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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1894239 No.1894239[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I’m a huge fan of Tetris. Have been since my parents bought me a Gameboy in 1990, when I was 6, when the game was packaged with it. Of course, I wasn’t very good at it for a long time, usually failing around level 8 on A-mode. But over the years, I got better with practice, and by the time I was given a Gameboy Color for my birthday, I could get to level 30 (Tetris DX topped out at that level, but would continue on indefinitely), and always got the rocket ship when I finally made an error, and lost.

I can’t stress how influential this game was to me. I would research the background music, which lead to a better appreciation of Russian folksongs, European chamber music, and opera. It lead to me learning about the history of the Soviet Union, and what the world was like when I was born in 1984. And I read everything I could about the creation of the game, its creators, and the amazing history of its legality and licensing.

Knowing that I am such a huge fan of it, my girlfriend, about a month ago, bought me a copy she found on eBay. She’s not much of a geek (though I try- I got her into Game of Thrones, so there’s hope for her yet!), so she didn’t know too much about this copy when she purchased it, but I didn’t care: it was in a really cool box, and the original manual that came with it was in Cyrillic. The copyright info on it said it was from 1988, so right away, I was pumped. The seller had included printed instructions on how to load it up, and more importantly, what emulator I’d need to download to make it run. Luckily, I have a portable floppy disc drive, so actually accessing the program wasn’t terribly difficult.

>> No.1894240
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The seller also included on a separate sheet of paper, a note. I had some trouble reading his cursive handwriting, but it said, “I hope you enjoy this version of Tetris. I picked up this in 1997, when I was working for the US embassy. It just showed up on my desk one night, and-“ and then the note abruptly ended. Shrugging, I uploaded the game, and ran it.

I can’t read Russian, so figuring out the menu required some repeat visits to Google Translate. Eventually, I started playing. It didn’t have the flair that non-Russian companies had added (no Soviet and Russian landmarks, no background music), but it did have blip sound effects when pieces turned, fell into place, and when lines were cleared. The graphics were very simple, but not without their quaint charm.

I must have been playing for quite some time, cause when I paused to go out for a cigarette, I noticed that at least four hours had gone by. I was alone in the house, as my girlfriend had left for a girl’s night out in Wisconsin with her college friends. She wouldn’t be back until that Sunday. After feeding the cat, I went back to playing.

>> No.1894241
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When I looked up again, early morning light was creeping through the windows. I exited the program, and went to bed. I wouldn’t be able to play again until later that night, as I had a full day of errands to run that day.

When I came home that evening, I eagerly booted the game back up, but immediately, something was noticeably different. The game, which had a greenish cast to it, was suddenly displaying shades of red, and the menu seemed to blink with a human pulse to it. Confused, I exited, and rebooted it. It was as if nothing had happened- it ran as it had the night before, and I played again for several hours (only pausing for another cigarette and to feed the cat).

>> No.1894247
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Again, I played until dawn, and went to bed. But my dreams, as far as I could recall, were filled with red tetriminios, which would fall inches from me, and eventually trap me. The long, skinny one would appear above me, and drop as if it were in slow motion. Just before it landed on me, the dream would shift into something unrelated. I’d be doing something else, until, like clockwork, I would suddenly find myself surrounded by familiar blocks, and another long, skinny tetrimino would make it’s painfully slow, but dreadful descent toward me.

When I awoke, I went back to my computer, and loaded up the game. But this time, the color of the screen was a frightening blood red, and I noticed, in the silence of my living room, that the pulse that the displayed flickered matched my heartbeat, which had unconsciously matched my breathing. The button that said “start” (in Cyrillic) was replaced with a new word: one that translated as “You’re next, Comrade.”

>> No.1894249
File: 52 KB, 711x458, tetris-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panicking, I held the power button of my computer done, with the intent to “hard” turn-off my laptop, but the screen remained the same. I pulled the power cord, and sat a few feet away, waiting for the power to drain. After an hour or so, the screen turned black, and the battery indicator light was at zero. As I stood up, the screen suddenly flashed on! In glowing, disturbing white letters, the words “Nice try, kid,” splashed across the screen in English. Just as suddenly, bright, sticky blood started to gush from the CD drive and between the keys!

Over my screams, I heard Bach’s French Suite No. 3 in B Minor ripple through the living room, distorting slightly each time it repeated itself! From my laptop, the blood started gushing up like a hellish geyser, coating the room with foul-smelling liquid and painting my clothing in its ichor. Everywhere the blood fell, the surface burned away as if it were splashed with sulphuric acid, eroding the foundations of the house! As the music reached a demonic crescendo, the roof fell in on itself, and on top of my scarred and naked body- and from the now-exposed sky, gigantic tetriminos began to fall as if some uncaring god was throwing them at my quivering, pathetic body!

Badly hurt, I started to run, only to find myself trapped. Knowing what fate was coming, I leaned against an J-block, only occasionally glancing up toward the heavens for what would surely come next. And it surely did. The sky was darkened under it’s shadow- the last and final long-skinny one. Mockingly, it seemed to slow down, as if to savor the clearing of these blocks. I closed my eyes, and said a prayer to whatever god would listen to my weak, pitiful petition to save my life, but to no avail. The long-skinny butted up against my head, and crushed whatever life was still clinging to its ravished, torn vessel.

>> No.1894252
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I then woke up.

It was all a dream. I slapped myself several times to make sure I was not still asleep, and in the process, alarmed by cat, who had been gentling biting my ankle in an attempt to wake me so that I would feed her. I got up, slipped a shirt on, and did so.

After calming myself with a mid-morning beer, I strode over to my computer, and turned it on. I then booted up that game of Tetris. It was displaying the menu as it had the previous night- green cast and all. No new words. I sat and contemplated it for a few minutes, and then exited the program, unplugging the portable drive, and removing the ancient floppy disc.

I went outside, placed it on the ground, and struck it with a hammer, the sounds of each blow reverberating in the alley. I picked up the pieces, and threw them away.

I thought about what I had been through all day, and promised myself that I would never play Tetris again, but like clockwork, after diner, I pulled out my old Gameboy, and pushed the old Tetris cartridge into place. And immediately my hands were covered in blood.

>> No.1894292
File: 189 KB, 300x166, pasta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some nice pasta OP

>> No.1894301

>And immediately my hands were covered in blood.

>> No.1894305

this is gay

>> No.1894436

yep this sure is happy around here.

>> No.1896104

cute fic op