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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 36 KB, 220x312, bloodlines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1853928 No.1853928[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how come this game is only available on the genesis and not on virtual console or on some completion? It's the only castlevania I've never played and I don't want to emulate it on pc.

>> No.1853959 [DELETED] 

Just do it faggo!!

>> No.1853972


back to /v with you

>> No.1854134


Huh, now that you mention it the lack of a re-release is weird. Better hop on eBay then because prices are on the way up. It's an above-average Castlevania game so if you like them you'll have fun with it.

Or plan B: you could go ahead and invest in a flash cart.

>> No.1854283

So emulate it on the wii...

>> No.1854298

>and I don't want to emulate it on pc
Why not?

Regardless, despite the cult status, it's one of the weaker Castlevanias, quite below 1, 3, x64k and even 4. The game has a marvellous soundtrack and an interesting engine, but, unlike the better CVs, it's a very generic action game and not really a Castlevania. It's more like a CV clone in the vein of Rusty than a real CV game, although it does have adequate production values.

>> No.1854306



>> No.1854330

Original hardware is a truly terrible way to experience video games. They always run better in software if you have capable enough hardware and some skills to set up emulation properly.

>> No.1854352


>experiencing a game the way it was intended is a terrible way to experience it

Ya okay

>> No.1854357

It's like saying that Dark Souls was intended to slow down in Blighttown, and that slowdown must be preserved by all means (along with 720p) lest the experience is ruined.

>> No.1854478

Not him, but have you seen the slowdown issues with Mega Man 3 on the NES? If you configure it right, that shit's smooth as butter on an emulator. And it's always possible to improve on older and outdated technology.

>> No.1854986 [DELETED] 


come watch a guy play bloodlines here

>> No.1855056
File: 62 KB, 622x448, ahnold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had a chance to buy it for $20
>"Ill come back tomorrow"
>Marked up to $59.99

>> No.1855395

Just get a fucking genesis

>> No.1855413

>This game isn't that expensive
>This thread is crazy.

Oh wow it is. Pretty glad I bought this one last year.

>> No.1855416

I have a genesis, I don't have upwards of 80$ to spend on a genesis game.

I don't want to emulate it because I want to really own the game in some way, I find i'm less likely to complete stuff I emulate on pc for free, even having as a channel on my wii would be alot better than it just being another file in a rom dump for me.

I just really surprised there are actually no other options besides just buying it on genesis, it's not like there are some weird licensing issues or it's obscure or anything.

>> No.1855418

I just rechecked the price and holy shit. I apologize, anon.

Did the same thing. Feelsgood.

>> No.1855426

when /vr/ first started there was sealed copies in the cardboard case on ebay for 50 bucks. brand new sealed it sure has shot up

>> No.1855427

Also the same deal with Contra Hard Corps

>> No.1855465

>muh nostalgia!

>> No.1855851

Even though I got this game for fucking nothing years before hipsters mobbed the classic game scene and raped the prices sky high, I highly recommend getting a flash cart. Yeah, the cost is a bit of an OUCH, but you won't regret it. You can still buy games as you find them, but you'll not be deprived of playing anything on your Genesis simply because some faggot willingly paid $200 for some game, now everybody wants some of that cheddar.

>> No.1855862

Got Contra Hard Corps in box... No manual though... At a garage sale on Friday for $1.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

>> No.1855883

I know that feel all too well.

>> No.1855886
File: 19 KB, 300x309, red rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no nearby garage sales

>> No.1855904

What third world shithole doesn't have garage sales or swap meets?

>> No.1855921

>tfw Bloodlines is the only retro Castlevania game I don't own
I've spent hundreds of pounds on owning these Castlevania games, I've got The Next Generation but I need to get the uncensored version to complete my collection and the experience. But those fucking Ebay prices man. Cheaper than Vampire's Kiss and Symphony of the Night but christ, I really don't feel like blowing any more cash on these games.

>> No.1855928

Fucking Konami. Why did they hate Sega so bad? Bloodlines and Hard Corps are the best of their series, sure, but they are the ONLY of their series released on Genny, while SNES got everything.

>> No.1855929

I picked this up a while ago at a pawn shop, they had 4 stacks of 6-8 Genesis games each bundled up with cellophane for $5 per stack. Needless to say, I bought all of them except the sports stack. Only Castlevanias I don't own are 4, Dracula X, and Symphony of the Night. I like Bloodlines better than 1-2-3, though.

