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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 396 KB, 1920x1080, GameSack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1790749 No.1790749[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite game reviewer? I like these guys.
Yes, their name is a bit hilarious and yes, they are a bit dry. But God dammit, they are thorough

>> No.1790768

I like to hear them talk about consoles in general rather than hear them review games, for some odd reason. The latest episode about console modding was pretty interesting. I'd rather hear that than them reviewing some obscure, sub-par SNES game... "The controls are decent but a little slippery. The music is pretty good." It gives you a decent impression of if the actual game is worth playing, I suppose. But other reviewers seem to do a better job at making the actual review portions themselves a little more interesting, and sometimes they're interesting enough that I won't mind watching the whole review even if I have absolutely no intention of trying the game myself.

>> No.1790771

What does this have to do with /vr/?

>> No.1790795
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I like LazyGameReviews the best. Mainly because I didn't really play many older PC games so I like learning about them. I also enjoy his thrifting videos.

>> No.1790859

LGR and Gggmanlives are the two I usually watch. Neither are truly great at anything, but they have nice production values and can do good impressions (of Duke Nukem and Mark from CGR). I listen to Matt Chat interviews every now and then.

>> No.1790863

CGR Mark has very good taste in retro games, however the humor gets old quickly, he's always "bla bla bla, vecterx, bla bla bla, el camino, bla bla bla, flamethrower.

Other than that he's my favorite, I also like cinemassacre's Mike Matei.

>> No.1790881
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>I also like cinemassacre's Mike Matei.

>> No.1790895

Lazy Game Reviews and Angry Joe are the only ones I watch.

>> No.1790901

I think that's because they usually cram so many reviews into one video. When they talk about consoles, they have more time to go into some history and give you some context, so it ends up being more interesting. LGR's pretty good about that, so I find his reviews more interesting. But Game Sack's format is good if you want to know the good and bad games on X console or in X category.

>> No.1790906
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>Angry Joe

>> No.1790938

Mat Barton is pretty good, but he's more focused on history and interviews than reviews.

>> No.1790963

>watching reviewers
>liking reviewers
>not looking through a games library for something interesting and looking up some raw gameplay footage yourself
>not making judgements for yourself

I hate the whole "retro game reviewer" thing, because its so tired. You can figure out whether or not a game is going to be shit by watching like 5 minutes of gameplay.

>> No.1791003
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>> No.1791006


God I totally forgot him, I watch his vids all the time!

>> No.1791013

I don't really think that's why people watch retro reviews, generally. It's for the different perspectives and personal stories that come out of each reviewer. After all, if you're finding the reviews to begin with, you're likely familiar with the games in question.

>> No.1791016

nothing. just another e-celeb circle jerk thread

>> No.1791018

If you don't like it, then fuck off spaz. I just like to watch gaming related shit on youtube while I eat dinner or something because its interesting. Doesn't meant I follow them around the country to cons and suck their e-peens.

>stop liking what I don't like.

>> No.1791020

you would if you could though

>> No.1791024

Why aren't these bannable yet?

>> No.1791031

You're free to hide all threads matching

This is nothing compared to /vg/ though.

>> No.1791050

>if you don't like it then fuck off spaz
>implying you don't follow your own advice.

Dude, seriously. If you don't like a post, theres a nifty little extension that lets you ignore posts.

>> No.1791072

because they are related to retrogames. I fucking despise jontron to all hell but I never reported that jontron thread yesterday because I really don't give a fuck if people want to talk about that retard. It's not a big deal if you don't like it stay out of the thread, this crap has been going on since day one and no matter how loud you doomsayers scream this place is not turning into /v/.

If you want some quality content though check out

Generation 16 a review and overview of sega genesis games in chronological order. Great production value on his show too.

Chrontendo - chronological review of famicom games, also goes into master system and pc engine.


Turbo Views this guy is great just a true turbo grafx pc engine fan giving honest reviews of his favorite system.


MAMEcade, good reviews on some lesser known arcade titles. Guy has a good taste in games.


>> No.1791075


>But God dammit, they are thorough

You could learn more about individual games from someone like AVGN than you could from Game Sack. The only thing you could maybe consider thorough about their reviews is the quantity of games "covered".

