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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2001124 No.2001124 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know of any interesting retro video game theories? I just heard of one from a friend. Basically he said Mario is evil, he used to abuse & humiliate Donkey Kong, that Donkey Kong was trying to save the Princess from Mario, that Mario abuses Yoshi in game, he hates Luigi. Some of the stuff was interesting although I've never noticed in before in games and he didn't go into much detail. Any theories that /vr/ would like to share? Proof & screenshots would be awesome, thanks.

>> No.2001130


I think the theory that Mario and company are all a bunch of actors is cute. There's the the idea that Mario 3 looks like props on a stage, but I'm more interested in the fact that Mario will play Tennis with Bowser during his downtime.

If not actors, I at least think Bowser isn't as evil as he likes to think he is. All this kidnapping Peach business just seems like a friendly rivalry at this point.

>> No.2001135

>Anyone know of any interesting retro video game theories? I just heard of one from a friend.
No you didn't. That wasn't interesting at all.

If proof existed it wouldn't be a theory, it'd be a fact.

>> No.2001138

I have a wild theory: The Mario cast are just basic characters that can be utilized in any game. The individual games have no connection to one another and the reason why Mario plays tennis with Bowser during their downtime is that it's just a tennis game, not part of a Mario canon.

>> No.2001140

leave and go tell your friend that he's retarded for actually suggesting that Mario is evil and going far enough to present bullshit "proof". furthermore fuck that youtube Game Theorist cancer for inventing a concept more retarded than normal conspiracy theories

>> No.2001149

>If proof existed it wouldn't be a theory, it'd be a fact.

That's not what he meant. He meant things that are actually supported by evidence in game.

You can have things that are theories with proof. The existence of proof doesn't make it not a theory.

Like for example, people have joked around that Dino Crisis and Ace Attorney are in the same universe. Why? Because they both share a European country by the name of Borginia.

That's "proof" of the games taking place in the same universe, but it's not like it's official.

>> No.2001173

>No you didn't. That wasn't interesting at all.
But I did and an interest in something is subjective. If you don't like that I'm interested in potential mind blowing theories, then I'm sorry go fuck your granny.

>If proof existed it wouldn't be a theory, it'd be a fact.
There is proof that Disney movies have sexual references but does that make the illuminati real? No but it supports theories people have come up with, regardless of how crazy they can be.

>> No.2001194


These aren't theories. This comes from an interview with Miyamota where he stated that he sees the Mario characters as actors.

>> No.2001202

I haven't played all Metroid games, but it seems that Earth is never named on any of the games. Also the Galactic Federation seems to be comprised mostly of humans. Can it be that the Space Pirates destroyed the Earth, making all surviving humans have a grudge on them and flooding the Galactic Federation's ranks?
I bet that some of those comics will debunk my theory

>> No.2001216

Well, that's what he ALWAYS wanted Mario to be used for anyway when he was "Mr. Video". That's why Mario is in a bunch of the old NES games.

Hell, Miyamoto's not even the first person to do that. Osamu Tezuka did that with almost ALL of his work. He had a stable of 30 or so "actors" who would play different parts in his manga. Which was always weird when Astro Boy was playing a human.

>> No.2001223

Reminds me of WARP games and their "digital actors".

>> No.2001235

From what I gather, the character of Mario is an actor in the sense that he can just be tossed into whatever. Basically, there is no canon, Mario just does whatever the fuck the devs want him to do in a game and that's just how it is. I'm not sure if Miyamoto literally meant that each game is you watching a rehearsed play, but who knows. While I never played Partners in Time, I think the Mario and Luigi series is about as close as we can get to a continuing canon in Mario games.

>> No.2001238
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During SNES days when only Star Fox 1 existed I thought it was possible Andross was banished from Corneria and exiled to Venom for political reasons. Like maybe they didn't like how well he was solving problems that would have been important for their politics and economy. Like maybe Andross was in fact too good of a scientist. He was developing cures for things like cancer, solving hunger issues, etc. Or they might have feared his intelligence and psychic abilities and got rid of him before he became a problem for them.

