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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1838181 No.1838181[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just downloaded this for my tablet. What are some good games to play that don't suck using touch controls?

>> No.1838192

Rpgs, TBS, that's about it.

>> No.1838196

Wait. How do you download and store roms?

>> No.1838198
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>> No.1838203

turn based rpg's mainly. platformers and fighting games are basically unplayable on tablets/phones because of the ass controls.

>> No.1838205

...from the internet, with the browser, same as any other computer

>> No.1838220


Internal memory and sd card. You might not believe this, but you can even torrent or phones and tablets now, too.


Why not?

>> No.1838225

castlevania 3

>> No.1838226

I have found that final fantasy and pokemon work very well ok my GB/A iphone emulator.
That's it; though. So basically what everyone already said.

>> No.1838234

>Why not?

Because it's fucking stupid. You can't even use a peripheral, have fun looking like a tool and not being able to play anything.

>> No.1838256


Not him but I finished Metroid Zero Mission on a Samsung Galaxy Mini, he can definetely play some SRPG like Front Mission or the like.

>> No.1838275

I'm sure it's fine if you like having no control. Or maybe if you want the worst possible emulation experience.

>> No.1838278


You probably have never tried it and are already dismissing it.
Again, it's okay for SRPG like Front Mission, Bahamut Lagoon or Tactics Ogre.

>> No.1838282

>not owning a $1 OTG cable
>not having a myriad of USB controllers
>not understanding that Android tablets have USB interface
>not putting 2 and 2 together
>not getting 4

>> No.1838285

I've tried an emu on my iphone 5s and my friend's tablet and it was garbage.

No shit you can play RPGs but that's it. An easy platformer like MM2 becomes a shitfest using touch controls.

>> No.1838287

I was thinking of the ipad only. If you can use a USB controller then everything I said no longer applies obviously.

>> No.1838292
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OP specifically said touch controls autist.

>> No.1838294

>pluging a controller on a tablet
that kind of beats the point of playing in a tablet, why dont you use your pc then?

>> No.1838304

Super GNES isn't available on iOS.

>"when people do things that I don't do, I get angry"
>calling anyone else an autist
topkek mate

The point of using a tablet is to have a mobile computer, even if people don't tend to look at it that way.

>> No.1838306 [DELETED] 

ds games are the best to emulate in a tablet
psp emulation is fine too because they have tons of rpgs

i've beaten castlevania dawn of sorrow using my galaxy, but it sucked. it kind of ruined the game to me. dont try platformers and action games.

>> No.1838309

>not reading OP and shitting up the thread regardless

Yeah, you're autistic son.

>> No.1838313


Anything that requires quick and precise movement sucks on a touch screen.
The fact that people don't understand the importance of tactile feedback in games confuses me.

>> No.1838317

>The point of using a tablet is to have a mobile computer
uh no? don't they have those things called notebooks/laptops in your country, anon?

tablets are tiny screens that you use to browse the internet and watch videos. emulators are a bonuses, and you dont want to be carrying a controller and five cables with you all the time every time you feel like playing games

>> No.1838319

I wouldn't know what tablet can use it because I'm not satisfied with shit like some people.

>> No.1838324

you know what? im gona counter the tablet emulation hate.

bought a cheapo chinese knockoff android tablet for like $40, tethered my two ps3 gamepads to it, loaded it with a metric fuckton of snes roms.

it became a nightly thing, go out for coffee or drinks with friends, and just start exploring all the retro games we could.

Did a lot of improv street fighter throwdowns with complete strangers over that summer, was an insanely cool little ice breaking thing and made more than a few new friends that way.

so i wouldnt say its an amazing emuator, but being able to set up a screen on a bar table and instantly have TMNT for you and a friend is fucking great.

>> No.1838326

>downloading supergnes
Why don't you just download Retroarch instead.

>> No.1838329

Do you carry controllers around when you go to a bar with your friends? Jesus christ, anon.

>> No.1838331

>tablets are tiny screens that you use to browse the internet and watch videos, etc.

Yeah, a portable computer.
Are you retarded or something?

