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/vr/ - Retro Games

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>> No.2066774

>$1,500 USD

>> No.2066781

People are so fucking stupid. They dug up 750,000 of the things and people are paying $1k+ for them. Retards. I hope the city is putting those funds to good use.

>> No.2066782
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People paying for a game so shitty it was put in the dirt bcuz


>> No.2066789
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>mfw i got ET in box for $5

>> No.2066792

>hurr durr I'm not sure if the games are worth the high prices they went for on ebay
Of course they're worth it, otherwise people wouldn't have placed such bids. This is -exactly- how value is defined. Market demand.

>> No.2066794

The point is retards are paying 1000+ dollars for a game that is next to free, and driving up the price.
god knows the prices are high enough already for retro.

>> No.2066797

>god knows the prices are high enough already for retro.

Nigga don't sit here and try to act like you want a copy of ET, because we all know you don't.

>> No.2066801

If that's what people are willing to pay, then that's what the items are worth. It's basic logic.

>> No.2066802

but it didnt come from the sacred landfill

>> No.2066813
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I would if i didnt have one

>> No.2066818

Novelty has its own value.

>> No.2066823

ET is like $3 on that popular auction site. Why would anyone pay more for it, just because it's been buried in a dump and probably doesn't work?

>> No.2066824

I told myself I might buy one of these from the angle of owning a piece of video game history, but I was thinking maybe 50 dollars for a copy. 1500? Fuck that. I'd rather use that much money to buy... well that could buy pretty much every game on my wishlist both retro and modern.

>> No.2066825


>> No.2066830

The dump wasn't even Atair's main site. The location of the main dump is still unknown.
The historical value of these games is pretty low.

>> No.2066831

How old are you? ET has had its infamous reputation long before youtube even existed. And I do mean LONG.

>> No.2066832

What's your source on that?

>> No.2066848

There is no source about what happened. What is known is the number of ET games and how many were dumped. If those millions were dumped in a single dump or in multiple who knows.

This dump in New Mexico is from one of Atari's warehouses. Not their main one in California which is where the millions of games would had been. Less than 20,000 ET games are at the New Mexico dump(AVGN I think said that). Think they said close to a million games are at that site. They're mixed games though not just ET.

>> No.2066898

Why would you

>> No.2066928

$5 US dollars, with box and manual.

>> No.2066938


Should have paid $1,000 to get one from the sacred soil.

>> No.2066970

I'm amazed what little remnants of Atari or even Nolan Bushnell himself hasn't taken any kind of legal action on this. I'm sure there must be SOME law they're breaking by digging this stuff up and selling what's in it for profit.

All property is theft, yadda yadda...

>> No.2066987


>> No.2067207

No one who knows anything about taking legal action is amazed

>> No.2067268

When you throw something out it becomes property of the landfill or city who owns it. At least that's what I've read about it.

>> No.2067276

This. When the garbage company takes it away, it becomes their property. Especially after several decades, I'm sure there's a statute of limitations on being able to reclaim garbage.

>> No.2067414

Did anyone seriously think this was not going to happen?

>> No.2067430

You still paid too much.

>> No.2068710

This isn't going to affect the prices of any Atari stuff that isn't dug up from the landfill. Remember that some people consider this buried stuff to be the stuff of legend.

The unburied copies are still the same value unless someone gets duped.

>> No.2069349

wow, I never knew about this landfill thing. when this game came out I was just a kid with an atari 2600. whats funny is I have one of these games that I got brand new back when it came out. I played it a few times. never understanding it was shit since I was just a kid. and it seems ET carts are selling steady on ebay now. not for the 1000+ but for average prices.

still wouldnt pay 1k for a game that was buried and most likely will never work. regardless of the history.

>> No.2071567
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>> No.2071716

>family had an atari before i was born
>4 years old, neighborhood friend asks about it
>show him river raid or something
>comes over every day after, asking to play

>> No.2074215

THink of what treasures could be in the MAIN dump.

Prototypes, completed but ever released games, systems, peripherals and so much more.

>> No.2074236

>so shitty it was put in the dirt bcuz
That's not the reason. But still yeah, if they wouldn't pay 1500 for the best Atari game they shouldn't pay for a mediocre one that's beat up and potentially unplayable.

