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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2048382 No.2048382 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys store your games?
If you have the box for every one of them then you can just store them like books, or cd boxes. What about loose games?
Pic related. I don't know what to do with them.

>> No.2048423

I want to get universal game cases for most games and these cases for my loose GB(C/A) cartridges: http://www.customgamecases.com/#!blank-gb-cases/ckqy

>> No.2048457

I use plastic containers. I plastic bag the small carts together by type in addition to putting them in their plastic container (I have one dedicated one for portable games).

All my systems and their hookups also have their own plastic container.

>> No.2048495
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You'd be surprised how versatile K'nex can be. Only games I can't make a decent game caddy for is NES.

>> No.2048498
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>> No.2048501

I've got one of those wooden things where you've got two long pieces set vertically and many smaller horizontal pieces of wood in-between them.
They're quite handy for storing all sorts of stuff.

>> No.2048504

K'nex stuff like that screams autism.

>> No.2048510

>Displaying any form of creativity must be autism.
Never change, 4chan

>> No.2048519

Calling it creative is kind of a stretch it's thrifty I guess, but not really creative.

>> No.2048525

Nice strawman, man.

I agree with that anon. It's a lot of visual clutter, doesn't keep the dust out and comes off as a bit childish. It's pretty creative, I'll give you that.

It's also no secret that k'nex and lego give lots of autistic children joy with their structured world of creativity.

>> No.2048560

I have a book case with my games on, carts i just leave on their side with the end labels facing outwards.

>> No.2048570
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I'm a huge fan of the Bit Box cases from SAG. I use Custom Game Cases for Game Boy, Game Boy Advance and N64 stuff. For Genesis I use Universal Game Cases, my autism prefers it this way.

>> No.2048691

My main issue is not having a way to store them in a way that I can browse without having to lift one by one.

>> No.2048708
File: 131 KB, 1024x742, wVTPwvYh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for now, I pretty much store loose games in a box. As in one huge box for all of them

I want to switch to using MC/VHS boxes though, like this

>> No.2048719

How are the BitBoxes? I was thinking of getting them for my NES games but I hate the VHS case quality.
There's a guy on TPc doing successors to the UGC and right now he's doing a nice NES case.
Not sure which I should get.

>> No.2048736

nonspecific for your gb/gbc problem but if anyone is interested in universal game cases for their other carts i have some advise. go to thevideoshopper and put a case of 100 in your cart then go through the process of buying the case but stop short of ordering. A few days later their desperate salesmen will email you looking to see if there was a problem and will offer a 10% discount on the order to get you to buy, their shipping is pretty quick about 3 days from cali to the east coast. My total cost was $0.74 per case.

>> No.2048758

Very good quality, think Disney VHS tapes circa 1991. They're just like that, great quality and the game doesn't fall out.

>> No.2048845

Universal Game Cases for consoles.
Cassette cases for handhelds.
For CD's, I buy extra clear jewel cases in case of cracks, and DVD cases for burned games.

>> No.2048880
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PS1 are in jewel cases, I only buy complete PS1/PS2 onwards.
SNES/N64 and when I decide to get a Genesis I'll probably still buy UVG instead of original cases because price.
I only have a handful of gameboy but they're in custom GB/GBA cases from custom game cases.com.

I'll post a close up in my next post

>> No.2048884
File: 2.16 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat gravity defying wall
Fucking iPhones man, always fucking swapping and shit.

Still need to get UVG for my NES games... I just got my toploader modded and it should be delivered tomorrow.

>> No.2048885

That's real nice looking.

>> No.2048902

They're only swapped when you take a pic vertically. They encourage you to take a picture with your phone in a horizontal layout.

>> No.2048934 [SPOILER] 
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>Calling people childish on a retro video game board.

>> No.2048948 [DELETED] 


If anyone is autistic here it's you man, fucking "visual clutter" are you serious?

Also learn what a strawman is, retard.

>> No.2048985
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I got one of these recently. Pretty well sized for naked NES games. Need to invest in some cases.

>> No.2049006
File: 991 KB, 1632x918, 20141104_220427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you amateurs, still don't know how to store your GB/GBC/GBA games?? Well let me just blow your goddamn fucking minds real quick.

>> No.2049016

How does that even display?

