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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 678 KB, 2048x1536, haCk youR Television.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1856539 No.1856539 [Reply] [Original]

previous thread: >>1817069

These threads are for the civil discussion of CRT displays (TVs and monitors) as used for retro video games and systems allowed by the board rules in the current sticky (>>1392415). Subtopics *directly* related to this main topic are welcome.

Cheers! /crt/ go go go!


>> No.1856574

Any of you guys ever use an Ikegami monitor? Some say they are as sharp as BVMs but are shadow mask.

>> No.1856595

The only two that I've ever used/owned were old VGA models that had nice long service lives together, far beyond other monitors purchased at the same time in the early/mid '90s.

I've never used any of their pro video monitors.

>> No.1856596
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I don't understand what this is about... Please explain to a newfag. What is this about and what's the purpose of it?

>> No.1856604

muh scanlines

>> No.1856608


But what's going on in the OP picture? Why would you want scanlines? Wouldn't just playing the game normally have the same effect?

>> No.1856612

The pic? Someone hacked RGB video support into a cheap TV that didn't originally have it, providing a far sharper and clearer picture than if he'd just used the regular video inputs to connect his systems.

>> No.1856613


Oh, that's cool I guess.

>> No.1856629
File: 621 KB, 1600x1200, DSCF4144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time for guts? 5 inch monochrome monitor.

>> No.1856632


how much was that?

>> No.1856635

Normally? Displaying a game on sd crt is just great, No distortion to the artwork and the color is amazing, and scanlines look badass.

>> No.1856645
File: 660 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so I found a Profeel Pro at Goodwill yesterday.

>> No.1856651

$1 used.

>> No.1856654


I'm going to get crucified for asking this, but why not just use an emulator with a usb controller of your choice?

>> No.1856659

Yeah, as opposed to disassembling the TV and console and hardwiring them together or whatever the hell is going on there.

>> No.1856663

this is b8

>> No.1856667
File: 614 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This unit doesn't take RGB through BNC, instead it's got a 25-pin D-Sub CMPTR port that can accept analog or digital RGB. Retrogaming cables has a SCART to CMPTR adapter, so I'll order that on Friday along with a PS1 SCART cable.

This is my first RGB monitor, and I can't wait to get the right cables for it!

>> No.1856668

In that picture he is still testing. Later he made an input for RGB.

>> No.1856673
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Emulation is ok for some things, but lcds usually suck for old games. They upscale the graphics making them look harsh and pixelated, the colors arent near as vivid, and they have a set refresh rate so scrolling in lots of games will be choppy and annoying. I use mame and snes9x going to crt and use a madcatz fightstick pro as a controller.

>> No.1856675
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The new set joins its long lost cousins. Their grilles sparkle as tears stream out the apertures.

>> No.1856682

Are there any practical ways of outputting genesis video that's better than just composite? AFAIK you need to mod in order to get component or s-video out, but I figured I'd ask anyway.

If not, then composite it shall remain

>> No.1856693

RGB output is standard on the early models, requiring no mods. All you'd need is a display that can take it or a component transcoder to be used with an SDTV or monitor with component inputs.

>> No.1856710

>Are there any practical ways of outputting genesis video that's better than just composite?

Genesis 1, 2, and CDX output RGB without mods, you just need a Genesis SCART cable.

After you've got that, you'll need a SCART to BNC adapter and a monitor that accepts RGB through BNC.

Or, you use an RGB-to-Component transcoder, as finding a TV that accepts component is easier than finding a monitor that accepts RGB.

>> No.1856714

>early models
you mean the model 1, right? That's what I have.

What exactly do I need to do this? You said "a display that can take RGB or one with component inputs" but how are those different? Do I absolutely need a transcoder? Fuck, I don't even know what that is.

>> No.1856716

S-Video can be modded in, and RGB is available by default. The latter would obviously need a compatible CRT though.

>you mean the model 1, right?
As the above post said, the model 1 2 and CDX all do RGB. The Model 3 can do it as well, but it needs to be modded in.

>> No.1856719

Damn, that's getting pretty expensive. Thanks for the help though

>> No.1856732

>RGB output is standard on the early models
>As the above post said, the model 1 2 and CDX all do RGB. The Model 3 can do it as well, but it needs to be modded in.

What are you both on about, literally every single model of the Genesis outputs RGB natively. 1, 2, CDX, X'Eye, Nomad, 32X, and yes, even the 3 does, too.

>> No.1856740

gamesx seens to suggest otherwise on the Model 3.

>> No.1856749

If you have a Model 3 that does RGB with no mods, can you please post pics?

>> No.1856768

I have a small Samsung CRT TV from circa 2004. Are these any good for /vr/ purposes?

>> No.1856782
File: 840 KB, 2048x1536, 2014-08-12 17.30.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well they're wrong, then. I've had this Genesis 3 since 1999 and there's nothing modified about it. The pins are the exact same as the model 2.

Sure. The picture looks terrible because flash had to be on for obvious reasons.

>> No.1856789

You're in a better position to say yes or no, since you own it!

Do you like the way games look on it?

>> No.1856793

That's not a profeel pro. That is a PVM, they both have the same basic design but the Profeel Pro has JP21-SCART plug.

Speaking of Profeel Pro though, I'm still trying to get rid of a Profeel Pro for free, it doesn't work right, shuts down while on. If you can repair it it would be a steal for you. I'm in the Seattle area.

>> No.1856802

no, pic of the model 3, preferably open

>> No.1856809

It's a hi-scan non SD tube. More than likely it uses an internal scaler to display 240p and will look like ass for it. 480p should look alright though.

I really need to pick up a hi scan tube and see how it handles various stuff. I'm sure someone here has one already though.

>Buying TVs with bad geometry/convergence

I fucking hate that but it's impossible to find one that everything is perfect on and get it to your place without fucking it up. At least not without a professional moving team and paying the dude loadsamonay because he actually had it professionally calibrated.

>25hz flicker
Sounds like a headache to me.

See above with "hi-scan". If you really want to watch HD content on a TV, find a super fine pitch tube or go the CRT projector route.

Pictures of this later.

How much?


Adjustment part of the crt guide on hold until I can procure some convergence strips/magets and tape.

>> No.1856823
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>Is it time for guts?
Sure, why not.

My KV-M1450D, currently used as secondary monitor on my PC.
Here you can see 2 additional heatsinks mounted on the vertical IC and some power regulator, my dad did that.

>Sounds like a headache to me.
But i like it.
I also had a wrong setting in powerstrip (an even number of total lines, must be odd for interlacing) which made it even worse, but i found a workaround.

>> No.1856825

I'm sure he'll disassemble his console just to make a point

>> No.1856835

Are you seriously giving advice not to pick up any CRT HDTVs other than Sony SFPs or projection?

Can there be any wonder why I have serious concerns about your /g/uide?

>> No.1856838
File: 736 KB, 2048x1536, DSC00880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here i upgraded the chroma processor.
I added support for NTSC by soldering a 14.318Mhz crystal with a capacitor in the empty spot, i also needed to enable the support in the service menu.
There was absolutely no need for this. I did this as a challenge, a very easy one.
But the main reason was that i needed to resolder the SCART connector. Some solder joints were completely broken, causing noise on video signal.

>> No.1856842

I'm not, because I doubt his credibility as well as the solder job on his modded Model 3.

>> No.1856865

Yes, just as I'll lie about something so minute (Not to mention modify something so minute as the Genesis 3 anyway) to somebody who probably doesn't even have the console in question to check something so simple.

You're an idiot. I don't even have a screwdriver thin enough to fit inside the thing to waste my time opening the systen. But whatever, continue with the blatant misinformation, anyway.

>> No.1856867
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This time my dad didn't drilled that much holes unlike my KV-C2521D.

>> No.1856868

Well, like I said, I'm pretty sure they upscale for 240p, and I'm under the impression that they don't do 720p or 1080i well. I'd like to hold off until I see one in person, but if my assumptions are correct then they are really only good for displaying 480p content.

The one thing nobody wants is upscaled 240p, unless the up scaler is very good.

I could be wrong in that they don't upscale 240p, which would make them more versatile than normal tube sets. Or, they could still do a good job at displaying 720p content, which would make them a good HDTV set that is MUCH easier to find than a SFP tube. Like I said, if someone here has a set that they are willing to test and take pictures of, that would get it cleared up.

I've added a coupe of important links in the meantime. Namely the 240p test suite. Very useful for calibration and testing for retro vidya purposes.


>> No.1856870

>it's impossible to find one that everything is perfect on and get it to your place without fucking it up
So TVs that have been taken for a few trips to flea markets are most likely fucked?

>> No.1856878

So the world continues to have ZERO proof that such a thing exists because you can't find the right screwdriver.

Tell me, did you buy it brand new and unused in a box from a store? Or used, possibly after someone modded it and didn't tell you? I'm trying to give you an excuse here.

>> No.1856880

No, it'd be fine. As long as a set isn't being dropped and banged around ridiculously, it should be fine.

Hell, even with that they tend to be pretty robust. Sliding my 32FS13 on its head up a flight of stairs didn't do shit aside from the casing making some terrible creaking noises.

>> No.1856882

I just said I've had it since 1999. It was brand new. I have no reason to waste my time disassembling and ressambling it just so you can say I swapped boards or something retarded.

Do you even have a Genesis 3?

>> No.1856898

Of course I don't, that's not a very desirable model.

All I'm saying is this: There is zero proof anywhere that such a model exists, and you, and anonymous person on 4chan, with the same credibility as the rest of us (zero) cannot provide any because you don't have the right screwdriver. That's all, and it's nothing personal.

What's crazy is for you to expect that anyone should believe you over what does exist in print on the internet right now from people with credibility like Lawrence at gamesx. Your name is Anonymous and your face consists of a big fat question mark, and you have a magical one-of-a-kind Model 3 that nobody else in the world knows about.

What would make me happiest of all would be for you to actually have a unique and legit unmodded RGB-capable model 3 that could be shown to other people with stakes in this game. I have zero stakes in this game, and for you to provide that info wouldn't be shutting me up, it would be shutting THEM up. Again, nothing personal. You just have nothing and I'm just the one telling you know about it.

>> No.1856905

Possibly, but it's probably fixable too.

Like I said, I need to go about fixing the TVs I've got now. From what I've read, magnet placement is a bitch to get right, but hopefully seeing the fucked up geometry of my XBR for a few weeks will motivate me to figure it out.

Well, as much as pointing a TV in a different direction can throw it slightly out of whack, thanks to the earth's magnetic pull and that jazz. However, it really comes down to how anal you want to be about the picture. Right now my 20" trinitron has incredibly fucked up horizontal geometry, but it still looks fine if you aren't being anal about it.

Again I've got a bunch of pictures to take tonight once I get off my ass.

>> No.1856913

>Of course I don't
No shit you don't, because if you did, you'd know it outputted RGB natively.

>and you have a magical one-of-a-kind Model 3 that nobody else in the world knows about.



I suppose all of these people received their Genesis 3 from the magical RGB modding fairy that I did.

>> No.1856926

>No shit you don't, because if you did, you'd know it outputted RGB natively.
Correction, looks like if I had a VA1 model 3, I'd know that.

Thanks for the links. Based on that, I don't need any pics from you, and it becomes quite apparent that the resources out there that make absolute claims about this stuff are in serious need of updating like you said.

>> No.1856968

Right then. You'll excuse me for being hostile. I just spent 15 minutes -looking- for the damn system to make sure it worked with RGB, then after all that I get accused of being a liar, is kind of upsetting.

>> No.1857024


>> No.1857074

>PVMs with the "HR High Resolution" logo on them

Are they shit for retro vidya?

>> No.1857096

No, just means they have tubes with a higher number of TV lines(sharper picture). It's the ones tagged with "MultiFormat" that actually do higher resolutions, and those play well with retro vidya too.

>> No.1857098

I don't think so. That just means higher TVL count.

>> No.1857107

That's a relief. Thanks

>> No.1857348

So do you guys use Arcade_OSD that comes w groovymame? I like it way more than Powerstrip. Its waaay easier to make adjustments to resolutions even if you don't use groovymame.

>> No.1857735

This anon is interest.
>(yes, interest.)
The same one who asked you about what was wrong with it before. Not entirely sure I can fix it though.

>> No.1857909

you can e-mail me here: lacanku@mail.drlinux.pw

>> No.1858175
File: 120 KB, 450x319, bnc-gold-female-full-preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heads up on retrogamingcables. I got 3 of their SCART to BNC adapters, and they didn't ground pins 5, 9, and 13 (blue ground, green ground, and red ground) on the SCART side for any of them.

>> No.1858182

retro_console_accessories is a safe bet from what I've heard. Likely going to end up buying a Genesis cable once I get the money and decide on which model to use.

>> No.1858209

I have their SNES, Genesis 2, and PSX SCART cables and they're all properly grounded and solidly built cables. Unfortunately they don't make SCART to BNC or CMPTR adaptors. If they did, I'd buy them.

Been thinking about building an Amiga DB-23 to SCART adaptor so I can play my Amiga 500 and 2000 on my PVM's monitors. While Commdore monitors are nice, they just aren't as good as the PVM's from what I've seen of my Genesis on them.

>> No.1858275

I may still have to risk it, I don't think anyone else makes a SCART to CMPTR adapter for my PVM-2030 (it's still a Profeel in my heart.)

Also, I've got a question: the 2030's CMPTR port has a switch for turning off and on Sync on Green. According to the manual:

"Set this switch to ON to synchronize with the sync signal on the G-signal.
Set this switch to OFF to H./V. sync signal or composite sync signal"

The Playstation SCART cable from retro_console_accessories has Sync on Luma. Is that going to be incompatible? I'm really new to this RGB stuff.

>> No.1858301

I cannot say for Hi-Scan models, but I have a SFP set, and 240p is HORRID on it. It appears to do crude line-doubling, while looking blurrier horizontally than vertically. Kind of hard to explain, but just know it does not look good. Even Virtual Console games on the Wii at 480p look better. To top it off, sometimes in motion there is some evidence of the deinterlacer kicking in, which is fucktarded for obvious reasons. And further STILL, on NES and SNES in particular for whatever reason, there is occasional screen tearing, which is distracting.

