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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1885971 No.1885971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Animal Forest thread? Animal Forest thread.

>> No.1885984

How was this different from Animal Crossing?

Besides no continuous clock

>> No.1885985 [DELETED] 

Not retro.

>> No.1886001


Actually, it is Rertro.
>released for N64 in Japan

But I doubt most of /vr/ has played it

>> No.1886008


>> No.1886018 [DELETED] 

Your mom is not retro you fucking twat. Epic /vr/ knight to the rescue.

>> No.1886296

Man I miss the large open fields. And the music.

>> No.1886410

i tried it awhile back.
imagine the gamecube game but without the able sisters place and no museum.


>> No.1886413

has most of /vr/ played anything?

>> No.1886530

/vr/ only played Chrono Trigger, Earthbound and FF6. And they never finished them.

>> No.1886543



>> No.1886549
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I found an almost fully translated patch and tried emulating it earlier this year, but unfortunately it breaks in N64oid after you collect a certain amount of items or something.

It's way worse in my opinion.
>no Able Sisters
>no Museum
>that awful excuse for a keyboard
You're better off just playing Wild World or City Folk.

>> No.1886560

>Man I miss the large open fields.
I don't. Navigating the map is a pain in the neck. Glad they made it smaller and got rid of the "acres" in Wild World.

>> No.1886624

Is there anything better about Animal Forest vs. Animal Crossing? Or did AC pretty much improve it?

>> No.1886645


I have played AC, WW, and NL. I hate how the newer ones feel

>> No.1886652

Animal Forest looks really impressive game on the N64. By the end of the system life, it seems you got some really impressive look games like this and Kirby 64.

>> No.1886658

So how do you get this game to play correctly in an emulator?

>> No.1886659

>___ thread? ___thread.
fuck off

>> No.1887013

I'm sorry for asking this question, if it may appear dumb but can Welcome to Animal Crossing: Population Growing the full name of the NGC one considered as /vr/ ? As far as I know, ports of /vr/ consoles to non-/vr/ consoles is allowed since the core game was one. But the NGC version is basically an enhanced port of Animal Forest+.

>> No.1887080

Good question. I doubt many people know that so I'm sure that would confuse a lot of people.

>> No.1887104


Geez, be more grouchy.

>> No.1887108

It was easier to lose track of time and just wander around. The newer ones, especially new leaf, feel crowded to me.

I cant even imagine an AC without a museum.

>> No.1887141
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It depends how the mods feel. I've had two threads about it with minimum complaining and no deletion but once got a thread deleted.

>> No.1887193

Moving across acres was definitely tedious, but I loved the openness. I prefer Population Growing, but the newer versions having better multiplayer and not being limited to saving at the house alone make them better.

>> No.1887208


The original versions are still the best to me. Nothing emulates them as well. AC isn't the type of game for multiplayer so I don't care and saving is only a minor issue; it's not like my Gamecube or N64 have batteries to worry about anyway

>> No.1887212
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It looks practically identical to the gamecube version. Weird.

I've been getting bored of New Leaf and never played Animal Forest, thanks for reminding me, /vr/.

DL link: http://www.theisozone.com/downloads/other-consoles/n64/animal-forest-english/

>> No.1887218

Still fun to trade stuff with friends. (or at least get foreign fruits)
Saving may seem like a minor issue, but playing it again after playing the new games, it's a hassle to have to go back to the house every time just to save.

>> No.1887221

Does anyone know how to get rid of the two japanese characters at the end of the town name?

>> No.1887231
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Seriously, this game looks great. Is it practically the exact same as Animal Crossing on the gamecube? I only assume as Animal Forest was never released outside of Japan, but Animal Crossing was shortly released after globally.

>> No.1887238
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Oh God, lel.

>> No.1887243

>I only assume as Animal Forest was never released outside of Japan

Yeah, pretty much because it was released at the very end of the N64's lifespan.

> Is it practically the exact same as Animal Crossing on the gamecube?

Pretty much. Though the GC version has a little more content IIR.

>> No.1887251

A LOT more content.

>> No.1887447

The fossils are still there and you can still get them appraised by the Faraway Museum, but after that you have to either use them as furniture or just sell them. I'm really glad you can just take them to Blathers directly in Wild World. I forgot how much of a hassle sending them away and waiting until the next day is. I think it shows which ones you've collected in your inventory.

>> No.1887510


The Gamecube versions are just enhanced ports. Honestly in hindsight you notice it looks less high quality than, say, Wind Waker or Harvest Moon but still looks good.

