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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1992687 No.1992687 [Reply] [Original]

What are your retro gaming regrets? For me, I traded in pretty much my entire collection of old games back in 2006 towards a 360. And still ended up paying $100 after trade in credit. I had some good shit too. ConkersBFD, LOZ LE for GC, Super Metroid, Sunset Riders, and a shit ton of other stuff I forgot. Probably around 30 SNES games, 25 or so N-64, consoles, handhelds, ect. They played me like a damn fiddle! I should never go into the stock market. What are your regrets?

>> No.1992707

I didn't sell anything, but I do regret the fucking mexicans that broke into my house and stole 90% of my ps1 collection and about 10 snes games, and most my GC shit.

>> No.1992717

Sorry to hear that anon, if it makes you feel better I lost all my nes games when I broke with my ex gf, I had some good shit that I haven't be able to recover yet, like castlevania III, ducktales 2, metalstorm, shit just think about this makes me feel angry.

Also I'm mexican, living in Mexico.

>> No.1992947

I was at an arcade auction one night, that had about 80 games for sales. I had already bought two games and was tapped out for cash and available space at home. I still stuck around just to see what the rest of the games were going for. Slowly, the group dwindled and the auctioneer was getting pissy because the people who were left had all bought stuff and weren't bidding. Among the last few games at the auction was a Silent Scope 2, brand new looking, and a sit down Sega GT. The auctioneer needed to get rid of them so he just says "$150 each takes them home. $300 measly bucks for two gorgeous yet large arcade games... And I didn't jump on it.

Fuck... That sucked.

>> No.1992950

I guess my regrets are small peanuts compared to many of you guys. I traded away some games that I convinced myself I outgrew at the time, including about half my Game Boy collection. A couple of the more stinging games to lose in retrospect was Kid Icarus, Jackie Chan's Action Kung-fu, and Pokémon Red.

>> No.1992952

>filling your house up with gigantic wooden blocks that contain 1 single game and a joystick

Be happy anon, you did the right thing.

>> No.1992953

Living in a place where not only do they jew up the prices for retro consoles and games, the dollar exchange and importing taxes are way up high.

>> No.1992957

I regret that I gave my SNES collection to a friend who would enjoy playing them rather than hold on to them and sell all my unboxed Square RPGs for a hundred bucks a pop to morons.

>> No.1992967

Not retro but I feel bad about not owning a Nintendo console since the N64. Haven't played any Nintendo games since N64! How terrible! I've never played the Galaxy games! I never played FZero GX! Haven't played Mario Kart since N64! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

>> No.1992980

>selling my Sega Genesis and games a couple of months back
>selling all of my PS2 games (except for San Andreas) for some xbox360 games 4-5 years ago

>> No.1992982

i sold harvest moon 64 and paper mario. not super rare, but still quite costly today.

>> No.1992987

I sold my copy of Fester's Quest to someone I don't know any more.

I lent my copy of Half-Life to a somali and he claimed it just "disappeared".

I fried my Japanese Supaa-Famicom because I didn't know about voltage etc.

I dropped my NES on the ground because I thought I had full control and was showing off. I managed to put it back and it works now but the hole in the case is really ugly.

There's probably more but right now I cannot recall.

>> No.1992993

I'm not really one to ever sell stuff for less than I paid for it but I'm pretty cheap. If I have something I just want to get rid of I'll just give it away and I've been thinking of having a yard sale where I just price things at what I paid, which will be super cheap and really rid myself of a lot of junk. I've never really considered video games junk but I did have a yard sale in '05 where I put out a lot of loose games but none of them sold. There was a Demon's Crest in there tagged $3 and no one bought it! lol lucky me right?

The only thing I could say I regret was a period where I was extremely popular and had a lot of parties at my house where games would disappear. I did lose a few of my games I'd had since I was a kid that way but most of what they stole were relatively worthless super popular PS2 games like fucking last year's Madden and shit.

I can't really complain though since my collection went from casual to serious a few years before that with shit that disappeared from the video game store that I had been working at. Easy come, easy go.