>> No.2049021
File: 910 KB, 1632x918, 2lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I mention double stacked GBA games are sexier than a miniskirt on katy perry??

>> No.2049028


In a big folder marked GB? Or I guess I could tape them all to the wall label-side-out? I mean, I have nearly 150ish GB games, I don't need everyone to see every single one. Plus my collection is for accessibility/neatness. I'd rather talk games with someone rather than show them all kinds of rare/obscure shit that niether one of us probably know much about. Unless you're starting a retro gaming museum in your town, I'm gonna guess most of your friends probably don't give too much of a shit unless they are hardcore collectors too, and in that case they tend to get more jealous than anything. Enjoy the games for being games, not for being your personal ego booster.

>> No.2049030

I put mine in shoe boxes

>> No.2049031

Oh, you're one of those guys thats ashamed of his games.

>> No.2049046

I tried this with my games and I really hated it.

>> No.2049054

Well I don't like to look like a manchild, even though deep inside, all of the games I own hold a great importance to me. I focus on music and guitar, I have that stuff and all my vinyl records proudly on display, but as for my games, I really only have them for myself and enjoying with close friends. Having shit on display is how you get things stolen from you.

>> No.2049061

Try moving out of the fucking ghetto.

>> No.2049072

If you had friends you'd know the things that jealousy breeds, I understand that you can not relate.

>> No.2049076

>Having shit on display is how you get things stolen from you.
Doesn't that apply to your vinyl too? I usually don't differentiate between my media. I display it all just the same.

>> No.2049083

>If you had friends you'd know the things that jealousy breeds, I understand that you can not relate.
Those aren't friends man...

>> No.2049090

keep breaking it down dude, i'm just telling you how i do things, goodluck with knex.

>> No.2049095

K'nex will never betray me out of jealousy...

>> No.2049101

Uh... I was this guy >>2048880

>> No.2049105

Thrifty isn't childish, it's doing things like duct taping a hole in your shoe.

>> No.2049116
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well why are you missing megaman X6 then?

>> No.2049124

Wow, that must be pretty sexy! Because Katy Perry is attractive and miniskirts accentuate her legs and bottom. That was a well crafted zinger there!

>> No.2049129

There's a difference between "being ashamed" and "simply not having a desire to display you--


Nevermind, he's got issues.

>> No.2049132

>don't display your games, that's how they get stolen!
>I proudly display my music collection and guitar

you're sinking

>> No.2049135

yo i have never had friends steal
from me thats some real bullshit.

>> No.2049136
File: 9 KB, 276x249, 01e36a797666228b03875a1d3b9d7736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally store my console games on shelves. If they're not shelved for whatever reason, I put them in plastic storage containers. You can easily find containers with dimensions specific for CD/DVD/Blu Ray cases.

For handheld games, I generally keep them in plastic cases. I prefer pic related over the larger-capacity "portfolio" style plastic cases as these just rest in a groove as opposed to being snapped in and out a la the original game case. I put these plastic cases in a small box.

>> No.2049151

i used to keep all my handheld games in a drawer since loose gb/gbc/gba and ds games look like shit on a shelf. i recently got a cd stand that is actually a cabinet which opens up and has shelf compartments.

>> No.2049156

Never owned it as a kid and its low priority since I have X collection on PS2. Its also by far the worst X game.

>> No.2049298


So you're saying it's as easy to steal a 12x12 record and guitar as it is a handful of gba games that cost $20-$80 a piece? I have people come to my house quite often, mainly music related, I'm not saying I don't trust anyone that I would invite into my house, it's just sometimes I don't know certain people well enough to put super valuable/super small items out in the open. Aside from telling the guy he had no friends, I really feel like this should be common sense. However, I also know that alot of neckbeards enjoy having an insanely perfect display of everything in their mom's basement all for themselves to admire with no real sense of danger. (ie. not having to worry about someone coming over.)

>> No.2049303

If you display your games in cases they woud be less small and stealing would be harder. You could also get a locking glass cabinet if you are so paranoid.

>> No.2049308


No, X7 is by far the worst X game, seriously stop talking, its not even opinion, X7 shouldn't have been made, even moreso than X5 and X6.

Notice how no one talks about X7 EVER? There you go.

>> No.2049309

you gonna send me a cabinet and some cases

>> No.2049314

So? Nice displays cost money.

