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2006498 No.2006498 [Reply] [Original]

Based James made a new video. Didn't see it up here yet, but figured you guys might enjoy

>> No.2006513

I want him to do more shitty hardware reviews, those coleco and intellivision videos are great

>> No.2006518

This shit has officially run it's course.

>> No.2006521

My tolerance for his 12 year old humor is about as thin as his hairline, and this video cements that.

>> No.2006524

Nice I'll give it a watch when i get home

I like James when he's out of character and he really seems to know his shit, but he and a lot of other gamers on youtube fall in the trap of using skits and characters to try to be funny and all it does is make me cringe

>> No.2006527

Most of the videos which just focus on a single shitty NES game are pretty bad, he never gets very far into the game, like this one looks like its just the first level. Seems like hes phoning it in

>> No.2006539


While I agree that his humor is childish it works because he's doing it. If anyone else said the same lines I'd probably be annoyed but James has a certain kind of charm where hearing him say shitballs is really endearing.

>> No.2006540


>> No.2006547

Just terrible.

>> No.2006548

and stay there

>> No.2006551

I like you Mike.

>> No.2006554

You need to read what you wrote, man. We both know it's humor of awful quality, yet you excuse it because "it's AVGN!"

Charm is a perfectly valid reason to like something, but most often I see it used in this board to excuse any flaws something has. There's nothing special about his delivery, he's just sort of ingrained in retro fame culture now so people like him.

Again, James is fucking great, but his AVGN series is terrible

>> No.2006559


Delivery is more important than script

>> No.2006564

Making up stupid phrases to summarize problems wasn't that funny the first time (Kid Kool, IIRC) and on this episode it felt even more embarrassing, though I did snicker when on terrible music it was just "Bad Music".
Otherwise, it was a pretty mediocre episode.

>> No.2006572

It's just lazy. He said himself he never intended it to be a long term thing but he's never going to be a film-maker and pumping out shit to YT is still better than an actual job.

This videos only saving grace is no Mike. God I hate Mike.

>> No.2006580

James needs to shave those awful sideburns and get hair plugs.

>God I hate Mike
end yourself bruva man

>> No.2006582

Remember when James had hair?

>> No.2006587

>Making up stupid phrases to summarize problems wasn't that funny the first time
He's pandering to TV Tropes idiot who feel the need to make up a dumb name for everything.

>> No.2006594

At the very least, there will never be an AVGN worse than the Toxic Crusaders episode, holy shit Lloyd Kaufman is a comedy blackhole

>> No.2006625

I'm pretty sure that's an old video. I'm absolutely certain that he covered this game before.

>> No.2006630

It felt like build up for a punchline that never came.

Dropping curse words and the like was something he wasn't doing as much before the 100th episode pause or so. It's something that everybody who copied him did, wrong.

>> No.2006631

He played it briefly in the NES Accessories video, but it's probably 30 seconds total.

>> No.2006665

and how did he get ingrained into retro fame culture?
Because he's got some talent.

>> No.2006671

I FUCKING HATE THOSE AUTISTIC MORONS. They are all on LSD or austistic or something because they see shit that isn't there thats for sure then try to stick it in special categories. Hell if two things are related by coincidence its all of a sudden a trope. People would say how they loose hours of their life everytime that site is mentioned, HOW? It's just not interesting in the slightest.

>> No.2006672

>Hating James it's the "in" stuff in 4chan now

God you guys are such faggots. I blame GG faggotry and the many pastas involving James killing himself.

It's ironically posted so many times it stops being ironical.

>> No.2006674

The punchline was the letter.

I liked the Star analogy but the letter wasn't very funny.

>> No.2006684

I know the letter was MEANT to be the punchline, it just fell flat.

>> No.2006689


Young James makes me nostalgic for when he released good videos

He used to seem genuinely aggravated at games and didn't make stupid faces

His humor in general seemed a lot more effortless, like he just talked about the games and didn't try too hard to tell jokes

>> No.2006690


>> No.2006692

yeah the contrarian faggots here are pretty dumb sometimes. "I don't enjoy poopoo jokes for I am too mature for that, now lets go watch some little girl chinese cartoons" -every faget avgn hater ever

>> No.2006693

I hate how easy it is to call peoples' authenticity into question like this, whether it be about music or games or whatever. Why do you imply some people don't like James because it's "in"? What the hell are you even talking about?

>They are all on LSD or autistic
I don't know why this phrase is so funny to me

>> No.2006695


4xhan went from hating mike to loving mike
I think it's because he's been way more chill and less try hard in the recent j&mm episodes

>> No.2006696

This is a nice post

>> No.2006702

Mike is great. He always seems stoned in J&MM and that makes me comfortable

>> No.2006704

"Bad Music" was kind of a minor punchline. It was funnier than the actual punchline.

AVGN threads always had shitposters (and people who actually don't like him don't bother to keep posting how much they hate him on every single thread), but once people made all those pastas about how he wants to kill himself, that he has a retarded baby and is a cuckold, the hate and shitposting reached new levels.

So yeah, it's kinda "in", to shit talk him now. I also blame the retarded 4chan "culture" of "lel we hate everything! we are the bad guys of the internet!"

>> No.2006710


Thankfully that mentality has been kind of dying except for /b/ and to a lesser extent /v/ (who hates feminism just because)

>> No.2006721
File: 1.85 MB, 1898x6092, 1410831900163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AVGN threads always had shitposters (and people who actually don't like him don't bother to keep posting how much they hate him on every single thread), but once people made all those pastas about how he wants to kill himself, that he has a retarded baby and is a cuckold, the hate and shitposting reached new levels.
It's a /tv/ thing. They spread "rumors" about e-celebs all the time. You should read some of the stuff they write about Channel Awesome and Red Letter Media.

>> No.2006723

What if i don't think he's the suicidal cuckold father of a retarded baby and just genuinely think his quality of work has been going steeply downhill for quite awhile?

>> No.2006726

Then your opinion isn't as authentic as mine, obviously. You're just a shitposter, you should be ashamed.

>> No.2006727

people on acid and autists are the only ones I could think of with pattern recognition that ridiculous hahaha.

>> No.2006738

I think that was too time consuming for him, he'd get through the shittiest game and record himself the whole time then go edit his reactions to the bullshit in.

>> No.2006739

Then I respect your opinion but you'll unfortunately be lumped together with the majority who just hates him for the sake of it.

I'm sorry things aren't fair.

