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1965360 No.1965360 [Reply] [Original]

SNES or GBA... Which version is better?

>> No.1965368

SNES does not have the obnoxious sound bytes whenever you use a sword

>> No.1965370

The one that's on topic in /vr/.

>> No.1965393

also the one with the larger screen resolution

>> No.1965410
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This might cause some heads to explode, but they're roughly the same. If you're not picky, go with whatever's more convenient for you to access.

That said, I'd opt with the SNES version. You don't get the bonus dungeon and the additional attack that comes with it (which is essentially useless since you get it after fully completing the game, giving you nothing to use it against), but I've played the SNES version dozens of times (GBA version maybe twice) and I've never missed either. You also miss out on the tacked-on sound effects/voice clips, lower quality sounds, and washed-out palette. You also have fewer buttons to utilize (though I recall the GBA edition still handling well enough). There's also a slight modification to a dungeon that makes it a bit easier to complete. Most will bark that that's a cardinal sin, but having played through the SNES edition dozens of times, I didn't mind it at all. Having to backtrack a bunch of times isn't manly-tier difficult puzzling in my book, it's just tedium.

The only things I like about the GBA version over the SNES version is how you can break a lot more things with your sword and the slightly modified inventory, but the SNES version just feels like a better presentation overall. So that'd get my vote, but again, I think you can simply go with whatever's more convenient and still walk away with the same general experience.

For what it's worth, I also prefer the SNES artwork over the GBA artwork

>> No.1965415

Oh, I think the Duck has more stops in the Light World and I THINK can be used in the Dark World in the GBA version. That's convenient, but hardly makes it a hands-down better game.

>> No.1965416

>The one that's on topic in /vr/.

That would be both of them, considering one is a port of an early 90s game. Try to make a substantial post next time.

>If you're not picky, go with whatever's more convenient for you to access.

Is a good way to go about with this. I'm down with the SNES version, because I'm always sitting down in my room playing anyway, and have no one to play with.

>> No.1965572

The one that has the crisp, clear sound. Not the one with the horribly wretched static piercing my ears.

You know, the SNES one.

>> No.1965628

I still can't understand why this game wasn't included on the Zelda Collector for the game cube instead of Zelda II.

>> No.1965632

>instead of Zelda II

I don't understand why one should be excluded at all. Have both.

Anyway, it's probably because they couldn't figure out SNES emulation yet.

>> No.1965642

The only time the duck is used in the Dark World is when you defeat agahnim for the second time.

Maybe because that would affect the sales of the GBA version, they could have included the oracles and link's awakening though.

>> No.1965647

Because the GBA port was on market and they didn't want to hurt its sales.

>> No.1965997

Why do people still ask this question? It doesn't matter which game, and it doesn't matter how many extra features is added. If the question is between an SNES version or its GBA port, the answer is always, ALWAYS the SNES version. You'll get the game in its original aspect ratio, where the GBA had to either crop or scrunch the screen down, and the GBA's sound was unquestionably inferior.

>> No.1966000

The only Zelda remake worth playing is WW HD.
Everything else is generally better to play on the original or it doesn't matter.

>> No.1966041

the tacked on content is awful

actually all nintendo snes -> gba ports were awful and weren't serious remakes with effort put into them

>> No.1966045

>Try to make a substantial post next time
Telling you which one I prefer by a means less obvious than "LOL SNES" isn't substantial?

Brains are used for more than just head filler, kids.

>> No.1966067

I don't think they were ever meant to be remakes, it was just cashing in on finally having a 32-bit handheld that could run SNES games.

>> No.1966089

What about OoT 3D and LA DX?

>> No.1966091

Why? Due to fast sailing?
Fast sailing is just a cancer to the immersion of sailing, in my opinion. Sure, it's a slow and tedious process and there's close to nothing to do- but that's a good thing for when you finally find one of the usually-too-small islands and dying to explore it in every detail.
Also >>1966089
the OoT 3D did a great job on the graphic and the gyro was mouse-level of accuracy.

>> No.1966092

wwhd confirmed for greatest remake of all time. still working on my second playthrough, the new picto box is fucking glorious

>> No.1966093

OoT 3D ruined the atmosphere though

>> No.1966095

What about it?
The graphic enhancement?
The 3D effect?
The fact that it's portable?

>> No.1966113

The GBA version is great and worth playing. The SNES version is better for reasons already stated in this thread, but it doesn't really matter. The core experience is the same. It's a good port.

