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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1953228 No.1953228[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Pretty cool video. What do you think /vr/? For me he hit the nail on the head. I crave video game novelty and unfortunately I've reached the point where there's nothing really new for me anymore and that's why gaming is no longer as interesting to me as it used to be.

And he's so right about there not being a 'consensus' of what makes a game good anymore. /v/, even in 2009, did seem to have a general consensus and there was a lot more 'hivemind' then than there is now. 2014 /v/ is all over the place.

>> No.1953242

it took you this long to figure out that all games nowadays are a copy of a copy of a copy?

>> No.1953248

Hey faggot. Piss off.

>> No.1953251
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Danny O'Dwyer's a good dude.

>> No.1953327

I don't really get the point of the picture. I feel like this thread would thrive more in /v/, because as far as I can tell by your post, and by the topic of the video, it is more pertaining to more modern games. Thus far however, I am very content with videogames. I have not grown bored of them, and still enjoy some of the more modern games to have come out.

>> No.1953472

>can't simply say "they're"

Danny O'Dwyer's human garbage.

>> No.1953479


>> No.1953481

"They" is a plural pronoun.

>> No.1953503

>being this autistic

>> No.1953505

I don't crave novelty.
For me videogames are industrial design, not art, comparable to cars and buildings.
I like well crafted gameplay. Some good games are still being made.

>> No.1953507

Welcome to pay for dlc and release it broken on launch day generation.

>> No.1953508

He's right.

Games today are commercialized garbage.

There are no longer any big quantum leaps like in the '80s and '90s. Even early to mid-00s.

Sad thing is, it coincided with the time where the west took over from Japan. The west is a poor custodian of videogames, and they bring shit topics into videogames where they don't belong - SJW social engineering, gender and race baiting (stupid game journo accusing RE5 of racism), and on and on.

The games press and their western dev friends killed videogaming.

>> No.1953530


>> No.1953532

Theres no big leaps anymore because developers have tapped in to a very profitable and very stupid market. Half the shit labelled as "next gen" these days is running on engines made close to a decade ago.

Marketing sells far more than quality these days.

>> No.1953538
File: 260 KB, 600x600, 1348126694271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that game got to do with anything?

>> No.1953541

There are still leaps. They just cost a lot of money. See oculus rift> I kinda count the true sand box games of PC like shit with the cry engine or morrowind too an extent. Now if something like Zelda could come along and take advantage of that I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
But you have shit like CoD, gears, and w/e other shitty fps garbage that sells millions. So why bother,

>> No.1953542

>oculus rift is a leap

>facebook on your head is a fucking leap

Eat shit.

>> No.1953545

I think you should post a pastebin when you want to talk about some shitty gamespot article because they've been caught stealth marketing here many times in the past.

>> No.1953547


>> No.1953552

Hey man some of the games look amazing.

>> No.1953553

But it's just a Souls type game. I kind of get tired of Souls games being the benchmark for how you measure difficulty in games - They are the call of duty of hard games.

>> No.1953559

I've already got a girlfriend though, so I don't need an anime vr sex sim.

>> No.1953564

Maybe she needs a girlfriend.

>> No.1953568




>> No.1953574

Wow you must be one hardcore dude to be getting angry over a video game maybe invading someone's privacy after the person agrees to an eula when we have bombs dropping all over the world and all the 9/11 alphabet organizations along with the 9/11 laws/practices/militarization of public servants.

But fuck those fucking commies at occulas rift!

>> No.1953575

How is it not? Haven't bought one yet, but haven't heard anything about the sale to Facebook effecting the product yet either. It looks pretty promising though. I hope that Carmack's coding expertise will help to expand the project, so that I may get anime vr sex sims and a port of Quake III.

>> No.1953586

lol pls faggot
they're great games
I don't even care that they're considered to be 'difficult'; it's hardly the point of what makes DeS and DaS1 great
stop trying so damn hard to be an epic contrarian
get some pussy some time too while you're at it, I promise you'll feel better about life

>> No.1953598

>butchering English

Thanks for contributing to English getting even shittier

>> No.1953636

There is a consensus on what makes a modern game "good" though:

>60 frames per second
>amazing graphics
>hallway levels
>cover based shooting
>carry 2 guns at a time
>gameplay based entirely on shooting or slashing
>generic soldier/knight MC taking on terrorists, aliens, dragons, ect
>standardized camera controls
>"different" genres are to be different in name only, and all basically be action games and be focused entirely on killing things
>No platformers, survival horror, turn based, action/adventure, pure adventure or any other unique genres allowed
>unless it's a "retro" style indie game
>or unless you can force said genres to play like an action game
>5 hours of video sequences for every 7 hours of gameplay (or the other way around)
>characters constantly talking to themselves or each other during gameplay
>if it takes you longer than 4 seconds to solve a puzzle, the game either solves it FOR you, or the switch you need to hit lights up and arrows lead you to it
>hour long mandatory tutorial levels
>waypoints, just in case you get lost in the fucking hallway
>I'm not even trolling

It's older games where different opinions, tastes and preferences came in to play a LOT more.