>> No.2006756


>> No.2006759

I really like James and AVGN but this episode and the last couple of episodes were rather meh, he just sounded lifeless, the jokes and even the swearing sounded kind of bland, glad he's still doing videos and hope he gets better.

>> No.2006763

Except for when he plays a legitimately good game that he just sucks at, which has happened on quite a few occasions.

>> No.2006767

>you'll unfortunately be lumped together with the majority who just hates him for the sake of it.
I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but isn't this rather telling?

>> No.2006783

Not retro video games.


>> No.2006802

Indisputable proof of this

>> No.2006815

>It's a /tv/ thing. They spread "rumors" about e-celebs all the time. You should read some of the stuff they write about Channel Awesome and Red Letter Media.
About Mike 'nigger killer' Stoklasa? /tv/ is really an endearing kind of shit.

>> No.2006823
File: 660 KB, 960x720, About your hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVGN it's time we had a talk... about your hair!

Seriously does ANYONE like his side burns?

>> No.2006831

He played it when he was testing out the powerglove.

>> No.2006837

Jokes on you I hate anime.

>> No.2006839

I am usually a stickler for /vr/ rules, but...it's a retro game review. Your stance as to why this is not allowed is what?

>> No.2006841

It's a video about an NES game, the NES is a retro console.

>> No.2006842

Why would he let Mike live in his house if he wasn't living in a menage a trois

>> No.2006846
File: 14 KB, 214x317, mike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike is too cute for James

And also James won't let him smoke in the house

>> No.2006854

Taking bets on how many future episodes are filmed in the dark to hide his hairline.

I wouldn't normally laugh at someone for going bald but it's hilarious how desperate he is to hide it.

>> No.2006856

Mike smokes?
man that really IS retro

>> No.2006863


Mike smokes tobacco?

How do you know that? He doesn't strike me as the type.

>> No.2006876

His eyes are always glossy as hell. He's just got that look

>> No.2006879

Painful to watch. It's like watching a middle-aged man trying to reclaim his glory days, but having 0 enthusiasm and forgetting what made his videos interesting in the first place.

And those sideburns are insulting.

>> No.2006881

Haha yeah smokers are so LAME

>> No.2006885

Post that in the Game Center thread

>> No.2006887

Then stop watching.

>> No.2006894

Whatever you say Mike. Keep pushing that gear chump.

>> No.2006937

Why is Brad Jones so based?

I like that he keeps the crossover bullshit to a minimum. He's also the only one in that faggot circlejerk that has some semblance of talent, acting and reviewing-wise.

>> No.2006995

This might be the first time I was bored watching one of this videos. Maybe he's really getting old...

>> No.2007006

It's funny, because he is usually seen wearing a baseball cap when doing other videos. He actually doesn't look bad in that, either. I suppose it wouldn't go with the Nerd costume, but hell, better than shooting in low light and trying to comb over it or whatever.

>> No.2007009


>> No.2007012

It jumped the shark quite a long while ago.

>> No.2007017

>Only 160k views on first day
AVGN is kill
The shitty movie ended it all

>> No.2007130

Did ya even watch it?

>> No.2007132

Obviously not

>> No.2007135

When exactly was that? I'd say it started feeling off when the production values went up, like the CDI reviews.

>> No.2007138

I didn't even notice them until I read tje thread bit I'm on my fone

Keep the sideburns, Never wear a rug

>> No.2007139


>> No.2007140

I'm gonna call that...sourpuss shitposting

>> No.2007159


>> No.2007162

This episode was pretty bad especially for one of his Halloween episodes. This really just felt like he was going through the motions. There was no enthusiasm, everything was just dry and many of the jokes went on longer than they needed to. He didn't even explain what the other power ups did other than the skeleton that shot fireballs.

>> No.2007163

Seen all the avgn videos and most of his other vids but have yet to watch the movie.

from the trailers and clip I've seen o f the movie, kinda wanna see him focus on game reviews

Although I did enjoy the video "Rocky jumps a park bench" would like to see a few more videos like that

>> No.2007164

>These guys are doing something I don't like, they must be dumb autistic poopyheads
You're an asshole, plain and simple. /v/ is a better place for you.

>> No.2007174

gb2tvtropes the site is shitty, there is plenty of reason to not like it. For a site about tropes they sure moved the goalposts just to get more content. It's a shit site and thinks coincidence or other chance shit is tropeworthy. Fuck you and fuck TV tropes, I've been here since day1 why don't you go back to /v/ you know what it is like there.

>> No.2007179

Hey Mike, loved ya as the Texas chainsaw hippie guy


>> No.2007180

>have yet to watch the movie.
Don't. It'll be 1.5 hours of wasted time, and you'll be left scratching your head and saying to yourself

>WHY did it have to be such a catastrophe of ass
>what a horrible abomination of mankind
>what was he thinking
>I'd rather had a buffalo etc.

>> No.2007183

>Seriously does ANYONE like his side burns?
He's obviously trying to have them draw attention from something else.

>> No.2007184

It felt like an hour and a half of James masturbating over himself. The Nerd isn't all that great of a character on youtube, and he translates even worse to film.

>> No.2007186

Well just for shits and giggles xdoes anyone have a link to the avgn movie (possibly not a torrent since im on muh fone)

>> No.2007194

Man why are these threads always a magnet for shitposting? Not even /vr/ is safe from this shit.

>> No.2007196

Maybe because there's not much to say about AVGN anymore

>> No.2007215

Been a pretty avid fan since 06. I never went to a con to see him, never bought his merch, but watched he stuff all the time and check cinemassacre pretty regularly.

Anyway, it seemed to start to lose it's charm around the time the Kid Cool episode came out and production value went way up. Something about how shitty it looked in standard definition just added to the idea of the Nerd to me. The Nerd "just uses some outdated camera to film himself because everything else he has and uses is dated" is what I always thought in my mind, and so that kind of hurt it for me. Not to mention there were a lot of "miss"episodes that followed for me. Nintendo World Championships was really bad. I don't hate Pat or anything he actually seems to know his shit about the NES, but it just didn't work with him and "The Nerd" when James was clearly acting less like the nerd than usual. In fact, the Nerd just started feeling less legitimate as the series progressed. Things became more informative, which isn't bad, but it isn't the nerd so much. I loved the Swordquest video and it's hardly an angry video, but it worked because the story was so interesting to me.

Anyway, I find myself more interested in the videos about horror movies that he puts out now. I've been an avid horror fan for a long time and obviously so is he.