>i hate things I don't know about

>> No.1838337


That sounds awesome. I think the problem most people have is if touch controls are mandatory. It pretty much becomes unplayable.

>> No.1838339

Do you call cellphones, wristwatches and handheld videogames "portable computers" because you can browse the internet and watch videos on them too, moron?

>> No.1838342


You wouldn't? Are you insecure or something? If I brought out something like that our table would be taking requests from drunk guys who want to play, guaranteed.

>> No.1838345

Just load it up with all RPGs and strategy games you can find and you're set, OP. Did that with mine and i never got bored again when i had to wait somewhere.

>> No.1838347

I'm sorry that you don't know what a computer is.
Hint: the computer is not the monitor on your desk unless your using an all-in-one in which case you're more of a retard

>> No.1838350

Haha but I know it's shit because it's not as accurate as the emu on my PC. Stupid kid.

>> No.1838352

RPGs obviously.

Platformers that are either easy, like Kirby, or have easy to control characters, like Mega Man 7 and Plok.

Kirby's Avalanche, Tetris Attack, Sim City and Super Metroid work too.

>> No.1838353

You're right. Maybe we can play together some time.
I'll be sure to look out for the guy with the full tower strapped to his back.

>> No.1838375

Because some people like the size/weight/battery life/boot time advantages that tablets can provide over tablets.
Hell, Sony even boasts about the fact that you can synch and use PS3 controllers wirelessly on their tablets (along with the fact that their tablets are Playstation-Certified).

>> No.1838379

OP here.
Going on the RPG/Strategy suggestions, here's what I downloaded:

Super Mario RPG
FF 3
Ogre Battle
Tactics Orge
Front Mission
Ranma 1/2 RPG
Hourai Gakuen No Bouken
Bahamut Lagoon
Secret of Mana 3
Live A Live
Spike McFang

I think that should hold me for awhile. If I'm missing anything really essential, please let me know.

>> No.1838384


Too bad about the massive input lag.

>> No.1838389

Because some people like the size/weight/battery life/boot time advantages that tablets can provide over laptops/notebooks.
Hell, Sony even boasts about the fact that you can synch and use PS3 controllers wirelessly on their tablets (along with the fact that their tablets are Playstation-Certified).

>> No.1838398

Final Fantasy V

>> No.1838409

Oh. I've never tried it on my Sony Tablet S, that's good to know. I used to have massive input lag with my external bluetooth keyboard, but I fixed it by downloading a different on-screen keyboard. I know it doesn't make much sense, but it worked!

>> No.1838418


No I wasn't talking about the DS3 sync, I don't have a clue about that. I mean tablet emulation is just not accurate.

>> No.1838420


I was actually thinking of going for the GBA version because of the extra jobs. Is it worth it, or should I stick with the good ole SNES version?

Also, got Front Mission as well. Forgot to mention that one.

>> No.1838426

the extra jobs suck and the sound is worse.
the only gba versions worth it are the ones from the NES. grab the PSP remakes instead

>> No.1838440

It comes down to whether you're willing to sacrifice having a good emulator just so you can play on a tablet.

If I had to emulate on the go (why?) I would certainly use a laptop so I can run an accurate emu.

>> No.1838469

the .EMU emulators are pretty damn responsive and *close* to lag free when running with manual frameskip set to 0

>> No.1838474


Because mobile games are fucking shit.

>> No.1838480

>It comes down to whether you're willing to sacrifice having a good emulator just so you can play on a tablet.
Retroarch works fine. Drastic is even better than No$Gba and DesMuMe. PPSSPP works the same way if your tablet can run it. What are you talking about?

>> No.1838481

>Do you call computers computers?

Why, yes I do anon.


>> No.1838483


>>1838234 specifically said "You can't even use a peripheral"

>> No.1838485

>What are you talking about?

SNES emulation. What are you talking about?

>> No.1838487

>SNES emulation
really? then read this
>Retroarch works fine

>> No.1838490

Since when has retroarch been a good emulator?

>> No.1838494
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>Since when has retroarch been a good emulator?

