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1847409 No.1847409[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your opinions of this gem? any fans? Was the time mechanic genius or did it ruin the game for you? what'd you think of the temples and side quests? how does the setting hold up to other Zelda games?

>> No.1847413

My favorite 3d one but it needed more dungeons.

I feel that people who have issues with the groundhog day mechanic didn't utilize their notebook or understand how to slow time, or even that there's a bank.

For less than a year of development time though I'm surprised it was that cohesive.

>> No.1847418

The time mechanic is one of the most brilliant things ever in a game, the fact that everyone is on a schedule and do their own things whether you see it or not is something really impressive.

The timer really is a non issue when you slow it down and considering what it does for the world it is well worth it.

>> No.1847424

Anyone have any good tips on figuring out the side quests? I know there's the notebook but it can be pretty vague even with that.

>> No.1847449
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I only remember using the notebook and talking to every character and figuring out where and when to go.
The only mask I actually needed to check a guide because for some reason I couldn't figure was the all-night mask. I think it was the one wih the thief and the old lady at night.

>> No.1847463

A really half-assed follow-up to a genuinely great Zelda. The extreme lack of content wasn't acceptable when I first bought it and it still isn't now. The worst thing about Majora's Mask, for me, is that here it has all this extra optional character-building side content and the game is actually easierk than Ocarina of Time. There is even LESS of an incentive to go after it, when there should be more.

>> No.1847469


>> No.1847470

That's cool man, I could see how it may have been a let down to people. Was there anything you liked about it?

>> No.1847471


>> No.1847481

My favorite Zelda. The time mechanic was fine, I guess. The issue is never that you don't have enough time to do what you need to do; it's that certain sidequests will bore you out of your skull while you sit around waiting for things to happen. And it's intimidating as fuck before you actually play the game.

>> No.1847482

Honestly, the thing I enjoyed most about Majora's Mask was the fact that unlike most every other 3d Zelda out there, the boss battles *didn't* follow the formula of:

"Use the treasure acquired in the same dungeon as this is the only way to damage it." (Exception for the

When you first fought the giant masked swordsman in the swamp temple, you could fight him in a straight-up swordfight without resorting to any gimmicks, or even get in Goron mode and punch-a-bitch.

Also, squat-dancing ReDeads. Russia, Russia!

>> No.1847487

Honestly loved it! My biggest complaint is every single time I got stuck in the game the answer to the puzzle was "look at the fucking celling," but other than that it was some fun stuff.

>> No.1847498

Where MM really excels is NPC characterization. There are so many characters in the game with interesting personalities. They're actually 3-dimensional because you get to see their lives and how they deal with ups and downs. No other Zelda even come close in this regard.

>> No.1847503

There's a few dungeons I really like. I think Great Bay Temple combined with the Zora Mask is one of the best water levels ever implemented. More games should allow you to move like an actual fast aquatic animal underwater instead of an awkward terrestrial animal flopping around because that's why it usually isn't fun.

>> No.1847505

I had honestly thought based on wind walker marketing windfall was going to be like a mini clock town.


>> No.1847654

I'm struggling with it. I don't wanna look at guides but at the same time it can be a pretty big timesink to do some of this stuff.

Like I just got into the ranch and met the sisters there and their cows were stolen, there's a whole ordeal to get that boulder away (gotta beat the second boss, open up the race track, go back and get the tnt) basically doing all this again without really knowing what my objective is feels a bit crazy.

>> No.1847662

Link's Awakening has NPCs that you forge a closer emotional connection with, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them better developed (aside from Marin).

Closest Zelda game that comes to mind though.

>> No.1847664

You don't need to do all that, put on the goron mask and walk into the bomb shop in clocktown, there is a goron there who will sell you the big bomb for 50 rupees.

>> No.1847669

Ahh, shit, I'm dumb.

Well that certainly hepls.

>> No.1847695

I've only played through it once on release. I thought it was quite alright.
I didn't like the time mechanics (I vaguely remember it interrupted my water temple run), but the masks were pretty cool. My favourite mask was the Zora mask, I used to swim around the ocean for fun and played the guitar a whole lot. The Goron mask was fun, too. Just rolling around at sanic speed.
The low numbers of temples was a bummer for me. I was upset it was over this quickly. I also wanted to play as Adult Link.
I remember getting all the masks, but I don't remember the details about getting them, so I guess that means I didn't enjoy the sidequests particularly. Slaying Majora's Mask as Oni was worth it, though.

All in all a decent game, but I thought it wasn't as good as OoT back when I played it. I might have another opinion of it now that I'm a bit older and I've been meaning to play it for years, but my N64 controllers are broken, many cartridges don't work anymore and I can't be arsed to play on an emulator. I was hoping for a remake, but well, things are not looking good on that front.

Does it emulate well?

>> No.1847710
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This is something not enough people give MM credit for, it actually made moving through water FUN.

How many other games actually have a fun way of traversing water? Think about that for a moment.

>> No.1847859
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Zora mask was my favorite aswell. The controls were very well done, beaver rapids was one of my favorite parts on the game, just swimming around carelessly around felt so nice.

Being able to attack enemies by using magic power while swimming was also great, or changing from swimming mode to action mode and attack enemies by using kung fu moves or the razor boomerangs. Great controls, I'd play an entire game using Zora Link.

Also, the whole band member simulation part was awesome, jamming with the bassist, discussing with the keyboardist leader, doing the pre-concert rehearsal (I was disappointed you don't actually perform a real concert on the Zora hall, but I guess there's the live performance on the milk bar).

>> No.1847874

I fully appreciate everything Majora's Mask did with its writing and atmosphere and that no other Zelda has even come close to it.

But it's a fucking godawful game and I can't bring myself to play through it fully. Aside from Stone Temple Tower, everything is just uninspired gameplay-wise, boring, and repetitive.

The groundhog day elements just add undue stress and repetition since you have to start all over back at the beginning of the 3-day cycle every time you want to do something. They could have just made it so the 3-day cycle repeats indefinitely forward, a true Groundhog Day scenario, and you don't lose certain elements of forward progress when you go back to day 1, and that probably would have helped a lot.

I will say I'm impressed by how much the team did for a project that was intended as an expansion but got pushed up to a full game without much increased resources, and how they got around explaining the re-used assets. I hope they don't ever fully explain it and let it stand as the proper side story it was intended as.

Ocarina of Time is still mechanically much stronger and every time I see someone praise MM but deride OoT I just realize how many people talk about games without having played them.

>> No.1847884

I don't know about it being repetitive. I mean the game may be short but as far as gameplay goes all the temples play very differently from another, largely due to the masks.

So from that aspect the gameplay isn't repetitive at all. The side quests are another story.

>> No.1847892


>They could have just made it so the 3-day cycle repeats indefinitely forward, a true Groundhog Day scenario

A true groundhog day scenario would be having only 1 day instead of 3. Also you don't lose the key items in the game, once you start making proggress, you can start bypassing or getting access to parts or events you couldn't reach before due to not having certain required items. The only thing that you lose when resetting the game are rupees (which can be saved in the bank) and refillable items (bombs, arrows), it's not really a big deal.

I agree though the whole OOT vs MM thing is stupid, Majora is a direct sequel to OOT, has the exact same game mechanics with the addition of the transformation masks (which give the OOT gameplay a whole new level), I don't understand people who like one game but hate the other, since they're so similar.

>> No.1847907

>Came over here from /v/ because its currently swamped in political threads
>See this

Thank fuck, actual videogames.

