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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1871758 No.1871758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is the saturn a good console

>> No.1871765

Depends on what kind of games you want to play.

>> No.1871768

Sure, it had plenty of great games.

>> No.1871775

It is a good retro console but during its time it was dogshit. It had some niche titles, but its library absolutely paled in comparison to its competitors. That might not matter much when you're looking back on old consoles, but it matters tremendously for consoles while they're still current.

That and it was expensive as fuck and all the good games were not released in US.

>> No.1871783

Is this true? It sounds weird.

>> No.1871790 [DELETED] 

>not playing Seca™

What are you, stupid?

>> No.1871792
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>not playing Seca™

What are you, stupid?

>> No.1871798 [DELETED] 

whats seca

>> No.1871813
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If you mean its exclusive library, it's as good as any major consoles: a couple of truly timeless games, a dozen great ones, and a bunch of good ones.

If you mean its hardware, no, no, it was a confused mess that tread ass-backwardsly the ground between 3d and 2d.

>> No.1871819

Yeah, what this guy said. It sucked having a Saturn in the US when it was current gen because it was hard to find good games for it and it cost a lot. I still played the fuck out of Nights and Virtua Cop as a kid, but I never really got my money's worth til I modded it a few years ago. Once you can burn games for it for free, the Saturn is probably the best console of its generation.

>> No.1871824

I've always wondered how things would've turned out for the saturn and sega if
1) sega didn't feel the need to release failure add-ons like the CD and 32X. All these did was destroy consumer trust in the sega brand
2) Sega fully embraced high quality 2D games and really pushed this instead of half-assedly trying to sorta do 3D.
3) all those japanese games got american releases

>> No.1871825
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If you like arcade style games and weird Japanese stuff it's one of the best systems ever created. I likearcade style games and weird Japanese stuff.

>> No.1871829
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>failure add-on

>> No.1871847

It was a failure. Just because it had some cool games does not stop it from being a commercial flop. Sega's quick abandonment of it was probably the first thing to start the beginning of sega's devaluation in the eyes of the consumer.

>> No.1871859

Not sure if it would have done that well, honestly.

Thinking back to the times, 3d was very much a craze then. Look at how well-received the first good 3d games were during the late 90s. Games like OoT, Mario 64, FF7 were all seen back then as the future of video games (which they were), while many excellent 2d titles saw very poor sales.

In the late 90's 3d was a craze, Sega would have been better off holding out and trying to make the Dreamcast a bigger/possibly earlier release.

>> No.1871869

This is true, but there was definitely a market for high quality 2D as well. And they could've used that trademark mudslinging marketing of theirs to lampoon the early 3D games for looking low-poly and having horrible framerates and stuff.

You definitely make a good point though. The mid-90s were a time when nobody wanted to be caught dead doing 2D. And yet symphony of the night did well...

>> No.1871893

If they had focused on really good arcade ports and advertised the way you said they definitely would have captured a market with older gamers.

>> No.1871939

a console is as good as its library. specs don't matter none

>> No.1872287

Who gives a shit if it was a commercial failure faggot. That doesn't mean the games weren't good. Stop being a fucking a fucking marketing dick head and play some games. What, do you only play games that sell a pre defined minimum amount?

>> No.1872296

But he never said the games were ass or that he didn't want to play them, he's merely saying the add-on did not sell well

>> No.1872308


Settle down mate. The 90s was a long time ago. It's not healthy to hold onto the consolewar butthurt of the time. He never said anything about the quality of the games.

>> No.1872345

Didn't it have a 10% attach rate or something like that? I have no idea if that's considered good or not but it doesn't seem like an outright failure like the 64DD.

>> No.1872349

Holy shit, I never said anything about games not being good. I said it was a flop.

>who gives a shit if it was a flop
Apparently not you, and yet here you are nerdraging because I brought up this fact. Fuck off

>> No.1872390
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>> No.1872509

Wow, that explains the "Saturn" look. For the longest time I would just really like the way Saturn polygons looked compared to PlayStation or N64. Thanks OP.

>> No.1872531

>Just because it had some cool games does not stop it from being a commercial flop

Underage AVGN watcher detected. It wasn't a commercial flop. They sold 6 million of them.

>> No.1872539

Seriously fuck AVGN and his underage retard fans
They can't understand that the entire thing is supposed to be a satire and take everything he says as the word according to God

>> No.1872556

>They sold 6 million of them.

Where'd that number come from?

>> No.1872559

The Chosen.

