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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1852257 No.1852257[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Share your stories of terrible plays and such in retro games. I'll start with a couple.

>Fallout 1
>First time playing in a while, make a fast sharpshooter with low END and STR.
>First encounter with a rat, I miss both my shots with the 10mm.
>The rat criticals me and knocks me down, taking off half of my HP.
>Get back up and miss again, die from ratbites and placed back at character creation.

>Manage to make it to the radscorpion caves this time with the same character.
>Have Ian as a recruit because I don't want a repeat of last time.
>First radscorpion, I fire at and hit a couple of times for minimal damage.
>Ian shoots, hits me in the back, criticals, and kills me in one shot.

Also, recently at a new retro videogame shop that opened up.
>A few TVs are set up with various games, one of which is Super Mario 3.
>Decide to blow through world 1 ASAP, so start off running on 1-1.
>Hit the first question block, fall right in front of a goomba and die.
>Dying sound echos throughout the quiet shop.

>> No.1852268

>Deus Ex
>part where you're infiltrating some place trying to scuttle the ship
>jump off a ledge, hit f5
>giant fan below instantly kills me
>load save
>giant fan instantly kills me
>load save
>giant fan instantly kills me
>had only been using auto save for a huge portion of the game
>stopped playing

>> No.1852270

>showing off Doom 2 to a friend of mine who's never played Doom
>make it to Map eight, Tricks and Traps
>get through the entire map piss easy, impressing friend
>go to SR50 through the walkway to the exit door
>fall off, can't get back out of the water, have to restart the level
>exit GZDoom and never speak of it again

>> No.1852495

>emulating OoT
>get curious and use the built-in cheats to get the red tunic early
>many hours later, reach the point in the story where you actually receive the tunic
>game logic glitches out
>goron won't let me pass until I receive tunic
>other goron won't give me tunic because I already have it
>would have to almost completely restart the game
>stop playing
still never completed it to this day :(

>> No.1852517

Not my bad luck, but a friend of mine got a base invasion in the second week on X-COM during his first playthrough. He shot down a scout, got hit with a retaliation mission, then BAM, snakemen in the base.

I, on the other hand, have never actually seen a base invasion in the entire time I've been playing, which has been the last six years or so.

>> No.1852583

None of those have anything to do with luck, they're purely player error.

>> No.1852624

>Emulate Final Fantasy VI
Year 2004, 20 years old
>First time playing it, I pretty much didn't grind at all
>Reach final boss battle against Kefka
>Realize I am underleveled
>Tell myself, well, one of these days I am going to dedicate some time to grinding in order to finally beat this game.
>Go to Europe for 3 months in the northern hemisphere winter to work in a ski resort
>Return to Argentina
>Big brother tells me: The pc somehow got filled with viruses and everything got deleted since you left.
>I have never beaten Final Fantasy VI
>Now I am 30 and no longer like console style jrpgs

>> No.1852654

Fucking Tricks and traps man. So fucking bullshit

>> No.1853007

>start up final fantasy mystic quest
>first enemy in the game gets a crit and kills me
This happened about 20 times in a row.

Could have just made another code to remove the tunic from your inventory.

>> No.1853038
File: 58 KB, 467x528, jack shephard crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like 8 years old
>playing SMB3 on NES
>been playing for a while now, finally got to the last world
>never gotten this far before
>so close to completing the game for the first time
>power goes out

>> No.1853891

It's bad luck if you do something perfectly most of the time and fuck up when it actually matters. For Doomguy, I'm sure he can beat everything no problem most of the time, but the one time he was showing it to someone, he made a stupid error and looked silly.

>> No.1853902

I love that shit in old RPGs. The first time that happened to me, it was a CR1/2 Orc in D&D (Thankfully in tabletop, the DM can be merciful and not have you reroll a character 5 minutes into the game), and when I started playing videogame RPGs, every once in a while it would happen there too.

>> No.1853924
File: 1.62 MB, 350x190, 1381263556652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surrounded by Chryssalids
>five soldiers ready to shoot, lowest odd is 82%
>chryssalids rape my best soldier

I hate this game

>> No.1853935

Thankfully in old X-COM that shit is incredibly rare due to the number of shots your soldiers get. The new one is unplayable because you at most get six shots a turn, subjecting you to greater RNG.

>> No.1853943

>Killed Mewtwo
>Saved it

>> No.1853948

>The new one is unplayable because you at most get six shots a turn
Someone can't choose the soldiers abilities right.

>> No.1853957

>Playing Link to the Past last summer before college
>Get to the last temple, then have to move to college
>Move in to college, put game in system
>No save files
>Still haven't beat that game

>> No.1853989

Well that's alright Anon, just use your last sav-


>> No.1853997

There are no abilities at start, which is the only time the game is actually difficult. Once you actually have something that's not rookies, the difficulty goes downhill, though not to the point where you get Psi in the original.

