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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1870065 No.1870065[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

posted this thread on /v/ but someone said you guys might know more about this.

I was cleaning my room today and I ended up coming across this game.
I've never fucking seen it before, I don't remember ever owning it. This isn't a legit game, is it?

Only 5 games on there work,
some Japanese game that I think is Castlevania
Super Motocross which reminds me a lot of Excite Bike
some game called Flipull
and a basketball game called All Star Challenge
Everything but Ducktales isn't even selectable in the menu, depending on what game you choose will pull up one of those other four games I mentioned. For example, I try and choose a game called "Betman" and I end up with All Star Challenge.

Has anyone seen this before or know what the fuck it is?

>> No.1870078

It's clearly a bootleg from some corner of the Asias.

>> No.1870102

Definitely ching chong bootleg. Yu Yu Hakusho and Duck Tales on the same cart is pretty funny though.

I'm a little surprised they didn't change the "Nintendo Game Boy" on the top of the cart though. Usually they at least change that.

>> No.1870112

Funny thing is there isn't a single Yu Yu Hakasho related thing in the game, not even a name on the list.

>> No.1870707

>clearly a computer chessboard

>> No.1870997
File: 19 KB, 500x632, GAME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1871024

i'd play that GAME

>> No.1873817

It is a bootleg.

Flipull is fun as fuck.

>> No.1873941

Holy shit that looks trippy as fuck.

>mfw the god damn label isn't even cut right

>> No.1873951

Has anybody ever played that GAME to see what it is?

>> No.1873961
File: 10 KB, 160x144, tumblr_m42dcoyBy31qj1qm3o3_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This isn't a legit game, is it?

haha, really dude?

I had something like this as a kid, it claimed to have x amount of games but only had 12 or something that repeated but it links awakening and one those "final fantasy" gameboy games, ya know the ones that were really secret of mana or something or whatever

and my friend's cousin gave me a fucked up barley translated version of a pokemon gold rom on a cartridge a few months before it came out here (Europe) pic related except that's crystal I think

>> No.1873976

I used to have a multicart that had every single Gen 1-2 Pokemon game on it along with Super Mario Land and a few bootleg games and Pokemon-themed romhacks. Aside from typical bootleg cart save problems, the Pokemon games were completely legit except the Crystal version, which was the infamous Vietnamese hack, with the "elves", "DRUG BAG FUCK" and such. Shit was cash though the best version being unintelligible to the point of unplayability was a bit of a letdown to me as a kid.

>> No.1874203

you dont know how bootlegs work do you