>> No.1966117

The biggest mistake Nintendo has ever made is adding all those N64 sound effects to the GBA ports of SNES games. Absolutely abhorrent. They ruined the games.

>> No.1966129

Sounds new to me. Is there any video showcasing that?

>> No.1966130

>What about OoT 3D a
Haven't played it and don't plan to. The graphics look lazy to me and the characters are too bright.
>Fast sailing is just a cancer to the immersion of sailing, in my opinion. Sure, it's a slow and tedious process and there's close to nothing to do- but that's a good thing for when you finally find one of the usually-too-small islands and dying to explore it in every detail.
Fast sailing is nice and it's optional. The swift sail is not just given to you. The main thing to me is they changed the part of the game were you're collecting the Triforce shards. Other than that all the items are much easier to use and having the wii u controller is very nice for a Zelda game. Oh and the graphics look very nice.
Pretty much this. I haven't seen a remake done better than WW HD.

>> No.1966131

agreed. not as bad as adding the mario sounds to the gba versions though. that voice is intolerable.

>> No.1966134

>The main thing to me is they changed the part of the game were you're collecting the Triforce shards.
How much was it dumbed down, exactly?

>> No.1966135

The actual answer was given on the disk itself: LttP was available for GBA at the time. The idea was make every Zelda game available for that generation's platforms. They also mention how you can play all of them on your Game Cube if you have the link cable.

Anyway, having that collector's disk with LttP would have partially cannibalized a game they had just released.

>> No.1966136


The Mario and Zelda games added voices to all the characters. Donkey Kong Country replaced the Kremling and monkey noises with the ones from DKC (they gave Tiny's voice to Dixie).

Superfluous and incredibly irritating.

>> No.1966137

There's a bonus dungeon??

I guess there's no chance I'll ever get to play it myself other than using a rom and emulator. It's a real shame that I didn't know about this years earlier when my brother bought a copy of Link to the Past just so we could play Four Swords.

>> No.1966138
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Why would they add those garbage voices?

>> No.1966139

God, mario never shut the hell up
Who thought this was a good idea

>> No.1966140

I know right. It doesn't help that the sound quality of the GBA is so poor either.

>> No.1966143
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I never really got the hate for the voices in the gba ports. Its the iconic sounds everyone loves now.
Like sure it would have been nice if they were optional, but it doesn't bring down the games at all.

I think some people just hate change hardcore regardless.

>> No.1966145
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>everyone loves now
Speak for yourself.

>> No.1966146
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>The graphics look lazy

And WWHD's wasn't?

>> No.1966147

>I never really got the hate for the voices in the gba ports. Its the iconic sounds everyone loves now.
But they put them into the iconic games everyone has loved forever.




>> No.1966153

Ya sailing aimlessly across the ocean for charts that you then have to pay out the ass to have tingle deceiver really added depth to the game. Oh and god help you if you didn't talk to the fairy by then for the bigger wallet.
Are you talking about the same game? WWHD graphics were redone very well.

>> No.1966154

>The only time the duck is used in the Dark World is when you defeat agahnim for the second time.
Speaking of which, how did the duck enter the dark world...

... And maintain its form?

>> No.1966168

It was all a big part of the slow immersion in my opinion. If it was another game to have done this elaborate (still tedious of course) work to give a crude sense of adventure and exploring, it would have been praised, but no, it's zelda, and zelda needs to stay fairly simple and be enjoyed by everyone.

At least Nintendo still tries something new with every zelda, with mixed results (spirit track was pretty awful but a link between worlds was perfect, imo).

The voices would be okay by themselves, but they are triggered by every jump/pull/crouch and that's the biggest problem

>> No.1966174
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>WWHD graphics were redone very well.

Nah. They just gave WW's graphics bloom lighting and called it a day. Ruined the charm of the original game's graphics imo.

>> No.1966175

>to give a crude sense of adventure and exploring,
Most the charts were in areas you had already been.
All WWHD did was take some of the charts out and replace them with a shard just being there. You still need to have Tingle deceiver a few charts but not like in the original.
You're the first person I've seen complain about the change.

>> No.1966185
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And that's your opinion.

>> No.1966192

Well, yeah. That said, I do appreciate some of the tweaks it gave to the original gameplay. And what they did with the Triforce Shard hunt as well (though I'm still kinda disappointed they didn't add any of the cut dungeons in place of that). Holy shit did we go off topic and non-/vr/.

>> No.1966194

I know it's an impopolar opinion and I don't truly defend it- I know it's considered way better this way.