>> No.1854368

That's NOT luck, anon. That's a mistake. A fault. User error.

>> No.1854472
File: 929 KB, 264x320, externalscreaming.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me at local game shop
>have mastered star fox 64
>the day before, finished medalling all levels on expert
>they have star fox 64
>decide to show off skillz.
>i can usually get 170ish by the time boss is killed
>falco dies because stupid lock on.
>easy route
>still barely medal

>asteroid belt
>kay. i can do this... i won't medal because no falco, but at least i can do a good run
>miss warp

i seriously don't get it. then i went home and did a complete medal run on expert on the hard route. playing in front of people is just suffering.

>> No.1854506

That's NOT BAD LUCK. If you don't fucking know what luck is, don't come here!

>> No.1854508
File: 39 KB, 447x326, he doesnt realize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't realize that human players are just advanced carbon bots with a pre-programmed fuck-up algorithm that pairs randomization with a progressively lower but always nonzero rate of fuck-ups

>> No.1854539

i think it's fun to also talk about those times where you're just DOWN ON YOUR LUCK and do a bad run when you really should do well.

it's totally fine bro. threads can be open to things that are along the same lines of the OP.

>> No.1854952
File: 1004 KB, 217x156, llama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play monopoly
>Roll snake eyes nearly every time
>When not snake eyes, land on either the blue or green properties different CPUs have monopolies on.
>mfw hotel

>> No.1855020

>snake eyes
Nigger, that's free turns and extra properties to buy.

>> No.1855030

> Thread title is Bad Luck in Retro Videogames
>Opens with "Share your stories of terrible plays and such in retro games."
> tells two stories of bad RNG
> then tells one of user error

Pretty sure OP wanted to hear both kinds of stories

>> No.1855054

That was my intent, yes, but I just couldn't fit it all in the subject.

>> No.1855069
File: 126 KB, 604x454, 1389067081094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some good luck?

>FFT, fighting Gafgarion at the castle gate.
>Manage to climb up the side of the castle trying to put some distance between me and him.
>He's wrecking me with his night sword, I can't actually beat him one on one since I need to heal each hit and can't buff myself.
>Decide to just attack him and hope for the best.
>Knock him off the wall with a critical and he falls to his death.

I believe I got stuck on the Impure King right after him though.

>> No.1855131

Then, jail.

>> No.1855143

Which is also a good thing.

>> No.1855153

Jail is inherently a good thing in Monopoly. You can still collect rent in jail, the only issue is you can't move. Except that isn't an issue late game where landing on any property orange and above will almost surely take half or more of your funds.

>> No.1855160

>Trying to do a 1cc run on Castlevana IV
>always lose at least a few lives on level 3 and get a game over during the last stages
>if I manage to go through the entire game without losing a life, I always lose them all in stupid ways in stages A and B before Dracula
>furthest I made it was Death

I've been trying this for weeks now, and although I did get a bit better and memorized the levels, I still find myself losing a ridiculous amount of lives on Stages A and B, always falling off pits or other equally stupid deaths. It's usually the "get touched by an enemy and automatically jump back" mechanic which makes me lose most of the times.

>> No.1855518

It depends on the state of the board. Early game, when there is still property to be had you want to buy your way out of jail immediately, and keep grabbing assets. This doesn't change until people have property than can cost you more than $200 to land on. At which point, you want to stay in jail as long as you can as often as you can to keep your losses minimal. $50 buys you up to three turns of not worrying about hotels.

>> No.1856690
File: 1.29 MB, 300x217, 1395723033816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ian always fucking burst fires me in the back, no matter what. Good thing I only play tanky juggernaut characters, so I can shrug it off.

>> No.1857434

I never even bother with NPC helpers, I'm usually powerful enough that I don't need help killing things and NPCs can't soak damage like I can via drugs/perks/combat armor. I think they would be better if they were directly controllable like in Fallout Tactics, but that really wouldn't fit the game.

>> No.1857492

>Final Fight on SNES
>Almost killed final boss before game over
>Getting really sick of Final Fight at this point
>Try again
>Make it to the last level and die
>No problem I got two continues left
>I think I can final beat it this time
>Game freezes

>> No.1857826

Same here. In Fallout 2, everyone stayed where I found them.

>> No.1857840

I once had trouble beating the damn big dragon boss from Zoda's Revenge, so for some reason I played my file on "review mode" the next time I tried. I managed to clear that boss only for the game to sent back to the title screen. I did not know that is what the review mode did. I cried, legit rage cried, after finally being able to clear that damn fucking boss, I do it in a mode that was only practice.

>> No.1857881

Uhh... sauce on that gif? It's really interesting. Reverse image search only brings up more 4chan threads.

>> No.1858315
File: 11 KB, 467x207, Screenshot 2014-08-12 21.43.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Fallout and bad luck:

>Playing through Fallout 1 to get enough screenshots to post on /vr/ from start to finish.
>Play through the entire game up until the two endgame areas, have roughly ~100 screenshots to sort through and cull a large chunk of them.
>Setting the timer in the base causes the game to crash.
>Reinstalling F1 with the 1.2 patch causes the same issue.

