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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 320x225, twelvetales1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1915559 No.1915559 [Reply] [Original]

we will never get a proto of conkers twelve tales

>> No.1916204

Conker games are shit, you just want these shit games because they're unobtainable or rare or didn't come out in your country. Stop doing this to yourself, it's killing you.

>> No.1916206

but they are rare

>> No.1917074

Bad fur day is objectively the greatest game ever made, for any platform

>> No.1917181

Hahaha what it isn't even that good did you have an n64 as a kid or something jesus

>> No.1917189

>Conker games are shit
I'm sure Conker would say that about his own game while wading in shit too.

>> No.1917192

If someone was bored enough I bet that one could make pretty good arguments for Conker's Bad Fur Day having objectively abysmal gameplay.

>> No.1917195

It's more of an artistic expression game, like EarthBound. The core mechanics work, but aren't that good.

>> No.1917231

There's that word again.

>> No.1917232


>It's more of a hipster self expression game, like EarthBound. The core mechanics suck, but it looks great on my shelf.

>> No.1917240

Conker's bad fur day really did blow hot dicks and if it weren't for the humor or technical achievements the gameplay fucking blew ass.

Played it on a flashcart for an hour before giving up at the farm section after beating the pitchfork boss and having to collect the bees, I don't think I have EVER played anything so tedious.

It was funny though, if only because of the contrast with the game and the console known for it's PG-13 style.

>> No.1917241
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>It's more of an artistic expression game, like EarthBound
Will people ever leave this game alone?

>> No.1917249



even the tutorial level is a slog and the jumping was so fucking hard too due to lack of like depth perception or something

i think it was because there's no shadow beneath you when jumping

>> No.1917271

and all of those people are in this thread.

Why all the hate on conkers? It was hilarious and had great story driven gameplay.
Just because the controls were not as tight as mario does not mean it was bad by any stretch. That's not what the game was about.
It was something to experience, not just play.

Like Psychonauts.

>> No.1917273

Psychonauts was actually fun to play though

>> No.1917304

Psychonauts is less fun to play than Conker for sure.

>> No.1917307

wow. i was under the impression /vr/ liked this game. most threads ive seen gave it praise. i did a playthrough recently i had fun

>> No.1917317

I've only played through it a couple times, once when I bought it and 5 or so years later when I came across it again in a box, and both times I thoroughly enjoyed it.
It's one of those games where the anticipation of what will happen next is the driving force for playing it. I loved that it didn't ask me to run around collecting stupid shit all over the place and the stuff it did task me with collecting was actually fun and rewarding to find.
It had something new and cool in every area you visited. Getting drunk and pissing on the rock-dudes at the techno party was probably my favorite part.

Does /vr/ not appreciate games for what they are? Some games aren't meant to be played over and over to git gud. Sometimes they are just meant to be played start to finish for the thrill of the experience.

>> No.1917328

Oops. I meant I've played through conkers twice.

I've only played through psychonauts once.

Not that it matters.

>> No.1917337

> wow. i was under the impression /vr/ liked this game

You will get used to it, i used to believe /vr/ liked yoshi's islad, super castlevania IV, Super Metroid etc

God, i was wrong...

>> No.1917349

Which is for the better, the dev team admitted that they changed the game because it was literally a DK64 / Banjo ripoff that offered nothing new.

>> No.1919161

>Almost 200 Copies on ebay alone
Last time I checked rare meant hard to find.

>> No.1919268

You are a fucking retard.

>> No.1919276

is it better just to play the xbox version

>> No.1919278

He either meant that sales of the game were only in the thousands, or that it was made by RareWare.

>> No.1919279

>Conker is objectively shit because I said so

>> No.1919694

I don't know whether to laugh or cry

>> No.1920107
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They didn't even get to the funny parts or the singing poo pile.

>> No.1920387
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Proto Conker will never be used as a prequel to CBFD and leads to him becoming the asshole he is today.

>> No.1920402

>core earthbound isn't that good
There's nothing wrong with dragon quest battles or the multiplayer side of conquer.
It's just that the main game is the fetch quest of banjo kazooie without the non linearity,

>> No.1920408

Conker has a dynamic frame buffer shadow that flips to the direction of every light source though.

>> No.1922978
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He may look cute, but don't let that fool you into thinking that Conker's adventuring skills don't match up to his enthusiasm. Just like his good friend Diddy, Conker is easily bored by the quiet daily routine of his treetop village, and he'll seize any chance to go bounding off into the woods with catapult in hand. He's as swift and athletic as any squirrel you'd care to name, and a crack shot with his weapon of choice - making him a formidable challenger to anyone who dares cross him...

>> No.1922983
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Fond as she is of the endlessly energetic Conker, Berri has found that life's much easier if she leaves him to his exploration when he starts to get itchy feet. Unless, that is, the reason behind it involves her too, in which case she'll join in the quest with every last bit of determination she can muster. And whether Conker knows it or not, Berri's a match for him in every way when it comes to adventuring - though she never could resist jumping in when something needed looking after...