>> No.1838495


Do you know where you are right now?

>> No.1838497


Actually the reason I went with GNES over Retroarch is because I've lost several saved game files in the past with Retroarch, and I really don't feel like dealing with it anymore.

>> No.1838501 [DELETED] 

So no arguments? Good.

>> No.1838502
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best is myboy only because you can play wario ware twisted on it

>> No.1838504

You have to state a case before someone can argue. You're just making jokes, no one can argue with jokes. It's all laughs.

>> No.1838507

>Arguing against a question

>> No.1838512
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>> No.1838514 [DELETED] 

My case is that retroarch is not an accurate SNES emu. I said that I would rather use a PC to run a better one and that upset your fannies.

>> No.1838517

Well Retroarch isn't an emulator soooo...

>> No.1838519


>he doesn't import bsnes core into retroarch


>> No.1838523

RetroArch is on PC, you know?
And it has access to the bSNES core, which is the most accurate SNES emulator that exists right now.

What even is your argument?

>> No.1838525
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Do you even know how Retroarch works? Jesus christ.

>> No.1838526 [DELETED] 

his argument is that he's just shitposting because he got buttflustered at the thought of a tablet user on /vr/

he probably owns a gaming laptop

>> No.1838528

Every thread is full of kids getting blown the fuck out nowadays.

>> No.1838530

android RetroArch has bsnes/higan performance core, works fine on my quad core android TV stick

>> No.1838531

Such is summer on /vr/.

>> No.1838535

Really? I didn't even know the mobile version had access to bsnes.
That's pretty cool.

>> No.1838536

This is nothing compared to the guy in the SM64 thread last night.

>> No.1838537

look retroarch shills this is where your shitposting starts

you have to come into every emulation related thread and start being faglords and derail into >muh accuracy thread

pls die faggots, sorry for the OP

>> No.1838538

could be worse

could be summer on /v/

>> No.1838540

>SM64 sucks because people like it

that thread was a goldmine.

>> No.1838543

>I got destroyed, better change tactics and pretend I was never involved

>> No.1838545

>rather use a PC to run a better one

>being faglords and derail into >muh accuracy thread

Holy fuck I can't breathe.

>> No.1838549

>complains about retroarch not being accurate
>complains that retroarch users only care about >muh accuracy

Wow. Stay free, kid.

>> No.1838553

You guys are being trolled bad now though, I wouldn't be laughing so fast.

>> No.1838558

It's a joke.
Why not laugh?

>> No.1838562

Is it bad if I say /vr/ is my favorite board. Yeah there's some childish shit sometimes but the ratio of serious posters to shitposters is just right for good laughs.

>> No.1838703
File: 202 KB, 570x485, MOGA-Pro-Power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moga Pro Power A controller masterrace here

>console quality controller
>topnotch dpad and analog sticks
>great-feeling buttons and triggers
>build quality = yes
>comes with tablet stand and is bluetooth
>built in arm holds phone for you
>can charge your phone for you
>can multiplayer if you have 2nd controller

Portable ps1, n64, snes, whatever, wherever.
>$40 well spent

>> No.1838716

Seeing as how I already have a DS3, I think I'll stick with it.
Plus, phone/tablet stands are like $5-10 for the thing.

>> No.1838730

Wow. Way to stay uninformed, bro. When I particpated in /vr/ emulation threads, I streamed vids of myself playing games with my 360 wireless controller. Everyone is going full Bluetooth these days, but yet and still, it can be done without an expensive investment.

As far as Super GNES goes, OP, it's a pretty decent emulation application. Personally, I locked it from Internet access after it finished pulling down covers and game info from whatever online db it uses (GameFAQS?), but to each his own. Happy gaming!

>> No.1838737


Not that guy but I don't see how you can use DS3 for old games. The touch sensitive buttons and awful d pad make games unplayable.

>> No.1838738

Download Cool Rom

>> No.1838750
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Agreed. The trolls eventually head back to their shitflinging board of choice, so the catalog usually has a pretty good selection of threads to post in. I regret not storytiming more, but real-life gets in the way.

