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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1859451 No.1859451 [Reply] [Original]

Its the middle of the week and the mail has arrived.
So what is this weeks haul /vr/?

The plastic sleeves are my own.

>> No.1859525

super gng too epic yo.

>> No.1859565

Congratulations you paid money for the worst possible version of Final Fight.

>> No.1859569

>Congratulations you paid money for the worst possible version of Final Fight.

That's false. Final Fight was ported to damn near everything, and you can do a whole lot worse than SNES.

>> No.1859596

All dust sleeve, manuals, registration cards, box inserts accounted for, Maps as well.

>> No.1859604
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>Boohoo I spent a whopping $10 on CIB Final Fight.

>> No.1859656

pfft, dude, that is my favorite version of FF1.
except the arcade, playing FFG is a small difference. the sega CD version has nice music though and an amazing voiced intro.

nothing beats freddie mercury beating up gangsters.

>> No.1859667
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>got ebay purchase today
>fuck yeah, robocop vs terminator
>open it up
>game gear version, not genesis
>picture and description clearly listed genesis

Oh boy, here we go

>> No.1859690

fucking retard sellers.

>> No.1859702

Ughh I feel that.

I ordered R Type 3 on Amazon and got a bootleg. I know I'll get my money back but now I have to convince the seller, then if that doesnt work go through amazon remediation. Pain in the ass really.

>> No.1859712

I'm convinved that Dark Souls was released to be the spiritual successor to Ghouls n' Ghosts. The only problem is that it was way easier than it's predecessors.

>> No.1859792

Always liked the US FFIII cover.

>> No.1859819

At least go with the Super Famicom version which has Poison and Roxy.

>> No.1859851
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Pretty decent haul today. All of them are in excellent condition, except for Super Metroid, which has a name written on the back and the disk is shaking. It still boots up instantly though.

>> No.1859860

>40 bucks for super metroid

>> No.1859865

That's not a bad price, it could go anywhere from $30 - $60 loose.

>> No.1859868

really? I have UK version rotting in a draw.

>> No.1859872

I wish this copy wasn't $40, considering the condition, but the shop was having a buy 2 get 1 free sale. So what the hell.

>> No.1859873

is that supposed to be don frye on final fight cover?

>> No.1859927


The only game store in my area that sells this stuff got replaced with another one, but their selection and prices were shit anyways. I haven't been to the one that replaced them yet though. I hate buying online for this type of stuff.

>> No.1859950

>it could go anywhere from $30 - $60 loose

fuck, I had to check e-bay because I didn't even believe you.. it was fucking half that price a year ago. goddamn jews

>> No.1859972

dude I got one last year for 20 dollars with a torn end label and I felt like I was ripped off.

>> No.1860049

technically not /vr/, but went to local game store (real cool place, been in business since the 80's when it started as a video rental place) to pick up a N64 controller and ended up getting a bunch of PS2 games,

THPS 3,4 THUG 1 &2, and THAW
Vice City, San Andreas
Shadow of Colossus
Jak 1, 2, & 3
Simpsons: Hit & Run
MGS 2, and MGS 3 Subsistence
Aggressive Inline

all for $93

I didn't realize how dirt cheap PS2 games are currently, now is the time to collect PS2 games. I love being a generation (or 2) behind on consoles.

>> No.1860356

No sweet pulls?

>> No.1860361
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>> No.1860371

Freddy Mercury looks badass on that Final Fight cover...

>> No.1860379
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Legend of the Mystical Ninja, Donkey Kong Country 2, Breath of Fire, Megaman X and a Super Gameboy for $106.

Shipping was $98

>> No.1860382


You had one job, anon

You have shamed Queen

>> No.1860420

Most recent things I picked up were MGS VR Missions and Medievil 1.

My brother found an unboxed copy for $5 at a local thrift shop last summer and it was in surprisingly good condition.

>> No.1860458

> technically not /vr/
Why even post then?

>> No.1860471
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this bunch for 23 total

>> No.1860475

>Shipping was $98

Where the hell do you live?

>> No.1860476

That is the worst thing about this place besides the generals. People who always says "I know it is not retro", then posts it anyway

>> No.1860481

He must be living in Greenland

>> No.1860489

I thought $20 was crazy expensive for Super Metroid during the Gamestop days.

>> No.1860529

Believe it or not, even after being forced to buy through ebay and pay out the nose for shipping, importing from the US is still somehow cheaper than buying locally.

For reference; I bought an NTSC N64 console + controller + cables, a 240-110 volt transformer and imported it all for less than what it'd cost to buy a N64 alone over here.

>> No.1860543
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>> No.1860624

I have more to add to this haul. I just got Metroid 2 and Code Veronica for the Dreamcast. It's been a good day

>> No.1860671
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Honestly jelly as fuck. Easily the best game in your pic.

>> No.1860718

Phone's dead so no pics, but I found tie fighter and xwing cd collection for $4 each.

On a side note I found a Sony amplifier completing my stereo system that I've been building from bits I found around goodwills for the past year. The entire system cost me maybe $40, when I'm sure years ago it would have been over $200.

>> No.1861435
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>CiB. Discs are in great condition (according to the listing, hard to see in the pic. but they looked fine) manual is in perfect condition, no damage.