>> No.1993004

I regret not buying more old video games sooner before prices started inflating out of control. I was so close to just buying lots of dirt cheap SNES games off ebay back in the early 2000s, but I was young and I decided to hold off, thinking that prices would only get cheaper anyway.

>> No.1993005

Oh and all the Gameboy Colors I've taken a pair of scissors to the screen to in an autistic fit of rage. I've gone through at least 3 GBCs, 2 GBA, a GB SP, and 3 PS3s.


>> No.1993006

That I wasn't able to be there to slap you in the face.

>> No.1993009

I broke my very first Game Boy because I would bash the screen against my forehead in the fits of rage that Kirby's Block Ball gave me. I don't regret it though; that was righteous anger. That and I got a new Game Boy Pocket to replace it which was a significant improvement.

>> No.1993021

You two are angry people like me, and it made me laugh.

>> No.1993025

You sound like me. I used to put my GBC screen in my mouth and scratch it with my teeth or I'd take a pair of scissors and drag it along the screen.

>tfw I was autistic as fuck as a kid when it came to videogames

I guess I still am in a certain way, seeing as how I slammed the fuck out of my first PS3 about 3 years ago and my 2nd one 2 years ago.

To be fair the first GBA got stolen I didn't even break it, but odds are I would have at some point.

>tfw all my gameboys ended up with scissor scratches on the screen

>> No.1993027

This reminds me of the kind of shit I do when I get angry. I'm Italian, and when I get really pissed (which is rare, I honestly don't get mad often), I'll break something. But something like...not important usually.

>> No.1993028

I never did beat dragon warrior 1. What DO you do after you get into the walled city?

>> No.1993034

What do you mean what do you do?

>> No.1993038
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I've thrown controllers before, but not to the point of breaking them. But I sperg the fuck out when I see the tiny scratch on a screen. I guess I'm the other side of autistic fuckery.

The only thing I can think of regretting was selling DC Shenmue 2 for £20. I traded it in with a stack of ps1 games and ended up with enough to buy a Gamecube. Gamestation before Game bought it was the best.

>> No.1993039


>> No.1993040
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>be like 9 years old
>playing Pokemon Red
>trying to catch Articuno
>cant catch him for like an hour
>eventually start hitting the screen in frustration
>gameboy turns off on its own
>turn it back on
>screen only says "new game"
>mfw it deleted my game

instant karma I suppose

>> No.1993043

Didn't you know about the Down+B+Regular Pokeball trick, man?

>> No.1993045

>punching/destroying your own vidya

>not just punching yourself in the side of the head like a normal human being

>> No.1993047

I just tightly grip the controller and try to twist it when I get really angry.

>> No.1993048

>Silent Scope 2
Damn, I'd love that for $300... But it really is a big unit. I wouldn't feel too bad about it if you didn't have the room.

>> No.1993049

When I went to uni I decided to just take my mega drive cartridge and left the cases at home to save space. My mum ended up chucking them when she moved.

hey ho, at least I still have the games.

>> No.1993052

To be fair, I was 10 when I broke my game boy with the forehead bashing. I've mellowed out now in the 18 years since... though now that I think about it I remember when I was even younger I would bite on the NES controller cords when I got super mad too. Thank god I never broke those things. Thank god for the Nintendium-infused plastic (rubber?) they were lined with.

>> No.1993054

Thats what brooding future serial killers do m8.
You have to release the anger!

>> No.1993056

>Lending THAT kid THAT game

>> No.1993060

>grip the controller and try to twist it

I used to do that with my PS3 controller so much to the point that when I'd click the L3 button, it would also press the X button too.

>> No.1993064

I don't get angry anymore. I just take everything easy now.

I don't think I've ever twisted it that hard.

>> No.1993072

>when I'd click the L3 button, it would also press the X button
How would that happen? I'm not saying you're lying but I'm bringing up a picture in my head of ps3 controller guts and I'm baffled.

>> No.1993078

I don't even know. I just remember that a friend of mine made me buy MW2 so we could play together and I used to grip and twist the controller and slap the side of the controller so much that that's what used to happen when I'd try to click the L3 button to sprint. I'd click it to sprint and the character would jump and sometimes switch to the secondary weapon.