>> No.1838756

It's a preference thing, anon. I personally don't care for the DS3, but I map everything to the sticks, and I don't play platformers, so it works for me.

>> No.1838775
File: 184 KB, 1153x692, tales_of_phantasia_gba__ds__case__vgboxart_com_by_demi_feind-d4yst97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good selection, OP. I'll save you some HulkSmash-frustration with this tip: The "Tales Of" series of RPGs have a number of timing-based puzzles. It's almost impossile to calirate the touchscreen controls to correctly synch up with the on-screen cues, so either use a physical controller, or skip those sections with a gamesave.

>> No.1838778


Okay it's cool. I was thinking about Castlevania or shmups and such so you have a point.

>> No.1838782
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>> No.1838784

Read the fucking sticky.

>> No.1838789

You'd immediately be able to 1v1 every fgt that slapped your gf's ass.

>> No.1838805 [DELETED] 

>not using gba emulator on phone or tablet
>no mario tennis, mario golf, or advance ff rpgs

shigdig nig

>> No.1838812

Ow man that game was so much fun. Even if difficult.
I could never figure out all the different moves though - like the one where you can squeeze enemies down into a ball, or where you could stamp on downed enemies, killing them.

>> No.1838825
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>> No.1838834


This looks damn good. What's the skinny on this game?

>> No.1838838


I honestly can't even remember the last time I got a recommendation from /vr/ that I hadn't already tried or simply didn't like. Thank you.

Tactical RPGs, besides Ogre Battle and FFT, much like platformer/collectathons, are numbers 1 & 2 on my list of "Refuse To Play". That's probably the reason.

>> No.1838841
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forgot pic thank. Here's a HNNNNGGG for you.

>> No.1838847

>being this much of an elitist faggot

>> No.1838872

If i cared controllers to a bar i wouldn't have a girlfriend, silly.

>> No.1839014
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Just get Retroarch bro. Blows away every other emulator on Android
>using touch controls for retro vidya
>not having a wireless controller
If that's not an option for you, you're better off with turn-based RPGs & strategy games

>> No.1839047

dude no
summer is telling everyone retroarch sucks

>> No.1839059

it fucking sucks guy it's not accurate to a real SNES whatsover.

i'll wait for the day i can use BSNES on tablet.

>> No.1839074

It's not that it sucks, it's just needlessly complicated for people that just want to play some vidya. They don't care aout:
>muh filters
>muh aspect ratio
>muh accuracy

Let people play what they want to play, how they want to play it. The Retroautism is downright maddening sometimes. My HTPC setup runs circles around RetroArch and it's awful UI and even worse multiple emulator support.

tl;dr: That whole "Stop liking what I don't like"-thing? Yeah, that's it.

>> No.1839107

anyone here got experience with bluetooth controllers like the MOGA? Which models are good? I heard some are crap. And out of the good ones which travel well? I'm looking portability too, being able to comfortably play nearly anything anywhere is too cool to me.

And does anyone have experience with/reccomendations for Slimports?

>> No.1839121

What do you mean with skinny?

>> No.1839125
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>> No.1839141

the deal, the scoop, the story

>> No.1839162

>Super GNES
Way to get the worst one.

>> No.1839168

What do you want to know about the game that isn't already learned about watching its gameplay?

>> No.1839238

MY co-worker's MOGA Pocket has worked flawlessly on everything we've connected it to, even an Ouya (the Ouya was just for testing, obviously). I don't have any ownership-related stuff to tell you about controllers, beyond what I said earlier about my 360 wireless controller working just fine.

I bought a JXD S5800 about a month ago to keep from having to carry multiple devices, and I'm pleased so far with that.

>> No.1839507
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>> No.1840202

I heard the Pocket has shitty mushy buttons though, and no d-pad.

Mostly I'm trying to decide between the Hero Power and the Pro Power, now, since those are the latest models. Leaning towards the Pro Power since everyone says it's more solid, but I am a bit worried about portability. Then again, I probably wouldn't carry the Hero with me everywhere either.