Obviously Andross is bent on revenge and very evil once we get to the game, but we didn't really know why he was banished. It just said he was banished to Venom, no other explanation.

>> No.2001251
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Remember how the old Nintendo Power guides were written like they were history books for a modern day Hyrule? Well, if you actually DO remember them, you'll remember than there was a timeline for the Zelda games: Ocarina of Time, Link to the Past, Zelda I and Zelda II. Well, what if there actually ISN'T a branching timeline period?

What if the timeline of Hyrule is just Skyward Sword, OoT, MM, LttP, Z1, and Z2? What happens to the other games?

Well, each game has Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf. If we factor in SS, we understand that Ganondorf is the reincarnation of the Devil, Link is the personification of mankind's courage, and Zelda is the personification of the power of the gods. Hyrule, at least during its Golden Age, had to have been a huge cultural trade centre. What if, culturally, the Hylian concept of heroes, villains, and holy people were Link, Ganon, and Zelda? Just like in real life, where Greco-Roman deities were actually a bunch of different gods and heroes from other folklore just slapped together, what if every other Zelda game is the folktale of another country that ancient Hylians recorded, but used the Tri-Force trio as place holders for different gods. Wouldn't it make a lot of since that all the stuff for the Wind Waker timeline was originally some Zora folktale?

As more modern Hylian historians tried to figure out what stories are myth and which are history, they then realize that "Link" is just a term for "destined hero" and realize that all these weird stories of their culture's "hero" are actually just stories from other lands that Hylians really liked and kept around, but ended up seeming like Hylian history due to not understanding old Hylian.

tl;dr There is no 2/3 pronged timeline to the Zelda series; there's just the one and most of the other games are the folk heroes of other countries. "Link" is just the archetype of a hero to Hylians.

>> No.2001257

I always wondered if he actually did die in Star Fox Adventures since Peppy came up with the theory that he may be hiding in Titania. Peppy mentions this in Star Fox Command when Andross apparently died in Adventures. I don't know if Adventures is considered canon though.

>> No.2001259

The ending of Super Mario Galaxy literally reset the Mario timeline.
New Super Mario Bros. is now the original first game.
New Super Mario Bro. 2 is now Lost Levels
New Super Mario Bros. Wii/WiiU is SMB2/Doki Doki Panic
Super Mario 3D Land is SMB3
Super Mario 3D World is SMW

>> No.2001262

Uh... All the Sega games from the 90s take place in the Fantasy Zone, which is actually Palma from Phantasy Star in the past.

>> No.2001269

No, that's supporting evidence. "Supporting evidence" and "proof" aren't the same thing.

>> No.2001278

I could have sworn it was always implied that he was performing inhumane (eh heh heh) experiments and that's why he got the boot.

You're being so defensive of him right now that I'd mistake you for his nephew, Andrew.

You aren't Andrew are you?

>> No.2001287


Uncle Andross!!! *static*

No I just thought it was funny they never specified what he did exactly. He may have been evil form the start but all I knew is he got upset about his exile and wanted revenge. The lengths he went to get revenge certainly say something about his abilities and character. I mean he literally went from being in exile to nearly conquering the system. He's dangerous for sure, and Corneria must have known that, hence their actions. Whether he truly did something evil or not I don't know.

>> No.2001289

He was exiled for treason. He started out good but greed took over and he was willing to do anything for power.

>> No.2001423

>Mario abuses Yoshi in game
It can be clearly seen that Mario hits Yoshi in SMW to make him eat stuff.

>> No.2001443

Dr wily secretly wants mega man's mega cock.

>> No.2001461


>questioning Zelda canon

It's a good thing you are anonymous or you'd be in the witness protection program by now.

>> No.2001463
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I bet you think he smashes those bricks with his head.

What next, is Peach really having an affair with Bowser and Mario's just too drugged out on le Shrooms to notice?

