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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1894989 No.1894989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would /vr/ be interested in doing a "1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die" challenge? as in, playing and beating all the games from the list in order? you can stop at the 2000's if you want

>> No.1895000


>> No.1895020

>and beating

>> No.1895023

who the hell would have time for that? here at /vr/ we are all old dudes with families that have no time to play games and just barely enough time to talk about them

>> No.1895035

>here at /vr/ we are all old dudes with families that have no time to play games and just barely enough time to talk about them
With emulators for smartphone i always find some good minutes to play every day.

>implying anyone in 4chan can reproduce

>> No.1895043

Fucking hell, I'm already busy with the 1001 albums book, and I'm already sure I won't finish it since it has a rough 70% miss ratio so far

>> No.1895046
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>Contra 3 but no Contra or Super C
>No Mike Tyson's Punch Out!
>Donkey Kong Country 3 but no 1 or 2 (not really that much of a fan...but still)
>Shitty modern Ninja Gaiden but no NES ones
>No Final Fantasy 6 (At least I didn't see it)
>Banjo Kazooie Nuts n' Bolts (Modern I know but Fuck this game for raping my childhood)
>No Smash brothers Melee
>No Megaman 1-7
>4 Guitar Hero Games (really?)

>> No.1895048

Who the hell wants to reproduce? Fuck kids.

>> No.1895049

>Donkey Kong Country 3 but no 1 or 2 (not really that much of a fan...but still)
Ahaha what the fuck, seriously?
Who the fuck recommends DKC3 over 2 or DKC?

>> No.1895054



>> No.1895056
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It was painful to read this fucking list my friend

>> No.1895060

>tfw you will never experience every single videogame that was ever made

>> No.1895079

>who the hell would have time for that?
hey mane, i'm only 25yr old. i can still play tons of games

>> No.1895081
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First there is shittones of irrelevant games in this list and even omitted classic.
Second like >>1895023 said I barely have time to talk about video games on the internet and even less time to play them, maybe you will find a masochist NEET or 2 depressed enough to do this shit with you.

>> No.1895105

>Shitty modern Ninja Gaiden

Except they're not shitty, at least for 1 and 2. Your bias for "modern games suxx retro games 4 life lol" is showing.

>> No.1895128

Maybe, but Ninja Gaiden 3 is a standout game on one of the greatest systems ever. For it to be overlooked is borderline blasphemous.

>> No.1895132

Just a reminder that this book actually includes Army of Two AND its sequel, and yet doesn't include metric shit tons of actually good retro games.

>> No.1895142

Ho, it's THAT one book.

>> No.1895190

>fuck kids
Damn pedophile....

OP, the task sounds just overwhelming.

>> No.1895203 [SPOILER] 
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>Fuck kids.

>> No.1895295

ninja gaiden 3 (modern) is a terrible entry in the series.

ninja gaiden is supposed to be hard god damn it.

>> No.1895303

I meant Ninja Gaiden 3, not Ninja Gaiden Black Plus

>> No.1895319

>have a family
>still go to 4chan
What's your problem? If you have time for this site, you can't use the "have no time for this shit, too busy being a responsible grown up man"

It's a good idea OP, though I don't agree with this list.

>> No.1895331

>What's your problem? If you have time for this site, you can't use the "have no time for this shit, too busy being a responsible grown up man"
part of being a family man is having a job that supports your family.

a great part about my job is i have some down time to browse /vr/

i don't consider myself one to 'go to 4chan' since i only frequent this board

>> No.1895349

All the arcade machine games in that book that were designed to be addicting, require trial & error gameplay and take a very long time to beat. That challenge sounds a bit insane.

>> No.1895989

How many videogames have you even beaten in your entire life? I've beaten around 300 and I think that's already way more than most people ever will come close to, there are not even 1000 must-play games out there.

>> No.1895992
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>here at /vr/ we are all old dudes with families

>> No.1896014

I've entertained the idea for a Video Game Bucket list

Could be however long, just a list of games you want to play and beat

>> No.1896037

dunno if more than 1001, but definitely more than 300. hell probably beaten 100+ games from the NES alone. rental stores were definitely important for that, you had 3 days to beat 4~5 games, you played like crazy so you wouldnt have to rent them again

>> No.1896221

>let's beat some games that have no ending
>i'm so young I don't know these exist
>and in the order they're listed in some book because autism
no thanks

>> No.1896612

I've played what I feel to be a significant amount of 150 of these. That said, this list is pretty fucking shit, especially with half of the list being stuff from the past two generations. Also the abundance of sequels that did nothing to improve upon their predecessor. And why is Megaman 9 the only one on the list? What the fuck? I had some problems with the choices for 1001 Albums... (too anglocentric, hardly any jazz or blues, very shoddy nostalgiacore FOTM choices for newer releases as opposed to boundary-pushing avant records) but this just has the same problems to so much worse of a degree.

>> No.1896630

Can we leave it at 101?

>> No.1896634

It's really due to two reasons I'd say

1) The game industry is filled with short-sightedness (remember EA now refers to this generation as "Gen 4" - that's right, video gaming started with the original Playstation)

2) A lot of these industry works are just covert paid advertisements for game products, so that's why there's an overemphasis on things you can still buy from stores (Guinness World Records Gamer Edition was just full of this shit - they actually had a record "Biggest world in a GTA game", an category that the GTA brand obviously couldn't lose)

>> No.1897456

I honestly think the author tried to shift away from some obvious choices (except for 1970 because there werent much to pick) because, well, everyone played them already, why list in the book?

It doesnt justify everything, but hey. Also his terrible, terrible choices comes more at the end. I kind of liked his retro collection. Obviously would change some names here and there, but its not that bad.

