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1945810 No.1945810 [Reply] [Original]

Rank and discuss the dungeons (this is a dungeon thread) of the two 3D Zelda games (Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask).

Here's is the list of dungeons.
Great Deku Tree
Dodongo's Cavern
Jabu Jabu's Belly
Forest Temple
Fire Temple
Water Temple
Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Woodfall Temple
Snowhead Temple
Great Bay Temple
Stone Tower Temple

>> No.1945818

Here are my rankings.
Great Deku Tree
Forest Temple
Stone Tower Temple
Spirit Temple
Fire Temple
Dodongo's Cavern
Woodfall Temple
Shadow Temple
Water Temple
Snowhead Temple
Great Bay Temple
Jabu Jabu's Belly

>> No.1945840
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Dodongos Cavern
Stone Tower Temple
Snowhead Temple
Great Bay Temple
Great Deku Tree
Woodfall Temple
Fire Temple
Shadow Temple
Water Temple

I've come to realize how much more interesting the Majora's Mask dungeons are

>> No.1945878

Too much trouble to sort them all out but I'll say that I think Spirit, Great Bay, and Fire Temple are some of the best.

Stone Tower is absolute garbage and its continued praise is always baffling to me. Whenever I get finished with the bay area in Majora's Mask I always feel this strong urge to quit playing, knowing what's ahead.

>> No.1945890

I'm not going to list it all out, but everytime I get Jabu, the Water Temple, and Snowhead Temple I have to trudge through the games because all of the things related to them are just not fun and incredibly tedious.

>> No.1945896

Top Tier: Forest Temple, Jabu Jabu's Belly
Good Tier: Dodongo's Cavern, Deku Tree
Okay Tier: Great Bay
Bottom Tier: Everything else

>> No.1945897

Forest Temple
Spirit Temple
Stone Tower Temple
Water Temple
Snowhead Temple
Woodfall Temple
Fire Temple
Great Bay Temple
Shadow Temple
Dodongo's Cavern
Jabu Jabu's Belly
Great Deku Tree

A lot of nostalgia talking here as I played OoT earlier, I do think MM's dungeons are more interesting.

I actually really like the Water Temple, even with the cumbersome level changes and repetitive design in places. I think that temple has amazing atmosphere, and the battle with Shadow Link is fantastic.

The Forest Temple will always reign supreme for me, that dungeon has some of the deepest atmosphere in any game I've ever played. In fact, sorting these out made me realize how much I like the 3d Zelda dungeons in general, I think they're all pretty well-designed and none of them are too tedious or frustrating.

>> No.1945898

1: Great Palace Zelda 2

2: 3d zelda games suck

>> No.1945924

>Discuss things from two games
>lel hipster third choice
People like you are fucking annoying.

>> No.1945943

>These people that haven't accepted the lord Fire Temple into their hearts

It's literally the best designed dungeon in the entire franchise. Never frustrating, interesting puzzles, easily graspable yet not needlessly simplistic architecture, thematically unified, has actual motivators to proceed, simultaneously more streamlined and less hand holdy than any other of the temples, it's just perfect. I could write a book on that temple alone.

It does have one major flaw, and that is the boss fight. Even then, it's not terrible, just meh.

>> No.1945949

hipsters are casual and worship games like oot, don't you see their le triforce tattoos? I wouldn't call any of the temples in the 3d games good they all feel like they are just more locations to run through really lacking in fun mechanics.

>> No.1946126

forest temple

great deku tree
dodongo's cavern
water temple
shadow temple
woodfall temple

jabu jabu's belly
fire temple
spirit temple
snowhead temple
stone tower temple

great bay temple

>> No.1946131

>one of the only fun water levels in all of vidya

>> No.1946140
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>fire temple

>> No.1946175

>water temple
>anything but aggravating tier

>> No.1946183

He's talking about Great Bay Temple you illiterate chucklefuck.

