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1847524 No.1847524 [Reply] [Original]

I started this game a few days ago.

>Fuggen Terror Mission
>Select first guy in power armor, move him out of the skyranger
>shit shit get everyone out
>And that's when, one at a time, eight guys in power armor were mowed down in the first turn by I don't know what

Does this happen often?
What are some of your strategies?
Also should I invest in fuckloads of HE ammo?

Regardless, didn't see a thread about this fuckawesome game in the catalog.

>> No.1847527


>> No.1847530

Can happen pretty often and is annoying as hell.

>> No.1847535

What do you already have researched?
What kinds of weapons are available to you?

>> No.1847548

Lasers, Plasma guns, the launcher, stun bombs, mind probes

>> No.1847558

How many months in are you in the game, this is important.Also what kinds of aliens have you encountered.

>> No.1847567

26th Sep, 1999, so 9 months. Sectoids, cyberdiscs, snakemen, and the fucking monstrosities that are chryssalids.

>> No.1847581

Ok well get ready to face ethreals they are up next, also i hope you are close to researching how to make UFO type aircraft.

>> No.1847754

The first thing I do every mission is chuck a smoke grenade down the ramp of the plane. Standing in smoke blocks vision down to a minimum of 4 tiles away. You also might want to just wait for the first turn, because the aliens have full TU meaning reaction fire everywhere.

>> No.1847795
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ok guys i really need some advice on how to git gud on xcom

I'm stoked to play it, I can see the huge potential of fucking amazing gaming moments I could have with this fucker but for the life of me I cannot win a single fight.
I don't wanna keep banging my head on the wall and get bored of XCOM, so help a bro out?

>> No.1847806

What's getting you killed?

>> No.1847845

To put it mildly, aliens are fucking my noobs in their proverbial assholes. Who literally can't shoot to save their lives.
Also the up/down floor system - fuck, the whole UI feels like it's there to complicate things further.

>> No.1847852

>should I invest in fuckloads of HE ammo?
Yes. If you think there might be an alien in a building or behind a fence or something, don't take a chance looking. Just blow it up. HE rockets and high explosives packs are your friends. If you don't think there's an alien there, blow it up anyway. That's my strat.

>> No.1847870

It's a good idea to look at stats of noobs and name them appropriately. Other noobs are scouts/meat shields. Auto fire is your best firing option unless your dudeman has really good accuracy. Don't move out of the skyranger on your first turn. Aliums have full time units on the first turn so can reaction fire. Use smoke grenades on the first turn to cover the skyranger (exit and inside). Once the psy attacks start get ready for a firm buttfucking if you have not researched the psylab. You said you already have plasma so heavy plasma > all other weapons. Alien bases will keep you rich but the commander can be a bitch to get to as they hang out in a room with a few other high level guards. If you stun an alien to keep him alive take his weapons. (although I don't think they pick them up in vanilla, you should play with openxcom mod)

>> No.1847885


I've never played XCOM but was always curious and right now I can only play old school games. What can I expect?

>> No.1847886

insert stunned alien in backpack. giggle to self.

smoke grenades and grenades are the best weapon.

>> No.1847895

The first thing you should do at the start is research laser weapons, then the laser rifle. It has better accuracy then the default rifles. Until then, you might have more luck throwing grenades or high explosives, though HEs are heavy so have the soldiers with the highest strength stat throw those. Primed explosives won't explode in a units hands.

>> No.1847916

so I can stay inside the ranger waiting for the aliens to attack?...that sounds dull

btw I'm really enjoying the research/resource management, know any other games that focus on this?

>> No.1847951
File: 2.52 MB, 976x2064, xcom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expect to get your ass kicked if you're impatient. Also accept that you WILL lose men and you WILL lose countries.

>> No.1847990


Is this game really 4mb or am I being goofed?

>> No.1848048

How do I get this to work on Windows 7?

>> No.1848089

>Vestigial organs
>Genetically engineered

Wut? Anyway I recently found my copy of X-Com for Playstation at my parents' house, thanks for reminding me.

>> No.1848181

>Avenger takes a single hit
>out for repairs for a week
Son of a bitch. Good hing I kept my Skyscraper and Interceptor.

>> No.1848216

Just started this.
>terror mission
>everything is going good
>suddenly mind control on rocket man
>half the squad instantly dead
>everyone else panics and dies

>next terror mission
>kill 10 aliens with 2 casualties
>mite b gud
>sectoid throws a grenade with a fucking nuclear bomb AOE
>8 dead
>abort with 1 guy escaping

such is life in xcom

>> No.1849058

I think I just managed to not fuck up the best potential start to a campaign I've personally had. By January 21st I have laser rifles and a Sectoid Navigator. The lasers part isn't anything exciting but the first UFO I get over land was a large one. Had to be cautious with both of my Interceptors on it. Landed at the crash site, missed EVERY DAMN SHOT aimed at a Cyberdisk nearby. The worrying part came when I started getting targeted by Psi attacks of some kind. Nobody MC'd but had 2 panics and a beserk. Prodded a random Sectoid, found out it was a navigator, and cleaned up the rest. 3 casualties.

