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File: 124 KB, 600x356, Kirbys-Dream-Land-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1898006 No.1898006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Started playing this again for the first time since I was a kid. The blocks that guard the True Final Boss Collectables seem like they don't give you much of any hint how to break them, and Rick is borderline useless, but I'm enjoying it.

>> No.1898041


>> No.1898231

kdl3 > kdl2 > kdl

>> No.1898236

I've actually been meaning to give 3 a proper playthrough; I'd never heard of it back when I had a SNES.

>> No.1898239

KDL2 was my first Kirby game. It was my first game that I beat to 100% completion.

I enjoy 3 immensely, as well, but it gets a lot of flak around these parts. Not sure why.

>> No.1898247

It was my second Kirby game, shortly after renting Kirby 64 from Blockbuster.

I've seen a lot of people claim 3 gets flack, but I haven't actually seen any flack so far.

>> No.1898273

I'm pretty sure it comes down to the fact that KDL3 came out after Kirby Super Star, so it's often judged given that context. KDL3 is a good game, but you have to admit it just feels a lot slower and less varied than KSS does. Even with the various power variations with the animal friends, KSS just wins out on sheer number of powers, not to mention having multiple moves per power. It's also quite a bit more replayable.

>> No.1898281

Honestly, maybe it's just because it's been a while, but I don't really remember thinking Super Star was all that great. I remember loving it when I first played it, but repeat playthroughs haven't been all that fun. Mostly because there really isn't /that/ much to it, unless you really want to 100% Great Cave Offensive.

I liked the remake, though.

>> No.1898292

Indeed, KDL3's main quest is, in some ways, more fleshed out and technically lasts longer, but again, part of that has to do with its much slower overall pacing. KSS is more of a game that you play in fast bursts, since most of the games in it are quite short and are quickly completed. In retrospect, KSS feels more like it should have been a handheld title (which it now is).

>> No.1898306

It also helps that KDL3 is one multi-hour, focused game, rather than being a bundle of short ones.

Sort of related: is there an actual confirmed reason why the KDL2-K64 characters are completely ignored for the rest of the series?

>> No.1898318

Who knows? Nintendo just loves to introduces new characters all the time, and I guess in their eyes only a couple, such as Dedede and Meta-Knight, were eventually considered ubiquitous enough to appear in everything Kirby-related.

>> No.1898327

Different director?

I still always wonder what Shinichi Shimomura is up to.

>> No.1898330

I think part of it might also be that KDL3 was really heavily character-focused; essentially every heart star or whatever required you to help out someone, which gives the game an odd sense of being the only Kirby game to give something of a damn about the world it takes place in.

Meanwhile the rest of the series is pretty much just focused on being a plain old platformer. Which isn't bad, but still.

I don't think that would magically force every team since then to slot in the KDL3-K64 characters solely as minor references.

>> No.1898381

>DL3 above anything
Not a fucking chance.

>> No.1898386

Please clarify your stance, I'm legitimately interested in what problems that game has.

>> No.1898387

If you came to it off of playing Dream Land 2 I'm not sure exactly how you wouldn't get it. The game is utterly piss easy and for the most part just plain boring. It always baffles me how a Kirby game with sprint can somehow manage to have worse pacing than Dream Land 2, which had no sprint function at all.

>> No.1898394

I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "bad pacing" with KDL2; I've played through most of the game now and it seems fine.

Also I'm pretty sure all Kirby games are meant to be easy to one degree or another, so that's not really a complaint.

>> No.1898404

It's a valid complaint when a game has little else to offer. If you want an easy game to still be engaging then you need to add value in other areas like power-up abilities (Super Star) or make sure the level design is fun and interesting. Dream Land 3 feels like it was made to put me to sleep, and that's not a complement. The context-sensitive collectibles feel like a hard stop to whatever you're doing usually and ultimately undermine replayability.

And make no mistake, it WAS a huge step backwards after Super Star; I think most people can see that easily enough. But it also was wholly disappointing as a sequel to Dream Land 2, which I still regard as one of the best Kirby games thanks to its respectable challenge level and great bosses. Dream Land 3 felt like more of an attempt at being artsy or "cute" instead of being a good game in itself, and that I think was a very unfortunate turn for the worse for the Kirby series. Crystal Shards was similarly dull as fuck and those two games in a row are basically what turned me off from Kirby after that.

>> No.1898414

I just hated how it took until Amazing Mirror (I think) to get any semblance of KSS's power abilities, and until Return to Dreamland to fully approach that level of depth again. You would think after KSS, every Kirby game from there on would have taken up after it, but they either went back to the KDL2/3 style, or were weird spin-offs.

>> No.1898417

I felt that Dreamland 2's bosses were the low point of the game from how much health they had, which made their fights drag on well past their limited movesets. And they were mostly copies of prior Kirby bosses, so that's probably where part of your approval comes from.

I also just beat Kirby 64 for the first time in years a few days ago and thought it was pretty fun, but eh, to each their own.

I haven't played Amazing Mirror, but thanks for making me just now realize all the cool little quirks of the abilites in Return were a KSS thing.

>> No.1898418

Yeah I've honestly never really been able to comprehend why they didn't keep that special power depth from then on out. Maybe it was some sort of petty developer feud? Like X director wanted to feel like a special snowflake so they ignored all the great action innovations of Super Star?

>> No.1898429

It's also possible they wanted to keep things simple for people just getting into the series.

>> No.1898434

How well did Super Star sell? It's had critical acclaim for quite some time hasn't it? To ignore the obvious popularity of a commercial product just strikes me was petty bullshit.

>> No.1901001
File: 64 KB, 518x451, 34309-Kirby's_Dream_Land_3_(USA)-7[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreamland 3 is the best looking game on the SNES.

Yoshi's Island is a close second, but DL3 just nails this art style so much better.

>> No.1901028

Yeah I never ended up collecting all the rainbow drops/shards/whatever either.

>> No.1901038
File: 139 KB, 1440x2160, The Power of Dither.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God help you if you don't have a dithering shader though. Those water levels need it.

>> No.1903579


interesting example

>> No.1903672

I don't know what shit emulator you're using but my unfiltered water certainly does not look like that top image.

>> No.1904648

screenshot? maybe you're playing in 256x224 mode

thing is, snes can do hi-res and pseudo-hi-res with some sacrifices, that water is a fine example of a pseudo hires scene, but you guys should see RPM racing. the whole game is full hi res, 512 x 448 and looks and plays like absolute shit

>> No.1904792
File: 95 KB, 1023x718, kirby's dreamland 2 super gameboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that kdl2 has super gameboy extras, those being colors and oddly enough, extra sounds like clapping at the title screen.

>> No.1904939

This was my first and favorite kirby game.

Best music best everything.

>> No.1904959

no, kdl3 > kdl > kdl2