Oh well, I guess I'll bother with it again eventually.

>> No.1858361

Shoot the fan you stupid prick.judg

>> No.1858387

>playing baldurs gate.
>just started, like level 2.

>suddenly a mature green dragon appears.

Fuck you rng

>> No.1858636

>first page on reverse image search
>This is from a Hungarian movie called "The misery of man" its about humanity, its creation and all that history of man stuff. Apparently getting this movie is a huge pain in the ass.

>> No.1858639

update: http://pastebin.com/rFvmtngH

>> No.1858675
File: 238 KB, 782x814, MM10-MegaMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any fucking Mega Man game
>Die right as you kill a boss
>You used all of the weapon it's weak to

Well, I thank you very much. Seriously, though, all I got in my searches were other 4chan threads and a few blogs, but I couldn't find a reference to the source. The trailer is fucking trippy.

>> No.1859018 [DELETED] 

>Playing FFTA
>Fall for one of those bullshit missions that start as soon as you enter a newly placed area
>Haven't saved since last mission which was boss
>Enemies are AI Bangaas that are level 30 while I'm in early 20s
>Doing okay, two guys left
>Get raped
>Marche left, low HP
>It's okay I can heal
>Gets berserked
>Fuck this
>Watch as berserked Marche wrecks they're shit and they keep mission

>> No.1859025

Jesus christ what happened to my last sentence
>Watch as berserk Marche wrecks their shit and they keep missing

>> No.1860628

bipdy bump

>> No.1860659

> Jumping while going to next screen, because it's cool

>> No.1860778
File: 17 KB, 240x240, 1374199926456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pokemon TCG on Game Boy Color
>match is really even, both down to last prize
>opponent is rocking the paralyze effect, I've gone through every full heal already
>he paralyzes my pokemon, one more hit and he wins the match
>I draw
>MOTHERFUCKING IMAKUNI? (why did I even put this card in my deck)
>wait, I can only have one status ailment at a time right
>play Imakuni?
>Pokemon is now confused instead of paralyzed, which is a step up
>attack, hit heads on coin flip
>my fucking face

>> No.1861187 [DELETED] 

If I could modify the game to work better for an arcade... I would go with something like Everquest or Asheron's Call. The implications of putting a game like that into an arcade at that point in time would be amazing, particularly if you put something to aid the social aspect of it.

>> No.1861232


Why'd my post get deleted? Off topic?

>> No.1861248

GBA isn't retro.

>> No.1861261 [DELETED] 

Are you fucking kidding? It was release 13 years ago, and they stopped making games 7 years ago, but it's not retro because it had more than 8 colours?

Fuck this shitty board. Bunch of hipster dickheads thinking it's only retro if it was made before they were born.

>> No.1861268

read the sticky fagtron

>> No.1861273

Wow calm down homie.

>> No.1861294

why? OoT is like a twenty hour game at most

>> No.1861302

But you should never enter a Terror mission with Rookies, the first one is hardcoded 3 months in by which time you should have upgraded troops, chitin armor to prevent one-shots, and if you're in a good spot, Beam weapons.

>> No.1861420
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, 2013-07-16_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Equipment is less important than training and six man squads. I'd rank importance as Squad Size > Training > Weapons > Armor, as large numbers contribute to the overall firepower of a squad through additional attacks, higher training grants you access to important abilities such as supression and rockets, along with increasing your accuracy with weapons, and weapons of course increase your squad's lethality. Dead stuff doesn't shoot back, and though armor is important at preserving your men, having additional men on the ground does a better job at making you succeed (Though armor is great for keeping your higher ranked soldiers alive).

Compared to the original, the tiny squad size really hurts your ability to soak up bad luck or take risks. Having a few guys go down in X-COM isn't that big of deal because you still have plenty of soldiers behind them to finish the job, but in EU even losing one guy early on a mission drastically reduces your chance of success by greatly reducing your offensive power and utility options.

I'd rather them have went with a larger squad to allow for some expandability than a tiny one that's susceptable to missing four 95% chances to hit and suffering all sorts of retaliation. In X-COM, if you play well, you'll take a few losses here and there, but you'll never have everything completely unravel on you, while in EU even perfectly planning can come apart based on the RNG.

>> No.1863319

>fuck you rng

>> No.1865813

>Doesn't understand the flexibility of language

If you don't fucking know the subtleties English, don't speak it!

>> No.1865817

>Find a Like-Like (man eating vagina volcanoes)
>Get ate
>Lose Red Tunic
>Problem solved.
There's a reason you can buy them at stores.

>> No.1866537

I, the almighty anon, hereby grant you permission to use the warp whistles.

It's what they're for.

>> No.1866542

I thought you couldn't get a medal if any of your buddies die, right?