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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 65 KB, 500x364, tumblr_mcs5ppeB6Y1rpxko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2007990 No.2007990 [Reply] [Original]

In regards to the "Retro" sticky, shouldn't we be accepting discontinued consoles? I can understand the easiness of saying "Anything from the old millennia goes", but as time progresses, 2000 becomes further away.

Retrogaming is often considered to be playing games that are discontinued, or on discontinued platforms, such as all of Gen Six, unless I'm mistaken.

What do you guys think? Is Gen Six "retro", by your own standards?

>> No.2007992

No, please stick to /v/


>> No.2007993

No, thank you.

>> No.2007994

I'd give it at least until kids born at the time these consoles came out are old enough to browse 4chan.

>> No.2007996

Not yet

>> No.2007997

I figured the best people to discuss this with would be /vr/.
/v/ has a shitty FF port to worry about.

>> No.2007998

>but as time progresses
this board is what? a year old? Wait until more time has progressed.

>> No.2008004

I'm not suggesting that the board is old, just that the question of "Has it been long enough to include this yet?" will still be a thing. A set-in-stone list of requirements would perhaps work better. Take the current rules for example. A Dreamcast is retro, but the PS2 isn't, despite the time difference of less than 12 months.

>> No.2008006

I think "2 generations old" is a good rule for retro as far as discussion goes. Now, maybe it's a good idea to wait a little while longer for this gen to "sink in", but it'd be crazy to not include ps2/xbox/GC in /vr/ discussions before this gen is up.

>> No.2008007


Dreamcast is an odd exception because discussion of it was highly demanded and it didn't really feel like the first 'sixth gen' console, but the last 'fifth gen' console, regardless of what it actually was, still, even it's inclusion was controversial.

When next gen (PsFiveu, Wii Next and Xbox 2001: A Microshill Odyssey) rolls around, then it will probably be okay.

>> No.2008008

It has more to do with the fact that using 2000 as a cutoff point is a fairly logical thing to do.

>> No.2008009

It is, for now. But what about next year? Do we keep a 15 year gap between modern and retro? Or does the gap widen because 2000 is a nice number to work from?

>> No.2008018

>When next gen (PsFiveu, Wii Next and Xbox 2001: A Microshill Odyssey) rolls around, then it will probably be okay.

fucking this, when will people learn?

inb4 404

>> No.2008020

Have the gap widen. Many of us feel it's too permissive as it is, was re: dreamcast bitching.

>> No.2008031

The Dreamcast died much earlier than the PS2 did.

>> No.2008039

PS2 didn't even die until this year.

>> No.2008040
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the dreamcast is retro here because of all the multiplats.

Games that were okay to discuss on, say, the PSX, weren't considered 'retro' on the dreamcast.

They were the same games, yet we couldn't talk about the dreamcast ports.

There's a great infopic about it, someone should post it since I didn't save it.

I think GCN/PS2/XBOX should be considered retro after the NEXT gen is over. Once the ps6 is announced. But that's just my opinion (and my preference on keeping GEN6 out of /vr/)

>> No.2008046

No. The PS2 was still getting games released for it last year.

>> No.2008051

You want the *PS5* to be nearly done before including PS2/GC into /vr/? Holy shit I disagree.

I'm in favor of a year or two maximum before including PS2/GC.

>> No.2008052
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>the PSX

not retro you turdburgler

>> No.2008053

yeah, faggot, i was waiting for you

hilarious post, 10/10

>> No.2008059

Oh, what did you mean then?

You were referring to the PS1?
Call it as such then retard.

>> No.2008064 [DELETED] 
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>i posted it again

>> No.2008072
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>tfw you can't wait to discuss Blinx and Ty the Tasmanian Tiger

>> No.2008075
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found it.

>> No.2008078

No. Ask again in five years.

fite me 4 real

>> No.2008081

a certain year is easier to use as a rule for boundaries

it really should be the games themselves, i.e. how they were designed to play, but it'd be hard to specify a clear boundary what's retro and what's modern without making a whole bible of rules (which rule-evading smart-asses love, because they're always full of holes)

unless there's going to be a very significant change in how video games are designed and played (think: going from 2D to accelerated 3D) for the next decade or so, making now-modern games "retro", the 1999 rule should stay

>> No.2008086

kids born in 1999 aren't old enough to browse 4chan, kids born on the N64 release date just barely count for 18. The Gamecube was released one decade and three years ago, I believe it should be able to be talked about here.

>> No.2008087

How about if the console is old enough to browse 4chan, it's retro?

>> No.2008090

No, and stop making this thread every day.

>> No.2008092

>we're the same goiym.

>> No.2008093

I like this rule, but it still excludes dreamcast

>> No.2008098

I wish it were possible to discuss obscure ps2 games on /v/. Oh well.

>> No.2008102


>> No.2008106

It's about the different styles of games, kid.

When the current generation games are apprecaibly different from FFX, then FFX and such will become a different category of gaming.

However, they should still be separate from the currently defined retro games. Personally, I think there should be a Retro 2D board, and a Retro 3D board (when enough 3d games become old, say 10 more years).

tl;dr it's not about the age of the games, but the style

>> No.2008121

>there should be a Retro 2D board, and a Retro 3D board
that's as retarded as saying /g/ should be split into hardware and software

>> No.2008135

Oh, please; /v/'s currently clogged with Smashfags.

>> No.2008138

>Wait till 3D games age 10 years
>It's not about age


>> No.2008140

You know that many people want it. People interested in GNU/Linux aren't the same as those talking about gay men or phones.
Trying to split into 2D and 3D makesa lot less sense and there are plenty of cases where it's not easy to distinguish. I'm more for raising the bar to 1995 and excluding the fifth generation consoles like PS1 or N64.

>> No.2008141

So we can't discuss master system?

They are still being made in Brazil.

Do the right thing this time /vr/ and don't let this go ten million pages.

>> No.2008148

Clones of pretty much all retro consoles are still being made, no one cares, fuck off.

>> No.2008150

Best system : Current Gen - The Gen that Was - Retro.
For the sake of PC, retro games can be considered anything released during the reign of a retro gen.

>> No.2008151

So Gamecube/PS2/Xbox is retro now?

I must make F-Zero GX and Timesplitters threads, this is important

>> No.2008154

May as well be, mine are gathering dust.

I can think of the current gen sitting pride of place in the living room, with the PS360 sitting just below it, because it's still semi-relevant. The PS2 was packed into it's box, and sat atop the wardrobe because everything has it's time, everything dies.

>> No.2008163

All these threads ever boil down to is
>b-b-but I don't wanna on /v/!

Well good news for you kiddo there are a zillion other forums and image boards (including one more even on this website) where you can do that.

>b-b-but I don't like those either!
Put down your setting machine for a moment and realize the world doesn't need to conform to you.

>> No.2008168
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>It was discontinued 7 years ago
>It was released 13 years ago
>It uses the same composite cable as the N64 and SNES
Did we really wait for the SNES or the NES to become 13 years old to be considered retro?

>> No.2008170

Did you a miss a few words? Because that just isn't making sense.

>> No.2008173

How is that a problem? Even if the cutoff were moved to 2005 the Dreamcast should still be banned by name as punishment for the DC-fags.

>> No.2008174

Guys, guys. Let's give it six more years. Dreamcast barely counts as is (still want to keep it around) and you can easily discuss the other three systems on /v/.

>> No.2008176
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>Dreamcast should still be banned by name as punishment for the DC-fags.

I like you.

>> No.2008189

>You know that many people want it.
many people are retards, so what

>People interested in GNU/Linux aren't the same as those talking about gay men or phones.
people interested in I.T. infrastructure (servers/routers/etc) aren't the same as those circlejerking about their butt-hole stations and consumer electronics, yet both are technically 'hardware'
same with programmers and "speccy thread!" fags or desktop circlejerkers

what /g/ really needs is a "/cj/ - circlejerking" containment board, and more strictness against consumer advice/tech support threads

>> No.2008190

I think it's a question of design philosophies. A lot of current gen games are still using the same philosophies as games from PS2/GC/XBOX gen.

When whatever current gaming is, changes enough to where it's just not a 6th gen game with prettier graphics. Then I think you should start thinking about including them here.

>> No.2008198 [DELETED] 

Autism speaks.

>> No.2008237

>the dreamcast is retro here because of all the multiplats.
This thread is in /v/ standards

>> No.2008268

>May as well be, mine are gathering dust.
Maybe that's the point, it's the gen people have lost interest in. People have forgotten about the ps2, xbox and gamecube. While the gen before people are coming back to out of nostalga.

When people who grew up with the ps2 start digging out their old ps2 or xbox for a nostalgic game of timesplitters or halo, then that gen will be retro.

>> No.2008270

Let's say we give GC a pass on your criteria. What's next?

>Wii uses GC controllers
>Wii us now retro

Age is one thing, "uses the same cable" is really reaching.

>> No.2008271

Personally I think we can count the remainder of 6th gen to be retro when the 9th gen consoles (if they ever do) show up.
The Dreamcast doesn't feel as advanced as the rest of 6th gen to me. You wouldn't get GTA 3 on a Dreamcast for example.

>> No.2008273
File: 26 KB, 285x351, sega_dreamcast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you hate something so sexy? Fuck you guys!

>> No.2008278


The design of the Dreamcast isn't great. The best I can say about it is that it was compact, because I don't like the styling otherwise. Especially the controller.

>> No.2008281

Dreamcast was ahead of her time

>> No.2008284


Not really.

>> No.2008290
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>still fighting the psx thing

every time.

>> No.2008306
File: 39 KB, 600x267, Nintendo-Game-Boy-Handheld-Lot-600x267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else feel the GBA should be considered retro?

Aside from the SP being many peoples preferred way to play older GB and GBC games and all the retro ports it has, as the last of the Gamy Boy line it just seems like the last of the retro handhelds, especially as its game library was still made up of old style 2d games.

Then you had the move to the DS, Sony brought out the PSP, 3d gaming on handheld consoles took off and the modern era began.

>> No.2008308


I feel that way. I'd love to be able to discuss GBA games here,

>> No.2008310

wait... GBA isnt considered retro? what kind of fucktard wouldnt consider it retro

>> No.2008313 [DELETED] 

People who rigidly adhere to rules without questioning their validity

People who like to be contrary for any possible reason

>> No.2008314

it was discontinued in 2008.... 6 years ago.

>> No.2008326

only 2 years after the PlayStation was discontinued.

>> No.2008332


The games are pretty much retro styled as a majority but I'd still not say it's really retro. I mean the minish cap didn't even hit the US until 2005, the same year the 360 came out.

>> No.2008335

I like that it's non-retro just because of the huge amount of autist tears it generates.

>> No.2008338

super valid point.
an even more valid point:
>playstation was introduced in 1994
>gba was introduced in 2001

>> No.2008341 [DELETED] 

>everybody who disagrees with me is a drone or a hipster
Why do you have to be such an insufferable fuck?

>> No.2008345


tbf the mods do seem to be fairly flexible here. There's been a few threads about the console itself which don't seem to get taken down. Now if I started a thread about minish cap that would probably be another matter.

>> No.2008354

I'd love to discuss the GBA more often, I mean it's a 16-bit system. That automatically makes it qualify for /vr/ in my book.

>> No.2008357


I think technically it's 32 bit.
Not that bits really matter.

>> No.2008370

I wish we had 3 video game boards:
/vr/ - Retro Games for video game systems up to 4th gen
/vmc/ - Modern Classics for 5th, 6th and 7th gen systems
/v/ - Video Games for shitposting, meme of the month and occasional discussion about the current gen systems.

Now I kinda see where the 6th gen fags come from, I have been playing early PS2 games and you can't really discuss them anywhere as /v/ doesn't give a fuck about them and they aren't retro enough for /vr. However at the same time I think 5th gen system shouldn't be /vr/ as they don't feel old enough to be retro and resemble modern games more than anything predating them. Maybe /vr/ should be only about 2D games?

>> No.2008380

wouldn't that fall under /vg/ then?

