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2054651 No.2054651 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite Shaman/Team combinations?

>> No.2054691

>Team combination
Dead body
Dead body
Dead body

>> No.2055443

While playing through the story, the only possible combinations, in final cave, fire+devil cat, earth+water rand, ryu & bleu... the game is too short and you get the shamans fairly late. Cant really enjoy them much. Lufia 2 is much more fun.

>> No.2055452

Well that was fast.

Do you run a script that scans 4chan for any instance of the phrase "Breath of Fire" so you can ruin it immediately?

>> No.2055492

Why do you do this to us

>> No.2055498

>implying that it's actually just one guy and this isn't a hilarious meme

>> No.2055627

It is just one guy.

>> No.2055632

I usually use the characters I like the most.

>Nina (Air+Holy)
>Katt (Devil+Fire)

>> No.2056140
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I always laughed at Jean for being such a pussy.
Level that fucker up, though, and he is Sir Kickass of Frogtown.

Also, Spar has the best shaman combos: Little Shroom Girl and Proto-Peco FTW.

>> No.2056172 [DELETED] 

I'll just leave this here.



secret island:



>> No.2057961

So did Stent and Nina have a thing or what?

Also was the bat girl Ryu's sister?

>> No.2057971


I don't recall there being anything that would suggest sten and nina having a thing?

I think katt is sort of the love interest in BoF 2, insofar as shes the only one who seems to show any sort of romantic feelings twards ryu.

Also yes, that "bat" girl was his sister I believe, though those wings are probably dragon wings, as their mother had wings, so maybe only females of the line have them?

>> No.2058061

Man Ryu's sister really got shafted didn't she?

Starts off promising with the whole "catch her and prove that Bow's innocent" thing but then gets completely neglected.

>> No.2058079


One of the reasons that I don't like BoF 2 as much as I did when it came out, compared to the first its a step up, but now that I'm older I'm a bit annoyed by some of the shit in the story, and shitty translation.

Also kattfag (and kattfags) kinda only like the game because of her and try to defend every little thing about it despite being super flawed. Bretty overrated IMO lookin back.

>> No.2058225
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>I don't recall there being anything that would suggest sten and nina having a thing?

He asks Ryu in optional dialogue which is better between Katt and Nina and if I'm remembering right will agree if you say Nina and give sort of a "meh" response if you say Katt

>> No.2058228

Nina is always hot and Ryu is always an idiot for not banging that angel ass

>> No.2058242

Ryu chose the pantsless cat in favor of Nina's genetics.

So her race wouldn't be doomed to be even more flightless.

We know of course it didn't help but it's the thought that counts.

>> No.2058481 [DELETED] 

My heart called for Katt - that's all there is to it.

>> No.2058552
File: 26 KB, 158x198, 15d4dbd428758fc588a56d20fa875d7e72e99e07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He could learn a thing or two from his ancestor.

>> No.2058556

Every time I try this game I just lose interest eventually. The farthest I ever got was to inside the whale.

>> No.2058572

The first two BoF games are like the most by-the-books JRPGs ever. I love them to death, but if you can't take your JRPGs vanilla than you probably won't like them

>> No.2058581

I have plenty of JRPGs under my belt. There's something about ALL the BoF games that I haven't finished a single one of them, I already told you about 2. With 3 I stopped right before the desert, and 1 and 4 I got the fartest, to the actual final bosses who both kicked my ass.

>> No.2058585

Oh right,, and Dragon Quarter is just garbage, I traded the crapheap away and never looked back.

>> No.2058590


>bof 4 final bosses kicked your ass

This is common, that game has the hardest final bosses in the series by far, and only dragon quarter could maybe be considered a harder game overall.

>> No.2059386

I beat BOF1 on the SNES.

In BOF2 I got all eight party members, the cook, the item shop and the fish seller, and started cooking up items (gold bars out the yin-yang, then the stat-up items so that the only thing I needed to level up for was to increase my HP and MP), but that was even more grindy than leveling up. The worst thing about it IMO was how they took the dragon transformations and just made them like Rydia's summons from Final Fantasy II (or whatever its original Japanese number was) for the SNES.

I never had a Playstation or a computer that could emulate it well, so I never played BOF3 or beyond.

>> No.2059481

In the SNES version anyway, he just asks you at one point who you like best, and either answer gets the same reply of "I knew it!"

Sten is just generally lecherous, but his 'true love' is someone from Highfort.
Pretty much this. Katt gets pissed if you aren't jealous of her and Tiga. It even affects the dragon tear.

Also, did anyone notice Bow kinda had a thing for Nina? He started off liking her little sister Mina, there's a few parts where it seems like he's into her.

>> No.2059514
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>and Dragon Quarter is just garbage,

aww is baby to shitty at games that he's mad he can't dragon spam everything anymore.

>> No.2059521

Even outside the battle system the game was trash.

Does that same linearity without backtracking and minimal sidequests bs that XIII does on top of practically no dialogue between dungeons unless you SOL restore a bajillion times

And even then the story was nothing special

>> No.2059528


>> No.2059529
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>> No.2059530

BoF4 has a gigantic difficulty spike in the endgame for some reason.

>> No.2059581 [DELETED] 

>Even outside the battle system the game was trash.

so yes you are too stupid to actually use strategy and skills properly and just wanted to dragon spam like a bitch

>Does that same linearity without backtracking and minimal sidequests bs that XIII

how cute you think the itinerary was the real issue with XIII. what an adorable little parrot.