Suffice it to say, I ended up getting a complementary SD Sony WEGA that would actually work as desired for retro games. Shame that the component ports on it went to shit, though.

>> No.1858304

If you have soldering skills, it's not hard to add a couple wires to ground those pins. Figured I'd at least let you know.

Sync on Green is just an option for systems that use it. Having that switch turned off uses external sync, which is what most consoles do. You need to check if if your monitor accepts composite video as sync. If so, it will work just fine. If not, you'll want retrogamingcables to put a sync stripper in the SCART to CMPTR adapter.

>> No.1858374

Yeah I've got a SFP as well and 240p is indeed horrible.

It seems to handle 480p decently though. In fact the 240p test suite has some setting to the extent of 480p with scanlines. I'm not sure exactly how it's going about that but it looks pretty decent.

>> No.1858376
File: 502 KB, 1145x782, 0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, so I guess this is related to this thread, I hope.

I had this small, 15" LG CRT from an old PC monitor lying around without its original case, so I made one for it and I wanted to show it to you guys.

I wanted something I could easily rotate to play shmups, and still remain stable while lying on its sides. What do you think?

>> No.1858381
File: 779 KB, 1182x783, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another pic. Have a nice day/night!

>> No.1858384

Interestingly enough, if you use RetroArch on the Wii, you can use an overlay to enable scanlines, and you pretty much get ghetto 240p that way. Look pretty damn nice, to be honest.

>> No.1858389

Looks sexy.

>> No.1858394


>> No.1858424

I'm not even clear on why you're trying to distinguish between them here. Nothing merits any distinction between Hi-Scan and SFP or recommendation of one over the other for any specific purpose. Just think of SFP the same way you (presumably) think of HR PVMs: higher TVL. Any model-specific differences in scalers or sync capability are independent of tube/grille type.

You didn't say what model you had, but have you checked your DRC modes while displaying 240p? If you're seeing erratic behavior, you might have CineMotion on.

SFP HDTVs are not good for retro, but inconsistent behavior should at least be something you can play around in the menu.

480i and 480p are great on mine. Not for 480i games naturally, but they really are nice displays for TV/film.

Sweet implementation. Classier and more presentable than a lot of other projects I've seen!

>> No.1858430

That is frikking sweet. What are the buttons for though?

>> No.1858436

I have the 30XS955. Believe me, I have spent literal hours messing with all kinds of settings trying to get games to work better with it. Tried Interlaced, Progressive, CineMotion DRC settings, etc.

>> No.1858448


That is sexy as fuck dude. Very impressive.

>> No.1858457

That's really cool. Is it just a standard VGA 31kHz monitor?

>> No.1858470
File: 739 KB, 1632x1224, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, man!
Hey thanks, the buttons are the monitor controls. you know, menu/up/down/ok
I'm flattered that you think it's impressive!
Hey, yeah, it's just VGA 31khz. pretty standard stuff. here's a pic of the tube

>> No.1858670

>How much?
I dunno man, are you in/near London?

>> No.1858701
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>> No.1858773

Quick question:
If I burn NTSC PS1 and PS2 games, but play them on my PAL consoles will they be outputting in PAL or NTSC mode?

>> No.1858779

I'm pretty sure it will be running PAL and the game will be running 17% slower, but don't quote me on that.

>> No.1858782

What should I do if I have no choice but to play on an LCD? I currently have my N64 and Genesis hooked up my old trinitron, but when I go college in 2 weeks I'll only have my HDTV.

Am I pretty much stuck with shitty picture or is there something else I can do?

>> No.1858786

You'll get an unplayable, flickering image.

>> No.1858797

I think on PS2 it depends on modchip, stuff like Matrix Infinity lets you choose how the games will be played, like NTSC -> PAL60, PAL -> PAL60, NTSC -> PAL, PAL -> NTSC etc.

>> No.1858802

I don't know if modchips bypass region locks and what not, but all pal-m PS2 games let you choose between 50 and 60hz display, so it's worth a try if your tv supports 60hz.

>> No.1858807

Get an upscaler. Dont know how much you want to spend. Something like the Framemeister is really good but is $400. There are cheaper options though.


>> No.1858808
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>> No.1858814

Thanks. For reference I'm running the games via Freemcboot with ESR.
I have no idea how to work out the specifications of the signal output though.

I burn the ISOs and they just work.

>> No.1858815

I just received my SCART>BNC adapter from retrogamingcables, so I could hookup something to my PVM-1443MD I had lying around.
Turns out it works like a charm, except I don't have sound, since my monitor doesn't support sound through RGB. Whatever, I just need some Y-cable to hook to my radio.
That makes 3 Trinitron in the house, 2 of them PVM.
I also have a fuckhuge 72cm Sanyo lying around, but I think one of the scart input (the RGB one obviously) is dead, it makes a super-high pitched sound, which change when you move the scart cable.
I'll be posting pics later

>> No.1858817

correct me if I'm wrong, but don't HDTVs have built-in upscalers? Or is this one of those situations where the built-in ones are 100% dogshit and external ones are much better?

And wouldn't this just add more lag to the equation?

>> No.1858825

>Or is this one of those situations where the built-in ones are 100% dogshit and external ones are much better?
Correct. And usually the external upscalers are faster than the built on ones, so you'lll reduce the lag. Just be sure to set the TV to game mode.

>> No.1858830

interesting. Do you have a recommendation for the best bang for your buck upscaler? I really don't have hundreds of dollars I can spend on something like this.

>> No.1858847

Get one of these until you can afford a Framemeister.

>> No.1858850

The only upscaler I have personal experience with is a Yamaha RX-V671 that also is a surround sound system. It doesn't do RGB by itself, so I have a CSY-2100 SCART RGB to YPbPy Component converter along with it. The Yamaha's go for $200-300 used and the CSY goes for about $60, so it might be a cheaper option than an XRGB Framemeister.

>> No.1858854

Where can I get the type of magnets they put in a CRT when they can't adjust it no more?
This PVM I've been working is mostly cleared up except for a little bit of green in the top left corner.
I could ignore it I guess this is my SVideo monitor since my BVM doesn't have that.

>> No.1858869

Thanks, but that's still just too expensive for me

Does this only take component? I just use composite for my old consoles (yeah yeah, I know).

Honestly, at this point would it be better to just hunt for an old CRT that someone is throwing away?

>> No.1858918

Alright CRT thread, I'm looking for a new TV. Someone on Craigslist has a Sony KV- 27FS120 and a Panasonic TH -21FA8 for sale, $20 each. Can't find any info on the Panasonic model with a simple googling, the seller says she got from Japan. Anybody have a recommendation for either of these?

>> No.1858934

>Panasonic TH -21FA8
If that's a straight copy-paste of what you've been searching for, there's a space between H and hyphen. On Google, a hyphen preceding a search term looks for results that lack that term.

Search for Panasonic TH-21FA8 instead and you'll get Japanese hits.

>> No.1858945

Well I feel incredibly dumb. I just copy pasted what they sent me, and I was searching from my phone and couldn't see the space there >.>

>> No.1858946

Probably. If you're going to stick with composite, you'll get the best picture from a CRT that has a good comb filter. I have some 14 and 20 inch PVM's that do a pretty good job with composite video and my AV Famicom looks relatively nice on them. Thinking about NESRGB'ing the thing, though.

The Trinitron that you have, what model is it? I'm assuming size is the issue why you can't take it with you?

>> No.1858950

kv-32ts36. Weighs a metric fuckton.

>> No.1858973

Yeah, that thing's a behemoth. I'm looking into getting a large CRT like that Trini or I would absolutely love an NEC XM29 or XM37, but living in the middle of nowhere makes that difficult and no one wants to ship CRT's bigger than 20".

>> No.1858987

Even in the city I'm going to, I can't find any TVs locally. All the craigslist options are pretty far away

>> No.1858995


Off-topic, but I really hate touch screen copy-paste.

>> No.1858998

Get a CRT smart phone then. It's got better density.

>> No.1859023
File: 1.04 MB, 1462x1132, HypertextEditingSystemConsoleBrownUniv1969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1859028

As someone who had to play burned copies of some NTSC-only games as a kid (Eg, Chrono Cross or the FF4/Chrono Trigger Bundle) I can attest that video output is based on the game for the Sony systems, not the hardware.

I mainly know this because it output NTSC in black/white over composite, which was annoying as hell back then. PS2 works the same way, since I accidentally did the same thing with the hard drive loader and an NTSC game.

(Also, you can't use ESR with PS1 games if you're trying that as well, sorry)

>> No.1859032

Excellent. A light pen in that situation isn't nearly as bad as a finger on a phone for selecting text, since you're not using it to scroll or do much else. And you're not manipulating selection carats, you're literally, manually selecting text.

>> No.1859123

Convergence strips is what they are called, but any weak flexible magnets will work.

To my knowledge, FV models are going to have a better comb filter than FS models. I reckon higher end models might be even better, but upscaling.

Should be 175lb ish. Two prople and a dolly can move that easily.

Not even close.

I've never liked the FV300/310 recommendation. I'm willing to bet he picture quality is within spitting distance of the other FV and FS models when using composite.

What we need is a guide to making adjustments with magnets.

>> No.1859138

>FV models are going to have a better comb filter than FS models
Bad advice. If you're going to use composite at all, you should avoid temporal comb filters for games.

>> No.1859261

Citation? Everything I've read about comb filters is that they help in some way, not hurt.



>> No.1859749 [DELETED] 


>> No.1859871

Just bought a 20 inch Ikegami monitor from ebay. Paid 40 for it. I hope it works well.

>> No.1859901

Seeing as I can't find anything about these, I'm going to assume you are talking out of your ass until you post some links.

Regardless of what kind of comb filter it is anyway, I can't see why you wouldn't want a comb filter on composite signal. Composite is always going to look like ass but if you have no other choice, good comb filters can make it look ever so slightly less shit.

Component doesn't need a comb filter, but most TVs don't use the comb filter on component signals, to my knowledge.

>> No.1859910 [DELETED] 

Other than nes theres really no reason to use composite, unless you are a cheap bastard.

>> No.1859929

I -think- comb filters are used for s video as well.

But if you are being anal about video quality then you are going to be trying to get SCART/RGB output one way or another, both of which shouldn't involve a comb filter.

>> No.1860071

Thank you very much.
I was scared that I'd have to import yet another US console.

>> No.1860212
File: 939 KB, 3280x2460, 100_8839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least it's in the house.

Just got back from picking up the XC-3730C. I knew it was large, but still ended up being surprised.

Photos of the CRT itself and such once I manage to get it up the stairs.

Ms Pacman on the SNES in composite; The monitor doesn't seem to want to play nice using comp video for sync.

>> No.1860232

Is there anything in an official Playstation Scart lead that wouldn't be in a 3rd party one.

I recently went to the lengths of importing a genuine Nintendo one from France to fix my N64 video issues and it worked perfectly. I noticed that it had additionally circuitry in the plug which would probably explain why.

I only ask as the Nintendo one cost me about 15 quid but the Sony ones cost about 30, which is more than the console.

>> No.1860456

Nice find.

Does it do 480p?

>> No.1860559

What model Ikegami did you get? I've been considering grabbing one to test up against my PVM's.

>> No.1860573 [DELETED] 


>> No.1860574
File: 924 KB, 3280x2460, 100_8833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15khz to I believe 81khz horizontal sync; So, yes.

It's currently sitting in the middle of my bedroom, making it a real bitch to get from side to side. Not sure whether it wants to accept 31khz RGB over BNC, as I can't get either of the laptops around here to work with it. Currently trying to get the cable to reach my desktop PC.

Trying to figure out what pins I would need to switch in my SCART cable in order to get composite sync on the line my breakout cable uses for sync.

>> No.1860587 [DELETED] 

lol again

Oh boy.

Is that what your guide is going to include? What you think, not things you've studied and found true? And instead of asking for clarification, are you just going to continue challenging people into feeding you links with a little baby spoon?

>> No.1860880

Quick poll, how many of you have CRT TVs with the original remote control, and how many of you are using replacement/universal remotes or no remote?

I'm always a little surprised how many TVs on CL don't come with the original remote.

>> No.1860908

>don't have remote
>no menu button on the TV itself


>> No.1860917 [DELETED] 

Get a universal remote you fucking infant.

>> No.1860935
File: 9 KB, 800x600, welp time to kill myself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, it seems the "heavy hand" that was used in moving the XC-3730 up stairs has introduced an odd discoloration. The area in >>1860574 right around the upside T the left of the image now has reds tilted towards a magenta. The seemingly weak built in degauss doesn't do shit for it.
I'm hoping it's something in the room some how causing it.

Why am I getting the sinking feeling that this thing is going to be more trouble than it is worth?

I should have just stuck to the easy and manageable PVM.

Have the original remote for the 32fs13 as well as 24fs100.
Ended up forgetting to ask at the Salvation Army I bought the 27hs420 from for the remote, but it lucky came with the exact same remote as the 32.
GXE1395 is using an old cable remote; PVM doesn't have a normal remote and didn't come one. 3730 didn't come with one, and I have a feeling that having it might make figuring all this out easier.

>> No.1860954

>went to goodwill to try and find games
>had the best condition trinitron i've ever seen, literally perfect and still working for 5$
>have nowhere to put it atm in home, but it would be nice for when I move and have a bigger place, so I can keep it in the attic in a box for now
>have nowhere to put it in car, drive a shitty 80's honda
>beg all of my friends to borrow their cars or truck
>finally get use of someone else's car after 3 days
>it's gone

kill me now

I want a CRT so damn bad since my LCD makes all my 6th gen and back games look like ass, but I'm not willing to pay 200+ dollars in shipping for them on eBay, and all the craigslist listings are always in the fucking ghetto so I don't want to be killed

>> No.1860960

I got the remote and manual from my free craigslist trinitron from 1997. Came from a nice guy, obviously took very nice care of his things.