>> No.1791089

Love Gamesack, they always create insanely quality videos that are both interesting, informative and original. They never talk about popular game unless its some obscure ass port or a comparison between versions.

CGR is great in general. Mark does need to make his review's a little less ramble-y.

AVGN is enjoyable and the Mike and James mondays are pretty cool but mike on his own causes me to gain brain tumors.

Alphaomegasin although more of a new released vidya guy has some of the best taste in games ever and is a fucking rad dude. Yes his face is weird and his hair is stupid, but he has the best taste in games I have ever seen.

LGR is ok but all his does is boring old PC stuff that everybody knows about or is a copy of an old game everybody knows about.

HVGN was the best for insight into games but over the last year all he has done is stream uploads and on the spot shit that sucks. His earthbound videos are perfect and his opinions are good and his HVGN reviews are amazing but he's been lacking.

Metaljesusrocks is ok but his guests are often shit or boring. His chin is also disgusting. Decent opinions but a little to general.

Pat The NES punk is one of my favourite retro reviewers. His podcast is amazing, his friend Ian is always right and on the spot. Flea Market Madness is also fun and interesting. He doesn't review much NES punk stuff anymore but still a good channel.

SomecallmeJohnny although not exclusively retro most of his content is and is good quality. He lets his fans decide some of his videos, he has good quality, goes into detail well, is skilled at games and interesting.

Gamechasers can go fuck themselves. Its like a really shitty pawn stars ripoff that is trying to be on TV but is way to boring, planned and WOW DRAMA to actually be anything. One of the worst youtube channels. Subscribe for the laughs.

Razorfist. A fucking faggot. Not sure why Alphaomegasin ever became friends with him. Never even go to his channel. Also shades inside.

>> No.1791091

This guy is living the dream.

>> No.1791095

Not OP but I'll fix what he said
*they are thorough on consoles
Gamesack is more about gameplay then talk anyways, half of the episode is dedicated to gameplay with no talk most of the time.
Gamesack isn't about finding opinions on games, its more about finding out about games and seeing whether or not you like it.

>> No.1791096

Alphaomegasin is an angry little chipmunk he is not rad all he does is throw fits.

Somecallmejohnny is also retarded.

>> No.1791131

He rarely "throws fits" unless its at modern news of capcom or SE being a dickhead.

How so?

>> No.1791146

If all else fails, go with Kinaman.

>> No.1791157

everytime I watched an alphaomegasin video he was flying off the hook about something. Swearing way too much because he can't articulate anything. It was just too cringe for me.

he sounds like his mouth is full of marbles when he talks.

>> No.1791190

This person is pretty good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1A6AHy5Prk

>> No.1791198

>rarely throws fits
>90% of his videos are fucking rants.
Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.1791328

Agreed. Mark for specific games, Game Sack for themes and history, and Yakumo (Retrocore) for comparisons and Japanese stuff.

Also Mark's cadence still weirds me out.

>> No.1791410
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LGR is a hack, and so is Game Sack.

>> No.1791449
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The Completionist.

Ever since Homestar Runner stopped updating regularly this is my go to stop for net enjoyment.

Game Sack is number 2 for me when The Video Game Years is a non regularly schedule show that I also enjoy alot.

>> No.1791469

JonTron reviews are great if you enjoy his sense of humor. He seems to deliver in his writing and acting. Most reviewers that try to be funny rely on the same type of character; either angry (AVGN style), aloofness/silliness, nerdy ultra dry jokes, or unnecessary commentary and references constantly.

The Completionist is also very good although the other guy that provides commentary is annoying as fuck.

>> No.1791473

Game Sack LOL. "This is one of my favorite games ever. I really love it. I've never made it past level two though." A couple of worthless casuals spitting WikiPedia factoids.

Pissed Pendejo--Where to even begin with this 'tard rocket. From the over-exaggeration of every word to his spastic flailing, he's probably the one I would most like to punch.