>> No.1946191

Ocarina of Time, best to worst:

Dodongo's Cavern
Deku Tree

Majora's Mask:

Stone Tower
Great Bay

>> No.1946194

I never really understood why so many people hate Jabu-Jabu's Belly. It's one of the most interesting dungeons in the series.

>> No.1946195

Interesting in concept but it was executed terribly.

>> No.1946197

What about it was terribly executed?

>> No.1946308

Stone Tower
Great Bay
Deku Tree

>> No.1946314

The atmosphere is very disorienting and Ruto is a complete bitch.

>> No.1946320

... Oh. Thought you were going to state something relevant to its design.

>> No.1946456

>hipsters preferring Option A over Option B, when Option B is the more vintage of the two options
nice try, hipster, but we're on your trail!

>> No.1946465

I'm not that poster but I believe that both criticisms are relevant to its design: the atmosphere makes the layout difficult to navigate, and the escort quest sucks.

>> No.1946502

>the escort quest sucks

I hesitate to even call it an escort mission. She's more or less just a living prop you carry around. She doesn't interfere and can't die.

>> No.1946521

>the atmosphere makes the layout difficult to navigate
How so? I still don't understand.

>the escort quest sucks
Of course, especially if you manage to lose her and have to backtrack to get her again. Doesn't seem like too bad a dungeon aside from that.

>> No.1947215

>not even encluding gannons castle as a dungeon tier.

fuck you.

also fuck majoras mask.

>> No.1947240

Might as well only include Stone Tower because Majora's Mask only had 1 good dungeon.

>> No.1947249

And it certainly wasn't Stone Tower.

>> No.1947254
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Majora is the 3D Zelda game with the worst dungeons which is very sad since it also has the least.

>> No.1947265

IMO, you are forgetting some major ones from OOT. But I guess I can forgive leaving them out.
>well bottom
>ice cavern
>ganon trials/castle
I'm not rating everything though, it's really hard. I think I can put the forest temple as my #1 though, but otherwise it's tough.

>> No.1947401


I think the best OoT/MM dungeons are Stone Tower, Forest Temple, Spirit Temple, Fire Temple.

TP has the best 3d dungeons though

>> No.1947426


>jabu Jabus belly
>top tier

Why? It's not the worst, buts it not particularly good

>> No.1947437
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I think the fire temple is underrated, too. It's pretty much perfect in it's design. The other adult temples have better atmosphere, though

>> No.1947442


Bottom of the well has GOAT atmosphere. My first time playing it was at 3 am in complete darkness.

Ice cavern is annoying

Ganons tower is annoying

>> No.1947448


Ganons tower is disappointing, I mean

>> No.1948092

Yeah, but you can't fight while carrying her, and the game places all sorts of enemies that will just completely fuck you in the paths you have to go on while carrying her.

>> No.1948114

>fuck majora's mask
Typical Ocarina of Time fan.
The game isn't about the dungeons though. There's a reason why the game was called Zelda: Gaiden (side story) during its development. It's because it's not meant to be seen as a usual Zelda title. It's a game of its own that just uses the Zelda name yet is focused on immersion as well as character and world building. The game is much more of a life sim than a Zelda game and it's very clearly intentionally made to appeal to non-retards who actually care about originality patrician ideals in vidya.

>> No.1948921

>ganon' castle as a dungeon
yeah, you walk up stairs. cool dungeon

>spelling mistakes are typical of an Ocarina of Time fan
i'd love to see the well thought out logic behind that

>> No.1948924

>originality patrician ideals in vidya.
what the fuck are you even saying

>> No.1948925

Ocarina of Time fans are plebeians. They need a ridiculous amount of linearity and spoonfeeding in order to enjoy a game.
To put it simply, they are imbeciles.

>> No.1948940

>They need a ridiculous amount of linearity and spoonfeeding
just like majora's mask has?

>> No.1948951

how is enjoying a linear game in any way related to one's ability to spell?

>> No.1949005

Which is the comfiest Zelda?

