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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.24 MB, 1778x1224, RetroN_3_(Red_Model).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1921014 No.1921014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is retron zapper compatible? Just curious

>> No.1921021

Even if the retron hardware was compatible with it, you'd need to have a CRT TV to actually use it as as far as I know lightgun hardware doesn't work on current TVs.

>> No.1921051

>retron is shit
>emulation machine

Don't even bother OP

>> No.1921180

I would be surprised if that emulation box did more than explode.

>> No.1921269

why does /vr/ vehemently hate retron so much?

I got one a while back and so far it does its job. Most well known games seem to run fine with minimal errors. unless I'm just one of the lucky ones..

>> No.1921284

Why are there so many goddamn retro. threads?

>> No.1921286

The retron is shit
It's a crappy, overpriced and unreliable emulation machine that damages your cartridges.
You are a faggot
Op is a shill

Same thread, different day.

Hello OP.

>> No.1921294

It's a piece of dog shit.

>> No.1921303
File: 574 KB, 1224x1267, 1410033589380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Retron viral marketing thread Nº #147,785

>> No.1921306
File: 134 KB, 1022x367, returdeon shill 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capped and added to the archive of viral advertisser faggots.

>> No.1921323

Okay, seriously, give it up, no one is buying a fucking Retron.

>> No.1921332


Still don't get what makes them come HERE to advertise that of all boards. This is the board dedicated to retro gaming, we pretty much all know our shit! The amount of people not able to see what these things are like is less than on every other board becaue to have found this board you will have to have at least some interest in retro gaming meaning you cannot be completely oblivious to what emulators are and what real hardwre is...

>> No.1921335

No one is buying the "It saves up lots of space" bullshit either.

You need to buy the fucking console and buy the fucking carts to play. That means a lot of fucking overpriced cartridges taking up lots and lots of space everywhere.

You wantt to save up space AND money? Buy a decent laptop, hook a 10$ usb controller to it, fill it with roms and emus, hook it to your TV and presto, hundreds and hundreds of games for free and without taking up any space.

Fuck the Retron and fuck the same fags who keeps viraling it here.

>> No.1921337

>we pretty much all know our shit!

Half the garbage I read on this board is often absurdly uninformed, biased, or just flat out false and inaccurate.

I disagree, very few of you know 'your shit'

>> No.1921342
File: 206 KB, 1002x316, retardeon 5 shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cap is from yesterday and the faggot posted the EXACT same post in more than 2 threads at once.

As if nobody would notice it.

>> No.1921348

We know that the Retron is shit. Apparently, that alone is enough to get you mad.

>> No.1921360

>This is the board dedicated to retro gaming, we pretty much all know our shit!
lots of clueless kiddies who pretend to 'know their shit' when in fact they don't know squat

daily reminder to sage every retron thread

>> No.1921361

You're crazy, people shit talking the retron=viral?

Go back to /v/.

>> No.1921362

>Half the garbage I read on this board is often absurdly uninformed, biased, or just flat out false and inaccurate
Like for example, any threads praising the Retron.

>> No.1921364


New thread topic:

If you were a mod and wordfilter "Retron", what would you filter it to?

>> No.1921371

original hardware

>> No.1921372

"Don't buy this piece of garbage that uses stolen emulators for commercial purposes"

>> No.1921373

OP here, has there really been this much of an outcry over the thing?

I don't see how this is marketing anyways I just asked a simple question. why do you assume everyone who uses the word "retron" is a marketing shill?

I own one and its never eaten any of my carts or whatever bullshit you keep spreading. All I wanted to know was if it was compatible with a peripheral. which obviously, its not.

>> No.1921375


>> No.1921379

Get the fuck out and take your viral diarrhea with you.


>> No.1921385

If I were a marketer wouldn't I be trying to sell you on getting the stupid thing?

How does asking if it has compatibility errors = selling point? I'd think thats far more detremental then helpful.

Also you need to calm down.

>> No.1921389

And you need to get out.

This is the only answer you will get after menctioning the Retron around here.


