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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 20 KB, 400x300, 249105-mantis_diggaa_castlevaniaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2032056 No.2032056 [Reply] [Original]

>vital info on the back of the CD case
>need to change the controller into port 2 to advance in the game

this game is awesome, but i think this is the most innecessary tryhard shit i've ever seen in a game to make it "different" or to "improve" the experience.

cheesy features thread?

>> No.2032059

Honestly, I always thought of it as a brilliant form of DRM, considering when MGS1 came out not everybody could just hop on the Web for an answer.

>> No.2032060

I wouldn't call it try hard. It's more of getting the player to do something different beyond just pressing buttons on a controller.

"back of the box" and "look at page X of the instruction manual" are bullshit bits, though. Cases and manuals are the first things to go. MGS in particular had at least 2 rereleases in box sets that didn't have the codec frequency on the back.

>> No.2032061
File: 205 KB, 375x500, wQhRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. Adventure games used to do this a lot.

>> No.2032067

MGS came out in 1998, not 1988.

>> No.2032106

IIRC you don't NEED to change controller ports, if you're good enough.

>> No.2032118 [DELETED] 

You probably weren't even on the internet in 1998. It was a barren wasteland. There was no GameFAQs to just look up the answer on yet. You had to actually put effort into searching to find any kind of a site that would have that answer, which thankfully MGS was popular so it probably existed, but for a lot of games that kind of info wasn't uploaded anywhere yet. Not to mention in '98 a lot of people didn't even have home internet yet.

>> No.2032124


Finding a cheat on the internet back then was as hard as beating the game without the cheat.

>> No.2032127

>MGS came out in 1998, not 1988.
I didn't have home access to a computer until at least 2004 and didn't have internet until 2006. Unless a friend know how to get past a certain problem, you were on your own.

>> No.2032130

Don't forget you had an item in the game that was also a CD.
Fucking confusing.

>> No.2032134


Bitch, I was surfing the anipike back when that meant something. I roamed Geocities and saw the same pics posted to the same shrines to whatever anime or video game character caught someone's eye. I was around when infoseek let you enter a search term and then refine your search within those results. I saw the rise of google and the fall of aol. I used free internet discs to get around my parents holding out on the password so I could fap to 15 second clips of la blue girl in real media format. I played Warcaft 2 on kali. I was there.

~25% of homes had Internet access in 1998. ~41% in '99. If you didn't have interet at home, your school sure as shit did, and there was always that one well-to-do friend who's parents kept them loaded with the new tech.

>> No.2032143

I doubt either of you were on the internet back then either, stop trying to sound older.

CheatCC, gameshark.com and the websites for Gamepro and Playstation underground were all wellsprings of info and cheats. Not having the internet made that a bitch but even back then it wasnt hard at all. If it was "barren" you were worse at the internet than a dyslexic eight year old

>> No.2032152


You know, that's weird because every kid at my school knew about cheatcc and other random websites back in the 90's and we'd use the library computers to look up stuff if we didn't have computers back home... and there's no excuse for people who had graduated already, since most countries that aren't third-world had libraries with internet access available freely to the public back then too. Mine did, and it was a rural town in Canada of about 2000 people.


What's funny is that it never occurred to my stupid child brain to look for cheats or tips for MGS until I had beaten it, so I actually went and fought him without the controller trick the first time around... I found it kind of odd how much more difficult he was as compared to everyone else.

>> No.2032164

>need to change the controller into port 2 to advance in the game
How'd that work in the PC version?

>> No.2032172

It didn't, you just played through the boss without him doing anything against your attacks.

Also he didn't read anything in your memory card/

>> No.2032180

>you like futanari on male don't you?

>> No.2032184

How young do you have to be to talk hit about one of the most innovative bosses in gaming. I mean it read your memory card and responded to what you were playing. His dialog was responsive to how you played the game. He even hits at the fact so it's not like it's impossible. Much better than having to shut off the game in mgs2

>> No.2032186

So you like to play Suikoden?