I guess the last thing I'll say is that I kind of like the James and Mike Mondays even though Mike can be irritating at times (Though he has become significantly less annoying as time goes on, Maybe I'm getting used to him?).

So it is what it is. To me James Rolf and the AVGN thing is sort of bittersweet. I have very fond memories of the early reviews and his newer stuff isn't unwatchable, it just seems to have lost the charm.

>> No.2007223

Yeah I agree with this.
I watched the Movie yesterday and... it was just... fuck I dunno.

I think there was too much pandering "to the fans". The movie was competent. It was decently funny at parts but fuck man, it was so god damn long. The whole concept was pretty over the top and zany but I guess this is what happens when you take some nerd who just gets mad at games and try to make it into a feature length film without having much to do with games. I think it was just too much pandering to fans, because thats really all they talk about for a really long itme.

>> No.2007265
File: 113 KB, 216x204, 1405152517203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not paid attention to James and got Karate Kid for NES. I regret it so much since it came with a NES that I bought in an antique store.

never fucking getting or emulating bettlejuice.

>> No.2007297

He relies on reusing jokes and editing way too much now. I wish it could just be more natural and fresh. Also, he looks really old now. It's kind of depressing.

>> No.2007312

those mutton chops are fucking ridiculous. Mike needs to make him shave that shit

>> No.2007315

I was a huge AVGN shill and would never ever complain about anything James did until I saw his movie... God, it was awful

>> No.2007317

If you have t watch it, watch with somenone else so you can at least laugh at how bad it is. I kid you not, it's the worst thing I've ever watched. Like, there are movies which are BAD like The Room, but at least they're amusing. AVGN movie is just awful and boring as fuck.

>> No.2007319

TV Tropes is for autistic fanboys who are too stupid to edit Wikipedia.

>> No.2007321


The AVGN movie would have been fucking GOAT if it was just a Clerks style film that starred AVGN, Mike, Guitar Guy just living out their daily lives. It didn't need to be huge and spectacular. It should've just been about them chilling, going to retro video game stores, etc. Maybe have some kind of loose plot like Clerks does, but nothing major.

It could've been a fucking hilarious film

>> No.2007325


Yeah, he used to go really in depth about the games. Sometimes he would even supply information behind the game's development. He would also make an attempt to beat the games.

He's not even trying anymore. I used to love AVGN and would defend him at every chance I get, but I know AVGN will never be good again. It died when he started producing the movie, which I haven't seen, but I've known all along that I wouldn't like.

>> No.2007332
File: 308 KB, 573x623, 1404961432810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never go back to the past...

>> No.2007343

His whole schtick was his childhood nostalgia.
It really shows in shit like the Ghosts N Goblins episode, and Simon's Quest. Realistically anything Castlevania hes super into.

I mean... obviously he didn't own a lot of his games when he was a kid. I don't know about you guys but I probably owned anywhere from 12-20 games as a kid for any given console, and thats including trade ins and other stuff so my library at home was usually 10 or so games per console until around PS2/GC when I finally had a job in Highschool.

I agree its probably time to retire, but everyone still loves it and it brings him money and he obviously loves doing it. James and Mike Mondays are decent enough, the Castlevania 4 one was particularily fun and enjoyable.

>> No.2007348

They totally missed it. There would've been a perfect opportunity to do a sketch. Mike could have put on a Beetlejuice costume or something. Lame.

>> No.2007352

I don't think James is clever enough to make that sort of thing work. It would need a much more dry sense of humor to make it worth watching for an hour and a half.

>> No.2007356

But the skits are always fucking awful explain yourself

>> No.2007360
File: 137 KB, 600x450, snes_maximum_carnage_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All LJN games are shit

>> No.2007362

Best part of the episode is when james started talking about the star beetlejuice

>> No.2007363

Maximum Carnage is decent, but its far, FAR, from amazing.

Too much bullshit, its way too difficult because of it, finding extra lives or the allies to clear screens is fucking atrocious. Its fun as fuck, but its insanely difficult to beat.

>> No.2007365

>Delivery is more important than script

and his is completely lacking. He's an awful actor and this all feels completely inorganic. He's only swearing because people want him too

>> No.2007370
File: 15 KB, 380x313, cast-a-wide-net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and how did he get ingrained into retro fame culture?
>Because he's got some talent.

Hardly. He got famous because he was the first one doing this shit and he put his videos on the widest possible medium possible.

there are people who will argue that Ctrl-Alt_Delete is high comedy on the internet, there's no quality filter here

>> No.2007371

>not liking the skits

Lighten up dude, they're pretty funny, and they've been part of avgn since the very beginning. If you just want to watch someone play a game, watch a let's play or something.

Look, I'm not talking about a Crazy Castle tier sketch, but avgn's had halloween skits for many years now - frankenstein, freddy, jason, and many more. And it was such a perfect opportunity too! He could've just said the anme of the game (Beetlejuice) 3 times over the course of the same, and then Mike would suddenly appear as Beetlejuice (just like in the movie)!

>> No.2007386

I was half expecting it honestly, its the easiest thing ever.

Although I did like how he actually smashed the cart at the end, the episode did feel pretty cheap and lazy (see rushed)

>> No.2007390

>Actually wants Mike to appear
Get out Miiiiiiiiike.

>> No.2007397

I like Mike

>> No.2007419

>Lighten up dude
I don't understand why people say this to excuse somethings quality. It's not like I only watch AVGN in a bad mood or anything.

It's pretty amusing that whenever someone criticizing something over the internet they're perceiver as a grumpy person who has no fun ever.

Anyways, I don't want a let's play, and I don't care about AVGN traditions, in fact I think that's mostly what's holding James back. I think he's actually gotten better at making videos, but he's outgrown the nerd character and he just can't work it anymore.

>(just like in the movie)!
Haha, this sounds so damn earnest to me, I like it

>> No.2007462


but this is literally his fucking job... can't he take the time to play through a game all the way

when he was working on the movie, i understood that the episodes were taking a backseat to it. but now he's got nothing going on except monster madness which is just for a few more weeks. what's his excuse?

>> No.2007468

Dude it's Monster Madness season

>> No.2007484


dude this was all gone to shit for years

>> No.2007497

He already covered it as the one LJN game that isn't absolute balls.

>> No.2007501

Honestly, the only thing about his acting that he does well is his facial expressions.

>> No.2007502


>> No.2007503

>this is literally his fucking job
Confirm this?

I was never under the impression he had quit his day job for this shit.

>> No.2007505

He did. He made AVGN and running Cinemassacre his full time job.

