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1818837 No.1818837 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to play this for the first time.
Please let me know anything important to know and any tips or tricks for the beginning of the game.
Also, are there any unlockables that are only able to able to be gotten at a certain point in the game and then never able to be gotten again if you go over a certain point? Because that would be very frustrating.

Is there any type of mindset I should go into to make myself get into the game better? My favorite games of all time are Earthbound, Wind Waker, and Paper Mario.

>> No.1818845

Play the Song of Time backwards to slow down time. I don't believe there's anything you can miss, some things are only available right after you beat a boss and are locked once you play the song of time again, but you can fight bosses as many times as you want to trigger those conditions again.

Remember to take in the atmosphere and do sidequests. If you ignore that and just blast through the dungeons the game will be very short, and you'll probably be disappointed.

>> No.1819782

Anybody else have anything?

>> No.1819787

I meant to start the game yesterday but got caught up doing other things so I will be starting it today.

>> No.1819808

>Is there any type of mindset I should go into to make myself get into the game better?
Yeah, don't read guides. I think this applies more to Majora's Mask than any other Zelda game.

>> No.1819816

Really? I don't typically use guides, but I heard the exact opposite for MM before. Aren't some of the sidequests supposed to be kind of irritating and not really clear on what you're supposed to do and if you miss something you have to start the 3 day cycle all over and begin the sidequest from the beginning?

>> No.1819864


>> No.1819904


Good luck finishing the Bombers notebook without at least GLANCING at a guide for one or two characters that you will NEVER find or be able to help EVER.

>> No.1819908

I found them all without a guide when I was a kid. It's not hard.

>> No.1819919


>I found them all


I had a save file where I had two missing and even by process of elimination I couldn't ever really figure out who they were.

>> No.1819931
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If I had to guess, it was probably the ghost of the dancer and the lonely soldier, given that the former only appears in a very specific spot in Termina Field on the night of Day 2, and the latter is literally invisible and requires the Lens of Truth to see.

>> No.1820164

Though the ghost dancer was fairly easy for me to find because of the music coming from seemingly nowhere in Termina field.

I'm pretty sure I used the guide for the soldier though.

>> No.1820227

Nearly every npc in MM has some analogue in OoT, except this pair. What was Link thinking?

Actually, I think the mayor and most of the related people appear for the first time in MM, so maybe that's not that cool.

>> No.1820265

>Type of mindset

Sponge the atmosphere! Invest in the small characters in Clock Town and hear what they have to say, how they feel about the situation and most importantly, how they change over the three days. It genuinely leads to some interesting and thought provoking feels that I wish I could feel as strongly as I did when I was a kid.

>> No.1820545

Always use different masks when talking to NPCs. A good deal of the puzzles in the game are solved by talking to a specific NPC with a specific mask on. If you're stuck and you know you need to get something out of an NPC, go through your masks.

>> No.1820573

There's a few things I would keep in mind.

Fairy is either at the stream in the day, or in east clock town at night.

Talk to the lead bomber as a human to get the bombers notebook. Use this to plan your days.

Use the spin the analog stick method instead of charging for the spin attack. It does not use magic this way.

As other anons said, use the song of time backwards to slow down time.

The stone mask makes egg collecting a cake walk.

Avoid a wolfos's attack and they spin around. Jump slash their tail for a one hit-ko.

Song of storms grows plants, no water needed.

During the ranch night segment, make sure to have the map of milk road and get off the horse. The dots are your targets. Bunny hood makes this even easier.

>> No.1820585

There's also a silver rupee chest you can get to by hoping on the signs in east clock town. Another behind a bomb-able wall in the alley behind the bomber kid guarding it.

Use these to pad that bank account. They refresh every time you reset time.

>> No.1820623

Only if you're dumb.

Use the game's notebook and you won't have too much trouble. Also, figuring stuff yourself's much cooler than simply using a guide

>> No.1820698

1: You can slow down time by playing the song of time backwards.

2: The start of the game is a little confusing. The game doesn't hold your hand in the same way other Zeldas do. It shouldn't be a problem, though.

3: The way time works takes some getting used to. (It's worth it) For example, try not to start on a dungeon when you haven't just started on a three day cycle.