>> No.2032240


>> No.2032253
File: 57 KB, 640x456, 3086-2-virus-the-game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There actually are games which scan your hard drive content for use in-game. Some even let your "destroy" your data.

>> No.2032260

GameFAQs started in 1995, so you're wrong.

>> No.2032280

Plus if you hold out and/or die enough Campbell tells you straight out to change the ports.

>> No.2032327

It was as hard as going to Altavista, typing in "game name + cheats" and hitting enter.

>Unless a friend know how to get past a certain problem, you were on your own.
You do realize that's 2 whole years after World of Warcraft came out, right?
To not have Internet then would be somewhat of an extreme anomaly.

>> No.2032332

>There was no GameFAQs
Actually there was.

That being said, I didn't have internet access at home until late 2000, so I see his point.

>> No.2032340

I realize that, but it was still my personal experience. That's what happens when you're very poor and born to parents past middle age. If it weren't for a misguided attempt at online schooling, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if we still wouldn't have internet.

>> No.2032349

I was on the Internet in 98 and I had no trouble finding cheats for games the only annoyance was that there was a lot of fake cheats,but anyway I had the real copy of the game and this part still confused me ,I also thought the rumble thing and how it knew how many times you had saved was a silly gimmick and didn't really make the boss seem psychic to me since I'm not stupid

>> No.2032418
File: 487 KB, 500x250, g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing mgs when I was a kid
>on a modded ps1 and a bootleg copy
>get to that part where you need meryl's coded
>absolutely no idea what to do
>fuck around for days trying every stupid shit I could think of because I liked the game so much
>out of desperation I start trying out ALL the coded frequencies by hand
>mfw it works
>mfw meryl answers
>mfw If I wasn't a kid with infinite time I'd never have bothered with that shit

t-thanks kojima

>> No.2032419



>> No.2032493

man... i thought of doing that but never actually did it... that was just too much.

>> No.2032497

Did this because I rented it from Blockbuster, so didn't have the proper case.

>> No.2032498

Really? I was playing it with a pad and switched to keyboard during the battle. Before dying he said something like ''So you used the other...''. Wasn't that because I didn't fight him with the controller?

>> No.2032502

I played with a joystick and had to use the keyboard

>> No.2032526
File: 140 KB, 460x460, tmp_21115-bullshirtfront_tshirt-1799624248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, question.

This is /vr/, logic would suggest many of us are in our late 20s-30s... What's the point in lying about how old you are and lying about how the past was when so many of us can call you on that bullshirt immediately.

>> No.2032551
File: 75 KB, 620x729, 1403835903266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bought the game second-hand in a jewel case
>Didn't have that much time on my hands, decided to ask a foum (circa 2001)
>"Buy a real copy you fucking pirate"

>> No.2032559

I thought the controller things was kinda cheesy too. It never even made sense to me since its still part of the console, but fourth wall xD so whatever...

>> No.2032578

That's funny because a lot of older people here like to idealize events in their head that didn't happen too.

>> No.2032582

It wasn't trying to be different at all OP. Kojima just loves fucking with the player. He did a similar thing in Snatcher where the game tells you to turn up the volume high to hear a beep and then once you find out what it is a bomb goes off and Metal Gear jokes about you not turning back down before it happened.

>> No.2032584

>had at least 2 rereleases in box sets that didn't have the codec frequency on the back.

Which ones? Because the Essential Collection did have it on the box all the games were in. The only one that I know of that didn't was the Legacy Collection but that's because MGS1 was just a download code and the digital manual has it on there.

>> No.2032617

I stand corrected then.

>> No.2032629

If I remember right you don't need to know either one of those things to advance in the game, it just makes things easier.

>> No.2032634

Having the dog eared zero copy of this after 10"years seeing it in the game binder everytime trying to get through copy protection

Its raining

>> No.2032637

100% bullshit post.

GameFAQs was around and it had FAQs for tons of games back then. If anything was even close to mainstream you were covered.

And if that didn't work a yahoo search would find your answer in a few minutes.