People who loved OoT may not have like RE2 or FFVII. People who loved Mario may not like Sonic or Crash Bandicoot (even though they're "similar"). People who like Doom may not like Ridge Racer or Riven. people who like Street Fighter may not like Metal Slug or MGS. It goes on and on.

These days, people who like CoD, like GoW, GTA, RE4, MGS, The Witcher, ect, ect, ect. and the only real reason to like one particular game over another is what platform it's on, because even "open world" games are linear to a disgusting degree and almost everything has the exact same core gameplay.

Standardization is what's killing gaming and turning off oldfags like me. But that's why I got into playing older games I missed out on the first time 'round.

>> No.1953645

you forgot gamebreaking rewards based on time spent or $. gotta spend if you want to be a pro, anon.

>> No.1953649
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>They're probably right too.

>> No.1953672

not retro


>> No.1953673

Some people say that Half-Life 2 pioneered the modern video game style, with linear level design and a huge emphasis on cinematics. It's still a classic FPS at the core, but one plagued with poor lighting, too many generic enemies, poor ammo distribution, bad level layouts, and a gimmick based around the rocket launcher.

>> No.1953685

How does hl2 have linear level design? If anything it's a showcase of how not to make a linear game with all the mod support.

>> No.1953690

the video is speaking to our demographic and it references multiple older games. you want this board to die out completely from lack of discussion or what? save that shit for /v/ kids or shit posting

>> No.1953692

>bad shit in one part of the world means its ok to close your eyes and not only ignore, but PROMOTE bad shit somewhere else

Keep trying to justify your desperate search for the next dopamine rush you braindead chimp.

>> No.1953695

>Oh, here's a path, but there's also a ladder
>let me check out the path
>just a few ammo crates, the proper route is through the ladder

They hide the linearness a little by making the levels very maze-like, or give them a lot of movement areas like Ravenholm. That said.

>tfw HL2 is 10 years old
>tfw HL2 is closer to being a /vr/ game than a modern game

>> No.1953696

what the fuck does linearity have to do with mod support

do you have down syndrome?

>> No.1953706

HL2 might be the most modded game besides doom. It's anything but linear being as it promoted mod support.
>thinks america only causes "bad shit" in one part of the world
Makes me sad that fellow Americans are this fucking ignorant. Don't forget watch your cnn and support Israel.
It's a fucking eula you child. Maybe read it.

>> No.1953740

Linearity has absolutely nothing to do with mod support you fucking mouth breather.

>> No.1953745

Ya having endless amount of maps, game modes, and models is linear, right? Go pay for you psn shit or w/e CoD bullshit dlc for maps. While you're at it go back to /v/.

>> No.1953754

>getting this asshurt
settle down son. not even the fag you're replying to.

>> No.1953756

what the fuck are you on about you idiot

>> No.1953760

Just don't know man. Seems everyday now someone is calling some amazing game crap in comparison to something modern.
That question would be better directed at you.

>> No.1953772

Just because you can mod a game doesn't mean it isn't linear

>> No.1953786

>60 FPS

Only elitist PC gamers cared and once consoles finally did manage to reach 60FPS they started screaming that 120 is now the new standard.

>> No.1953787

True. HL2 like most of the last great PC games not only allowed mod support but also supported it. The game is not linear.

>> No.1953794

Nice generalization. Some games do benefit from high fps though. Not visually mind you.

>> No.1953801

>Maybe we just want something different from our videogames
>We must learn to accept it just like we did with movies


>> No.1953806

So fucking what if it had mod support? That doesn't change if something is linear or not.

Doom 3 had mod support but that didn't mean it wasn't linear.

>> No.1953810

>"...you could play on the internet"
I mean yes you could but wasn't online play in 1998 absolutely miniscule compared to all people playing video games at the time? maybe I was just young (elementary school then) but no one I knew even conceived of playing video games online across the world with people at the time

otherwise good video, thankss for posting op

>> No.1953814

Uhm, Doom, Quake, EverQuest, and the likes.

>> No.1953824

People are still making new shit for doom. Now you're calling that linear?
I don't think you understand what linear means.