4: There are a bunch of hidden cutscenes that are quite interesting and easy to miss. You might want to check out how to find them at some point.

5: Take your time and enjoy The greatest game of all time

>> No.1820709


>The greatest game of all time



>> No.1820735
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Yes. In my opinion. Do you have a counter-proposal?

>> No.1820808

egg collecting? When you're a zora? How do you equip the mask, then?

>> No.1820817

He means the eggs in the Pirate's Fortress

>> No.1820827

LttP and OoT are all more significant entries in the medium's history, so I would argue both of those are better candidates for "greatest game of all time".

I am unbiased, as Link's Awakening is my favorite Zelda, but it's no where close to being the best entry in the series.

>> No.1820841

Majora is by far the best supplement game of all time. If you played and enjoyed OoT MM was a must play.

Also TP and WW are the best Zeldas by far.

>> No.1820847

It's objectively the worst.

>> No.1820853

>objectively the best*

fix'd ;^)

>> No.1820856

>Legend of Zelda
Good for it's time. Still holds up today. A bit overrated though.
>Adventure of Link
Very fun and much different than other games in the series. Huge grindfest though. Gets a lot of unnecessary flack for being different than other games in the series.
>A Link To The Past
Amazing, set the guidelines not just for all future Zelda but for almost every adventure game of all time.Has some questionable dungeon design though.
>Links Awakening
Pure masterpiece. Took everything good about ALTTP and made it better, and took all that didn’t work in ALTTP and fixed it, and combined it with one of the greatest stories and atmospheres of any game ever.
>Oracle of Ages
Very enjoyable game. Lacks the amazing atmosphere that made Links Awakening so fantastic though.
>Oracle of Seasons
Enjoyable game, but not as great as Ages as it focuses more on hack and slash combat rather than puzzles. Also the seasons element wasn’t as interesting as the Ages element.
>Ocarina of Time
Amazing game. Set the guideline for every 3D adventure game since it. It does lose a bit of steam though after the Water Temple as the story begins to feel a bit rushed.
>Majora's Mask
Great game, with some amazing concepts. Hampered however by the mediocre dungeons (except for the god tier Stone Tower Temple) which honestly just felt like something that would be something from a fan-made OOT romhack, The cluttered Termina Field also made navigation a bit cumbersome.
>Wind Waker
Absolute masterpiece, perfect atmosphere, amazing story, great dungeons and bosses, and great sidequests on par with the ones in MM. Although the Triforce Fetch Quest at the end is a bit tedious but it still doesn’t mar the overall experience.
>Minish Cap
Fun. Nothing that special compared to other Zeldas though.

>> No.1820858

OoT and MM had the same flawless gameplay. I feel MM edges out OoT by having a more interesting setting and story. ALttP, LA, OoT and MM are all in my top 15 games or so however. It's all very subjective.

>> No.1820861

>Phantom Hourglass
Shit. Horrible controls,. horrible graphics, horrible streamlined sailing, horrible dungeons, horrible bosses, horrible story, and that goddamned fucking Ocean King Temple
>Twilight Princes
Complete shit. Tried way too hard to be "DARK AND GRITTY" and to appeal to western audiences. With the exception of Goron Mines, Temple of Time, and City In The Sky all of the dungeons were either mediocre or just bad, barely any sidequests, story and atmosphere was all over the place in terms of themes, pacing, and direction, the graphics did not fit the series and were also ugly, overuse of brown and bloom, Zant's nonsensical character turn in order to accommodate the story getting needlessly ganonjacked, The Triforce, The Master Sword, Princess Zelda, and Ganon just seemed needlessly tacked onto the game in order to please fans who would bitch and moan if they weren't in it, and I can count the number of original music tracks in the game with one hand.
>Spirit Tracks
Great game, improved so much over Phantom Hourglass. Much better graphics, better controls, more exploration and sidequests, great story, and just fun. Spirit Flute could be a better cumbersome though
>Skyward Sword
Good game. A bit too linear for my tastes though. Also I don’t think the game really benefited from the 1/1 Motion Control Sword Combat. Also Fi was absolutely obnoxious and spoonfed/ruined so much of the game and it’s puzzles for players. Great story, dungeons, and characters though. Especially Groose. He’s one of the best characters of all time.
>A Link Between Worlds
Absolutely amazing. A bit too easy for my taste, but the world-building, the story, the side-quests, the dungeons, and just everything about it were amazing. I can’t quite say it yet seeing how new it is, but it might just be on-par with Links Awakening and Wind Waker as my favorite Zelda game.