>> No.2032641
File: 1.62 MB, 3648x2736, DSC00649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I don't blame you for thinking that because people never really check digital manuals on PS3 anyway and as far as the Essential Collection goes I've seen a lot of people making the same claim so I assume they just either lost the box and forgot or bought the games separate because the cases don't have any screen shots.

>> No.2032643

How the fuck you know?

>> No.2032646

It only takes about 15 minutes to go through all the frequencies. I did it after about 2 minutes of wondering what to do.

>> No.2032648

Plenty of people had home internet, Gamefaqs WAS a thing, and online gaming was already huge in 1998. Who are you trying to fool there.

>> No.2032651

People remember things funny. They tend to not realize things existed before they discovered them, and have a poor concept of how things worked before they do now.

Before the Internet, tips and shit were dropped all over the fucking place. Used to be you could walk up to a magazine rack at the supermarket and it would have 5 months of nintendo power or playstation magazine or gamepro filling rack up, jam packed with useful shit. Even old rental games used to have a sticker in their case with game instructions and useful shit to know.

There was more information available than what people today recall. It mostly depends on how you got access to your games. Lots of old games have this expectation that you understood what was happening before you play it. They weren't conceptualized to just be fired up and played like games today where you get a tutorial and on screen prompts and all that.

Persons remember things differently because maybe they just swapped games with friend and didn't include books, or maybe they rented. Information didn't flow as easily as it does these days, but it was still there. Not that it does any of us any good at this point, 30 years later.

Still kind of funny when someone tries to call you out on shit you lived through.

>> No.2032661

They wanna feel better about being a dumb kid not knowing how to look up cheats online. As for the getting caught bit I think they just genuinely think that's how it was back then and don't think they will get called out, after all who the hell would even try to lie if they know someone would call them out for it?

>> No.2032703


It seems there is a huge disconnect between people who fall into two groups.

>Group A

-over the age of 25 or about
-bought games new in the years 1990-2000
-read manuals
-bought video game magazines
-owned multiple systems

These are the people who would have self-identified as a "gamer" back then. They had walls covered with posters. They had a Super Mario Bros. birthday cake. Note: these people wee not necessarily rich kids. Indeed, it seems well-off children generally were less attentive to the video game industry even when they might have had some expensive toys. Console video games are and have been a past time of the middle and lower classes*.

*PC games are a big exception here

>Group B

-Under 25, many "little brothers" who played back in the day but have poor memory or were not as informed
-game collection consists of hand-me-downs and used games bought from flea markets and pawn shops

These guys have a different set of experiences. They're the guys who played the later Spyros and Crash Team Racing, and other late-gen 32-bit games as a child. They mostly couldn't afford or weren't allowed to buy video game magazines as a child if they didn't have that older brother.

For some reason these guys from group B tend to think everyone is from that group.

>> No.2032709

>Geocities shrines
That shit was awful.

>> No.2032714

Forgot to add guys from group B usually got new systems eventually, but the system they got was the last generation when they got it.

People who got PSone systems and N64s in 2000.

>> No.2032730

>No GameFAQs
u wot

>> No.2032771

>check Gamefags
>there is literally a MGS FAQ dated november 98

>> No.2032794

>>2032118 again. Sorry bros, I guess I fucked up. I thought GameFAQs was created in 1999 but I must've been thinking about the message boards. The rest of the post I stand by though since trying to find out about other non-game related stuff was nearly impossible with so few sites up at the time. I spent most of my time on AOL because of it since there was nothing worth looking at on the internet yet.

>> No.2032804


you sound like a 16 year old who learned everything he knows about the 90's from reading about it on the internet.

>> No.2032812


No, you thought there was nothing of value on the internet at the time because you spent your time on AOL. Not the other way around.

>> No.2032851

Love this battle and the character and the whole thing, but as a seriously anal nerd I have to admit looking back on this it gets to me because there's no real explanation for how Snake can win this battle, is there? Did the port switching actually represent something like "snake relying on his instincts" or some shit? Cause if not I fail to see how he could win against mantis or how anyone could for that matter beyond the fact that he's just nuts.

>> No.2032872

Regardless, he has a point that most people didn't have internet access back then.