I'm kind of new and fucking terrible at this game but I'll be damned if I didn't get lucky this time.

>> No.1849812
File: 144 KB, 1272x934, hatsune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever had a Base Defense 15 days into your game because the ufo was too close to your base when you shot it down?

I have. it was sectoids and cyberdiscs, and thank god there was no MCing

I'm killing waifus and husbandos on my current run sad that Hatsune keeps living, using Final Mod Pack and a few misc fixes like explosion height and instant explosions for no grenade relaying

>> No.1850559

So I downloaded a freeware version of this, and I can't get it to run. Any ideas? I'm running windows 7 64bit.

>> No.1851306

I use DOSBOX on a mac and it works perfectly, what are you using?

>> No.1852728

What are some beginners tips ?

>> No.1852741

ayy lmao

>> No.1852751

Scout with a soldier, and fire with the ones behind it, then move the front soldier out of the line of sight of the aliens after you spot it.

High Explosive everything.

If you see a chryssalid terror mission in Brazil, fuck brazil and leave

>> No.1852778

The most important thing is "scout/sniper tactics". Never shoot an alien you can see. Your scout goes forward, spots the aliens. Your snipers fire outside their LOS at the aliens the scout found. The aliens can't see your sniper either so they can't fire back. (unless it's night, because aliens have full vision range at night. Avoid night missions)

>> No.1853518

I finally killed my second base
>Kept getting slaughtered en masse
>Change up equipments
>Give the faggot that gets mind controlled every time the rocket launcher
>Try again
>He takes out a cyberdisc and it asplodes, killing about 4 sectoids
>Finally discover the save button in the options menu on the tactical button menu
>Ruthlessly savescum after every kill
>Faggot gets mind controlled
>Jokes on them, he's out of rockets
>Let him wander
>Finally pinpointed where the psychic cunts are
>4 Space Marine Term- err... guys in power armor with autocannons loaded with HE storm the elevator and blow the command center into liquid shit
>Mission successful
>Change game save name to Edge Of Tomorrow
I'm thoroughly ashamed.

>> No.1853559

We're playing this for this month's HG101 GC9x podcast. I highly recommend getting the OpenXcom mod because it fixes a lot of glitches, lets you change display settings easier, and gives you the option to streamline a lot of the pointless and tedious bullshit if you want.


After installing the game from steam or whatever, download the "installer" for whatever OS you're using, run it, and viola you're good to go.

It's tough but once you figure out what you need to do it's pretty manageable, especially on the lower settings. My advice is don't get hung up on how your soldiers are dying left and right, and savescum at each battle. Do a couple of quick dry runs to figure out how you're going to get fucked, then account for it. Make sure you research laser weapons and then alien alloys ASAP, then get everyone laser weapons and personal armor - it'll be a lot easier. Also, if aliens do a terror attack, you MUST respond, even if it's to immediately run away - otherwise, you'll get screwed and public opinion will plummet.

>> No.1855219
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Why not OpenXCOM?

>> No.1855494
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>> No.1855495

>not capturing the commander
>I'm thoroughly ashamed.

Not thoroughly enough!

>> No.1857015

>I highly recommend getting the OpenXcom mod because it fixes a lot of glitches
What glitches? My game never glitched.

>> No.1857052
File: 15 KB, 800x600, god is kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, I keep trying to finish a superhuman ironman run on OpenXCOM, but I can't seem to do it. Something horrible always goes wrong.

>snakemen take main base in april
>lose all 26 soldiers in the avenger to a blaster bomb
>lose all 26 soldiers in avenger to a blaster bomb again
>floaters invade main base mere hours after I lose all soldiers in a botched mission

I can pull off genius difficulty, but superhuman just shreks me.

>> No.1857062

Apparently there were a lot of minor bug fixes, but the big one I can think of is the "Paying for Dirt" one where if a facility gets blown up or whatever, you still pay maintenance on that space. It wasn't insurmountable but it was annoying.

>> No.1857070

...but to be fair, IIRC X-COM was a lot better about bugs out of the box than say something like Fallout.

>> No.1857090

Openxcom is great because it changes a lot of thing for the sake of convenience/appearance.

>changing z-levels with mouse wheel
>hotkeys out the ass
>longer name fields for soldiers
>improved battlefield sprites
>flexible sound/vid options
>right-clicking to quickly change values to max or min

I can never go back.

>> No.1857332

If you're crying about this now, don't play TFTD.

In Ufo Defense, for about ten years the game had a bug that would revert all difficulties back to beginner after your first terror mission
In TFTD, all the difficulties would revert to Superhuman this one is a lie, just for the sake of being funny

>> No.1857339

Blaster launchers will ruin your day when you first encounter them. Then when you research them yourself, you can nuke entire small UFOs from half a map away. This weapon is stupid powerful.

>> No.1857580

More Xcom gifs/webms please

>> No.1857741

I thought it was that the game failed to properly save difficulty, and always loaded in beginner mode, so the only way to play anything but beginner was to never save and load.

>> No.1857751
File: 16 KB, 633x758, 1406830355761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're crying about this now, don't play TFTD.

I was going to wait for OpenTFTD but okay.