Majoras Mask had the best atmosphere of any video game I've played, the art is amazing too.
Sometimes I wonder who at Nintendo Greenlit the idea for this game.
It seems like such a weird venture outside usual territory.

>> No.1847912

>The only thing that you lose when resetting the game are rupees (which can be saved in the bank) and refillable items (bombs, arrows), it's not really a big deal.
It's not a huge deal, but I don't really think it should happen at all. It's a minor nitpick I've always had with the game. It's generally not a huge problem to refill your resources relatively quickly, but there are times where I outright forget, go wherever it is I planned to go and come across something that requires a bomb or an arrow and I'm just shit out of luck.

It's my own fault, sure, but it's still annoying and not really necessary. I assume they wanted to drive home the fact that you've indeed gone back to the first day when you didn't have all that shit, but at least in my opinion, that's already made obvious by the fact that the world itself resets. You keep your key items so it's not like it'd be breaking the game's logic any further.

>> No.1847919
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Arguing over whether OoT or MM is better is kind of like comparing apples to oranges, it usually just comes down to preference, but I don't really see how you are argue this:

>But it's a fucking godawful game and I can't bring myself to play through it fully. Aside from Stone Temple Tower, everything is just uninspired gameplay-wise, boring, and repetitive.

The dungeons seem more interesting to me mechanically-speaking, since they're designed to function around the transformation masks, which are all pretty original concepts for a Zelda game (being able to hover around with the Deku mask, or roll as a Goron, etc). The actual aesthetics also come off as more inspired too, with the Great Bay Temple being like a water pumping facility, or Snowhead being like this big tower that emphasizes verticality, etc.

Compare this to OoT, in which the bulk of the game's dungeons are just element-themed or environment-themed (Water, Fire, Forest, etc), and most of them have incredibly simple puzzles, most of which are solved with whatever item you acquired in that dungeon (same goes for OoT's bosses, too).

I'm not saying this makes OoT terrible or MM objectively better (there are certainly things about OoT that people would find more appealing), but calling MM uninspired compared to OoT just sounds really disingenuous.

>> No.1847926
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To get refillable items, you simply put on the goron mask, spin around Termina and everytime you get past some brushes, you get most of the items you need, including magic power.

Really once you figure out the inverted song of time to make time go slower and using the bomber's notebook to check on all the different NPC's schedules, the time limit becomes fun instead of frustratin.

The only real thing that makes time limit challenging is completing a dungeon AND getting all the stray fairies in it in one go. Generally, I have to finish the dungeon first, then return again later just to look for all the stray fairies. But it's also nice when you can get all the fairies in one go. I remember the first time I played the Stone Tower temple, I got all the fairies and beat the boss of the temple and barely had time to go to the fairy's fountain and get the great fairy's sword, just minutes away from the moon falling with all the earth shaking and the menacing music playing, it was intense and satisfying as fuck.

>> No.1847953

Yeah I wonder this too.

Majoras Mask is a weird game.. a really weird game. Not just for nintendo but period. Some themes of the game, the generally depressing and dreamlike atmosphere.

It feels like such a risky project. Everything about it is just so off kilter, and this is not just speaking in terms of nintendo, like gaming as a whole, for nintendo it's just insane.

>> No.1847957
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>The only real thing that makes time limit challenging is completing a dungeon AND getting all the stray fairies in it in one go. Generally, I have to finish the dungeon first, then return again later just to look for all the stray fairies.

Every time I've replayed this game I've always tried to get every stray fairy my first time through the dungeon, since backtracking through it a second time seems a little tedious.

I think if there's something I don't like about MM, it's how the collectathon aspect can sometimes get in the way of the atmosphere, and the way the game is supposed to make you empathize with the NPC characters. It can force the player to be ruthlessly efficient and try and cram doing as much stuff as possible into a single time cycle, making the player feel less attached to any of the characters or the setting itself.

>> No.1847964

>It feels like such a risky project. Everything about it is just so off kilter
Godamn, summed up my thoughts exactly.
MM feels like someone took OoT and made a physical creepypasta game.
The themes and everything just feel so out of place for Nintendo, let alone a Zelda game, as you said.

I don't know, without attaching too much importance to a damn vidya game, I feel like the story might hold some greater value to someone than what we think. Kind of like Earthbound did.

>> No.1847978

I've only beaten the first two temples and I've seen a lot of people shit talk just about every temple in MM but the Stone Temple, I have to say though I think the first 2 have been great.

Although if I'm comparing the Forest Temple from OOT to the Woodfall temple, I have to say I enjoyed the Forest temple a lot more. But I did enjoy the Woodfall temple in that it was less handholding, the game kind of assumes you played OOT so it doesn't slow you down with a temple that is just teaching you the basics over again.

>> No.1847981

I know, right? The theme alone would be enough to really set it apart from any other Zelda title, but like the enemy designs, the bosses, the sound effects.. Everything in this game is so strange and out there

Maybe it's a result of the game having been made in such a short span of time and the mix bowl of all kinds of crazy shit put into the game really paid off because it had the atmosphere to pull it off.

>> No.1847984

>Does it emulate well?

Yeah. The gamecube rom has a visual glitch when menus close but that's it.

>> No.1848149

I played it on Project64 a few years back and it was almost flawless except for one glitch: when Anju's grandma tells you her stories, you couldn't see any of the pictures that show up in the N64. Do you know if that's been fixed now or if it's fixed in any other emu? I haven't tried mupen64 yet, I don't really like the command line approach.

>> No.1848194

Haven't reached that part yet. That's unfortunate

>> No.1848539

Even if you didn't know that, you could have just give to the biggoron with the Goron mask, you didn't have to beat the boss.

>> No.1848612


>> No.1849569


If any of you guys have a Wii, the Virtual Console version of Majoras Mask is pretty much the same thing, without glitches or missing pictures.

>> No.1849983

Which version is the best to emulate? I've heard that the Gamecube rom (for Project 64) has more sounds included in it than the american release of Majoras Mask.

Something about the Japanese versions of Majoras having sounds that were left out in the English version and some sounds in the English version that weren't in the JP one. Whereas the gamecube rom has all these sounds

Talking about the rom here, not the dics playing on the gamecube itself, I've heard the disc version has glitched sound and framerate issues.

>> No.1850059

Why are there people that say OOT and Majoras Mask are games that have aged bad and anyone that shows any love for them are exclusively doing it through rose tinted nostalgia glasses.

These games haven't aged at all, they play extremely well.

>> No.1851254

Man that Zora mask was the shit

>> No.1851317

I think like everyone, I hated it at release because it wasn't OoT, but loved it years after.

Now I feel like I should go back and play it 100% simply because I never have.

>> No.1851414

Wait you can play the gamecube rom through project 64?

I remember tried to do that once and it didn't started.

>> No.1851426

Well yeah this is /vr/ We do videogames here.

They most likely let a lot of this stuff slide because of how fast they pumped it out. Rumor pegs it at 7 months of dev time.

>> No.1851825
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Majora's Mask was the WORST selling Zelda console game. The pragmatist in me understands that this is not the type of game the average console gamer would want to play. It's too unusual and slow-paced for most gamers.

It was by far my favorite Zelda game since it was experimental and atmospheric, but there were two glaring flaws. A disappointingly short and easy final boss (thus an unmemorable ending) and an awful saving system. I'm guessing they tried to add some "artificial difficulty" by making it more difficult to save the game, but that made it more frustrating in the end.

>> No.1851835

>worst zelda is the highest selling

>> No.1851859

The time mechanic was a minor inconvenience for me. Small obstacle to overcome, I just stayed focused on the dungeons and went in with whatever I could get from wayward shrubs along the way. I don't understand why people have such a problem with it.