>> No.2032873

Maybe it represents Snake going from a left-brained mindset to a right-brained one, and Mantis can only read the minds of left-brained people? idk

>> No.2032875


>> No.2032879

IIRC there's only like 200 possible frequencies, and Meryl's number is low on the list. It's like Kojima anticipated that not everyone would be able to check the back of the case.

>> No.2032880

Piracy on the ps1 was fucking rampant the thing with the Codec on the CD case was a clever method of DRM.

>> No.2032896
File: 61 KB, 372x475, bookcodebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're full of shit because even if you didn't have internet then damn near ever store that sold magazines had books like these all over the place.

>> No.2032917

And you didn't have to buy these things. You could call "that guy" who subscribed to Tips n' Tricks and he'd help you out.

>> No.2032923

Back then we had magazines with walkthroughs.

I even still have my MGS walkthrough. It came in the form of a little book with illustrations.

>> No.2032924

Not only that but there were also a few TV shows that had sections with cheat codes. Seriously if you were a kid who couldn't find cheats the issue wasn't them being hard to find, it was you being too fucking lazy to do anything.

>> No.2032927

I get what you mean, but let me tell you something I have experienced, and still experience everynow and then...
Premise: Me and my older brother didn't lived and grew up in the same house for reasons.
I mostly fall in Group B, while my brother definitely falls into Group A.
We eventually got closer, and now that im 27 and he's 34, It happens that we and some of his friends talk about how we differently experienced things such as videogames back then, and guess what? Most of the time they, the one being in Group A, are the ones who tend to think everyone is from that group.
It's not rare that when I, as example, say something like "man i got stuck in that part for days before figuring out what to do", they go "why didn't you simply look out somewhere how to do that part? We had internet back then too you know?"...
At which I respond "you know, while you were 15-16 and had access at a pc and internet, and could buy pc magazines on your own, I was 9-10, I didnt even had a pc, I had to ask my mom for money to buy things, and had friends who were stuck at that part just like me".

Yes, for some reason people from group B tend to think that since they couldnt access(or didnt know how to) some information, it meant no one could.
But it's also true that people from group A tend to think that since they could access(and knew how to) some information, it meant everyone else could and did.

>> No.2032932

>barren wasteland

You're thinking more like 1995 or 96. There were already tons of easily searchable content on the web by 1998. Gamefaqs was already around in 1998. However, in 1998 the web still was like the wild west in the sense that it was pretty much an anarchic place without rules or regulations. 1998 to early 2000 was really the best period of www.

But yeah, you're right that back in 1998 many people didn't have internet at home yet. And for almost everyone that did, it was dial-up, slow to connect, slow to browse, etc. not to mention most people only had one computer shared by the whole family and it often didn't sit in the same room as the game consoles, etc.

>> No.2032962


But you could easily go to a public library and access the internet there, if you didn't live in the third world.

>> No.2032983
File: 486 KB, 1000x1330, tips tricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tips n' Tricks


That takes me back.

Jesus Christ dude, you could be the most popular kid on the block if you had a relevant issue of that. The Silent Hill edition was hot shit, I helped three different people beat that piano puzzle with it.

>> No.2032986


>X Box
>Game Cube


How did I miss this?

>> No.2032990

>need to change the controller into port 2 to advance in the game

You don't. You can beat Mantis either way, it just takes longer. This not even considering the alternate solution you're given after 2 game overs (shooting at the busts)


There's a bug in the game that makes the frequency eventually appear in the memory box, after minutes of wandering around.

>the thing with the Codec on the CD case was a clever method of DRM

It really wasn't.

>> No.2032997
File: 828 KB, 3081x934, Secrets of Vidya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just the start of your long journey down the rabbit hole.

>> No.2033003

Technically the GameCube is not truly cubic until you attach a GameBoy Player.

>> No.2033007

The solution to the Resident Evil painting puzzle was in an episode of Gamepro tv.

