanent solution. The other thing the article overlooks is that some plastic yellowing is from oxygen, not UV, which is the case with SNES's.

>> No.2087248

>Not worth the effort IMO when it lasts only a few years. If it's more than 10 years then i would consider doing it.

Well, better not bother vacuuming, since the floor will just get dirty again.

Why do dishes? They just get dirty again.

In addition to reversing the yellowing, it also reverses the brittleness that comes with the yellowing. I don't see why a day or two of leaving something to sit isn't worth at least years of this.

>> No.2087259

Fuck. Yeah.

> After I put the peroxide and let it dry on the sun
specifics please

How much peroxide?
Did you dilute the peroxide with water?
How long did it soak?
How long in the sun?
Any residue on the plastic?


>> No.2087278

Not sure what he did exactly, but GameTech had a video about Retr0Brighting NES-101's.


>> No.2087320
File: 2.23 MB, 4128x2322, 20141123_223335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I use this

No it's no diluted is just straight-up from the bottle
the trick is to pour it and have it all uniform and as flat as possible so I used a little brush.
It's a thin but uniform layer it's like you wanna paint it but with the mix from the bottle.
also try to use it only on grey parts only because it can ruin other colors on your system
Like pic

And I leave it like a 2 to 3 hours but it might not work for you because I live in a very sunny area so try to leave it all day. Keep in mind that the sun is moving

>> No.2087330

Anyone got a source for this online? I have a hard time finding high concentration peroxide and shit in my town.

I'm in Canada.

>> No.2087331


>> No.2087768

That's why i waited. I wanted to know how it looks after some years.
I also heard that the SNES plastic is more sensitive to the process, it's easy to fuck it up if you do it the same like on a Amiga.

Why paint the walls if they get dirty anyways.
Just clean it if it gets dirty.
Why clean the chimney?
You know, why not make yourself a cave and live there and hunt wild animals out there. At least you don't need a job for this, just the right area.

Not everyone can go and easily buy the required chemicals and making the UV lamp setup is the other thing. Whenever i get used electronics (obviously without warranty) then i take them fully apart as much as possible and clean, check, possibly repair each single part appropriately.
I consider the Retr0bright procedure as a neat but complicated operation, also these chemicals are quite dangerous compared to water and rubber alcohol which i usually use for cleaning plastic.

>> No.2087773

they work enough on all discs, it's worth a shot.
UNLESS you've done it before, don't buff a disc more than twice.

>> No.2087780

you could try bending the pins back with a small tool or a bend safety pin. I've never done it with anything other than an NES 72 pin connector, but I don't see how it could hurt to try.

>Also, there's kind of a burning smell, but that's probably just what I get for opening it immediately after playing some Sanic.
i chuckled

>> No.2088087

Neither of my two NESs work and I'm not entirely sure as to why.
I've cleaned the contacts on the 72 pin connector, and even bent them back into place with no real change.
Any ideas as to what the problem could be? I believe they just keep resetting continuously (not entirely sure on this, I haven't messed with them in a few months). I haven't touched the lockout chip as many people have said that's more of a last choice method of troubleshooting them.

>> No.2088094

>Not everyone can go and easily buy the required chemicals and making the UV lamp setup is the other thing. Whenever i get used electronics (obviously without warranty) then i take them fully apart as much as possible and clean, check, possibly repair each single part appropriately.
>I consider the Retr0bright procedure as a neat but complicated operation, also these chemicals are quite dangerous compared to water and rubber alcohol which i usually use for cleaning plastic.

You can use lesser concentrations of peroxide over a longer time, and leave it in the sun.

>> No.2088116

You seem to know what you're talking about, that's a good start.

shot in the dark, but when i got my NES off of ebay it didn't work. the listing said it was working fine, so i ended up getting like an 80% refund.


i opened it up and saw a few traces were actually damaged, it looked like spot corrosion. i can't believe i found it because it was only like a 1/32" of broken trace.
so i suggest a real hard look at the mainboard, after cleaning it (which i assume you did)

like you said, pulling the pin on the lockout chip is a last resort. unfortunately people jump to that first then wonder why their NES stopped flashing and just shows a grey screen....

>> No.2088131

>so i suggest a real hard look at the mainboard
And if this doesn't help then use a magnifying glass with good lighting.

>pulling the pin on the lockout chip is a last resort
And of course it doesn't seem to stick in the wiki threads that there's a reversible solution that involves to solder just 2 wires to specific spots.


>> No.2088240

>And of course it doesn't seem to stick in the wiki threads that there's a reversible solution that involves to solder just 2 wires to specific spots.

I think the point is, we don't want people thinking that it's a fix-all and should be done before anything else.

>> No.2088261

Just get a cheapo one from hong kong,make sure it has a needle tip.

I bought a weller iron for about £25 it was fucked after a few uses,ive had this cheapo iron i imported from taiwan for about £2.50 and ive been using it for about 4 years,its only 15w though not really hot enough

>> No.2088265

Tighten the 2 screws holding the cartridge connector ,and also slightly bend each of the pins to make a better contact

>> No.2089315

I had nearly the same problem, I think it's because the pins were bent back but not all are touching the contacts. I left a cart in the NES (pushed down) for about a week and it worked fine after. You could check after 2-3 days if you have somekind of glichty graphics it's working

>> No.2091058


>> No.2091252
File: 334 KB, 1832x1575, Waves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was told to post this here:

I've got a jap model 1 mega drive plugged in via composite. what causes these way lines? are they normal?

>> No.2091260

What AC are you using?

>> No.2091267

A 3rd Party one that works fine with my Super Famicom (I'm in Australia)

>> No.2091274

sorry - this http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/181315409857?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2648

>> No.2091278

Input : 110~240V AC 50/60HZ

Output : DC 9V 1A

Cable length: 100 cm

DC Plug Dimension: 5.5mm * 2.1mm

DC Plug polarity: Positive Outside, Negative Inside .


Overload Protection

Short Circuit Protection

Over voltage protection

Efficiency: ≥80%

>> No.2091284

That doesn't really mean crap it works with a Super Famicom . The Genesis is a more fickle beast. It might be prudent to track down an official AC adapter

>> No.2091516

Also beware of any AC sources nearby which can cause interference. I had my SCART router on top of my PVM to begin with and spent ages investigating a flickering problem, only to discover it was cured when I moved the router under the desk instead...