>> No.1855949

>Work at auction as a runner
>Castlevania Bloodlines CiB in lot with tons of other videogames
>Bid up to $25
>Puss out when someone bids more
>Feel regret and became depressed for a month for letting someone getting the lot for $26 that was probably worth $80+

>> No.1855980

Yeah, I have had a few experiences.
>At flea market on Sports Arena Blvd in SD
>God of War PSP with box marked at $20
>Go to buy it
>Guy in booth is vendor's friend. Says the vendor will be back in a few minutes. He is out to lunch
>Bitch, take my money
>no. Just wait.
>Go home
>Regret it.
GOD I am dumb... Not /vr/ but jesus, man.

>Go yardsaling every week with my GF
>After a few unsuccessful sales come to what looks like a meth house
>Decide to let the GF get out and I'll hang back. I was playing something on PSP. Just decided to keep playing instead of getting out
>GF comes to car window
>"there's a nintendo here!"
>Get out
>Rush over
>Some neck beard is already paying the seller for it
>Its a super Nintendo
>With like 20 or so games
>and a SHIT ton of controllers
>He hands them a $5 bill and leaves

FUCKKKK that was my fault.

>> No.1856241
File: 68 KB, 600x848, mw__dynamite_headdy_by_chaoz_jamez-d5eilqo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they really? they released Rocket Knight on there and quite a few games on the Saturn.

At least Treasure loved Sega consoles

>> No.1856243

It's because of Nintendo's strict policies in Japan at the time.

>> No.1856249

Didn't SNES get one of Castlevania (if we're not counting Dracula X) and one of Contra as well?

PC Engine got Rondo

>> No.1856252

I remember seeing this game in the bargain bin at toys r us 12-13 years ago. Dayum

>> No.1856270

Most Japanese third parties didn't care about the Mega Drive until they saw how well the console was doing in the states (thanks in part to the success of Sonic). Hell, Konami supported the PC Engine a bit earlier than the Mega Drive.

Konami's Mega Drive output always felt more catered towards western tastes than Japanese anyway. Hell, their first Genesis game, Sunset Riders, wasn't even released in Japan. Contrast with the PC Engine, which got all those shumps.

>> No.1858305

I'm happy with my Rocket Knight Adventures and Sparkster even if the latter had a SNES version

>> No.1858335

SNES Sparkster is a wholly different game from Genesis Sparkster.

>> No.1858341

>They always run better in software
What? How is a Genesis game going to "run better" in a PC emulator?

>> No.1858343

That is why I said version not port

>> No.1858551

are you serious?

>> No.1858590

It won't and it can't. Sprite-based games gain nothing over the original hardware from being played in an emulator unless you don't have a proper display to pair with the actual system and have to resort to video filters to use on "modern" displays.

>> No.1858897

> potential for higher frame rates, greater resolution, fixed slowdown, custom controls, glitch fixes, mods, built in cheat devices, savestates etc etc.

being a purist is silly for anything other than nostalgia, the devs tried to make their games look and run as good as possible, why wouldn't you play a superior version of the same product?

>> No.1858903 [DELETED] 

what the fuck is this, has /v/ found its way here or something

>> No.1858904

you could buy a reproduction cart if you want to play it but don't have the funds for an original

>> No.1858907

I've been on here since day 1, and on /v/ since 2005. Cry me a river. You are the one who seems to be new to /vr/, what with you thinking that it's some sort of nostalgia circlejerk or purism heaven. /vr/ is a board for experiencing pre-2000 games. It's only tangentially, by proxy at best, a place for nostalgia and retro fetishism.

Fully configurable hardware (over- or underclocking the CPU, increasing memory etc.). No slowdown if you don't want it. Benign romhacking (spindash in Sonic 1) if you're into that. Use any controller you want, including the controller you've made yourself. Use any type of display you could ever want. Benign filtering to simulate any type of display you don't have. Etc., etc., etc.

>> No.1858908

>reproduction cart
Back in my day we used different euphemisms for fakes. Or we just called them fakes.

>> No.1858910

>Bloodlines and Hard Corps are the best of their series, sure
You're delusional. Hard Corps is a great game, though far from being the best Contra, if only for how chaotic it is, while Bloodlines isn't even good, let alone the best game in one of the best action series.

>> No.1858912

Bootlegs. It's called bootlegs.

>> No.1858913

emulators can't magically make the frame rate better an exception might be playing starfox on zsnes but that fucks it up in other ways.

emulation shits up sound and graphics

>> No.1858914

>emulators can't magically make the frame rate better
They absolutely can and do, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.1858915

I think hard corps is better than the other contra's especially contra 3 that shit sucks in comparison

>> No.1858916

Coming from the music scene, I always made a distinction. So no, I called them fakes and everyone knew what I was talking about.