>> No.1851872

The reason it didn't sell as well as it could is the requirement of an Expansion Pack, which not many games used in the first place. There was no greater disappointment for me as a kid than when my parents rented this game, and I couldn't even play it.

>worst zelda is the highest selling
Launch title. And that's not Skyward Sword.

>> No.1851923

That's true about the expansion pack.

However, despite the hw requirements, I remember a LOT of bitching about the time system around launch. I had friends who wouldn't even try the game because of it.

That's part of what I like about the game though, it loses the accessibility of OoT and instead becomes a game that rewards players who are willing to put more in and discover the world. I think it's truer to the franchise in that respect.

>> No.1851983

>tfw you're 8 years old and hyped beyond all reason for MM, and when you finally pop the cartridge in on Christmas day, the game tells you that you need an expansion pak to play
>all the stores are closed on Christmas

>> No.1852081


Best title in the series.

Great atmosphere, surprisingly mature themes (are there any other first-party Nintendo games that feature so much real, permanent death?).

You don't just waggle a dungeon item at the bosses; they've all got at least two different approaches to take.

No Ganon or Zelda. I don't mind recurring themes/characters in a series, but it gets tiring. And so many Zelda games have lost the original vision...you get this unique villain and storyline, then for some reason you just have to fight a big blue pig at the end. Why they keep ramming this into every game is beyond me.

Completely unique time mechanic. Every game fan should be able to appreciate genuinely creative gameplay mechanics. It creates an actual sense of impending doom and fleshes out the world. I just wish they had explained the backwards song of time more clearly so so many idiots wouldn't have to complain about the timer being to short for the dungeons (it's not).

The masks are fun. The Fierce Diety mask is a sweet reward for completing all the quests -- I have fond memories of doing that glitch with the Kafei quest that lets you wear the Fierce Deity mask anywhere.

OoT was crazy impressive when it came out, but if you take away the awe of it being in 3D, its a rehash of LttP. It's still really good, but MM stands better on its own as a great game, without needing to rely on 3D being new or nostalgia.

>> No.1852280
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>A disappointingly short and easy final boss (thus an unmemorable ending) and an awful saving system.

Strong agree here, in fact MM in general has disappointing bosses. While they did a good job with Odolwa, making him decently hard without going over the top for a first boss (as well as giving him the chanting and weird insect-related attacks, which make him quite memorable), as well as with Goht, who is both very fun to fight and a very unique boss in the series in general, the following three bosses just seem to fall flat.

Gyorg is uninspired (a giant fish in a water dungeon, ooooh!) and also relatively easy to kill, and also has a small arena that is weirdly restrictive on your Zora form's movement. I think this boss could have used a more unique design, and a battle that emphasized moving around at high speeds using your Zora form.

Twinmold is a little bit improved, but still fails to be a great fight, imo. The Giant's Mask is a neat concept, but gets underutilized, both in the fight and in general. It would have been cool if some parts of the Stone Tower required you turn giant in order to solve some puzzle, but instead it restricts you to using it only on Twinmold, and even there it fails to live up to its potential. Giant sandworms are a worn-out Zelda trope; I always thought it would have been much cooler if the fight was against some giant golem warrior, or maybe a great machine, which required the player to both attack it from the outside with the Giant form, and then also go inside it (or perhaps even climb it, Shadow of the Colossus style) to deal the final blow.

And then there's Majora, which, while sort of interesting visually-speaking, is just too easy. The Mask form just sort of floats around and acts too defensively, the dancing form just dances around in a benign manner, and while the Wrath form feels aggressive, it's just not powerful or resilient enough to feel like a true final boss.

>> No.1852294
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Oops, guess I should have expanded on my post a little more; I actually like MM's saving system, since the fact that it forces you to reset, or basically save and quit, in order to actually save, means that there's no way you can savescum the game (unless you are using an emulator, obviously).

Of course I can see how this could be frustrating to someone, I guess it just comes down to personal preference, but I just feel like if it had Ocarina of Time's style of saving, it would be all too easy for a player to just reload a save file if they missed or failed some important, time-specific event.

>> No.1852532


The project 64 rom scene managed to rip the actual rom from the disc, it works exactly as a normal n64 cartridge rom. You'll even be able to use saves you have on the regular rom on this one because they're pretty much the exact same thing save for some added sound effects and fixes.

>> No.1852539

I think it adds to the game if anything, it doesn't take away anything. The sense of urgency you get to finish a temple before the entire clocktown is doomed is fantastic, it's not a feeling where you're stressed and feel like you can't explore, it's just a feeling where what you do feels more important as a result of the time mechanic.

>> No.1852967

When I was a kid I played it really carefully. I never lost all of my hearts because I thought doing so would've ended the three day cycle. When I realized that's not the case, I was really disappointed, because the game was already too easy.

>> No.1852982

It doesn't help that you get essentially unlimited health with fairies, unlimited time with the inverted Song of Time and unlimited magic with Chateau Romani. You can just steamroll everything without hurrying.

>> No.1852991

>people complaining about 3D zeldas having easy combat
This shit again?! You guys should play the YS series.

>> No.1853025

>easier than Ocarina of Time
We played different games, on both accounts. . .

>> No.1853039

I liked it because it forced me to use shops. One of my minor gripes about the franchise is that shops exist and you have no need for them. In MM, they were a nifty convenience. I've restarted, I'm going to go to the store and grab what I think I'll need. Hey! It's right next to the bank!

>> No.1853051

This made me feel like an N64 Zelda dungeon tier list. . .

1. Stone Tower
2. Forest
3. Spirit
4. Shadow
5. Fire
6. Great Bay
7. Snowhead
8. Woodfall
9. Jabu Jabu
10. Dodongo Cavern
11. Deku Tree
12. Water

>> No.1853095

Pure genius. It's the best game of all times for me.

>> No.1853406

I would've really liked the Water temple if it wasn't so tedious with the menus, I think the whole atmosphere and design is super cool. It's a mind twister for sure.

Greay Bay was fucking great, I just wish it lasted a bit longer. I suppose it being water based made me compare it to the mind bending water temple and in that sense I suppose I was a tiny bit disappointed that it was so straight forward, that said again just like the water temple, really good atmosphere and I love the look of the entire thing and it was made super fun to play due to the Zora mask.

>> No.1853803

I played it, everything was great until I tried to open the Bomber's journal, only to find a black screen.
Kinda annoying.

>> No.1853814

I was recently watching a friend doing a speed run of this. HOLY FUCK. one of my favorite games but he made me feel like I didn't know shit about it whatsoever.

>> No.1853856

Known issue with emulators, try playing it on VC or the real thing. There also might be a plugin that fixes that, but I'm not familiar with any and I've been out of the n64 emu scene for a few years.

>> No.1853939

Just enabling the Smart Framebuffer in Glide64 made it works. Thanks !

>> No.1854004

Strange, I haven't had any issues whatsoever with it.

>> No.1854005

Are you using Project 64 1.6.1 or 1.7?

I'm on 1.6.1 and everything works fine for me.

>> No.1854051

I used Mupen with Glide64. As I said here >>1853939, you just need to turn the smart framebuffer on.

>> No.1854223

Can someone explain that emulator to me? I haven't really read into it that much, it's supposed to be more accurate, right?