>> No.2008381

A /vr/ tha only goes up to the 8-bits would get real stale real fast. It would be DRAGON QUEST THREAD, DOOM THREAD, and then 50 different "which NES games shud I play" threads. I mean we see enough repeated shit already. /vmc/ would suffer the same problem. No, friend, united we stand. Divided we get bored as shit.

>> No.2008396

4th gen systems include 16-bit system like SNES and Genesis/Megadrive.

>> No.2008409

Holy crap, what do people want to discuss so badly about these systems? If you're first thought upon entering here is "Why can't I talk about Halo??" instead of trying to talk about what is actually allowed, then you probably don't belong here.

>> No.2008414

Right, my mistake. So update the neo-/vr/ thread list with 20 WHICH SNES GAMES SHUD I PLAY threads and repeated threads which bitch about jew prices for Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, and Earthbound.

>> No.2008418

/vr/ was always a flawed concept for a board from the get-go, especially given its stupid name. I don't understand why other anons are vehemently opposed to the inclusion of PS2-era consoles, given how slow the board currently is.

>> No.2008420

Wow. I meant "your." Fuck.

>> No.2008421

>I don't want people to discuss a popular franchise I dislike.

>> No.2008423

I say if we are to discuss any 6th gen consoles, they should only be the Xbox and GameCube. Those two, alongside the Dreamcast, had a snowball's chance in hell against the PS2, and they were all buried alive under mounds of broken PS2s.

>> No.2008424

slow board = good board, I don't think creating another board would hurt anyone, a 00's vidya board would keep everyone happy.

>> No.2008427

Who cars if it is somewhat slow? Speed of the board shouldn't be a concern, unless the board is literally near death, which it isn't.

> boards should change their established rules to cater to my preferences

>> No.2008431

Yes. I fully support having a board for non - current but outdated consoles. Just because I don't think they belong here doesn't mean that I think there should be no decent place for them to be discussed. If mootles had the desire, I really wouldn't be opposed to breaking it down even further, but in all honesty that'd be a mess.

>> No.2008453

I find this an odd limitation, quality or popularity are ambiguous and arbitrary.

>> No.2008459

Your argument could easily be summarized the other way around.
>boards shouldn't change their established rules so they could cater to my preferences

I don't like Madden, but that doesn't mean I would oppose any discussion about the Genesis and SNES games in the series in this board.

Arguing that allowing Xbox discussion would bring on Halo kiddies to /vr/ is fucking retarded and shortsighted. Are you too much of a Halo hater to forget that the original Xbox had other good games too? Do Ninja Gaiden 2004, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Future, OutRun 2, Splinter Cell and Otogi mean anything to you?

>> No.2008461

Adding the PS2 will add a lot of teenagers to the board and you will see a shift in the quality of posting. I mean really, lets kid ourselves here. Anyone who isn't allowed to drink generally shits up anything that goes on online.

>> No.2008463

32 bit ARM processor. If that means it's retro then so are smart phones.
Not that ARM systems can't be retro, see for instance the Acorn Archimedes from 1987.

>> No.2008476

If we're going to constantly be bickering about the rules every single day, we might as well just stop the whole fucking train and go back to /v/.

If I were moot I would shut the place down if this keeps up. You ever piss your parents off fighting over a toy with your sibling? If they were good parents they would have taken it away altogether.

>> No.2008486

The thing is if 6th gen was suddenly allowed on /vr/ you'd have the exact same argument you had in favor of Dreamcast:

>FIFA 2012 for PS2: retro
>FIFA WC 2006 for Xbox 360: not retro

The PS2 was indeed a generation breaker, it effectively survived two generations, making it simultaneously a 6th and 7th gen console, which is why the 7th gen won't be allowed in /vr/ any time soon.
If the 6th gen consisted of DC, Xbox and GC then it would have already been allowed for sure.

>> No.2008491

Why can't we have a cutoff based on the release date of the game as it's already done for PC games?

>> No.2008497

but then we'd get babbies crying about how their game isn't retro when a game on the same system was released a month earlier IS.

why is this thread still alive?

>> No.2008503

No. Those consoles are way too advanced in comparison. They're nowhere on the same level.

>> No.2008504

PS2 should be considered retro but with "cut off" date until like God of War, GTA: SA and Tekken 5

>> No.2008508

Because it was released a month earlier.
Best would be a rolling cutoff date so they'd just have to wait another month until their game is released.

>> No.2008542

Honestly, I don't want the PS2 and beyond generation to ever become /vr/. It just encourages retards from /v/ to come here and shitpost about their favorite console war bullshit, since all those companies are still in the market.

>> No.2008546
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>this thread

>> No.2008547 [DELETED] 

It's easy when you put words in my mouth.

>> No.2008550


Ask yourself this: Is Persona 4 retro?

The answer is no.

>> No.2008559


>Sixth gen

Get off my lawn you fucking whippersnappers. Go tag up a skatepark or something.

>> No.2008573

I want to talk about Onimusha on this board, but we can't have nice things.

>> No.2008574

Famicom was released in 1983, no one considered NES retro in 1996, it was just outdated

>> No.2008582

>Ever going to be retro

Even in 50 years time I will still refuse to call it retro.

>> No.2008590

The Dreamcast gets a pass because it was a crossover generation. I'd say wait until 2020 for PS2/Xbox/Gamecube

>> No.2008591


>> No.2008596

I actually love the 6th gen, but this isn't the place to discuss it. The rules of what is retro and what isn't is besides the point, allowing 6th gen will defeat the purpose of this board and lower the quality of posts, as well as increase the speed of the board dramatically, which I don't think is a positive.

I don't even think the Dreamcast is retro, but at least it doesn't harm the quality of the board. If we allow the 6th gen, we'll only eventually have to keep adding to what is retro, and obviously that will make this board a complete mess.

As far as I'm concerned, the more narrow the definition of retro is, the better quality of discussion there will be. With the current board rules, this is about as narrow as the retro definition can be without everyone complaining endlessly.

There are other places to discuss those games, if you don't like /v/, find a message board that caters to those consoles

>> No.2008605

What's the point of adding to what is retro?

Eventually things plateau and it all just blend together, and then what would be the point of even saying "retro gaming" if the style is indistinguishable from current gen? "Retro" in terms of gaming is a complete misnomer

>> No.2008612

>"Retro" in terms of gaming is a complete misnomer
This. This board should've been called /cvg/ for "classic video games." I don't know why "retro" suddenly became a synonym for "old."

>> No.2008613

In the case of the Dreamcast, the games stylistically look antiquated. It was also the last console to have an arcade equivalent hardware. It is dated and historical.

>> No.2008615

The only thing from 6th gen that should be added (in my opinion) is GBA.

GBA was basically a portable snes, the games are pretty 'retro' by gameplay/graphics standards, and the library was pretty solid.

Gamecube/Xbox/PS2 were pretty much the end of retro gaming, where games (for the most part) began to focus on graphics/storytelling over gameplay.

>> No.2008619


MGS was on the PS1

>> No.2008624

Seems like you simply have an aversion to change.

>> No.2008625
File: 11 KB, 200x200, Cli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>but as time progresses, 2000 becomes further away.
There is a reason for that. Games from 2001 onward, from 6th gen(like Halo, GTA 3, Devil May Cry etc...) are much closer to modern day games then they are to EVEN 5th gen games. There is practically no significant difference between those hit titles from 2001 i mentioned and popular ones from 2014(besides graphics). Modern games are designed around same principles and philosophy as those 13 years old games. THAT'S WHY THEY ARE NOT RETRO, even if games from 1988 were retro as fuck in 2001. 6th gen will not be retro until modern games change more.

You clueless kids are sure getting annoying spamming threads about this every fucking day. Go back to /v/.

>> No.2008627

I think he's talking about overall trends, not specific examples

>> No.2008629


So you're saying FF7 and MGS weren't massively mainstream? That the whole cinematic game thing didn't become cancerous on the PS1?

>> No.2008634

No I'm not saying that at all. I think they set the trend for gaming on the 6th gen, even though they were in the 5th gen if you see what I mean.

>> No.2008646


is retro

>> No.2008657


>> No.2008662

Yes it was

>> No.2008668



>> No.2008669

6th gen will never be retro. It's the only gen to rival the 2nd gen in shittyness. Maybe even surpass it.

>> No.2008673

It was mostly a 32 bit ARM with an snes gpu

If you want my opinion I like the dreamcast being the cut off for the board. It wouldn't bother me to add the GBA but no PS2, GCN or XBOX please.

>> No.2008678


>6th gen shitty
>7th gen not shitty
>8th gen not shitty

>> No.2008680

I don't understand how you think it's worse than 7 or 8th gen

>> No.2008681

It goes
>6th gen shitty
>7th gen supper shitty
>8th gen ultra shitty

Sometime I forget how far modern gaming has gone.

>> No.2008685

It's the start of the all the shittyness. Garbage like Halo for example.

>> No.2008687


But it's not the worst of all the shittyness.

>> No.2008689

>6th gen
This is horrible bait and you should feel horrible.

>> No.2008691

I have a love hate relationship with 6th gen. I think it continued and worsened a lot of awful trends from 5th gen and led to the fall of modern gaming.

Then again, it has some of the best 3D games of all time

>> No.2008696

And does that mean all of the great games in 6th gen are worthless just because of games like fucking Halo?

That's childish

>> No.2008697

There were some really good games but none I'd call best or even top 5 for a genre. Some exceptions I guess like the gta games.
Fair point. Re haven't reached a peak yet for dlc, pay to win, etc, and w/e garbage yet though.

>> No.2008701


And none of that was on the 6th gen.

>> No.2008705

Right I forgot xbox live was free... Oh wait.

>> No.2008710
File: 85 KB, 640x908, 12446_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be retro too

>> No.2008716


You didn't mention that there (even though it is cancerous)
Was there paid DLC on the original Xbox's Xbox Live?

>> No.2008723


fuck off OP.

>> No.2008724


You're fucking waking up a monster in here; people like to whine about the doom generals, just you wait for a 3D GTA era general

>> No.2008727

There are many things I would call retro, but the PS2 is not one of them.

>> No.2008728

I know there are demos and I'm almost positive there was other dlc.

>> No.2008732

I remember downloading extra levels for Splinter Cell, KOTOR, Counter-Strike, the Hurriane Packs for Ninja Gaiden and they were all free. I'm sure it wasn't if it was a title that was published by Microsoft.

>> No.2008734

GTA games don't have regular content being produced for them like Doom does.

>> No.2008736


Read that post out loud.

>> No.2008737


but they sure as hell have a much wider audience compared to the Doom community

and this comes from someone who likes Doom

A GTA 3D-era general in /vr/ would be 10 times more active than the Doom one BY FUCKING FAR. Almost /vg/-tier active

and don't get me started on the fanbase

>> No.2008738

I don't have to.

I play the shit out of GTA games. I live it and breathe it almost. DOOM has a large number of mods/levels that are always popping out. GTA, while it has a modding community, doesn't have one with as much worthwhile content coming out.

GTA also has a higher barrier of entry for making original content, I think.

>> No.2008739

6th and 4th gen are the best video game generations of all time. If you disagree you don't know shit about videogames. THE END

>> No.2008740

I dont want to allow PS2 and the like cause the majority of this board is already underage and I dont want to force all the oldfags off with awful millenial PS2 nostalgiaposting.

>> No.2008741

It's also pathetically easy to make levels for Doom. GTA I'm not so sure about.

>> No.2008742

>A GTA 3D-era general in /vr/ would be 10 times more active than the Doom one BY FUCKING FAR.

Nope. Part of what keeps Doom generals alive is the new content. GTA doesn't get new content. It might be populated for a while, but steam would die off and the threads would become less frequent.

>> No.2008745

Every shitty gamecube kids opinion. 6th gen consoles suck a fat dick, PC gaming on the other hand was fucking prime.

>> No.2008746

>the majority of this board is already underage
I don't believe it, this board has the least shitposting and meme bullshit I've ever seen.

>> No.2008748

How old are you, anyway? Legit question.