>> No.1860969

I used to have the remote to my Zenith Space Commander back when I was a kid but that was lost at some point. All of it's controls are on the TV itself though, so it's not a problem. All my other CRT's are monitors, so no remotes in the first place.

>> No.1860992

You could have just paid for it and said you'd be coming back later to pick it up... I've done that once or twice. Like, ever see a table or shelf with a big SOLD on it?

>> No.1861048

Different stores handle that differently.

I tried to do that originally with my 24HS420 and they said they could only hold it till the end of the day; The multiday item holding tends to only be applied to furniture, which they don't classify CRTs under.

>> No.1861062

>they could only hold it till the end of the day
They wouldn't have let you pay first?

>> No.1861079

They would have accepted the money, but they were still firm on only holding it til the end of the day; Thankfully, I managed to fit it in the back seat and got it home safely.

>> No.1861094

Well, I understand not "holding" it after the end of the day, but I actually meant purchasing the item, and saying I need to come back with more appropriate transportation. With something like a CRT, I bet the store would be reasonable about it.
But maybe that's what you meant and they still wouldn't let you.

Either way, there is no shortage of $5 trinitrons, you just have to be patient. Something even better might come along, who knows?

>> No.1861104

>but they were still firm on only holding it til the end of the day

Dang, that's obnoxious of them. Glad it worked though.

>> No.1861105

That anecdote was based on me paying for it. They didn't want to hold it for anymore than the end of the day.

>> No.1861106

>take money
>put tv back on sales floor the next day
I think they were just lying to get you to get it the heck out of there asap.

>> No.1861201

There's a reason it's not done yet.

Anyway if you don't want to prove your point then there is no use arguing.

Remotes are pretty easy to find if the TV model was reasonably popular. Trinitron remotes are fucking everywhere.

How does that HS handle 240p signals?

>> No.1861212

Don't worry, trinitrons are plentiful. I know a guy that has a 36XBR800 at his local goodwill for 20$ but he can't fit it in his car.

>> No.1861216

Considering it's less than 2'' from the PVM, it hasn't seen anything 240p related. Normal 480i television looks just fine on it, and 480p from the GC(the main reason I bought it), PSP and what ever signal the PS3 decides to throw at it all look great.

If I think about it tomorrow, I'll hook the SNES up to it and check it out.

3730 just tried to kill me while sliding it up a few stairs.

>> No.1861237

Moving TVs up the stairs by yourself isn't a good idea. It's not really a good idea with multiple people either.

I also didn't realize they made HS models that small. I'm assuming it's 4:3 then?

>> No.1861247

>Moving TVs up the stairs by yourself isn't a good idea.
I know this, but getting a hold of people to help is always difficult, let alone at 2am.

>I'm assuming it's 4:3 then?
Correct. It's just about as large of a FD/WEGA Trinitron that one can get and still manage to move on their own. Even going widescreen with the same measured length tube makes them just too unwieldy.

I'd like to get an older Trinitron at some point, but considering the heat I'm getting for the 3730, I don't see that happening any time soon.

>> No.1861264 [DELETED] 

>There's a reason it's not done yet.
Right, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and yet you want to teach before you learn. And instead of asking, you call bullshit when someone gives you a keyword that should be enough to teach you all you need to know with a little independent research.

That sum it about about right? I think so.

>> No.1861289

I don't think sony made 16:9 tubes smaller than 30", but I could be wrong.

If it's not a convergence issue then I'd try degaussing the shit out of it. If you've got another TV nearby with a stronger coil then that might work in a pinch. My TVs sit next to/on top of each other and a few inches between cases doesn't stop that big distortion when the coil kicks. Probably not as good as an external coil but it's worth a shot.

>And instead of asking, you call bullshit when someone gives you a keyword that should be enough to teach you all you need to know with a little independent research.

>>Seeing as I can't find anything about these[..]

I don't see the point of arguing about a guide is anyway. If you like it, then help. If you don't like it, ignore it. If something is wrong, point out how it's wrong.

>> No.1861338 [DELETED] 

>[...]I'm going to assume you are talking out of your ass until you post some links.

Whoops, better report this post too. All I did before was point out how you're going about your learning process backwards, but that's enough for le hot pocket man apparently.

>> No.1861358

It actually takes a 34'' model to match the 27'' model in 4:3 picture size.
The point I was trying to make was that just changing the aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9 in that general size makes it extremely difficult to manage a tube by yourself.

While the set definitely needs convergence adjustments done, that can't be it. The picture is of the same sharpness and focus of the surrounding areas, but in the wrong color.

What's really weird is it's only red heavy graphics. Things made primarily of green or blue look fine, even if they're not pure.

>> No.1861375

I can't say that I've reported any posts in this thread, actually.

To my knowledge all of this arguing started with comb filters. If you don't like how I'm going about writing the guide then that's fine and good, but I'll still keep writing it. If it turns out to be shit then it'll be shit and no one will use it.

Anyway I'm done arguing, and I'm not going to respond to these 'ur a shit' posts anymore. I'll be happy to discuss things I might have wrong, if anyone has evidence that I am.

Wait, is yours a 24 or 27? And yeah, wide screen tubes are a bitch to move about, but really most trinitrons don't have good places to grab hold.

I can't imagine how handling would only mess up that small part of the screen though. If it fucked up the mask I'd expect the issue to be more widespread. Feels like some kinda magnetism or maybe a manufacturing defect.

How do you like the shadow mask as opposed to your trinitrons?

>> No.1861386
File: 1.09 MB, 3280x2460, 100_8831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, don't know how I typo'd that. 27. Had it right in >>1860935 at least.

>How do you like the shadow mask as opposed to your trinitrons?
From my short experience with it in composite, it was pretty nice. Given proper adjustments and running in RGB, I'd say it would probably look wonderful. As it stands though, the convergence is quite off and needs quite a nice bit of work, and that's only going to get done if I can fix the discoloration. Pic related.

The pure vibrancy and sharpness of the PVM still can't be beat though.

>> No.1861398

Somehow I've got a feeling that aperture grill tubes look better with slightly fucked convergence than shadow mask. Then again, that text looks pretty bad.

I'm gonna have to find a PVM one of these days, but I'm honestly not sure if I'd use it or not. I enjoy having a huge screen for sure.

Speaking of which, my 32" has some odd color issues. Sometimes it'll have a slight green tint, but that seems to be dependent on how bright the screen is. For instance, playing f zero GX on big blue, the road will be a bit greenish white when I'm in the shadows, but a more proper white when I'm in a bright section. I suspect this might have something to do with the fact that I've got the picture knob on the transformer turned down, or it might just be a worn out tube.

Of course it's also waaaaaay out of adjustment in terms of uniform focus and convergence, but that's another matter.

>> No.1861409 [DELETED] 

>ur a shit
Nobody used that kind of language, it's just been a bunch of lols at your expense (and rightfully so, given the things you've posted so far).

>This post will now self-destruct.

>> No.1861538

Some TVs allow you to access the menu by pressing both the + and - volume and/or channel buttons.

>> No.1861804
File: 286 KB, 1632x918, BrokenPVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted about this messed up PVM before.
Here it is when I got it.

>> No.1861809
File: 263 KB, 1632x918, FixedPVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brought it into the shop and they adjusted the yoke I believe.
Cleared up most of the discoloration.
Still sometimes a bit of green tint in the top left corner. But you can only really see it when the color is pure white. Most of the time with something real on the screen you won't notice it. Can't see it here.
Though it seems the discoloration is more apparent when I first start up the monitor.

>> No.1861824

That is a damn comfy setup.

>> No.1861826

Because native resolution.

>> No.1861827

What size are you looking for?
Shipping on 14 inchers usually isn't too bad.

>> No.1862314


>> No.1862338
File: 42 KB, 371x455, ss+(2014-07-17+at+01.42.42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1862353

>Alcohol Porta

De Argentina para el mundo, eh?

>> No.1862923
File: 411 KB, 395x533, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any ID on this one ?
sorry it's the best picture i could take from the listing.
would it have component ? i know it will 100% have SCART
15 euros
i'm in ireland if that helps.

>> No.1862949

I actually had a dream last night in which I found a Profeel at some junkyard or some shit, in perfect working condition, but I walked around a bit to see what else there was, and when I went back to where the Profeel was to purchase it, some neckbeard had beaten me to it and was already paying for it.

Yes, I woke up mad.

>> No.1862971

TM20 17RA I'll report back when it gets here. Its not the high end model.

>> No.1862972

Goodwill is yo friend

>> No.1863246

is it worth it to output ntsc resolution from my laptop to my tv instead of 800x600?

my set up is really fucked but i really like my tv. i just got it yesterday.

>'87 JVC color tv
>13 inches
>ps1 and snes look great on it

>> No.1863314

Ahh, messed up PVMs: the story of my life. Mine's blue. But only when it should be red. And the sky in SMB is horrible pink.

The discoloration on yours is exactly what mine looks like uniformly throughout the screen.

Not that it's relevant, but what model do you have?

>> No.1863380

I'm also interested in this, if you still have it.

>> No.1863456

If interested, send an email to that address.

>> No.1863461

I did but the message bounced back. It might be my mail service, I'll try another.

>> No.1863715

I'm going to put this in the guide, but it's useful enough to put here as well. Site looks a bit sketchy but seems to have service manuals for an awful lot of TVs. They also have 'training manuals' for those of you who know your way around electronics. There is a download limit but I might take the time some day to back up a load of them and put them on mega or something.


>> No.1863727

so in this picture is the genesis setting RGB into a TV with no RGB inputs? If so is there a better less messy way to do this? I have a 24 inch trinitron thats unused ever since i got my pvm but I'd like to try something like that.

>> No.1863772

Is getting an XRGB Mini worth it?

Honestly, I don't have much room for a CRT but I'm dying to play some 6th gen games. I've got a PS2 that's collecting dusty.

>> No.1863807

Question, would it be possible and how difficult would it be to mod a PC CRT VGA monitor to accept video from consoles (S-video, RGB SCART, YPbPr)?

>> No.1863808

I will never understand why you people want to play on fuzzy, blurry, warped images

>> No.1863860

Just for some 6th gen stuff, probably not. If you've already got a nice TV/monitor and don't mind some lag in exchange for picture quality, and have a lot of 240p source material, then yes.

But you can easily get a good PVM for the price of a good scalar box. It really just depends on how you want to go about things.

>> No.1863927

I'd like to think so, but I really don't know. I'm also interested in knowing about about the process of adding support for various video cable types to my TV.

>> No.1863931

VGA CRTs are 31KHz. TV signals are 15KHz. Most likely, it would require major modification of the deflection circuitry.

>> No.1863938

I'll never understand people thinking that everyone else should conform to their misguided opinion, or how people would want to play on a display a game wasn't designed for.

>> No.1863940
File: 197 KB, 1024x768, scanlines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuzzy, blurry, warped images

>> No.1864010
File: 6 KB, 248x248, spin_prod_272482001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I have mid 2000's Magnavox TV that only has coaxial and composite inputs. Am I pretty much fucked in terms of trying to get a better image?

>> No.1864024

I find this ironic because CRT autists are the main offender of this.
>If you're not playing on a CRT, just don't play at all.

>> No.1864036


If you use GS Mode Selector I believe you can choose the video output signal. Only works for PS2 games afaik.

>> No.1864138

>come into CRT general
>get upset that people therein prefer gaming on CRTs

>> No.1864183

Yeah, you're pretty much fucked. Start sharping for a new CRT.

>> No.1864205

>that profeel when 29" PVM for local pickup not far from me

>> No.1864220


Just checked this out. Got a PVM and an Ikegami. $40 each.

They had 3 old BVMs. One was fucked. One had shit color (1994). One had shit convergence (1989). Are those problems easy to fix? If I were to go back, should I get one of the working ones?

Also, Anything else I should look for? They had some intense VHS players.

>> No.1864242


They also had 2 nice PC monitors. One widescreen hitachi with BNC. One viewsonic with BNC. Both pretty huge

>> No.1864251
File: 3 KB, 150x101, Clipboard017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a small place, and i don't have space for multiple TVs. I have been thinking about getting the best TV for both old and (relatively)new systems. I know there must be a compromise, but for last gen consoles and wiiu, i need a TV that can output 720p, and that makes me consider those HDTV("hd ready") CRT TVs. I believe those are best for systems like Xbox classic, PS2 and GC, but what about the older consoles? How will they look on it?

>> No.1864275

HD CRTS have all the same downsides as HD LCD/Plasma.

>> No.1864287

Not ALL the same downsides. You're not converting from analogue to digital


>> No.1864291

I know it doesn't count, but suggestions for a CRT for muh fattie PS2? I'm new to this but a guy on craigslist has a PVM 2030 for $75 close enough that I could go for it. I could trawl a couple goodwills and shit near me too. 20" seems small for sixth-gen, though.

To make it relevant I'll throw some genesis emulators and shit on my freemcboot later.

>> No.1864298

HD crt tvs are usually digital. So they do have to convert.

But the high end HD crts have great color and motion quality. So they actually are pretty good for 720p.(7th gen and up).

>> No.1864308

>You're not converting from analogue to digital
HDCRTs are digital.... are you dense?

>> No.1864339

we really need to make a an OP guide with this guide.

>> No.1864373

No, not all of them in all of the ways you might think.

>> No.1864381

Very few HDCRT's accept analog signals and output that straight to the screen. Unless otherwise proven, expect HDCRT's to digitally process all video sent to it. I'd certainly like to know which makes and models do send analog straight to the screen since I want to get a widescreen HDCRT for modern stuff and it would be nice if it could work well for retro, too.

>> No.1864470
File: 834 KB, 2048x1536, DSC00905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1864490

HD-Ready Sony Wega sets can directly scan 1080i with a service mode toggle (HDPO, I think). They removed this toggle in the HDTV sets (those with the Q-Box digital tuner + menus).

If you mean actual multiscan 15/31/33KHz TVs... those might be more difficult to find. Maybe you could convince a tri-scan arcade monitor to do 1080i in "31KHz" mode.

>> No.1864494

Nice VHS collection, grandpa.

