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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 17 KB, 250x183, 250px-BanjoKazooieCover500px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1886185 No.1886185[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is the gameplay so messy and unfinished? Why is the framerate and collecting so slow and annoying?

This game feels really incomplete.

>> No.1886239

How is the gameplay messy?

>> No.1886263

inb4 "floaty".

>> No.1886286

I think op meant to post tooie

>> No.1886318

Why is OP so faggy and retarded? It feels really unfinished. His dad should have used a condom.

>> No.1886536
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No, you don't know what you're talking about
Because it's a collectathon. If you don't like that style of gameplay, you're better off just sticking with the DKC games and Crash Bandicoot, and maybe Super Mario 64. B-K really isn't that slow though, especially compared to DK64 and Tooie. The former is notorious for making you go through the levels five times to collect everything, while the latter has enormous levels with certain areas you can only reach with Banjo alone or Kazooie alone.

>> No.1886545

>No, you don't know what you're talking about
It's a 3D N64 game that isn't F-Zero X, of course the framerate is terrible.

>> No.1887275

If anything, I find the collecting in Banjo-Kazooie way move tolerable and varied than other collect-a-thons with generic level design like Spyro.

>> No.1887348

>It's a 3D N64 game that isn't F-Zero X, of course the framerate is terrible.
It's an OP thread that isn't about his talent of sucking dicks, of course it's worthless

>> No.1887374

You do realize that collectathons were birthed because the N64's chinapenis sized cartridges could barely hold enough data for varied levels, right? Hell, I dare say EVERY N64 game ever made involves collecting to some degree or another.

>> No.1887382
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>> No.1887459

The levels in Spyro are really big and filled with fucking nothing, it's really bland design. Each section of a level in Banjo-Kazooie is different and relevant.

>> No.1887484
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>thinks collectathons started on n64
>thinks ps1 and saturn had better 3d level design than n64
>not liking BK level designs

I know you're just trolling but nigga have you even played Banjo Kazooie?

>> No.1887520

>Not varied
I'm super confused.

>> No.1887558

man did you even play Spyro?

>> No.1887570

Nice counter-argument.

>> No.1889350

>really big and filled with fucking nothing
Hey just like Aladdin on the Megadrive!

>> No.1889909

I keep my N64 set up solely for the purpose of fulfilling my bouts of Banjo-Kazooie nostalgia

>> No.1889937

>implying the framerate wasn't bad
This is a problem with pretty much every N64 game, but still

>> No.1889948

Almost every 5th gen game had crap framerates as well. Not even the PS1 was safe.

>> No.1889962

Paper Mario doesn't.

>> No.1892086

but really, even though it's off topic, I agree.

>> No.1892120


The framerate is what it is. That was what the console could handle. It's not like it's a bad port and there was a smoother version elsewhere. This was the game.

Complaining about stuff like that especially for the N64 is so redundant. Especially on a retro board.

>> No.1892125

It's particularly weird when people bitch about this game, because there's literally only a few places in the whole game where there's genuine slowdown. It's not Turok 2 which shits itself every couple of feet.

>> No.1892192

If you jump from 1080p 60fps kb&m/modern gamepad to something like Turok 64, it's going to be jarring every time. But sometimes it feels like I'm the only one left on the planet who can adjust in, like, an hour and then it all feels natural again. Even people on GOG constantly bicker about pre-2000 game released and complain about how archaic old games are left and right, and that's a site that (used) to be all about Good Old Games.

They complain even more than /vr/, considerably more, though I'm sure in three years we'll be more than caught up. I've played far, far worse than Banjo-Kazooie. Stuff that's been panned universally by critics and gamers, poorly translated, unfinished, even frustratingly buggy, but they're games I still liked and even loved. You have to just allow yourself to get into them, shrug off the bad, even if it crashes or breaks your save (*cough*Anachronox*cough*), and appreciate the good. The heart, soul, wit, atmosphere, the unique flavor and gameplay that makes up for the shortcomings. Truly great games don't "age poorly", not if they have something that makes them immortal.