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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1939417 No.1939417[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When is the retro gaming bubble going to pop?

>> No.1939420

I don't care, I don't actually collect

>> No.1939442


>> No.1939448

Not for a while. It's actually getting worse.

>> No.1939449

Next decade. When the economy is good and 90's kids don't have a reason to relive their childhood.

>> No.1939450

It won't pop in the sense that prices will return to reasonable values. But we'll eventually see the prices stop increasing.

Thing is, people start buying their old consoles from childhood when they finally grow up and have the spare cash. Couple that with the rise of the internet, and you know the rest. People aren't suddenly en masse going to stop collecting old games. Many of these people bought games as a child, sold them away or lost them, and are now buying them back. Do you think they're just going to get bored again and sell them all back? No.

It sucks but prices will never drop back to what they were before 2010 or so.

>> No.1939457

It's only going to get worse. Consoles are going the way of the dinosaur and either this gen or maybe 9th gen will be the last one. At least as we know it. And even though gaming will continue on PC and mobiles (and handhelds but whatever) there's already an almost complete switch to digital only.

Consoles and their physical games will be a nostalgic relic of the past that will only get more sought after as everything goes completely digital

>> No.1939463

The "bubble" will continue for as long as people like you and me covet old video games. If ebay had penalties or fees for people who continually relist overpriced stuff as Buy It Now on ebay, then maybe that would help

>> No.1939469

Would anybody happen to know of any video game museums located in europe?
I have a lot of rare sealed games that I am wanting to donate for historical recording purposes.

>> No.1939489


As in people buying overpriced old games ?
10 maybe more years ?
If you mean people playing old games, then probably never.

>> No.1939502

Did guys like AVGN and CGR lead to the bubble? Or are they merely an outcome of the same force that lead to the bubble?

>> No.1939504


He helped for sure.

>> No.1939510

It will happen soon enough. The increase was so rapid and fueled by minimally educated buyers who will probably move to something else. Remember when the Wii was hot shit and brought gaming to a whole new demographic? How long did that last? They got what they wanted (Wii, Wii Sports, and some shovelware) and git bored. Fad ended, the Wii U struggled.

>> No.1939546

AVGN definetly caused at least 2 million more collectors looking for shit in the wild.

>> No.1939558

Hey, those rich fucks put me through two years of university.

>> No.1939727

The answer to these questions is always complicated. Too complicated. The TL;DR of this post is some will drop, others will rise.

We already see a depreciation of value in retro collecting for the first and second generation of gaming, albeit on a smaller scale. I saw Chase the Chuck Wagon at a local video game store for just 50 bucks. Granted, my store always drops the prices below eBay standards to help move units, but still. It don't have many folks into gaming from that generation, nor does it have an artistic style that pulls in younger people: people will pay out the ass for an NES/SNES styled indie game. Not so much for previous generations.

You can say goodbye to cheap prices for any of the "faces" of the industry. Pretty much anyone in Smash Bros. is fucked. Same goes for other "faces" too. As long as Nintendo and pals keep throwing their stars out into new games, jackoffs are still going to want to look for the older stuff. Think its bad now? Wait until you discover a generation that is well aware of Mario, but doesn't know basic shit like Super Mario Bros. being a pack-in for the system.

Of course, it goes beyond that, just a bit. Other titles that are nice and are unusually expensive will drop in price as they're forgotten or people start talking about them less. Herzog Zwei? Herzog Zwei-not?! Well, just lost all credibility with that pun.

That just means other games are going to get expensive later, because nostalgia.

Expect to see big prices on games like KotOR or Psychonaughts. In fact, its safe to say that stylized games will get fucked while 'realistic' games like SOCOM or Metal of Honor look dated and collect dust.

You may not think it now, but Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero/Rock Band are going to get huge too. Not only do they have the fault of regular old gaming nostalgia, but they also have music nostalgia and 'controller' nostalgia as well. You can't emulate a floor mat or guitar.

>> No.1939749

This poster is so delusional it's actually adorable.

>> No.1939756


I wouldn't exactly call that poster delusional, but he does have it partially right. Gaming will never migrate COMPLETELY to the PC. Why? Because a family is not going to want to buy their child an 800+ dollar gaming computer. A console is a much more logical purchase to get for their kid, so we'll always have consoles around whether they be all digital or not is a good question though.

>> No.1939969

When the next big entertainment tech breakthrough happens (virtual reality or holograms?) and old video games become like those old metal gas station signs restaurants use for decoration.