>> No.2007508

Got any more of these? This was amusing to read, even if it didn't actually reveal anything I didn't already know (Brad's a bro, Linkara's an awkward manchild, Doug is full of himself, etc).

>> No.2007509

He did ages ago.


He says it at around 3 minute mark

>> No.2007512

Exactly, it's all stuff you can just make up based on their actual personalities, but then it might as well be true anyway so it doesn't matter.

>> No.2007517

I enjoyed this review cause I actually played that game for too long and managed to finished it, nowadays it may seem like crap but as kid I enjoyed a lot of shitty things

>> No.2007521

I feel your pain. I used to input passwords like this as a kid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_owDUBxm7w

and never complained

>> No.2007532


what the shit

>> No.2007558

This better not be Dragon's Lair.


How did I guess that.

>> No.2007580

Am I safe in assuming that was actually a Zelda cart he destroyed in the Nintendo World Championship video?

>> No.2007601

Yeah Pat made a fake one. He said it on his podcast.

>> No.2007605

Pat's a cool fucking guy isn't he

Except for that fucking face he makes

>> No.2007612

He knows his shit, but he's just terrible on screen. No charisma, no personality.

>> No.2007621


Is the AVGN ever going to be good again? look at this one for example, is simple, doesn't try to hard, and is funny.

Now this new episode wasn't that bad, but it felt like one of those mediocre episodes from 2010

>> No.2007642

People with personality are insane

>> No.2007649

This feels so genuine. Like he's actually expressing an actual opinion and isn't obnoxious memes and shitty sketches.

>> No.2007660

what does GG have to do with this?

>> No.2007663

The Bugs Bunny Castle video was the antithesis of everything I wanted out of an AVGN video. Too much crude humor for the sake of being crude, less focus on reviewing a game and more Mike in a costume than it needed. Truly awful.

>> No.2007674


>> No.2007676

>literally the first episode
You just know the Nerd started out because James pulled out his old Nintendo stuff and was just fucking around and popped in Simon's Quest one day.

Who would've thought it would've come to this.

>> No.2007682

Just why. Why would someone make that video. Why would you post it. Why?

>> No.2007689

AVGN peaked with Ghostbusters and died an agonizing death with Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout.

>> No.2007710

IIRC the official story is he made that video to show it to his friends for fun. There wasn't even really a character attached to it. Even during the Dr. Jekyll episode, when the Nerd first appeared, he hadn't thought out the character much beyond a nerd that got drunk over a shitty game.

>> No.2007712

I thought the Jaguar CD episode where he literally shits on the system was too crass.

>> No.2007721

He'll probably have to reinvent himself somehow to stay relevant. He's not gonna take himself back to the past to review the shitty games that suck ass like he used to six or eight years ago, unfortunately.

>Also, he looks really old now. It's kind of depressing.

Well, time flows. A decade has passed since he made the first video. Not everyone is as resilient to the passage of time like e.g. Joe Kucan (played Kane in the Command & Conquer games), though that dude had always been bald to begin with and didn't have to cope with a receding hairline.

>> No.2007725


Old nerd was more creative though.

>> No.2007728

That was when Mike started helping James with the scripts.

>> No.2007748

>Also, he looks really old now. It's kind of depressing.
it really is lol. a middleaged man who plays bad video games from decades ago so he can talk about how bad they are

>> No.2007767

the shit was actually just melted chocolate and beans IIRC

>> No.2007798


I don't see a lot of retirement opportunities or 401k options in his future

>> No.2007819

I think he means it was just going too far to simulate shit for a laugh.

>> No.2007903

I found the episode with that guy from Troma guy unbelievably hard to sit through. Very cringe inducing.

>> No.2007905


Youngfag detected, he's only 34, hardly middle-aged (which is 40+).

>> No.2007921

forced cursing that quickly gets old, extreme recycling of handful of gameplay clips (pretty sure everyone noticed that) is pretty much what i recall from this review.

it still is a bit above his average, but he's just not putting in any effort anymore

>> No.2007947

I want to see an arino and avgn crossover. Or swap an ad from game centre for mike for an ep or two. Avgn is still okay, mike is great, everyone likes him more since he bulked up (grin). Lloyd Kaufman episode wasn't too bad, but extended skits never appealed to me. James still has it, crikey you lot are going on ruthless w/ the hair comments. Excelsior

>> No.2007949

>6 years away

>> No.2007956


So a 14 year old is nearly 20? 6 years is a fucking long time.

>> No.2007957

I have been watching the nerds stuff since he first started "before youtube even existed" Before a lot of you 4chan posters were even born. "Most of you are like 8 to 10 or have the intelligence of that"

If James is still doing AVGN videos when he is 60, 80, 100 or 200 years old I would still watch them.

I find it amusing how many people are butthurt about how old someone is.

>> No.2007963

Whatever Mike.

>> No.2008013


>> No.2008024

I like James enough.
I feel like maybe the movie would've been the best opportunity to lay the character to rest. The guy does have talent, it's obvious enough, but he's far more of a film geek than a game nerd, that's always been obvious.

That's why whenever the game he reviews is even slightly film related, or paying tribute to horror movies (Castlevania, Frankenstein), he gets way more into it.

James should take the fanbase he's got and try and start more heavily investing back into making his own, non-Nerd related projects.

The AVGN is old-hat by this point. I'll look back and probably rewatch them now and again because they're fond memories, but I don't think his heart's in it anymore. He seems tired of the whole thing... the movie probably wore off whatever was left (and he already seemed tired of it before that).

You KNOW he's only continuing because he likes his fanbase so much, even if he is shy as fuck in person.

>> No.2008027

>I find it amusing how many people are butthurt about how old someone is.

Especially when he's only fucking 34, you can tell we have underage fags here when over 30 is "like sooooo old omg".

>> No.2008029

Some of his older episodes are still great. Love the Dracula episode

"use one or two words only"
Oh, I got two words for you
"Don't know how to fuck something."

>> No.2008041

Also his Contra memories video is one of the best, because it's just James retelling a moment from his childhood


>> No.2008065

Dudes a cuckold. No respect. I feel sorry for his daughter, she's gonna be whoring it up by the time she's 12 or 13.

I hope James kills himself and his horrible monster of a wife one day.

>> No.2008069

What the christ

>> No.2008110



>> No.2008112

>horrible monster of a wife
What's wrong with his wife?

>> No.2008126

>4xhan went from hating mike to loving mike
No, everyone hates Mike. Or, rather, everyone likes Mike - he's obviously a nice guy who knows a lot about games, - but hates it when he's trying to act.