I don't have experience with most GTA games, but I have done some GTA1 modding. There are tools out there, and while I don't want to call it the hardest thing in the world, it's not pathetically easy.

Also the gameplay in GTA is more complex than Doom is, with its mission-based gameplay.

>> No.2008750

Just no.

>> No.2008751
File: 1.95 MB, 1700x1000, Dreamcast-set-orange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trascending what console gaming was by understanding gaming in general. When the DC was released online gaming and gaming communities were a big thing but just for PC gamers. The difference is that PC were $1000 machines that did more than gaming. The DC was a relatively cheap piece of hardware that was very simple to use (a console basically) which let you go online and had online console games (plus "3D accelerated" graphics). You had the first console MMO in the Dreamcast. Also it was when SEGA got the arcade experience at home they had been marketing for so long right. In a time when arcades had just stopped being the most advanced gaming machines, SEGA released their console with hardware on par with their main arcade machine, the Naomi.

The ride stopped before time but there was a hdd like storage option (the zip drive) and an MP3 player VMU in the pipeline. Also, a DVD player.

Also, the VMU and the VGA box.

So basically it wanted to be more than a console while remaining a console.

>> No.2008752

and how the fuck this thread is still alive, anyway?

>> No.2008753


>> No.2008756

No. Get out of here.

Retrogaming is often considered to be playing games that are discontinued, or on discontinued platforms, such as all of Gen Six, unless I'm mistaken.

Something from 2005 sure is retro.

>> No.2008758


>VMU and VGA box

>> No.2008759

Not /vr/
Rules are rules

>> No.2008760

25, I could totally see 6th gen shit forcing most of the obscure stuff off the board. Slower threads like japanese computer threads or obscure dos games would be bumped off with threads like "OMG GUISE HOW GOOD WAS JAK AND DAXTER, RATCHET AND CLANK or some other gay 6th gen garbage I don't care about" 6th gen had a lot of great games but also when you have a console like the PS2 sell 100 million most of the games are going to be shovelware.

>> No.2008762

Dunno, but I'm enjoying talking about GTA modding. Would love to mod GTA1 missions with /vr/.


The code demos download is good if you want to learn how to code missions.

>> No.2008764

FF7 and MGS had a lot to offer on gameplay front. The fact that they also had cinematic qualities doesn't mean they are cancerous, because ten years later there were more games with emphasis on the cinematic.

>> No.2008765


So...you're a millennial is what you're telling me.

>> No.2008768

You do know millennial is 1980 to late 90s right?

>> No.2008769


FF7 was the same JRPG gameplay that was tired by 97 and MGS had terrible gameplay in general.

>> No.2008770

It has been increasing rapidly in the last few months though.

>> No.2008771


So it's silly to try to act like an old man when you're part of said age group.

>> No.2008773

Mooooooods get this thread off /vr/

>> No.2008776

I'm not that anon I was just saying.
I don't know if this board really has an older age group or if it's just culture.

>> No.2008780

so what? I can be pissed off at my own age group can't I? I know those assholes have shit taste in games this thread just proves it. If you want the PS2 on here that bad you must really be itching to talk about some piece of crap. I'm going to kill myself when I see ICO threads or other garbage games like that.

>> No.2008781

I'm 30 years old and i started gaming on home computers in 1989.
>PC gaming on the other hand was fucking prime.
I can tell you are a lot younger then me, and a lot dumber. During 6th gen we had 4 GREAT home consoles(every single one was good), some great mid/high budget PC exclusives, and the last breath of arcade gaming. Also, this was the last generation of Japanese domination on consoles, and they made a lot of great games then.

6th gen had more quality then the 5th and 7th, same variety as the 5th, and the biggest quantity of retail games ever.

>> No.2008782

This place has gone to hell.

>> No.2008785


>People have opinions I don't like!

>> No.2008786

Nothing has gone to hell. You're just responding to bait.

>> No.2008790

I'm not that anon I just want to say BF2 is one of the best PC games made period. CoD was also in its goldenage.

>> No.2008791

The VMU let you do stuff you couldn't do until the Wii U, and some of the stuff that the VMU enabled still cannot be done with the Wii U.

The VGA box let you connect the console to monitors and to HDTVs before HDTVs were a thing.

If that's not before it's time for you I don't know what is.

>> No.2008794

Nah xbox was a Dell pc put into a game case, PS2 was just a linux computer and the gamecube is a piece of fucking over rated trash. For someone that thinks they are so intelligent you probably have a shit taste in games.

6th gen

better than first
better than second
worse than third
worse than fourth
worse than fifth

so the 6th gen is really only better than 2 generations nobody cares about. Stop being so delusional, gb2godofshit faggot.

>> No.2008795

5th gen had some of the greatest games made ever so I don't agree about your console comparison.

>> No.2008797


The VMU was sorely underutilized. Also, as just a memory card it was shit, with barely any storage space.
The PS2 a year later let it connect to HDTVs (as opposed to PC monitors, since Component is much more common on HDTVs.) Also, the PS2 supported VGA.
That console also had internet connectivity.


>PS2 was just a linux computer
You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.2008798

Yep, I did like vietnam better than 2 but 2 was still great. 3 was such a huge letdown I didnt even bother with 4 because of how bad 3 was. Yes CoD was good too, CoD 2 is one of the best WW2 shooters ever its a shame the series went the way it did.

>> No.2008807

>with barely any storage space.
Tell me about it. Shenmue took up almost half a VMU.

>> No.2008808

>PS2 was just a linux computer
Sorry, i stopped reading here.

You should play some of the not so greatest games ever made from that generation and see how they compare to the 6th gen mediocre ones.

>> No.2008809

shut the fuck up kid, sony released a version of linux specifically for their console.

>> No.2008812

I'm just going by the descriptions I find.

>> No.2008816


Thank god for VMUtool and those extra 41 blocks.


What isn't Linux on? There's Linux on Gamecube, Wii, PS3, 360, PSP, DS...

>> No.2008818

I'd take bubsy 3d over halo.

>> No.2008821

Are you implying that Jak and Daxter was not an excellent game? Because I'm just going to have to stop you there.

>> No.2008824

It's garbage compared to Crash.

>> No.2008825

>Gas them.

>> No.2008826


I don't believe he is. I think he's saying that allowing PS2 mainstream stuff on this board would mean a lot of other stuff goes undiscussed.


The sequels, yes.

>> No.2008828

Because you are a dumb hipster(or a true autist).

>> No.2008829

Not everyone likes moon jump fps.

>> No.2008835

Having a personal private screen in your controller is a very good idea for multiplayer games. I give you that the storage was ridiculous.

About the PS2 video connectors I won't argue because I don't really know . Was the component cable widely available? What do you mean with the PS2 supported VGA? I looked at that kind of cable for the PS2 back in the day in sites like lik-sang and it looked like a hack, I don't think there was an official Sony one. Also, the output of the PS2 never looked as crisp as the DC one to my eyes (but that's something subjective that I cannot really back so I won't argue either). The PS2 eventually got internet connectivity but was very much of an afterthought. Even the first DC games had a browser buit in that let you go to the game site to get news and stuff and upload scores.
And as you said, the PS2 was released like a year and something after the DC.

>> No.2008836

They're different games though. Crash was essentially Mario in 3D. Get from A to B, kill things so they don't kill you, collect X of Y for a new life, become Allah by collecting the mask/star, hidden bonus levels, etc.

Jak was free roam, a relaxed pace, collect-all-the-shitism, but still held the classic boss fights.

>> No.2008837

But the kids who grew up with these consoles aka the late millennials are already in college or going to graduate.But being one of these kids, I don't want other people spamming PS2, KH threads, sanic autism or HALO BEST FPS eva threads here. I like talking to older people but things I never had the time to experience. Also it feels like they barely discontinued the 6th gen yesterday imo.

>> No.2008838

It already happens even witht he amount of content we have some threads don't get any replies for awesome underrated games, then you have stupid zelda bullshit get 100+replies

>> No.2008839

Forgot to add, the DC was the first console which let you have 60 FPS in PAL territories. The PS2 eventually did it too but I had monochrome output in every TV I tried, while the DC would output color even in our main TV which was from 1992.

>> No.2008840

That's the way of the world. If people know what it is, they're more likely to take an interest.

>> No.2008842

Yes but to prefer an abomination like Bubsy 3D to a competent game like Halo, that is unquestionably excellent in at least few aspects(Music, AI) is just impossible, unless you are a true autist that gets pleasure and comfort from aimlessly collecting shit in Bubsy 3D.

>> No.2008843

>Jak was free roam
You know 6th gen supporters are delusional when they call corridor hell "free roam".

>> No.2008845


I agree, but it didn't see nearly as much use as it should have. I'd have loved for the VMU to have been more than a gimmick.

The component cable was pretty common, more so than the Gamecube one certainly. The VGA cable was only in the Linux kit so it's pretty damn rare, so Ill grant you that. That said, if you want to hook a console into a TV, 9 times out of 10 you'll need Component and not VGA. The PS2 at least had ethernet and modem support while the dreamcast was for just about everyone crippled.


A lot of what's being said about the Dreamcast being innovative is just things every other 6th gen console.
And I have a lot of trouble forcing import Dreamcast games to run at 60 while I've never had that problem on a PS2.

>> No.2008846

I despise those collecathon 3d platformers. So glad that shit died.

>> No.2008849

It was relatively Free Roam in that you could Freely Roam, and weren't being Forced from A to B, like a "corridor hell".

>> No.2008851

YOU JUMP LIKE YOU'RE ON A THE FUCKING MOON AND THERE'S REGEN. Get the fuck out with this shit. The game is fucking trash and always has been except for retard fanboys like you that push the deeeeeep story of "gatta protect the world while I fap to Cortana or w/e that starwars rippoff shits name was".

>> No.2008853

As someone who focuses collecting mostly PS2 games I gotta say no. Cause then we'll have to accept PS3 discussion here.

>> No.2008854

You never got all 101 powercells, did you?

>> No.2008856


You kind of are on another planet

>> No.2008858

Why would we do that?

>> No.2008861
File: 11 KB, 237x213, ha2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Xbox 2001: A Microshill Odyssey

>> No.2008862

No. And this is exactly why 6th gen shouldn't be allowed. For someone reason when 6th gen hit it suddenly became acceptable to throw trash physics into a game. Hell more than acceptable it became the standard.

You haven't defended it at all either. Just name call and say bs like "well this shit game from 5th was worse so 6th is good guys. really!".

>> No.2008864


Why would we talk about a system that doesn't even have games?

>> No.2008865

>You're on a different planet
>Gravity should remain the same.

>> No.2008868


>Don't worry the game's meant to be shit


Every gen has bad games. Nobody bothers to play them so only the number and quality of good games matter.

>> No.2008871

>go on spaceship in space
>physics remain the same
Ya no. It's trash.

>> No.2008873

Off topic shitposting thread?
What's the video game equivalent of drone metal?

>> No.2008878

>being this autistic

>> No.2008880

Nope. I love my 6th gen games to death, but they aren't retro. Allowing them would bring in the Halofags, CoDfags, etc. I don't want that shit on my /vr/. I've been here since the beginning, and I'd hate to see that happen to my favorite board. Maybe it'll be viable in 2020 or some shit, after those kids have a chance to grow up.

Polite sage because this thread doesn't even belong here.

>> No.2008881

Damn you really showed me. That really explains the gravity in that game.

>> No.2008882

>Discussing the requirements for a console to become "retro" on /vr/, and eligibility of consoles to join the ranks of retro.
>Off topic

>> No.2008884


artificial gravity

>> No.2008885

The original idea was on topic, crying about Halo is not.

>> No.2008887

Your hipster levels are off the charts. I don't even like Halo much(in fact i never even finished the original), and i never mentioned its story.

I'm the guy that wrote:
...and i agree that 6th gen does not belong here. Not because its "bad", because its one of the best generations ever, but because its not "retro" yet.

>> No.2008890

They control the gravity? Why not just you know kill all the aliens with that kind of power instead making for shit game physics? Oh right fanboys need there spacemarine/rambo ripoff.