>> No.1872576

search sega cd mega cd 6 million and you'll get tons of credible results

>> No.1872618

>by this point they had a software catalogue of around 150 titles worldwide with sales (hardware) of around 2.5 – 3 million (some estimates go as high as 6 million but no actual numbers exist to confirm this)


>> No.1872639

so much strawman and incorrect bullshit. The sega CD sold 3 mil and was quickly abandoned by sega itself.

>> No.1872684

I had about 10 links ready to post to back that fact up, but the stupid 4chan posting system thinks it's spam.



The 3 million figure is one from before the Sega CD was discontinued and also doesn't include all of the Sega CD compatible systems.

>> No.1872734

>implying 3 million is a commercial flop territory

>Retail availability
>JP December 12, 1991
>NA October 15, 1992
>EU 1993

>Discontinued 1996

>3-5 years
>"quickly abandoned"
lel avgn fans are a cult

>> No.1872757

Great games on the Saturn. I think it is. But I don't analyze the hardware and all that. I just had fun with it.

>> No.1872760

6 million is a commercial flop compared to what they sold with the Genesis. If they transitioned into the 5th gen correctly, they could have sold 30+ million.

>> No.1872771

>consolewar butthurt of the time
I wish people still got impassioned over nonsense
Nowadays every little argument about "my crap's better than your crap" has to have some faggot ruin it with "wow who cares about it stop u can enjoy both omg so stupid *gobbles dix*"
Nothing's cool anywhere at all

>> No.1872789

depends on if you're a faggot or not. stupid question, be more specific

>> No.1872815

>6 million is a commercial flop compared to what they sold with the Genesis

It was an add-on that was twice the cost of the base console. Don't be retarded.

Sega CD was specifically developed as a niche product for hardcore Sega fans. For that purpose it was an (almost) resounding success. Only Sega of America's preoccupation with FMV (only 20% of the library) dragged it down.

>> No.1872857

>I wish people still got impassioned over nonsense

Impassioned and butthurt are different things. One can lead to interesting discussions, the other almost always leads to people who are legitimately on the spectrum calling each other names. That's not entertaining. It's embarrassing.

>> No.1872905

I wish people would remember that butthurt means to use poor argument tactics from a losing position. Like calling someone a fag after being proven wrong.

>> No.1872930 [DELETED] 
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Oy vey

>> No.1873101

>I wish people would remember that butthurt means to use poor argument tactics from a losing position

Well, no, it doesn't. It usually means the kind of the flustered red-in-the-face anger that aspies get when confronted with an opinion that doesn't match their own.

>> No.1873295
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Can we stop the shit posting and talk more about how fucking awesome Saturn graphics are? I don't own a Saturn, but SATAN BE PRAISED at how fucking awesome it is.


>> No.1873298

>but were actually squares with the length of one of their sides set to zero

fucking lost it

>> No.1873301

It outsold N64 in post-comunistic countries because it had "cool arcade sega games" and you don't need to know English nor Japanese to play them.

>> No.1873303

eh, I'd rather praise the arcade board the saturn was based on, model 2 or system 32 I think

>> No.1873305

yeah it's called model 2. shit looks genuinely good "retro" 3D, like the shit you'd see in 90s movies

>> No.1873401

If you have a Japanese one, yes is damn worth it.

>> No.1873430
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Saturn's one of the 10 best consoles. Perfect ports of all 90s Capcom fighters, pretty good ports of most 90s Sega arcade games, and a truckload of great JRPGs.


Use a 4-in-1 cart with a US console and you're gold. Although the white Japanese consoles are the best-looking.

>> No.1873438


Also dozens of awesome shmups, Burning Rangers, the Panzer Dragoon series, Powerslave, Three Dirty Dwarves, and even more awesome exclusives. IMO Saturn is better than N64.

>> No.1873497

personally saturn > Ps1 because 6th gen 3d looks like absolute shit, and saturn has all the best 2d games. So saturn was the best of it's gen

>> No.1873510

>eh, I'd rather praise the arcade board the saturn was based on, model 2 or system 32 I think

Saturn was based on System 32, which was a sprite pushing monster. The Saturn itself had wy more cpu grunt (because it needed to handle polygons), but the VDP itself was too weak for that purpose - compared to the Playstation.

It was still an interesting cross-generation mish-mash that could do both 2d and 3d. If the VDP1 was more powerful, it could've done much better.

They also missed out on audio compression, which ruined the sfx quality in a lot of games.

>> No.1873524

holy shit you guys arguing about the specs are major faggots. What about the games? You know, the things that you actually play

>> No.1873536
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>that thumb

>> No.1873539

You're a dense motherfucker

>> No.1873549

If you have a way to play Japanese releases, yes.

>tfw getting Silhouette Mirage yesterday for $15 because of an ebay gift card

>> No.1873554


5th gen.

