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1846450 No.1846450[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which were better... LucasArts or Sierra adventure games?

>> No.1846456

I prefer Lucas Arts because they had less dumb logic going on, but they both have their flaws

>> No.1846645 [DELETED] 

LucasArts because they didn't have dead end unwinable states like Sierra did. Not being able to die in most of them kind of takes away some of the tension but it's not like you can't just save every few seconds.

>> No.1846649
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LucasArts because they didn't have dead end unwinable states like Sierra did. Not being able to die in most of them kind of takes away some of the tension but it's not like you can't just save every few minutes.

>> No.1847318
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They're different enough to be able to be fashionably considered not comparable, but:

Lucas games were usually based around more interesting high concepts and settings, but the light-hearted and borderline self aware house style syphoned off inmersion and guaranteed less interesting stories as a whole (except later ones, like Full Throttle, The Dig or Grim Fandango). From a modern game design standpoint, the failsafe architecture is definitely better, though. Overall, the entire library has enough consistent quality to be considered worth playing.

Sierra games were pretty much about bridging text and graphic adventures. I loved being able to look around and examine details in the environment which had no weight whatsoever in the plot or gameplay, except to provide on-demand literary texture. The fact that you could really screw up lessened the feeling of just being surrounded by a neat array of concentric locks, which some would say WAS a good thing, as it boosted the sense of adventure and accomplishment ( it certainly is the main point of argumentation for our modern 'Zelda 1 is the best Zelda' discourse ). That said, much of the puzzle design can be fairly considered terrible or sometimes just plain dull. Still, King's Quest VI, Gabriel Knight and the Space Quest series (except maybe 2) are must-plays, as well as the Quest for Glory series if you don't mind its half-blood RPG-ish nature.

>> No.1847334

>Defied by much every LucasArts adventure game after Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders; these games always allow the player to go back and collect items that they need or refuse to let them continue without the required item. This was often viewed as "dumbing down adventure games for the masses" by hardcore Sierra enthusiasts. LucasArts believed that players should not be punished for experimenting in their games, and criticised Sierra's combination of this trope and Trial-and-Error Gameplay as "sadistic". All their adventure game manuals explicitly stated their design philosophy as being "We believe that you buy games to be entertained, not to be whacked over the head every time you make a mistake. [...] We think you'd prefer to solve the game's mysteries by exploring and discovering, not by dying a thousand deaths." (Interestingly, one of the factors that helped create this design philosophy was Ron Gilbert and David Fox's exasperation with Sierra's blatantly ridiculous game design while working on Maniac Mansion. Fox cited a moment in a Sierra game where he attempted to pick up a broken mirror but had his player character die as a result, saying "I know that in the real world I can successfully pick up a broken piece of mirror without dying.")

>> No.1847335

Sierra because LucasArts casualized the adventure game genre.

>> No.1847378

Can't say I like one better than the other. On the LucasArts side I liked Loom and Secret of Monkey Island (first game, not sequels). From Sierra, I had a blast with Space Quest 1-3 and Hero's Quest (Quest for Glory 1). Didn't really play their other games, maybe one day...

>> No.1847641

>Space Quest series (except maybe 2) are must-plays

6 is the worst Space Quest. You should have said except 6, because 2 is at least worth playing. 6 has absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever

>> No.1847646


Sierra deserves a lot of credit, but their games were too reliant on bizarre adventure game logic.

>> No.1847680

Depends on each game being compared. I don't think you can just say all LucasArts games are better than all Sierra games. They should be compared on a game-by-game basis.

>> No.1847683

>LucasArts because they didn't have dead end unwinable states like Sierra did

Someone never played Maniac Mansion.

>> No.1847684
File: 22 KB, 320x200, Quest for Glory - So You Want To Be A Hero VGA_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't say much on LucasArts since I didn't get to play any of their adventure games growing up, but I did play the shit out of Quest for Glory and Torin's Passage.

I still consider Quest for Glory THE game that got me into adventure games in the first place.

>> No.1847782

I have seen people beat Maniac Mansion with two dead characters. The only unwinnable state is the point where you have the meteor and the game is not going save at that point in case you fuck up

>> No.1848027

sierra for QfG alone

>> No.1848051

Sierra am the Dark Souls of graphic adventure

Lucas a shit click everything to win

>> No.1848128
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>Sierra am the Dark Souls of graphic adventure
Come on, man. Don't be this ridiculous.