Game Chasers--I watched a video where they went to some dudes house to look through his doubles. One inbred pulls out a copy of Gargoyle's Quest 2 for the NES and remarks that he has one, and it doesn't show up very often, so he bought it. It doesn't come up very often because dumb fucks like you buy them every time you see them whether you need them or not.

Between the Johnny Come Lately posers and the mentally ill hoarders, the landscape is indeed bleak.

>> No.1791493

Dude the Game Chasers are solid. Watch more of their vids before you pass judgement.

>> No.1791502

I think Greg Wilmot is hilarious, he is the modern day version of Johnny Carson, better Carson replacement then Leno, Letterman (before getting shafted like Madoka to CBS), Conan & Fallon ever were, yet they still do a good job.

Unless you mean Jirard's beard bro Alex, then I don't see how he is annoying, he is just as normal as Jirard.

[spoilers]If you don't like Johnny Carson, thats fine.[/spoilers]

>> No.1791510

this guy is cool, he isn't angry or yelly like most youtube video game people

>> No.1791515

I watched about five of their videos and they were all the same. They drove around to a bunch of places trying to Jew Screw people out of their stuff, so they could go back and put all of their shit on a shelf and watch it rot like the other dumb hoarders out there.

And never mind the hilarity of these fucking idiots driving who knows how many hours, spending who knows how much on gas and food, just to buy a couple of two dollar bare carts at a flea market, throw their arms up in the air and go SCORE!!! Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.1791531

Do any of these reviewers browse /vr/?

>> No.1791540

This is exactly why all my retro isn't flea market finds but craigslist, amazon, or eBay.

Craigslist is the ideal, since I can usually meet a guy somewhere and pick up the games i want for a bit more reasonable then eBay prices. I used to hunt the flea market scene but after awhile it was done. Had to make a fucking blind guess on what would be good because if you're not first on the scene you're pretty much SoL. So you take a look at the events happening, pick one, don't luck out, and then spend the rest of your sat or sun looking through trash other people didn't want. It wasn't for me and I stopped after a few months.

Sleeping in until noon then -playing- the games its much more satisfying then hunting ever was for me. I'll pay the extra cost for the damn convenience.

>> No.1791635


>calls the NES as the "nesss" and the SNES the "snesss"
>pronounce Konami cone*ahh*me


>> No.1791679

my favorite game reviewer is... me.
most people who review games tend to stick to one system and don't branch out. me, i'll play anything if it looks fun, dumb or interesting.

problem is i'm lazy and I haven't bothered to record anything. I also wish I had someone to bounce shit off of, otherwise it's boring.

>> No.1791731

at least theyre not resellers.

>> No.1791756
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>mad that somebody needs a reasonable profit to live

>> No.1792024

I really wish he'd go back to his old reviewing style. I remember reading "a game reviewer without any gimmick" in his youtube description, but each time I hear something along of "this is practice mode where you can practice your skills while practicing moves and other features related to the game which is made by repeating certain command prompts inside practice room" I want to throw up.

>> No.1792029 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 1920x1080, say no to youtube whores2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Report all viral marketing threads.

>> No.1792030 [DELETED] 

The problem with strictly /vr/ reviewers is their library of games is more limited and they've got to choose between reviewing the classics that everyone has played or is at least familiar with. Then it's a bit trickier for them to make the review interesting because it's not like the game is new to you, just their impression of it. Or they can review supposed "hidden jems" that the majority of people haven't heard of. The problem is these usually turn out to be shit, or at best mediocre platformers and the like.
They don't need to go all out with the gimmicks and overproduction, but it'd be nice if the reviews could keep my attention and they were in depth enough that they tell me more than I could figure out in playing for 5 minutes. Especially for old game reviews, it's pretty damn easy for me to download the roms in a few seconds and form my own opinions.

>> No.1792032

The problem with strictly /vr/ reviewers is their library of games is more limited and they've got to choose between reviewing the classics that everyone has played or is at least familiar with and reviewing bottom of the barrel shit. Then it's a bit trickier for them to make the review interesting because it's not like the game is new to you, just their impression of it. Or they can review supposed "hidden jems" that the majority of people haven't heard of. The problem is these usually turn out to be shit, or at best mediocre platformers and the like.
They don't need to go all out with the gimmicks and overproduction, but it'd be nice if the reviews could keep my attention and they were in depth enough that they tell me more than I could figure out in playing for 5 minutes. Especially for old game reviews, it's pretty damn easy for me to download the roms in a few seconds and form my own opinions.

