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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 93 KB, 1036x733, japa-MMAP-md[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1893526 No.1893526 [Reply] [Original]

>exclusives with translations
>exclusives WITHOUT translations you'd like to see
>exclusives that are great and don't need translations

Post them.

>> No.1893532
File: 35 KB, 640x400, tokio01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artdink's Tokio series of space-colony city-builders, released first for NEC's PC-98 computers and later on Windows.

The least translation Tokio 1 & 2 would need is English menu text, then followed by hacking the phone-call text generation algorithm to work with English phrases. Otherwise, it's SimCity (zoning, city politics) in space + some of DOS A-Train's economic systems (managing shuttle traffic, running the generators/colony engineering, &c.).

>> No.1893534
File: 34 KB, 640x400, tokio03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1893537
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>> No.1893538
File: 88 KB, 640x400, tokio2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokio 2's premise is that the orbital ward of Tokyo's broken off to become an independent colony-state. Not many pics of it online and no video, but it got a Windows port!

>> No.1893565
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That's pretty awesome, even though city-builders with administrative management simulation elements are not the kind of vidya I enjoy, I think the whole concept of building in space sounds at least interesting.

I've got this one N64 game which is actually a sequel to a Super Famicom game, they're text adventure games or visual novels with horror elements ala Clock Tower, but this is on a ship in the ocean.
I don't think there's even that many information about it on english.

>> No.1893572
File: 34 KB, 220x385, gunman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically has a translation

>> No.1893590
File: 12 KB, 320x240, gfs_15936_2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Title is Yakouchuu II: Satsujin Kouro, by the way

>> No.1893605

Did Lack of Love of the Dreamcast get a translation?

>> No.1893637

>>exclusives WITHOUT translations you'd like to see
Segagaga(the wait for this is getting fucking ridiculous. I can't believe this is not translated yet, Sega fans are fucking useless)
Mizzurna Falls
Kowloon's Gate
entire Syndrome series
The Silver Case
Boku no Natsuyasumi series
Aconcagua(this has english voice acting)
Planet Laika
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
Linda Cube Again
Shadowrun (Mega-CD)

>> No.1893639

I think that game does not have text.

>> No.1893642


I wonder what went through this people head when they decided to make a sound novel for the N64.

>> No.1893664
File: 45 KB, 480x488, Serial Experiments Lain CD Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The translation was finished in June.

>> No.1893696

All the Super Robot Wars games that don't have a translation yet, which are most of them, in fact.

>> No.1893701
File: 323 KB, 500x500, e5r453453675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this series

>> No.1893717


Yuuyami Doori Tankentai is a stand alone game, it isnt related to the Twilight Syndrome series, it's a spiritual sequel made by some of the same people that made Twilight Syndrome.

>> No.1893745

The more you know

>> No.1893746
File: 140 KB, 800x600, Taikou_Risshiden5_89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncharted Waters: Costa Del Sol, Gaiden, and Porto Estado/Rota Nova.
Absolutely every Taikou Risshiden game, it's a crying shame those aren't available in english.
Ishin no Arashi series.

For PC-98 there's also the JRPG predecessor to E.V.O: The Search for Eden called "4.6 Billion Year Story: The Theory of Evolution" which looks damn cool.

>> No.1893902

>Kowloon's Gate
ma nigga this game was such a huge cult hit in Japan, mentioned alongside greats like FFVII and Tekken, but people seem to rarely know about it stateside.

>> No.1893918

Shadowrun for the Mega-CD had a longplay that had the entire game translated through the Youtube captions. It isn't playable, but since it is a story-intensive adventure game, being able to read it is close enough.


>> No.1893924

Ouch, didn't realize this vid wouldn't work outside Youtube. Just head to the link and turn on the captions and you're all set!

>> No.1894090
File: 343 KB, 1452x2060, GBEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Slayer: Nemuri no Oukan

>Only 2 towns
>Only 3/4 spots monsters respond at
>Only 1 dungeon
>Only 1 quest

Look up the name on google.
>NO WORLD MAP [Had to draw one]

>> No.1894134

I spent a month or so trying to extract the text from this game and wasn't able to do it. If anyone can do so, let me know and I'll have a stab at translating it (granted they can re-insert the text, post translation).

>> No.1894171

Super Famicom Wars

>> No.1894184
File: 24 KB, 672x448, sol moonarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never play IREM's only RPG
Life is suffering.

>> No.1894231
File: 124 KB, 1600x761, fyh56yh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding some things.