>> No.1921395

Should also add that it's likely using pre-existing emulators without proper credit, or hell in some cases not following the license it was released under where they need to release the source code of said emulators.

>> No.1921398


Has /vr/ changed in the course of 2 months? This feels more like /v/ flooding.

/vr/ was far more polite and open to things like this.

>> No.1921413

Emulators are not meant to be used for any kind of commercial purposes in the first place.

The Retron is the exact kind of scam you can see on websites advertising DVDs packed full of games and emulators for sale.

> rude
Oh I'm so hurt.

>> No.1921423

I dont see how its a scam if it works.

Scams dont work.

>> No.1921424

>/vr/ was far more polite and open to things like this.

Fixed that for you, dude.

>> No.1921425

The shills are at it again I see.

>> No.1921428

>I dont see how its a scam
"Hey dude, let me sell you this thing that isn't mine and you could have downloaded entirely for free in the first place"


>> No.1921437

Agreed. This ain't the /vr/ I know. Its sounds like its been flooded with hoards of sweaty, neck bearded teenagers trying to convince people in their Mt. Dew fueled rage that their dicks are indeed "large" and "in charge".

OP. The light gun works with the RetroN 3, so long as you got a CRT. Doesn't work with the Four Score or the Advantage because of the way the plugs are organized. Does work with a 5-Player I picked up for the SNES, though. Of course, it ain't the best way to play games. Never been 100% satisfied with the sound and because this and the fact that the Retron 5 is a blatant emulator the fucks with save states, I won't upgrade.

>> No.1921447

Oh, hi OP.

>> No.1921448

No. they built a console for it. its a physical object with slots, power, and a lot of work put into it.

An emulator is just that. an emulator. its jsut some program. it'd be the same if it were digital, but its not.

Also computers dont work with TVs. the retron

>> No.1921454

Oh hi, OP!

>> No.1921456
File: 30 KB, 786x330, dont you feel dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1921458

>Computers don't work with TVs
Now that is just desperate.

>> No.1921459
File: 47 KB, 487x432, 1365169959528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and a lot of work put into it
>Also computers dont work with TVs

>> No.1921464


You can't plug a cartridge into NESticle. The whole point of Retron is that it lets you play physical cartridges.

>> No.1921469

Oh, hi OP! Nice shoop!

Well, >>1921360 said it himself:
>"lots of clueless kiddies who pretend to 'know their shit' when in fact they don't know squat"

>> No.1921471

Finally, someone who understands.

Exactly this. Emulators run pirated roms. Nobody has the technology to rip a legal nes rom anymore. The retron allows you to emulate LEGALLY as long as you OWN the physical cart.

Its like pulling teeth from a walrus. geez.

>> No.1921472

How is that a good thing? All it does is dump the damn ROM and play it on an emulator, you could simply have either the original console or just play said ROM on a PC.
And no one uses NESticle anymore you dickhead.

>> No.1921475

because said rom is illegal.

only pirates play roms

>> No.1921481

>Nobody has the technology to rip a legal NES ROM anymore
Yeah, they do.
>Allows you to emulate legally
We don't really give a shit
>As long as you own the physical cart
Even if you own the physical cart, playing the game from a ROM is infinitely more convenient, you're still a retarded shill.

>> No.1921482

I don't need the retron to load roms into Nesticle, anon.
I don't even want to pay through the nose to buy 25-year old physical cartridges to begin.

>> No.1921485

Please tell me someone is screen capping this shit. This is exactly why Retron needs to be filtered.

>> No.1921490

But the cartridges aren't even used properly, the thing just sucks up the ROM and then you may as well unplug it. Not including an SD port is as scammy as you can get.


>> No.1921491

>Only pirates play ROMs
Nope, they don't.
>Said ROM is illegal
And we still don't give a shit.

>> No.1921492

who the fuck cares. are you that much of a pussy that you think the video game police are going to bust you for playing P-P-P-PIRATED ROMS?!?!

>> No.1921494

And a stolen emulators-based clone machine that violates Sega and Nintendo's copyright is completely better than a rom?