>> No.1792043

Myself. Playing the game myself and finding all the flaws on my own is more humorous than watching some balding 30 year old do it.

>> No.1792052 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1792054

i for one welcome our new practice mode overlords

>> No.1792173
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Youtuber thread should be ban in oblivion.

>> No.1792446
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>I also like cinemassacre's Mike Matei.

>> No.1792508 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 346x344, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck would support DSP hes a shitstain and a fucking fake rimjob from a bootleg Chinese prostitute.

>> No.1792517

>pronounce Konami cone*ahh*me

But that's how Konami pronounces their name, doofus. コナミ.

>> No.1792542

Of all the youtube celebrity shitposting, I think the ONLY one with honest to god bad intentions of viral marketing and assuming some sort of obscuritarian/intellectual high ground is Game Sack posting.

There is nothing good about the Game Sack guys, from the terrible stilted jokes with no charisma to their terrible gaming skills. The only people I can see liking this shit are autists in college for video game design who just can't get enough of these guys namedropping KEY PEOPLE IN THE HISTORY OF VIDEOGAMES and other wikipedia facts to satisfy their pseudo-intellectual asses.

Fuick Game Sack and fuck you. You only WISH you were smarter than a stupid AVGN poop joke or Jontron or Pewdipie screaming like a retard, but no matter how many factoids you stuff into your brain you're still the same old fucking idiot. Go read a book.

>> No.1792585

>Who is your favorite game reviewer?
NickonAquaMagna. Bitch.

>> No.1792632

I don't think I like any youtube reviewers.

projared is probably the worst. hvgn seemed ok for a time but he started talking shit about the character designs in dragons crown like a week before the release date when the gameplay was shown like 2 years prior.

you know what? I actually like roo. despite being on the retroware low tier circle jerk squad he puts out some solid reviews, he's smart and genuine and doesn't over do it with the shit tier comedy.

>> No.1792652 [DELETED] 

that is a bait image, whenever there is a youtube thread nobody on here is talking about any of those fags except avgn. DSP is funny though "Online dragon punch, wouldn't work in a real tournament" "I'M PRESSING BUTTONS" be sure to use adblock if you watch videos directly from his chanel though. We don't want that faggot making any money.

>> No.1792654 [DELETED] 

Please don't put AVGN together with those people.

>> No.1792659 [DELETED] 
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>the hack who started the whole "Failure at life reviews games on Youtube and gets mad dosh" thing
>implying he's any better
>implying he isn't the King of Youtube whores

>> No.1792701 [DELETED] 
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But he is with these people.

James & Mike play just had an episode with that fucker rerez, the game chasers, and alpha omega sin an spoony.

>> No.1792706

/vr/ or myself

>> No.1792709 [DELETED] 


Who is alpha omega sin and rerez?

>> No.1792740


I really enjoyed their latest video about console modding. I really do enjoy their stuff though.

>> No.1792742


>I'm mad that I'm such a boring pathetic person that no one will give me money to make youtube videos

>> No.1792756

no, it's pronounced kó.nà.mì the n is part of the first syllable, not the second. he's not saying it right and sounds like a tool that just started playing video games.

>> No.1792759

>the n is part of the first syllable, not the second

meant that the N is part of the second syllable, not the first.

>> No.1792764

Nobody pauses between the N and the A, unless they're some kind of homeschooled retard that never played a Konami game made after Sunset Riders.


>> No.1792835

HappyConsoleGamer and Game Sack. No others really. There's not a single episode I dislike from Game Sack, these guys always make decent reviews themselves.