>> No.1864508

I have some VHS stuff too, and I'm only in my 30s.

>> No.1864524

any recommendation on a good snes svideo cable? don't have the money for a pvm right now...

>> No.1864538

Nintendo, Monster, Hori are all excellent for name brand.

Good off-brand ones will take some hunting...there's at least one good source on ebay.

>> No.1864687

>tfw becoming more of a crt nerd than a retrogamer

Is there even such a thing as a CRT collector? Because I want them all.

>> No.1864689

I love how people act like I'm weird for playing classic games on a PVM (where they look best) I paid $100 for then they go spend $2000 on a 4k monitor and $750 on a graphics card to play simon says simulators/modern games.

>> No.1864716

>Is there even such a thing as a CRT collector?
I have felt like that for over a decade given my TVs and PC monitors.

>> No.1864717

My crt is dying. I get it is like twenty years old already, but I am still sad for this. My keyboard (An IBM) must have another twenty years, but the monitor will de in a year tops. The red is almost never visible, and as a resullt , most of the time everything has this blueish green tint.
I need a requiem for a faithful hardware piece, to play it on my twenty years old speakers.
(That ain't a joke, the only parts of my computers that aren't old as dirt are my tower and my mouse)

>> No.1864729
File: 33 KB, 600x450, 01616_5LMixS9EqGn_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A question about the picture with all the PVMs. What kind of PVM is the one with the white contoured case? Are those just incredibly old?

>> No.1864741

And it seems that in my attempts to move the 3730 up to the third floor, I've managed to get it into a position where It can't be moved around the corner. The casing is also getting more and more banged up as it goes. Fuck.

I'm in the mood to take some photos, suggestions?

>> No.1864742

We warned you about stairs bro

>> No.1864743

Take photos and haave you tried it with the screen facing down? Sometimes it can be smaller that way.

>> No.1864753

Take pictures of everything.

>> No.1864771
File: 11 KB, 163x167, sigpic296508_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"It's the walls that are the problem.

If "big nig who helped before" was available, it'd be simple to just lift and turn."

Was what I was about to post; He just showed up out of the blue and helped me move it. Praise be to the big brown man.

As for facing it down, it's never good to rest any CRT on it's face like that, let alone one with 200lbs resting on it.

I was talking about game recommendations on the PVM.

>> No.1864786

>started my wall of tvs 90s dream
>both playstations died within 20 minutes of eachother

>> No.1864792

240p suite so we can see how fucked up/not fucked up it is.

Also F zero GX.

>> No.1864819

>I was talking about... ...the PVM.
On that topic though, I will have to do that later.

>F-Zero GX
I was looking more for something /vr/ related, but I can do that too.

>> No.1864829
File: 61 KB, 410x800, phat stax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need a bit of a clean.

>> No.1864850

I have a mediocre PC with a GPU that only has HDMI out (no other sort of TV out at all).

My 2 CRT TVs are both european, and both support PAL60 but not NTSC. Both have SCART ports. Is there any possible way of using my PC on those? Or am I shit out of luck there? To me HDMI to SCART seems overcomplicated, like it would take some actual money and effort.

>> No.1864857

VGA to SCART cable and soft15khz or crt_emudriver

>> No.1864864

F zero X.

Also metal slug but that should be obligatory

I'll take one.

>> No.1864867

Hmmm. Interesting. I can also use VGA so that might work. Thanks.

>> No.1864895
File: 1.22 MB, 3280x2460, 100_2658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the USB Loader doesn't want to work right now, and I don't feel like switching the GC over to the PVM, F-Zero X it is then.

This is an old photo, I'll go take some new ones now. It's still going to be S-Video though; Haven't gotten around to modding the N64 yet.

Recommendations for NES/SNES/GEN and so on would also be nice.

>> No.1864901
File: 1.25 MB, 2460x3280, 100_3414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old Metal Slug X photo as well.

>> No.1864916

You need windows xp, a graphics card supported by either soft15khz and crtemudriver, and either a vga to scart cable, or if you're lazy and have the dough, an Ultimate Scart adapter, setting it all up can be a bitch though, but its worth it to have an arcade in the bedroom.

>> No.1864918

edit, I meant soft15khz OR crtemudriver (I use a ati x600 I got for $6), OR if you don't want to fool w softh15khz/crtemudriver then just get an arcade vga. So expensive easy route is: win xp machine, arcadevga card, ultimate scart adapter. Cheap route is win xp machine, x600, soft15khz, and homemade vga to scart cable.

>> No.1864924

>Those scanlines
Ah mah gawd

Focus sucks though. If it's not the convergence you can probably adjust the transformer...

>> No.1864928

New jersey?

>> No.1864945
File: 1.26 MB, 3280x2460, 100_8853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please read before posting.

It's an old photo, and in S-Video. That combined with the N64's filtering is not going to make it easy getting a high quality photo.

That said, time and practice will do wonders.

>> No.1864948
File: 1.33 MB, 3280x2460, 100_8860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1864949

I hate reading though.

>> No.1864970

Nokia CRT hooked to a ps2 and psx. It was blurry like hell at times, but still better than that Fujitsu-Siemens display I got some time ago.
The only downside of Nokia was that E1 1 at top right corner of the screen. Maybe it was possible to disable it with the remote but it went MIA some time ago

>> No.1864971

Believe me, you've made that readily apparent.

>> No.1864973

You could try picking up another remote, pairing it and seeing if there's a possible fix that way.

>> No.1864991

Can you take pictures of the 3730 itself? Next to the PVM if possible for size reference.

I'm 24.

I'm using a cable made by a company called Innovation. Works perfectly, no crosshatching. If you get an Innovation, make sure you buy it off eBay, there's an Amazon seller that claims to have it but sends out cables from a different manufacturer that has s-video and composite, and the s-video is wired wrong.

I'm at 8 crts right now and I feel like a collector.

>> No.1865002

>Next to the PVM if possible for size reference
That would require moving multiple consoles and undoing more cables than I'm willing to count at the moment. I can take some along side the 32FS13 though, if that'd work.

>> No.1865018

Yeah, that'd be fine. A shot of the inputs in the back would be cool too.

>> No.1865023
File: 1.19 MB, 2460x3280, 100_8865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing.

>> No.1865065

Don't want to clutter up this thread or my tumblr.

>> No.1865128

sup /crt/. I have this tiny 11'' portable TV+DVD player combo. Quality is obviously not the best, but I'm still considering using it for old games just because it's light and I already have it.

Thing is, it doesn't seem to have scanlines. The pattern on the TV is more of a honeycomb pattern. I'm trying to find out if there's a special type of CRT that looks like this

>> No.1865136
File: 3.91 MB, 6336x2456, PVM vs GX Composite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honeycomb pattern
It's a shadow mask. It's what most CRTs were made with. You're not going to be able to see visible scanlines on such a small screen, especially one with a shadow mask; I'm not even sure how clear they are on smaller aperture grille based CRTs.

For comparison, left is a 20'' PVM(aperture grille) right is a 13'' GXTV(shadowmask)
Is a 35'' shadowmask.

>> No.1865138

Sounds like your CRT has an inline shadowmask. Scanlines are much more subtle on CRTs with shadowmasks than they are on CRTs with aperture grilles.

Got dang, what a behemoth. How would you compare the picture to that of the WEGA?

>> No.1865141
File: 78 KB, 500x750, 1392047389189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you have is shadow mask. Most of the screen here are aperture grill (branded by sony as trinitron). There are some shadow mask TVs, but most are less than ideal in terms of picture quality.


>> No.1865150
File: 1.20 MB, 3280x2460, 100_4016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32'' Aperture grille, all of these are in composite.

The screen, assuming I can fix the discoloration and then move on to getting the convergence right, has the potential to be absolutely beautiful. The simple lack of these problems on the WEGA puts it on top as of right now.

>> No.1865159

gotcha, thanks guys. It's a shame not to have that classic scanline look but it still looks pretty sharp since the screen is small. I'll stick with it until I can find a good deal on craigslist or a thrift shop

>> No.1865172

Buy a Sony with the Trinitron branding and a flat screen, you will have scanlines.

>> No.1865202

>The pattern on the TV is more of a honeycomb pattern
This is sometimes called "ChromaClear". It's neither a traditional dot triad nor a striped grille, right? It's little segments in a "brick" pattern, each of which has a R/G/B stripe?

>> No.1865203

>Thing is, it doesn't seem to have scanlines. The pattern on the TV is more of a honeycomb pattern. I'm trying to find out if there's a special type of CRT that looks like this
Scanlines are different than aperture grille stripes. The aperture grille pattern found on Sony Trinitrons (and clones) consists of vertical stripes of solid R/G/B phosphor. Scan lines are horizontal stripes caused by the TV raster not quite filling up the screen.

On small or poorly-focused screens, you typically won't see scanlines (even if it's a Trinitron).

>> No.1865209

I have a one-room apartment with no less than 4 CRTs in it.


>> No.1865341


>> No.1865348

Yes, old.

>> No.1865349

Yes, people hoard them. Don't be that guy or i'll fight you.

>> No.1865354

Watch out - the radiation from the old tubes might turn him into Cathode Man. Then again, his superpower is probably just a mildly irritating flicker.

>> No.1865365

Are all PVM's aperture grill? I think i actually prefer the shadow mask CRT's ...

>> No.1865385

I don't think Sony has produced a shadow-mask color tube since 1975 or so.

>> No.1865390

>There are some shadow mask TVs
understatement of the century

>but most are less than ideal in terms of picture quality.
baseless for anyone who isn't trying to push a pro-aperture grille agenda, if not only because "most" is too easy to qualify considering the galactic commonality of all the shadow mask TVs ever made

>> No.1865393

I don't even read my own posts.
>There are some good shadow mask TVs

>> No.1865406

Not by Sony, no.

You might find something by Panasonic, Ikegami, or JVC though.

>> No.1865412

>Not by Sony, no.
As in you're not going to find a shadow mask PVM by Sony.

>> No.1865441
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1440, IMG_0181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost from last thread.

Close up of a Panasonic professional video monitor, model CT-1382Y. This is an example of inline shadow mask.

>> No.1865514
File: 2.85 MB, 2900x1724, 0106140120-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we finally getting shadow mask love in here?

>> No.1865529

Inline looks pretty good, I have to say.

>> No.1865531

Don't blame me because I haven't been able to find anything decent. Hopefully I can get the 3730 fixed and get some nice pictures from that.

>> No.1865532

I'm looking for the biggest possible trinitron that can be easily carried by an average adult man.
What size should I go for?

>> No.1865540


I managed to get a 32 Trinny up to my apartment using the stairs, but it was hard and my arms hurt the next day cause I'm a weak faggot.

To be fair though, they're front heavy and hard to get a purchase on. Added to that the anxiety of dropping it.

>> No.1865542

>Name got removed somehow

How much can you lift? If you aren't super fit then 27 will probably be your upper limit, assuming you aren't going up stairs or anything. I believe 27s are ~100lb, 32s are ~175 and 36s are ~220. They are also bulky as hell.

>> No.1865543

Probably 27. They're probably somewhere around seventy to a hundred pounds.

>> No.1865550

For the newer FD/WEGA models, 27''. Maybe 30 if you've got a good arm span.

Can't speak on the older sets, as I don't really have any experience with them. I'd expect them to be a nice bit lighter though.

>32 Trinny
That couldn't have been a flat tubed model; Those fuckers are heavy as shit.

>> No.1865559

Only a ~15lb difference between 32V## and 32FV## models according to the manuals. Still over 150lb.

>> No.1865605

That looks a lot like my GVM-2020 from 1994.

>> No.1865731


>> No.1865925
File: 865 KB, 775x807, 2014-08-15-185621_775x807_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently you can order CRT's from alibaba.com. Just search 'crt'.

Good for a lel, but I'm wondering exactly how legit this stuff is anyway, considering some of the ridiculous prices.

>> No.1865942

Looks like a surprising number are dedicated to african/middle east markets. I'd guess you won't find any "high end" CRT's on there.

>> No.1865959
File: 55 KB, 550x358, dea24d_2e495e857a194c10af7b7c408d7f28fb.jpg_srz_p_550_358_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine for a moment if we dont want to have a big ass CRT in our house hold or dont have the room for one "God knows I dont have room for a CRT with my cramped living space"

what if we was to buy something like this http://www.amazon.com/Etekcity%C2%AE-Composite-S-video-Converter-Upscaler/dp/B00B2B9Z20/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1408174105&sr=8-1&keywords=hdmi+upscaler

Would this help or fully remove artifacting from snes or nes games that you get with an HDTV?

The other solution is an XRGB and to be honest, I would not spend $300 for something just to play my old video games on, even this upscaler is a "maybe"

>> No.1866018

See: http://retrogaming.hazard-city.de/

>> No.1866023

GBS-8220 (VGA output) with a Sync Strike (SCART RGB input) is the cheap way.

If you really want scanlines you can also get the SLG3000 but it's comparatively expensive.

There's also the more expensive scalers like, yes, the XRGB.

>> No.1866165

I feel like the words biggest poorfag because I already own all the games that people would pay $200+ for and yet I think the XRGB is to expensive for my tastes.

I'm not interested in scan lines, its not a big issue to me, I would just like to get rid of the artifacting in my games when I play them on a HD tv, Super Mario RPG is a big one when you notice all the shit wrong in that one.

>> No.1866175

If you don't want a CRT just say you don't want a CRT. Unless you're looking at the 25"+ sizes and you literally live in a shoebox there's no way a CRT is too big. a 14" normal one or a PVM CRT is plenty small enough.

>> No.1866187

so the GBS-8220 and Sync Strike would be ideal for you. Just make sure to get the right RGB cable for the SNES.

>> No.1866190

You're not going to fix that problem with an external scaler, it's very dependent on the TV. Every HDTV has lag on every input that comes into it.

>> No.1866193

I had to move back into a shoebox because I lost my job and have been actively trying to find one since then. I still get income, just not much because I do odd jobs.