>> No.1855245

I've always felt that, though I'm honestly not one to care about the argument of whether videogames can be art or not (though, why one might say they're not, I don't know why), if I were to make an argument of a videogame being a work of art, it would have to be Majora's Mask.
Majora's Mask was an absolute roller coaster of emotions for me; it wasn't just about "You're the chosen one, go save the world". You see the impact the moon's falling has on each person's life in the Clocktown. They ALL have something to say about the crisis at hand. And it's not just Clocktown's inhabitants that need your help, it's every race in Termina that has some kind of problem you need to deal with. There's all kinds of grand-scale things going on, but what brings it all together, what really makes the world truly feel alive, are the relations you create with people on a personal level. There's Pamela, the little girl whose father is in an irreversible, mummified state until you come along. There's Koume, the witch injured in the Forest of Mystery, and her sister, Kotake, who sends you out to give her a healing potion, and will even go out of her way to find her sister on her own if you don't give her the potion after a day. It's things like this that make the setting of Majora's Mask an incredibly interesting and lively world to interact in. And when you finally bring happiness to each person's life, you can't help but feel like the worst person on the planet when you finally turn back the clock to reset time back to the first day. I honestly started to tear up just a little after I finally completed Anju and Kafei's sidequest.

>> No.1855248

The game also does a fantastic job of getting a feeling of suspense through elements of gameplay alone. I remember being down on my hearts on the Gyrorg boss, having spent the greater half of my evening finding all the fairies in the Stone Temple, when the countdown on the 3rd day began ticking. That feeling of suspense was absolutely killer, and words cannot express my joy when I finally beat him with 2 minutes left to spare. And the screen reduction effect used in conjunction with the bells chiming as each new day approaces is hands-down one of the most effective techniques to convey the dread each new day brings, I feel. And the various masks, along with the different playstyles they bring with them, allow for some of the best playground-style elements in the Zelda series. Rolling around in Termina field as a Goron and swimming in the ocean as a Zora kicks the crap out of riding around on Epona and sailing the ocean/sky in other Zeldas.
I'm honestly only scratching the surface as to why Majora's Mask is not only one of my favorite Zeldas, but one of my favorite games of all time.

>> No.1855252

yep, also a pain in the ass to configure because the developers hate graphical interfaces or something.

>> No.1855264

Agreed on all counts. Though I still don't know how I feel about some of the time mechanics. It's fine when you're playing through the main quest, but all of the sidequests continually get interrupted by waiting. Gotta wait for Anju to slowly walk to the kitchen, gotta wait for those aliens in a zelda game the fuck to appear, gotta wait for everything.

But at the same time, I don't mind waiting in MM as much as I would in most games. It feels nice to just sit back and take in the atmosphere, which changes all the time. And the sense of tension as you watch the hours tick by, especially when you're nearing the final dawn, has never been replicated in any other game for me.

Maybe a quick waiting option that would let you choose any time to wait to would have been nice. But at the same time I feel like it would kind of be missing the point.

I have to agree, the bosses were half-assed. A boss fight that fully utilized the zora mask's speed and maneuvering could have been the highlight of the game.

>> No.1855708

It hurts how much wasted potential there was on the Great Bay boss battle.

That shit should've been set entirely underwater in a larger area

>> No.1855710
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It's the favorite game of Zelda Williams, Robin William (RIP) daughter.

Yes, she has the name because of the series.

>> No.1855757

i dont even understand the problem with the time mechanic. you can slow down time like crazy, you can reset after getting a song or before a dungeon or whatever and really just lose bombs and arrows.

the only instance where the time mechanic can seriously fuck you is the zora babies. ive never personally been burned, but i can see it happening.

i consider this game a shining jewel of gaming and would be my turn to example of games as art. the atmosphere of this game is so intense and brooding, certainly the darkest game ive ever played.

>> No.1855998

I wanted to replay MM twice during the last years, but both times I hit a bug where you suddenly lose control of the game and can only reset, wiping all your progress during that session. Which is very frustrating if you were rushing through two or three temples on that run while trying to do as much as possible.

Usually triggered in the shooting gallery or with the large skeleton at the beginning of Ikana Canyon for me.

>> No.1856005

There's no such bug. It must be a hardware issue.

>> No.1856034

I can't rule that out completely, but I didn't have any similar issues with other games on that N64. It's probably hard to find the actual causes for this too.

I can only describe the symptoms of these lockups: The screen flashed at the beginning and the game ignored any further inputs. AFAIR, the timer also ran twice as fast in the shooting gallery and the aim pulled up.

And like with any freeze in MM, the only way to get out is to reset, wiping your progress since the last Song of Time.

>> No.1856041

Sounds like "crooked cartridge" or in other words faulty connections.

>> No.1856125

Goddamit this!
The moon walking was entertaining but god Majora was such a subpar final boss.

>> No.1856247

Speaking of this game... Why's it so expensive and hard to find?

>> No.1856280

It's the demand bit of supply and demand. Zelda is immensely popular and as you can see from this thread, lots of people didn't take well to it back in the day so they want to go back and try it now. And just the usual demand you get from a game being damn good.
>hard to find
If the game is hard to find, it's only because garage sales and such have limited quantities by nature and people are so quick to buy it. It's not like the game was released in notably low quantities or anything. Should be fairly common.

>> No.1856292

Because you're going to be a good little boy and wait for Majora's Mask 3DS.

You know it's coming. Don't deny it. You can feel it in your heart.

>> No.1856305

It depends on where you find it. the cult following certainly doesn't help but at least it's nowhere near earthbound levels

I once found a holographic label copy at a pawn shop for 30$ and I didn't have enough money for it.
Learned my god damn lesson; don't enter a store expecting to just browse if you have no money

>> No.1856313

Nintendo would rather release another Ocarina remake on the Wii U.

>> No.1856326

I feel like an ideal majora fight would be more reliant on the environment. Perhaps relying on micro-dungeons of sorts, where the mask infests a small environment, and uses it against you, until you find it at the end of a trial, and hit it with a light arrow followed by a flurry of sword strikes. Something like that seems much more appropriate for the mask, which behaves much this way in the game. Perhaps play with peoples identities by spawning swarms of familiar NPCs and having one randomly attack you in a crowd, and you have to snipe it out with a light arrow. Something clever, mind-fuckey and more psychological than outright fighting it.

>> No.1856338

I think the one thing I adore the most about MM is, due to the nature of the time resetting, everything in the game is replayable

I always hated not being able to refight bosses in games (TP is the worst, all the best bosses are at the very end)

>> No.1856502

As far as story goes this is my favorite Zelda game. Funnily enough it wasn't links backstory that enticed me so much but every other character in this game.

>> No.1856505

I actually just finished playing through this for the first time about two months ago. I really really enjoyed it. The time mechanic felt strange at first, but you get used to it fairly quickly.

Even though there were only four temples, I feel like the temples were good enough for that to be excused. Especially the Stone Tower Temple. I had a blast going through that. Had a really good atmosphere.

All in all, I'd say it's easily one of my favorite games of all time.

>> No.1856527

For me it's the worst zelda, the music is very repetitive, i didn't like the dungeon design, the only one i like it's the stone tower, the bosses are a joke, and the mechanic it´s tedious and boring. Yeah it's dark and have a good atmosphere but for me it wasn't enjoyable. It isn't a fun game.

>> No.1856552

What would you consider your favorite zelda?

>> No.1856581

Oot, Oracle of seasons.

>> No.1856626

One thing I think this game could've done with is more original music.

The new music that is there is absolutely perfect, but some of the stuff borrowed from OOT didn't fit in as perfectly. It still makes for a great soundtrack though, but the re-used OOT tracks didn't fit the atmosphere as well.

>> No.1856639

The temples are all annoying, the side quests are boring, and the timer was just a hindrance.
Like, take the timer out and make every quest available at the same time. It really doesn't change much.