>> No.1993163

like you, I traded in my games

I never believed in collection, I would play games and either keep them to play again or traded them in for a bit of cash.

good thing there is emulation because it does satisfy my want to play some of my old games, but maybe some day I'll recollect the systems/games I sold.

>> No.1994671

That's my problem too. I always thought old games would just keep getting cheaper. Luckily I was able to snag F Zero GX for 7 bucks at Gamestop before they liquidated their Gamecube collection.

>> No.1995148

>lend friend Street Fighter II and IIIcollection for Xbox, along with first two Halos
>couple weeks later, go to other friend's house
>see case with my games with it
>How'd those get here?
>Oh, Friend 1 lent them to me
>What? Did he tell you they were mine?
>discs are scratched to shit

>> No.1995167

I sold some of my best N64 games including WCW/nWo Revenge, Perfect Dark and Smash Bros because I thought I'd never play them again at the end of the gen. So fucking stupid.

>> No.1995181
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I;m not sure how good my memory serves, but I'm pretty sure I missed the chance to buy Soul Blazer (pal, English) in 2006 for around $120.
>mfw it is literally the rarest pal snes game

>> No.1995196

>For me, I traded in pretty much my entire collection of old games back in 2006 towards a 360
Oh god. I would type 'lol' but that's inappropriate. That's literally one of the worst things I've ever read in my life.

>> No.1995313


I've had a bunch of rare stuff over the years that I've ruined or lost. I had like 5 e-reader cards, for example. I also have 50 N64 games, including the more expensive ones, but most of them are in bad condition because I was a retard as a kid

I've literally owned hundreds of games over the course of my lifetime but most of them got ruined because of my brothers and I

>> No.1995337

How the fuck do you lose games when you break up with a GF

>> No.1995340

Brazil? I heard their PS4 is like more than $1500

>> No.1995405


>passing video games around like a dirty slut

Time to find a new friend.

>> No.1995412

Maybe her new boyfriend took the games.

>> No.1995570

I had my nes and my games in her house because we used to play a lot of co-op games or vs games. Then when we broke up she told me she threw them in the garbage and I believed her because she was totally capable of that.

But months later I found out that she gave them to another friend of her, while he was boasting about it on facebook. He wasn't even her new boyfriend.

She only wanted to shit on me, and the saddest thing is that all those games were pretty damn cheap because I got them before collecting retro games became a thing, I can only dream to find another ducktales 2 for 20 pesos now.

>> No.1995576

This, but I don't even liked it, and I sold it to a good friend so I don't really feel many regrets.

>> No.1995584

call the policia. That's theft, and you have proof with the facebook shit.

>> No.1995608

Hey I know this feel. When me and my two brothers were young, we were hellions and broke a lot of stuff or boarderline ruined a lot more.

>> No.1995618

Holy shit you're crazy haha

>> No.1995625

My only real regret was not stealing more games from gamestop and pawn shops when I was a teenager. That was when they had stacks of SNES, N64, and PS1 games in the cheap bins.

>> No.1995648

Not retro but,

A while back around 8th grade, Pokemon Gen 4 was announced. Everyone was looking forward to it so much in my group of friends.

We had this really cool teacher who would just openly let us play electronics in his room during lunch and nutrition periods.

Well when D/P just came out, I actually ended up getting mine a day early before street release, because we had a friend who worked in shipping.

Next day I went to class, I was already at Spear Pillar about to take on Dialga.

Didn't brag, didn't say anything to anyone about it.

Yet somehow, after that lunch period, My DS got stolen, along with Diamond, Emerald (in the GBA slot) And my Prima guide.

I still have no idea who did it or how.

>> No.1995671

Just being irresponsible with owning things in general, not just video games. I barely have anything from my childhood anymore because I either sold it, broke it, or lost it. All that's left is a few SNES games.

As for selling the worst would probably be when I sold my Jungle Green N64 and about 20 good games for $50 in high school. I regretted it the very next day.

>> No.1995680

This. Should've walked in with some bigass parachute pants and filled those fuckers.

>> No.1995689

I feel like I'm one of the lucky ones.

I've never had buyers regret/remorse over anything I've bought sold, and the ONE time I did, it worked out way better then expected.