>> No.1922985
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"With a chipmunk and a squirrel, Rare is able to continue the magic captured by Nintendo's original Super Mario 64 that no other developer has been able to execute on any other system... the game has the amazing ability to make gamers feel as if they're playing through Disney's movie version of Bambi."
- Next Generation (preview)

>> No.1922989
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"Though the gameplay still needs tightening up, it's clear that the game will be packed with variety... the graphics are ultra-cutesy, but at the same time they're gorgeous."
- Digitiser (preview)

>> No.1922991
File: 21 KB, 312x224, ttshot20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Considering the fact that this is a key Rare title which looks and plays great despite how cute it may be, Nintendo is likely to have another winner on its hands."
- N64.com (preview)

>> No.1922993
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"Quite remarkable... could well be the game to end Mario's reign over the platform genre... shows Rare really are out to play hard-ball."
- 64 Extreme (preview)

>> No.1922994
File: 26 KB, 312x224, ttshot9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Conker's Quest is no doubt undergoing some serious altercations to make it as individualistic as possible to have it maintain an indentity of its own..."
- Nintendojo

>> No.1922995
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He may have been pipped to the post of first Rare-published game by the speedy late '97 release of Diddy Kong Racing, but it'll take more than that to dampen Conker's mood. In fact things are working out well for the feisty squirrel, with his debut appearance as a DKR competitor paving the way for his own epic adventures to follow - both on the Nintendo 64 and Game Boy (in the upcoming Conker's Pocket Tales).

>> No.1922997
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The team behind the game (largely made up of ex-KI team members, taking a well-earned break from violence and destruction) is doing everything imaginable to differentiate the antics of their chirpy mascot from those of both Mario and Conker's stablemate Banjo. The 'interactive cartoon' aspect of Twelve Tales in particular is being pushed hard, with the vibrant scenery of the game world and the hugely varied themes of its areas (woodland, seafront, Wild West, Ancient Greek arena etc.) recalling some classic animated screen moments.

>> No.1922998
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The 'emotional' angle featured in the game has also sparked a considerable amount of interest, finding itself the focus of many a press release. Conker and his female counterpart Berri the chipmunk each bear a range of emotions, just like any cartoon or real-life critter, and also a number of expressions with which to convey their mood: they're fully aware of the game world and Squizzle ahoy! its dangers, and they can react accordingly. However, this also holds true for the bad guys... it's a revolutionary system, and one which should carry the genre a few steps further up the logical path of its evolution.

>> No.1923000
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And that's just the tip of the iceberg where new features for this type of game are concerned. There's a simultaneous two-player co-operative mode where separate players take control of Conker and his owl companion, a four-player split-screen deathmatch setup, and markedly different one-player games depending on whether you choose to play as Conker (arcade-style with a wide range of direct attacks on offer) or Berri (more strategy-led with a monster companion doing most of the rough stuff, provided you keep it well-fed and contented).

>> No.1923002
File: 37 KB, 312x224, ttshot18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twelve Tales: Conker 64 has been designed as an experience for all ages, the 'moods' structure allowing the player to manipulate the tone of the game and play in it any way he or she sees fit. If the name doesn't ring any immediate bells, you may have been more familiar with the working title of Conker's Quest, which was dropped recently (thanks mainly to overuse of the word 'conquer' in modern gaming and the tedious arguments that this can bring about). However, it looks as if the mischievous rodent star himself will be spared the indignity of a name change.

>> No.1923008
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>> No.1923010
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>> No.1923132

I'll never enjoy the action-adventure genre anyways so no loss here.

>> No.1923136


if you don't like earthbound you probably have no soul. and are very boring.

>> No.1923167

I remember seeing pictures of this back in a 1997-ish Nintendo magazine. I waited so long, and it never came out.

>> No.1923510

There is one video of Twelve Tales gameplay


I'm sure the Comic Sans drove Conker insane

Also, a lot of the music was apparently reused for Jet Force Gemini.

>> No.1923546
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I'll be totally honesty; I really wanted twelve tales and was disappointed it turned into BFD. Don't get me wrong, I think BFD is one of the best N64 games ever, but it's just that I longed over TT from the first time I saw it in Nintendo Power. Honestly, titles like this make the N64 one of my absolute favorite systems of all time. I still hold out hope that a proto might yet surface, but at least there's lots of video of it.

>> No.1925152

I doubt they're too different. They probably reused a large amount of content.

>> No.1926345
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Some cunt from Assembler games will have a copy of it that he strokes on his cock every night before going to sleep with the knowledge that no one will ever get to play it ever again.

I wish I was joking, but people from AG are legitimately like that. They power-trip on not releasing these things.

Pic semi-related, because dev-hardware. I bought it about two years ago.

>> No.1926392

did anybody played the Gba port? they did releases tt on the gba I believe

>> No.1926412

how many fedoras do you own?

>> No.1926418

I used to think so too when I was 12.

I still love the game to death though.

>> No.1926875

Have you seen the videos? They looked like they played completely different and almost none of the graphics are in BFD. Also, Beri isn't playable and she had gameplay mechanics unique to her.

>> No.1927173

This isn't Mother 3 dude.