>> No.1939985

Probably when this generation dies out sooo... after you're dead.

>> No.1939989

Instead of NES and SNES nostalgia we'll probably get rabid PlayStation 1 and 2 nostalgia. Then people will purchase copies of the classic retro game Final Fantasy X-2 for hundreds of dollars.

>> No.1940039

Never deal with it

>> No.1940061

Mod chips are much cheaper than RAM carts, so hopefully more people will just download everything.

>> No.1940096

>Mod chips are much cheaper than RAM carts
Emulating 3rd and 4th gen is much easier than emulating 6th gen and always was.

Also, nostalgia-fueled hoarding won't be sated by roms. Those people often strive to download and hoard all possible versions of all ripped games, and then graduate to physical collecting. Those kinds of people just have this feminine instinct to gather and store that needs catered to.

>> No.1940102
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it won't, because what is "retro" will change with each generation or two. at the moment the youngest people on /vr/ will have grown up with snes/megadrive/ps1/n64. the next generation will be people who grew up with ps2/gc/xbox, and so on.

people will always feel nostalgia, so there will always be money to be made from it.

>> No.1940105

Yes, atari collecting has fallen in popularity/value, but from NES onward it's a bit different.

Let's be honest here: most people (even in retro gaming) don't give a shit about the 2600. It's really one of those things where you like it if you grew up with it, but if you didn't, you'll never really care for it. There are exceptions of course, but that's a general statement. Meanwhile, NES is not just loved and collected for by people who originally owned it. Plenty of people buy NES games that never owned it as a kid and plenty more play NES games on emulators or VC and might take up physical collecting. Same goes with other stuff like SNES and Genesis.

Gaming as we know it really took off with nintendo. The nostalgia for NES is different than the nostalgia for 2600. And I don't see NES ever falling out of favor, sadly.

>> No.1940204

The only one I know of is the VIGAMUS in Rome...

>> No.1940258

>And I don't see NES ever falling out of favor,
Nothing lasts forever, you're just seeing the effects of constant media-spamming like AVGN and other "retro chic" shits. But one day people get bored of all this and move onto next bandwagon.

>> No.1940341

Well, I guess it's time to buy those ps2 games from craigslist now. I also have 70's/80's comics so maybe that'll help!

I just want to collect my vidya. I only have about 600 games for everything

>> No.1940431

Nigga pre-2010 prices were insane already.

>> No.1940524

But the NES is where so many modern franchises (and modern gameplay) began. As long as zelda and mario are popular, so to will the NES

>> No.1940538

As the kids who grew up with the N64 and Gamecube (and other consoles of their respective generations) grow up and want to relive their childhood, you'll see the NES and SNES fall out of favor. Eventually, the people who really want the NES and SNES will have one and then the casuals who get married and have kids will sell their stuff when their wife makes them.

>> No.1940565

I agree with this.

I grew up on SNES and never touched a NES in my childhood. Only one of my friend's older brothers had one and we never really played it cause he had a Genesis.

I didn't touch NES games until I was in my 20's, thinking they were all outdated garbage when I was younger. I finally started emulating NES games and fell in love with them.

Gen 2 and earlier games feel almost unplayable compared to the standards set by the NES.

>> No.1940802


No way. I bought a box of 30-40 SNES and Genesis games around 2010 or 2009 or so for about 40 bucks. Included was:

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy II
Link to the Past

and plenty more shit. It was a literal steal. Now those three games alone are like 20 or more each.

>> No.1940812

>one day when you're old and decrepit, your children will throw out all your video games as mere junk.

I'm beginning to understand how my dad feels about collecting lionel trains

>> No.1940819

thats why I'm hoping on working out a system that if I die with no one to take care of my stuff I want my more pristine games to be donated to museums

>> No.1940835

Won't mean much when they have holographic and full VR decks. Kids won't want to touch NES or anything else you happen to be attached to yourself. And those days aren't so far off...

In fact, they'll think exactly like this:

>Gen 10 and earlier games feel almost unplayable compared to the standards set by the HAL9000

>> No.1940847

>>Gen 10 and earlier games feel almost unplayable compared to the standards set by the HAL9000

It's a bit different than that, SNES games still look good because they look like cartoons.
Atari stuff looks like shit and has always looked like shit since the NES came out.

>> No.1940893

You're not getting it...
Those kids will see and judge NES graphics just as you do Atari 2600 abstract sprites.
What *you* think looks good or not won't mean a hill of beans.