>> No.2049393

yeah im not setting up a videogame store, my games are fine in their easily accessable drawers. maybe you should just live your life your way (wrong) and I'll live mine (superior).

>> No.2049409

See. I'm not trying to insult you. I am just saying there are options if you did wish to display your games and that nice displays aren't cheap. Your storage solutions seem practical and that is good for your purposes I guess. Both ways have advantages. Mine makes for a better display, yours makes for better storage. I don't think either is wrong or superior.

>> No.2049436

I'm just kidding dude, I understand, I don't wish to display every game but honestly in the future I'd love to have a dedicated game room where everything is set up to just grab a game, insert and pick up a controller.

I've always wanted a stand up flat cabinet that when opened had every controller for every system mounted like tools in a garage. Of course a super scope and menacer would be on the top.

>> No.2049468

I wish I could order some of those cases in bulk already printed up

That and have the space for them

>> No.2049472
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I feel like playing some Mercenary Force...

Aw, fuck.

>> No.2049668

>far the worst X game, seriously stop talking, its not even opinion, X7 shouldn't have been made, even moreso than X5 and X6.
>Notice how no one talks about X7 EVER? There you go.
> Anonymous 11/04/14(Tue)22:05:59 No.2049309▶>>2049314
X7 isn't retro.

The series died with 6 as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.2049698 [DELETED] 

It's nice to know this anon must have sucked Inafune's cock and was crowned king of all things Mega Man and has the ultimate say so as to when the series died.

>> No.2049708

Someday I will have a collection as big as yours.
I hope.

>> No.2049934

You can order them with prints from customgamecases.

>> No.2050236

Kindly go back to /b/ and /v/ with this nonsense.

>> No.2051125

I keep my game in drawers because I want to keep them away from sunlight and dust.
In your case I guess you could just keep the games in cases in a different room than you guys smoke the crack and they'll be safe.

>> No.2051609
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Picked up some of these at a Bed Bath and Beyond. They work pretty well.

>> No.2051636

This. /vr/ is a safe zone for neuroatypical people to share this wonderful hobby.

>> No.2051648

Totally raiding girlfriend's stash of 20% off coupons and getting one of these, thanks for the heads-up!

>> No.2052274

I feel the urge to sort your game boy games by level of yellowing.

>> No.2052338
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I get these little clear bins from Daiso. The partitions are nice, because you don't have to have the whole box packed to keep the games in place.

They're also pretty nice for VMUs, memory cards and rumble paks.

Plus they're $1.50, so that's pretty nice too.

>> No.2052347

wait, so you spent $75 on video cases?

>> No.2052389

Yes. I've spent a lot more.

>> No.2052431

I split the case with a friend. Now that I've printed out the covers its worth every cent.

>> No.2052494

Might as well. Now & then I'll sort it by title, but the moment I start playing some games, or pull them out for some collection thread, everything gets out of order.

>> No.2052967

My interest is piqued. Store link?

>> No.2053838

For Game Boy games, you could use those books people use for trading cards.

>> No.2055809

Daiso looks like one of those places where their online store doesn't necessarily reflect their brick and mortar inventory, which I've noticed has a tendency to rotate. Their online store could be the same way though...

Best of luck in your quest for /vr/ organization, Anon.

>> No.2057890
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>> No.2057895

>Fits perfectly with no gaps.
Feelin' awesome.

>Find additional game lying around.

>> No.2057938

How sturdy are they, moonman?

They look like biscuit trays.

>> No.2057942

>owning Castlevania II and not Castlevania I and III

>> No.2057950

>Start collecting fairly recently
>Slowly running out of place
I don't know if I should keep going or what

>> No.2058414

Same here. I'm at the point where I'm going to need another bookcase, but I don't really have room for another. I have to get rid of some things...

>> No.2058516

That's not uncommon. C2 is the cheapest and easiest to get. 1 and especially 3 are price gouged as fuck

>> No.2059503
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The plastic is just over 1.5mm thick, and made of material similar to a jewel case. So they're brittle, but plenty sturdy to handle anything /vr/ related.

>> No.2059742
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>someone else owns Felix on Game Boy
I like you

>> No.2059783

I have a three ring binder filled with pages of 9-slot Ultra Pro pages for trading cards. They fit GB/GBC games very comfortably.