>> No.1793127 [DELETED] 


fuck off, weeb

>> No.1793554 [DELETED] 


Mike looks like a goddamn psycho

>> No.1793560 [DELETED] 

nah he just looks like that one kid you were friends with because he had all the coolest shit

>> No.1793606

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clc5XjUqWrU I honestly wish Dave was back. He was what made the Game Room hilarious. They are the oldest online vidya show, from 15 years ago. CGR is my main source but Mark usually puts the same show on and it's alright but only reviewer I can take seriously if you take away the truxton, vectrex, and el camino jokes. Game sack is good and they do good console reviews. Chrontendo and Generation 16 are awesome channels since I love history and video games so it's a match made in heaven for me. Vintagevideogamegeek is alright too i guess. But the rest are pure marketing shit. AVGN is just AVGN but fuck Mike I wanna punch that little shit's face. All he does is bitches and nags most of the time. All those AVGN and Retroware TV friends are nothing special. Crazyvideogammer is good for spanish speakers and being spic gives me another perspective of the video game scene from another country.

>> No.1793652 [DELETED] 

>lol what website am I on again

>> No.1793783 [DELETED] 

stop this, having an interest in japanese stuff does not make you a weeb. Weeb is the equivilant of a wigger, they have to build their entire persona on one facet of their personality, probably the only one though seeing as weebs autistic for the most part.

>> No.1793881

Luke is the only guy I like. First of all, he is not a complete autist manchild like the Game Sack guys and the like. The older I get the weirder it seems to me how grown men spend so much time and money on children's toys. Just having old plastic shit on a shelf. Hoarders.

So yeah, give Luke some love.

>> No.1794007

Mark has been on here before and even left a Vocaroo to an anon who was considering purchasing a Vectrex

Besides that, I know people like AVGN and Teddy Rubskin have been suspected of being regulars on here

>> No.1795106


I promise you, AVGN probably doesn't even know what this place is. He doesn't care.

>> No.1795127

I like StopSkeletons. I think he does pretty good reviews without being lolsorandum. I hope this doesn't sounds like spamming.
Also LGR mostly because of his Thrifting videos.

>> No.1795363

Gamesack needs to stop reading off of bad scripts, then they'd be good. The mod episode was fantastic, so they're definitely capable of good content.

>> No.1795367

I can agree with some of the negative sentiments posted in this thread, such as their wannabe endearing, but still absolutely wooden delivery in the live-action segments, or how they only say 'music is decent to good' type critique. Even Joe's stupid mouth (his words).

I like these guys for a few reasons though. They showcase games I've never heard of, good and bad. Especially since I barely played any Sega systems growing up, it's nice to see hidden gems on each of their consoles. I've played roughly ~95% (if not more) of the English games on the SNES but they still showcase a few I haven't as well as most Japanese games I haven't played.

They're also useful for having as background noise, as they don't scream shit. Joe's editing is fantastic for the console dissections too. And even though they might not do very thorough examinations on games, or even debate them between eachother, I still enjoy what they bring to the table, and they know that it's an incredibly unrealistic pipe-dream to even fathom making this their respective careers. The end of their FMV video actually had me laughing pretty hard for thirty seconds, to be honest.

Overall, I think their hearts are in the right place (Joe especially) but they should spend more time discussing certain games instead of the 'first impressions are reviews' thing they do for most videos to become more credible; do more live-segments (non-scripted/generally outlined) to seem more human to the casual viewer; do more technical videos, such as the latest one.... and maybe put what games are going to be played in the description. [that last tip is for more views]

>> No.1795401

These two guys are actually pretty good and I enjoy their videos but holy fuck they are ugly as sin

>> No.1795410

>The latest episode about console modding was pretty interesting.

I found it to be the exact opposite. I was expecting them to talk about different mods they used on different consoles and how they thought of applying the mods nad how useful they were and instead got an episode that just felt like it was rushed at the last minute to meet their Saturday deadline because they couldn't think of anything to cover that week.

>> No.1795412

>You could learn more about individual games from someone like AVGN than you could from Game Sack

fucking hell, you ain't gonna learn shit from the AVGN.

every review is him swearing like a sailor with tourettes as he goes out of the way to make games look worse than they are.

>> No.1795415

have you seen MetalJesusRocks? ugliest motherfucker I've ever seen. I like his videos though, expecially the hidden gems ones.

>> No.1795424

Your post is more childish than the guys you accuse of being manchildren.