And you can try to rationalize stuff, but that won't change anything whatsoever. I can write a 10-page essay on (for example) why I think id Software's Doom looks better in its original 320x200 software rendering mode than any subsequent attempts to increase resolution with or without OpenGL and various mods and enhancements. But at the end of the day, all the new kids are playing only with GZDoom and latest kewl brutal mod or whatever. I can actually present really logical, sound arguments on how the original game engine, textures, sprites, level design, and everything else are all part of a holistic package that was designed to work together perfectly, and if you go fucking with a piece or two, then stuff starts to feel wrong and out-of-place. But I'm not gonna bother because it won't change the future, and anyway I don't care so long as I can keep playing the original game exactly as it was released. And anyway, I wouldn't want to change the future or impose my likes/dislikes on others. They're *mine* damnit, those punkass kids can get their own games (and get off my lawn too while they're at it, heh).

>> No.1940921

Don't worry OP, the retro bubble is being caused by kids who grew up with the consoles becoming twenty-somethings who are disappointed by adulthood because they are having trouble with getting a job or their love lives so they rebuy retro games and consoles to try to relive their childhood.
Soon, though, they will all get real jobs and get married, hell, maybe even have kids of their own, then they wont need to cling to the past and all the retro vidya will be left for us,
the true fans.

>> No.1940927

>because they are having trouble with getting a job or their love lives so they rebuy retro games and consoles to try to relive their childhood.

That's some straight armchair psychology. Do you play retro games because you actually like them, or do you play them because you're actually a fan of video games?

>> No.1940972

>all the retro vidya will be left for us, the bandwagon jumping millennials who honestly believe we're more entitled to these games than people who grew up with them.
Fixed that for you.

Also: Daily reminder that if you were 'true fans' you'd already own the games you're whining about being priced out of the market for, because you'd have bought them back in the day.

If you're just now trying to secure this stuff in 2014 you're as bad as the youtube kids and the idiots posing with their torn-labeled Eartbound carts.

>> No.1940986

When they stop making kids like you

>> No.1940987


>The youngest people on /vr/ will have grown up with snes/megadrive/ps1/n64
Untrue :^)

>> No.1941047 [DELETED] 

>Entitlement: The Post

>> No.1941136

Probably. Old games were dirt cheap less than a decade ago.

>> No.1941287

This. When I was growing up, I saw kids literally throwing videogames away after they got the next generation. I even told them they would regret it later on. Now they are the same types of fags you could see with a Retron, some select first party games, and a pile a debts. Any opportunity I can, I preach emulation like I am being paid, but then these niggers say they want an 'authentic experience'. Do people still think this is 1996? I cannot believe so many people can be tricked into thinking they need to spend hundreds of dollars to get any enjoyment. Emulation has come a long way, and somehow so have resellers. Its fucking ridiculous.

I don't think the bubble will ever 'pop'. Resellers control the market and all the consumers think "i can buy it for 500 dollars before it gets even more expensive". At best it will stop climbing higher, which is unlikely. It will just become more and more valuable, just as nearly every single other consumer item to have ever been made.

>> No.1941309

It rotates based on current 20-30something nostalgia. Cartridge games will drop in price a lot in the next decade.

>> No.1941336

when hipsters stop trying to be ironic

>> No.1941342

son early 2000s I sold my Turboduo for 150, a Virtualboy for 70, games like Secret of Mana for around 60, etc. reseller/ebay prices have gone up, but for most stuff not very significantly.

>> No.1941556

Never. Doesn't matter anyway because people who actually give a shit about video games just emulate unless it's some game that's impossible to do so.

>> No.1941564

I really doubt most six gen games will actually go up much. That's around the time gaming started getting really mainstream again so most games had really large print numbers compared to the generations before. The only things I can see going up are really niche games like Growlanser or something that was good but sold like absolute shit and gets rediscovered later.

>> No.1941581

That's not how you spell poor children

>> No.1941603

Give me a real reason outside of what I just stated on why anyone with a brain would buy a game when they could emulate it on a PC for free. And no muh accuracy doesn't count because you can always get a flashcart if you're that desperate for it. Literally the only reason people buy games these days is for internet cred and don't you EVEN THINK about denying this.

>> No.1941626


Come on, man. I know you're not gonna stoop to generalizing. I have a collection I've never shown to anyone, it's of games I personally enjoy.