>> No.1887534

I never thought Kirby 64 was very impressive looking to be honest.

>> No.1887542

/vr/ also played a lot of super mario galaxy.

>> No.1887543

also, there was an attempt to improve dialog and interactions as well if I remember right, since the original animal forest wasn't very well received, even in japan.

>> No.1888367


Animal Crossing is a pretty weird concept. Hell, at the time life sims weren't even a thing since Sims had only just came out. I remember prior to release of the Gamecube one, no one got it and it was seen as a weird Japanese thing that would be too niche

>> No.1888373
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wrong answer

>> No.1890028

>You're better off just playing Wild World or City Folk.
Or the GC version. Imo the Gamecube one and New Leaf are the two best. Everything in between is kinda meh.

>> No.1890069

Not retro.


>> No.1890082

I know that this is bait but it cannot harm for the newlurkers to know, It's on a /vr/ console, that makes it retro. Even if it would be released right now. That's how the rules are formulated.
>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.
>video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier

>> No.1890087

Do we have to do this every time? The 1999 cutoff refers to the platform, not the game.

>> No.1890092
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>not being able to discuss a game regardless of release date even if it came out on a console released in the 90's

Might as well shut down all discussion of FFIX and MM then.

>> No.1890203

Best AC was GameCube. This is a well known fact among people.

>> No.1890514

What's the rule for PC games, then? Earliest working operating system? I'd love to make a thread about the Harry Potter games.

>> No.1890531

Ths genuinely helped me. :)

>> No.1891207

I pretty much agree. I have a soft spot for WW (my first). I didnt really enjoy NL, it felt way too safe. When I play AC PG I can just sit around and explore for hours.

>> No.1891226

The rule is get the fuck out of /vr/ you illiterate faggot

>> No.1892670

no u

>> No.1892737
File: 40 KB, 375x500, Doubutsunomorieplus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animal Forest+, the first Gamecube port, mostly added new characters and locations to the N64 game. When Treehouse translated it, they improved the overall quality of the dialogue, added a ton of holidays+resurrected a dropped N64 one, which includes Halloween and Christmas(Toy Day) amongst others.

NoJ was so impressed with their work, they actually translated the new Animal Crossing content back to make Animal Forest e+, which is the definitive version of the game if you can read moonrunes. It also added features which would become a mainstay in the series like eavesdropping and medicine.

>> No.1892875
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>there will never be a translated Doubutsu no Mori E+ for Wii U Virtual Console

>> No.1892890
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I've played all the games extensively except City Folk, because my computer can't handle emulating Wii. My first was Wild World back in about 2006. I didn't get to play the original until a few years ago. I was satisfied with Wild World for a long time because I had nothing to compare it to and I didn't know there was a game before it, but once I played the original, I was blown away by how extremely superior it was. I'd rate New Leaf as being equal in rating to the original. New Leaf has a lot of great, shiny new features and new content, but it lacks in villager interaction and atmosphere in general. It just feels kind of stale. All the characters' dialogs are toned way down, too. They might as well not have distinct personalities anymore. Everyone is just "friendly." Original also had really great music, and had a sort of charm and quirkiness that's hard to put into words.

>> No.1895472

The additional content in the newer games is nice, but none of them have the same charm that PG had. Also, while I find the codes for items a bit tedious, after Nintendo WFC shutdown I realized that they can still be used to share items with no issues.
(If people wanted to put in the effort, it is even possible to visit other cities over the internet by ripping the save from a memory card, sharing it online, then the other person putting it on their own memory card. If other people were interested I'd do it.)

>> No.1895530
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>All those years playing /vr/ games
>still didn't took the time to learn moonspeak.

You have only yourself to blame.

>> No.1895725

>New Leaf has a lot of great, shiny new features and new content, but it lacks in villager interaction and atmosphere in general. It just feels kind of stale.

YES thank goodness I wasnt the only person who picked this out. Compare the dialogue between New Leaf and WW/PG. There is a clear distinction between the two. New Leaf felt way too safe.

I tried several times but I cant play NL with the stale villager interaction. Its one factor which makes AC so great.

>> No.1895826

>all those years on the internet
>still didn't took the time to learn English

why you didn't took?

>> No.1895831

If he's not a native English speaker, his English is undoubtedly good enough to help him through any English vidya.

So incorrect grammar or not, his point remains valid.

>> No.1895863

Yeah, and then they put NES games in the GC one and everybody loved it.

I also think the game just worked somehow. The music, the characters, the events, it all pulled together suddenly.

>> No.1895867

If only you could combine the best parts of both games. Characterization and music of GC with all the stuff to do in NL.