>Last year
>Decide I wanted money for something, Sell a few games.
>Sold a lot of stuff to about $130 GS store credit including a defective Wii
>There was this deal for "Trade two games, get Injustice gods among us for $10"
>Two of the games listed happened to be two I sold, MArio Galaxy 2 and Bioshock infinite
>Not a fighter at all, but rememebred my dad wanted to try it, so figured, what the hell, went for it.

>Go home
>Stare at unopened injustice
>Realize I don't even have a second PS3 controller to play this shit
>Suddenly miss Galaxy 2 (Eh infinite)
>Decide to keep it sealed and take it back to GS next day

>Next Day
>GS policy doesn't allow returns for trade ins
>Worried i'll only get $10 store credit for this shit and I made a horrible mistake
>Actually gives me $60 store credit despite the deal
>decide to go browse the buy 2 get 1 free thibng they have for PS2
>Never grew up with a ps2, got one a few months ago to play tales games
>$60 ends up netting me 23 PS2 games mostly classics such as Katamari, Devil may cry 1-3, Sly1-3, Ratchet1-3, Jak1-3, Ace Combat 4-5, Psychonauts, Xenosaga, Dark cloud/chronicle, Okage, Rogue Galaxy, Splinter cell 1-4 and more

>Mfw I have Bioshock Infinite to thank for my Entire PS2 Library

>> No.1995746

I bought a n64 this year to play the classics I missed. That controller. Eubhnggghnng.

I traded away suikoden ii when I was tiny, I hated RPGs when I was young. I threw out all of gameboy stuff when I was early teens.

>> No.1996015

I know that feel OP. I traded in a bunch of my N64 stuff (including a collectors edition of OoT, Smash, etc) to get an Xbox huge back in the early 2000's or so. Now most of the stuff I sold has quadrupled in value. Sigh...

>> No.1997057

I know man, I know.

>calling the police
>in Mexico
>implying it wouldn't just end with him being beheaded or beaten

>tfw I've somehow lost FFVII, Suikoden, and Parasite Eve

No idea where the fuck they're at. Actually I threw this case that had a bunch of old music CD's and apparently some PS1 and Dreamcast discs and apparently shattered some PS1 games. Including FFVII, not that I even like FFVII. At least I still have my FFX-2 AND FFIX.

>> No.1997073

I put my Atari 2600 in a place where my sister could find it and break it.

>> No.1997081
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I lost FF8 somehow, I think I may have lent it to a friend, but then he died, so its maybe forever gone.

>> No.1997168

3 years ago I sold a boxed n64 3 controllers, re2, banjo kazooie, mario 64, star wars sote, star fox, goldeneye, ocarina of time (with box) for like 100 bucks, i regret it to this day

>> No.1997190

my biggest regret is playing my gameboy too much
one day my dad appeared out of nowhere (didnt even know he was in the house) and smashed it repeated times with his feet

>> No.1997191

what did you do when you found out?

>> No.1997206


What the fuck? What's the story besides he decided to ninja in and shatter your dreams?

>> No.1997212

Your dad an alcaholic?

>> No.1997220

I used to be bullied a lot at school and have anger issues as a result, and sometimes took it out on my younger brother when he got too close to me while I was playing on our nes. He'll, he didn't even have to come close, sometimes it was enough for him just to walk into the room. I still feel bad about this after all these years, seeing how close we are and that he genuinely just wanted to watch me play.

>> No.1997230

Nah, he never drinks.
he just had some rage issues (and still does)

>> No.1997241
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Threw away boxes of my gameboy and N64 games. Sold my pikachu edition gameboy color and the pokémon yellow I had as a kid.

I also regret not buying more games at the end of a console's lifetime. Back in 2003-4 you could still get N64 games and Gameboy Color games at my local toy store, but they were like 1/4 the original price because the PS2 and Gamecube were getting more popular at that time. You could also get alot better deals at flee markets in the past. Lots of kids that sold their old consoles for cheap.

>> No.1997262

I had the gold/silver Pokemon version of the GBC. Grew up with that thing.
A few months back I wound up changing the housing because it was scratched to hell.

I still have it, but I always feel like I hurt a friend when I look at it.