> on top of practically no dialogue between dungeons unless you SOL restore a bajillion times

and too stupid to understand minimalistic story telling as well

>> No.2059584


At the risk of sounding like an idiot, isn't that what the new game + and the stored experience for?

>> No.2059585

>Even outside the battle system the game was trash.

so yes you are too stupid to actually use strategy and skills properly and just wanted to dragon spam like a bitch

>Does that same linearity without backtracking and minimal sidequests bs that XIII

how cute you think the linearity was the real issue with XIII. what an adorable little parrot.

> on top of practically no dialogue between dungeons unless you SOL restore a bajillion times

and too stupid to understand minimalistic story telling as well

>> No.2059590

>isn't that what the new game + and the stored experience for?

that was in 5

>> No.2059596

It was probably because the game didn't realize that it hosed you on xp because all six party members sharing xp is bullshit.

>> No.2059601

not this anon

>so yes you are too stupid to actually use strategy and skills properly and just wanted to dragon spam like a bitch

My problem was less with strategic depth and more along the lines of the fact that it's slow as shit. The game doesn't necessarily discourage the use of dragonspam either and punishes you for it when it's already too late to figure out it's a consequence

>how cute you think the itinerary was the real issue with XIII. what an adorable little parrot.

It pretty much was? Besides that it sure as shit is a better game than DQ

>and too stupid to understand minimalistic story telling as well

Then why would I be a fan of the other BoF games dipshit?

>> No.2059715

>The game doesn't necessarily discourage the use of dragonspam either and punishes you for it when it's already too late to figure out it's a consequence

It's obvious from the start there's consequences. Did you miss the gigantic warning sign?

>It pretty much was?

no. It was A problem but it wasn't THE problem. FFXIII's problem was multifold and too much to get into here but linearity was only a smaller part of a bigger issue

>Then why would I be a fan of the other BoF games dipshit?

Because you don't know the difference between shallow and minimalistic dumbass.

>> No.2059918

>BOF1 and BOF2 will never be remade in the style and gameplay of BOF4

Those two games needed more polish.

>> No.2060265

>It's obvious from the start there's consequences. Did you miss the gigantic warning sign?

"Something bad will probably happen" != Game Over automatically. That's a warning sign, not a gigantic warning sign. What I figured would happen was that I'd lose the ability to lose the power, not get screwed by a gameover screen

>no. It was A problem but it wasn't THE problem. FFXIII's problem was multifold and too much to get into here but linearity was only a smaller part of a bigger issue

It was the game's BIGGEST problem and something that reminded me of Dragon Quarter when I went to play it.

>Because you don't know the difference between shallow and minimalistic dumbass.

Dragon Quarter is both. The older BoF games are minimilaistic done right. I don't want to play a game where you've got a silent protagonist, one who might as well be, and then Lin who gets the only profound dialogue. And then they might go an entire dungeon or two and say one thing. Fuck that, make me interested in getting to the surface.

>> No.2061367

The OP as fuck standard is:
Fire/Devil Katt
Water/Earth Rand
Wind/Holy Nina

But my personal favorite is:
Fire/Devil Spar
Water/Earth Rand
Wind/Holy Jean

>> No.2061374

It was like the had a fucking cutscene every 20 minutes that reverted the fusions so I didn't five a fuck

>> No.2062592

Jesus, this. Totally not worth bothering unless you were going to spend a few hours leveling or some shit. I couldn't stand having an interlude that undermined your chosen party format and set you up for a fall right before a boss encounter. Fuck that.

>> No.2062698

okay a couple of things

first: If you did absolutely anything other than save and then max out your D-counter to see what happens right after you got it, you can shut the fuck up.

second: There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Dragon Quarter's battle system and the segments between battles.
The problem people have with this game when they liked the other ones in the series while hating it, is mainly that the game is not facilitating their need to withdraw from reality for 40 fucking hours. It's a game that presents a condensed challenge and rule set so that you can play a fucking game and have some juicey tactical kind of fun. The plotline is not a gigantic escapist fantasy to coddle you while you wallow in your anti-social depression, it's a motivation, so that you can overcome the challenges it gives you, so that you can take a break from life while you tackle it's content, then fucking finish it, and go outside, and be a human being again.

Your problem is that you're a degenerate fucking manchild who wants videogames to be a surrogate for fulfillment and human contact, and you can go suck your own cock to the point of dehydration you worthless sack of shit.

>> No.2064926

The only true bullshit thing I remember from BoF2 was that, for some reason, Capcom didn't prepare sprites for shaman fusions with critically low HP, forcing everyone back to their default form when their HP reached that critically low amount.

What a crock of shit that was.

>> No.2064962

That was a design and balance decision. The shamans themselves say that fusions require the subject to be strong enough to withstand them.

>> No.2065505

>implying I didn't sit in the dark with the shades drawn for days while I beat it several times consecutively to get dat Dragon Blade and D-Ratio and tackle Hokon Koray or whatever.

But yeah, I don't know. Some folks get it, and some don't. It's not a game where people find middle ground. I can watch the game opening and tear up just hearing Odjn's monologue.

>> No.2065508


beautiful end credits song

>> No.2065537

It uses the same made up language as Panzer Dragoon and Shadow of the Colossus

I don't know what that means but it makes my chest constrict around my heart like a young maiden in love whenever I think about it

>> No.2065567

The plotline is boring is what it is. Your buttlove for a mediocre game is fucking preposterous

>> No.2065586

why don't you give an example of something you actually think is good because from my position all I can conjecture is that you must have atrociously bad taste