>> No.2033019

>There's a bug in the game that makes the frequency eventually appear in the memory box, after minutes of wandering around.
It's not a bug, it's for people who couldn't figure out the whole 'CD case' reference, or didn't have a case. I happens when you call Campbell x number of times.

It's the same with a lot of things in the series, like Mantis, Sorrow, etc. that might be difficult if you don't get on Kojima's wavelength. Call people enough, or die enough, and the game presents you with a solution

>> No.2033032

To all the people ITT who claims that every kid should know every website and how to use it in 1998, while also ignoring the fact that many people don't have english as their first language:

Kill yourself. Go outside and shoot your stupid face to bits.

>> No.2033050

wow so Xtreeem

Any more-than-casual gamer knew of GameFAQS at minimum. Every magazine was hawking its own website.

>stupid face

>> No.2033057


быдло детектед

hope you stay in your monkey country, it is your own fault if you do not speak english

>> No.2033081

How great that you are a true master gamer. Amazing gamefaq skillz

>> No.2033102

>guys, don't say kids used websites, back in the day not everyone knew about gaming websites, it was awful
>yeah they did bro

Well crafted.

>> No.2033104


There are a lot of people here who also don't have english as their first language, but managed to browse english websites back in the day because they learned it in school/playing vidya.

>> No.2033106 [DELETED] 

My english is better than yours, and you only speak one measly language. Stay uneducated you circumcised obese neanderthal.

>> No.2033114
File: 1000 KB, 275x275, 1391230329969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit man I'm so sorry for not thinking about the three people here who grew up not speaking English.

>> No.2033138

Don't be sorry, be ashamed for taking pride in whatever neckbeard internet habits you had back in '98.

>> No.2033142

If you call Campbell enough times he eventually come up with the solution for you - change controller ports so Mantis can't read your mind.

>> No.2033147

>laments that not everyone had the same access English-speaking Americans had
>simultaneously characterizes those who had access as neckbeards
>criticizes others' English

Jesus Christ you're salty.

>> No.2033162
File: 304 KB, 500x407, 1401387783960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are a master troll. i hope it improves how you feel about the crap country you are from or the peasant parents you had that did not want their children to be successful or speak english

>they are your tears

>> No.2033171

There are at least two other ways to win that fight that don't involve port switching that I know of.

a) Punch him
b) Shoot the statues.

>> No.2033185

Good point, forgot about those. Works for me.

>> No.2033198 [DELETED] 

>being elitist about walkthrough reading
>tries to disprove other people's personal experience with internet
>actually keeps defending it

Jesus Christ you're retarded.

>> No.2033205 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1332202987769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded or just pretending to be retarded? Either way you're retarded, and still a virgin

>> No.2033209

>a) Punch him

That's for the Ninja. Mantis evades any kind of blow.

>b) Shoot the statues.

You can only do this if you get at least two game overs.

The real way to beat Mantis without port switching is to hit him a number close to 100 times. Every 7th hit he takes damage (7=lucky number, bravo Kojima).

>> No.2033212

>being elitist about walkthrough reading
I don't recall doing anything of the sort

>tries to disprove other people's personal experience with internet
The very same can be said of you; the difference is that among us on /vr/, your experience is far from the norm

>> No.2033215
File: 760 KB, 300x124, 1340970813989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can sometimes damage him with the socom iirc, but it barely deals any damage.

>tfw I had to do it my first time through without the port switching because I was an idiot
>when my only memory card had died so I couldn't save and had to beat the whole game in a marathon session

I don't have that kind of patience anymore.

>> No.2033263

>not even trying

>I don't recall doing anything of the sort
Then why are you defending those that did?

>The very same can be said of you;
I haven't made any attempts at disproving anything. That is the thing I'm pissed off at to begin with, read the fucking thread.

>the difference is that among us on /vr/, your experience is far from the norm
Said the /vr/ ambassador who surely made extensive userbase research before making this bullshit claim

>> No.2033273


I'm not defending anyone. Assuming you are the same person who posted>>2033032, I'm only taking you to task for not only asserting that the web was not widely used in 1998, but for being unnecessarily hostile ("kill yourself, shoot your face to bits") as well.