>> No.1856646


The three days time restraint is what ruined it for me. Yes, even with the song to slow down time, and the song of time

>> No.1856660

I'll never understand this. One slowed down day is enough to do anything.

>> No.1856670


It's hard to explain, it's a stupid reason I know. But I don't like it when I feel rushed while playing a game. I like to go at my own pace

>> No.1856689
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Same here. I also think that while there may only be 4 temples, each of them had tasks you went through before you got to the temple itself. I really enjoyed those parts, save for the Ikana well, that got tedious.

But other than those, I thought Woodfall in particular did a great job of making me care for the Gorons making it super satisfying when I did complete the temple helping them all out.

This is something that Majoras Mask does so well. Making you care about the people in the world and I loved that aspect of it. I do wish the Great Bay area would've done something more interesting than getting the band back together.

Stone temple had the best atmosphere out of all temples probably. I'd say it gets some points deducted from it for having to deal with the very slow and tedious elegy of emptiness.

I'd say in general I enjoyed the departure from "get the key unlock that door" that was pretty prominent in OOT. Most of the puzzles were related to the masks instead of keys, dragging around boxes on the ground or shooting eye with your bow. As a result the temples in Majoras Mask may have been a bit more straight forward but made them more fun as a result.

Forest temple still remains my favorite Zelda temple though.

>> No.1856703

I don't understand how it can ruin it though. Once you play it past the first temple you realize that the game is set up in such a way where it won't punish you for not fitting everything into the 3 days. You can save and rewind time and the progress is still saved.

You'd have to be straight up careless for something to go so wrong that you lose progress in the game. There's no real part of the game where you're really pressed on time. I mean sure completing all tasks in the Ikana Canyon and then doing the stone temple would be impossible to do on a first run, but it's all compartmentalized, you're not forced to redo shit if you rewind.

>> No.1856724

I wish they'd made a point about the Oni mask, that killing Majora with it's power wasn't the right. Could have made for an interesting alternate ending, at least.

>> No.1856739

Without spoiling anything. Can I beat the final boss and after that continue on collecting what missing masks I have?

>> No.1856743


>> No.1856750



>> No.1856753


Yes. It saves when you beat the game so you can also use the Fierce Deity mask you obtain on the moon against the 4 bosses.

>> No.1856790

Hands up if the game gave you an interest in transformation masks.

>> No.1856794

Yes, although there's really no reason to do it in that order. It's more fun to collect all the masks and then trade them for Fierce Deity's Mask. And don't worry, the masks all come back after you go back in time or beat the game.

>> No.1858713

Exactly. You can even reset after getting the key item in a dungeon in order to go through the first part again more quickly.

I've played through MM using different approaches with regard to time. The worst experience is to be had when you pressure yourself to complete as much as possible in the 3 days (eg a whole dungeon, first time), because even though you will have plenty of time, finishing with ages to spare, you will have rushed the gameplay.

Much better to accept that you'll be seeing the dungeons maybe twice each, and some parts of the game you'll be redoing multiple times, and sit back and enjoy it. Be liberal with your resets. And you'll see that very little of the game is actually time-pressured, like you say, you really have ages to do everything, including dungeons.

I think the countdown idea just make people assume they will be rushed, and approach the game the wrong way.

>> No.1858716

I hope so so much.

>> No.1858730

In what way? Kamen Rider?

>> No.1859125

Well said, for what it's worth if I had to make the argument that games are "art" I'd go with MM as well, along with SotC and Mother 3 probably.

>> No.1859181

Wait, I have two holographic carts (one I bought on release day, one my friend gave to me). How. . . how much are they worth?

>> No.1859183

You'd literally rather play Phantom Hourglass?

>> No.1859186

Which stuff that's reused bugs you? Each of the four regions has new BGM. The overworld is a fantastic classic reimagining, which OoT didn't have. Clocktown is a brand new (and fantastic) theme. The dungeons have original themes.

All I can think of is stuff like race and shop music. Which doesn't seem like a big deal, they're nice songs, and these songs are reused throughout the franchise all the time, anyway.

>> No.1859187

I like a sense of urgency.

>> No.1859226

Yeah it's minor stuff. It's a very small complaint, more of a nitpick really. And like I said, it's all great music but if it was 100% originally made for the game it would've been even better.

>> No.1859227

As a kid I didn't understand it and hated it because 1.) I only rented it and 2.) I was impatient.
Now it's my favorite 3D Zelda aside from Okami
Temples were pretty meh overall, but the bosses were great. Loved being able to refight them, even if it was a necessary mechanic to do everything. Some side quests felt really pointless and non-meaningful, and some of the masks felt useless, but I love side quests and collecting so it was good for me.

>> No.1859236

Much of the game is time sensitive, but I wouldn't go as far to say pressured. Aside from the wedding mask side quest there's very little in the game where you feel pressured for time.

>> No.1859474

I disagree, because I think returning themes are satisfying. To an extent.

>> No.1859528

But oracle of ages was so much better than seasons...

>> No.1859529

I liked a lot of the mechanics but the game in itself to me was meh

>> No.1859537

I respect that. It's certainly great music all around

>> No.1859548
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Was anyone else able to score this baby last year?

>> No.1859559

Nah, it's the other way around.

>> No.1859572

>The new music that is there is absolutely perfect

Damn right.

>> No.1859737

Fucking chills. Possibly the best most fitting piece of music put in a game ever.

Another absolutely brilliant one is the Astral Observatory one, it manages to be upbeat but have this looming darkness to it.


Koji Kondo is a god

>> No.1859808

>What are your opinions of this gem? any fans?
It's my favorite 3D Zelda game, but not my favorite Zelda game in the series. That's another game.

>Was the time mechanic genius or did it ruin the game for you?
About the 3 day mechanic...I don't actually like it, but I knew how to utilize it and it didn't ruin the game for me. The only part it really bugged me is when I had trouble in the Stone Tower and had o redo some parts because it was drawing too near to the end while I was in the dungeon.

>what'd you think of the temples and side quests?
I liked some of the sidequests, but not the invasion one. The temples were okay, but I thought the second one was pretty boring. My favorite one is the Stone Tower. The Great Bay Temple is also really cool, but Gyorg is awful.

>how does the setting hold up to other Zelda games?
I don't think the game should have had more dungeons, but I think the way they designed the world made it feel empty and lifeless outside of the towns, which sometime gave the illusion it was too short, but it was an okay length when I think about it.

Compared to OoT, I think the characters and setting are much better in MM. However, there's a game that I felt did this in the series much better than any other Zelda game in the series.

>> No.1860345

Absolutely. Got the G&W Ball repro too.

>> No.1860848

Damn, that's rad, anon. I was a retard and spent the majority of my coins on that stupid Mario t-shirt.

>> No.1860863

It has a lot of good ideas, but it isn't actually very well designed.

>> No.1863635
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How so, precisely?

I thought the new fundamental mechanics (namely the time system and the transformation masks) were executed almost flawlessly.

>> No.1863650

>the boss battles *didn't* follow the formula of:
>"Use the treasure acquired in the same dungeon as this is the only way to damage it."
No, instead it was "Use the Bow and the element arrow you just got, or the transformation mask you just got."

The exception being Woodfall where you could actually just run up and sword fight.

>> No.1863663

I'm playing this right now, anyone ever play it with a texture pack?
Which one is the best?

>> No.1863669

I didn't need to. I got the original release from Nintendo Power years ago.

>> No.1863672

Get out.