>> No.1866197

Is there anything specific required or can I just plug the cables (rgb to what looks like component) and then using a monitor cable plug it into my tv?

From the way things look when I look things up about it everybody cuts their system and soldiers it to the main board.

>> No.1866203

it'll be something like

SNES -> RGB SCART cable -> Sync Strike -> (via VGA shaped socket) GBS-8220 scaler -> VGA cable -> your TV

The scaling "hit" will be taken by GBS-8220, and not by your television. Your TV will be taking like a 640x480 real VGA connection (higher VGA resolutions are also selectable) so it shouldn't really have to do much real scaling itself.

Also you should note that the GBS-8220 is a poorfag scaler designed for cheapass arcade operators. You aren't going to get miracles from this thing like with the XRGB, but it does work and a clear improvement from just plugging the fucking console in normally.

>> No.1866205

If the TV is getting 640x480 the TV will most def be doing "real scaling". It has to scale to the native res of the TV. If you were feeding it the native res then yeah it wouldn't do any scaling.

>> No.1866206

Yes, it will do some real scaling...

HOWEVER TV scalers are quite good at scaling some resolutions and absolutely fucking horrible at scaling others. My particular TV internal scaler does a great job with non-interlaced 640x480 VGA. The GBS-8220 does give different VGA output options, none of them are 1080p, but you might find something in there your TV likes.

But in any case it's gonna like it a hell of a lot more than 480i or 240p.

>> No.1866207

When it comes to HDTVs it's such a crap shoot that it's almost not worth it unless you wanna spend big bucks sometimes. But yes, it would be better than 480i at least on most TVs. Indecently enough some TVs actually take in 240p correctly, like some Samsungs.

>> No.1866208

>shit color
Maybe fixable with proper calibration, sometimes using just the menus without needing to open the fucker up.

>shit convergence
Depending on the monitor, you might need to open it up and adjust some plastic screw heads internally. Be careful. Should be fixable, but it'll take you a while even with a grid test pattern to help you.

>> No.1866216

HDTV scalers are most allergic to interlacing. If you can get rid of the interlacing with linedoubling, you've already improved things by 200%.

It's not that much of a crapshoot. For something like 30 bucks on the GBS-8220 you get a good value improvement.

>> No.1866218

Anon asking about connections, my TV is a samsung.
What exactly is a Sync strike anon?
Hope you guys dont mind me asking questions so early in the morning, I cant sleep and just put in 2 job applications and abit wired.

>> No.1866220

It's a simple converter from SCART to VGA, will handle sync issues for you instead of you opening up cables and soldering shit yourself. They're pretty small.

>> No.1866224

Just checked my TV because its a newer model Samsung, and I haven't got a VGA port on it, my older I had did, but I gave it to my mother.
Looks like I am shit out of luck, RGB/Component/HDMI cables are my only solution.
Or find a shitty 13 inch CRT and find a place for it, in the floor or something.

>> No.1866228

The VGA connection can be adapted to a DVI connection, if your TV has that, with a simple adapter.

RGB is not component, I wouldn't lump the two together.

>> No.1866229

You'll need a different scaler to the GBS-8220. I think there are some OK newer ones that do HDMI. Look at that retroharzard website. Won't be as cheap but should do a decent enough job.

>> No.1866368

Fuck all this upscaler bullshit, go to avforums or something. This is a /crt/ thread. A CRT will fit in your apartment, people were still using CRTs not even ten years ago. Ask yourself where you'd put the tv if it was 2004, and put a CRT there.

>> No.1866510


NEC xm37
mitsubishi 3717
ikegami tm20-17r
2x IBM branded p1130 equivalents

I need more.

>> No.1866520
File: 3.09 MB, 1803x1948, Pixels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slot mask

>> No.1866536

so i've got a KV-32FS10.

While messing around in the service menu, my cat came up and mashed her face into the remote, which made me hit something. Whatever I hit, no menus display on my TV anymore. No service, no picture, no channel numbers, no sliders for the volume, nothing.

plz halp, /vr/. you're my only hope. the last thing i want to do is haul this thing back downstairs to put it out with the trash.

>> No.1866809
File: 929 KB, 2138x2593, IMG_1708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attempting to measure the lag that my component->VGA converter has.

Wii -> PVM -> converter -> mitsu CRT

From the picutres I've taken, the last digit always looks like an 8. Is the timer in melee accurate? If not, what's a game with an accurate timer on it?

>> No.1866881

>component->VGA converter
Unless it's a cheapy that actually samples the image, it won't have any lag.

>> No.1866987

>32 Trinny

You're doing God's work, anon

>> No.1867052

I agree, if you are cramped then consider a 14" PVM, there are loads of them out there and they'll fit anywhere and still have a really sharp scanliney picture.

>> No.1867059

Man I would drive like 5 hours for one of those NEC's

>> No.1867209

240p test suite has a few lag testing things in it.


>> No.1867245

Maybe it hit 8? It looks like the older models like yours might only require hitting 8 to initialize the menus rather than a combination of buttons. Even the I can't imagine why it would remove all of the menus. If you had change some setting, it should have reset because you didn't save it.

Here's the service manual in any case.


>> No.1867545

GSM works for PS1 games also. It can also force 480i on PS1 games to improve compatibility.

>> No.1867643

Read the manual, if you find a copy.

See if there's a factory reset switch or some other button combo.

Remotes suck ass, get a TV with manual buttonz.

>> No.1867647

What's the shutter speed you're using on your camera? If you're using a cellphone camera to measure miniscule lag, you're going to have a bad day. :l

>> No.1867828
File: 522 KB, 1195x1600, IMG_4164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a Sony Trintron PVM 1351Q off of ebay with a SNES/N64/GC Scart Cable and a Scart to BNC cable with audio cables.

The Scart to BNC cable seems to only work for the SNES and the SFC. I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong, everything is connected properly.

>> No.1867834

also I cant seem to get rid of the black bar on the right

>> No.1867863

N64 needs modded for RGB, and NTSC Gamecubes don't output RGB.

The black bar is likely just that the image is centered to the left; Should be easily adjustable in the service menu.

>> No.1867934

Well, shit, more moding to do I guess

Any good suggestion for stereo speakers?

>> No.1868014

What ever works for your set up really.

I picked up some old Klipsch kg4s back in May since I didn't have shit in ways of audio; Before that I was routing everything to a separate TV. That setup sounded alright, but was very impractical.
If you're planning on having them sitting close to the PVM, shielded speakers are a plus; The KG4s aren't, and as such they have to be pushed back and a few inches away from my CRTs.

I have this saved after it was recommended in the CRT thread on neo-geo(I believe). I don't have any personal experience on it though. From the looks of your photo, you should have something nearby with a USB port to power it. Just get a 2 RCA -> 3.5mm adapter, and you're good to go.

The standard /g/ recommendation of Micca MB42 or MB42x would also work. If you need an amp to go with them, the Lepai 2020a+ is a good cheap model. A bit more pricey, but it would also sound better.

>> No.1868247

They do, you just need to sacrifice a D-Terminal or SCART cable.


>> No.1868263

>D-Terminal or SCART cable.
That guide details how to take cable that goes for $120+ on average, and modify it to output RGB.

That's like saying the system outputs usable component video by default; It doesn't, you need to drop money on the stupidly expensive cable first.

>> No.1868293
File: 2.15 MB, 524x374, Modern Video Games.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the scart cable and the scart to RGB BNC but still don work

>> No.1868463

Right, because the N64 doesn't output RGB without modding, and only European Gamecubes output RGB.

What's the solution? Get an S-video cable! Both systems output s-video without modding, and it's a big step up in video quality from composite. /vr/ is not going to shit on you for using s-video! And the cable is cheap!


Or you can import a Hori s-video cable from Japan for a couple bucks more:


Basically, s-video fucking rules.

>> No.1868472

>/vr/ is not going to shit on you for using s-video!

I'm sure some people will, myself not included.

>> No.1868530

Even with RGB, most N64s tend to output a blurry and smudged as fuck picture. There is some evidence that colored models output a sharper image, but even then, there WILL be at least a bit of horizontal blur because Nintendo, in their infinite wisdom, decided all games must be interpolated to a width of 640 pixels.

>> No.1868898

>Basically, s-video fucking rules.
Well, I actually would like to call you an idiot.
But S-Video and composite does indeed have one little advantage over RGB and Component.
AGC (automatic gain control) which helps to adjust the video back to 'ideal' if the signal is too strong or too weak, an essential practice when it comes to recording.
There's no way to do this with RGB or Component (R-Y, B-Y) as they lack any kind of reference which can be used for AGC.
For the Luminance the voltage difference between the synctip and blacklevel can be used as reference and for Chrominance the amplitude of the color burst can be used as reference. Most Video ADCs tend to use the first method for composite only.

>> No.1868972
File: 772 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20140817_112432746_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a trinitron yesteday and its great, but there is one problem. in the top left of the screen, whatever channel or mode it is on won't go away.
For example, the word GAME wont go away when I'm in video mode. I've exhausted every possible option.
How do I fix this?

>> No.1868978

Are there any good s-video versus composite comparison pictures out there?

>> No.1868982
File: 465 KB, 1632x1224, bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished my tertiary setup, right next to my bed.
PVM-1443MD, JVC A-K200, Technics speakers.
Period-correct (apart for the Squeezebox) JDM setup, yo!

>> No.1869076

Do you have the original remote? Try pressing the Display button.

>> No.1869094

I don't think its the original, but it is a Sony RMT-D224A and the display button ain't doing shit.

>> No.1869628

He's not an idiot. He's just over-excited and incorrectly using the term "rules" to describe something that is not the highest quality. However...

The step up from composite to s-video is almost as big a step up as going from RF to composite.


People are blown away by the quality of RGB for more reasons than it being an astonishing format. The vast majority of CRTs currently in use are low-to-mid quality RF+Component TVs. When someone goes to the effort of finding a quality CRT with S-video and/or Component/RGB inputs they are usually seeing not just the step up in the signal quality but also the step up in the actual display quality as well even if they're not going as far as getting pro equipment. Going from the generic 13" 1997 Walmart TV you used to have in your bedroom when you were a kid to a 20" WEGA is going to get your attention.

>> No.1869818
File: 2.57 MB, 5000x3125, SNES and SNES Mini Video Output small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll admit that I haven't played much Bomberman, but is that displaying in the correct aspect ratio? Kind of looks like it's in 16:9 mode.

I spent far too much time on this, and it's not terribly good anyway.

In Order:
SNES Composite
SNES Mini Composite
SNES S-Video

Without scaling, this would be 19680x12300.
Scaled but larger version: https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5574/14765250958_7e0f08cf84_o.jpg

>> No.1869856

>but is that displaying in the correct aspect ratio?
PALfag here. It is.

>> No.1869907
File: 50 KB, 500x342, 1402217080039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if /vr/ is apart of the same anti-reddit circlejerk as /v/, but I made a subreddit dedicated just to scanlines

>> No.1869910

Reddit isn't welcome on /v/ nor is it welcome here. We don't like you guys for a reason.

>> No.1869928


>> No.1869934

There's no difference between /v/ and /vr/.

>> No.1869943

Didn't even think about it being PAL.

It's a neat idea, but I can't say that I'm a fan of the site. Just the way it's laid out is off putting.

>> No.1869951

the worst parts of 4chan combined with the worst parts of forums with the interface of a disqus comment box and the userbase of facebook

never, just fucking never

>> No.1870471
File: 3.63 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140728_191438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1870496 [DELETED] 

>Whoa, check it out!
How about I don't and kill myself instead.

>> No.1870527

You'd do us all a favor if you did.

>> No.1870595

>order Genesis SCART+BNC cables
>want to play Popful Mail
>can't see the point if RGB parts are in the mail right now

Why don't we have matter teleportation already?

>> No.1871174
File: 92 KB, 720x875, Sketch133183456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just passing by, I wanted to share a modified schematic or whatever you call it that I made for my arcade cabinet.

Basically the original version of this displayed a shitty image and splitted audio/video on two differents channels on some TVs.

>> No.1872219

What is the brand/make/model of the switch you have in the cabinet there, and do you recommend it?

>> No.1872248

>free 36" trinitron nearby on craigslist
>nobody nearby to help me haul the 300 lb fucker away
>my coupe is too small to physical hold a 36" CRT anyway

I'm moving back to the big city when school starts up again, and you'd think a denser population would mean an easier time finding this sort of stuff nearby, right? Fucking wrong. The city is a goddamn craigslist desert

>> No.1872302

Looks fake.

>> No.1872316
File: 22 KB, 600x450, 00303_3WHELB3ZRjc_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone recognize this CRT? Sony trinitron with removable speakers. Craigslist says it's 27 inch.

I ask because I've never seen one that looks like this.Removable speakers, and it stands on 2 feet instead of a base.

>> No.1872357

I deadlift over 4plate but fuck lifting TVs. The problem isn't so much the weight as it is how big and awkwardly shaped they are.

>> No.1872408
File: 3.54 MB, 3456x4608, DSCN5926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of blurry picture but my current set up KV32FS100 Trinitron. N64 and Snes hooked up via s video and ps2 via component. Have several other retro consoles in closet. This TV weighs about 150 lbs. but easy to pick up with 2 guys. It has grips on each side. Haven't tried picking it up alone yet.

>> No.1872552

Is it me or is your geometry beyond fucked?

220lb but fuckers are bulky.

>> No.1872561

>can't carry a 300lb crt home

do you even lift

>> No.1872568

How do you (think you) know for sure? Sony's made heavier 36s.

>> No.1872596

What you mean geometry messed up ? Of the aspect ratio ?

>> No.1872604

You've got a droopy left screen. The menu looks like it's slowly melting.

>> No.1872607

Every service/training manual I've read has said they are 220-230lb depending on the model. Unless it's a PVM or something weird like that, it should be somewhere in that range. Nowhere near 300lb.

I also found out when reading the manual for the XBR400 that the hi scan tubes might display 1080i/720p natively after all. I need to read up a bit more but that would make it a hell of a lot easier to find a HD CRT that isn't shit.

