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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1851418 No.1851418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>In B4 Turtles in Time or TMNT this and that

GI Joe The Arcade Game. Super pumped

>> No.1851432
File: 26 KB, 759x489, famicom_tfs1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personal favourite no one mentions: Bucky O'hare (Arcade). Great voice acting, great game

Worst: Transformers Mystery of Convoy

Even the box art spelled it wrong.

>> No.1851437
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>> No.1851441

That's a classic

>> No.1851443

Micro Machines for NES

>> No.1851485

>make a thread soliciting opinions
>"inb4 someone suggests a popular opinion that i disagree with and want to ignore!"
it is the tmnt games though you total autist

>> No.1851492

Technically TMNT was a comic before it was a toy line and cartoon, unlike GI Joe which was a toy line before (I believe Transformers and Micro Machines also fall into that), but then again, who cares right?

>> No.1851498

>spelled it wrong
...and have the wrong character in the illustration as well.

Best video game based on a toy line is probably Ultimate M.U.S.C.L.E or Monster in my Pocket.

>> No.1851502

So I guess I can't put my fav the SNES Power Rangers game then? Since it was a show, which was based on a Japanese show, which was a homage to an American comic (Complex)

>> No.1851503

Indie comic artists like Eastman & Laird don't know shit about making money.

>> No.1851504

Muh nigga.

Ultimate Muscle Legends vs New Generation for the Cube was off the hook, and talk about /toy/ it even had a toy gallery with all 560 figures.

>> No.1851505

your autism is showing

>> No.1851508

Imagine if they gave Ultra Magnus in that Transformers game a life bar, like even 2-3 hits. It would have changed the whole game. Such a shame really.

Funny video too.

>> No.1851509

It's funny that being correct and factual = autism, for you. I guess that's how to argue anything in life huh?

>> No.1851538

Barbie for NES

Only because it was the first game I ever rented that I beat the same day I brought it home from the video store.

>> No.1851553

>uh technically here's some obscure shit nobody cares about that makes me right
>the toys never happened because some comics that nobody remembers happened before that

every kid in america had a ninja turtle action figure
if not for the toy line the games (and the movies, tv show, and shitty fruit pies) would not have been made

you would still have aspergers though

>> No.1851559

I didn't know we let the angry /r9k/ /v/irgins here.

>> No.1851569

>In B4 Turtles in Time or TMNT this and that
I'm hiding your shitty fucking thread

>> No.1851576

>the toys never happened because some comics that nobody remembers happened before that

Considering it is the comics that jump started the craze, saying no one remembers them is a giant leap in common sense, because if no one read them, they would not get reprinted at all

>> No.1851591


>> No.1851913

What no Zoids in this joint!?

>> No.1852260


>> No.1852468

What about /vr/ that came with toys?

I know a few DS ones that did but is DS /vr/ at this point?

>> No.1852557


TMNT wasn't based on a toy line, it was based on a comic book series (that was EXTREMELY different from that California surfer-dude watered-down crappy cartoon). If you did some research before hurling insults, you would know this.

You took my answer, OP. I fed that game many quarters/tokens.

Honorary runner-up, I suppose: I'm going to go off the beaten path a bit and say the two D&D arcade games. They were based tabletop RPGs/miniatures, and they are both two of the finest beat 'em up games ever made.

>> No.1852571
File: 676 KB, 1352x2979, boards.4chan.org screen capture 2012-8-30-15-7-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just yet, anon.

To put it in perspective, the last major game release for the DS was in 2011.

>> No.1852572

>TMNT wasn't based on a toy line, it was based on a comic book series (that was EXTREMELY different from that California surfer-dude watered-down crappy cartoon). If you did some research before hurling insults, you would know this.
It wasn't THAT different. Four turtles, mutagen, Hamato Yoshi, Master Splinter, Oroku Saki. Fuck, even Krang was based on the Utroms, and he's way cooler than those faggots.

And before you pull any other bullshit, over half the villains and random shit in the toyline and cartoon--including Bebop and Rocksteady--were based on concepts Eastman and Laird made. When Playmates got the license, they asked if they had an ideas, and they just started making a shitload of them.

>> No.1852595
File: 2.19 MB, 1437x4905, SATURN - look at all them video games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All your going to get is "Turtles Turtles Turtle" from some sad tweenagers who flock to every board when a toy/comic movie is made, OP.

For the sake of your own sanity, let it go. Every season must pass eventually, even summer.

>> No.1852612
File: 594 KB, 3000x2003, 1342376521823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to post pages from the comics, because this is not /co/, but seriously? The difference in tone is nearly night and day. The original would be called "edgy" by you guys.

Just look it up, or grab the books (I'm sure they are flooding the Internet because of the movie).

>> No.1852619

I totally forgot about D&D. Capcom did a fine job

>> No.1852621
File: 37 KB, 350x302, Dungeons_&_Dragons_Collection_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, OP. I forgot my pic.

>> No.1852623

Haha guess not. Which is crazy to think I bought my DS back in 2004 (nearly 10 years ago)

>> No.1853320

Geez, DS is really 10 years old? I'm an old fag now

>> No.1853504
File: 94 KB, 399x266, StoneProtectorsSNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played it all the time with my brother. It was trolls for girls while trying to jump on the ninja turtle hype

>> No.1853728
File: 379 KB, 568x1024, Olsen twins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ha! I remember those. They were the "edgy" version of the Treasure Trolls.

>> No.1853743

Dreamcast still has games released to this day. One came out earlier this year.

>> No.1853796

Same with Nintendo if your going along that same frame of Dreamcast thought.

>> No.1853802

it would still need some changing, the fucking decepticons logo as a boss? give me a break hahaha

>> No.1853863

According to the other videos it looks like 50% of the bosses are not known characters.

>> No.1853874
File: 50 KB, 373x266, SpawnBoxShotSNES[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you, Todd.

>> No.1854052

Was that any good?

>> No.1854217
File: 7 KB, 275x183, johnconnor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not my mother, Todd.

>> No.1854668

"How's Woofy"

>> No.1854892

Wasn't this a comic before anything else?

>> No.1854894

Bucky O'Hare was a comic book first

>> No.1854982

>major game releases

>> No.1856275
File: 117 KB, 768x354, 1366958363417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know full well that those are homebrew games, anon.