>> No.1863692

>implying that n64 games with their babby cartridges didn't have shit textures

>> No.1863693

see >>1863396

>> No.1863738

How do you use elemental arrows on them, outside of melting Goht?

>> No.1863751

Aim bow and fire arrows at Odolwa.
Aim bow and fire Fire Arrows at Goht.
Aim bow and fire Ice Arrows at Gyorg.
Aim bow and fire Light Arrows at Twinmold.

It's not a difficult concept, Anon.

>> No.1863794
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>Not having both

>> No.1863810

just started playing, got through the intro part and I'm not a deku scrub anymore.

what do I keep when I play the song of time to go back to the 1st day? let's say I'm in a dungeon and I'm running out of time so I use the song of time, do I have to start all over basically?

>> No.1863815
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I wish I could like this game, I really do.
It has a great concept but the game has way to many flaws because of the rushed development. The dungeons are to short, the bosses are boring, and the time gimmick is a little rough around the edges.
I honestly believe if a proper remake came out on wiiU that actually addressed and remastered the base game, Majora's mask would be one of the most brilliant games ever made.

Too bad its mediocre as is. I really could of been a masterpiece.

>> No.1863820

Play the song of time but play each note twice.

ie if the song is: x a b

play: xx aa bb

That slows down time. And you have 3 days

>> No.1863825

Wait that speed up time. You want to play the some backwords.


>> No.1863849

That item was the dumbest thing ever.

>> No.1864428
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Using arrows on Odolwa is only necessary to stun him, and even then you can just use the Deku form's spin attack to do this, and while you do technically have to use a fire arrow on Goht, this is only to melt him and get the battle going, since the meat of the battle requires rolling in the Goron form.

Using ice arrows on Gyorg would be literally impossible, given that the arrows would just freeze big chunks of water and never submerge. This is unless of course you fire at Gyorg when it launches at you out of the water, however that would be horribly impractical given how fast it moves (I'm also not sure this would actually damage Gyorg, but I've never tested it so I really don't know)

Then there's using Light Arrows on Twinmold, which while doable, is a hideous waste of magic, when turning giant and using your sword would both do more damage as well as allow you to replenish magic by breaking down those ruins.

So basically, Goht is the only boss in the entire game that requires the dungeon item to defeat, while using it on every other boss is either slightly impractical or a horrible waste of resources.

Did you even play the game?

>> No.1864437

I wasn't hardcore enough for this game.
I was hardcore enough for Zelda 2 but I'm not autistic enough for this game. It was insanely weird. I got to the point where I finally understood the game but I had to cheat in the beginning just to find the fairies. I didnt like the game. It was to weird from ocarina of time which was a classic

>> No.1864440

>I wasn't hardcore enough for this game.

>> No.1864445

Its crazy also quads

>> No.1864449
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It's my personal favorite game, but I do understand the flaws.

I've genuinely thought about going to /agdg/ and suggesting a fan-remake and overhaul of MM, something that would not only be a visual update but would also add completely new content and iron out some of the less-than-stellar existing content.

>> No.1864452

Working my way through this game right now, I was just playing actually. I just got the mirror shield.

Time mechanic is annoying, game overall is bad. I don't like zelda though so I'm not unbiased. I like the bosses though.

>> No.1864496

Besides, the time mechanic, what do you not like about it?

>> No.1864571
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This blew mind. I hope it blows yours too.


>> No.1864591

>game is bad because I dislike the genre

I remember finding that to be horribly wrong but I'd have to watch it again to be reminded of why.

>> No.1864592

What purpose does any of that serve? Did you actually play the game?

>> No.1864597

That's kind of it really. I should have worded my opinion better, I don't think it's a bad game, I just don't like it.
One thing that is actually bad though is the area I just got through, below the well in Ikana. It's just a series of meaningless fetchquests that make you waste all your time because many of them just lead to dead ends.

>> No.1864604

That's a very stupid theory. Termina does seem to be based on the stage of grief, but Link being dead makes no sense. Termina has been repeteadly and explicitely stated to be an alternate world/dimension and these guys do know this, they even point out the Alice in Wonderland motif, but they don't say it because it completely disproves their theory. The elegy statues aren't made of dead people, the game explains that the song lets you "shed a shell shaped in your current image". And of course the Mask Salesman says you've met with a terrible fate after THE MOON FALLS, that has nothing to do with dying. The ending of the game disproves the theory too. Even the timeline (which I think is stupid, but still) states that Link returned to Hyrule and became a Stalfos in the Lost Woods.

This theory is just one of those 2deep4u interpretations that people pull out to make Majora's Mask into something that it's not, just like that Stone Tower = Tower of Babel theory.

>> No.1864653
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yeah, that's the generally agreed upon low point of the game. One thing I do like about the area, though, is some of the amusing dialogue the Gibdos say, like the one that asks you for bombs words it as "Bring me ten refreshing blasts!"

But yeah, that part does indeed suck. It gets better when you get to Ikana Castle proper and fight the skellingtons, though.

>> No.1864679

You basically save anything that Link himself learns. So you won't save arrows, bombs, contents inside bottles, etc. But you will save ocarina songs, permanent items (sword, hookshot, shield, shit like that)

That means that say you do all the work leading up to a temple, you won't have to redo that work because you'll be ready to walk up to the temple entrance and just go in. But any progress you made in that temple won't be saved, unless you beat the boss then there will be a teleport somewhere at the very start of the temple that'll let you face off against the boss straight away and avoid doing the dungeon again.

Everything is setup very neatly so you really don't need to worry about losing progress. You'll get a good understanding of it.

I actually though the first temple did a very good job at letting you know how things work since right before you enter the area where the entrance to the temple is located it teaches you the song of soaring that lets you know that you'll be able to teleport to this spot right here with use of the song.

So just don't be stupid. Don't enter the temple if you're more than halfway into day 2 and you've just completed the stuff that happens right before the temple is about to start. You can just reset and head to the entrance of the temple and all will be ready.

Also play the song of time backwards, it'll give you fuckloads of more time.

>> No.1864706

so what were your guy's favorite songs in the game? my favorite was stone tower temple upside-down

>> No.1864720
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It's pretty awesome, considering how much I hated Saria's Song.

>> No.1864839
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Quite easily Final Hours and behind that Astral Observatory.

Favorite temple music would go to Great Bay. But none of them came close to the god tier Forest Temple theme, that music helped so much with the atmosphere of that temple that I think without that track it wouldn't have been the same, definitely not as memorable.


>> No.1864862

When I was a child, I couldn't even go in that Temple because of that music.
I remember once I even just restarted the whole game, then looked for ways to avoid it until the very end.
Scared me to absolute death, but I think it had mostly to do with the combination of that and the dark graphics of that temple. If it were brighter I think I could have handled it but it just looked outright spooky to boot.
One of the few memories I have where something unique like that happened to me.

The first time I came back to the game after that some 8 years ago the moment I saw the doorway to that dungeon it gave me the chills.
Man I was spooked hard.

>> No.1864871

To expand on the favorite one. I think Clocktown Day 1,2,3 and Final Hours are all absolutely amazing. Day 3 in so dark. Final Hours though for sure is as good as it gets. Perfect fit for the game, it would be lesser without it.

>> No.1864879

That's cute, I can definitely imagine that shit being terrifying. I didn't play OOT until last year for the first time, but I was still creeped out by that temple. I just think it perfectly nails the atmosphere and aesthetically it's just so cool. I love the trippy nature of it the spinning hallway, the maze like map, perfect. Definitely my favorite temple from OOT.

>> No.1864884

Deku Palace and Stone Tower Temple, followed by the Final Hours.