>> No.2008891
File: 3.04 MB, 400x210, 1410764881908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Halo that represents the start of the fall of modern gaming. It was supposed to be an average PC FPS that MS snatched up and ruined. This, of course, led to CoD/GoW/BF/etc which created the garbage bro-gamer archetype that we so scorn here. That's why XBox shouldn't ... ever be allowed, honestly.

The Dreamcast's library simply did not contribute to this. Rainbow Six, Quake III, Unreal Tournament... all great shooters done differently. Even Rainbow Six had practically no hand-holding compared to modern shit.

Many of the games in the DC library were made before the DC was even released. Countless arcade/neo-geo ports. I've been able to play every DC game I've tried on emulator with a SNES controller just fine.

I think the solution is if the 3 consoles are popular enough, they should always have threads in /vg/. Sure, I'd love to discuss Super Meat Boy here, since it's in the spirit of classic platforming... but even I have to say nope.

>> No.2008892



>> No.2008894

And luckily your kind is still the minority here. So take the 6th gen shit and leave.

If the mid 2000s PC games want to stay they can.

>> No.2008895

>sperging this much
I'm glad you can't enjoy a good game because of a mundane detail.

>> No.2008901
File: 137 KB, 636x437, ps2 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS2 still had new games coming out for it this year.
It's nowhere near being retro yet.

>> No.2008902

Halo's success was 80% because of the ads and 20% because people wanted what their friends had. I mean, the ads were pretty awesome to be honest. They made one want to be part of the action.

>> No.2008904

>I'm glad you can't enjoy a good game because of a mundane detail.
>mundane detail.
It's funny how I just said a few posts back
>No. And this is exactly why 6th gen shouldn't be allowed. For someone reason when 6th gen hit it suddenly became acceptable to throw trash physics into a game

6th gen supporters in a nutshell folks.

>> No.2008906


>This year.
Fifa 14 was last year. Don't you know how these sports games work?
>People still make Windows programs. Windows 95 isn't retro

>> No.2008907

My kind? Leave? Where?

>If the mid 2000s PC games want to stay they can.
How does that make any sense to you?

>> No.2008910

I'm not that anon, but good luck getting most of those modern Windows programs to run on 95.

>> No.2008913

Ah, so you're just shitposting then. Gotcha.

>> No.2008915

PC gaming is basically dead now for stuff like fps and the mid 2000s was the last of the good. Much like 5th gen consoles.

>> No.2008917

Yep. MS made sure it was well-advertised. I had some friends that were really into it, but after a few hours of multi-player, I just didn't see anything special or new about it. QIIIA and UT for DC were a blast, online or offline.

Oh, and regenning health/shields 'started' with Halo too, can't forgive that shit.

>> No.2008918

You're just proving my point that you don't care about the physics in a fps.

>> No.2008923

Sure, in games like Half-Life 2 where physics are an integral part of the game.

>> No.2008926


>> No.2008927

How is movement not integral to the game? I mean I know you spend most your time sitting behind a rock in Halo. Just waiting for you shield to fill back up.

>> No.2008931
File: 26 KB, 500x691, sieg heel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that "retro" is TOO inclusive…
should be defined by
>25 years since release

>> No.2008935

>Much like 5th gen consoles.
So 5th gen was the last console gen that had "good" games?

>> No.2008938


welcome to /vr/

>> No.2008939

Died with Rare.

>> No.2008942

The Xbox and GameCube both held their own and carved out their own niche in the market. The Dreamcast was discontinued after 2 years, before the generation even got going.

>> No.2008951

You should play more games that were released after 5th gen.

>> No.2008952

I don't see much wrong with the movement. Movement could have been faster. The full run speed feels like a light jog. Jumping is floaty and there's no control of it in mid air, but I'm just glad there are no platforming segments.

>> No.2008965
File: 141 KB, 900x607, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is SAMP


nb for not adding to discussion

>> No.2008967

In Sonic Shuffle you got numbered cards that you could use to move through the board. You could also pick you opponents cards. When playing with friends everyone would have their hand on their VMU. I had never played Mario Party by that time. When I played it time after I couldn't believe how unfair the dice rolls were sometimes and how much vastly superior the card system with the VMU was. I think you also had this on Madden, but I have never played it. As you said it could have been used more often but take into account that the console didn't live too long and most games wouldn't need a feature like that. Still it's really nice to have the option and I don't understand why it hasn't been done again. Maybe today if a game needs it can do it via a smartphone app. Also, you could download mini games to play with the stand alone VMU, but I am not boasting that since the small storage space and the terrible battery life made the feature a thing you just checked once.

About the VGA I have seen the port in every HDTV I have come across and I didn't really see (or maybe noticed) the component input until the 360. Maybe in Europe the component is less common. Also every projector has VGA. I remember taking the DC with the arcade sticks to the youth centre in my town to play Street Fighter 3 and SNK vs Capcom on their projector and sound system.

When you say about importing do you mean from PAL territories? I know japanese discs don't work on an unmodded DC.

Eventually the rest of the 6th gen consoles would do stuff that the DC did the DC was centered on the "advanced" stuff since day one (most games would go online somehow and most of them would output VGA, for example). Comment too long...

>> No.2008970

The Xbox offered something alike but it was 3 full years after the DC. But the Xbox was no DC: it was a gimped PC trying to be a console, in a time when the arcades had already got behind, and was backed by a corporate software company instead of a videogame company. Close, but no cigar. It was not a bad console at all, but it wasn't as ahead of its time as the Dreamcast was.

>> No.2008972

The good thing is the Xbox picked up where the DC left off because it got lots of good exclusives from Sega.

>> No.2008974


I have an EDTV CRT which has component and no VGA.
SDTVs tend not to have Component thanks to SCART.
I've not seen a HDTV without both, by the way. But I think in that transitional period where we were moving to 480p, 720p and so on, Component was more common for TVs. I think dedicated DVD players in particular weren't permitted to output RGB so they had to use Component.

I mean NTSC games to PAL systems. I have swap discs and such but if I try to force NTSC video mode, half of the image falls off the bottom of the screen.

>> No.2009003

At some point the Xbox was going to be compatible with Dreamcast hardware. It got some games that were in development for the Dreamcast in its first years but then that's all.

What I mean with the Dreamcast trascending is that it got the perfect mix of PC and arcade for a console while still being a console. What the Xbox got from PC was mostly the FPS genere which in my opinion never fit consoles very good. Xbox did nice things tho, like the ability to rip music from CDs and use it as background music for your games. That felt "Dreamcasty" to me.

As I said maybe I didn't notice the component inputs around me, VGA was more common in my head. I have never tried to load an NTSC game on a PAL machine with the swap disc but that is kind of a hack and I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't work well.

>> No.2009009


Yeah. PAL60 in PAL region games works fine for me, so that's cool.

>> No.2009187

Yes really.

>> No.2009207


Well, I dunno. I considered pre-1999 games retro in 2009, but games from 2004 don't really feel "retro." I guess it has to do with being behind technological leaps and bounds. The difference between a PS1 and a PS2 isn't that great in essence, but the difference between an NES and an N64 is huge. Maybe once we've moved on enough that PS2s and GameCubes feel as old as PS1s and N64s, then they can be retro.

Alternatively, 15 to 20 years is a good numerical metric to go by.

>> No.2009218

Tekken 5 was an almost end-of-life title (not counting the slow trickle of FIFA games they put out for poor BRs).

>> No.2009238

I think this board should have been called "Older Games" and the criteria for whether or not it qualifies as board material should have been "produced 15 or more years ago."

There'd have been no need for threads like this, and there'd have been no fussing about whether or not a game qualifies as "retro" or "classic."

>> No.2009261
File: 56 KB, 448x336, 1356471647531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just video games or any game as long as it's 15 or more years old?

>> No.2009296
File: 20 KB, 245x245, shiggydiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you actually see some assburger crying "MODS MODS MODS" when someone accidentally mentions PS2

>> No.2009305

Well thats to be expected. These people actually collect old shitty nes games and pay hundreds for them when they can just emulate it and get the exact same experience.

>> No.2009310

Good trole, but you are right in that I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that the "tattle tale" kids ended up talking vidya on a Chinese cartoon website

>> No.2009319

What if this is the plateau of gaming though? We reached 3D models and not entirely awful graphics. Does this mean, however many years down the line, Current-Gen and Just-Been-Gen will be modern, everything before 2000 is retro, and everything in between is just... there.

>> No.2009324

They have that thing typical dragons have.
"Gib shiny shiny!"
"What will you do with it?"

>> No.2009362

>discontinued platforms
No because then we'd have fucking Wii and PSP threads.

>> No.2009368

Consoles discontinued for longer than 12 years.
That is the rule.

>> No.2009412

no because the type of faggots that want to discuss 6th gen crap are the exact type of fags to be circle jerking horrible abominations like Ico or god of war

>> No.2009416 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 778x1068, 1384812354197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>circle jerking

Your latent homosexuality is showing

>> No.2009423

You're right about God of War at least.

>> No.2009426

Some junior high tier fallacy behind that reasoning there. Don't be butthurt Ico fan, that game fucking blows. It's a prime example of what is wrong with gaming too, when boring bullshit and MUH ATMOSPHERE become the main feature not the game itself, it is probably shit.

>> No.2009436

You speak as though your opinion isn't shitty

>> No.2009442

I'd say just video games. There's /tg/, and it generally has a slow enough pace that any particular item wont get instantly pushed off the board if it isn't brand new.

>> No.2009443 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 385x385, 1278289294687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like God if War...

what's wrong with it?

>> No.2009448 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 385x385, 1278289294687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like God of War...

what's wrong with it?

>> No.2009450

well, if it's about the quality of games being discussed, could people at least talk about Ninja Gaiden Black? That's a serious GoAT candidate, imo

>> No.2009457

IIRC /vr/ was made in April 2013
so a year and a half

>> No.2009468

The problem with including 6th gen is that only the really early stuff can be considered retro by some stretch of the imagination. If the mods just one day said "6th gen is allowed now" then we'd be able to discuss things like Zelda: Twilight Princess and Persona 4.
and those aren't retro.

>> No.2009472
File: 39 KB, 400x395, 1Thief2cover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rules have always been bent to an extent. Thief 2 was released in March 2000 but we discuss it in the Thief threads.

Sixth gen is really stretching it though.

>> No.2009474

You're off a month, but close enough anyway. March 18, 2013

>> No.2009478


/vr/ is kill
Goodbye, I liked very few of you

>> No.2009503

Not going to happen for a while. Just think of all the shit flinging between fanbases (e.g., classic Doomfags and Doom 3 fags). It'll turn into /v/ very quickly.

>> No.2009543

By that logic, neither the Genesis, NES, Atari 2600, or Dreamcast are retro.

>> No.2009551
File: 155 KB, 598x787, 1267594260597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The golden age of arcade has a firm end, and I think there's a cohort of people who feel that only 8 and 16 bit systems constitute what they call "retro." There should obviously be a different term to describe it, so that retro can be used as a relative term.

>> No.2009552

>GBA ..... the library was pretty solid.

No. I downloaded VBA-M, and a collection of the "Top 50 GBA games", and the majority of them were SNES ports, and NES remakes, and both were inferior versions. The SNES ports looked and played like shit, and the NES remakes were broken versions of the originals. It was a massive waste of a few megabytes.

>> No.2009553

4chan ate my post, just testing.

>> No.2009554
File: 14 KB, 184x184, 1413212349653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use my ps2 to play "retro" ps1 games. Where is your god now hahaha

>> No.2009557

That could be more a problem for whoever compiled the list, not the catalogue itself

>> No.2009564

quick time events.

>> No.2009568

bean boy haha

>> No.2009572

lots of us use PC's to emulate. go back to /v/ and troll more

>> No.2009575

/vr/ is kill because someone doesn't like some shitty nonretro game?

nah he is right, Ico is shitty style over substance game, the type of crap that 6th gen supporters want to plague us with. Seriously if you want to discuss PS2 shit that bad you don't even belong here.

