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File: 43 KB, 350x341, Fear_Effect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1959019 No.1959019 [Reply] [Original]

Is this game any good? I've never known anyone to play it. Thinking about getting a copy from my local used game store.

>> No.1959026

It's apparently an action/horror/lesbian game

I don't really see how it could be bad.

>> No.1959032

It's sort of like Metal Gear Solid with a bit of a Resident Evil flavor. The major selling point on it at the time was the cel-shaded graphics, which were a knockout at the time but pretty common now. The gameplay is a little bit tedious. I have both games in my collection because they're my genres but I've never seriously played them.

>> No.1959047

Lesbian isn't a genre of games.

>> No.1959082

I am currently playing through the first one myself . Pretty good for a ten dollar game.

>> No.1959087

Five dollar, you mean.

>> No.1959106
File: 2.89 MB, 1920x800, Stick-Up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resident Evil with mysticism, the triad, and story perspective shuffling between three protags. Has animated pre-rendered backgrounds, cel shaded models, and tank controls

Enjoyed both games and was disappointed to find out how much progress was made with the third before cancellation

Give them a shot, op

>> No.1959296

You must be fun at parties.

>> No.1959325

Interesting visuals. Shit gameplay. You have to scroll through your inventory one item at a time in real time. The health bar is stupid and ill defined. They reuse the same puzzles over and over. The control map is aweful. Too many trial and error install death scenarios.

>> No.1959334

This exactly. Goddamn that trial&error gameplay, it's really awful.

It's one of those games that sell on the visuals, the 'story' and the technical aspects alone, even though gameplay is garbage. And of course the pro reviewers praise it, because that's all they look at.

There are action games with AITD-style camera and control style, like Dino Crisis 2 or Parasite Eve 2 or the non retro Onimusha trilogy, but Fear Effect just isn't right.

>> No.1959341

cant say ive ever played them but sure did fap alot to the ads for no.2 in playstation magazine back in the day.

>> No.1959369

Yeah I am. I'm a hoot at lesbian ones especially.

>> No.1959493


It's heavy FMV Resident Evil with a setting taken from Chinese mythology and Ghost in the Shell.

It's not bad.

>Metal Gear Solid

There's none of that. It's more RE. You even get zombies for no reason. The plot/setting is all over the place and they probably should have kept it sci-fi instead of adding in mythology.

>> No.1959497

>Too many trial and error install death scenarios.
>whining about this in a retro game

>> No.1959510

>There's none of that.
There's so much stealth

>> No.1960031

I always wanted to play this when I was younger, just based on the magazine ads. It looks like it's really cheap these days. Is it worth starting with the first one? Or is the sequel considerably better?

>> No.1960074

It's not bad, I enjoyed it. The game has some odd quirks and takes some getting used to, but the plot, characters, and puzzles are all pretty good.

I would say the first one is a bit better than Fear Effect 2, actually.

>> No.1960095
File: 2.04 MB, 1600x900, fear_effect_1____wallpaper_by_feareffectinferno-d6mz27e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was always a huge fan of them. I really like the gritty cyber punk Hong Kong mysticism setting and a lot of the puzzles are real brain scratches.

>There's so much stealth

Seriously learn to back stab people fucking immediately.


well 2 is technically a prequel but Id still sya play one first. I do think 2 is the better game though. Ironed out a few of the bugs.

>> No.1960127


Cool. it looks like they both go for around 4 bucks on amazon. I think I'll buy the first and give it a shot

>> No.1960137
File: 3.27 MB, 1434x2167, fear_effect_1____poster_2_by_feareffectinferno-d6mz29m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


huh are they really that cheap. I remember getting mine for 15 off ebay.

whats the condition?