Both a bit. There is that huge blank part on top of the screen, but not the bottom for some reason. The picture also bows down a bit in the left corner.

>> No.1872628
File: 90 KB, 688x553, ss+(2014-08-18+at+09.58.17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /vr/. How is this TV?

>> No.1872650

Yes, but it's it's a matter of not being able to hold on to it. It's different than grasping a bar

>> No.1872674

How can I fix this ?

>> No.1872679

the only TV I've ever owned second hand was a free 32" that was set out on the curb. Toshiba something or other, I don't remember the model # at the moment unfortunately. But it had no remote with it. Menu button is on the tv as well though, so no real issue there.

>> No.1872686

Good for /vr/ uses, assuming it's in good condition. I'd pay 10$ for it but 20$ isn't that bad if you aren't being stingy.

If possible, bring a console in with the 240p test suite on it to check the TV. Most important things to look for are convergence (test grid), geometry (test grid and scroll test), and color uniformity and correctness (solid white screen and gray scale).

Service menu. If only that corner is drooping you might not be able to do anything about it, but you can at least get the vertical size fized.

>> No.1872697
File: 1.34 MB, 3280x2460, 100_9095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both a bit. There is that huge blank part on top of the screen, but not the bottom for some reason.
>but you can at least get the vertical size fized.
Its center might be set a bit low, but it's actually not that far off. FF6 just seems to have the menu positioned that way.

>> No.1872709
File: 597 KB, 2448x3264, ys70Fdu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the reply. I'll definitely bring a 240p game. Gradius III has a grid when you turn it on, kinda like the pic, except without the dots. Is that what you mean by test grid? There's another Trinitron CRT for sale that's 32inch. Is it worth the 3 hour (one way) drive to get it? Or will this 27inch one do?

>> No.1872718
File: 3.94 MB, 4608x3456, DSCN5928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I actually changed tilt correction and it seems to have straightened it a bit but not perfect.

>> No.1872725
File: 3.51 MB, 4608x3456, DSCN5929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only paid 15 bucks for this tv and it was definitely worth it.

>> No.1872730

Go into the Video tab and see if it has VM "Edge Enhancement" on. That text sort of makes me think that it is.

>> No.1872736

I've seen a few with removable speakers, as for the feet, I'm not an expert but I would assume those are probably removable as well.

>> No.1872746

Yeah, its on high.

>> No.1872761
File: 1.30 MB, 3280x2460, 100_9099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn that shit off. It's the equivalent to using a heavy sharpening filter in photo shop. Makes everything look terrible.

>> No.1872776

Yeah, that's more or less what a test grid is.

Size is up to you. Smaller sets have a slightly sharper picture, but it's smaller. Basically personal preference.

It looks like some of it is vertical bow but there is definitely more bend in that corner than what can be adjusted out.

Make sure to write down any setting before you change it in service mode. It's really easy to fuck everything up and spend a good few hours just getting it back to how it was. I spent a good 5 hours fucking around with my XBR the other day trying to make it look a bit better.

>> No.1872785

Only one I know for sure has removable speakers is the XBR 25, but that's a way older model. Looks like the feet are for some kinda mount for restaurants and such if I had to guess.

You can always ask them for a model number.

>> No.1872813

>real CRT
>looks fake

u wot m8?

>> No.1872832
File: 17 KB, 540x450, 00u0u_gea5EzekNoz_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a Philips SWS2325W/17. You can buy them new here, although I got mine at Goodwill:

I'd recommend it, it's got 4 inputs, all four include composite and s-video, and inputs 3 and 4 have component jacks. The input buttons on the front have firm, mechanical switches, and it doesn't have to be plugged into an outlet.

It's either a KV-27EXR20 or a KV-27EXR25 (both units look the same, but the EXR25 could do picture-in-picture.)

From the service manual, it looks like a higher end set. S-video, two composite inputs, and composite output! Might be worth grabbing.

Very pleasing design too, looks worlds better than a lot of the awkward FS Trinnies Sony was selling in the early '90s. Here's a pic from another craigslist auction.

>> No.1872838

Nice spot.

>> No.1872841
File: 53 KB, 450x600, 1408410140942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I rotated the pic from earlier, these are damned good looking sets.

>> No.1872872

Oh, according to the XBR400 service manual, that set (and I'm assuming all other 'hi scan' sets) support 480p and 1080i, but no 720p. Why, I have no idea. It also says that it uses line doubling for 480p, but I don't think many consumer sets would support 480p without it.

>> No.1873153
File: 2.25 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20130716_205316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>colored models output a sharper image
Any NTSC N64 that was shipped in a case that's not the generic gray/black is very, very likely not capable of RGB output. Only the early model NTSC N64s in gray/black cases have the proper video chip (unless of course someone swapped guts between consoles).

The sharpness difference between RGB modified N64s and non-modified N64s is quite noticeable, in my opinion. Absolutely worth doing.

Use a breadboard to make it sexy.

>> No.1873178

>that set...support 480p and 1080i
That's very common for the early HD-readies and HDTVs of that time.

>(and I'm assuming all other 'hi scan' sets)
No, that's wrong. Why would you make that assumption?

>> No.1873261

Hey, I snagged a Hd3650 videocard from a friend so I could use my PVM with MAME and other emulators - at least until I can buy a Wii. So far I know I gotta use Soft15khz with it to output that glorious 240p. Luckily the card It has component out which I THINK doesn't really need external sync. I also heard there was a GNU/Linux driver that supposedly blew soft15khz out of the water. Wanna help a /vr/other out?

>> No.1873264

>at least until I can buy a Wii.
If you manage to get a working setup going with your PC, why would you purposefully downgrade?

>> No.1873265

Well, I was close. Later models support 720p but everything is just converting to 1080i, as with earlier models. So basically unless you have a 1080 signal going to it, there isn't much point.

I can't find any exact info but I would assume that SFP tubes are the same, and judging by mine handles alternating lines at 720p it seems to be doing some kinda internal scaling. So is there any actual resolution difference between HS and SFP sets? Maybe it's some weird horizontal scan stuff?

>> No.1873267

That component out will not help you do 240p since it's hanging off the card's TV decoder chip. You'll have to work with its VGA or DVI-A/I port to use any specialized software.

>> No.1873269

I was gonna buy a Wii either way because I missed loads of stuff. Plus, they're like 10 bucks and fully hackable and God knows I get a boner whenever I get stuff I can tinker with.

>> No.1873270

>as with earlier models.
Earlier TVs didn't process 720p at all, you were SOL unless you selected/converted it to something else.

>So basically unless you have a 1080 signal going to it, there isn't much point.
The point is that you can view those signals coming from the tuner or video source without an outboard scaler as with those older TVs.

>I can't find any exact info but I would assume that SFP tubes are the same, and judging by mine handles alternating lines at 720p it seems to be doing some kinda internal scaling.
Yes, very few CRT consumer TVs ever did native 720p scan other than the old Monivisions.

>So is there any actual resolution difference between HS and SFP sets? Maybe it's some weird horizontal scan stuff?
Only stripe pitch (higher TVL).

>> No.1873502

>bulk trash pickup tomorrow
>two 36" Trinitron WEGA TVs on the curb in front of my apartment
>one 27" JVC
>no room to adopt one since I already have a GVM

It's like seeing a dying kitten and just driving past, knowing you could do something but can't justify the effort.

>> No.1873605
File: 876 KB, 2048x1536, DSC00263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even with RGB, most N64s tend to output a blurry and smudged as fuck picture
My RGB modded N64 outputs a quite sharp picture, with some high frequency noise (>12mhz, only visible on cheap ADCs) on the video signals due the way how my RGB DAC is mechanically constructed. A bunch of SMD chips interconnected with way to long wires and then fixed with hotglue.

>There is some evidence that colored models output a sharper image
What are you trying to accomplish?

>decided all games must be interpolated to a width of 640 pixels.
But i can say for sure that the pixel clock is fixed at around 12.5mhz, it varies a little bit between NTSC and PAL.

>> No.1873838

So I picked up a trinitron from Craigslist this morning that I thought to be around a 32 inch.. turns out it's HUGE. Probably the biggest SD set I've ever seen, I'm honestly not sure my cheap TV stand will support this monsters weight, if I can even get it up the stairs into my apartment. What do /VR/ :C

>> No.1873843

it'll fit up the stairs unless you have ridiculously small doorways.

find a friend to help you and if you think your stand won't handle the weight then leave it on the floor for now.

welcome to the glorious CRT mustard face

>> No.1873858

>that I thought to be around a 32 inch
Take a look at the model # and find out for sure.

>> No.1873932

I'm not worried about doorways, I'm worried about carrying it. This isn't my first trinitron, but this was easily one of the heaviest things I've ever had to move. It took 3 people to get it in the car, let alone up a flight of stairs. It's definitely bigger than 32 though, looking at it when I got there it looked like it may have been widescreen, but it had no HDMI ports so I don't think it was an HD CRT.

I'll have to get the serial model number when my wife gets back from work, it's still in the car.

>> No.1873959

HDMI was only on later CRT models; there are plenty of older HDTVs without it.

>> No.1874019

So can someone break this down for me? I mainly want to play SNES and N64 games.

I want the clearest picture i can. I want a screen on the larger side. Larger than 30 inches.

I would feel comfortable modding my consoles to get better audio and video.

What would you guys recommend?

I have no attachment to scan lines or whatever. I Just want to have the clearest image possible and audio.

>> No.1874029

Absolute best possible would be hunting down a 30"+ PVM or BVM. That would not only be very difficult, but they are usually still more expensive than a new LCD TV.

Other than that, just go looking for TVs on craigslist. Bring a console and see how it looks, use 240p test suite if you can.

>> No.1874142

Component wont work, you have to use the dvi/vga out (use a dongle if it has dvi and not vga)

U also have to have the right settings in mame.cfg, and an extron rgb interface helps alot, it lets you center the image quickly because all the resolutions wont line up the same.

>> No.1874146

also you'll need a vga to component transcoder unless you are in europe and have scart, it which case, damn you you lucky bastard.

>> No.1874186

so what makes these so great and why are they still so expensive

>> No.1874272

As their name implies, they were used for mastering and monitoring of broadcasts and just about any other video production you can think of. They're very high end CRTs made with the intention to provide high levels of clarity and the best color reproduction possible. Turns out these two things make older games look really nice.

>why are they still so expensive
There weren't nearly as many larger models produced and as such they go for a higher price.

>> No.1874317

It's really hit or miss, though. If you're willing to be patient and you live in a big city, you might be able to find one cheap on Craigslist or just thrown out on the curb.

>> No.1874326


So is this monitor the kind that would look great for old games?

>> No.1874332
File: 1.54 MB, 3280x2460, 100_7737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're obviously not going to buy them first hand, but in that style; Yes.

Depending on where you're located, you may have an easier time finding one (and at a good price) than others. SoCal and NY/NJ are big hot spots for them. This doesn't make it impossible to find them in other places however.

>> No.1874338

Those PVM BVM tv's look sweet. What are the inputs though ? Do they use component, svideo or rgb etc ?

>> No.1874352

>What are the inputs though ? Do they use component, svideo or rgb etc ?
Varies between models.

BVMs tend to have switchable decoder boards that make them a lot more flexible depending on the needs of the user; That goes from anything like composite to raw digital video.

Older models will usually have composite, s-video, and RGB. Newer ones will support component via the same channels as RGB. Newer and higher end models such as the one you linked will not only have a screen capable of a sharper image, but also possibly display higher resolution video signals such as 480p/1080i. Unlike consumer HDCRTs, these sets will do both low res and high res video competently.

The one I posted is a 20M2MDU, and is a medical variant. This tend to be distinguishable by their white casing/face plates. It supports Composite, S-Video, RGB and Component. It is an SD set and as such can't do 480p+.

>> No.1874410

>There weren't nearly as many larger models produced and as such they go for a higher price.

Not only this but they cost about the price of a new car when they came out. That particular model you linked was 42 grand new.

>> No.1874436

Would a flat screen or a traditional screen be better?

>> No.1874478

It's not going to matter as much as the condition and adjustment of the TV.

>> No.1874554
File: 153 KB, 960x717, dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey lads. I bought a Microgenius famiclone for dirt cheap and hooked it up to my PVM1344Q. It's a PAL-N device, yet the monitor doesn't automatically switch to PAL. The thing works if I hook it up to a different CRT. Is here a way to force this particular model of PVM to use a certain colour system?
If not - this particular famiclone has a potentiometer right next to the PAL crystal and by right next to I mean directly hooked up to. I get the feeling it is for modulating the chroma carrier value. Could giving it a spin work? pic related.

>> No.1874569

IDK I've always found flat screens to have some geometry issues, although they are very sharp.

>> No.1874614

So will a stock SNES with a scart cable like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/161333823296?lpid=82

Give me the same sort of picture quality and sound if i mod a SNES to output component and S/PDIF?

Im just trying to find the best way here. I mean if i can just get a scart cable and be done with it then great, but if the other way gives me a better experience then i will do the mods.

>> No.1874716

So the tool room at my college had a Philips 109B that has been sitting there since I started. Today, I asked the maintenance guy that works in this room what he was planning to do with it and told me I should go to the coordinated if I was planning on taking it. So I did and brought it home.

The colors look WAY better than the ones on my old Sylvannia ever did and the text looks super clear at 1024x768 but I have a feeling it's a hybrid crt since it's flat and the edges look filtered unless it's the actual quality of the monitor. I noticed the refresh rate was at 85Hz according to the device info so I can't wait to see some games on this.

Considering this monitor has an integrated HD15 cable, I am using a DVI adapter to get the signal out of my GTX 650 and the text looks alright even without calibrating ClearType. Only problem is that the text is suprt tiny and I have to blink in order to see it from about 17" away.

I would post pictures but I lost my camera's battery.

>> No.1874806

As for video quality, yes. YPbPr is generally accepted to be indistinguishable from RGB, so a stock SNES outputting RGB through a SCART cable should have the same video quality as a SNES modified to output YPbPr.

If you're capable of doing such a mod, it may be the best course, as CRTs with component inputs are relatively affordable and easy to find compared to RGB-capable monitors.