>> No.1858917

>emulators can't magically make the frame rate better
Yes and no. If a game is meant to run at 20 or 30 fps, it's still going to run at that framerate on an emulator because that's how its designed. HOWEVER, many games experience slow down during intense parts of gameplay with many sprites on screen and stuff like that. That will not happen on an emulator

>> No.1858920

How common are reproduction carts? Do they look like originals?

I wouldn't have a problem playing a bootleg copy, but I'm afraid of someone selling a bootleg on ebay and claiming its original and selling it for the price of an original

>> No.1858923

Maybe you think so, but Contra and Contra 3 are much better designed and paced games. Hard Corps is very impressive technically and aesthetically, it has great controls and physics in general, it's insanely varied, but pacing and difficulty curve in it is quite broken, thus bringing the whole experience as an action game down. As you know, the original version is almost impossible to lose at, while the Western hack, for lack of a better word, has the opposite problem. And if there wasn't that, Hard Corps would still be too chaotic compared to the meticulously paced previous games. It's like the later levels of Super C, cool on many levels, but quite a hackjob in its level design, which is paramount in an action game.

>> No.1858927

Maybe you called guitars "strumboats" too, what bearing would that have on actual reality of things? Who cares what you were calling them. Illegal reproductions of media have a name.

>> No.1858930

not very common they are usually marked as repro on online stores but I wouldn't be surprised if some retro store was flashing eeproms and selling them to suckers

>> No.1858936

Is there a specific site that sells them?

>> No.1858941


>> No.1858943 [DELETED] 

That's a very American way of using the English language: substituting existing, well-established words for simplistic stand-ins. It's what happens when you don't read a lot of books, I guess.

>> No.1858947

>american strawman
Oh boy, here we go. Not even that guy but fuck off.

>> No.1858958
File: 26 KB, 400x562, 1381834650682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> using zsnes

>> No.1858960

your gonna have to search around the site I used once to get pulseman seems to have stopped

>> No.1858964


This is what I'm calling guitars from now on

>> No.1858968

>he doesn't capitalize after colons
counerfet, then

or forgery si'l vu preferee'

>> No.1859034

Who the fuck capitalizes after colons?

>> No.1859048

This isn't fun any more. My fault, too subtle.

>> No.1859067

In what way is it more like a Castlevania clone?

It has as much in common with the original NES game in terms of tone and level design as any of the other games you mentioned or Rondo of Blood. I understand if you don't like it as much, but calling it "generic" is a bit questionable.

>> No.1859158

>one the first games I ever played on the MD(Rocket Knight Adventures + Castlevania with no game boxes but manuals with Mega Drive II)
>pretty good
>years later emulate on the pc
>still having fun as hell
>emulate it last year on psp
>still pretty good and having fun
>read guys "emulation sucks"
But MD/Genesis emulation is good. I still have the original copy and I just play once in awhile but is much better having on the psp since I can play everywhere at any time. I do get the feeling of having the originals, the game boxes, the manuals which were good at the time compared with the shit health/controller papers called manuals we get today, as playing in the original system and controllers. But that's a collector's "bullshit", if you just want to play or try a game emulation is a good choice.

>> No.1860495

Yeah it will

>> No.1861525

no it won't literally nobody agrees with you emulators are inaccurate and sprites look shit on LCD anyway.
also there is no emulator that is able to do megadrive music properly they make it sound like farts

>> No.1861536

I've yet to find an emulator that sounds more awful than certain revisions of actual Genesis hardware do in comparison to the original model. I'd take emulation over listening to most Genesis 2 models all day every day.

>> No.1861540
File: 124 KB, 600x502, what is this faggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to play it in a transparent, open-source and actively developed emulator with my choice of controller and display
>but I'll play it on whatever closed-source, anonymously developed emulator Nintendo packages with their for-cost bundle on a decade-old walled-garden system and whatever arbitrary controllers and displays it supports

You have a problem with authority.

>> No.1861542

>Much authenticity
You'd sure better not be playing 50Hz PAL shit and talking that talk. You don't sound Japanese...

>> No.1861562
File: 1.42 MB, 3104x1746, 959a9e1d-87c8-417d-be11-f1509b78b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1861563

Next thing you're gonna tell him to install gentoo. Get to /g/, dumbass.