>> No.1997272
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Let a guy borrow Metal Gear Solid, never saw it again. I still have the case/instructions but every time I look at that case I end up missing it.

Let a different guy borrow Flying Dragon, never saw that again. This one doesn't hurt as bad, I emulated it awhile back and besides the nostalgia it's not exactly a masterpiece. Still sucks I can can no longer give it a whirl on my N64 if I wanted.

Besides that, I'm sorry I never bought a bunch of games I wanted before the retro craze started and shit became expensive as fuck. Thankfully, there's only a few games I really want, but out of principal I wont buy games for the hiked prices they are at right now.

>> No.1997278

I let a dirty turkish kid borrow Ape Escape 1 all those years ago.

His stupid mother started a fire in the kitchen, and somehow the fire spread to the kid's room and he claims it consumed Ape Escape.

My only solace was that his mom died in the fire.

>> No.1997283

>retro gaming regrets
not buying that copy of magical chase (US) at that yard sale.

If only I knew then.

>> No.1997297

I saw someone sell a PAL SNES with approx. 20 ~ 30 games the other day. I felt some regret for him because he got only 50 bucks for that. The trader even wanted to buy it for less.

>> No.1997485

way to go anon.

>> No.1997492

I regret trading Super Bomberman 2 for Street Fighter Alpha 2. Not that I feel like I got ripped off, it's just that I liked bomberman way more and haven't been fond of SFA.

>> No.1997505


Damn son.

>> No.1997539


That is a worthy regret.

>> No.1997552

>What are your retro gaming regrets?
None, flashcarts exist.

>> No.1997568

>implying anyone on /vr/ has any chance of a future

>> No.1997583

I can't believe people can actually do anything in rage, at most I'd maybe slam a table with my hand or something, I'd never outleash my rage on the electronics.

>> No.1997589

Emotions can be a powerful thing for some people which cause them to do stupid things. like vote Democrat

>> No.1997843
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A few years ago when I started getting into retro collecting, I looked at Super Metroid and said "$25 is too expensive. I will wait until I see it for cheaper."

>> No.1997856

Not having played more games as a kid, I'm only now getting to know a lot of the best retro games

A damn shame, wish I could've experienced them sooner

>> No.1997867

Not much now since the price went down but I sold MvC2 on Dreamcast for like $15 to Game Crazy a few months before it was blowing up to $500 on ebay and Amazon.

>> No.1997868


But anon, as a ps2babby that's one of my favourite things.

>> No.1997883
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That kid borrowed like four of my games without telling me he was moving out of state the next day.

>> No.1998042


I don't regret it but I have been yelled at for doing this.

I gave away a Commodore 64 with a TON of peripherals and games. It was given to me by my uncle who bought it all brand new. I gave the entire thing away to a 5 year old as a birthday present back in 01. He didn't have any type of video game system or anything because the family was very very poor and I had several educational games and some fun stuff like Skate or Die and Donkey Kong. I know for a fact that hew has since grown up to LOVE PC gaming and knowing that I am the reason he got into it in the first place keeps me from regretting it.

I've also given away 3 Sega Genesis with multiple games to children that didn't have anything to play but the closest one I come to regretting is the C64 just because of its value. Still no regrets.

>> No.1998061

I traded in Power Stone 2 because I had no one else to play it with.

>> No.1998074
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You are a pure soul to spread the love of vidya to another. You have my admiration, anon.

>> No.1998120


Sometimes regret trading in my entire Mega Drive collection, but I didn't have anything that valuable and didn't give it away for pennies either. I also sold all my Dreamcast shit, which I regret more. I loved that console. To be honest I wouldn't have the room for it all these days anyway.

I have all my PSX stuff though and will keep pretty much all of it. Suikoden II, FFVII, Rival Schools, Alundra, Grandia and such aren't going anywhere. Not because of any monetary value, they were just a massive part of growing up for me.

>> No.1999228


you are an idiot

>> No.1999256

Let my parents give away my Atari VCS 2600 and Commodore 64 to some faggot kids my dad knew and some religious school.
Came to find out the kids' dad shot himself and the school threw everything away.

Then there's the time I didn't jump on a brand-new Saturn unit for $40.