>> No.2008136

He seems like a nice guy but he just isn't funny in the slightest.

>> No.2008195
File: 112 KB, 647x486, THAT IS RUINING THE BOARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>An AVGN thread! I'd better shitpost in it, that'll show 'em

>> No.2008206
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FU, I challenge anyone here to do a better Joker than Mike (yes! It was him!) , he can act his ass off!

>> No.2008210

This one ran a long time, was mostly rambling, and had very little gameplay. All in all the video ran about twice as long as it should have.

There was a deserved "yeah, I know LJN was just the publisher. It's still the mark of shit."

>> No.2008213

It was alright, but really he should stop doing these.
It's way past its point beyond all return.
He should do Monster Madness full time, that'd be great, longer episodes of that.
Or at least in depth reviews of some of his favorites.
It just seems like he can't get back what he used to do, these are starting to feel pretty stale.

>> No.2008223
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So earnest. This is the James I love.

>> No.2008653

He didnt try to finish the game
He reused footage from the same stage over and over
He sounds bored as hell

What are you doing man, get better or stop already.

>> No.2008801

>being shit on

Wtf, being "shAt" on if anything.

>> No.2008823

Recycling video footage is what this pleb does best

>> No.2009050
File: 1.85 MB, 1500x3000, 1413304721993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got any more of these?
Here's the handy /tv/ guide.
I once remember correcting a mistake in a TV Tropes article that was based on a common misconception and some passive aggressive moron reverted my mistake, saying I "DidNotDoTheResearch".

>> No.2009229

I enjoyed the Super Castlevania IV vids.

Mike sucks at it.

>> No.2009252

Turned rather shitty when he went tryhard mode with his betelgeuse rant

>> No.2009253

he used to do them with a passion now hes in it for the shekels

>> No.2009276

>Miles shot a guy
>in the face

wait wut

>> No.2009290
File: 30 KB, 498x372, ss+(2014-10-03+at+07.53.23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James is a nice dude. I enjoy his reviews and Monster Madness.
He always makes my Halloweens feel fun, him and I-Mockery.

>> No.2009301


is that still a thing? is Flying Omelet still around?

>> No.2009308

he is a cop

>> No.2009316

after the part about miles killing a guy it should say it was awesome, also I like miles more than spoony anyways. I bet spoony does too

>> No.2009321


ah. He had to Dirty Harry someone then.

wait,, that doesn't sound right

>> No.2009325

It's still a thing. Pretty much stagnant.
I spent more time on it back in the mid 2000s, mostly for the ROM hack reviews and Halloween features.
Back when I spent all my time gaining an encyclopedic knowledge of retro video games. I found AVGN searching for NES speed runs.

>> No.2009334

>pops in game
>"have fun, motherfucker!"

made me giggle

>> No.2009386

>some passive aggressive moron reverted my mistake
Welcome to the concept of a wiki. Any moron can insert/revert anything they want, and if there are a number of somewhat empowered morons who act in unison, you have no chance to begin with.

>> No.2009396
File: 23 KB, 854x471, Atari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"This...is a video game. This is immediately what you think of when you hear the term. It's the Atari 2600, and it DEFINES the word classic. Even though the games are so simple, and the graphics so primitive, it has a charm that will never be matched. The objects and characters just barely represent what they're supposed to be, but that's the whole beauty of it: that you have to use your imagination. The sound effects? Just awesome. And the lack of music only enhances the mood.

It's that special kind of atmosphere, when it's in the middle of the night, and you're sitting in the glow of your TV with the sound of crickets."

I'll never forget that opening sentence. To me, this was James at his best. When he would actually put your mindset into perspective of the times, when you actually felt like you were there. When he actually took you BACK TO THE PAST.

My favorite episodes were those that mixed the humor with actual video game trivia and history. Whenever he actually made an effort to make us see how games and consoles were received during the period they were made, it made the episodes much more enjoyable. His retrospective-style ones were among the best. The Castlevania series and Nintendo Power were fantastic, and his console reviews are also great. His humor now has definitely gotten less funny over time, sure, but some videos still shine, and I'll get a chuckle every now and then.

Overall, I think from the beginning his videos are still solid to this day. But Schwarzenegger Games marked the end of his golden age. It was the first episode after a big hiatus, and it's when the quality of his videos just really deteriorated for me. It's also when his special effects and camerawork were noticeably improved, so it was easier to remember when shit really got stale.

After his movie, I consider AVGN to be finished. He can still make videos, but I just can't take them as seriously anymore.

From episodes 1-106, that'll be the James I'll always remember.

>> No.2009410

>After his movie, I consider AVGN to be finished.

BTW the ending sucked, too.

>> No.2009430

I still love his reviews.
I guess when I discovered it back when I was in like the 7th grade I just kind of grew up with it.
However I'm finding I really like his Monster Madness reviews a lot more. I'm a huge fan of horror movies and just finding more horror stuff like this really piques my interest a little bit more than videogames.

>> No.2009470

yeah I liked the movie overall but I felt like the ending was trying to have "charm" forcibly written into the script

>> No.2009476

>When he would actually put your mindset into perspective of the times, when you actually felt like you were there.


>> No.2009593 [DELETED] 

Sounds like /vr/

>> No.2009602 [DELETED] 

You probably meant "sounds like /v/".

>> No.2009608

Actually both. After the politics stopped happening on /v/, there has ceased to be a difference.

>> No.2009638 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 500x494, does this sound like you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2009654 [DELETED] 

Please educate yourself.

>> No.2009672

I enjoyed those more than latest AVGN episode

>> No.2009749

I remember a lot of guys from school who used to pick on a kid because he was balding...a lot of them now are not only balding, but disgustingly fat.

>> No.2009810

It's not so much that they reverted my edit so much that the idiot accused me (indirectly) of "not doing the research" when I was in the right.

>> No.2009846 [DELETED] 

>not sjw-compliant = "dehumanizing & awful"

>> No.2009858

Yea, that happens too. The problem with today's world is that the idiot-proof floodgates that once stood were removed. Given that in the end it's mostly not decisive who is in the right, but who tops the bill, if you have multiple morons supporting each other, you can easily be overridden, overruled and pushed out by them (and possibly banned).

>> No.2009878

My entire high school social life
The AVGN movie was okay, but I think this sums up how I feel about most of the movie.
There were some small, clever moments I liked though; I could certainly see an influence from Monty Python-esque humor, which is always nice.
>McButter is a high-ranking soldier
>Mandy tells her to keep her panties on
>"I'm not wearing any panties"
>"Going Commando" stealth joke

>"What are all these fucking boxes doing here?"