The worst I see is the sticker on the front, easy to remove though. Got it for 40, couldn't find it cheaper anywhere. Good deal?

Not retro but I also got Gradius V on the PS2 (Completing my Gradius collection on consoles) and some game called Lunar Knights on the ds. Reminded me of boktai so whatever haha.

>> No.1862269
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You ever walk into a thrift store not expecting anything and suddenly there are 14 Ataris on the shelf?
I just did.

>> No.1862279

How many did you buy?

>> No.1862297

the hardest part of something like that would be the fact that if I bought some of them I'd have to turn them around or spend more money to set them up

>> No.1862339

You should grab the model marked "Video Arcade" instead of "Atari," it's a Sears "Heavy Sizer" model, as far as 2600 type systems go it's one of the only ones worth anything. They regularly sell for $50-$75, and it's just a cool piece regardless.

>> No.1862360

Even after it rained this morning, I was able to score all this today at a flea market. Paid $25 for the N64 bundle which has 3 consoles, 2 controllers, and a whole bag of games including Star Fox, OoT, 2 copies of RE2, SM64, etc.

Non-/vr/ pickup was a CIB PSP for $40. I've been looking for one for a while and it was in good shape so I had to get it.

>> No.1862367
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woops forgot the picture

>> No.1862624

How much is a Darth worth?

>> No.1862678
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Las week and this week combined. Just started a small retro collection. Carts only and a Trinitron from a pawn shop because I'm cheap as fuck. Next stop, Ikea for a cheap Expedit or whatever are named the new ones.

By the way, Super Famicom controller cords are short as hell. PAL SNES controllers have like twice as long cords.

So, modded console with SuperCIC on request, nice Trinitron TV with Scart RGB, 5 games, extra controler and cables for 135€ more or less.

>> No.1862692

Not much really. I couldn't get rid of my extra for 20 bucks. The only ones worth anything are the Heavies.

>> No.1862698
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sold a couple of my complete SNES games to fund them, I can't find great stuff like this in the wild.

>> No.1865603
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>> No.1865612

i don't the FF6 cover is much nicer with that amano artwork.

>> No.1865624

What's the point of spamming long plays in a thread about buying things?

>> No.1865630

i found a copy of that, disc only for 1 dollar a few weekends ago.

>> No.1865660

>look everyone I buy thing

>> No.1865663

We will see after tomorrow. I DID get 40 UMDs today for $20. (most of them are movies... why do I live.)

>> No.1865664

>look everyone I post thing

>> No.1866564
File: 745 KB, 4128x2322, feh_015525_000001_20140816_103327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit up my favorite Saturday flea market.

Everything was $70. Highlights were $5 Ristar, all 3 of those XB games (CiB) for $10 and Suikoden 3 for $5.

Also, Genny 3 was $10 with AC adapter (I already have an Model 1 and 2).

Not all /vr/, but meh.

Anyone use this weird PSX cheat thing before?

>> No.1866662

If it's anything like the gameshark of the time, you'll need a companion cd that it was sold with.

Holy fuck GnG's box art is terrible.

>> No.1866673

>you'll need a companion cd that it was sold with.

Google tells me there's no cd needed.

It even seems to indicate that it can be used to play backups/imports, but I already have a chipped PSOne for that.

Also, it turns out that my big PSX has the smallest serial port, so that sort of sucks.

>> No.1866771

Congrats being an idiot giving money to scumbag resellers.

>> No.1866782

I don't know where OP got those games from, but some people don't have any choice but to buy from eBay.

>> No.1867537
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All for 80 bucks, including shipping.
I should probably go buy a modchip now.

>> No.1867589
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These plus some laser discs for $50
awesome price considering i am Australian

>> No.1867606

Nice haul, but you have my condolences for your unfortunate living situation.

>> No.1867615

It's not so bad apart from the crazy video game prices

>> No.1867916

Did you like it? I expected my copy to be more expensive because it is a Lucas Arts game

>> No.1867918
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>> No.1867928

Finally got the piece I needed to fix my PS1 in the mail, though I haven't busted it out yet and put it in. Thinking of doing an "OH MY A PACKAGE" thread on /v/ tomorrow.

>> No.1869167

If memory serves you need a spring (or even just a matchstick if you play with the lid open) for the lid switch. You load up a valid disc, the ps reads it, then you can swap in your import/copy disc.

>> No.1869969

I got mine for 24 on ebay.

>> No.1870535
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I've wanted to make a post over the past month and now i have time so here we go.


>> No.1870567
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Gamecube Microphone 1$
Turtles in time + Sazuka 8 Hours +Castelvania + Super Double Dragon 20 USD
Ape Escape 10 Usd

>> No.1870575
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>dat Final Fight box
>Dat Haggar face

I had no idea Mike Haggar was such a beautiful piece of manly man.

>> No.1870603
File: 1.99 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CIB Battle Ship + CIB Thunder + CIB World Cup 5$ Each
Sillicon Valley 2.50$
Mario Party 2 12$
Sonic Spin 2.50$

>> No.1870625
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Second N64 with power ThrustMaster! and Regular Grey with Gameboy attachment for 10$
Rouge Squad ???
Pokemon Stadium 5$
Mario Duckhunt 5$
Mario duckhunt track meet 5$

Non /vr/
Crystal Chronicles 10$
ZatchBell! 3$