I like how you mock others for lame insults when you're doling them out yourself. Just quit while you're behind. No one has found any of your posts to be of value.

>> No.2033332

And I am not necessarily saying the web wasn't widely used in 1998. I am only here to express my disdain for the people who claim that every goddamned kid was extensively using the internet back then just because it existed at that point (which obviously cannot be passed off as fact). Just because the internet existed, doesn't mean everyone was fully indulged in using it properly, but apparently some people get this self-gratifying pleasure from claiming it was so. It's elitist bullshit about something as mundane as searching the web for video game cheats, something that only the stupidest people would ever take pride in.

My posts may not be particularly valuable (and neither were the posts I adressed). Lucky me; that was never the point. I just want to say that no one should ever feel accomplished for being the best at searching for video game shit on the internet than the general public. It's not a virtue, it's worthless. Don't belittle people for stupid shit like that.

>> No.2033336

Great thread

>> No.2033342

no one claimed this. majority? Sure. Sorry you weren't part of it, but no need to take it to this extreme.

> no one should ever feel accomplished for being the best at searching for video game shit on the internet than the general public.
no one did.

>Don't belittle people for stupid shit like that.
You on the other hand became so insanely resentful you told people to kill themselves. Don't even try to act like you're taking the high road here.

You've embarrassed yourself; just learn from it and walk away.

>> No.2033396

Well I'm certainly not trying to take the high road.. I do however resent unwarranted self-gratification at the expense of others, and I feel that hostility is a very natural reaction towards bullshit like that. The subject at hand may be incredibly stupid and unimportant, but the principle still stands. The principle of "Don't be a cunt if your biggest accomplishment in life is to find cheats through a pre-Google search engine in the late nineties".

>> No.2033407

>your biggest accomplishment in life is to find cheats through a pre-Google search engine in the late nineties

Now who's being a cunt? You keep elevating this to something far higher than it actually is. You seem very very sensitive over something so trivial.

If you take such issue with people being cunts, you should stop acting like one for yourself.

>> No.2033410


>> No.2033429

When I was a kid the "psyco mantis 2nd controller port" secret was common knowledge. I remember the guy at the register of EB games told EVERYONE that bought a copy because they had people trying to return it after playing to that point.

>> No.2033436


Underrated post, the nostalgia is running through me.

I used IGN64 before I found better sites. Haven't really been back since it became the IGN we know today.

>> No.2033454

I did this too as I also had a bootleg copy as a kid, It didn't really take that long like 15mins max before I found meryls

>> No.2033639 [DELETED] 

>the most innecessary tryhard shit
you've got some shit opinion there faggot.

>> No.2033731

>pass time

Just noticed that today.

>> No.2033734

Yup. I had a subscription and once I had a couple of years of back issues built up I had guides for pretty much everything I wanted to play.

Tips n' Tricks guides were perfect companions to playing. Just a few pages, just enough to get you through tricky spots without giving everything away.

>> No.2034000

Make me.

You're a poop face.

>> No.2035814
File: 104 KB, 778x586, mgs on gamefaqs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le fake oldfag

>implying major online vidya news sites like IGN and Gamespot weren't already around, with tons of extensive info particularly on huge titles like Zelda 5, MGS, FFVIII, etc.

>> No.2035927

I swear I got past this without using the 2nd controller.

>> No.2035938

Actually, if you call the Colonel enough times, he'll tell you both of those.

>> No.2036061

Ape Escape's controls count. Though I actually found them easier to use than most did. Especially with minigames.

>> No.2036154

> le newfag

I'm so fucking oldfag, I was buying/selling vidya on eBay in 1998. After you won an acution, you had to go get cash from an ATM, then stand in line at the post office so you could purchase a money order, then snail mail that shit to the seller and wait 2 weeks for your vidya to arrive. Also, gamefaqs was awesome in 1998 because it loaded fast on dial-up.

back on topic: There were bands who released their albums on cassette with extra tracks at the end that could be read on one of these pieces of shit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_Datasette
Some of those extra tracks were text based adventure games.