>> No.1795428

Ooooooh, you're close!

Oh, so very close!


>> No.1795870

God Tier:
Classic Game Room
Happy Console Gamer

Decent Tier:
Game Sack

Everyone else can go fuck themselves

>> No.1796246

Agreed, this guy is legit.

>> No.1796369
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>> No.1796717

>I also like cinemassacre's Mike Matei
Now that's one I haven't heard before

>> No.1796728

I hate the completionist. I watched some of his videos before and he's even worse with shoehorning stories into his reviews than AVGN

>> No.1796760

I watch his streams every monday. It's fun. Good banter between friends too. You can see they enjoy the time together

>> No.1796796

I like his Is it Really That Bad? series on his channel. Like you said it's just good friends having fun. What I like about it though is that they don't interrupt each other all the time spouting nonsensical shit like TwoBestFriendsPlay or some other channels.

>> No.1796810

>guy with vaguely silly voice, has no genuine opinions on anything
>compared to Johnny Carson

that is by far one of the stangest trolls I have ever seen.

I unsubbed from the completionist when he started talking to other retard autists about their personal lives on those "why we <3 gaming" segments.

I just don't give a shit if you had a shitty childhood that drove you to games, please supply information or entertainment.

>> No.1796842


My favorite thing about luke is

>>that's all for now, I'll upload another video soon.
>>video keeps going another 5 minutes of him goofing off with what he was talking about.

>> No.1796890


Proof on Mark? Love that guy.

>> No.1797016

>Teddy Rubskin

Please don't tell me you guys have a problem with him. You have to be a total shit who cant be happy about anything in your life to hate teddy

>>inb4 fuck off teddy

>> No.1797038

this. why can't people just do reviews with some humor added in? I really dislike tying a story to it.

>> No.1797051

>AVGN posts here

I doubt it. He likes videogames but he's not as obsessed as we are with them.

>> No.1797059

But he pretty much only put stories on very special episodes.

Not a fan of much of his humor and storylines, but at least he's good at videogames. Watched some of his streams and he does fine.

>> No.1797060
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>> No.1797072

HVGN is not that awful. At least he is honest and does not try to be "funny" or "quirky". The only thing I dislike about him is that he should know Nightshade is made by Beam Software, not "Ultra Games", which was just a publisher

>> No.1797247

Sadly, the Vocaroo link is probably dead, but I do remember part of what he said:

"Hello, this is not Mark from not the Classic Game Room...I believe you should purchase and love Lady Vectrex..."

And that's as far as my memory could go

>> No.1797272


The funny thing is that while your post is far shorter than the one you responded to you are clearly infinitely more butthurt.

>> No.1797319
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Pic related.Doesn't he only likes the old stuff but actually knows the history behind them.He hasn't put out a new video for ages through so i'm assuming he is dead.

>> No.1797390

I'm not even that guy, I just thought it was a funny response to a man who clearly has anger problems.

>> No.1797396


he could stand an editor. A lot of the time he spends too much time explaining shit everyone who would watch him already knows

>> No.1797827

Giant Bomb

>> No.1797901
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to watch Pete Dorr's videos a lot. Dude seems like he has amazing taste in games and his collection is equally amazing.

He must have lodsofemone too because it seems like every pickup video he gets some crazy expensive game.

>> No.1798027

>that haircut and glasses

why are all game reviews so physically unappealing

>> No.1798050
File: 55 KB, 600x450, 8a2768380687fd9b9e6346db5b6755ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reviewers and Let's Players

You actually LEARN something from their let's plays (It's kinda like did you know)


Also cool that IDW comics does all their title cards (Transformers, Ghostbusters, GI Joe)

>> No.1798068

1 out of every 100 game reviewers/walkthrough guys ain't some glasses wearing homely looking dude.

>> No.1798072

The face of sexual frustration. Oh to be in his will when he takes in his own life.

>> No.1798076
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>I also like cinemassacre's Mike Matei.

>> No.1798085

Mike is in an odd place.

We learned that the talented and GUD gamer of the guys at Cinemassacre is "Bootsy" (He is the one that beats all the game footage for James) and the funny/talented one is James.