>> No.2009581

It was the top 50 downloaded GBA games list off Cool Rom, I figured popularity would equal fun. I figured "Hey, these are the post popular games, they have to be decent, right?"

Unless you really feel the need to play yet another Harvest Moon, Pokemon, or one of the SotN clones, there is nothing worthwhile on the GBA.

>> No.2009590

this, man you fucking nailed it too. I am too sick of delusional people nostalgia fagging too hard and hyping it to shit. Like GBA did have some decent shit like golden sun, and good RPGs as far as everything else went though it was ports or shovelware crap like spongebob licenses and just shitty fucking junk from that time period.

>> No.2009607

Goddamnit man. I have never seen a response like this in a while but I think you've just unearthed the inherent gay-ness of the common 4chan terminology.

>> No.2009616

i have a dreamcast and think its cool but its starting to become some sort of reddit console. its hard to explain but thats how i feel

>> No.2009623

Fuck this shit thread. Check my 8 tho

>> No.2009624

More like reddit is becoming a dreamcast website.

>> No.2009626

Why is this thread still alive?

>> No.2009629

I ask myself that every night before nutting in a black girl's mouth.

>> No.2009680
File: 10 KB, 240x157, GNU Hurd[5].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Windows 95 isn't retro
You mean NT3.11/3.51/4.0, DOS-in-drag is a different OS with a different kernel, you brandname-felating twit!

>> No.2009730 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 395x515, G5h6Uyz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a pathetic neckbeard, you know he was referring to the PS1, aka PSX.

>> No.2009751


No. Gen 6 and current gen are essentially the same in terms of mechanics and design. Nothing major has changed for a decade.

There is a pretty wide gulf between Gen 5 gameplay and Gen 6 gameplay, which makes that the cut-off.

>> No.2009761

Because this thread was made by a mod.

But why /vr/ mod? Why do you feel the need to do this? At one point you were the best on 4chan...

>> No.2009765

O-okay, Guru Larry.

>> No.2009779

What the hell, this thread is pretty stupid, and some of you delude yourself into pretending you're better then /v/. Anyone with a bit of logic knows that the 6th gen will become retro, but now is not the time. I'll consider the generation retro by 2017. Its subjective to say that, but I base that on my experiences. Back in 2006, I remembered that the Playstation, Saturn, N64 weren't really seen as retro. They were considered old, but not really retro. Kind of like the 6th generation is now. The PS2/Xbox/GC may be 13 years old now, but their lifespan lasted until 2006 to 2008. Besides by 2017, there'll be people posting on this site whose first experiences with video games were those consoles. I guess people find it hard to accept them as retro because it doesn't feel like a lot of time has passed. After all, we started 2000 with the release of the PS2, and we ended it with the PS3/Xbox360 going strong. With the 90s, we started with the final year of the NES, the SNES being released, and ended it with the Dreamcast. . Eventually, after a few year passes, /vr/ will have to deal with this year.

>> No.2009783

>There is a pretty wide gulf between Gen 5 gameplay and Gen 6 gameplay

About as much as there is between Gen 3 (which really started the 2D styled games) and Gen 4 (which perfected 2D style games).

Gen 5 started 3D games, Gen 6 perfected it.

>> No.2009789

nah it was built and perfected in gen 5 and has only regressed since. Graphics have improved while everything else is in decline.

>> No.2009804

I agree that 6th gen shouldn't be allowed here, but holy crap, the amount of autism in this thread is amazing.

I thought /vr/ was better than /v/?

>> No.2009808

I got your back. I wouldn't post because of whining man children that always take it up their cooters when mentioning this.

>> No.2009820 [DELETED] 

>it was built and perfected in gen 5
Depends on the genre/series. As far as genres go, stealth, racing and FPS games were perfected. As far as series go, MGS2 and 3 are improved/evolved from MGS1, but Mario (Sunshine) and Crash Bandicoot games got worse from their 5th gen predecessors.

>> No.2009826

>it was built and perfected in gen 5
Depends on the genre/series. As far as genres go, stealth, racing and FPS games were perfected in 6th gen. As far as series go, MGS2 and 3 are improved/evolved from MGS1, but Mario (Sunshine) and Crash Bandicoot games got worse from their 5th gen predecessors.

>> No.2009842

What? FPS was perfected in the 5th, imo. What 6th gen FPS do you think are the peak of the genre. This is a good discussion, the only one I can think of was Return to Castle Wolfenstein which quake 3 engine and pretty much 5th gen anyway.

>> No.2009860

In terms of multiplayer, there's UT2K4 and BF1942 and BF2. Singleplayer, there's of course HL2 and FEAR. Halo and Timesplitters 2/3 I thought were amazing in both singleplayer and multiplayer. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy Red Faction and Serious Sam, so there's those games as well. Riddick I was very impressed by, even if it's not a typical FPS game. Going farther back there's Deus Ex and NOLF, but I don't know if those are considered 5th or 6th.

>> No.2009940

>shouldn't we be accepting discontinued consoles?
Why would we want to talk about fails while not talking about their successful contemporaries? If we did that we might be talking about the Wii-U in a couple years.

>> No.2009958


It's just PS.

Something different entirely.

>> No.2009963


I dunno. I'd say nothing after 2004 is far enough from current tech to call it retro, nor do I think we WILL get far enough away from such tech that it will be strikingly different. I mean, it's the law of diminishing returns. The necessary difference for said difference to be discernable keeps getting larger because no matter how much we "improve" graphics and tech, we're not improving it at such a rate that it feels like yearly innovation. The jump from 2D to 2.5D was massive, and the jump from 2.5D to 3D was also huge. The jump from Quake to Half-Life 2 is large, but not as big. The jump from Half-Life 2 to now is not very different at all, and that was 10 years ago.

>> No.2009978

Meh, I can wait to discuss PS2 games 'til I have a PC powerful enough to emulate them

>> No.2010003

and by then, we'll be able to discuss them here!

(I'm in the same boat. I'm typing on a four-year-old laptop that couldn't load the loading screen for Shadow of the Colossus

>> No.2010059

I have to agree. Back in the PS1 days the NES and even SNES and Genesis were considered "classic" or "retro", even though there had been games released on all 3 platforms less than 6 years previously to that point in time. Some less.

These days, the PS2, Gamecube, Dreamcast and Xbox, witch is 2 generations removed from our current position, are all considered "modern" for no apparent reason.

I mean, I can see it to a degree, but you have to admit that there were tons of genres on those 4 platforms that simply don't exist anymore (or are mostly ignored now) and lots of series that are long dead as well. They aren't things that modern gamers regularly talk about (unless they're talking about their childhoods) and honestly, you can't walk into any store in America and buy a brand new PS2 anymore.

They're maybe not "retro" as such, but they're dead platforms and classics by any industry standards at this point. And honestly the only reasons to not include the in this board are:

>/vr/ users are worried that that gen of consoles will bring /v/ shitposters with them.
As if that hasn't already happened, since /v/ began driving regular users away due to how shitty it is and /vr/ is the ONLY refuge from it
>/vr/ user being butthurt about strict 2D or early 3D stuff ONLY, not wanting anything they consider" new" to be on here
Witch is understandable to a point, but it's silly, honestly. PS2, Xbox, Dreamcast and Gamecube games are old, out dated and often overlooked by younger people. They're in the same boat as NEs, SNES, PS1, N64 and ect games, honestly.

I don't know, maybe there should be 3 videogame boards. 1 for retro 2D, one for early 3D and one for modern games.

So your Saturn, PS1, N64, Dreamcast, Xbox, PS2 and Gamecube discussions would go on one board, while the /vr/ troopers could have their dream board and /v/ could stay a shit stain.

I have to admit that would be nice, but would anyone support it? And would Moot ever go for it?

>> No.2010068


>For no apparent reason.
I'd say game design has stagnated since the 6th gen but that's just me.

>> No.2010074

You know this site is 18+, right?

>> No.2010085

SoC plays pretty shittily when emulating anyways, HD Collection is the best way to play it.

>> No.2010096

Was Snes considered retro when the PS2 came out?

>> No.2010114

we didnt even use the word retro then

>> No.2010119

Fun fact: The 6th gen is closer to the 80s than it is to now.

>> No.2010131

to be honest, i think its a pretty dumb word to use now
it just seems silly

>> No.2010148

>PS2/XBOX/GC design philosophies
>Implying there was DLC, pre-orders, achievements, microtransactions or even online play in the case of the Gamecube

>> No.2010160

We should be able to talk about arcade games regardless of year released due to how little they've changed since the 90's

We've been able to maintain a high quality because we're so slow.

>> No.2010165

>The 6th gen was entirely just Halo

>> No.2010171
File: 26 KB, 659x551, 1396314834184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this entirely, we should judge what's /vr/ based on discontinuation dates

>> No.2010172

I ask again, why is this thread still alive?

>> No.2010175

>Not still in the market

>> No.2010183

>Lets wait until the gamecube is almost 20 years old to talk about it
That is really, really stupid. The arbitrary extreme limitations you're all putting on the 6th gen feels to me just like you can't accept it was already a decade ago except for the PS2. I mean we're already getting gamecube emulation on phones for fucks sake

>> No.2010186
File: 79 KB, 300x273, Triforce-hardware.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was also the last console to have an arcade equivalent hardware. It is dated and historical.
>Ignoring the Triforce, System 246/256 and Chihiro
>Implying even the PS3 isn't used for arcade hardware

>> No.2010195

I think we should wait 15 years, and it should be about games, not consoles.
By that I mean, this year 2014, we can discuss all games released in 1999 or before, next year, all games released in 2000 or before etc.

>> No.2010201

The 6th gen to me was when developers were finally lifted of the limitations of the 5th gen, it feels like a better 5th gen

>> No.2010213
File: 60 KB, 272x275, 1397629866207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about the high jumping as if it's a legitimate complaint to why a game is inferior to Bubsy 3D
Is this really happening?

>> No.2010217

I wish the boards worked like this.

/v/ Current Gen only

/vr/ old stuff but not shitty like current /v/ and good like current /vr/

Ir emember Gamecube more than SNES so I love /vr/ but I can only really lurk.

>> No.2010219

I think we should be able to discuss 6th gen consoles. Lord knows there's a ton of classics that get ignored on /v/.

>> No.2010220

Wait maybe current gen and the last gen...everything before wii...

>> No.2010221

God damn you are mad. I don't think Halo's great either, but chill the fuck out.

>> No.2010229

>This, of course, led to CoD/GoW/BF/etc which created the garbage bro-gamer archetype that we so scorn here. That's why XBox shouldn't ... ever be allowed, honestly.
Are we just going to pretend this didn't actually start with the PSX?

>> No.2010237

Why not make another board between /vr/ and /v/?
I think a big problem stems from how large the gap is.

>> No.2010238

Be careful with that. Some faggot's gonna throw a bitch fit since that's also the name of that PS2/DVR combo.

>> No.2010243
File: 22 KB, 400x299, 1273892983777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how much time passes, post gen-6 games will NEVER be retro. Or at least they SHOULD never be considered retro, in my opinion.

Similar to how a movie made in the 80s isn't considered classical era cinema, even though the classic era (20s-60s) was closer to the 80s than the 80s are to 2014.

Big changes to the way games are designed and presented took place in gen 6. It doesn't matter how old they get, because the aesthetics, design philosophy and style are fundamentally different from the retro era of games.

>> No.2010248

I am reminding you of this.
Gamecube will be OK here in 2019,
Xbox in 2020,
Playstation 2 in 2025.

See you then guys.
Now, sage

>> No.2010251

>but its starting to become some sort of reddit console
I know exactly what you mean, dreamcastfags are like super annoying about their shitty little poorly assembled crap

>> No.2010283

Get lost faggott

Naomi board in the home a thing of beauty

>> No.2010286
File: 129 KB, 600x800, SuperGun005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naomi board in the home a thing of beauty
I agree entirely, however the dreamcast isn't a NAOMI board and is in fact a piece of garbage

>> No.2010308

none of those really added anything new to the genre though they were good games built on 5th gen concepts.

