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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1851015 No.1851015[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about shit that translators of japanese games do in order to appeal to murricans. Let's also talk about the differences in plot of games and censorship imposed by these idiots. Extra points if you live in Australia and/or speak japanese.

>> No.1851020


>> No.1851026
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i dont care who with which nationality came up with that but that was very unnecessary.

>> No.1851054
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>mfw Secret of Mana was fully translated in 30 days and tons of dialogue and text was cut

>> No.1851056
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>> No.1851107

>he doesn't like localization

>> No.1851143
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>Sister Sonic

>> No.1851156


>> No.1851161

I do believe that is a magic knight rayearth game released for saturn and possibly ps1

>> No.1851164


>> No.1851167
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>> No.1851201

>Likes when they change plot due to "gud bruss amurrico" faggots and cultural ignorance of ameridiots

>> No.1851204

So much butthurt over Americans.

Get fucked, Aussies.

>> No.1851212
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>> No.1851213

stop whining, murricans. i'm frome germany and we had that faggot claude m moyse who translated many old snes/gameboy games, especially rpgs. unfortunately he always brought in his own strange sense of humor and when playing secret of mana, illusion of gaia or zelda link's awakening i can't take any of the dialogue serious because that bastard just ruined everything and made it look ridiculous

>> No.1851217

Mensch Jens, schreib doch mal leserlich bitte.

>> No.1851218

I don't know what his strange sense of humor is like sense I am an American, but i'm sorry for your tainted experiences.

>> No.1851224

Tut mir Leid Hans, habe schon ein wenig intus

>> No.1851232

Does shit like this actually belong on /vr/?

>> No.1851251

Do you want an example?
You know those enemies from Link's Awakening that look a bit like a dick? Well I don't really think they look likes dicks but he apparently did, because he made some of them (when magic powder is used on them) say something like "Never without condoms!" or "Give me your juice, I'll give you mine"

>> No.1851258 [DELETED] 

>literally no butthurt from anybody
>except from obsessed yuropoors
Enjoy your 50hz mohammed, you son of a submariner


>> No.1851267

Retro games were often really butchered when being localised.
It happens today with some modern games, but it was always happening in retroland.

Though, about the only real modern version I can think of is Phoenix Wright.

>> No.1851268

>literally no butthurt from anybody
>except from obsessed yuropoors
Enjoy your 50hz mohammed, you son of a submariner


>> No.1851274
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Why wouldn't it?

>> No.1851313
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I still wonder to this day who the hell Konami of America hired to write the backstories and character names for their NES games and ask him what kind of drugs he was taking.

>> No.1851334

Because yuropoors v.s. murrifats belongs on /int/ or /b/

>> No.1851352

Of course not, why would /vr/ talk about the text of old games? lol nerds

>> No.1851472
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>there are people on /vr/ who aren't learning moon so they don't have to deal with this

>> No.1851491
File: 2.91 MB, 200x150, SunVul.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Japanese is piss easy to understand in context after watching a shitload of toku
I'd like to thank Sun Vulcan for helping me on importing a shitload of nip titles and beating them.

>> No.1851557
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>there are people on /vr/ who wish to learn anything but English
Git off muh board ya damn unpatriotic, commie-nazi-jihad scum.

>> No.1851597

I am on my way. But shit is annoying at times. Mostly because you can't just google shit, you need to seavh manually for every fucking kanji.

>> No.1851650

Google translate's character scanner does wonders for Android.

>> No.1851656

so that's why naming yourself MOYSE in the German Link's Awakening activates an alternate version of Totaka's Song.

This guy reminds me of that guy who translated The Flintstones into Hungarian(?) and made every line part of a rhyme.

>> No.1851662

Konami US didn't take anything seriously back then. They purposely did joke translations of everything that went into the manuals and boxes. Simon Del Monte and Grant DaNasty should be clear evidence of this.

>> No.1851669

I'm learning moon myself, and I watch toku, but I seriously doubt that you learned to handle moon just from watching 1+2=.

>> No.1851673

is there anything that lets you draw a kanji and then looks it up for you on android? I'd do it on computer if I had a graphics tablet.

>> No.1851752
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Well, obviously that's my point. I just wonder what was the rationale for it. Did they seriously think Metal Gear would sell more if they called the bad guy "Vermon CaTaffy" or something?

>> No.1851764

>Let's also talk about the differences in plot of games and censorship imposed by these idiots
What's funny is that this has reversed over the years, with games like GTA being heavily censored in Japan.

>> No.1851798
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>Snatcher on Sega CD
>Several changes were made to conform with the different censorship standards outside Japan, mainly due to sexual content: Katrina's age was changed from 14 in the Japanese version to 18 in the English version — due to a nude shower scene she has in the game — and the exposed breast of a dead Snatcher was covered up.[4] A scene featured in the PC Engine CD, which depicts a dying dog twitching with its internal organs exposed was redone so the dog is no longer twitching.

>Deus Ex: Human Revolution
>The Japanese release of the game has been given a CERO Z rating, but it had one cutscene edited because it showed a man's exposed internal organs and a sexual object.[24][25]

>> No.1851821

>skipping the various instances where blood is removed/turned black and beheadings/hand mutilation is removed

>> No.1851845
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>> No.1851858

I just pulled it off of Wikipedia but did they really do that? I guess Japan wasn't augmented enough to handle intense Typhoon action.

Speak of the devil >>1851636

>> No.1852071

I swear PW's butchering is completely tongue in cheek though. It's like the translators did it intentionally.

>> No.1852095

They kind of had to do that, since practically every character's name is a pun in some way. Many of those puns won't be understandable at all in English.

>> No.1852202

they just didnt play the game

>> No.1852209

They go and change the words from glorious Japanese language to shitty English.

Totally butchers the sugoi-ness of the original (sugoi means awesome btw, for you baka gaijin tachi).

>> No.1852236

Shows what you know, gook. It's "o-baka-chan-tachi".

>> No.1852276

>changing a plot involving japanese customs
>changing backgrounds involving japanese objects
>cases that shout "WE ARE FUCKING JAPANESE"

This is why I am replaying it in moonspeak

>> No.1852282


>> No.1852303

Difficulty for some games are dumbed down (read : rebalanced for journalist) for western release.
In FFT, most boss have ridiculous lower stat than in Japanese counterpart, especially in Wiegraf 3/ Velius battle.

>meh, those westerners were more stupid than us the Nipponese in term of gaming, mayhaps should we go easier for them, that may more sales to come...

Judging by how many people complained because they didn't make separate save for Riovanes and stuck there, how many people will cry if Wiegraf 3 is in his Japanese stat ?

Quick google search

>how do I beat Wiegraf inside Riovanes
>Completely stuck at Riovanes
>How the fuck are you supposed to beat Wiegraf
>Need Help. Can't beat Wiegraf 1 vs 1
>Okay, I'm stuck on main save in a fight against Wiegraf

>> No.1852350


This must be one of the most overused jokes from Chris rock.

>> No.1852370

I want /jp/ to leave