I just played the game a long time ago on my gamecube and all my memories of it are that it was the most immersive adventure I ever had, way better than any rpg thanks to the raw "here's the world, go explore it- you won't always find stuff, but it's big fuck you" approach. It takes a long time of blue sea, but every time you find something valuable (being a map or a piece of triforce or a bigger wallet or that godly song to move around with the hurricanes) it's better than any other videogame finding. Probably nowadays I won't have the same patience and find it boring, but I'd still be able to call the game good for actually doing it the hard way and ignoring the obvious backslash it's going to get.

Make it optional is just a theorical solution, as in practice everyone -especially kids that would immerge themselves more easily- is going to use fast sailing always.

I know the remake changes are probably for the best of the fans and new players, but my frustration comes from the fact that the game, getting streamlined as a zelda game, forgot about his pioneristic and crude approach to adventuring that hasn't been this strong in the series since the first zelda, and the fact that it's going to be ignored and do not spawn future games with the same basic idea.

They are promising a return to adventuring for the next zelda, but who knows.

>> No.1966206

Honestly I think you should try WWHD. I was a fan of WW and I wasn't sure about WWHD but after playing it it's one of my favorite Zelda games.

>> No.1966214

I'd do it but I got my WiiU shared with a friend and he wants to play WW on the gamecube to get the "original experience".

Still, I don't doubt it's a good remake, I'm just really annoyed by the fact that by simplyfing they are denying some really unique concepts that I guess another franchise should go for nowadays.

>> No.1966220

To me it's not simplifying it's removing bullshit. "Oh boy a treasure chest! There must be a shard in there! Nope just another fucking chart for that asshole Tingle".

>> No.1966230

If you call it removing bullshit, I guess either my wall-of-text point wasn't clear enough or you just won't accept it as anything else but bad game design.

>> No.1966234

Just my opinion. We don't all need to like WWHD.

>> No.1967261


>> No.1968478


>> No.1968480

GBA ports always ALWAYS fuck with the sound and color palette.

>> No.1968807

I played both as a kid, and I liked the GBA one just because I could take it with me to different places, then continue my game on the Gameboy Player. Nowadays I prefer the SNES version because the music is better and it doesn't have those annoying soundbites ripped from Ocarina of Time.

>> No.1969081

i prefer final fantasy vi advance.

>> No.1969104


it was literally done to artificially lengthen the game because half of the planned dungeons were dropped due to time constraints

a series of tedious fetch quests with monotonous sailing and grinding for cash is not adding anything meaningful to the game

is it your first video game or something never heard anyone actually defend this

>> No.1969120
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I'm playing through Link To The Past atm and I just looked in disgust when I saw this.

>> No.1969124

>is it your first video game or something never heard anyone actually defend this

I was in a thread on /v/ when we first got the news, and people were defending it for some reason. I think they were being contrarian.

>> No.1969480

I only ever played the SNES ver, what was different?

>> No.1969657


>> No.1970395

Because Zelda 2 is a shitty game?

>> No.1971373

What is so shitty about Zelda II?

>> No.1971457

The one with more buttons.

>> No.1971506

The SNES version is better, but it was still awesome being able to play ALttP (and all the other ports of good SNES games) on GBA back when it came out.

>> No.1971570

>And that's your opinion.

brilliant fuckin' observation sherlock

>> No.1971597

It does make some things seem too cartoony. But hell, that may have been the original intention and the N64 just couldn't do it. But with a game like OoT any change is bound to be a net negative, it's just too iconic.

>> No.1971606


the fact that its colour palette and general brightness has been saturated

I mainly think Link animations look gay

>> No.1972878

When is Link not gay?

>> No.1972892
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Only in Wind Waker, and even then he's probably sub as hell to Tetra.

>> No.1972913

Everyone, BEHOLD.

Full retard mode in action.

>> No.1972925

how big is the difference between SNES and GBA resolution?

>> No.1973626

Zelda II isn't shitty, you are.

>> No.1973636
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Glad you asked. GBA really isn't the platform for these type of things if you have the choice. Same with ff6, smw, etc.

>> No.1974912

That is overly bright. I realize they needed it to make it easier to see in a non backlit GBA but playing that when you are used to the original palette just hurts your soul

>> No.1975836

>You are a shitty person if you disagree with me!

>> No.1975842

Don't most emulators compensate for the pallet automatically though? I remember playing the GBA metroids and they didn't look nearly that bright. Maybe it was just the juxtaposition with the black/dark elements of the pallet though.