Least favorite would be Snowhead Temple.

>> No.1865039
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The forest temple always scared me more than the shadow temple, just because the shadow temple felt like it was trying too hard to be the "scary temple".
But there's something about the forest temple that makes me uneasy, even now. The architecture makes it feel like an abandoned manor house, the atmosphere is hazy and it's a bit mazelike, and it's the first place you find wallmasters.

I love majora's mask, but none of its dungeons can stand up to the atmosphere of the forest temple. Even if the mechanics were improved in every way.

>> No.1865045

I loved it. Felt like a real adventure. Fuck, now I want to play it again.

>> No.1865052

I think you misunderstood some things about their theory. The timeline or the fact Termina is another dimension doesn't contradict the idea of it being a sort of Purgatory, since Purgatory itself is commonly defined as an intermediate plane of existence between life and the afterlife. Link was in the Lost Woods all along (that's why you hear Saria's Song at end of the game), his quest in Termina represents the process of dying there before becoming a Stalfos.

Also, they never say that the elegy statues are "made of" dead people, but a memorial "to" the dead (which is pretty much the definition of an elegy anyway), and an elegy to yourself wouldn't make sense unless you're dead.

And about the Mask Salesman's line, the point is how it's repeated in a supposedly different context, even though the subtext indicates the same meaning of Link/the player meeting his doom (and not about becoming a Deku like you're lead to believe).

>> No.1865089
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I love this game. I think Stone Tower is the reason why.
I love the story surrounding it, I love the symbolism and lore, I love the atmosphere and the music. I love the puzzles, they're challenging and fresh (although playing the Elegy of Emptiness again and again got tedious).
I think I might play it again just for that experience.

>> No.1865097

The best thing Majora's Mask could have done for itself is drop that horrendous song mechanic from Ocarina. Unfortunately it didn't so we're left continuously playing songs to do things instead of using items like a regular person.

>> No.1865102

>just because the shadow temple felt like it was trying too hard to be the "scary temple"
Reminds me of this scene from Adventure Time, where Finn and FP explore a dungeon together.

>Flame Princess: Boy, this place is creepy!
>Finn: Really? I feel like it's trying too hard.
>Flame Princess: Oh, you mean, like, with all the skulls?

The Forest Temple definitely feels more like a real place.

>> No.1865104

The ocarina is an item.

>> No.1865131

this might actually be the first time I've ever completely agreed with someone on 4chan.

>> No.1865145

nope that was the bomb mask brah

>> No.1865153

it's probably my favourite LoZ game cos the look and tone, the masks and related side quest mechanics, the design of a hub town with dungeons/locations around it.

i don't really care about time travel stuff but this game made it work well enough and was pretty intricate with it, weaving all the puzzles and things you could do in just the town alone, without even doing dungeons etc.

WW was maybe a bit more refined and had such fun combat and dungeons/puzzles, but the sailing aspect got slightly tired. it's also very beautiful, PAL60 was great.

>> No.1866540

Turning into deku/zora creatures, etc.

>> No.1866550


>> No.1866572


>> No.1867472

Still need anon to explain why you'd shoot bosses with elemental arrows.

>> No.1868612

Why wouldn't you?

>> No.1868626

with pleasure.

>> No.1869148

Things that I would love to see in a 3DS/Wii U remake:

1. Item that lets you replicate yourself instead of using the Elegy of Emptiness every fucking time.
2. Song or item that allows you to move forward to any specific hour. This would eliminate all of the waiting around you have to do sometimes, especially for sidequests (ESPECIALLY for Anju and Kafei).
3. Allow me to carry multiple eggs in one bottle or something. Anything to make Great Bay less tedious.
4. Please make Wart easier, he is the most boring and annoying fucking miniboss. That battle drags on forever.

>> No.1869164

I really don't see them doing it, just because how un-nintendo the game is.

I say fuck no to that last bit, that was a great miniboss.

The other points I absolutely agreed. elegy of Emptiness definitely bogged down the Stone Temple for me, nothing to make it not enjoyable ofc but it definitely made for a shitty start to it all.

>> No.1869176

>2. Song or item that allows you to move forward to any specific hour. This would eliminate all of the waiting around you have to do sometimes, especially for sidequests (ESPECIALLY for Anju and Kafei).
God no, that would ruin all the fun.
Might as well add a "Kill Boss" button because that's along the same logic as what you're going for.
It's that kind of shit that ruined Skyward Sword, a la dowsing the "Find Everything For Me" button.

>> No.1869197

No, the all-night mask is "unlocked" at the secret shop by letting the thief get away and buying the mask on the third day, iirc

>> No.1869456
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Wart is actually pretty interesting to fight, since there are a bunch of ways to kill him. You can use bombs, projectile weapons or just your sword to kill the bubbles, shoot the eye with arrows (or try and nail it with bombs), or you can just use nothing but Zora Link to try and kill it and its bubbles with just the boomerang fins.

Come to think of it, I think that's another point I like about MM, is most of the bosses and minibosses have a wide range of ways to kill them, instead of forcing the player to use one specific item (like in OoT).

>> No.1869650

OoT didn't do that you cretin.

>> No.1869686

Hm...Is this true? Gohma, no. Deku nuts work just as well if not better.

Dodongo-absolutely true

Jellyfish- True as well.

Forrest ganon- true

morpha- true

Volvagia - Not true. You can arrow him while in the air, but expect a really long fight that way.

Bongo bongo - Not true, mostly because the item you really need isn't in the dungeon.

Twinrova- True

>> No.1869876

Hey guys, some asshole started another thread asking about what your favourite mask is.

I've been basically defied to ask the same here so I'm curious as to how many on-topic replies MM fans would like to share here.

tl;dr What's your fav mask?

>> No.1869889

>Forrest ganon- true
You can use hookshot.

>> No.1870003

I'd switch Water Temple at #12 with Jabu Jabu's belly at #9. Fuck that fucking Jabu Jabu level!

>> No.1870019

What's the point?

Like, tell me what happens when you hit Gyorg with an ice arrow.

>> No.1870023

That's amazing.

>> No.1870030

I played this game when I was 12. Sometimes I wish I could erase my memory and replay it as an adult.

I was quite a chicken as a little girl, the game creeped me out at several points. But there was always an eerie feeling to everything, even if it was just having small talk with a citizen or collecting rubees. Something didn't feel right constantly.
Am I the only one who experienced this?

>> No.1870091
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>> No.1870142


Isn't "Rupees" a mistranslation of some Engrish way of saying "Rupies"? That's what I recall, anyway.

Also this seems like a retarded example to cite but don't the characters in the shitty FMV cutscenes from the CD-i Zelda games say Rubees instead of Rupies?

>> No.1870153


yeah don't make threads like that when there's already an MM thread around.

I'd say my fav would have to be the Bremen's Mask, mostly for the funny little secret where you can trick Igos Du Ikana's guards into marching with you.

Blast Mask is also very useful, since I sometimes find myself without bombs.

>> No.1870157
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To me, Forest Temple is the comfiest dungeon. The place felt more like it's was worse when people used to live In the mansion and now only ghosts and plants remain, getting real tired of living Inside this mansion. The music is too comfy for me.

But god damn, doing the well and Shadow Temple as a kid. At least Bongo Bongo became my favorite Boss

>> No.1870240

It probably sold worse because of the expansion pack requirement, and because it was the second n64 game, and people figured they would just wait for the next console because they already had "zelda 64".