I also collect comic books, been collecting for 15 years. I don't collect for internet cred (worthless when you're over 30, by the way.) I just collect as a hobby. And I suppose some people have a hard time understanding the collector mentality outside of a psychological illness (and you may be right) but I don't collect to impress others, or to resell.

>> No.1941657


I started collecting games more than 10 years ago.

First: I collect only games i really like, for example if i played a pirated version of nox 6 years ago, and i really liked the game, i will probably take intro consideration to buy a physical copy.

Second: Connecting with the first point, i collect a game because i want to cherish it, yes it sounds strange, but i like to give an homage to something i really like, be it movie, book, comic, videogame etc.

Third: I don't have any social network's account nor a forum's account or anything like that, i collect solely for myself, i think only 10 people know about my collection, so no internet creed or stupid shit like that.

Fourth: connecting with the second point, i like the sensation to put a disk inside my pc and install a game in my old windows's partitions, the same goes for console, it adds to the feeling of doing something the right way.

>> No.1941690

better question

when are people going to stop making this thread

>> No.1941695


When kids will stop feeling envy for people that buy old games.

>> No.1941708

I ain't gonna lie and say cultural capital doesn't come into effect at all. That's not the case with me nor is it the case with anyone. Even 40-somethings like to point at things and say "I own that!" with some semblance of pride. So, your "internet cred" is right to an extent, just that it expands further into real life.

I also won't deny that we've come a long way since NESticles either. However, it will never be the same. Ever. You can buy the USB controllers for every console. You can hook the computer up to the living room TV and get two or more friends in on the action. For some, it might work forever, but for me, it only worked for roughly a decade.

However, The mouse or wiimote will never replace the light gun. Some games will never be emulated correctly. Things will always be off. The sounds. The coloration. The speed. Even things you can't identify. The real things captures that majesty. This isn't watching Sliders on Netflix, this is turning an old CRT on, flipping through the channels and stumbling onto the original line up on the original fucking channel, complete with commercials from the period. Its the real deal.

>> No.1941715



Bretty gud show.

>> No.1941728


I have this lingering sensation that you bend more over the consoles's side.

While this anon >>1941657 to the pc's side

Pc and consoles's collectors are really different in approach.

>> No.1941739


Let's take into consideration that old pc games get still physical release to this day.

>> No.1941776

there isn't a bubble

the prices aren't even increasing exponentially

stop whining about popular things being expensive

make some threads about actual games or something instead of this bitchy shit all the time jesus

>> No.1941813

>I think a flash cart is an emulator
My mistake. Poor ignorant children.

>> No.1941817
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Reading comprehension you dingus. I said if you care about accuracy so much you're buying the games instead of emulating them then go get a flashcart.

>> No.1941840


Totally isn't a bubble when game grumps can do a shit lp that doesn't even finish the game and make a game go up to retarded prices the next day. Or any other lp that shows off a underrated game.

Or random faggers on feebay having MULTIPLE copies of the game and using multiple accounts to do underhanded shit (cjmarc aka twobrotherstwogames)

Just look at the price of Little Samson or Flinstones 2. Tell me how a game not even 3 years ago went for 100-150 all day suddenly commands 500+. a lot of new retarded blood who have more money than sense is why. I still remember a person bragging on racketboy about his "800 dollar" flinstones 2 cart loose.

The greater fool theory is in full effect right now.

It is a combination of these factors that raise the prices to retarded levels.

>> No.1941850

You're correct. I do tend a lot more toward consoles than PCs... Are you a wizard?

>> No.1941857

maybe you should have studied harder in school so you could afford to buy things you want as an adult

while i have your attention could you bag my shit faster next time i'm at safeway i have games to get home and play

>> No.1941859

>spending hundreds of dollars on video games

>> No.1941864


You're right, I should just buy any and everything I see, no matter the price.Everything on ebay is fair priced and ALWAYS fair market value/ As long as I get what I want right now, fuck everyone else. Time is money my man, I like your style.

>> No.1941867

>paying for sex
>renting alcohol
>buying a car for anything but utility

Let people burn money any way they want. Me, I burn mine on guns.

>> No.1941873
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>renting alcohol


>> No.1941883

don't tell me you actually buy yours

no wonder you're a poorfag

>> No.1941890

I don't think it will ever really "pop" per se. It will just plateau at some point. But, yeah things are never going to go back to the way they used to be (early 2000's and before). Most people from now on are always going to second guess selling a game for dirt cheap since it (might) have value. The same thing happened to comics in the 80's-90's.