>> No.1975857

It's a good thing the game doesn't actually look anything like that when you play it. Older=better 100% of the time though, right?

>> No.1975876

I don't know why it's washed out. But the resolution difference is more than enough for me, especially in games like smw.

>> No.1976805

>Older=better 100% of the time though, right?

Not always like in the case with Final Fantasy I-II and Dragon Quest I-II being better in its remakes

>> No.1976963

too bad you're still playing WW, which was shit

>> No.1977246

>I never really got the hate for the voices in the gba ports.

I refuse to play the GBA port of Yoshi's Island because of Yoshi's terrible, terrible voice.

>> No.1977251


>FFI remakes

Wonderswan and PSX, sure. After that they can get fucked for removing the spells-per-day system

>> No.1977274

Yeah the bird has a new stop at Turtle Rock's Light World location after you get there. It's not "unlocked" by default.

And no, you still can't use the Ocarina in the Dark World.

>> No.1977276

Neither of those are remakes, to start with..
But then, neither is WWHD

>> No.1977290

It's not the voices it's the fact that the voices aren't used tactfully at all. Not every little action needs an over the top loud voice clip. That's one of the main things people rag on Bubsy for.

>> No.1977301

>Playing Metroid Fusion
>Ear peircing SFX every time Speed Booster activates
>The first time the Nightmare swoops by in the background in the Ice sector is so unexpected, loud and startling I nearly dropped my GBA
>Ridley-X. Just. Ridley-X.

>> No.1977316

>Dragon Warrior not being the single best game to have ever existed
you take that back

>> No.1978745

He is saying the remakes are better because the grinding is reduced in half and the sound and art looks better in 16-bit than 18 bit. Even our NES version looks much better than what Japan had

>> No.1979664

Literally it's because of this version. They came out at about the same time, and Jewtendo isn't about to just give away a game they expect you to pay $30+ for

>> No.1980691


>> No.1983094

It simply depends what you're playing on.

>GBA, PSP, Tablet/Smartphone
The port

>SNES, PSP, Home computer/Laptop
The original

>> No.1983156
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GBA, but i'm bias because I was a Genesis toddler & loved the GBA as a teenager

>> No.1985258

>i'm bias

>> No.1985274

How can you recommend both the original and the port for PSP?

>> No.1986316

SNES emulator is finicky I guess?

>> No.1988114

Well, while your statement is generally true, the Super Mario Advance 4 (SMB3/SMAS port) e-reader levels is actually some pretty amazing stuff. Too bad the accessory was killed off early, much more was planned there...

catpcha: ntscau Means

>> No.1990265

>NES does not have the obnoxious sound bytes whenever you use a sword
i put the gba version in my gameboy player.
man am i glad i bought that when gamestop was selling all their gamecube stuff for 80% off i got it for like nothing.

>> No.1990334

gba has better translation

>Snes scripts implies link & zelda are brothers
>AVGN brought up the GBA version of the script but not the original

>> No.1990428

>i'm bias

>> No.1990437

>Snes scripts implies link & zelda are brothers
it never implied that, you just thought that because of how it was worded.

>> No.1990487

GBA since you can take it on the go. I'm not autistic enough to sperg over the added voices (this goes for the Mario GBA ports as well), so I actually like their inclusion.

>> No.1990717

What particular part of the script are we talking about here? "Zelda is your... *uncle passes out*"?

>> No.1990743

I disagree.

>> No.1992408

The same person who thought not adding question marks at the end of your sentence is a good idea

>> No.1992445

>criticizes not terminating question sentences with question mark
>doesn't terminate his statement sentence with a full stop either

>> No.1992553

>SNES emulator is finicky I guess?
I think all PSP emulators are finicky. For me the SNES ALTTP runs, looks, and sounds better on my PSP 2000 with the latest SNES9xtyl emulator. The two GBA emulators I have both have problems; gpsp has garbled sound and tempgba gives me errors about corrupt saves and doesn't even let me create a profile to start the game.

>> No.1992562

Everything's saturated because 3D produces serious ghosting in dark in-game environments.

As for Link's animations, they're the exact same as the original game, just upped in framerate

>> No.1992575

Remember when you use the portal to the dark world on the GBA and get the wurrrrrerrrrr sound? That's the only reason I play the GBA

>> No.1992587

snes has better resolution and sound but gba is portable so eh. i'd say they're equally as enjoyable