But yeah I love some 5th gen games but I honestly think most of them don't hold up. It's the few that do (MGS, NiGHTS, OoT for example) that are truly classics though.

>> No.1873568

Two SH1s are still no match for GTE. The good thing about Saturn is VDP2, and it's almost useless in 3D games

>> No.1873585

Meant SH2

>> No.1874043
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After Burner II
Assault Suits Leynos 2
Battle Garegga
Burning Rangers
Capcom Generations 1: Wings of Destiny
Capcom Generations 2: Chronicles of Arthur
Darius Gaiden
Dead or Alive
Dragon Force
Dungeons & Dragons Collection
Dynamite Deka
Elevator Action Returns
Fighters Megamix
Fighting Vipers
Hyper Duel
Langrisser 4
Langrisser 5: The End of a Legend
Legend of Oasis
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete
Marvel Super Heroes
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
Mega Man 8: Anniversary Collector's Edition
Mega Man X3
Mega Man X4
Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001
Nights into Dreams...
Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge
Panzer Dragoon
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei
Power Instinct: Groove on Fight
Puyo Puyo 2
Puyo Puyo Sun
Radiant Silvergun
Real Bout Fatal Fury Best Collection
Road Rash
Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus
Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge
Sega Rally Championship
Sexy Parodius
Space Harrier
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter Collection
Strikers 1945
Strikers 1945 II
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Terra Diver
The King of Fighters '95
The King of Fighters '96
The King of Fighters '97
The Need for Speed
Three Dirty Dwarves
Thunder Force V
Twinkle Star Sprites
Virtua Fighter 2
Waku Waku 7
X-Men vs. Street Fighter

>> No.1874059
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Forgot Darkstalkers 3. Capcom forgot Darkstalkers completely

>> No.1874061

It was basically a shitty version of the Genesis. Bunch of arcade ports, some nice exclusives, and a godlike controller for 2D games. However, as a system, it failed on so many levels to deliver that I can't really call it a good system, even though it has some games I really like. The Dreamcast is much better, despite it only being alive for ~2 years. And the SMS, while mostly unpopular, at least was a decent console with cool games. Fuck the pause button being on the console itself, though.

In conclusion: Genesis > Dreamcast > Master System > Saturn

>> No.1874071

saturn has better fightan games and shmups than the dreamcast

>> No.1874097

barely anyone used the STV though, so its arcade games were always subpar compared to the arcade ones, like how Genesis' converted shmups were worse than arcade counterparts

but Naomi was popular and got a shit ton of arcade games, and porting them to DC was easy and they were arcade quality to boot

DC is the ultimate system if you want arcade-like experiences, along with Neo Geo.

>> No.1874117
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Guardian Heroes

>> No.1874141

some genesis versions are superior don't be a graphics whore. Genesis has the best version of Hellfire and Zero Wing.

>> No.1874151

Just a few (close to) arcade perfect ports:

Battle Garegga(includes bonus arranged OST)
Hyper Duel(plus superior Saturn mode)
Vampire Savior
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter
Street Fighter Zero 3(superior to DC version)
Radiant Silvergun(ST-V)
Cotton 2/Boomerang(ST-V)
Puyo Puyo Sun(ST-V)

>> No.1874164

Is the saturn version of dodonpachi bad because it doesn't have as much slowdown as the arcade?

>> No.1874169
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Asuka 120% Burning Fest. Limited
Blast Wind
Bulk Slash
Guardian Force
Shining Force III
Suiko Enbu Fuun Saiki
Thunder Force Gold Pack 1
Thunder Force Gold Pack 2
X-Men: Children of the Atom

>> No.1874179

It's not a terrible port, but it does lose quite some detail compared to the arcade and Playstation port. It's gameplay/slowdowns are closer to the arcade version than the Playstation port though, and it preserves the option to have different ships in 2-player mode.

>> No.1874182

all shit IMO. most of those you listed are action-adventure with the exception of nights. funny, I am a huge saturn fan and have played most of the library but haven't tried nights yet. was waiting to get a 3d controller

>> No.1874184

didn't finish my point.... action-adventure, and all adventure genre games are boring as fuck. babby-tier exploration shit

>> No.1874216

what details does it lose? When you play it with the proper vertical orientation it seemed like the best one to me.

>> No.1874238

Don't forget this was one of the first time 3D really came about. Companies didn't know what would work best.

>> No.1875462

It's mostly the backgrounds and explosions that lose detail.(pixelated) If you play it in TATE mode the Saturn port runs a lot better, so if you got a flipped TV it's a pretty good way to play DDP. If you have to play in YOKO mode I would recommend playing it on Playstation or even better on MAME.