>> No.1941896

It's a figure of speech. You're "renting" it because you're just going to piss it out later. Of course, the same can be said about food, since you're just going to shit it out.

>> No.1941903

Wow, what a stupid phrase

I've never heard it before because most people probably realize how stupid a phrase it is.

>> No.1941910

I've heard it lots of times, y'all need to get out more.

>> No.1941912


It must be an english figurative speech.
A dumb one honestly.

>> No.1941929


90% of videogames collectors are only into consoles's stuff.
The rest collect both consoles and PC or PC only.

What also make it apparent that you are more into consoles is the fact that you like to show your collection and feel pride toward the collected item, while who collect pc's stuff most times want the game for nostalgia, to play it or generally for this >>1941657

>> No.1941936

It's meant to be humorous. I guess irony is only obvious when it's attached to shitposting. Come to think of it, you should recognize that already.

>> No.1941961

>collect PC
>to play it

Are you even a PC gamer? Its way more effort to get an old game running off whatever type of disc it is on than to just download the whole thing patched and ready to play, or configured for DOSBOX.

>> No.1941965

But the effort brings so much reward! Old games are much better on old PCs.

Personally I just like to hear the floppy drives munching away.

>> No.1941970


I have 2 old pc with multiple partitions, only for retro gaming.
I'm a pc gamer since the matrox mystique times.
Not only i play old games i even mod them, so don't say things you don't know.

>> No.1941973

>Old games are much better on old PCs.

This is true in many cases, especially with BLOOD.
After installing the game on win98 i expected the same shitty framerate of dosbox, but no, high resolution and smooth as fuck.

>> No.1942083
File: 2.06 MB, 638x480, blood.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blood works perfectly fine in dosbox with glide enabled

>> No.1942324

I think emulation is actually much better in some ways. Like with UAE, I can crank the floppy drive speed up 800% and load games hella faster. I can have 4 virtual floppy drives connected without tons of bulky gear taking up space on my desk (just my laptop and a USB gamepad/joystick is all that's needed). I can crank up the CPU to max cycles possible on my hardware, or slow it to exactly 7.14 MHz M68000 speed. I can make the HD as big as I want to (typical SCSI HD sizes on real Amiga were 40-120 MB - yes megabytes). I also don't need a bunch of milk crates full of floppy disks to store my games or spend any time flipping through them and making backups and hoping there's no bad sectors or whatever. And when I get bored of Amiga games, I load up some MAME stuff, or anything else... And best of all, I can take all of this with me anywhere, it fits easily in a laptop bag.

>> No.1942381


Can you believe that some people collect games and at the same time emulate them ?
Having the original it's simply ad addition, for some it's like paying respect to something you like.
Why do you think people buy action figures etc. ?

>> No.1942436

These days I just pay respect to the disk images and roms. ;-)

I don't care what others do with their money. For me it's a matter of practicality and saving money. I used to collect stuff when I was younger, but don't care about owning physical version anymore, not even for books or other things like that. Actually the physical stuff is more of a burden for me than anything else. I still have some dozens of old gamebooks that took up much space in my suitcase when I traveled recently. I need to scan all that shit and write some code for a nice computer gamebook interface, so I don't have to haul that stuff around forever...

>> No.1942452

>When TV replaces the written word and people stop playing board games because vidya is mew and shiny.

>> No.1942453

Not the anon you're replying to, but you're wrong. It runs crappy on DOSBox. On an original Win '98 PC it's a billion times smoother and without hiccups than it is on DOSBox.

>> No.1942504


That's you anon, and your life's style.
People with a big house and a work with no travels have a tendency to collect.

>> No.1942513


Books will be replaced by Radio\recordings
Theatre will be replace by cinema
Cinema will be replace by videogames
Videogames will be replaced by XY

People like to say shit like this to defend their stupid opinions

>> No.1942537

>I don't care what others do with their money
>saving money

You care, you are just trying to sound nice.
Every human with some money in excess will buy stuff that isn't necessary, put up with it, you do it too.

>> No.1942646

That's like asking when is this stupid return of vinyl bubble is going to pop.

I cant carry a 12in record in my pocket, cant play it in my car. Fuck Vinyl Records. they're novelty collectables. Same goes for retro gaming. Novelty & Collectible. End of.

