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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1914154 No.1914154[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay so I think I'm gonna start gathering and playing older consoles (doing Nintendo for now because it's what I'm familiar with. Looking into an SNES currently) and I have a few questions regarding prices on equipment.

First of all, what is the price I should be paying for a decent TV? What is the max I should budget for say a TV, SNES, and around 5 games? Is it better to buy online or in person? Are those new production "retro console" SNES machines any good? Or would I be better served finding an original? I'm very sorry if these questions are answered by a wiki I'm just looking for real human advice right about now before I jump into this.

>> No.1914168

I have no idea about new SNES knockoffs or emulation boxes like the Retron, but you can't go wrong with a real SNES. If possible try to get a 1CHIP model or a Mini, but unless you are hardcore into getting the best video quality any model will probably be fine.

As for TV, again it depends on what you are willing to invest. Decent RGB capable monitors might be worth shelling out for, but you probably shouldn't pay much at all for a standard CRT TV. Sony Trinitron models are recommended for a consumer TV, but I don't know much more than that. As for video monitors, look into Sony PVM and BVM, NEC XM or XP 29s, Ikegamis, and probably some others. These monitors are popular with gamers so you might need to pay a bit for them ($100+ depending on model, condition, level of usage, but you might can find a deal on Craigslist if you're lucky I guess).

>> No.1914173
File: 457 KB, 600x1054, BurstManContemplatesExistence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knock-off Mega Man X with nipple guns
This stinks of Brazil. I just have a feeling about it.

>> No.1914206

if you're just interested in playing the games, I'd highly recommend getting a wii and softmodding it. for a decent CRT, no more than $100 tops. if your adamant on playing cartridges, get the original systems, clone systems are just not worth it.

>but you might can find a deal on Craigslist if you're lucky I guess

finding Sony PVM/BVM's on craiglist has become nearly impossible. I live near a major city and check everyday, I'm lucky if one a month pops up on CL and if it's decent it's usually gone pretty damn quick.

>> No.1914207


I see a Trinitron in my area for $50 on Craigslist should I look into it?. I'm not SUPER worried about the highest possible video quality I'm just tired of seeing everything look so ugly when I play anything like a Wii/GC or older on my HD screen. If it looks how it would look to the average consumer back when it came out I'd be satisfied.

>> No.1914210

how does he drink?

>> No.1914212


Definitely interested in playing on carts, I can emulate on PC or my Wii fine but I have some kinda brain problem where I feel more inclined to finish a game if I actually own it.

>> No.1914214
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1408245499295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is with these pictures

>> No.1914223

That's a rip off. I wouldn't pay more than 20.

>> No.1914227

I'm glad I'm done with monitor shopping. I found an NEC XP29 on my local cl earlier this year. I paid quite a bit for it but it was apparently hardly used at all.

Oh, that's another thing OP. Finding your display locally is definitely preferable. If you see something good on cl don't hesitate. Shipping monitors isn't cheap and while my experience with having monitors shipped to me have been good, it is a definite risk.

>> No.1914240
File: 317 KB, 800x800, heatman_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fuckin' idea.

>> No.1914246
File: 273 KB, 1182x877, mmx_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm. Coffee.