Mike is just....... in the middle of everything.

>> No.1798113

And here I thought James was good enough to beat games like Transformers NES on his own

>> No.1798138

>He is the one that beats all the game footage for James

Source? It's not like this is an absurd claim, but, you know.

>> No.1798154


James made Friday the 13th hard on himself by not realizing you can swap characters

it makes it a much different game, admittedly still not a GOOD one but still

>> No.1798170

MAGfest (Like 2012 I think) panel with Mike and Bootsy in the audience. He referenced that Bootsy helps with all the raw footage for most of the harder games but something like Barbie (Which he used as an example) was easy enough for him to do.

>> No.1798176

Very few men have documented proof of beating that game.

>> No.1798346

I checked a vid out recently. I didn't hate it, but man. Some people should stay behind the camera. Dude on the left looks like Ron Perlman's brother, and guy on the right just looks awful.

>> No.1798440

Yeah they should work on their delivery as well. They've been doing videos for years but it's still awkward as fuck between them.

>> No.1798469

>James made Friday the 13th hard on himself by not realizing you can swap characters
Could he be any more of a casual?

>> No.1798548


hey at least they're clean looking and in reasonable shape

unlike this sickly bastard


>> No.1798565

or this ugly motherfucker. spoiler he's really fucking ugly

>> No.1798692
File: 48 KB, 500x258, avgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the stupid antics and pretty biased game reviews, (durr) the AVGN has interested me in playing some of the shitty games he's done. Besides, it's his facial expressions that really makes him my favorite.

>> No.1798723

Classic Game Room
(Classic) Video Masters
The Best Gamers
Ashens (Doesn't normally review conventional video games though)

AVGN (2006-2010)
Screwattack (2005-2008)
Super Bunnyhop
LGR (2009-2011)
JewWario ;_;
Ports Center
Game Sack
Allosaurus Rex/Al Russell

AVGN (2011-present)
The Completionist
Spoonyone (before breakdown)
LGR (2012-present)
Alphaomegasin (when he actually reviews/plays games)
ProJared (when reviewing RPG's)

Pat the NES Punk
AlphaOmegaSin (when he's ranting)
Irate Gamer
Stan Burdman
ProJared (when reviewing anything besides RPG's)
Spoonyone (after breakdown)
Screwattack (2009-present)

Angry Joe
LeisureSuitGaming/Silent Rob

>> No.1798756

I agree with everything else in your post except this. Recently he's gotten so stupid.

>> No.1798767
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Do you like Miney Crafta?

>> No.1798771

Don't really like game reviews but Game Sack is good.

I've noticed a lot of those retro people have moved onto Let's Plays or podcasts and I've enjoyed them much more.

Jame & Mike Mondays along with Yahtzee's Let's Drown Outs are great to listen to while grinding.

>> No.1798775

>spoiler he's really fucking ugly


you're and adult man, why are you still looking like that

>> No.1798853
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Where is Kinaman?


>> No.1798861


he probably has the most credentials than most vloggers since he actually worked for Sierra On-Line.

>> No.1798909
File: 14 KB, 214x317, Mike_Matei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irate Gamer is completely Shit-tier, Pat Contri and Chris Bores do not belong in the same group.

One shit-tier reviewer you missed though is Mike Matei.

>> No.1798916

What spinal disorder does he have?

>> No.1798928

Pat the NES Punk is too low

>> No.1799996


I also like Mike Matei. He seems like decent, although slightly awkward guy. I don''t understand all the hate toward him.

>> No.1800036


Pat the NES Punk's podcast episodes belong in Good tier

>> No.1800097
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>> No.1800129

>putting Caddicarus and Brutal Moose a full tier under JonTron
Admittedly they might not belong on this list at all since Caddi and BM only do informative reviews on the side while Jon doesn't do it at all but I sincerely feel like Caddi and BM do comedic reviews at least as well as Jon. Probably better,

>> No.1800240

Not even that godawful Nintendo 64 episode?

>> No.1800365
File: 222 KB, 429x295, 1397707120924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also enjoy his thrifting videos
My nigga. This shit is so comfy.