>> No.1874851

Ive seen scart to component converters before. I don't know how well the conversion is. Seems like the cheapest route would be to just do the mod so i don't have to buy cables and a converter box.

>> No.1874883


My model 3 does RGB also.

I've never even used it in composite.

>> No.1874887

I don't have any experience with it first hand, but I believe I read something somewhere about the component output of the older SNES is sharper than its RGB.

>> No.1875146
File: 30 KB, 550x550, csy-2100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CSY-2100 is a pretty affordable SCART RGB to RCA Component/YUV converter. I payed $60 for mine and I can't tell the difference between straight RGB and Component on my PVM. The only downside is that it doesn't pass sound through. You either would need to get SCART cables with some RCA plugs for sound or do what I did and add a 3.5mm TRS connector for stereo sound.

>> No.1875258


Tell that to the people who reverse-engineered the N64's RDP and VI components.

>But i can say for sure that the pixel clock is fixed at around 12.5mhz, it varies a little bit between NTSC and PAL

I believe that checks out given a 640x240 output.

>> No.1875531

Are 9" PVM/BVM even worth something? I can get one for like $15 with RGBS.
Im afraid they are too small for gaming

>> No.1875541

>Are 9" PVM/BVM even worth something?
>Im afraid they are too small for gaming

Why would anyone else's opinion matter?

>> No.1875621

If it's only $15 then I would just buy it and find out. Sounds like a pvm that small would be fun to play around with regardless.

>> No.1875643

Well it is BVM to be exact

>> No.1875672
File: 11 KB, 400x300, bomx4000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, i want to get an CRT for my SNES etc. ,saw this one on ebay for 27€ ... any experiences ? what do you think ?

>> No.1875675

Sorry, this is the Model : BeoVision MX 4000


>> No.1875681

run some games in a window approximating that area and find out what that size looks/feels like

>> No.1875695

>giant, high-quality screen with beautiful design and SCART input

Looks like quite a deal from here. Never heard of anyone gaming on a B&O screen though, should be fine.

>> No.1875704

looks classy as fuck
also 2x SCART.
Pick it up, at least you will be tester for /vr/ sake

>> No.1875705

I just found this Video, looks pretty good to me ...


>> No.1875709

The manual doesn't mention if the SCART ports accept RGB. Is there some way to know if they do?

>> No.1875715

Buy it, you fool.
If it's good for gaming (which probably will), keep it.
If not, sell it to some architect for a bazillion dollars, because B&O

>> No.1875717
File: 23 KB, 500x375, sony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;) I was also thinking about this Sony trinitron ...

>> No.1875765

So the consensus is the sony trinitron BVM with a monitor size of 20 inches is the best for retro gaming, right?

>> No.1875768

There is no consensus. But, 20" PVM or BVM monitors are certainly some of the best CRT's you can get.

>> No.1875769

If it isn't burned out from use.

>> No.1875787

why 20"? is that because of picture quality or does it really have more to do with size, weight, and convenience?

>> No.1875791

From what i've heard casually mentioned with no source, PVM/BVM above 20 inches lose quality

I'm just trying to figure out my ideal TV so I can start saving money for it

>> No.1875923
File: 613 KB, 720x576, TV2013111322244700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not your regular PAL.
It's 60hz with a subcarrier frequency not equal to normal PAL or NTSC.

>I believe that checks out given a 640x240 output.
Problems with math?
If the scanline is about 64µS long then you can fit about 800 pixels in this period, but impractical because of synctip and blanking.
Now 640 pixels at 12.5mhz would be about 51.2µS long which is pretty much the average upper limit for active video, and most TVs in general won't show ALL of it. (overscan)
My TVs are calibrated with 5% overscan on each side (good for NES/SNES), cutting of 10% of the picture in total. So i would only see about 46µS with 576 pixels on the screen.

>Tell that to the people who reverse-engineered the N64's RDP and VI components.
Well, i just took a close look at the register documentation of the VI.
These ones are interesting:

>0x0440 0008 to 0x0440 000B VI_WIDTH_REG or VI_H_WIDTH_REG
>VI width
>(RW): [11:0] frame buffer line width in pixels

>0x0440 0024 to 0x0440 0027 VI_H_START_REG or VI_H_VIDEO_REG
>VI horizontal video
>(RW): [9:0] end of active video in screen pixels
>[25:16] start of active video in screen pixels

>0x0440 0030 to 0x0440 0033 VI_X_SCALE_REG
>VI x-scale
>(RW): [11:0] 1/horizontal scale up factor (2.10 format)
>[27:16] horizontal subpixel offset (2.10 format)

Each game can set this as the programmer(s) pleased it.

Pic related is a BT. 601 screenshot. This very common standard defines a sampling rate of 13.5mhz with a total of 720 pixels on both 50 and 60hz.

>> No.1876328

Within the N64's frame buffer, quite a few games did output all kinds of resolutions. Ultimately, however, the vast majority rendered at a resolution of something like 320x237, and given both a VI_X_SCALE_REG and VI_Y_SCALE_REG value of 1, the final output is typically 640x240, at least on NTSC. Again, this accounts for some of the infamous "blurriness" of the N64, although it can definitely be mitigated with higher quality output such as RGB. Only way to make it sharper would be to bypass the VI component and output the raw image in the framebuffer, but then you lose anti-aliasing, intended gamma correction, de-dithering filters, etc.

>> No.1876417

Yes it does, I have the same PVM 2030 and those cables and I'm playing right now without any problem at all.

>> No.1876458

Where are the Sony Designs stickers?

>> No.1876471

According to >>1875705
>a pair of RGB-equipped SCART sockets and an S-Video

>> No.1876498

Damn that S-Video doesn't look bad at all.

>> No.1877046

Yo niggas, I would buy this up but my gf would smack me since I've already got 3 crt's in the house, but this is an Olympus branded 20" Sony PVM for pretty cheap, someone get it:


>> No.1877353

That's awesome! I ordered the cables on Friday, along with an adapter to go from the RCA cables to computer speakers. Hopefully everything arrives soon!

>> No.1877360 [DELETED] 

grow the fuck up and get a flatscreen you poor goodwill gits

it looks the same

>> No.1877408

Got it already, spent alot more than a crt, and old games still look like blocky choppy scrolling distorted shit on it, and the color cant begin to compete. New games look good on it though.

>> No.1877470
File: 824 KB, 1892x1468, tv 2 big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So with the help of two friends I was able to get it up the stairs and into the game room. It's even bigger than I thought it was.. did I go overboard here? I'm worried it might crush my cheap TV stand D:

>> No.1877507

Are there really any large differences between a PVM and a BVM monitor? Is there a price difference between the two?

>> No.1877509

So whats the newest console that was meant to be played on CRT tech?

>> No.1877538

Every console up until current gen had A/V out by default. Early Xbox 360s didn't have HDMI out at all though, so I guess that would be it.

>> No.1877542

BVMs will usually be more feature rich and sport more inputs/input customization. The tubes themselves will often be made with better phosphors and higher TVL count than an equivalent PVM resulting in are sharper picture with more accurate color reproduction.

Gen 5 as whole
Gen 6 is where you begin to reach a point where there is argument of display choice just due to resolution. Dreamcast with its VGA box, and the GC/Xbox with their high count of 480p compatible titles. PS2 has a lower count, but the argument can still be said. That being said, an HDCRT is magic for all of these, so it's still in CRT territory.

Gen 7 is the fun part. The Wii's resolution groups it with the Gamecube in terms of display tech. The text in many PS3 and 360 games is not optimized for low resolution, and as such don't play terribly well with SDCRTs. The 360's shmups in combination with its VGA cable will play happily on PC CRT(I would imagine; 360 is one system that I have essentially zero first hand experience with).
This leaves the PS3. It doesn't have a VGA cables so PCCRTs are essentially out. This leaves HDCRTs and flatscreens.
The system will display quite nicely on either, but you could say that the system itself was designed with the intent on being played on an HDCRT based on how it handles scaling.

tl;dr: Gen 6+Wii for SD, Gen 7 with exceptions on HD

>> No.1877548

looks great hombre!

>> No.1877551

If the verticals are metal or at least have a metal core or something, I think it would be alright. Not sure whether I'd trust it if they're plastic.

I see the NES found somewhere to chill, but where will the PS2 live now?

>> No.1877563
File: 150 KB, 1024x869, NeoGeoRGB-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm worried it might crush my cheap TV stand D:
A good TV stand is something I've been looking for for a long time. I want to get a more modern styled one with the three shelf setup so I can have most of my consoles hooked up at once, but the max weight the top shelf takes on any newer ones I've seen are at max 150 lbs but most only around 75 lbs. I want to get a CRT in the 32-37 inch range and those CRT's are usually around 200 lbs on up. Even before then, I'll want to put two 60 lb PVM's on top of it.

>> No.1877567

All current consoles can be played on certain CRT HDTVs and monitors that have HDMI/DVI inputs and adequate resolution support. You don't even need HDMI/DVI for Wii U; you can use component. So the fact is that CRT-based displays in general need not be considered completely incompatible with current technology just yet (or even ever, based on what the future holds for signal types and resolution requirements).

The last consoles that were mostly designed around limitations commonly (but erroneously) associated solely with CRTs were DC, PS2, GCN, Xbox, and Wii. These include 4:3 native screen aspect ratio for the majority of games, optional "progressive scan" settings, etc. Their successors all mostly dismissed these issues as unimportant for the majority of users.

>> No.1877574

>A good TV stand is something I've been looking for for a long time

Once i get to a space where i can use my equipment, i plan on just making a stand to fit my needs. I can weld and to wood working, so i just need what i want. Also i need to move out of this apartment building and get my shit out of storage.

>> No.1877578

>That battlestation

Phonedork is a god among men

>> No.1877587

The NEC XM29 he has is one of the CRT's I'd love to have, or the bigger XM37.

>> No.1877598

Yeah his XM29-Plus is a beauty, but I loved his dual-PVM display while he had it.

And I heard he's got a big dick too!

I called my crt collecting quits when I got my 2030. 8 crts is enough, which means no giant NEC or Mitsu monitor.

Kya, any updates on your megalithic Mitsu?

>> No.1877629

i want to know hwo he gets such clear audio out of some of his systems.


go to around 16:00. Such clear audio. One day a set up like his would be awesome.

>> No.1877636
File: 42 KB, 447x447, banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that setup

>> No.1877651

I'm completely broke at the moment and for the foreseeable future, so getting a stand alone degaussing coil might take a while. The same goes for getting a sync stripper or a DB15 to DA15 adapter. Until then, I can only do composite or s-video on it; No RGB at all.

I plan to go up and fiddle with it tomorrow to see if the spot may have just been due to a change in location, and if not possibly open it and look around inside. I likely end up taking photos either way.

What kills me is he has those wonderful Multiformat sets, and there's not a single 480p compatible system in sight. I'd kill to have even a fraction of his photography equipment. Any decent camera to be honest.

>> No.1877661

Some HD CRTs have HDMI input, but they are hard to find and some have HDCP issues.

>A good TV stand is something I've been looking for for a long time.
Milk crates yo.

>Dual PVMs
Yo fuck this kid.

I need a 32" widescreen BVM to watch F1 on. I don't think they made them any bigger...

>> No.1877671

True glory. Looks like he's using a AV Famicom that Drakon modded for RGB with a video and stereo amplifier. From there, it looks like the audio goes to a Sony receiver (amp?) on top of the PVMs, and then to the Sony bookshelf speakers.

>> No.1877681

I know this(both of the HDCRTs I have access to have HDMI) but this doesn't change the fact that you're not going to find a PCCRT with HDMI.

>I don't think they made them any bigger...
I still vaguely remember reading somewhere about a 34'' model, but despite repeated attempts to do so, I can't seem to find where.

On the topic of phonedork's video, I'm not the only one seeing distortion on the left PVM during Duck Hunt, am I?

>> No.1877687

>This leaves the PS3. It doesn't have a VGA cables so PCCRTs are essentially out.
The PS3 can output 480p RGB, equivalent to VGA (with a sync-on-green monitor).

You can get a HDMI->VGA decoder relatively cheap at Monoprice (I think I paid $40 or so). It's 480p/720p/1080i compatible and works with some(?) 1080p signals as well, though the EDID doesn't show it. No scaling; just D/A conversion with native resolution output. No lag or postprocessing as far as I can tell.

>> No.1877703

>distortion on the left PVM

It's probably from the speaker.

>> No.1877710

>480p RGB
Is that so? Glancing through its display options has always left me with the impression that you'd get either 480i RGB, or 480p component.

And on scalers; I was speaking on what the system itself can do without any real work into external modifications/processing. If you wanted to take that route, there are a number of 360 games that will play wonderfully in SD if you pair it with a downscaler/interfaces.

I know what it's from; My speakers do the same thing if they're too close. I'm just a bit surprised he didn't catch that in video or something.

>> No.1877715

>Is that so? Glancing through its display options has always left me with the impression that you'd get either 480i RGB, or 480p component.
You can select RGB SCART output and then 480p. I used this with my old PS2 Linux Kit VGA dongle for a while.

>> No.1877754

Well shit. You learn something new every day.
How difficult do you think it would be to get a hold of one of those dongles? Or would it be possible (and cheaper) to just cobble one together?

>> No.1877757
File: 399 KB, 2560x1920, rZqxFUg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who hotglue bukkakes the insides of any console he gets his hands on?

>> No.1877774

Never seen one for sale anywhere. They were only distributed with the Linux Kit so there's not more than ~1000 in North America to begin with. It's easy to substitute, though - just get a VGA->BNC breakout, three BNC->RCA couplers, and a component video cable. The VGA R/G/B pins are just hooked up to the Pr/Y/Pb pins on the AV Multi connector. There's no sync circuitry in the original; they required a SoG monitor.

>> No.1877779
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The one and only. And if you watch the vid, Phonedork mentions that the mod took Drakon 4 months, was very expensive, and Drakon wired the sync incorrectly and the console had to be sent to a guy named Skips to be done properly.