>> No.2001468

>Donkey Kong was trying to save the Princess
>the Princess
>Anything other than Brooklyn gutter trah>>2001124

>> No.2001470
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>> No.2001593

I have just created a strange theory, bear with me on this.

The entire Mario cast is yes, confirmed as actors, but the real reason Bowser kidnaps Peach so much is because they are a couple that never gets to see each other due to their professions.

>> No.2001776

But if they're actors, wouldn't the games be the things they act in?

>> No.2001783

I never thought the chain chomp in 64 was evil. He was just grumpy and sad because Bowser or King Bob Omb was mean to him. When Mario frees him, he breaks the cage for Mario out of gratitude.

>> No.2001793

Gordon died during the resonance cascade

>> No.2001797


>> No.2001806

I thought that the levels in Super Mario Bros. were generated by some massive Koopa machine to make it difficult for Mario to get to the princess.

>> No.2001810

This is cringe worthy autismal stuff. Over thinking simple 2d side strollers is a sign of severe social retardation.

And no, your n64 zelda theories aren't any better. Nobody is going to think you an intellectual for having some demented head cannon for Mario games.

Just look up that sad videogame theory guy on YouTube. That's what you guys sounds like.

>> No.2001830

I like this one: http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Ash's_Coma

>> No.2001831

I have one where Donkey Kong from Donkey Kong Country is actually God and King K. Rool is Lucifer and Diddy and the rest of the family are angels.

>> No.2001832

>Bowser kidnaps Peach
actors doing their job

>they are a couple that never gets to see each other due to their professions.
but doing their job (a) is the kidnapping act and (b) makes them see each other all the time. the entire theory is contradictory.

>> No.2001873

But what about Galaxy 2?
Also BOOO NOT RETRO!)!))!)!)!)!11

>> No.2001884
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Most interesting game theory I've heard:


>> No.2001885
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>> No.2001886
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>> No.2001928

Actually, according the alleged story to donkey kong, DK is tired of being mistreated by his owner, Jumpman (aka Mario) so in retaliation, he runs away and kidnaps Pauline in the process.

>> No.2001932
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But why does he have to take it out on Pauline when it is really Mario who is in fault?

>> No.2001940

So is DK human

>> No.2002179

Because that's how Miyamoto wrote it.
Traditional storytelling of saving the "princess" and he's a dumb, angry gorilla.
Sans tie.

>> No.2002185

He still turned out alright if Gold/Silver is any indication.

>> No.2003949


>> No.2004096


>> No.2004135

Hyrule Historia is canon and you're retarded

>> No.2004139

Tezuka took it to a whle different level, though. Aside from some early games where he wasn't yet fully characterised, Mario is always, well, Mario. He might be playing tennis in one game and saving the princess from Bowser in the next, but he is always the same character.
Tezuka on the other hand would have the characters change names, personalities and roles between appearances, as he considered each appearance of the character to be a different role played by the same actor. While certain "actors" were typecast (like there's one guy who always plays a doctor or scientist, another who is usually a antagonistic character etc.), the exact role varied.
Closest Mario has gotten to that was dr.Marion, where he's a doctor instead of a plumber.

>> No.2004143

Or all the times he's done completely different things from plumbing, like beinga boxing referee or construction worker or soldier.
Mario is an actor in the sense he can just be put into a role, nothing more or less.

>> No.2004147

Technically Dr. Mario was a pharmacist.

>> No.2004153


>Aside from some early games where he wasn't yet fully characterised

>> No.2004154

I like the idea that Peach gets a kick out of getting kidnapped by Bowser and spawning more Koopa Kids while Mario gets the run around. Why else would there be Toads at the end of all these hazardous castles just to tell Mario that she's not in this one...keep going lmao

>> No.2004228

Why do you guys hate the game theory guy so much?
I know most of his videos are boring and crap ... but some are pretty interesting/entertaining.

>> No.2004229

Because a lot of the theories are reaching garbage that barely makes sense.

Plus i don't understand how anyone can enjoy listening to his voice for more than 10 seconds, it's like egotism in sound form.