>> No.1895880

>Everyone is just "friendly."

Yes, this exactly. I remember when the grumpy and snooty villagers would say stuff that would actually make me mad. Now they rarely say anything close to offending, and when they do it's always followed up with them laughing it off and saying 'lol j/k ;^)". They're not even really 'grumpy' anymore, just deep voiced.

>> No.1895967

The only NES games for GC AC that weren't Action Replay only/E-Reader only that I gave a shit about were Balloon Fight, Excitebike and Wario's Woods.
Punch-Out is fine too, but it's the 1990 revision with Mike Tyson being replaced by Mr. Dream, which I didn't like at all despite knowing the reason.

The rain music for N64/GC Animal Crossing was pretty comfy, but it played every fucking hour like it was an event like Toy Day and Halloween.

Now the hourly music pieces had snowing variations though.

>> No.1896073

holy shit, best game ever

>> No.1896083


I also don't like how the cops are separated and I want Tom in his old job again

>> No.1896085


Do people honestly play the NES games over the actual game? Without cheating you can't get Punch Out or Zelda, and I don't think people are gonna spend 20 hours on Baseball

>> No.1896158
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It's so weird to see him in a different line of work after all these years. It's a logical progression, but I still miss interacting with him on a daily basis, rather than once every few weeks when I want to redo my house exterior.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.1896540

I never realized how much I actually liked him until I saw him less frequently.

>> No.1898157

Fuck, I'd completely forgotten you had to send off the fossils in ACGC. What a pain in the dick that was.

The whole history of the Animal Crossing series seems to mainly involve the gradual reduction of dumb unintuitive bullshit.

>> No.1898510

So happy there's so much good taste in this thread. I have to agree with a lot of you on how the atmosphere just isn't right in ACNL. in the GC one, the entire top-down forest setting was the coziest shit. ACWW wasn't as cozy, but it made up for that with its kickass hip-hop inspired music, and an interesting rolling world. ACNL has no new world view features and pretty shitty music. I'd love if they had gone top-down... Also, the entire game's feel is just way busier. I wish Nintendo split the games in two; one for the ones who love being busy in AC and ones for the people who love to relax, focusing on touching up the quality of villagers, letters, and even how you can interact with things in your house. I'd buy the latter of the two games in a heartbeat, especially if it had the top-down cozy forest and good online. ACGC is great except for its lack of online.

>> No.1898514

I haven't yet played New Leaf, but GC feels much more alive and active than Wild World and City Folk. The music has a lot of percussion missing from later soundtracks, there's that random ball you can kick around, and the localization job added a lot of flavor text that actually makes sense and enhances villagers' characterization. New Lead seems to have the best feature-set, so I'll see if I prefer how that installment plays.

>> No.1898951

Remember that WW and CF both lost their online features a few months back, unless the homebrew servers manage to add those games. At least with PG you can still send items through codes. Although it's a bit technical and probably a hassle for some >>1895472 even mentioned how you can technically visit other towns over the internet.

>> No.1898956

with the reduction of dumb shit came reduction of interaction with the NPCs. what's the point of Celeste in new leaf now?

I really miss those fleshed out backstories from the NPCs like Sable and Nook's entire story how he ended up in a shack. shame theres nothing of that for the new characters in New Leaf who are just 1 dimensional kawaiibait.

>> No.1898961

Which game was that from? PG? It sounds familiar.

>> No.1898964

I mean Nook's backstory, if that wasn't clear.

>> No.1898973

In the past, we've used 1999 as the cut-off for PC game discussion.

I think theoretically we could discuss PC games made after 1999 so long as they were compatible with Windows 98.

>> No.1898980

Does anyone have experience with Giftpia? I remember it looking awesome

>> No.1899930

I believe they were from WW or CF, if not both. I hope they bring the NPC interaction back in the next iteration, because it crushed me to not have that in NL.

>> No.1899946
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So what is this considered, then?

>> No.1900040
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Rainy theme from ACGC still gives me comfy vibes. I spent lots of time hunting coelacanth to it, back when there were only four types of fish in the entire ocean. I enjoyed NL but it still can't top the atmosphere of the original.

I've wanted to play Giftpia since its release in Japan. There's an English translation of the game, but it's not available as a patch. I'm still hoping someone someday makes that happen.

>> No.1900215

I don't think anon means NPCs talking to each other. I think s/he meant overall quality of the player's conversations with NPCs.