>> No.1894243 [DELETED] 

Is out there translations for the original Megami Tensei games? I only have manage to found the Shin Megami Tensei translations for the SuFami system, but nothing for the original Games by Namcot

>> No.1894248
File: 24 KB, 224x200, thousand sensual punishment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is out there translations for the original Megami Tensei games? I only have manage to found the Shin Megami Tensei translations for the SuFami system, but nothing for the original Games by Namcot

>> No.1894315
File: 1.05 MB, 4328x2060, GBEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1894345

>"4.6 Billion Year Story: The Theory of Evolution"

The game looks fucking awesome. I seriously need to learn moonspeak

>> No.1894362

>Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
A friend who has played it says it's his favorite game. Last post in the translation thread was last year. ;_;
How knowledgable about this are you? I can try when I get home, however I'm not really experienced.
m8r-jrnggo@mailinator.com temp mail if you want to contact me anyways (great idea to thrash the email field, moot)

>> No.1894364

There is a translation for the SNES remake of the first 2 megaten games

>> No.1894373
File: 123 KB, 537x479, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole psychic detective series

I have all the twilight/moonlight syndrome games and love them. I've been wanting this one for years

Great list
>mizzurna falls
Love this game

>> No.1894385

Data West adventure games will be great fun when I get to them. The best versions are for the FM Towns, thanks to DAPS' CD streaming capabilities. I wonder how System Sacom's Novelware games will compare, since they each have a novel's worth of text instead of video.

>> No.1894397

The Saturn is great for Japanese exclusive. I already have a bunch of Saturn games, now I just need a working Saturn.

Does the N64 have anything Japanese only besides Cusom Robo? So far I have Trouble Makers and Custom Robo but I can't think of any other games I want to own.

>> No.1894418

I only have aya and orgel on pc engine at the moment but I'm looking into importing the fm towns versions at somepoint. I'm interested in playing the rest of the series and the box art is wonderful.

Another exclusive I'm enjoying at the moment is illusion city

>> No.1894427

Illusion City's the first game we discussed in the Classic Japanese PC Gaming general. I'm either going to play it when my Japanese is good enough to get past menus or if a full translation's released. Not sure the mid-'90s story script's going to make for pleasant playing.

>> No.1894486
File: 39 KB, 639x480, gfs_15617_2_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trouble Makers? Was released officially in english as Mischief Makers.

As for japan-only N64 titles, there's a bunch actually. Pic is Getter Love, a mix of dating sim and party game.

>> No.1894489

I know it was released as Mischief Makers, I just wanted to say I own it anyway.

A mix of a dating sim and a party game sounds interesting. What else can I grab? I still haven't grabbed any of the really popular games yet like Zelda or Mario.

>> No.1894505


Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei


Translated. This is the snes ports of Megami Tensei 1 and 2.

>> No.1894507


Nothing stopping you from submitting a walkthrough to gamefaqs. Even a version of that map would be glorious.

>> No.1894552
File: 62 KB, 500x492, despiria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2001 this game (with Segagaga too) make me go "Fuck it! i am fed up with this shit. I am gonna learn Japanese".

Nearly a decade after that I had my N1 and i still think it thanks to this game.
It one of it kind in the rpg/adventure genre and I really recommend it to anyone who want something different but the art style is a Hit or miss.

I must also say i am kind of out of touch of this kind of games cause now i play mostly arcade fighting and shmups games.

So if some of you are up for some recommendations i would appreciate i am also checking some of the games posted here.

>> No.1894559

Fucking awesome! I was a huge Lain fan growing up and always wondered about this. Thanks.

>> No.1894565

Would love the sequels and spin offs of River City ransom to recieve official translations

>> No.1894578

You would be better off learning Moon than waiting on the whim of a translator. It's the best feeling in the world to learn it and have an entire side of media, games, manga, books, open to you when before you were limited.

>> No.1894637
File: 110 KB, 282x500, ganbare-goemon-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had a translation, and can't understand why.

>> No.1894649

There should really be a 日本語 Acquisition Thread in /vr/ by now. I don't wanna have to venture into /a/.

>> No.1894652

What are some quirky Japanese Saturn games that don't need any knowledge of moon to play? No SHMUPs, please.

>> No.1894656


how long to learn until you're at an acceptable level for games and manga though?

>> No.1894659

the angle view fuck my mind.

>> No.1894660

You don't need japanese to play this game. The only text it have are the animal's name.

>> No.1894662

that would depend on your personal ability to retain knowledge, and that is different for everyone

>> No.1894869
File: 261 KB, 1040x766, Its an Island Three.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get used to it.