>> No.2036157


Yeah, you can. It's just very difficult and time consuming.

>> No.2036292

sounds right, it took a long fucking time as I recall

>> No.2036641

Just was the fuck is this dude in the image from?

>> No.2036675

I rented it the first time I played it. Having to go frequency by frequency to get Meryls was a bitch.

>> No.2036683

This. I rented it and It took me maybe two minutes of scanning codecs till I found it. Everyone in here saying how difficult it was is either lying or retarded

>> No.2036686

>Campbell's frequency is 140.85. Most likely the point at which you started trying every frequency
>Meryl's is 140.15
>You have to go through 130 frequencies to call her

>> No.2036691

>Go to grocery store
>folks are shopping, hang out in magazine aisle
>sit there copying codes and cheats into a notepad while you wait for them to finish

Thanks for the nostalgia! I'd forgotten about doing this till your post.

>> No.2036693

Honestly when I first got to the point where it says to check the back of the case, I just didn't get it. It was not concevable for me that they meant the physical case, especially because so far the game made no other reference to real life. I thought it had to do with the item (a card I think?) that guy gives you after you fight Ocelot; that I had to 'check' it like in Resident Evil but couldn't figure out how.

I always thought it was stupid. It kills immersion, too, it reminds the player he is in a game, which for such a game based on trying to be realistic is a big no.

>> No.2036698

>need to change the controller into port 2 to advance in the game

Shoot the face of the statue.

>> No.2036703

>based on trying to be realistic
Did you play the same MGS as the rest of us? It must have broken the fourth wall about 100 times already by that point.

>> No.2036705

I scratched my head for like 3 minutes then just googled it.

>> No.2036707

I'm sorry? What else breaks the fourth wall BEFORE that point?

>> No.2036713

The only thing that comes to mind is psyho mantis, and thats after the meryl call.

>> No.2036752

No problem. These things still exist though they hardly have cheats in them anymore.

Instead it's all bout dem cheevos.

>> No.2036754

>It kills immersion, too,

Oh fuck off with this muh immershun shit. If something so simple as a 4th wall breaking moment completely takes you out of the game then you were obviously not enjoying it much in the first place. Also how did that break your immersion so bad but not any of the codecs where they tell you shit like to press the action button to crawl into a vent?

>> No.2036759

Because in game tutorials are part of the game, inside it, and it's something players are used to since forever. Talking about something in the real world and having to use it is completely different.

>> No.2036825

>snake, use the action button to crawl into the vent
>action button

>> No.2037550

I'm amazed how spot on this is.

It's absolutely correct, though. I've re-read all the issues of Official Sega Saturn Magazine about half a dozen times now and I'm still amazed that to this day more information was contained in those magazines for many games then you can even find today. Hell, I've saved so many of the scans of the hint pages because they're often just much better than the ones you find on Gamefaqs

>> No.2038432

half the things Miller says are directed at the player. Snake doesn't really need reminding to trust his instincts as a gamer, or to avoid gaming after taking a bath.

>> No.2038452

>so I could fap to 15 second clips of la blue girl in real media format

Damn those were the days

>> No.2038490

>but i think this is the most innecessary tryhard shit i've ever seen in a game to make it "different" or to "improve" the experience
That seems to be the philosophy Aonuma is following to make new Zelda games.

And yes, it's meta try hard shit, but hey, it's a hideo game.

>> No.2038525

Essential Collection actually puts Meryl's codec in the manual. There's a section with Campbell, Mei Ling and Master's frequencies...and then Meryl right under it.

>> No.2041067

Is there a canon explanation on how Snake found the codec number? I remember the first time i played it took me hours to figure it out, I spent the whole time trying to look at some disc in my inventory or find a place to use it.

>> No.2041105

Yeah Snake just checked out all the frequencies until he found the right one. This makes the most sense if we don't give Snake a copy of its own game.

>> No.2041109
File: 474 KB, 968x730, MG2_tap_codes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's not as bad as Metal Gear 2 on the MSX2, where you actually had to decipher tap codes by using the manual.
>Is there a canon explanation on how Snake found the codec number?
Does it even matter?