>> No.2009884

James pls go

>> No.2009886

>>"I'm not wearing any panties"
>>"Going Commando" stealth joke

you and I have very different definitions of STEALTH

>> No.2009890

I think he's just basically run out of games to review and things to say.

How many different ways can you really say a game is obtuse or has bad controls or is barely based on the source material it claims to be.

We get it LJN makes poorly optimized games that no one tested first.

>> No.2009917

the average age on /v/ is like 14-20 though
on /vr/ is like 22-30
I don't follow

>> No.2009925

He's even admitted in behind the scenes videos that he's started many episodes and had to stop part-way through because there just isn't much to say about the game. For the sake of his brand/series/IP I think he should go back to doing entire series (a la "Star Wars Games", "Schwarzenegger Games", etc.) or go to different consoles more often.

In the AVGN canon, GTA4 exists, right? (In one of the episodes there was about 30 seconds near the end where he played a modern game and the AVGN character was shocked by the technology) I'm probably looking too far into this, but the character would certainly know about every console leading up to the 360 right? He could just as well make a video about shitty games more recent than the NES and instead of going at it from a nostalgic point of view, go at it from a "shitty games kids these days have, they don't know TRUE fun" or something.

but whatever

>> No.2009931

He did the AVGN games which was actually a pretty bad episode honestly.

I think he needs to stick to old games... but really its like >>2009890 said. How much can you say about a shit game? Theres a huge library of NES, but you need to pick something moderately popular or at least well known. Sure he did like the bible games and that kind of garbage, but really, those were really easy fucking targets.

I dunno what he can do. I enjoy him more playing Castlevania 4 on the couch even though Mike is there because you can tell hes just having a good time.

>> No.2010023

Yep. At first it was like "Oh hey, let's take a look at how shitty those old NES games that people loved back then really were..." Kind of like when you go back and watch Thundercats.

Now he's out of material. There are no new NES games and he's reviewed everything that was popular then but would suck by today's standards.

>> No.2010034

There's plenty other legacy systems to shift focus on (the SNES being the obvious, most logical candidate). In the full version of the nerd title song he's essentially being claimed to be the /vr/-anything-nerd, but I he's never ever reviewed e.g. an Amiga game or somesuch.

This, of course, unfortunately does not in the slightest address the issue of the whole AVGN concept having grown stale, the miserable AVGN movie having essentially backfired on him, his changed family situation and a probable general shift in priorities in life, etc. etc.

>> No.2010041

>He did the AVGN games which was actually a pretty bad episode honestly.
It was just a plug for his own game. I understand why he did it but I didn't enjoy watching it.

>> No.2010043

Yea, but that misses the point of why his video cast was so popular. He was making fun of games that everyone knew and recognized, but actually suck by 21st century standards.

Like "ohhh, I used to have TMNT. Haha, yea, I can't believe I spent so much time trying to beat that game, it really does suck."

If he moves onto more obscure systems, he's not going to get that reaction. Like it or not, Nintendo was pretty much the unequivocal king of vidya from 1985-1990. If he moves onto the SNES/Genesis generation, most of the popular games were much better in quality than the NES gen and actually hold up to today's standards of control and fun factor.

>> No.2010050

I can say the same about you. You're a cuckold, you fucked your mom, and have a gorilla for a daughter with a human brain. I hope you eat yellow cake and kill your shrek of a wife with aids one day.

>> No.2010082

>changed family situation

what's this?

>> No.2010089

>He was making fun of games that everyone knew and recognized, but actually suck by 21st century standards.
>Haha, yea, I can't believe I spent so much time trying to beat that game, it really does suck."

Yea right, everybody and their grandma also played Action 52, Cheetahmen 2 and whatever the fuck else he managed to dig up from the abyss of gaming history. Many games he reviewed were indeed popular, but at least a comparable proportion were obscurities hardly anyone had heard about.

>Like it or not, Nintendo was pretty much the unequivocal king of vidya from 1985-1990.

I'd say they were at least until 1997 or so when Sony overtook them sales- and popularity-wise.

>If he moves onto the SNES/Genesis generation, most of the popular games were much better in quality than the NES gen and actually hold up to today's standards of control and fun factor.

I can assure you there's plenty of miserable games on any system. The more popular SNES titles admittedly don't have flaws that would warrant any of them being the subject of an AVGN episode, but if he kept digging up obscurities then he'd be served for at least another 100 episodes.

The main problem seems to be more his present motivation (or rather a progressive lack thereof) to make a good episode revolving just about any game that's a potential target for him.

>> No.2010090

Well, if I'm not misinformed he didn't have a wife and kids back in the "golden age of AVGN" everybody here is mourning to be a thing of the past.

>> No.2010095

I agree with your post, but you have to keep in mind that what you described is how his videos USED to be. He used to review commonplace games that were actually shit (tmnt, simon's quest, topgun, etc). But that pool has dried up and he's reached out to more obscure shit for a long time now.

>> No.2010102

i liked avgn a lot when he first started (pre avgn actually). maybe it was just my age then, but i cant watch his newer stuff. it feels so incredibly forced, like hes playing a character that shouldnt exist.

>> No.2010103

Let it be said that if the AVGN was a show broadcasted on some actual television network, it more than likely would have been cancelled at least several seasons ago

As it is his private project, and as we have platforms like Youtube etc. today, he can (for the better or worse of it) basically draw the thing out indefinitely.

>> No.2010105

The guy's been married since like 2007 though.

This makes it sound like there was an affair/divorce or something.

>> No.2010112

Oh okay, but being married is one thing (a relationship without marriage can be as much or more "pre-occupiying"), and having a kid/kids is yet quite another.

>> No.2010145

>need to pick something moderately popular or at least well known

Id say you really need to find something thats uniquely bad more than anything with popularity.
A game thats so spectacularly awful that it defies logic.

He just keeps going through the same rut

>Bad graphics
>bad controls
>illogical/inconsistent design

over and over and over. hell look at the recent one just now, we saw almost NONE of the game and he had no real commentary beyond the surface flaws

>> No.2010170

you know if he wasn't such a console fag he wouldn't have this problem


>> No.2010208
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(BTW the self-indulgency the AVGN movie is streaking of suggests him having attained a somewhat comparable level of hubris as John Romero in the times of pic related.)

>Id say you really need to find something thats uniquely bad more than anything with popularity.
A game thats so spectacularly awful that it defies logic.