>> No.2010369

There's a reason atom netbooks were cheap.

>> No.2010502

What's so hard about calling it a PS1?

>> No.2010504

Because other people seem to have an interest in the discussion, despite you not.

>> No.2010508

>Implying anyone used the online play on the PS2.
There were what, 3 games with the capability?

>> No.2010509

Four word mate.
Jurassic Park : Operation Genesis.

That was heartbreaking.

>> No.2010514

>He doesn't have Dark Cloud on his PC.

That's a shame.

>> No.2010541 [DELETED] 

fuck off back to /v/ you shitstain

>> No.2010546

The gamecube had phantasy star online (and you could play it online!)

>> No.2010595

>3 games
Closer the 300 and you can still play a lot of them online today.

>> No.2010618

For someone who claims he's so mature you really need to learn how to make an eloquent post.

>> No.2010657

Aw diddums, you don't like ICO. Maybe some people do, who gives a fuck about you and your personal preference?

The point is, are the games eligible to be here, not do you want them here.

>> No.2010675

Halo, HL2, and BF didn't add anything new? You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.2010682 [DELETED] 

Moon jump trash
More for story and it's easy and accessible modding. Helped that is well made also.
Which one? 1942 was good but BF2 is by far the best.

>> No.2010685

Well halo sure didn't. Dual analogs? Nope those were in timesplitters a year before, faceball 2000 had regenerating health.

Halo is a bunch of fps tropes mashed up and the only reason it took off was because at the time it was the only worthwhile game to own on the xbox. It was also really halo 2 adding in the online that started the huge phenomena.

>> No.2010686


Being unambiguous by not talking like it's still the 90s triggers them.

>> No.2010707

>what is SAMP
He said _new_ content. There is almost never new content with SAMP, unless you think the addition of another Russian RP server is something to brag about.

>> No.2010712

>I wouldn't post because of whining man children that always take it up their cooters when mentioning this.
Someone will always get upset about something. Don't let that stop you from acting like a whining man child every time you see someone use PSX in relation to the Playstation, you're entitled to do so.

>> No.2010713

when the hell did 4chan get so normalfag?

>> No.2010714

Gonna have to agree with this. Really, once Sony mainstreamed gaming, it was only a matter of time. The Playstation has some swan songs from retro developers (like Compile's Zanac Neo) but overall it was the beginning of the end.

>> No.2010716

Look, another person upset that they can't talk about whatever PS2 game on /v/ so they come to /vr/ and expect the board to change for them.

Fuck off.

>> No.2010717

It's only going to get worse. Enjoy /vr/ while you can.

>> No.2010724

what i dont like is that is allowed to talk about the psp, smartphones and emulation, but GBA games that have original Ports arent allowed, is it the sistem or the games?
I think people are taking the rules too seriously and just use them as an excuse to be asshole.

>> No.2010732

I feel 50/50 about emulation. Overall I think it should be allowed.
The problem with modern ports and remakes is they hardly ever retain the main game. While emulation may not be 100% accurate and there are plenty of terrible filters out there, there's still a push for accuracy with emulation.

>> No.2010735

m8 what the fuck are you on about?
ports and remakes of retro games ARE allowed.

>> No.2010737

I think he's talking about how specifically the gba ports get shit on because they change a lot from the original game. Like the lttp gba.

>> No.2010740

>classical era cinema
This board is not about the classics though, it's about retro. There's a difference, more people now than ever look back with renewed interest and nostalgia towards 80s cinema and incorporate aspects of it into their fashion, music and even film making. If the "retro" on this board would refer to the classic era of computer games the way we think about classic cinema, the cut off point would be the North American video game crash of 1983 and the arrival of the famicom.

I'm all for sixth generation discussion post-Dreamcast.... in about 6 years when the PS2 is 20 years old. In the mean time, /v/ (mostly) and /vg/ perfectly function for that type of discussion.

>> No.2010741

so what then? gba ports of snes games are inferior. that doesn't mean we can't talk about them.

swear to god, whining over nothing

>> No.2010742

PSP and Phones generally aren't allowed. Report them and they should get removed.

>> No.2010745

Calm down man. Not everything is an absolute.

>> No.2010759

>Expect the board to change
No, we want specific criteria established on what it takes for something to be allowed.

>> No.2010760

Welcome to /vr/.
/b/ still exists, if you'd rather shitpost all over them.

>> No.2010763

I wouldn't say the cutoff date for classical era games is the '83 crash. In fact I'd say anything before that doesn't even qualify.
I'd equate the first generation of games to shit like The Horse in Motion and Arrival of a Train. And maybe the second generation to something like A Trip to the Moon.
There's value to them, but they are very archaic and predate what we consider to be the classic era.

But you're right about retro not being the same as classical. Still, referring to gen6+ as retro just doesn't feel right to me. Perhaps a new classification needs to be invented for the types of games we enjoy talking about here. Golden age games? Classical games? I don't know.
All I know is that If we ever get to the point that ps2 and xbox games are truly old enough to be considered retro, then I'd rather the board split off into two.
If you keep letting new stuff in eventually it will just be like we have two /v/'s, except in one you can only talk *slightly less* graphically intensive hyper realistic HD cawadootys and assfaggots.

>> No.2010774

Like most on 4chan it depends on how moot feels like.

>> No.2010779

Why do I have the feeling mods/jans are actually discussing this in the back, so that may be the reason this shit thread is still alive?

>> No.2010780

just because something isn't eloquent doesn't mean it is shitposting. That is okay though common normalfag missconception. You can go back to reddit if you want to downboat opinions you don't like.

>> No.2010783

They created this thread to gauge interest. It's the only reason a meta thread(against global rules), and a non retro thread(Against board rules), is allowed to remain for nearly 2 days now.

Again, why mods?

>> No.2010786

>In fact I'd say anything before that doesn't even qualify.

A lot of kids that grew up in the early arcade scene would disagree with you. But most of us here are 80s-90s kids that haven't really explored that world beyond the most well known titles. And the medium of video games continues the trend of succeeding media evolving more quickly than those that preceded it. Our The Horse in Motion and Arrival of a Train was already done away with before the 70s with titles like Spacewar! and Tennis for Two, and in just about 40 years we've caught up with cinema, a 120 year old medium which wasn't slow to catch up with literature, a medium that's been evolving since the bronze age at the very least.

>> No.2010812
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Daily reminder that everyone called it PSX even back in 1996. Makes no sense to call something PS1 when it was the only one existant.

>> No.2010814

>I bought the 32x just to play DOOM
That whole page goes from cringe to laughter and back so many times.

>> No.2010817

What site is that?

>> No.2010841

Google Group's usenet archive.

>> No.2010861

I don't have a problem with either name. PS1 doesn't bother me. PSX doesn't bother me. Everyone knows what you mean when you use either name, so why does it start arguments?

>> No.2010884

Warms my heart looking back on them.

>> No.2010923

This thread isn't about what is and isn't retro. It's about trying to justify keeping xbox, ps2 and other stuff certain anon don't like off this board.

>> No.2010937

The rules and purpose of this board don't pertain to specific likes or dislikes, they're there to keep discussion focused on what it was initially created for. Though I don't love the PS2 as a system, it housed many of my all time favorite games, and I'd be happy to discuss them with you. On /v/. But not here.

>> No.2010948

Daily reminder that NO ONE called it PSX even back in 1996. It was commonly referred to as the Playstation.
Now that the Playstation has had many subsequent models we refer to the original article as the playstation 1 or PS1 for short.

It works
It makes sense

>> No.2010951

maybe everyone was retarded where you lived, but nobody called it that where I lived

>> No.2010957

Anon probably meant MTA

>> No.2010975

What this anon said. It's not that I don't like the PS2 or the Gamecube. Hell, Eternal Darkness is without a doubt my favourite game ever! But if /vr/ is about consoles from before December 31st 1999, none of the consoles on the OP (sans the Dreamcast) fits that criteria.

>> No.2010996

I'm pretty sure I remember people calling it the PSX in magazines right around the time that tiny version of it was released.

>> No.2011004


It was referred to as PSX in Playstation magazines right from when it was releaed

>> No.2011005
File: 173 KB, 435x599, PSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a codename of sorts that was picked up by gaming magazines at the time and stuck. P.S.X. Magazine even borrowed the name. It was commonly called both PlayStation and PSX before the release of the PS2 and the real PSX.

Even then, the real PSX isn't retro, and is therefore not allowed to be talked about on this board. As such, when someone says PSX, they mean the PlayStation, not that flop of a DVR. There shouldn't even be an argument over this.

>> No.2011026

>There shouldn't even be an argument over this.

you're right, there shouldn't be. there is a device actually named the PSX, and the PS1 isn't it, regardless of what a few magazines and your friends called it back in the 90s

>> No.2011028

There wouldn't be if you didn't feel the need to start an argument about it when you know damn well what they mean.

>> No.2011032

maybe they should stop calling apples oranges then

>> No.2011038

Maybe you should accept that it was and still is commonly used vernacular.

>> No.2011040

no, it wasn't. just because some magazines and a group of your friends called it that doesn't mean everyone did. that's like saying it should be ok for people to call all flavors of soda "coke" because southerners do it

>> No.2011043

>t wasn't. just because some magazines

Major gaming publications of the time.

And yes, it's ok for southerners to do that, because there's a funny thing about language: it's defined through use.

>> No.2011046
File: 381 KB, 1030x1014, PSX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. There is a device named PSX. Just look at it's BIOS code. There's references to PSX and PS-X in it. Protip: That's the PlayStation BIOS.

It seems you missed this part. Let me post it again.
>Even then, the real PSX isn't retro, and is therefore not allowed to be talked about on this board.
When PSX is referenced on this board, it refers to the PlayStation/PS1/PSone. The PSX was released much later and is not retro, per the definition set by the sticky.

Basically this. Just because some kid grew up calling it a PS1 after the PS2 release doesn't mean that it wasn't called the PSX and still is.

I'm a southerner. I'm totally cool with someone calling all flavors coke.

>> No.2011047

That font is awful, anon.

>> No.2011048

>Major gaming publications of the time.

maybe you don't remember, but there was millions of gaming magazines back in the 90s. maybe three actually called it the PSX

and no, it's not ok. there's no excuse you can make that makes it ok to call one thing the name of something else. the PSX is it's own thing. it actually exists. maybe in the 90s it would be ok, but you need to let go

>> No.2011051

>There's references to PSX and PS-X in it. Protip: That's the PlayStation BIOS

because code names. should people on /v/ start calling the gamecube "dolphin"?

>> No.2011052

I assume you mean the editor itself and not my titlebars. If so, yeah. It is ugly. I only download the editor for that single use and didn't care to change the font.

>> No.2011053

The entire thing, I mean. I think it's the shadow.

>> No.2011054

None of that matters. Not retro. It's as if it doesn't exist here.


>> No.2011056

If they want to, sure. I'd know what they mean.

>> No.2011057

>and no, it's not ok

Yes, it is. Language is defined by use. Deal with it.

The actual PSX is a basically unknown flop.

>> No.2011059

>None of that matters. Not retro. It's as if it doesn't exist here.

just because it's not allowed on this board doesn't mean it doesn't exist. you're the faggot here

>> No.2011061

Is it so hard to be unambiguous and say PS1/(Original) Playstation?

>> No.2011062

>Yes, it is. Language is defined by use. Deal with it.

so by your logic people in one region could decide "fuck calling them apples, they're oranges now", and it would be ok

>> No.2011064

Never thought I'd see a /v/-tier thread on /vr/. That's quite an accomplishment.

>> No.2011067

I know, right? I feel so bad for contributing to it.

>> No.2011068

>so by your logic people in one region could decide "fuck calling them apples, they're oranges now", and it would be ok

Yep. The language would sort itself out by necessity, as linguistic confusion lead to them coming up with another name for apples.

It happens to language all the time, English is a product of several such shifts.