>> No.1848147
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LucasArts for the sheer beauty of their designs. Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, Loom.. even the Indiana Jones.

Pure. Beauty.

>> No.1848179
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Zork is the king of adventure games


>> No.1850784
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I only really liked the mid-late VGA Sierra games, around when they started being voiced. Gabriel Knight was awesome. I wish they would have made a lot more at that level.

Some games like Fate of Atlantis were kind of a nice hybrid, where you couldn't reach an unwinable state but you could also die when you logically should. It wasn't anything ridiculous like picking up a piece of broken mirror though.

>> No.1850802

>C++ scroll written in assembly
top giggles

>> No.1850809


I wonder why more adventure games didn't go down that route.
"Push bear" and "use saw on plank you're standing on" should result in a game over, not "eat apple" or "look through hole".

>> No.1850830
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>> No.1850838


I love this series, and especially the second one.

>> No.1850845

Yeah I loved Quest for Glory. The King's Quest series had really obtuse puzzles and only really the 6th one excelled to me (probably due to Jane Jensen's contributions) but I think QfG succeeded at being a great hybrid between adventure, RPG, and action.

Yeah second one is probably my favorite too. Have you played the remake as well?

>> No.1850850

6 still had some funny moments, and it was a treat seeing all the trinkets Roger had in his room that were from earlier Space Quests. I agree the game was a disappointment, partially due to the creative team being switched halfway through development if I remember correctly. My favorite Space Quest was probably 5, or maybe 4.

>> No.1850853

>Have you played the remake as well?

One of the best remake that ever graced this earth.
The combat system is actually fun now, the graphic is excellent and in line with the vga officlal remakes; there's not a single flaw.
I'm going to replay the first two after finishing grandia

>> No.1850856

>Yeah I loved Quest for Glory. The King's Quest series had really obtuse puzzles and only really the 6th one excelled to me (probably due to Jane Jensen's contributions) but I think QfG succeeded at being a great hybrid between adventure, RPG, and action.

Let's not forget that QfG is actually funny as hell and well written, while KQ...

>> No.1850865

Agreed, though with KQVI being the exception (again, due to Jensen's influence).

>> No.1850869


Agree with you too, i forced myself to play all KQ but VII, i enjoyed the sixth but i couldn't bring myself to play my little princess after that.

>> No.1850871

Leisure Suit Larry
Kings Quest
Space Quest
Police Quest
Quest for Glory
Incredible Machine

Muh Sierra, I love you

Lucas ain't without it's charm, don't get me wrong

>> No.1850882
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Sometimes I think this genre works much, much better in 2D, that's why it's so dead/dying currently.

>> No.1850890


3D gives infinite possibilities, the genre has just been forgotten.
But who knows, maybe there will be a renaissance.

>> No.1850893

They are the same behind the QfG 2 remake, can we hope ?

>> No.1850896 [DELETED] 

It's a bit off-topic but could anyone please help me remember the name of the adventure game I've played?
It was a science-fiction themed point'n'click adventure, set on some desolate planet with a research base or something.
You arrive on it just after some incident happened involving one member of the personnel dying. He's lying in the morgue and you have to examine his stiff body so the first thing you do is make the temperature in the room warmer to unthaw his hand or something.
That's all I remember, it was released in the earlier 2000's or something.

>> No.1850906

I completely agree.

It's not dead, just different now, taking more cues from visual novels (Ace Attorney) and cinematic, dialog-driven experiences (Telltale games).

>> No.1850909 [DELETED] 

>Ace Attorney

I heard the new one is going to come out for iOS, any good emulator ?

>> No.1850924 [DELETED] 

It's already out on the 3DS. Why not play it on that instead?

>> No.1850930


I'm still not convinced of spending my moneys on another handled console.

>> No.1850947 [DELETED] 

3DS has a some damn good games, and is easily the best handheld gaming experience you're going to get (modern era). Worth it for Fire Emblem Awakening by itself, IMO. Much better than playing games on a phone.

This is way off topic though, man.

>> No.1850957

Zero Critical