That was actually pulled off quite well in his recent "Big Rigs Over the Road Racing" episode. Given that that "game" (which turns out to be more of a pre-alpha demo if using proper terminology) was actually released, and then REreleased in that same form, yes, it does defy any logic.

>> No.2010209


>> No.2010210


>> No.2010212

Erm, the second part of the post obviously was referring to >>2010145, misclicked.

>> No.2010516
File: 363 KB, 2048x1374, 1898870_10152543294661336_6792499728609097259_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe nerd can make episode about 11 inch monster cock of Sir Mike?

I would much appreciate!

>> No.2010606

Are you crazy? He made James seem boring and autistic. He's obviously very quick and witty

>> No.2010608

Look at his right pant leg. The bulge cannot be unseen. Try...Try to unsee. You won't be able to.

Hung like a horse.

>> No.2010639

> Yea right, everybody and their grandma also played Action 52, Cheetahmen 2 and whatever the fuck else he managed to dig up from the abyss of gaming history. Many games he reviewed were indeed popular, but at least a comparable proportion were obscurities hardly anyone had heard about.

He dug up those obscurities as time went on. They aren't nearly as funny as when he reviewed games that you actually owned, though. How many people owned Beetlejuice growing up? That, compared with his schtick getting old, is why his videos just aren't that funny anymore.

> I can assure you there's plenty of miserable games on any system. The more popular SNES titles admittedly don't have flaws that would warrant any of them being the subject of an AVGN episode, but if he kept digging up obscurities then he'd be served for at least another 100 episodes.

I can assure you that very few people care to watch a guy dig up some game they've never heard of on a system they barely remember hearing about and rant about it on youtube.

>> No.2010643

The majority of AVGN's fanbase weren't even alive when the NES came out. They watch the show to see a guy making fun of bad games, nothing more. Do people who watch MST3K watch it because they are familiar with all the movies being riffed on? No, they watch it because they want to see some shit movie torn to shreds.

>> No.2010691


see the thing is MST3K has thing to say that are unique about each film

avgn is just all

>waaaaaah this controls are bad pissload of fuck
>waaah the a and b buttons aren't the same as in every other game

>> No.2010721

>I have been watching the nerds stuff since he first started "before youtube even existed"

Given that they were only tapes back then, you outed yourself way too quickly James. Seriously, I know you have it hard, what with your wife cuckolding you, but please man, let it go.

>> No.2010753
File: 117 KB, 636x348, 1412889094423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seen threads dedicated to James talking about how 'le comfy' and how the movie is gonna be great because he has 'muh passion'
>post movie threads are nothing about CUCKOLD JAMES! and BASED MIKE

What happened?

>> No.2010765

The only kinda funny part of the video was
>"I had to get a skeleton to shoot fire at a beehive to get a cloud to move"

He's really not trying anymore ... I still like him but he's gotten super lazy...

>> No.2010768

>Let it be said that if the AVGN was a show broadcasted on some actual television network, it more than likely would have been cancelled at least several seasons ago

Also, the AVGN movie would have been released way earlier and been actually good.

>> No.2010790

>Larry the Cable Guy, Vidya edition

I'll never understand why such a basic johnny one-note "character" is so beloved.

>> No.2010803

The movie was pretty bad.

>> No.2010818

Mike is one of the best parts of Cinemassacre. Some people have said shit about him but fuck them. They don't know how much work he puts into that site. He is a huge factor in the ongoing success of AVGN and Cinemassacre as a whole (those title cards that he works so hard on are the PERFECT way to start any high quality AVGN episode and always demonstrate one of Mike's many talents) . People make fun of that Elmo video but fuck them, they're just jealous of Mike's skills and that he is a friend of James Rolfe. I'd like to see them be Mike for a day. Then they'd appreciate all the hard fucking work he does.

>> No.2010825

Ok Mike.

>> No.2010836

Because Youtube is filled with autistic neets whose sense of humor never evolved pass middle school level.

>> No.2010840

Lighten up, can't you take a joke? Video games don't have to be serious business all the time.

>> No.2010856

It's not that I don't like video games with a sense of humor, it's just that Rolfe was never that funny.

>> No.2010902

I get what you're saying. I like Mike. He's a talented individual and a total bro to James. But his attempts at humor is what kills him. Sure, Rolfe's AVGN persona is adolescent and not that funny to us "grown ups" (and something I wish he'd drop in favor of his more likable, down to earth demeanor when he's just being himself), but Mike seems to be developmentally challenged when it comes to this aspect of his personality, turning all good will I have towards him on his head when he attempts humor.

>> No.2010931


He's said it many times

He used to edit wedding videos and fucking hated it

AVGN allowed him to quit

>> No.2011095

Of course he hated it, he couldn't mug the camera with a :C face in every single wedding video.

>> No.2011120

if by acting you mean being a punch magnet, i agree.

>> No.2011290

> The majority of AVGN's fanbase weren't even alive when the NES came out

Stop talking out of your ass. He has been making episodes for 7 years. In 2007, a good amount of people 18 or older would have had an NES and remembered playing it, even if it was something they played when they got bored with SNES/Genesis or N64/PSX.

>> No.2011308

You ignored the word "majority". Do you really think more than half of the million+ views his videos get now are from people who fit those criteria?

>> No.2011320

Also notice how the MST3K episodes where the movies are so bad that they can only talk about how bad they are (Castle of Fu Man Chu for example) are the episodes not a single MST3K fan gives a flying fuck about.

>> No.2011374

But his videos now are crap and have been for a long time... because he's out of familiar, nostalgic material.

Beetlejuice was terrible? You don't say! That's probably why few people bought it. Thanks for digging up a 20 year old game that virtually no one played and telling us how much it sucked. That was so insightful!

The 4 season rule applies here.

>> No.2011462


even if he picked obscure stuff if they had a sense of real uniqueness it would still be worth talking about

>> No.2011480

You mean like "Manos: The Hands of Fate"? Oh wait, that was their most popular episode.

>> No.2011734

> even if he picked obscure stuff if they had a sense of real uniqueness it would still be worth talking about...

The video game industry and programming in general was in its infancy in the 80s. Without a team of major developers, you naturally had some technical hurdles to overcome.

Just like there's a bunch of relatively crap indy apps populating the apple store/android market, there were many NES games that are exceptionally poor quality. However, people generally didn't buy those games, so who cares? Where is the comedic value in a dork on youtube making fun of a video game that was made in the 80s on a shoestring budget with novice programmers?