>> No.1900245

>blocking out your CHARACTER'S NAME
Holy fuck you couldn't be a bigger faggot

>> No.1900251

The loss of Blathers' character is what irks me the most. I get that some people complained about some of his longer lectures about fish or tirades about bugs but without that he's pretty much a deposit box.

>> No.1900348
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It'd be pretty neat to have an actual deposit box, and have Blathers in the same room. Use the deposit box to deposit, then go talk to Blathers and have him give you a list of everything you've donated. He'd ask which one you want to know more about so you could hear his little spiels multiple times, whenever you want to.

>> No.1901392

That'd be nice.

>> No.1901531

Yeah, that's what I meant, though more specifically interaction with NPCs with larger roles like Nook, the Able sisters, etc.

>> No.1903606


That would be pretty nice and cute, yes

>> No.1905118

There is literally no difference between E+ and GCN Animal Crossing

>> No.1906442

I feel bad for my towns on PG. The past few years I've played it for a few weeks, take a break anywhere from a few months to a year and a half, play my town to check up on it and find out how shitty it got. I'll then debate about restarting it (sometimes just because the memory card corrupted), play for a while on the same town or restart, then continue the cycle.

>> No.1906465

I'll have you know I have also played a little bit of Super Mario World!

>> No.1908230

Every game since WW did the rolling world, but I always preferred the overhead view in PG. Sure, CF and NL view the game at a better angle, but I still prefer PG's view better.

>> No.1908284

I really wish the top-down perspective with acres would return. I'm sure the technology on Wii U is advanced enough so there wouldn't be a "loading time" inbetween scrolling through acres like in the original

>> No.1908564
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>no difference

>Tom Nook can be woken up before opening hours by banging on the door with a shovel
>The neighbors can fall ill in Dōbutsu no Mori e+ and medicine is buyable and used to treat them. The medicine can also be used to treat the player's bee stings
> In addition, the player can also open the option of hiring Tom Nook to build objects found around town for display for a fee. These include objects such as a water mill, sewer lines, street lamps, and so on.

the list goes on. basically the features put into E+ were later incorporated into WW and NL. not to mention the villagers lost to the nippon.

>> No.1910936

is this a translated n64 rom?

>> No.1910953
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You can find a mostly translated patch here:
(in the video description)
Not sure about PJ64, but on N64oid the save file eventually crashes after you've made a certain amount of progress. Shame too because it looks and runs great. But really, GameCube Animal Crossing is better.

>> No.1911251

Nindori could be a brother to Coco.
Pierre would go well with Pietro.
Bow and Meow look based as fuck.
Natasha looks evil as fuck.
Flower's name is actually Petunia.
Kit looks like Conker.
Rachel is now Paula.
Hulk is now Frank.
Ketchup a qt.
Silvia is now Sylvia.
Juubee looks like Mott without glasses.
Pole is now Kidd.
Charme is now Charlise.
Sunny a qt.
Blessing a qt.
Vanessa a female Kyle.
Hyouta is now Leonardo.
Carlos is now Curlos.

>> No.1913276

No game hits me more hard in the nostalgia than animal crossing.

>> No.1913303

The cylindrical world of the newer games is so ugly to look at.
The N64/ GC version looks lovely

>> No.1913397

care to elaborate on that punch out bit about him being replaced?

>> No.1913424

Even using save states? Others android 64 emulators have same crash?

>> No.1913458

Probably his contract ended with Nintendo or something, so for the 1990 revision they replaced him with Mr. Dream

>> No.1914167

>animal crossing with no museum
what do you even do then?

>> No.1914261

One day the autists will have to realize that the goal posts have to be moved. At some point, PS2 and GCN will have to be allowed because /v/ sure as hell doesn't discuss them anymore.

>> No.1914267

I've seen the GCN discussed a little, but that's only because of Super Smash Bros. And even then I don't think it's common.

>> No.1914269

Yes no shit son. But for now they're not fucking retro. If they were right now the threads on anything before N64/PS1 era would be buried by them.

>> No.1914276

I'm sure that would happen from the initial interest in being able to discuss the consoles here, but it would average out after a while.

>> No.1914279

>But for now they're not fucking retro. If they were right now the threads on anything before N64/PS1 era would be buried by them.

Considering the board was made in 2012, why isn't 2001 the cutoff now? Are you seriously saying a game released one year after the arbitrarily defined date isn't retro, despite being fourteen years old?

Why do you all get so furious over this?

>> No.1914284

NoA basically wrote the game we're all familiar with. The game engine and the dialog existed prior but NoA made a lot of the content and holidays for it so it actually "worked."

>> No.1916297

I hate using the slippery slope fallacy, but that's what I can see happening. If we allow one, we'll have to allow a lot more.