>> No.1894986

Looks like from Rendevouz with Rama. Is that from a game?

>> No.1895021

I have an interest in (emulable) japan only arcade games, anyone know where i can get more info bout them?

>> No.1895064

Since MAWS is gone, history.dat for MAME has interesting info on some games

>> No.1895117


Funny story, the other day I found that the remake versions of Psychic Detective Invitation and Memories were released first on FM Towns, too bad that I have yet to find a FM Towns torrent that has that version, not even the Neo Kobe set has it.

>> No.1895141


The Societa Dakanyama games dont require japanese to play them and I would say that as adult games they are pretty quirky. Virtua Photo Studio is interesting too, kinda like spiritual sequel to Virtual Cameraman from the 3DO, it requires some japanese to pick the correct option but I guess you can memorize the correct options since they are only three.

Then there is Dark Hunter and the Emit series that were made for japanese people to learn english, but it works the other way too, although it's just a digital comic.

>> No.1895196

Neither! Must be from a journal or mag.

A shame. I wonder if both versions of The 4th Unit Part 5, vanilla and DAPS, are anywhere to be found, along with the Miss Detective series. Amazing tech for the time, even if NEC got the wrong idea and doubled down on FMV for the PC-FX.

>> No.1895213

but it looks like they didn't put it in the game yet...?

>> No.1895221


I have the Ms Detective games, but only the first one for FM Towns, the second one is the PC-98 version. The Neo Kobe set has the FM Towns version of the second game but it doesnt work because the user disk is a corrupt image. The only problem with Ms Detective is that the main character has kansai accent and it doesnt have subs.

There is another "game" for adults that uses DAPS, Sensual Angels.

>> No.1895242

Shamhat, their first and last Polygon DAPS adventure, seems more of a priority (and not just because finding Gilgamesh's crown in the area around Bahrain sounds fun). Imitation City, one of their first releases, also seems to have had an influence on Snatcher, though Koei's Dutch Wives adventure might have been the first game to show Blade Runner's effects.

>> No.1895346

The rutracker torrent has it

>> No.1895347

I wish there was just a script translation for 4.6 Billion Year Story. I'd play through even without any patching of the game. There's a ton more dialogue, and apparently you actually play into the Anthropocene Era. The final villain is some evil counterpart to Gaia, maybe? I'm really disappointed there's no translation already out there.

>> No.1895386

Racing Lagoon
The whole Densha de Go series
The whole Bakusou Dekotora series
The whole Zero-4-Champ series
I really REALLY need learn moon to enjoy these games, no one will never translate them. ;_;

>> No.1895414
File: 11 KB, 320x318, 1786752-linda_cube_again_box_front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1895635

Oh cool, this is the second and last game by the developer of Hellnight. Similar art style too. Will look into it.

Can you tell us more? How good is it in general?

>> No.1895647

Seems like Beyond Coast from Policenauts.

>> No.1895653

script layout is a mess. a translation has been in works for 3 & 4 for a couple years now.


>> No.1895665

>Absolutely every Taikou Risshiden game, it's a crying shame those aren't available in english.

Thanks for reminding me of this series. I am now going to bang my head against the wall in frustration.

>> No.1895915

Bout 2 years.

>> No.1896763

Koei's put up the most recent Nobunaga game on Steam, but only in traditional Chinese. The Koei Wikia's more respectful of their back-catalog!

>> No.1896802

Well it's a game boy game == piss easy to translate.
Find someone who can moon and get a Hex editor

>> No.1896898

It even has an English description, which is kind of funny.

>> No.1897574

Which is also an Island Three colony/O'Neill cylinder.

Tokio lets you switch between the three panels of an O'Neill cylinder that you can build on; the other three are assumed in-game to be windows.

>> No.1897662

Nope, and the project has ended so it won't be made unless other project come out from somewhere. But it still works pretty well if you Ctrl+F the track ID (e.g. Cou040).

>> No.1898839

Here are recent news about the Moon translation:

>> No.1899010

Woah, I thought the project was on a hiatus or something. Thank you anon!

>> No.1899036

At least they can be played without translation, although I'd love seeing all that filler chat between the crossover characters.

>> No.1900223

wonder why the translator just does not insert numbers in place of the script and relocate the correct lines to those numbers while doing a single play through. cause if you named a line 1098 and 1098 came up, you'd know exactly where that translated line belongs. seems like the translator is not completely thinking out the box or should be asking for some prebeta testers to help locate what goes where.

>> No.1903443

Xenon. With this title we'll have had all the titles by the Kanno/Umemoto team in English.