>> No.2013930

Lloyd Kaufman wasn't even in character, that was really him. Mr.Kaufman really is insane.

>> No.2013939

Except most of Mitch Hedberg's good jokes are good because they're witty and well-written.

If you were actually trying to prove a point about delivery being important (and it is), you should've mentioned Martin Harvey Friedberg.

>> No.2013950


that's even sadder

>> No.2014009
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>> No.2014049

That's the thing, and I think many people who hated his appearance wouldn't appreciate something like Toxic Avenger. The film is absolutely ridiculous, and comes across as trying to be hardcore extreme (I ALWAYS WANT ED TO CORNHOLE ME A BLIND BITCH), but goes so far over the top that it instead just becomes ludicrous: a good deal of the humor comes from laughing at how hard it tries. You know those internet tough guy copypastas where the guy is trying to sound scary and threatening, but in the end his tryhardness just generates humor?

>> No.2014491


I fucking love Lloyd Kaufman, the guy is completely off his tits. I loved that episode, it was like seeing an old friend.

I also love that Lloyd Kaufman actually has scenes in two widely different movies that were released this year : The Angry Videogame Nerd movie and GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. Hilarous

>> No.2014525


>he's just 34
>he's just 44
>he's just 54

ave to drawn the line somewhere and not continue moving it and at some point accept that you've gotten old

>> No.2015050
File: 86 KB, 1015x478, retro masters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why people prefer this mumbling douchebag instead of these two gentlemen.

>> No.2015782


This. Hardware episodes are the best.

>> No.2016031

Almost any e-celleb with the slightest broad appeal will draw some serious aggro on 4chan.

>> No.2016268

The last decent episode was Swordquest.

>> No.2016294

Okay, but its not 34. Everyone on a specops team in in their 30s, its the prime of life. Everything can easily still be working at 100%, and you have enough XP that you're not a newb anymore

>> No.2016614

Stop shilling Kinaman. I can't stand looking at the guy for 10 seconds without wanting to puke.

>> No.2016661

Indeed, how underage do you have to be to class 34 as old?

>> No.2016824

<30 is young. 30-60 is middle-aged. 60+ is old.

If you want to break it out further:

0-10 kids
10-18 dumbass teenagers
18-25 old enough to be responsible, too dumb to know what that means
25-30 prime of your life
30-40 you're set in your ways
40-50 over the hill, but still young enough
50-60 getting up there. This is usually where your parents die.
60+ Varying degrees of old.

>> No.2016832

Because neither of the shows are similar to AVGN.

>> No.2016847

I wouldn't class 30s as middle aged, 40+ is generally considered middle aged. You don't go from young to middle aged on your 30th bday.

>> No.2016880 [DELETED] 





>> No.2017543

>Indeed, how underage do you have to be to class 34 as old?

Not him at all, but nowadays more and more employers refuse to hire people over 30 anymore (unless it's for a management position, or the candidate is an expert in the field). Lots of companies where even senior positions are mostly populated by twens.

>25-30 prime of your life
>30-40 you're set in your ways

The above might have to do with that to a lesser or larger degree.

>> No.2017590

For those of you who watched the new James and Mike Mondays, I'm gonna clear up the whole Grim Reaper thing.

It's actually quite simple. Death carries a scythe because he is, metaphorically speaking, the harvester of souls.

In other words, the REAPER of souls. He's a grim reaper.

>> No.2018732


Yes, I didnt understand how they would not get something that simple.

>> No.2018748

Bluepill logic. Most celebrities aren't actually any more talented than the people in your college's drama/music/etc. departments.

>> No.2018770

That's such a bluepill thing to say. "People don't get where they are based on talent! It's all luck and chance and I could totally do the same thing if I wanted!"

Normally you'd throw in a fair amount connections, but that doesn't really apply to James.

>> No.2018785

But they have rich parents, good connections, great luck, or any combination of these. And yes, talent isn't really of these (vide Mulholland Drive's "this is the girl", etc.).

>> No.2018814

>"People don't get where they are based on talent! It's all luck and chance and I could totally do the same thing if I wanted!"
Who are you quoting?

>> No.2018819

Disappointed to see so much love for a cuckold who roars like an autistic and abused teenager at retro video games.

Pretty disappointed in you guys, this kind of YouTube celebrity worship has no place on /vr/.

>> No.2018835

It's a sock puppet statement attributed to people who don't understand talent or what it takes to "make it".

>> No.2018837

>YouTube celebrity worship
>no place on /vr/

You know where you are right?
This is the same board that has a constant Game Center CX General.

>> No.2018838

Whatyamean a cuckold?

>> No.2018845

His wife bangs Mike and makes him watch. Hence the nickname "Motherfucker Mike".

>> No.2018862

Most people in here think they are too mature and clever for troma films. They probably laugh at shit like dane cook though so jokes on them.

>> No.2018883

>The film is absolutely ridiculous, and comes across as trying to be hardcore extreme (I ALWAYS WANT ED TO CORNHOLE ME A BLIND BITCH), but goes so far over the top that it instead just becomes ludicrous: a good deal of the humor comes from laughing at how hard it tries.
I never really got that impression from Toxic Avenger. To me, the movie seems pretty aware of how over-the-top and ridiculous it is. For fuck's sake, the movie is about a nerd who becomes a tutu-wearing mutant superhero after being dumped into toxic waste.

Also, unlike the AVGN movie, Toxie is actually funny.

>> No.2018886

AVGN the movie was funny. It's major problem was a really weak script, so the whole thing came together like some sort of patchwork horror, like frankenstein's monster but with AVGN videos.

>> No.2018894
File: 26 KB, 400x400, mariogtfo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AVGN the movie was funny

no it wasn't

>> No.2018905

I was talking troma in general like poultrygeist and terrorfirmer specifically

>> No.2018925
File: 18 KB, 510x269, poultrygeist-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never saw any other Troma films, so I wouldn't know. Poultrygeist looks pretty campy after a quick lookup though.

>> No.2018926

I understand that you're not supposed to like AVGN here, but I actually got the fucking kick out of kaiju part. It really shows that he loves the genre.

>> No.2018929

The movie sucked dick. Has nothing to do with
whether or not you‘re supposed to like avgn in here.

>> No.2018969

Its not that you are supposed to not like avgn here its just opinions or someone just hating on him for no reason

>> No.2018973

Check out Class of Nukem High.

>> No.2019019

check out these guys' standards

>> No.2019039

>Implying having standards is a bad thing.