>> No.1942656

That's the thing, I don't consider any of my money to be excess. I think the term "disposable income" is a dirty word. Everything I don't spend on rent or power/phone/food costs goes to savings and retirement accounts. I feel more comfortable this way, knowing that I can easily go decades without working if need be, or have money for critical emergency reasons. And maybe one day I'll get fed up of all this hectic city life and buy a sailboat and cruise the islands (and of course there's not much room for "stuff" on boats). If I envy someone, it's the people who are living that kind of care-free life, not dealing with work and bosses and clients and traffic jams... Just having some relatively worthless "stuff" doesn't do anything for me. Unless of course we're talking hundreds of ounces of gold coins or bars, that's the kind of collection I can identify with. ;-)

>> No.1942659

That just sounds like you're only staying alive, not actually living.

>> No.1942673


I'm sorry for you anon.

>Unless of course we're talking hundreds of ounces of gold coins or bars, that's the kind of collection I can identify with. ;-)

I'm starting to think that you are a materialistic kid at heart, with a tendency to passive aggression.

>> No.1942678

>Just having some relatively worthless "stuff" doesn't do anything for me

From the sound of it, you don't have anything anon: passions, a life, anything to savour.
You have work and a bad place to live.

>> No.1942759

I made the right choices for me. Someone else would choose differently, but it's the correct way for me to have a relatively stress-free life.

Anyway, it's not like I don't play games on computer, whether they be remakes or emulators. For someone else who posts on /vr/ that might sound like suffering, but to me it's not.

It's the only physical thing I would care to collect, because it makes sense from an investment POV. Gold has proved itself to be a stable store of value that resists inflation over decades and centuries.

And yes, I am materialistic in the sense that I collect wealth. Because you need that in order to live and pay bills. But I don't need "things" for the sake of themselves. For instance, a physical copy of a game means nothing to me. It's only the information stored on the cart or floppy disk that matters to me. So long as I can play Galaxian (for example) on my computer via MAME, I'm satisfied. I don't need to own arcade cabinets. Once again, i don't care what others do with their money, if they like to collect that stuff, that's their business.

And I bet if you talk to more people in the real world (not just 4chan) you'll find out there are many others who think along the same lines I do.

>> No.1942782

>And I bet if you talk to more people in the real world (not just 4chan) you'll find out there are many others who think along the same lines I do.

I do, and most don't reason like you.
But you live probably in a metropolis in the USA, we have different lives and values, i don't care to collect wealth, i care to enjoy my time with people and objects to which i feel an emotional attachment of sort.

>> No.1942805

People that get into hobbies just for $$$ ruin it.

>> No.1943412

>drops below 60 FPS
>even drops below 30 FPS
>perfectly fine
Yeah no. If you play it on Win '98 you'll get a rock solid, constant 100+ FPS at all times.

>> No.1943637

We already have PS1 nostalgia, why do you think a game as common as FFVII goes for $25? You're right though, in a few years snes and n64 prices will go down a bit and ps2 games will be inflated as hell. That's why I'm buying all the good ps2 games I missed now for dirt cheap

>> No.1943641

Seeing as 5th gen plus dreamcast is the latest that counts as /vr/, yes. Why would underage people come to this board? They likely don't care about systems that were before their time or if they do they're too young to be able to afford them

>> No.1943646

This, its why I don't want to become a vendor for mtg. It would just take all the fun out of it

>> No.1943694

Personally, aside from extremely obscure fifth and below generation games, and sixth and post-sixth generations games, I think emulation is superior in every single way possible. You can use any controller you want, play any system you want, play any game for free if you are a pirate of course, play any mod/hack/cheat/anything you want, any resolution you wish, any addendum, just so many different things. What you said is the best of it all, the hindrance of physical media is gone. No long as fuck CD or disk load times, no taking out and re-inputing carts, no dealing with switching out wires to play different consoles, no wading through piles of games to find the one you want, it is such a convenience. I am real glad that the option to emulate exists.

>> No.1943697

just thinking about hubba bubba makes my jaw sore

>> No.1943881

When your generation dies

>> No.1943886

There was a 14 year old kid here posting about how all his Nes games needed to be from before 1990 or else they were too new

Also all the threads wondering if anyone really played a dreamcast when it was new

So yes there are lots of underage posters here

>> No.1944117

Most of us enjoy playing our video game collections. I guess others enjoy swimming in their imaginary vault of gold coins. Fucking Scrooge McDuck wannabe.

>> No.1944308

>$600 for a gaming system
>$800 for a PC that does everything
Just wait until 9th gen shits the bed, anon.