>> No.1820867

>SS and ST higher rated than TP

Fucking dropped. Your opinions are absolute shit.

>> No.1820868

Sure thing buddy.
I bet you also enjoy objective shit like Naruto or Zack Snyder films.
Plebeians without taste or critical analysis skills like yourself should stick to /b/ as its a containment board for your kind.

>> No.1820871
File: 182 KB, 500x371, ayyylmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wassa matter bb? Did mommy burn your pizza pockets?

>> No.1820872

>TP higher than anything
Please see >>1820868

>> No.1820876

Right. It's been awhile. BRB reinstalling (lol)

>> No.1820878

I find it funny how you can tell somebody goes on a containment board like /b/ just by looking at their prose.

>> No.1820881

>I can't come up with a reply
>I'll just call him a /b/tard

k :)

>> No.1820885

I did come up with a reply though
>Complete shit. Tried way too hard to be "DARK AND GRITTY" and to appeal to western audiences. With the exception of Goron Mines, Temple of Time, and City In The Sky all of the dungeons were either mediocre or just bad, barely any sidequests, story and atmosphere was all over the place in terms of themes, pacing, and direction, the graphics did not fit the series and were also ugly, overuse of brown and bloom, Zant's nonsensical character turn in order to accommodate the story getting needlessly ganonjacked, The Triforce, The Master Sword, Princess Zelda, and Ganon just seemed needlessly tacked onto the game in order to please fans who would bitch and moan if they weren't in it, and I can count the number of original music tracks in the game with one hand.
Pretty sure you were the one who was incapable of defending the game.

>> No.1820887

Anyways, going out for a bit. I'll respond to whatever plebeian drivel you shit out when I get back.

>> No.1820889
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>Spirit Tracks
>Great game

>> No.1820896
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But you're wrong. I thought that was pretty fucking clear. Why would anyone do anything but disregard your opinions when they are so clearly absolute shit?

>> No.1820904

My biggest problem with TP was that no one seemed to give a shit about what was happening. I mean, wierd ass monsters had apparently conquered the castle, but market town was just buisiness as usual. Aslo Zelda and Ganondorf were shoehorned in and served no purpose at all. The gameplay was fine, but the setting was too boring and lifeless to make me care about it.

>> No.1820907

Yarly. I abandoned it after beating the beetle boss. Worst Zelda game I've had the misfortune to play.

>> No.1820914

>Hampered however by the mediocre dungeons (except for the god tier Stone Tower Temple) which honestly just felt like something that would be something from a fan-made OOT romhack,

It's like he's not played farther than wood temple. I'd like to see a romhacker reach the complexeity of the ice temple and water temple. They aren't great atomosphere, but they're hardly cut and paste zelda puzzles.

>The cluttered Termina Field also made navigation a bit cumbersome.

What? Swamp: exit town south, keep walking Mountain: exit town north, Shoot the jaun with the arrows
Ocean: exit town west, jump wall with horse
Stone place: exit town east, jump wall with horse.

Need to get around the field? Roll around as a goron.

>> No.1820931

Being a shitflinger who can't back up his statements in a civil manner means you're losing the debate.

>> No.1820942
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Nice strawman there Anon. Try not to smash your keyboard XD

>> No.1820968

>The Triforce, The Master Sword, Princess Zelda, and Ganon just seemed needlessly tacked onto the game in order to please fans who would bitch and moan if they weren't in it, and I can count the number of original music tracks in the game with one hand.
They were tacked on because it was a launch title for the Wii. Launch titles need important stuff, like things the game is famous for.

I don't like the concept, personally, but dem's the breaks.

>> No.1821872


Significant does not mean better

>> No.1822851

One thing. The second sword upgrade is not saved when the game is saved.