>> No.2004240

I agree that his voice is annoying, or the way he talks, but his videos are often interesting although I don't usually agree with them.

>> No.2004257

>"garbage theories"
>"egotism in sound form" (spot on, >>2004229)
>"most of his videos are boring and crap"
>"I usually don't agree with them"

Isn't that reason enough? We're not obligated to like someone whose output is mostly crap because once in a while he puts out something you find interesting.

>> No.2004327

Instead of saying his videos are shit, actually post a couple of theories hes done and explain why. The Mario, Chrono Trigger & some of the Zelda videos were great & he had a lot of supporting evidence behind them. Some like the can you really hack cars like in Watchdogs or could Ass Creed assassins really do the leap of faith in real life arent really about the games but can still grab a few peoples interest. Yeah his voice is annoying but I'm not that sensative about it, I'm not going to let it ruin the entertainment.

>> No.2004335

>The Mario, Chrono Trigger & some of the Zelda videos were great

They were the worst ones!

>> No.2004804

I don't find the theories garbage, nor his videos boring or crap.

Just because I don't agree with something, doesn't refrain it from being interesting.

Just how it is possible to study nazism because you are fascinated by it, although you aren't a nazi, it is also possible to find enjoyment in his videos.

>> No.2005538
File: 127 KB, 500x644, Mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chop Chop Master Onion is a different person in each game he appears.

First game, he's a kung-fu master with a dojo.

Um Jammer Lammy, he's a hobo who's a figment of Lammy's imagination.

PS2, an onion in a red suit stole his identity and locked him in an attic, ruining his name by acting like a sexual predator and not even trying to fight the main villain.

Supporting evidence: in the Food Court Stage, Chop Chop Master Onion raps, "original sensei write rhymes in the attic." That's not bad grammar; he's revealing the location of the original Chop Chop Master Onion.

It might also be possible that Chop Chop Master Onion is a title rather than a name.

Another theory: Wario Land represents a branching point for the continuity. Wario Land 2, Wario World, and the sport/kart spinoff games take place after the Castle ending. Wario Land 3, Wario Land 4, Master of Disguise, Shake It, and the Wario Ware series take place after either the birdhouse or log cabin endings. That, or Wario is just horrid at managing monneys.

Less theory, more headcanon: in Maniac Mansion, all the characters entered the mansion. They all died in comedically macabre manners, except for Bernard. The Meteor was arrested in the middle of an interview.

>> No.2005561

Oh yeah, like the one about the magic moon that shouldn't do much damage because of how it looks in game.
Yeah. That theory was SO interesting and relevant.

>> No.2006830

Again you give no valid reasons why.

>> No.2006889

The opening of Super Mario All-Stars also suggests the characters are all actors.

>> No.2007331

I have this theory that all the Mario characters are just made up and in games are just a set of code and graphics that display in the screen however the programmer tells them to. I know it's a pretty off the wall theory but it does explain everything.

>> No.2007347

i remember biology 111

>> No.2007364

that second one is actually the truth bowsers some big nig who he hes gotta fight all the time on shrums and get his gf back... he also has a pet turtle??

>> No.2007369

thats the best fucking thing ive ever heard

>> No.2007768

You don't honestly think I was saying that that's what I firmly believe, do you?

>> No.2007770

MatPat's videos are fine, even when they're REALLY reaching, like the Adventure Island is really about the Phillipino Civil War.

But FUCK Crossover. Crossover is the dumbest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.2007778

Ness' folks are actually Ninten and Anna from the original Mother. That's why they never question his Psi powers and support him on his adventure.

Also, all of the theories about the original Pokemon happening after a war and your dad being a dead soldier/Oak/Gionvanni are stupid and wrong; Pokemon takes place during summer break and your father is simply a salaryman working in another town.

>> No.2007784

All I remember is the retarded "official timeline" from Zelda.com from the early 2000's. It somehow had only the one Link in every game and it placed Link's Awakening during Zelda II; not after, not before, but right smack in the middle of the game.

>> No.2007803

That's fucking kawaii