>> No.1944327

I'm just surprised people are shelling out so much for the PS4/Xbone. I'd LOVE to say people aren't going to pay that much for a game console, but you really can't because the PS4 has been selling like hotcakes since it came out.

>> No.1944679

ok kid

>> No.1944881

I'm 28 years old but okay. What you've said is completely asinine and you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.1944909

>fps drops when I'm barely moving around
>muh it runs like shit

>> No.1944949

Your FPS is on a fucking roller coaster ride dude.

>> No.1945014
File: 2.22 MB, 656x538, blood_dosbox.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with vsync enabled in dosbox, 75 fps when moving, of course when standing still the fps drops

now I'm waiting on those 100+fps captures of win98 gameplay

>> No.1945029

It kinda never. Because new games slowly add to the "retro".

And people will only remember the "Good ones". So, it kinda will never go away no matter how much you want to kill it.

And perhaps it's a good thing. We should only remember the good games. And new games should have to compete with nostalgia to keep challenging themselves.

Only be wary of people that go all hipster about it.

>> No.1945036

Do what this guy does in the first minute of the video and see what kind of performance you get.


Also you're clearly not standing still during >>1942083 at many points and you're still in the 40s-50s at many points (and that is the very beginning of the game and hardly anything is going on). Have you ever actually played Blood on Win98? To say DOSBox matches that is complete ignorance.

>> No.1945038

I wil built a fucking xustom arcade control and making a good config for my toast.

>> No.1945059

What ancient versions of dosbox are you using?

I've played though Blood on dosbox ages ago and it ran buttery smooth with out needing Glide.

>> No.1945062

Maybe he's running it on a 00s laptop or something.

>> No.1945067
File: 2.20 MB, 646x482, blood.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1945068

Well whatever this kid's running it on >>1942083 he's getting terrible sub-60 fps performance on game that easily ran 100+ fps on Windows '98.

>> No.1945069

not primary fire, right click it's very different. secondary fire releases all sorts of crap.

>> No.1945081

Yes, because Dosbox is an emulator. Of course it takes much more resources than natively run DOS.

The point is, on any adequately modern hardware (i.e., any cheap PC bought in the last 5 years), a game like that will run as fast as you could ever want. It's not somehow inherently slow under Dosbox in general.

>> No.1945086

>because Dosbox is an emulator.
Yes and no. When running on dynamic it doesn't emulate most of the x86 op codes, it just forwards them to the CPU just like a virtual machine, but it still does emulate the sound and video.

When running in dynamic it's much more like Virtualbox then a full blown emulator of the platform.

>> No.1945093

No, that's not the point. That anon said Blood runs 'perfectly fine' on DOSBox which is bullshit.

Even here >>1945067 he falls below his 75fps v-sync level, something which wouldn't have happened had you played the original game on Windows '98.

The point is, Blood performance on DOSBox does not match the original game's performance on Windows '98, not by a long shot, and to say otherwise is silly. Glad we can agree on this.

>> No.1945094

In which case it takes much less resources to run software, although still more than running it natively.

>> No.1945097

>Blood performance on DOSBox does not match the original game's performance on Windows '98
It does exactly match it. The game runs exactly the same.

Running DOS natively takes less resources than emulating it and x86, though. Yes. How ignorant must one be to not understand that to emulate old hardware you need much, much more modern hardware?

The point is, though, that any modern PC or laptop can run Blood under Dosbox at any speed.

>> No.1945107

>game drops from 75fps to 72fps
>performance is crappy
ok sure now show me a recording with FPS counter at constant 100+ in windows98

>> No.1945169

Inconsistent framerate is a perfectly legitimate complaint.

>> No.1945283

>It does exactly match it. The game runs exactly the same.

>An emulator matches the actual game's performance

Even consider that fag's resolution. He's like 640x480 native, and he STILL drops to 72 FPS at the beginning of the game with fuck all going on. You could play Blood on Win '98 at 1280x1024 at well over 100 FPS constant. I'd love to see that guy's performance at 1280x1024 native should be a real treat.

>> No.1945298

In many cases good high-level emulators can be configured to run better than whatever they're emulating, because features are emulated and bugs aren't.

>You could play Blood on Win '98 at 1280x1024 at well over 100 FPS constant.
Christ you're dense. Yes, it'll run faster natively. But installing Win98 on modern hardware is not the preferrable option. If your PC isn't ridiculously outdated, you will have great performance in games like Blood. It's irrelevant whether, natively run on equivalent hardware, the game will run faster. The game will run FAST, that's all that matters.