>> No.1897579

22 year old single guy recovering from surgery. I have literally all the time in the world. I...hardly play games.

>> No.1897584
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>here at /vr/ we are all old dudes with families that have no time to play games
Im-fucking-plying. The second she told me she was preggo, I skipped town. Got time for all the vidya I want.

That said, here are some vidyas:
>Ancient Domains of Mystery
>Diablo 2

>> No.1897626

i can understand the EA logic about gens, i like it more than calling each release of a new console a new generation even if it doesn't improve too much on the previous hardware or games

1 st gen would be the beggining with all these atari games an pong pacman etc

2nd gen we have the nes and SNES and the golden age of the 2d era

3d gen is the rise of the 3D graphics, psx n64 ps2 dreamcast and xbox ,and the beginning of online gameplay and conectivity

4 gen is the new 3d full HD games that include a lot of online shit like thropies,scoreboards, mic support, and DLC ,everyone has an acount and DRM soars high into the sky

>> No.1897628

>The second she told me she was preggo, I skipped town
get out you fucking shitfuck

>> No.1898564
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It was either her or the Black Isle catalog.

I think I made the right choice.

>> No.1898609

Those are some decent categories, but I don't think that is actually how EA meant it.

>> No.1898949

>must play games
>having a shitton after 2000, the time when videogames basically became shit
I could make a much better list. There'd be a few post-2000 games but not as many stinkers as this pile of shit has, and a ton of really great older games that were good but no one really thinks of much any more.

>> No.1898954

It was written by a couple hack failed games journalists (Mathew Kumar?) turned indie game devs. In otherwords, shitlords wrote this book.

>> No.1898974

Do it.

I wouldn't against that sort of challenge if the list was any good.

>> No.1898986

You're a good man.

>> No.1899089

how do you define a game as a 'must play' anyway?

>> No.1899127

>why even live

>> No.1899151

Too lazy to look up the list for this shit, but are there even any Dreamcast games? ie, the last fun console

>> No.1899879


>> No.1899924

Here's the list:


>> No.1900515

>she told me she was preggo, I skipped town

here at /vr/ we're all deadbeat dads

>> No.1903575


>> No.1903598



why do i need to play fucking NBA 2K10 before i die

>> No.1903852

No. Every list of games like that ends up being an inevitable shitfest. Once a group of people start making a list without any tight controls on what gets added you end up with a list of every fucking game in the universe no matter how shitty.

>> No.1904403

>no Wonder Boy in Monster World
>EA Sports games all over the place

Ok who the fuck did this list

>> No.1904409
File: 38 KB, 585x372, 1404752205584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why don't we make our own bucket list of games? Fuck these guys

>> No.1904423

>Fifa 2010
>Guitar Hero Metallica
>Madden 10
>NHL 10
>Wii Sports Resort
>NBA 2K10
>Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10
>The Path
>EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis
>Top Spin 3
>Buzz Quiz TV
>Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
>Wii Fit
>Brain Training

lol fuck off

>> No.1904426

I have the feeling they had different writers for each generation. That's the only way to explain it. I mean the stuff they've got down all the way up to the mid 2000s-ish isn't TOO bad. Pretty stock-standard selections but after that it's a fucking joke

>> No.1904441

Hah! You call that a list?

>> No.1904479

I say we fucking do this

>> No.1904486

see >>1899089

>> No.1904504

Some of those Nintendo games are arguably influential enough to warrant an entry. Hate Wii Fit all you want, but it's got a place in gaming history.

>> No.1904514

>The second she told me she was preggo, I skipped town.
You legend, you.

>> No.1904528

What the actual fuck, it looks like a list made by dudebros

>> No.1904689

I don't hate it though. I have fond memories of watching a female friend of mine doing the hoola hoop in her underwear

>> No.1904695

...the path is good though

>> No.1904706
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Well, there's the obvious big name choices we get out of the way. From there it'd just be a matter of people recommending games, listing why they feel it should make the list and going about voting yay or nay on them. If we do like a thread a week taking x amount of games, that week gives people time to play said games and voice whether to add it or not

>> No.1904709

well lets start then
names for the 80's?

>> No.1904727

Well alright but stuffing my face atm so it'll take a bit. Just got off work
>castlevania 1 + 3 (2 just to listen to bloody tears)
>Zelda 1+2
>Mario 1+2+3
>Megaman 2-6
>Double Dragon 1+2
>Blaster Master
>Star Tropics
>Metal Gear 1 + 2 (Solid Snake of course, not revenge)
>Wizardry series
>River City Ransom
>Sweet Home
>Ducktales 1+2
>Maniac Mansion
>King's Quest 3
>Dragon's lair (arcade of course)
>Mike Tyson's Punch Out!
>Marble Madness
>Ghosts and Goblins

>> No.1904739

This gonna be the hardest part of the list as most of the game genres, codes and tropes were been define on that decade.

>> No.1904749

>This gonna be the hardest part of the list as most of the game genres, codes and tropes were been define on that decade.
that's why its better doing it first

but instead of picking decades, why don't we pick essential games for each console instead?

>> No.1904751

Each console or each generation. Either way seems better then by decade

>> No.1906931
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What score did you get nerds?
Weak ass 180 over here. Yes that includes the modern games.

>> No.1906987

I took this book seriously until it got to Halo. It sucked Halos dick so hard, and when Halo 2 came around it got criticism that was actually deserving but HOLY SHIT GUYS THE MULTIPLAYER XDDD

I appreciate the book, but it was written by people who only played what they wanted to play. As such they really overlook some stuff -which is par for the course these days I guess.

>> No.1906990


>> No.1907008


>> No.1907152
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