>> No.2074247

That's a common misconception. ET was actually a pretty good game. It's just that because it was the one that sparked the crash, everyone assumes it was shitty.

>> No.2074257

i think that is the reason.
it was so shitty, it was put in the dirt

>> No.2074354
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What if atari bought the landfill, buried the carts, and spread the rumor themselves, only to wait a couple decades to dig them back up and sell them for an insane profit?

>> No.2074359

This sort of thing is why people are getting fed up with economists and their bullshit.

>> No.2075380

I don't understand why someone WOULDN'T want one of these. Sure you can't play the game, but it's a piece of video game history. The ET dumps are legendary, and then you could say you own one of THE carts from a dump site. I'm not surprised they're going for $1500. I mean I wouldn't pay that, but you bet I want one.

>> No.2075382

Nobody there at the time had that kind of foresight.

>> No.2075383

atari is kill

>> No.2075385

The value on these things is going to plummet as they release more and more of them on ebay or wherever they're being sold.

The people who snapped up the first ones will most likely see the value rapidly decline as this happens.

>> No.2075402


>> No.2075430

>What if grey aliens bought the landfill, buried the carts, and spread the rumor to the illuminati, only to wait a couple decades to dig them back up and sell them for an insane profit?

>> No.2075654
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that's too perfect

>> No.2077889

I don't even care. If someone wants to pay a ton of money for a shitty game covered in dirt then let them. I'll be spending mine on games I actually enjoy even if it's not an interesting piece of video game trivia.

>> No.2078089

there's no such thing as a good atari game

>> No.2078195

Pitfall was okay.

Indiana Jones was pretty cool, if not waaaaaay too ahead of it's time for the hardware.

>> No.2078302

Yar's Revenge
Missile Command

>> No.2078307
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Get a load of this pleb

>> No.2078336
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Time to dogpile this faggot.

>> No.2079497

Someone's never played Atari

>> No.2079571
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Adventure is strangely fun, Warlords is addicting, Berserk, and there are some pretty fun homebrews. Cave In is fantastic, Halo 2600, and fucking Dungeon.

>> No.2079580

Also, if you're going to play Warlords play this instead

>> No.2082040
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Amazing theory. Would report to Illuminati masters to bury truth.

Shame the reality is it really was a warehouse stock dump. Turned out the city they were buried in owned them, then donated the first cart dug out to the Smithsonian. The rest they gave to people there on the day (Because there were so many) either to museums or putting them on Ebay like the top of the thread.

Did anyone watch the doccumentary? Some of it was shitty but the stuff with the Howard Scott Warshaw who made ET was fascinating and the logistics of the dig (They actually had archeologists from US and Greek universities attending because of the cultural significance and to verify it) as well as addressing how shitty licensed games got made.

I wasn't expecting those feels when they actually found it and told Warshaw who had been convinced all his life it was a myth and who broke down crying because he didn't know if he should be upset that it was true or happy that he inadvertently ended up creating one of gaming's greatest legends

>> No.2082060


>> No.2083146

That's just retarded. Also the chances of some of those cartridges being playable is slim

You must be japanese, they are the only ones who love to shit on Atari in general. If that's not the case, then you never played an Atari 2600 game in your life.

>> No.2083341

>cultural significance

It's a fucking game. It's not the library of Alexandria

>> No.2083426
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I would rather say that the amount of good 2600 games that are not ports or developed after the system got discontinued is incredibly small

Also you guys saying the price is wrong because the carts won't work are missing the point by miles. It's still dumb and overpriced, but working condition is obviously not a factor

>> No.2083440

>new things can not be culturally significant

>> No.2083459


>> No.2084564


Nigga it was a myth that defined people's childhoods and one of the biggest modern legends in American culture and business. Of course Archeologists are going to have an interest (The project was started by a local amateur archeologist who worked at the dump back when Atari did it. He didn't even like videogames but he wanted to unearth it and see).

Though the end result was more shocking

ET only made up 10% of the stock. Most of it was Defender and Centipede carts. It was a much bigger stock burial than originally thought and the scale of it was far bigger than reported at the time. Atari practically dumped a legacy in there because they couldn't afford to hold it