>> No.1870328

Ghoma you don't need anything but Deku Nuts.
Dodongo you do need bombs.
Barinade you I think need the boomerang.
Phantom Ganon can be killed with the hookshot or a well placed bomb.
Morpha I'm almost positive you can arrow.
Volvagia can also be bombed if I'm not mistaken.
Twin Rova needs the shield.

Only Dodongo, Baranade,and Twin Rova do you actually need the dungeon's item.

>> No.1870334

Just beat MM about an hour ago
I had fun. It's somewhat impressive that they were able to make it in just one year. I can see how though - there's a lot of reused assets from OoT, and a lot of sidequests that are more programming than anything else.

>> No.1870428

Dodongo you can kill with the bomb flowers, though.

>> No.1870429

Meh, same difference really.

>> No.1870491

>No Ganon or Zelda
There was Zelda. However, I think she was handled perfectly, very fitting with the game; reading her sentimental speech and then seeing Link walk away was very powerful to me, especially since he doesn't meet up with her again (at least not within the actual game).

>> No.1870501

>if I were to make an argument of a videogame being a work of art, it would have to be Majora's Mask.
Took the words right out of my mouth.

I could go on for hours as to why, but to put it concisely: most games have a plot/story/setting just to be there (without one, it would be awkward or wouldn't make sense), whereas in MM it feels like the story and the world in general exist for its own purpose.

To go on a bit more, I'd say that it has a mood and message, which are what I would say are the qualifiers for a work of art as opposed to simple entertainment. But I think the fact that the story was clearly not just some gimmicky twist on the same formula (all other Zelda games, most games in general) but rather something completely different because the devs really meant this. It's hard to describe, but I'd say that in most games the story is built around the game, which makes for good entertainment products, but here the game seemed to be based around the story, which I think would make it stand out among games as a work of art. I hope this makes a slight amount of sense.

>> No.1870650

You can use arrows on him? I only use goron form for him, you just have to roll into his side to stun him.

>> No.1870674

Because you can? What other point is there?
It's a game, you play games to have fun.

>> No.1870937

>Main 3 masks
Zora just because of how much fun it made swimming. For practical use, probably the Goron mask because rolling around was really fast. Visually the Deku one is the best, so sad looking

>Non main ones
Bunny Hood for sure.

>> No.1871195

Out of the 3 main transformation masks, Zora is my favorite, it's basically adult link in the body of a Zora guitarist rockstar who can so kung fu moves and swim like motherfucking Ecco the dolphin. Not to mentioun use his own scalebones as a double boomerang.

Of the non-transforming masks, Garo mask is the best-looking one, bunny hood is probably the most helpful one and Couple's mask is the most fun to get, the event taking place in all 3 days of the game, it was the most complex side-quest.

Fierce Deity is the OP mask that you can only use during boss fights, but there's a glitch that allows you to wear it outside boss chambers too. I still prefer the Zora mask over this because of the swimming, but Oni Link is really cool too.

>> No.1871217

Where did you get your p64 ROM from?

I tried coolrom, but the floor is all completely blue.

>> No.1871230

you can indeed, although the fight isn't as fun or fast.

>> No.1871243
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All the dead characters elegy statues have blank eyes (Except for the deku scrub, his are dimmed compared to regular scrubs), but links elegy statue just has regular eyes.
Checkmate atheists.

>> No.1871482
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Technically the Elegy statues, exempting the Link one, would all be monuments of dead people, since all the transformation masks are basically the souls of NPC characters you come across having their essence trapped inside a mask. The Goron Mask is Darmani (whom you first find as a ghost), the Zora Mask is Mikau (who dies minutes after you meet him), and it's also sort of implied that the Deku Mask is the soul of the dead Deku Butler's son. Also, an elegy is often a song that is played as a lament of the dead.

So yeah, they are basically monuments to dead people. I'm not saying it makes that video's theory correct, but the bit about the elegy statues certainly is.

>> No.1871535
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I'm >>1871243
I'm not disputing any of that, my point is that he's deliberately omitting relevant information that undermines his argument.

>> No.1871542

Goron mask is best mask, rolling around was fun as fuck.

>> No.1871629
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Right right, I was just quoting you so that I looked like I was part of the general argument.

>> No.1872226

I liked the effects of almost all of them, the bomb mask was funny, the Lon Lon Cow mask let you into the bar which lead to some interesting things, my favorite I think would be the Bremen Mask though or the "Leader's Mask" is what I called it as a kid.
Just because I could mess with that obnoxious town dog, heheheh.
Second favorite is definitely the Stone Mask. Walking around invisible to the Gerudo Women and slapping their asses was great.

>> No.1872835

But it was cited as a primary strategy for the bosses, and that it was a weakness in the game because it made them stale. Are you following this thread at all?

>> No.1872843


>> No.1872979

>but links elegy statue just has regular eyes
What? Link's statue also has dimmed eyes compared to normal Link. There's no way this shit >>1871535 has regular eyes.

>> No.1873789

Looks as regular as the statue.

>> No.1874018

im so lonely

>> No.1874027

>They don't know the safer alternative ways to fight each boss

Come on, guys. It's slower, but they are safer ways to fight each boss. Sure you don't HAVE to use the elements, but considering the alternative strategy for each boss is sniping them with arrows at key points in their patterns...

>> No.1874032

Wasn't Forest Temple originally planned to be an explorable part of Hyrule Castle that got scrapped and reused?

>> No.1874039

Toon Link is that you

>> No.1874047

The three Mask Statues, while mostly being their original form, also all have a small element of their forms when Link wears the mask. For example, Darmani's statue there has the green loincloth thing

>> No.1874048

Nah brah it's Ben

>> No.1874094
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Why are you people still arguing about this? Except for Odolwa, using elemental arrows on bosses is a waste of magic and does little damage, in fact you can't even hit Gyorg with ice arrows.

>> No.1874123

They're published strategies in Strategy Guides. You don't hit Gyorg when it's underwater, you do it while it's jumping.

>> No.1874183
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hmm, I have never actually heard of this strategy. Usually what I do is snipe it with regular arrows from the platform while it's swimming around, and then slap on the Zora Mask and try and shock it while it's underwater, and then dolphin-jump back onto the platform before it can get me.

(as I recall this was what the MM Perfect Guide suggested doing)

I also suspect you can kill it with just the Zora form, by standing on the bottom of the pool and just hitting it with your boomerang fins and then shocking it, but I've never actually tested this.

>> No.1874196

>deliberately omitting relevant information that undermines his argument

>> No.1874243

got a source on that, I'd be curious to read about it

>> No.1874373

I never liked the translation of Fierce Deity.
I know they didn't want to call it Demon Mask because its too religious for NoA, but I am so sick of seeing stupid fan theory's about Fierce Deity that don't realize major part of the name s a pun on the Japanese name for the game of tag.

>> No.1874396

>can kill it with just the Zora form, by standing on the bottom of the pool and just hitting it with your boomerang fins and then shocking it, but I've never actually tested this.
This is what I do.
Stun with fins or electric barrier, walk up and mash B to damage it.
And use the barrier to kill the shoal of fish he sends after you.

In truth, I never knew you could beat him as normal link. Sniping with arrows sounds really tedious.

>> No.1874403





>> No.1874469

Correct. I just want the guy who was a douchebag about questioning the strategy with sincere curiosity to answer.

>> No.1874476

There is a strategy guide that says to shoot Gyorg with ice arrows?

>> No.1874521
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I should have been more clear; the arrows only stun him, but you need to turn into Zora link to actually do damage. Basically you hit him, and for the few precious seconds Gyorg is down, you hop into the water as a Zora and then zap him, then quickly swim back up and hop back onto the platform.