>> No.2011071

>as linguistic confusion lead to them coming up with another name for apples.

which is why we have PS1, and PSone if you want to get specific

>> No.2011072

But those names came after the release of the PS2. What the hell did you call it before then? PS? No, you would have called it either PlayStation or PSX.

>> No.2011073

No, we have PS1 because it fits the naming scheme of the PS2. If you say PSX, the vast majority of people will experience no confusion as to what you meant, because the PSX is essentially unknown.

>> No.2011074


We live after the release of the PS2. The name changed from PSX to PS1 to avoid confusion.
Why continue to be confusing?

>> No.2011075

It's not a shadow. It's MacType. It smooths the fonts to imitate OSX.

>> No.2011079



Are you retarded?

>> No.2011084

I'm not saying you're wrong for calling it the PS1. It's just that PSX can also refer to the same device. It's like kids and their iPods today. They call their iPod Touch an iTouch. Is it technically wrong? Yes. Do I know what they're talking about? Yes.

>> No.2011085


>language evolves guys it's totally cool
>except for what we call playstations, that has to be PSX forever because that's what my friends called it


>> No.2011089

>What's a homonym?

>> No.2011091

Once again, I'm totally fine with someone saying PS1. Hell, I use it sometimes. It's just that every time someone says PSX, some neo-/vr/ underageb& has to bring up the fact that there's also a DVR named that, and it starts a shitstorm.

>> No.2011093

something that's irrelevant to my post

>> No.2011098

>some neo-/vr/ underageb& has to bring up the fact that there's also a DVR named that

believe it or not, you and your circle of friends didn't represent everyone who lived in the 90s. some people actually called it a playstation

>> No.2011101

cause you were born in 96 now fuck off

>> No.2011102


Worthless if its purpose is to confuse

>> No.2011104

>words with the same spelling an pronounciation that mean different things

How is that irrelevant to the fact PSX has multiple meanings?

>> No.2011106

>I'm not wrong, you're just underage

>> No.2011110

Believe it or not, I actually don't represent the 90s very well at all. I was born in 92. I was 3 when the PlayStation released here in the US. I'm much more a product of the early 2000s, and I still heard both PSX and PS1 then.

>> No.2011115

because the point in that post was that there was a new naming scheme with the release of the PS2, giving the PS1 its new name. nowhere in that post even brought up the original PSX

plus "PSX" only has multiple meanings to people who don't want to admit they've been wrong this whole time

>> No.2011126
File: 122 KB, 480x272, professork-jsr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on in this thread? Everyone is gonna understand each other either if they say PSX or PS1. I'm pretty sure it will be noted somehow when it's the DVR.

>> No.2011129

>plus "PSX" only has multiple meanings to people who don't want to admit they've been wrong this whole time

Which people are those? It was a codename for the console since before it was even released.

And a new word for something coming into being doesn't invalidate previous words. That's not how language works. Words do not become obsolete; they come into use and fall into disuse. PS1 came into use, and PSX did not fall into disuse.

>> No.2011130

That's exactly what I'm trying to say. Either name is fine, and the DVR isn't retro and shouldn't be here anyway.

>> No.2011141

believe it or not everybody called it the playstation, nobody fucking said "Hey bro lets play some PEE ESS EX" it was just an abbreviation when you typed it out.

>> No.2011149

The point is, who cares?

>> No.2011182

I don't I just wish these underaged faggots would stop trying to stir up all these arguements. We are all aware of what the PSX actually was we just choose to ignore it because it is irrelevent to this board.

>> No.2011186
File: 185 KB, 550x725, 1osia8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an oldfag (30)
and yes we called it PSX in the 90's
even when we used to talk about ff7 at lunch in middle school we referred to it as psx while we read our psm magazines.

>> No.2011189

>everyone who disagrees is underage and didn't live in the 90s

>> No.2011197

>Words do not become obsolete

but that's wrong

>> No.2011225

its pretty much fucking true, the only people who swear vehemently against it are morons who think their little nigger village is the entire population

>> No.2011227

its pretty much fucking true, the only people who swear vehemently for it are morons who think their little nigger village is the entire population

>> No.2011229


>Swearing against it

Offering an alternative view isn't "swearing against" anything. I can honestly say I never called it the PSX growing up, neither did any of my friends. It was just PlayStation.

>> No.2011230

>faceball 2000 had regenerating health
Wow, I totally forgot about that. fucking loved that game, only rented it though.

>> No.2011234

>Nope those were in timesplitters a year before,

Before that, even. Goldeneye had it as a 2 controller scheme, and Perfect Dark, too. I believe Timesplitters was the first to make it default, though.

>> No.2011236

You never once saw it in a magazine or online? I never called it the PSX myself but I knew what the abbreviation ment. The people who swear up and down nobody used that term probably walk around with their hands over their ears and eyes closed.

>> No.2011239

Not that guy, I did see it called PSX, but it was a vast minority, and usually only online or in magazines. all the actual people I came across called it the platstation, even when typing

>> No.2011247
File: 220 KB, 286x119, 1405896575844.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As though we need more input on the ps/psx debate:

I was 13 when Playstation came out, and it was commonly abbreviated PS or PSX. Later on, PSone/PS1 referred to the mini Playstation that could attach an LCD screen to it. When PS2 came out, PS1/one became more synonymous with PS/PSX. It just mattered less since there was two different platforms, not just two different consoles.

Proper naming also says that NGC = Neo-Geo Color and GCN = GameCube Nintendo, but many people would assume NGC = Nintendo GameCube, which is reasonable. If someone here says PSX, why would anyone here assume that it's a rare console outside of /vr/'s scope?

Oh, right. Autistic shitposters.

>> No.2011251

>Proper naming also says that NGC = Neo-Geo Color and GCN = GameCube Nintendo

So that's why there's an N after GC

>> No.2011257

>NGC = Neo-Geo Color
It's Neo Geo Pocket Color or NGPC because it's the color version of the Neo Geo Pocket. I've never heard anybody refer to it as Neo Geo Color or NGC.

>> No.2011265

Japan uses NGC for the gamecube, rightfully so since it follows the "traditional" naming convention, Nintendo Entertainment System, Super nintendo entertainment system, Nintendo gamecube, nintendo wii, etc.

Never did anyone in my town ever refer to it as a PSX. Always a playstation since pee ess ex is basically as many syllables as play-station anyways.

Then once ps2 came out it was ps-one or playstation, since everyone called the playstation 2 a ps2.

>> No.2011270

>Japan uses NGC for the gamecube

wait then why do people call it the GCN here? seriously I don't understand it. why not just the GC?

>> No.2011278

Because that was Nintendo of America's official initialization. Just as the Super Nintendo's official initialization was Super NES, not SNES.

>> No.2011280

But they write FC for the Family Computer and SFC for Super Family Computer.

>> No.2011283

So, was anyone else super-pumped for the Ultra64? Then I found out it was going to be called the Nintendo64 and it felt like a letdown.

>> No.2011286

Guys, guys, I'm sorry. I originally brought up psx in my post>>2008040

MAYBE I should have just said PlayStation. I didn't. I didn't because I always called it the psx when typing or when reading about it.

I knew it would create a shit storm but I still did it.

I was hoping /vr/ had grown up a little, or that the fags from /v/ left us alive.

No, that'll never happen.

It's a PSX.
It's a PS.
It's a PS1.


>> No.2011297


>> No.2011310

Eh, it's a dual-rule breaking thread that's gone off on many tangents. No big deal.

My point still stands that in the context of this board, PSX ALWAYS MEANS PS1. It would never refer to the PS2+DVD-whatever flop here, and the shitposters are just capitalizing on that.

Once again, if GCN/PS2/XB have enough support, anon should have no problem keeping console general threads alive on /vg/. 3 boards are enough.

>> No.2011314

See at least you acknowledge that people did that, What bothers me is these children who are convinced that we are all delusional despite the heaps of evidence posted.

>> No.2011328

>It was the top 50 downloaded GBA games list off Cool Rom,
>using coolrom
>I figured popularity would equal fun.

Massive pleb spotted

>> No.2011353

yeah mario sonic and zelda all fucking sucked breh word to that

>> No.2011362

>it didn't really feel

It's okay to use stupid logic as long as it makes you fit in, right?

>> No.2011365

It's okay, it's good to have hope.

Missed that, pretty funny mistake actually...

>> No.2011459
File: 102 KB, 806x628, xenogears02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The board should be renamed to Classic Games if sixth gen is going to be allowed.

>in b4 classic Halo and Half Life 2 threads everywhere

>> No.2011490

Not having Halo threads is the only reason this place hasn't become /v/ already.

>> No.2011512

Which is why I'm opposed to allowing sixth gen.

>> No.2011519

Give it a few years.

>> No.2011520

>Talking about the downfall of video games to the corridor shooters they are now.

>> No.2011808

Why would this place become /v/ over Halo any more than it would over Doom, Quake, or any other shooting game with a competitive element?

>> No.2011853

>Corridor shooters they are now
You're implying quite a great deal right there, sir.

>> No.2011913

Name a few non-corridor shooters from the last couple of years.

>> No.2011945

>GBA games
>16 bits graphic
>No retro

>> No.2011960

Are you dense?

>video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier
>GBA, 2001

Regardless of graphical capabilities, the GBA is not retro.

>> No.2012009

For me GBA is retro.

>> No.2012030

Doesn't matter. It isn't retro as per the definitions set by the sticky.

>> No.2012191

Fucking obviously, but that's not what this thread is about, is it?

>> No.2012198

True, but to be fair, this thread shouldn't still be alive anyway.

>> No.2012203

>16 bits graphic
Worthless buzzword. The GBA has a 32 bit CPU.
Fake retro "indie" games aren't retro either.

>> No.2012207

>Never did anyone in my town ever refer to it as a PSX. Always a playstation since pee ess ex is basically as many syllables as play-station anyways

Because generally the only place it was referred to as that was in writing.

>> No.2012220

Classic is just as vague a term as retro and would be subject to just as much of this bullshit.

>> No.2012224

No fuck off back to /v/

>> No.2012247 [DELETED] 

*tips flamming fedora* agreed sir rules are for normals

>> No.2012265 [DELETED] 

This is why set criteria should be made. So we aren't sat debating whether something is "retro" or not, or whether it's time to move the posts. I consider the GBA relatively retro, along with that whole bundle of consoles that appeared between 2000 and 2005

>> No.2012269

This. There's only so much to be said about things that aren't increasing in numbers. Adding to the retro stockpile allows for a more varied conversational diet.

>> No.2012271 [DELETED] 

We have set rules. Just because some don't agree with them doesn't mean they have to be changed.
Take it to moot because it's up to him what's allowed.

>> No.2012273

go to hotwheelz chan if you don't like the rules here

>> No.2012275

There are more retro games than anybody could possibly play.
We already have a board where all video games can be discussed.

>> No.2012278 [DELETED] 

Those are rules, not criteria.
And they aren't very good, looking at it. It doesn't allow for any addition. If these rules remain law for the remainder of time, then there will be a massive void of discontinued shit between 2000 and the year XXXX that has no place. To which you reply, "We will just move the date". When do we change it? How far do we move it? Are there any special cases?

Set criteria is better than drawing a line down the middle and saying this side is acceptable. It's more autonamous

>> No.2012280
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>> No.2012281 [DELETED] 

> then there will be a massive void of discontinued shit between 2000 and the year XXXX that has no place.
There are other boards dedicated to video games on 4chan and several more general purpose boards.
>We will just move the date". When do we change it? How far do we move it?
It's not us, it's moot. He decided what was retro when he created the board and he will change the rules when he feels like it.

>> No.2012282
File: 33 KB, 565x285, 1374174490750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tbf the mods do seem to be fairly flexible here

That's because we only got like one janitor here and he's too busy hanging out in the Doom general meanwhile mods rarely ever do stuff unless you're shitposting extremely hard.

>> No.2012283

>given how slow the board currently is.

I think the speed is just right. Make a post and then go play a game for an hour or two and come back to a few replies instead of a thread that 404d because it reached the bump limit.