My ranking:

>> No.1949017

Windwaker is by far the comfiest Zelda

>> No.1949023

I dunno, I love the feel of aLttP. It's my fav art style of any of the Zeldas. Sometimes I'll just spend like 15 minutes checking out all of Kakariko town, just for funsies and comfies.

But it's very close.

>> No.1949043


>> No.1949050

No thanks, smashfags and
>for free
warriors are making it pretty unbearable. Not that it usually isn't.

Also we're talking Zelda, and I think LttP is the comfiest Zelda. What do you think, anon?

>> No.1949057


How the fuck is it a life sim?

This has to be the worst post I've ever seen on this board.

>> No.1949257


>> No.1949270 [DELETED] 

majora's mask came out in 2000 reported enjoy your band

>> No.1949294

here's for me:

Elder god tier:
Stone Tower, Spirit Temple,
God tier:
Forest Temple, Fire Temple, Shadow Temple
Good tier: Every other dungeon.

I mean really. There might be a dungeon that you guys personally dislike, but try to look at it subjectively. They're all good, no wonder why both became classics.

>> No.1949301
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Why? Ganon's Castle is one of the weakest parts of the entire game, with its rehashed dungeon sections, forgettable aesthetic and the way it requires you to have the Golden Gauntlets, but arbitrarily places them in a random chest in the Shadow section (I know this comes off as nitpicking, but really, go back and play it again, it feels like the devs built the whole place in a day).

The only memorable part is ascending the stairwell up to Ganon's throne room, with his organ playing slowly increasing in volume. It has an excellent buildup (even if the intermediary fights are very predictable), and it's a shame it has to be preceded by such lame, tedious garbage.

>> No.1949313
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Not him, but a big chunk of the game is spent investigating and talking with the NPC characters, who all have actual scheduled routines with events that are triggered at specific times of day. Yes, there are dungeons and items and all sorts of common Zelda tropes, but the devs certainly placed a great deal of emphasis on immersing the player in the lives of the townsfolk.

That said, I wouldn't call Majora's Mask a life sim anymore than I'd call Wind Waker a boat sim. It has elements from those sorts of games in spades, yes, but it's still very much a Zelda game.

>> No.1949317

Stone Tower

Deku Tree

Didn't care for:
Great Bay
Jabu Jabu

>> No.1949331
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Not him either, but I think he's saying that OoT, while not necessarily bad, tends to attract a lot of morons since it's comparatively less complex and far more simplistic than Majora's Mask. Not that this makes MM the better of the two, but between a game with a constantly active time limit that has the bulk of the game devoted to talking to NPC's and time management, and a game with zero time limit and the bulk of the game revolving around combat and simple puzzles, which do you think is going to attract more retards?

>> No.1949334
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Majora's Mask was designed for a console that was released in 1996, and thus is retro according to the board rules. Stop spamming this shit, and also try reading up on grammar and spelling while you're at it too.

>> No.1950418

jesus chill out
so majora's mask sucks
so does ocarina of time
i mean, in their own ways
just say what you like and what you don't, not what you think people who like X are like, nobody cares
unless everyone wants a shitpost thread then type away

alright so I didn't really enjoy Spirit Temple as much as all the other guys 'cause I thought the whole going i as a kid thing was lame, even more, by that point, all of the Ganondorf exposition from that level was useless and the desert was whack. The only good thing was Epona jumping that bridge like a boss, and dat Spanish guitar music.

Shadow Temple was kind of a let down 'cause while it was genuinely frightening, it didn't feel as epic as the Fire, Forest or Water Temples. Even if Water Temple sucked, it still felt epic.

Out of all the bosses, though, which one was the worst? ib4 Ganondorf

>> No.1950432

Best to worst
Phantom Ganon
Bongo Bongo
King Dodongo

>> No.1950496

Spirit temple
Shadow temple
Water temple
Forest temple
Fire temple
Dodongos cavern
Deku tree
Jabu Jabu

Fuck jabu jabu

I didnt like majoras mask so I cant really rank the dungeons.