>> No.1916310


I think a good rule would be to allow 6th gen discussions in a couple of years, but change to a cut-off date of 2004 or so. Ease into it.

>> No.1916446

That would work. Games like Twilight Princess which came out in 2006 feel too new anyway, despite coming out for the GCN, but it would still allow for some of the older games. It would also allow for Halo discussions. That would be interesting.

>> No.1917374

>twilight princess came out 8 years ago

>> No.1917875

Hard to believe, isn't it?

>> No.1918139

And more slots for custom designs, please!

>> No.1919248

Animal Crossing U. Calling it now.

>> No.1920025

eh I feel like when that comes out it'll be the same thing city folk was to wild world. the same game with better graphics and like a few small/medium new additions. but I've been won't before.

>> No.1920048

>implying the wii u will last long enough for that to happen

They're already publicly considering ditching it to start development of an entirely new console; two years, they've said.

>> No.1920213

citation needed

I believe you but Nintendo has just been doing so much Sega-in-the-90s lately that it's making me laugh/cry because they're following in Sega's footsteps almost exactly (see NEW 3DS for a recent example) and it's like they didn't take notes when Sega tanked because of their over inflated egos.

>> No.1920560





Lots of doublespeak, but cut through the bullshit and it's basically "This Wii U fuckery is killing us and that needs to change before I get fired."

>> No.1920589

Animal Crossing is my favorite game to just chill out with after a long stressful day. Am I the only one upset that they took certain items out for the NA version? IIRC there was a Bath House set and a few other things.

>> No.1920629
File: 87 KB, 521x960, BwdnYR-IMAAGFhv.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are all saying different things.

The first one says they're thinking of opening up some of their IP to the smartphone/tablet market.

The second one says they're making a cheap console for "emerging markets" which they've already done before

And the third says they're planning a new console(R&D is a long and costly process) but they wont shift their focus to it until the WiiU is developed enough to satisfy everyone.

They've got quite a few games in the works for this year and the next so the WiiU isn't entirely done yet.

>> No.1920687

Yes, they're all saying different things - here's the common link, they're ALL from this year and they're ALL in response to the question of "What the fuck are you doing with this Wii U shit?"

The third article is directly the most relevant, though the first points out the crippling downshift in prospects, while the second outright proves that other consoles are already in development.

Yes, the Wii U is in the coffin, friend, we're just waiting for the last few nails.

>> No.1920749

>they're ALL in response to the question of "What the fuck are you doing with this Wii U shit?"
The first and third appear to say that but the second one has nothing to do with the WiiU at all. It's not even in response to anything in particular they just announced they're making a budget console for India and China. It's likely in response to China loosening their restrictions on video games more than anything else.

>> No.1920756

Also for further elucidation search for press from their stockholders; they are NOT pleased.

>> No.1922108

I hope not. City Folk wasn't bad, but since I had both PG and WW, it really didn't feel worth getting. That, and I paid off most of my debts in a couple sick days from school and got bored of it.

>> No.1922557

It's interesting when you consider that the 3DS had a rough start but seems to be doing well right now. Well, I hope the software sales are making up the for the fact that the hardware is sold at a loss.

Back on topic, does anyone still visit towns in PG? Or is it pretty much singleplayer now if you still play?

>> No.1923680

PG was never online.

>> No.1924313

you visit towns via memory cards.

>> No.1924342

>Yes, the Wii U is in the coffin, friend, we're just waiting for the last few nails.

If you ask me this entire generation is in the shitter, but at least the Wii U has something to look forward to that I can't already get on my computer.

What they're doing to NHL 15 on the PS4 and Xbox One would be hilarious if it weren't so sad. They're literally selling an unfinished product for full price while the PS3 and 360 get the full game. Sports game, yeah, but it really shows the state of the two of them right now, and from a huge publisher.

>> No.1925058

I never said it was.
>entire generation is in the shitter
Pretty much. The new consoles are just trying to imitate PCs and this gen's gimmicks for Nintendo didn't work. The 3DS did pick up steam once its price dropped and games came out, but the cost of 3D still set it back.

>> No.1925058,1 [INTERNAL] 

Dobutsu no moire e+ is significantly different to the AC on the GC that we know. Lots of little additions make it intriguing. Especially considering there were public work projects. Some of the public work projects in E+ were actually in New Leaf.
I'm hoping one day a small team can translate E+ in english.
Apparently Animal Forest was relatively simple, just a big copy paste project of sorts.

Someone out there, please, lets assemble a team to translate E+ in english...