Shill please.

>> No.1921502 [DELETED] 

If sega and nintendo cared they'd say something.

We never heard hide nor hair from them.

>> No.1921506

So you do work with the developers of the Retron then?

>> No.1921507

I completely agree with you. Ban all of this phony console bullshit. Original consoles and emulators only, this retron shit attracts a really stupid element.

>> No.1921510
File: 35 KB, 917x323, btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blown the fuck out.

>> No.1921515

You really come off as someone who is sadly desperate to justify their stupid purchase. Sorry you wasted your money but you don't have to fag up our nice board because of your mistake. You'll get more allowance next week buddy.

>> No.1921516
File: 40 KB, 460x500, wtfz5nxxlwqo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus when will it end?

>> No.1921520

Oh, hi OP!

>> No.1921524


>> No.1921526


Many people own cartridges. If you own cartridges, you might as well play them on something. The best option is to play it on the actual console, but if someone decides to get a Retron instead, I'm not going to act like a butthurt /v/tard about it.

>> No.1921527

Hahaha! Just in time, as he realized his fuckup and deleted his post!


>> No.1921529

And this has been a re-enactment of every retron thread in the past few days.

You've been a wonderful audience /vr/


>> No.1921534


>> No.1921536

Consoles aren't copyrighted, only games are.

>> No.1921540


>> No.1921543

>nobody will ever clone the hardware 1:1 by using decapped chips as a reference
>said cloned chips will never be snapped into one PCB by using smart engineering so that the latency between them matches the real hardware
>you will never choose between SDand HD outputs
>HD images will never be generated digitally by simply asking the video buffer for them.

Meanwhile you get wet for this travesty.

>> No.1921545

No one gets wet for this travesty, it is just shills.

>> No.1921546

Yes they are, asshole. The technology used on both cartridge and console are patented like everything else to avoid cloned or counterfeit products profiting out from their intellectual property.

>> No.1921558
File: 520 KB, 1280x1266, Retrode2-carts2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been introduced to the Retrode yet?
Works with computers, Raspberry Pi, and hell even a Wii. Plus with how they've designed it you can work with more than just SNES and Genesis carts too, people have made plugin carts for Atari 2600, N64, GBx, Sega Pico, Turbografx-16/PC Engine, Virtual Boy, V.Smile, and Sega Master System.

You'd even have the ability to choose which emulators you want to use too.

>> No.1921559

Not that guy, but didn't the patents for SNES hardware and the like expired?

>> No.1921563


Copyright law applies to creative works. Practical devices aren't subject to copyright law. That's why many PC companies were founded by companies cloning the IBM PC.

Although software is subject to copyright, so if they're stealing emulators they could be sued for that I suppose.

>> No.1921565


>> No.1921567

The copyright still applies even if the patent expired.

Ergo, the Retron is still more pirate than a rom.

>> No.1921572

They aren't technically stealing the emulators IIRC

Just taking open source ones and selling the box for profit, which might be just as illegal

>> No.1921573

That's cool, how much for it? I wonder what happens when trying different combinations of S&K on it. That's not something you can replicate that easily.

>> No.1921581

It looks like it's not supported but requires PCB modification. This looks infinitely more useful than the retron.

The site shows it as out of production for over a year though and I can't find it for sale anywhere

>> No.1921583


Sadly looks like they're (at least temporarily) stopping production on it...though it's still available at DragonBox. As for S&K, if you have a Retrode 1 you need to do some modifications but if you have a Retrode 2 it works out of the box.

Dragonbox appears to even have the Retrode 2 in stock

DIY Guide for the Retrode 1 too

>> No.1921586

> already resorting to words like "technically" to save face

you already lost the discussion.

not as if you were ever going to win it in the first place, as the retron is shit and nobody cares aboiut shit

thanks for playing!

>> No.1921589

>84 dollaridoos


Still more useful than a Retron, I agree.