Also I just realized how weird a word temple is. I had to check several times to make sure I spelled it right.

>> No.1950507

God Tier
Stone Tower Temple
Spirit Temple
Forest Temple

Great Tier
Fire Temple
Shadow Temple
Woodfall Temple
Snowhead Temple

Good Tier
Great Bay Temple
Dodongo's Cavern

Meh tier
Jabu Jabu's Belly
Deku Tree
Water Temple

>> No.1950512


>Barinade on top

Hell yeah. That fight is awesome. I wish the boomerang got used more often.

>> No.1950585

Jabu Jabus Belly was difficult to navigate when I was like 7, it's easy as pie so long as you're aren't retarded.

>> No.1950669

> Stone Tower Temple: Fantastic music, fairly challenging and unique temple flipping gameplay, a whole slew of mini bosses for you to face, overall top favourite dungeon
> Forest Temple: Eerie, creepy, but appealing aesthetics and music, get one of the best weapons in the game, enjoyable boss fight
> Water Temple: Confusing to traverse through (that one block hiding a passageway in the room inside the middle pillar of the main room always got me), but overall aesthetics are nice, Dark Link fight was fucking amazing
> Shadow Temple: Horrifying, but also still cool, Hover Boots are pretty neat, boss fight was also great
> Snowhead Temple: Interesting dungeon that you basically scale upwards, Fire Arrows are nice but the best, and possibly most frustrating part is the boss battle, chasing it down as Darunia
> Spirit Temple: Nice duality to the dungeon, having to clear it as both Child and Adult, Mirror Shield is awesome, boss fights are also fun
> Woodfall Temple: Pretty decent for a first dungeon, get the bow which is essential for the game, boss fight was great
> Dodongo's Cavern: Get one of the most useful items in the game, boss fight was nice
> Fire Temple: Not too bad, kind of boring to traverse through to be honest but the boss fight was cool
> Great Bay Temple: Mechanical aesthetics are kinda neat but overall just an alright dungeon, mini boss fight was kinda neat
> Jabu Jabu's Belly: Kind of a weird dungeon but the Boomerang's kinda cool and the boss fights weren't too bad
> Great Deku Tree: Just doesn't seem too appealing to me, really, Gohma was just alright

>> No.1952860
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It was very frustrating to me as a kid, for a number of reasons; there's the fact that the whole dungeon is pretty samey, and it's easy to get lost in a lot of those arterial corridors since many of them look the same. There's the jellyfish enemies that are seemingly unkillable until you get the boomerange, and then there's the fact that you have to haul Ruto's ass around the whole dungeon. Also, those goddamn sphincter-like holes in that room with all the jellyfish tentacles; one misstep and you fall all the way down to the level below.

Granted, I replayed it recently and it wasn't so bad, but goddamn as a kid that was the low-point of the entire game.

>> No.1952871

this nigga has it right

>> No.1952925

I can support this.

Stone Tower is definitely the best.

>> No.1953026
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Stone Tower Temple
Forest Temple
Spirit Temple
Water Temple
Fire Temple
Jabu Jabu's Belly
Shadow Temple
Dodongo's Cavern
Inside the Deku Tree
Woodfall Temple
Great Bay Temple
Snowhead Temple

besides Stone Tower Temple I'm not a fan of Majora's Mask dungeons

>> No.1953051
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>Spirit Temple
>entrance is between giant female statue's legs
>map of the first rooms looks like uterus, ovaries etc.

>> No.1953069

>All this placing Stone Tower Temple as god tier

I don't get how anyone could do that while simultaneously hazing the Water Temple. I was worse than the water temple in my opinion. All that playing the Elegy of emptiness, all that gravity shifting, that confusing as hell layout.... The only thing it did better than the Water Temple was atmosphere and music.

Plus, it was way too long, I'm not a fan of overly long dungeons, which all of Majora's dungeons were, but that was to make up for there only being four. So that's more of personal preference.