>> No.1877784

I figured as much.

Noticed one weird thing in testing that out; Switching to AVMulti/SCART and selecting RGB will give an erratic signal on my PVM(which is an SD model, but will still show a borked image if fed something with higher sync) if it's expecting RGB-Int but less so with Component-Int. When selecting 480p, it displays fine though.

Assuming the Mitsubishi comes together, I'll just look into wiring some female RCA adapters onto the VGA cable I was trying to marry to a SCART adapter. The VGA to BNC cable that came with the Mitsu makes that a null point.

>> No.1877807 [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 960x540, hotglue1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hotglue bukkake
Reminds me of something

>> No.1878052
File: 3.21 MB, 4320x2432, IMG_20140820_111102095_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone identify what model Trinitron this is and give me some info on how awesome it would be for Retro vidya. Thanks

>> No.1878062

Looks like a standard definition WEGA of some kind, I suspect 32 inch?

>> No.1878064

I dunno.. It fits under the SNES but looks a little wonky. Better there than on top of this beast adding more weight, though.

>> No.1878347

Thanks for the 411 anon.

>> No.1878393
File: 15 KB, 615x461, 118351353_1_644x461_grundig-st-70-750-harkov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently acquired this sexy bitch, a Grundig ST 70-750 text (pic is from google). I tried RGB on it and it's as good as it gets. But apparently it holds some grudge against 60hz or something. 50hz fills the whole screen, as it's intended to do, but 60hz adds these huge black bars instead of stretching it. I think it does this to keep proportions (since it's a lower res) at the expense of aspect ratio. I know this is a German-made television set but they couldn't have been THIS stupid to condemn any 60hz signal that came through.
Needless to say I'm seriously disappointed and won't deal with this issue. Is there any way to force the screen to stretch? I have the remote, any heads up from a fellow Grundig owner?

>> No.1878797

> but 60hz adds these huge black bars instead of stretching it. I think it does this to keep proportions (since it's a lower res)
No, this is wrong. I assume that the vertical deflection circuits doesn't correct it's amplitude on 60hz. Causing these black bars.

>I know this is a German-made television set but they couldn't have been THIS stupid to condemn any 60hz signal that came through.
It would be more likely that they didn't gave a single fuck about 60hz, back then in the 90s.
Grundig was already 'dying' during this decade. Around 2003 the brand was bought by BEKO, they made the worst TVs that i have ever repaired.

>Is there any way to force the screen to stretch?
Open TV, adjust R401. This will adjust the vertical size.
If you adjust it right for 60hz then 50hz will be also adjusted, so you're basically fucked if you want both.
You might need to adjust R468 (pincushion) afterwards.

If you want more, then google 'Service Manual CUC 6330'.

>I have the remote
Nice, but i sensed just by the looks of your TV that it doesn't have a service menu.
Doesn't surprise me at all, if i think about your problem.

>> No.1878925
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So unless I open up the thing I'm screwed, right? I'm not doing it if it'll mess up 50hz too, but thanks for pointing out what's wrong. It's not a bad TV though, sound is good and video quality is very crisp.

>Nice, but i sensed just by the looks of your TV that it doesn't have a service menu.
The only "service" menu I found had to do with audio related stuff and some brightness/contrast bar. If I was to find any hidden menu, are there some tips you might want to share?

Here are some pics I took, left is 50hz and right is 60hz. I didn't measure it, but I wouldn't be surprised if both borders occupied the exact same space.

>> No.1879018
File: 1.23 MB, 3280x2460, 100_9125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is peculiar.

After messing with the purity and red gun repeatedly(always returning to the same point), waving/positioning a small speaker near it and just letting it run for a while. The spot SEEMS to have went away. I'm curious if the mask could be somewhat warped, and allowing to to heat up realigns it.

Thinking back, the monitor was running for a good while before I managed to get the SNES working with it the first time.

>> No.1879057

So the giant trinitron I picked up yesterday has a slight warping in the display near the top left of the screen and across the top. It's not bad enough that it's really irritating, but I'd like to fix it. I have the original remote but the springs are corroded and it doesn't work. Is there any way to access the service menu without the original remote? I have a cheap POS Zenith remote paired to it right now but it's really minimal volume and channel buttons.

>> No.1879059
File: 1.14 MB, 3264x2448, 861af74c-b24c-4aa8-96c6-f33794a45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I need to realign my Panasonic CT-32G8G. anyone know how to go about it?

>> No.1879127
File: 2.94 MB, 640x480, Yoshi&#039;s Island Fuzzy 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This came out so-so.

My camera is shit but not THAT shit. Might try redoing a smaller portion later.

>> No.1879149
File: 1.81 MB, 2448x3264, b16d57a0-5d26-4c7b-b6bf-1a52c2b2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ogre

>> No.1879273

>"I don't have space for a CRT"

How is this even possible? People who say this just have to be bullshitting themselves.

>> No.1879305

Living rooms haven't gotten smaller since we all moved to flat panels. I really wonder what everyone has filled the space with in the last ten years.

>> No.1879320

I hope it's not too late into the thread to ask, but I have a small request. Do any of you fellow CRT enthusiasts happen to have an SNES game that makes use of pseudo-hires? Such games include Jurassic Park, Kirby's Dreamland 3, and Secret of Mana, among others.

In case you don't know what I'm talking about, some games output at a width of 512 pixels, despite still appearing as 4:3. Games such as Kirby's Dreamland 3 used this mode for displaying transparencies.

What I'd like to know is, when played on a CRT like God intended, does the image get sharper, blurrier, or stay the same when pseudo-hires is activated on any of these games? On emulators, some kind of blending is required to make the transparency effect work, but it usually makes the image look a lot blurrier. I want to know if the same thing happens on the real thing on a CRT.

>> No.1879324

There is a pic of mana right there

>> No.1879832

Anyone here have experience using a PVM as a computer monitor? My particular PVM doesn't have a VGA input but I should just be able to use a VGA to RGB cable, right?

>> No.1879842

I'm not really asking for a pic, though. I just want confirmation on what exactly happens to the picture when pseudo-hires is enabled. I know on Secret of Mana, it is triggered on certain menu screens and on the main title menu.

>> No.1879925

If you have a compatible video card, you can use Soft-15khz or another driver I can't remember to have the card output 15khz RGB instead of VGA and have an adapter to connect it to your PVM. You also could get an old Extron Emotia that converts VGA to 15khz RGB but those will run you some money. I have no experience with either method because the only computer I've hooked up to my PVM's is my Amiga's, which already output 15khz RGB.

>> No.1879939

>be on /v/
>/v/irgins are talking about how 60fps is great
>have CRT
>goes up to 100hz
>thinking 60hz is the shit
>I shiggy diggy
And this is why I am starting to hate games in general

>> No.1879941

on average does anyone know how much a 25"-30" RGB pvm screen will run me? I live in the middle of bumfuck missouri and there isn't much in regards to craigslist.

>> No.1879948

Compared to 25/30fps, 60 is fantastic.

>> No.1879961


I'll check that out. Thanks.

>> No.1879962

Ruling out retard luck in your own area, you could expect to drop 125-200 on that size, before shipping.

>> No.1879982

Pro monitors above 20'' go for a premium online. eBay has one 29'' Sony PVM for $600. I don't see any NEC or Ikegami CRT monitors going above 20''.

Check local Goodwills and thrift stores, check for any video production companies doing liquidating, and check electronic recyc facilities, and you may get lucky.

Personally I would recommend looking for a consumer grade Trinitron or WEGA in that size with component inputs. I got my 32'' WEGA for $30 in January from a local thrift store. RGB can be losslessly transcoded to component, and the transcoder is only $40 now I think.

>> No.1880076

Does an RGB to component transcoder introduce any input lag?

>> No.1880093

No, if done right the transcoding is lossless. If you're interested, here is the ebay listing for the transcoder I'm describing:


There's no audio out tho, they sell a separate adapter that does that:


>> No.1880094
File: 4 KB, 192x146, one expression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I use an HDTV for my snes/megadrive
Picture is perfect thanks to decent scart leads. Why are scan lines so important to you guys?

>> No.1880124

>scan lines

He doesn't get it.

>> No.1880134

No, he doesn't.

>scan lines
It's not just scanlines. Analog CRT's have better response times, less lag, no native resolutions, less ghosting artifacts, better colors especially black. All of these factors make them better for certain applications and retro video games are one of them.

Honestly, to me all of the above are more important than scanlines.

>> No.1880184

>Honestly, to me all of the above are more important than scanlines.

Me too, I always knew CRT monitors meant more than just mere scan lines, no matter how really early filters like tv2x tried to fool me.

But look at the likes of posts such as >>1865159
>It's a shame not to have that classic scanline look
>classic scanline look

He has a fully functional CRT with all of its features, but he wanted the "classic scanline look", and I want to emphasize "classic", because I don't think anybody of us had a PVM by the time 4th gen consoles came out, unless he was a super fanatic or something. Yes I know every CRT has scanlines, but as you said, they were much less noticeable on consumer TVs if you didn't stand close.

What I'm saying is that this constant focus on scan lines by PVM owners or shader programmers are fucking up the whole collective of retro game enthusiasts because now people are willing to buy upscalers just for the sake of showing up scan lines on an HDTV to increase their nerd cred, even if this has more negative implications for actually playing the games than anything positive.

I just wish someone would call out wannabe hipsters whenever they showed up and enlighten them as to WHY they should own a CRT.

>> No.1880202

Unfortunately the most retro console i have is a OLD DC.
But i prefer to emulate the NES on my WII hooked to my CRT.
Considering the sideways wiimote is the closest thing to a NES controller today.

>> No.1880218

there is something wrong with this

borders at top/bottom have more lines (64 vs 29) and are larger when outputting 50hz compared to 60hz because there are more lines (288 vs 243 or 576 vs 486 if couting interlaced lines) , image height keep the same number of lines (224) but is crunched because since there are more lines to display on the same screen in 50hz, they are thinner than in 60hz

>> No.1880337
File: 244 KB, 1600x1200, 18082014913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having an hard time completely getting what's wrong, but if you're talking about the bottom border being larger than the top one. I'm pretty sure that's just a Genesis thing. I remember seeing captured footage on youtube and the bottom border is indeed thicker.

>> No.1880339

just change the vertical height in the TV.

>> No.1880358
File: 9 KB, 300x225, $(KGrHqZHJEMFDR1V92YdBQ3yfpP9p!~~60_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how. I mean I know but I don't have any skills with electronics. I'd make someone else do the work, but I also need that TV to display 50hz material such as broadcasts and movies and changing the vertical height to fit 60hz would mess up 50hz.

I'm really just hoping for a way to do that by accessing some secret service menu by holding some button combination, I don't know? If there is no such thing then I'll give up.

>> No.1880361

the vertical height is nothing to do with hz. It just stretches the screen so the borders fuck off. It will be inside the TV usually at the very back of the main board and is always labeled. a flat screwdriver can be used to alter it.

>> No.1880372
File: 356 KB, 1600x1200, 18082014928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1878797 said that could potentially screw up 50hz since the borders are already stretched in that mode. Any overscan in 60hz which isn't really overscan in 50hz will be left to rot outside the the visible area.

Also I'm not cracking open the TV. It was a lot of work to bring that TV home and I'm not the only user. If there is a chance I might electrocute any delicate part and ruin it I'm not doing jack. Thanks anyway.

>> No.1880384

Grow a pair and get it done. You can change it anytime. Don't leave it in the mains when you tinker with it. Old TV's are hardly difficult to open.

>> No.1880435 [DELETED] 

every once in a while i come here to get a laugh from you guys. thanks for delivering

>> No.1880469

My issue is that your 60hz picture has exactly the same aspect ratio than the 50hz one, mind the more visible colored borders in 50hz which are hidden by black borders in 60hz

I have a PAL mega drive with a 50/60hz switch hooked to a CRT TV and 50hz looks squished compared to 60hz because there are more lines displayed but the active image height remains the same.

also, there aren't any black borders in 60hz mode as on your picture

to me, it seems like you adjusted the vertical settings of your TV to hide part of the border but both are still 50hz signals

>> No.1880503

>also, there aren't any black borders in 60hz mode as on your picture

No kidding? I have had other CRT before and I do now. That gave me a little insight to the fact I might have a problem to begin with.

And no, I didn't adjust crap. The TV adds the black bars on its own because it refuses to adjust the height for 60hz so those black bars are just parts of the overscan, pure unadultared void.

>> No.1880517 [DELETED] 

How would you compare the plebian CRT experience to framemeister upscaled + scanlined + corrected black RGB on a 60" flatscreen with <20ms latency ?

>> No.1880520

is your PAL mega drive switched to ouput 60hz ?
do you use a RGB scart cable ?

>> No.1880526

Yes I have a hertz switch and yes I'm using a RGB cable. You can see I'm running at 60hz by looking at the lower-left angle of the screen, where CRAM dots flick like crazy. Also 60hz composite on PAL MD doesn't work very well.

>> No.1880534

I'm >>1878797
It's not impossible at all to add a 2nd pot and then switch between the original and the new one to select between 2 different geometry settings.
I actually done this on my KV-C2521D to have an 16:9 mode which i can enable via a switch on the TV or with the remote.

>> No.1880802

Still wondering if anybody knows a way to access the service menu without the original remote..

>> No.1881029

I have two CRTs. One has messed up geometry and no built-in options to correct it. The other's sound gets distorted after it warms up for a bit. Think either of these are fixable? Might just use the one with the fucked up sound and find some cheap speakers somewhere.

>> No.1881198

I gotta disagree, most arcade machines with monitors that haven't gone to shit have very noticable scanlines, and any comsumer set w a decent connection and above 20 inches has them really strong too. So it is a classic look.

>> No.1881225

What 60" has less that 20 ms delay?

>> No.1881229

Just get another one, you can probably ask around and get one for free.

>> No.1881318

CRT projector.

>> No.1881581




>> No.1882187

This is one of those threads where you'll have to read the archived copy to understand how part of it makes sense. Because whew, some asshurt loser really went on a post reporting spree.