>> No.1960184

Good, but discs only. Speaking of which, this is 4 discs? Wow

>> No.1960195

I own two copies of this game for some reason but i;ve always enjoyed it, characters are likeable or funny story is cheesy hana is sexy. whats not to love

>> No.1960224
File: 245 KB, 1600x1103, fe_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Speaking of which, this is 4 discs? Wow

The game uses pre rendered video for it's background and that eats up a lot of CD space. The games themselves are closer to average RE length, maybe a bit more because of the harder puzzles

it was impressive for the time but I just don't want to give you any wrong ideas or expectations. There's only about 4 or 5 good sized areas

>> No.1960239
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, fear-effect-14-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh before I forget

Protip: when you get to the last area (you'll know) make sure you're playing on hard mode for the good ending

>> No.1960296
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 8be[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do think 2 is the better game though.
>explicit lesbian scenes for no reason

>> No.1960307

I fail to see the problem

>> No.1960419

Oh, that's cool. I just watched some videos and I really like the way it looks. It's pretty damn impressive for a PS1 game

>> No.1960442
File: 151 KB, 1024x768, feareffect2retrohelixwallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hana and Rain's relationship ended up being a lot more well done and important than the add campaign would lead you to believe. It wasn't just "LOL HOT LESBIANS."

They had a legitimate bond

>> No.1960467
File: 43 KB, 470x405, fe2rh_japan_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that it will ever get any credit. Why can't people look past the ultra violence and TnA to see the real story.

Why is sex so villainized. Hana is the one in control of her sexuality, even going so far as to be able to weaponize and use it to her advantage. Should this not be rewarded? Why must everything conform to a set list of standards. The real world is not a pretty place a lot of the time and the FE world is hardly any worse. It all works to build the world and characters.

>> No.1960550

What the fuck is an install death scenario?

>> No.1960610


most likely a typo for INSTANT. Which these games had in spades

>> No.1960665

Maybe they shouldn't have had the death scenarios installed?

>> No.1960695


>> No.1960740

I bought it at a Goodwill for about 3 dollars. Played it for about a half hour. I could never get into the Resident Evil controls where you turn with the directional buttons and go back and forth with up and down. From what I played it seemed like something I would have loved when I was a kid, due to the graphics and the actual story (which even many PS1 games I owned seemed to lack back then).

I want to like it more than I do but it seems like I just want the story and I'm not even interested in the game play that much.

>> No.1960897

>I could never get into the Resident Evil controls where you turn with the directional buttons and go back and forth with up and down

Full 3D controls wouldn't work with the way the camera is done. You'd be stopping to reorient any time you change screens

>> No.1960923


I understand why it needs to be that way but it's still annoying. If I don't know when the camera is going to suddenly skip to a new angle it's almost as bad as having to stop to reorient anyway, especially in a game that uses stealth heavily from what I played.

>> No.1960953


Sex scene is still gratuitous and bad.

>> No.1960956

>Why is sex so villainized.

It's not. It's just that the sex is added just to give 14 year olds boners. Sexuality can be handled in a more mature form than pandering to teens.

>> No.1960957

>I could never get into the Resident Evil controls where you turn with the directional buttons and go back and forth with up and down.

You must have had a terrible childhood.

>> No.1961668


and not actually a sex scene ya prude.


Or it's just the nature of that kind of world the game is trying to create.

>> No.1961830

kind of like resident evil but actually difficult

>> No.1962864
File: 54 KB, 1024x768, fear_effect_2-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.1963123

Pretty difficult and lots of puzzles that cause instant death if you fail. I turned on god mode about halfway through it. It was fun, but a bit 2edgy4me in some parts and I don't think I would play it again.

>> No.1963227
File: 308 KB, 555x583, 3afe4d72a053505fd0ddf1712321f1aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The developers had trial and error gameplay in mind so it's bound to put off some players. They offset it to a degree by implementing an abundance of unique death cutscenes, which are quite amusing. Don't view unless you mind being spoiled


>> No.1963241

man this game had a fucking cool art-style/graphics

makes me want to play it

>> No.1964139
File: 253 KB, 824x1078, inferno1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shame Inferno never got made