>> No.1953071

>Headcanon bullshit

I bet you think the stone tower was built as an insult to the goddesses, making a lewd gesture to them.

>> No.1953190
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The Deku Tree was well designed.

>> No.1953916
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> The only thing it did better than the Water Temple was atmosphere and music.

...Which some people value over the raw gameplay. Plus, the Water Temple had, er, water, which was just boring and slow to try and traverse with OoT's swimming mechanics. Stone Tower Temple also had the benefit of not having "that one key".

>> No.1954113

>"that one key"
You mean the one that isn't even necessary to beat the dungeon?

>> No.1954170
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>stone tower was built as an insult to the goddesses


>> No.1954196

Unqualified to eval the MM temples but:

>Water Temple
>Spirit Temple
>Dodongo's Cavern
>Forest Temple
>Fire Temple
>Great Deku Tree
>Jabu Jabu's Belly / Shadow Temple

>> No.1954202

I like Forest Temple, Water Temple, Shadow Temple Woodfall temple and Stone Tower Temple. The rest I find meh.

>> No.1954203
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The Stone Temple can be viewed as a parallel to the story of the Tower of Babel. The people of the Ikana kingdom erect the temple to show off their power and attempt to steal the power of the goddesses, so they in turn invert it. Rather than building a tower to heaven, they build a stairway to hell. The common theory is that the Ikana erected a lot of phallic structures as a literal form of telling the goddesses "Fuck You," and a lot of the stone blocks with those weird faces have textures where the tongues extend down to their assholes, where the Triforce is located.

So yeah.

>> No.1954223

OoT Jabu-Jabu is alright

Not related to the thread but OoA Jabu-Jabu is the worst dungeon in the whole series.

>> No.1954225

I agree to both

>> No.1954260

>common theory

Common my ass, only a very small niche of Zelda lorefags have coined that idea.

>> No.1954276

What is the best keyboard config for a n64 emulator (I am starting OoT) ?

>> No.1954281

Use gamepad instead because aiming the bow with a keyboard is fucking annoying.

>> No.1954286

I happen to be an expert on this subject.

Arrow Keys or Num Pad, Analog Stick
S, A
D, B
<, Z
A, L
W, R
E, Start
F, C Down
T, C Up
R, C Left
G, C Right

You can extend the same setup to SNES.

X, X
C, Y
Q, Select

>> No.1954327

I recall when I was a kid playing through OoT for the first time, I got stuck on King Dodongo because, while I immediately figured out throwing bombs in his mouth, it didn't occur to me to hit him with the sword afterword. Eventually after weeks of frustration throwing 30+ bomb in his mouth each time I thought it would be funny if I cut his tongue, and he died immediately.

Similarly, with Barinade I would get to the last phase of the fight and become frustrated that it required me to stun and attack twice. Thinking I was doing something wrong because it wasn't dying or changing forms, I'd get frustrated and switch the N64 off before finishing the fight. Took me another week or two to figure that one out.

>> No.1954374

>implying throwing her at those electric enemies isn't the best way of killing them quickly

my list thing
jabu jabu


Great Bay

>> No.1954503
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>> No.1956170
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I can't say I know the Water Temple 100% perfectly, but I'm pretty sure that key is essential, since if it wasn't I think most people would progress through the dungeon pretty smoothly, instead of getting stuck on that very part and isolating it as the single worst aspect of the dungeon's design.

>> No.1956359

I buy into the Babel thing, but not half the shit about the goddesses. Majora's designs are shared with the Twili, though, so I like to think that the Ikana somehow got to the Twilight realm and claimed one of their royal artifacts. Nice headcanon, anyway.

>> No.1956570

>I can't say I know the Water Temple 100% perfectly, but I'm pretty sure that key is essential
It actually isn't. You can skip that key entirely and finish the dungeon, without glitches. All that key really amounts to is a key to unlock the very room you get it in.

>> No.1956624

Erm, a key to replace the one you waste getting into the room it's in. Because you don't need to use a key to get in there, there's another door.