>> No.1953830

>And he's so right about there not being a 'consensus' of what makes a game good anymore
that's right

remember fun is not longer the metric by which we judge games by

>> No.1953836

The communities for those games were very small. Looking back at it with games how they are now anyway. Not like today were there's either or maybe both a 12 year old and some 3rd world yelling in his mudspeak over a mic.
When you got into the early 2000s when voip got better it was interesting. Started getting truly global communities.

>> No.1953843
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yes yes I know but I think you missed my point
sure online games existed then but to imply that they took off in popularity as far back as 1998, I feel, grossly exaggerates how big they were when so few people even had internet

>> No.1953846

People making things after the fact has nothing to do with the core game.

If Call of Warfare: Modern Battle Duty 8 got mod tools it wouldn't stop the game itself from being linear. Likewise if someone made a mod for Morrowind that turned it in to a rail shooter it wouldn't make Morrowind linear.

>> No.1953853

But consensus DOES exist.

>> No.1953856


>> No.1953861

Well you seem to think that adding things like new maps, game modes, and models makes a game linear. I don't.

It's why a game like TF2 is still as popular as it is. Would just be a linear shooter if it didn't have mods.

>> No.1953873

No I'm saying that adding new things doesn't change what a game is at its core.

TF2 is multiplayer only and irrelevant because it has no progression which means it can't be linear or non-linear.

>> No.1953874

My TV doesn't even support 60fps

>> No.1953884
File: 23 KB, 325x181, chillin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The video makes me feel old /vr/
I was born in the same year as he is
I'm old now. I don't know how to be old.

>> No.1953898

>TF2 is multiplayer only and irrelevant because it has no progression which means it can't be linear or non-linear.
Every game mode has a goal that you want to get. Most shooters by definition are linear. They tend to be very simple at their core. Kill the the enemy team and maybe capture a point or something. What makes them non-linear is mods.
Like unreal with instagib. Complete chaos.

>> No.1953912

>We're a special group and no one will ever be quite like us

Whether it's in reference to movies, music, games, politics, pizza... fuck anyone who says that. It's not as special as you believe it is. When you distill it to its basic essence, every generation enjoys what it grew up with. The particulars don't really matter.

>> No.1953913

I'm not him, but just in case you're not trolling, would you explain what it means for a game to be linear, and how mod support prevents this?

>> No.1953921

but the industry is fucked and the games from previous generations are of objectively better quality.

>> No.1953926

Any old man or young child will insist that what they know is best and what they came before/after is worse. You laugh at their opinions and dismiss them. The world does the same to you. No one cares what you feel, and shaking your fist at a cloud isn't going to change anything, anyway.

>> No.1953930

A linear game is one that is beaten or played in few ways. With shooters mods add new content that may add to existing content or create something new. Not all mods add new ways to play but many do and they make the game not linear.

>> No.1953942

that's a sad point of view. it sounds like you are too cynical or you see things in complete black and white.

i like new games but the substance, love and quality of older games is just not there. across the board it's gone. i'm 23 so it's not like i'm oblivious to these new games.

not everyone who states an opinion is bitter or stuck in their ways, come on.

>> No.1953947

Too cynical? You're the one who just said "the industry is fucked, modern games suck"
>in before "wasn't me"
You're 23 and you've already started approaching modern games with the presumption that they'll be objectively worse.

>> No.1953956

where did i say they suck?

where did i say how i approach games?

do you understand that people are capable of approaching things with an open mind, and appreciating them for their value regardless of what came before?

>> No.1953960

You appreciate things with an open mind?

>" the industry is fucked and the games from previous generations are of objectively better quality."

Sounds like a foregone conclusion to me.

>> No.1953967

that's based on my observations of games that i've played. i'm allowed to have an opinion since i've played the games, right? and since i've played games of all generations that's the conclusion i've drawn.

you're implying things you can't possibly know. why assume i'm biased because i've noticed trends in the industry?

>> No.1953972

Don't pull the "my opinions!" card. That just devolves into "well MY opinion is your opinion sucks" and so on and so forth. Just stop responding to him.

>> No.1953976

the guy is civil so i don't mind, although i don't appreciate accusations and putting words in my mouth. there's a difference between having a bias and forming your own conclusions.

>> No.1953982

well he is kind of right. There isnt a consesus on what makes a game good anymore but that doesnt stop developers from copying each other looking for those key things that will make their game call of duty.
Everyone keeps saying you should look for indie games but there is a ton of indie games how do i know where to look?

>> No.1953984

>that's based on my observations of games that i've played
The problem is that you're playing shitty games.

>> No.1953989

what a thoughtful assumption. my views can't possibly hold weight because they don't conform to yours. i understand.