>> No.2041112

>Essential Collection actually puts Meryl's codec in the manual.

It was always in the manual, actually.

>> No.2041116

Only in the US version. It wasn't in the JPN manual IIRC.

>> No.2041119
File: 281 KB, 620x350, startropicsletter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not forget the paper letter than came with Star Tropics. You needed to soak it in water to reveal hidden passwords that also needed to be used in-game to progress. God I imagine kids who rented this game before the Internet were fucked.

>> No.2041919

He got super horny after seeing her butt and desperately went through every codec to tap dat ass.

>> No.2041927
File: 1.52 MB, 2112x2040, IMG_0188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retro DRM

>> No.2041929

It's canonically by switching the controller port. MGS is just a weird series. MGS2 pumped up this sort of shit, and MGS4 directly referenced controller ports (or the lack of them) once again, alongside disc switching and BDs.

>> No.2041935

>what's the canon answer
The 4th wall breaking shit is the answer. Kojima kept doing it in 2, and even after he tried to ground all the supernatural shit with nanomachines in 4, characters kept talking about meta stuff with controller ports, the disc format the game is on, and rumble.

>> No.2041985

As shitty as Ashley Wood art was, I like the way the MGS1 comic adapted the Psycho Mantis battle.

>> No.2043706
File: 10 KB, 544x480, 36-Metal_Gear_2_0206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually enjoyed deciphering the tap codes. Gave me a nice sense of immersion, instead of music or sfx, the game sound actually had meaning in this event. Felt like I was there, with my ear pressing against the wall, marking the taps and going for the manual to translate it.

But each to its own taste, I see a lot of people here complaining about Meryl's codec and I liked that too. Instinctively I tried to "check" the disc like in Resident Evil. Took me some time to think of going for the actual case after something snapped on my mind, since I used to read thoroughly both case and manual of every game I own before playing (kinda like a 'foreplay' if you will).

>> No.2043725

I'm not saying I didn't enjoy deciphering tap codes, just pointing out that the "back on the CD case" puzzle in MGS1 is just a simplified version of that.

>> No.2043730

Oh right, my mistake on understanding the "not as bad as" of your post. You were talking about how bad it's to not have the manual in hands on both games.

>> No.2046921


>> No.2047059

I totally fit into both.

>> No.2047078

I thought it was cool, though the codec thing much like when it was done in startropics is bullshit.

>> No.2047127


I'll be coming to this part soon in my emulated playthrough, how do I get around changing the ports? Do I change input channel in epsxe and it's that easy?

>> No.2047171

Been wondering the same thing about a PS3 playthrough. I dug up my copy recently but my PS1 is shot.

>> No.2047278

If you had parents willing to fork over $20-30/mo for dialup net access + an extra phone line with unlimited calling + living in an area that supported local dialup because telephone companies didn't offer free long-distance at the time.

And even then, that 'simple search' would take about 5 minutes to complete.

Broadband didn't become mainstream until sometime between 2001-2005, and even then if you lived in rural areas it might not have been available to you until as late as 2006-2009.

>> No.2047285

I played my PS1 copy on PS3 recently, it works the same for digital. Hold down home and you'll get a menu full of stuff, one of the options is to change your controller port.

>> No.2047289

Oh nice. Thanks!

>> No.2047290

>Broadband didn't become mainstream until sometime between 2001-2005, and even then if you lived in rural areas it might not have been available to you until as late as 2006-2009.
I lived in the middle of nowhere

literal franchise territory, miles of co-ax just to get the cable TV out to one house, because we demanded it from the company before we'd let them into town

we had DSL by 2000

>> No.2048291

>Many tips for MGS
>still no codec from the game case

>> No.2048341

I think you're tryhard for calling it tryhard.

>> No.2048437

i know, i felt that as i wrote it but you get the idea, and thats what counts. what else would could it be called?

>> No.2049242

I played it recently and what I did was make a save state and then shut the game down to re assign the controller. Then I booted up the game and reloaded the save state.