>> No.2012284 [DELETED] 

moot isn't stupid, he knows that the boards have to actually draw an audience of some description, to which the users interests will be accounted for. Hence, /vr/ and /vp/ etc exist.

>> No.2012285 [DELETED] 

>There are other boards dedicated to video games on 4chan and several more general purpose boards.

Discussing anything on /v/ that isn't brand new is a futile endeavor.

>> No.2012286

Exactly. The debate is over. The science is settled. We have a consensus. 97% of all NEETs and weeaboos agree. Retro Change is not real.
The Retro Change non-deniers are just a bunch of puppets controlled by Big Console. Just follow the money. Who finances these kids? Their parents, hich they openly admit work for Nintendo.
As with anything the only way to resolve our differences is to refuse to discuss them.

>> No.2012287

I'll take the bait. This decision isn't up to us. It isn't about refusing to discuss it. We have set guidelines for this board, and we can't change them. That's up to moot. This thread shouldn't be still be alive as there's nothing to discuss. Besides, it's basically nothing but off topic anyway. Everyone's bitching about Halo and muh corridor shooters and the whole PSX/PS1 debacle.

>> No.2012290

Don't make it less true.

>> No.2012293

Seems a bit silly to want ps2/gc/xbox to be retro. /v/ was actually alive at the time.
As soon as Halo is considered retro, I'm done with this site.

>> No.2012297

Will you write us? Because I want to know whether to set up a shredder at the letter box.

If Halo becomes retro, Halo becomes retro. Just because X people don't like it, doesn't make it any less eligible to be retro when the time comes.

Daily Reminder (Not just at >>2012290, but at you all) : No one cares about you.

>> No.2012301

People have been saying this board has gone to shit since the first month it was created. If it truly is going to shit it's sure taking its sweet ass time. Anyway the worst shitposting I've seen in awhile is those guys pretending to be Retron marketers, which is way less bad than the ZSNES vs BSNES shitposting from around a year ago.

>> No.2012303

/vr/ is fine the way it is. It should always have a gen 5 cutoff.

If you keep adding new generations, the board will just become way too general and turn into "anything but new games". There should be another board for games that aren't new enough to be modern or old enough to be retro, if /v/ doesn't want to accept them.

I'm sure this has been suggested in the 500 posts in this thread, but that's just how I look at it.

>> No.2012304

More like 420, there was some issue about PSX and Halo

>> No.2012341

I do think that another board could help with that, but I suppose an issue with that is whether /v/ really needs yet another split-off board (given that we already have four video game related boards now on the site: /v/, /vg/, /vr/, and /vp/). That's not to say that I think sixth gen belongs in /vr/ (at the very least not yet anyway; I know some people are pretty against it ever being allowed as it could function as a gateway to stuff like seventh gen and the issues associated with it eventually being discussed here, a concern I can understand), but the current situation it's in doesn't help it much. It's not recent enough for much more than the occasional thread on /v/, and is too recent for discussion on /vr/. And the few times I've seen people try to start sixth gen generals on /vg/, they really don't pick up much momentum and die off pretty fast.

>> No.2012376

If we have set the guidelines for this board then we have, by definition, changed them. They were nothing and now they're something. The rules were recently changed to allow DC. You're just plain wrong on that point. As for how the decision is made, moot didn't just decide to create this board one day out of the blue. It was discussed and based on that he decided it was a good idea.
If you don't like the halo talk then that's your prerogative.

>> No.2012395

I don't like the Halo talk as it is disallowed by the board rules. It'll be fine when the rules change, but as of right now, gen 6 and above is not allowed. I like Halo just fine. No one with any amount of brain cells could argue it isn't a good game. But it is still not retro.

And yes, the rules were changed. However, we did not directly change them. 4chan has a nice link to feedback on the home page. You can send your suggestions there. I suppose you could also email moot directly if you're so inclined.

I'm sorry that your PS2/Xbox/GameCube threads don't stay alive long enough on /v/ or /vg/, but I just don't think this discussion should be had here when the sticky clearly says that 6th gen and newer are simply not allowed. And when the rules do change, I'll welcome it with open arms. My biggest collection is GBA and I'd love to talk about it here.

>> No.2012398

>The rules were recently changed to allow DC.
They weren't. The rules are still the same as they were on day 2/3 after the fifth generation was allowed and the cutoff moved from 2001 to 1999.
Allowing the DC was not a decision taken by moot rather than a rogue act by a mod.
DC is still against the rules and DC threads/posts will still get removed by other staff members.

>> No.2012404

>>2012395 here

>They weren't.

I didn't know that. I never thought to check the actual rule page instead of the sticky.

>> No.2012452

2 boards

>> No.2012456

funny how the DC launched in 99, and the linked rules state 1999 or earlier. there's 3 threads right now.

>> No.2012458

Not him, but

>Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro.
Dreamcast is 6th gen.


>Allowing the DC was not a decision taken by moot rather than a rogue act by a mod.

>> No.2012459

Yet it's a sixth generation console and therefore explicitly not allowed. We wouldn't need the part about sixth generation consoles otherwise since the M2 was never publicly released.
There are unfortunately several threads on this board that shouldn't be here, including this one. Lack of intervention is not a sign of approval.

>> No.2012464

>on platforms launched in 1999 or earlier

It doesn't matter which generation you consider DC belongs to, the rules currently say '99 or earlier. 5 topics (excluding sticky) mention Dreamcast in the title. Go report them and see what happens. Or even better, make some GC/PS2 threads and see if they get taken down, I'm betting they would.

>> No.2012470
File: 12 KB, 471x226, vr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does matter what gen the DreamCast is part of. It is 6th gen, and not allowed. Pic related

And as >>2012459 said:
>Lack of intervention is not a sign of approval.

>> No.2012471

You can't report a sticky and I'm not going to break the rules just for show.
I've seen enough DC threads deleted in the past few months to know that I'm not alone in my understanding of the rules.

>> No.2012478


>>2012470 here again.

I'm going to nip your next argument in the bud. I assume it's going to be about how the DreamCast shares many games with the 5th gen.

Do you consider the Xbone and PS4 part of the 7th gen? Because many of the games on those systems are also available on the 360 and PS3.

>> No.2012482

Yes, but it also launched in 99. There's a confliction in both the rules and the sticky. If it was meant to exclude DC explicitly, why not have 98 be the cutoff year? What other platforms launched in 99?

I agree, I've also seen DC threads being deleted some months ago. But for at least a month I haven't seen them get deleted.

>> No.2012486

Because consoles aren't the only things that play games. The 1999 cutoff date is also meant to encapsulate pre-2000 PC games, arcade games, etc. It's right there on the rule page.

>> No.2012491

Ooh nice try, but nope. I argued against GBA inclusion earlier for that reason, the shared library doesn't matter. It's the launch date because that's what the rules say. How about this?

Sticky says:
dreamcast allowed
consoles launched 99 or earlier
5th gen or earlier

rules say:
consoles launched 99 or earlier
5th gen or earlier

So that's 3 for DC, 2 against. DC threads are no longer being pruned.

>> No.2012492

If there's a conflict between a sticky and the rules then it seems the rules should have precedence. Stickies are mere guidelines.
>What other platforms launched in 99?
Neo Geo Pocket Color

PC games are also cut off at 99 and changing the cutoff to 97 would mix stuff up.

>> No.2012494

the majority of DC's library ARE pre-2000 ports and 2d/2-5d games, tho

hey look it's the bump limit, should be gone in... 4 or 5 days

>> No.2012501

And furthermore, having a 1998 cutoff would leave out games that could easily be defined as retro, Such as Unreal Tournament, Alpha Centauri, Asheron's Call, etc

I'll post it again.
>Lack of intervention is not a sign of approval.
Some mod got tired up cleaning up all the Dreamcast threads and threw it in the sticky.

And the majority of the 8th gen's library is currently 7th gen multiplats. Is the 8th gen part of the 7th gen? Had the Dreamcast lasted long enough, I'm sure it would have multiplats with the PS2/GameCube/Xbox. They would have been cut down versions akin to what the WiiU receives now, but multiplats nonetheless.

But anyway, I hope this thread dies quickly. I'd like for us to get back to arguing about our regular bullshit.

>> No.2012502

>DC threads are no longer being pruned.
And that's just the past month and not even every threads about it that was pruned.

>> No.2012506

>that could easily be defined as retro, Such as Unreal Tournament, Alpha Centauri, Asheron's Call, etc
I don't agree with that. A lot of people seem to define 2000 games like Deus Ex as retro but that doesn't mean it has to be allowed.
But lowering the bar now would cause even more disparity between PC and PS1.

>> No.2012508

>but that doesn't mean it has to be allowed.
I agree completely on this point. According to the rules, it shouldn't be allowed.

>> No.2012513

The rules or sticky don't really say anything about how PC games are handled. We know that it's de facto a hard cut at 2000 but you could interpret Windows -2000 or DirectX -7 as a platform released before 2000.

>> No.2012515

Yeah. It could use more clarification. It really leaves it open for interpretation. I interpret it as 1999 and before, no ifs, ands, or buts; but I could see your argument being viable.

>> No.2012518

The problem is that there's no quick way of telling what version of Windows or DirectX a game was made for and Windows 98 was supported well into the 2000s.

>> No.2012519

Personally, I think just sticking with release date would be best. There wouldn't be any confusion over that.

>> No.2012625

>Do you consider the Xbone and PS4 part of the 7th gen? Because many of the games on those systems are also available on the 360 and PS3.

If the Xbone or the PS4 flopped and were discontinued pretty much before a much bigger console flooded the market yes, I probably would.

>> No.2012912


That's right


Not for the rest of us, and /vr/ for that matter.

Holy shit

>> No.2013183

The thing is, the DreamCast would have had more of its own games and multiplats with the rest of the 6th gen had it lived long enough. Just like how the Xbone and PS4 will.

>> No.2013223

>would have

But it didn't. It has a unique, small library of original games that share more traits with 5th gen than 6th. The rest are arcade/neo-geo/fighters/shmups/ports etc.

>> No.2013225

The fact remains that it is still 6th gen, regardless of the games it has.

>> No.2013235

3DO, PC-FX and Jaguar are also considered part of the fifth generation even though they turned out irrelevant in the big picture.

>> No.2013241

Would there really be that many more people coming in? Hell I only discovered this board by accident when I had to click out of a porn board on the Clover App.

>> No.2013263

I can't wait till I can play them on my phone.

>> No.2013284

So? They were also released early, before even the PlayStation was released. What's your point?

>> No.2013287

Oh, the PC-FX was released just after the PlayStation, my mistake.

>> No.2013306

basing retro off of gens and cutoff dates is shortsighted. especially considering pc doesnt really have gens. each "gen" has different lifespans from other gens; and consoles have games coming out for them long after the next gen is already there, such as ps2. furthermore, the difference between gens will become less and less pronounced as you continue to get diminishing returns graphics wise. instead, it should be based purely on age.

so for example if the current limit was the game must be at least 20 years old, then all games released on or before october 18th 1994 would be eligible. tomorrow it would be october 19 1994, and so on.

not only should there be an age limit, there should also be a maximum age to be considered retro- imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past.

obviously though we have some time before we have to consider a /va/ or ancient video games board

>> No.2013331

I think using generations works fine. They're fairly clear cut and easy to understand. As for PC games, the easiest way to do that is have a cutoff date, like I said here >>2012519, whether it shifts every day like your suggestion or is simply anything before a set date.

To expand further on what I said here >>2013284 and here >>2013287, the Jaguar, 3DO, and PC-FX are considered 5th gen because they are 5th gen. Wikipedia is actually a fairly nice guide for what is and isn't part of a particular generation. I'm not sure what point you were trying to make about the Dreamcast by bringing them up though.

>> No.2014313

I was just providing another example. It could be argued that the PC-FX followed an older design philosophy with a focus on 2D and FMV games and a lack of 3D capabilities.

In my eyes generations only really apply from the fourth generation onward. It doesn't make sense that the 5200 and the 2600 are part of the same generation.

>> No.2014752

In fairness to the rogue mod it was the alien implants in his teeth that made him do it.