Too bad the Phonejoy apparently has crappy build quality, I love its design.

>> No.1840239

It does lack the D-Pad but the buttons are actually really clicky. The analog sticks on mine are a bit stiff though.

>> No.1840727
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Does it support games that used the SNES mouse? Mario and Wario might be neat to try.

>> No.1840752

Are you watching the Paris special?

>> No.1840784
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>i'll wait for the day i can use BSNES on tablet.

so you mean last year?

>> No.1841176
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>> No.1841210

Please tell me you didn't buy that piece of shit



>> No.1841234


i.e. it's not for total plebians

>> No.1842513

which is what people say when something is badly designed and coded by amateur devs who don't give a shit about their users

like, "its' perfect so need need to change it" = "damn, I don't know how to fix this stuff, let's shout out that complainers are dumb shits and competition is shittier to drive the attention away and make fanboys waving their dicks"

>> No.1842535

and that's what plebians say when they make up excuses to cover for their plebianess.

there isn't actually anything significantly wrong with it, just people who can't adapt to using something different. that's their loss i guess

>> No.1843268 [DELETED] 

dickheads also like to call people who use popular stuff "plebians" and only claim to use shitty obscure programs asthe only way for them to feel "superior"

i have been using emulators for more than a decade and retroarch, while being a great conceptual idea, has a lot of design flaws (like core handling, input mapping, video & resolutions handling) and for 90 % of users does not bring so much valuable benefits compared to standalones (the high-praised DRC feature is probably unnoticed by the high majority of users).

It's not really popular because of that, it's only a overhyped here, probably because it's new and claims to be "different", which make brainless emulation fanboys feel they are part of some "expert" cult or immature shit like that.

>> No.1843278

What's the ideal Windows SNES emulator?

>> No.1843279


>> No.1843286


>> No.1843287

Yeah, and dickheads call other "plebians" because they think using obscure complicated stuff instead of easy-to-use popular programs will make them "different" and "superior""...

Retroarch is not very popular because it has many design flaws (not only the GUI but also odd choices regarding core handling, input mapping, video resolutions handling, etc...) which make it not really enjoyable to use and still feels like a half-finished product.

It can only improve though and the philosophy behind the project is great

>> No.1843292

Not even as a joke. You might actually help spread it by mistake.

>> No.1843295

Well, I'm still USING ZSNES so I was wondering if I should get away from it.

>> No.1843304

znses rules

>> No.1843310

If your computer is under 20 years old (that's not an exaggeration) there's no reason to use ZSNES. Its only redeeming quality is that it was hacked together for speed. It's basically only designed to run the most mainstream games possible and still messes up some of those (missing effects, wrong speeds) because it's such an incredibly inaccurate emulator. It's strictly outclassed by SNES9x and at least three others now in every possible way so there isn't a reason to use it.

>> No.1843313

>using tablets
why would you

>> No.1843321


ZSNES has lots of problems which might not be apparent if you just play the most common titles, but even there you'll often run into severe problems from time to time. You can't finnish Seiken Densetsu 2, for example.

Just go with SNES9x or - if you are for some reason in love with the ZSNES GUI - ZMZ.

>> No.1843330

Figured it was time to reevaluate my emulators since I'm starting to put them onto my Venue 8 Pro.

>> No.1843331

The only way it spreads is people using the same thing they used 15-20 years ago and telling others to use it because they literally have never tried a single other emulator. Even a garbage computer that was already considered garbage 10 years ago can run 9x without issue. ZSNES has no desirable feature over any other option except glitches, errors and a moving-stars background; it's just a relic.

>> No.1844021

Reminds me of when I hung up Genecyst.

I actually forget what I moved to after Genecyst (might have been KEGA; it's been a long time).

>> No.1844030

ZSNES is such a weird case of uninformed masses gravitating towards the option that ISN'T the one that's easier to use.

>> No.1844203
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Which Snes emu has the best gui.

Not seen anything like hyperspin by default

>> No.1844435

Care to elaborate on the supposed design flaws?

>> No.1844715
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