>> No.1921592
File: 1.49 MB, 300x300, 1405369060361.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one thread from two weeks back where a guy was interested in a Retron

>> No.1921593

I wasn't the guy you were originally talking to and I even said what they were doing was JUST as illegal. I'm not sure what part of that has me coming off on their side though.

>> No.1921597


>> No.1921601


Real OP here. I forgot about this thread and I come back to this shit?

Whatever. my question got answered.

>> No.1921608

Cool Story, Bro.

>> No.1921610

>...that damages your cartridges.
oh shit seriously?

>> No.1921619

You need to force your cartridges to get them in, and they force them to take them out.

The pins end up getting fucked up very fast.

>> No.1921620

Cheaper too especially for what you can do with it.

>> No.1921624

Isn't it also something to do with how they made the cartridge slots a bit too small?

>> No.1921625

the death grip is only for the NES tho

Sness and mega-D work fine

>> No.1921627

o damn son.

does it cost more to use parts that make it easy to insert/remove carts? because if getting games in and out is a hassle that's a huge red flag for a third-party cart-based console

>> No.1921629

Yeah, I think it's like the actual slot is a little off center from where the pins go, so that little offset applies pressure to the pins when you insert and pull out the cartridge

>> No.1921634

Its actually more about the idiots who actually fill all three slots at once and then try to wedge their hands between the other two to get the genesis carts out

they end up breaking the nes and super games. if you have one in at a time its normally fine.

death grip is sort of a concern tho

>> No.1921653

Its actually more about the idiots who actually designed the retron and didn't bothered to consider that design flaw in the first place. Any designer worth his salt knows that any electronic device must be designed with the idea that the consumer is an idiot who will accidentally break it if the design allows that possibility.

But again, only an idiot would buy the retron.

>> No.1921664

Does it really cost that much to manufacture these?

>> No.1921678

Who cares, you can buy an used laptop at Goodwill, and fill it with roms to play whatever you want for free.
And using the same emulators the Retron uses as well.

>> No.1921687

but thats illegal!

>> No.1921692

If using the rom is illegal. The retron is just as illegal.

If having the cart makes it legal, then the laptop is fine if you have it.

>> No.1921696

It was a legitimate question. I'm talking about the Retrode by the way.

>> No.1921714

the laptop is the medium like the TV

The emulator would be akin to the retron, which is illegal.

>> No.1921716

And I gave you a legitimate answer.

Your sister was illegal and I fucked her until she vomited shit anyway.

>> No.1921718

>I own one and its never eaten any of my carts or whatever bullshit you keep spreading. All I wanted to know was if it was compatible with a peripheral. which obviously, its not.

Oh yeah? Well, post a picture of your Retron as well as all the systems and carts you own, fucking shill.

So sick of this.

By the way, you guys really want to shut these Retron shills up? Remind them that this busted-up piece of shit they're trying to sell for $115 costs $30 on alibaba.


>> No.1921731

Alibaba and the 40 thieves?
How fitting for the Retron.

>> No.1921737

I didn't have a legitmate answer to what I was asking, I don't even plan on buying the damn thing. If you don't know just say "I don't know" or don't post at all.

>> No.1921771

Well, it's a low-volume gizmo hand-made in Germany. It would probably be a lot cheaper if the Chinese factories cloned the Retrode.

>> No.1921831

Retron really likes shilling here don't they?

>> No.1921909

>He has no idea how alibaba works
>He has no idea what he is saying

At least know what you're talking about if you're going to shit talk these shills you fucking idiot.

>> No.1921932

>Emulator based clone machine
Pants on head retarded.
>Retron 5 Shill threads
It just keeps on coming.

>> No.1921997

>using a doohickey so you can use cartridges FOR EMULATION

I don't have an inbetween frame from a 90's cartoon cherrypicked enough to show how disgusted I am.

>> No.1922050

retronshill is mad retronshill

retronshill is just fucking retarded retarded retronshill

Because of shit like above. Just blatant shills spewing their shill shit. Everyone's just sick of them shitting the place up.

>> No.1922156

the retron isn't /vr/