>> No.1945304

still waiting on some proof of that 100+ fps on win98, you probably never even did a fps benchmark and are just talking out of your ass

>> No.1945308

>The point is, though, that any modern PC or laptop can run Blood under Dosbox at any speed.
>at any speed
NESfag has like an i5 3.0-3.4ghz PC and he can only run it at 800x600 to get above 60fps. So current hardware allows DOSBox Blood only 800x600 resolution to just break 60FPS, and that still doesn't exclude all the other hiccups you get with DOSBox Blood.

I sincerely doubt any of you have actually played Blood on actual Windows '98 computer otherwise we wouldn't be having this argument. This anon >>1941973 actually has and he immediately noticed the difference.

You expect me to build a Windows '98 PC just to prove some retard wrong online? Top kek.

>> No.1945309
File: 340 KB, 500x500, fast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The game will run FAST, that's all that matters.


>> No.1945310

>You expect me to build a Windows '98 PC just to prove some retard wrong online? Top kek.
ok kiddo so you don't even have a win98 pc and are just shitposting,

>> No.1945313
File: 67 KB, 635x474, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please do this:
>I'd love to see that guy's performance at 1280x1024 native should be a real treat.

Do that right now. I PLAYED Blood at that resolution flawlessly back in 2000. It was smooth as butter and ran absolutely perfectly. I would absolutely love to see your DOSBox performance at that native resolution.

>> No.1945317

fuck off you retard, all I said is the game was perfectly playable in dosbox and then some morons started with muh it doesn't run at 100+fps so it's shit. you can all just fuck off

>> No.1945326

lolk. c ya :)

>> No.1946090

Your frame rate was butter? Not a number like the rest of the world. Butter? What version of dosbox are you running that give you a frame rate of butter?
I don't think anyone will dispute that you're happy with the performance under dosbox but until you provide objective details I'll have to agree you're probably just a kid who never played on original hardware and is in denial.

>> No.1947067

when nintendo and playstation start a "retro" line and make reproductions of old hardware/games for cheap and everyones collection becomes pointless

>> No.1949823

>Saving up money so you can explore the world
>Not living

Will you be saying the same thing on your death bed?

>> No.1949830

>Saving up money so you can explore the world

Who said that everybody is interested in doing so ?
While instead they want to nurture their hobbies\family\work\whatever

And most importantly...


Sorry anon that fad ended around 1600\1700.

>> No.1949887

I'm actually fairly wealthy already, anon. If I died right now my only regret would be not getting to see my son grow up. Also I didn't have to live like a fucking hermit to do it.

>> No.1951965

>fairly wealthy already
>son grow up
If the first part was even true it wouldn't be by the time the second part happens. Your imaginary "hundreds of ounces of gold" aren't even close to what it costs to raise a kid.

>> No.1951978

>h-he has a kid so he can't possibly be doing well financially!
>i better call him a liar!

Look, pal, you're the one who asked ME the question if I would have regrets on my death bed, and my answer to you was that I don't have regrets regarding money because I have enough, but rather that I wouldn't get to spend the time I want to with my son, because time is frankly much more valuable than money.

I criticize you because you hold those values in reverse. If YOU died tomorrow, what would your regret be? That you essentially skipped having any enjoyment in life now in order to defer it all to having it later?

Don't ask people questions about their success if the thought that they could be doing well upsets you. Also, how old's your kid, since you know how much they cost? Are you assuming that I'm not currently working or something? Just how retarded with money are you?

>> No.1952094

I'm not the one who asked you that. I just saw someone trying to prove his shitty vidya opinions are better than others using tall tales about how rich and grown up he is.
My oldest finished college last year and my youngest started this year. Whatever that's worth. Being older or having kids or gold bars doesn't make a shitty opinion any better.

>> No.1952116

If there's a mod, can you please kill this thread already ?
In the first place the ranting of OP was senseless, but now it's just fucking blogging.

>> No.1952173

>Will you be saying the same thing on your death bed?

Is literally what you asked me. I also didn't express any opinions about video games, so already you have me confused with someone else in this thread.

So is this the part where I accuse you of making up fictitious college age kids? Seeing as you won't extend me the courtesy of taking anything I say at face value, maybe I should. Nevertheless I will congratulate you for seeing your kids grow up and hope that aren't the bitter asshole you seem here with them.