>> No.1800373

I agree. I don't love him but he's decent enough.

>> No.1800379

brutal moose has yet to make me laugh.

he's simply too clean but and presentable for me to find anything he does funny or interesting.

>> No.1800613

this. seems like the type of guy I'd have fun playing games with

>> No.1800783

Then you obviously haven't seen his Elmo in Grouchland review. It will make you hate him.

>> No.1801229


Does he even make reviews anymore? I swear that guy did like two shitty reviews and then decided to just turn into ClickBaitUSA.

>> No.1801398

That's why he's in shit tier. He just cynically rants about insignificant shit and flipflops his opinions on everything just like /v/.

>> No.1801425

You have good taste, LGR is one of the few good youtube reviewers

>> No.1801657

Only two mentions of Chrontendo?

You guys are crazy. That guy is THE best, and probably also the least embarrassing/neckbeardy game reviewer on the internet.

>> No.1801665

I know, right?

I live in the same state as him though, so I'm kinda jealous of his finds, 'cause I can't find shit.

>> No.1801670

It's because most of this board is underage plebs and their favorite thing is the n64 or snes rpgs

>> No.1801687

I love Custom Gamer, aka Daz. He plays Quake, HL2 and HL1 mods, and does a great job of focusing on the design aspects of them. He's been very insightful to a modder like me.

I also like Matthewmatosis, and wish he would focus more on older games, but I appreciate what he does and as he is.

>> No.1801726

luke is very likable, ive been watching his videos for some time now

>> No.1802059

He does all the editing stuff I suppose.

>> No.1802119

>He does all the editing stuff I suppose.

Nope that's James. At least it's him when he is making AVGN stuff. Mike usually is the guy in the costume James beats up and draws the title cards while also helping out with some misc stuff.

>> No.1803427


Rerez should be good tier at least. A lot of his videos are super informative and cover things that nobody else talks about.

Also, Satchbags should be top-tier. That guy is neck in neck with Matosis.

>> No.1804690


>> No.1805235

best game reviewer ever.

>> No.1807437

I like them, but I'd like to find out how they do shit like recording the RGB signals they get out of some of their consoles. I've searched the internet high and low and found nothing.

>> No.1807452

Agreed with the list. I'd add the game grumps in the shit tier.

>> No.1808567
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>3 minutes in

>> No.1808594

oh jesus I hoped you were exaggerating at least a little bit. wazo! my god!

>> No.1809141
File: 848 KB, 200x528, 1402824244453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he himself reviewing games is alright, but it's when he's mother-fucker mike, his humor is cursing of a 4th grader, and he's not even good at it, he's really just shoe-horned in because James wanted his friend helping him to be in it also.

>> No.1809175

>God tier
Classic game room
Mega64(the skits and stuff)
Happy Console Gamer

>Good tier
AVGN (06-09)
Mega 64 (podcasts and everything else)
Finngamer (just because of his voice)
Dunkey(none of that ASSFAGOOT bullshit)
PBG (pre normalboots)
Brutal Moose

>mid tier
AVGN (now)
GameGrumps(with jon)
Boogie22986 or something

>Low tier
Pat(fucking dude talks like he has a stick up his ass)
GameGrumps (now)
Total Biscuit
Projared (he really isn't funny)
caddi (he annoys me)
>Shit tier

and everyone else that i dont know

>> No.1809178

>Chris bores is moving on up in the world
>not in vomit tier.

>> No.1809179
File: 5 KB, 285x177, 2ev0dfV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is Kinaman?


>> No.1809187

game grumps is better without jontron arin sucks a fat cock too but danny is actually so awesome. He is actually older and knows a little about retro games. Yuriofwind is shit, he's just some little underage faget that talks about pokemon copy pasta. PeteDorr is an autistic faggot and needs to be in vomitshit tier as does alphaomegasin or his own tier for angry chipmunks. Peanutbuttergamer has always been a huge faggot and all he does is stroke his zelda boner the guy is a fucking loser.

>> No.1809209

Man, so much effort goes into those Video Game Years episodes, its a shame they don't get more viewers. It's a "I Love the 80s" style retrospective starring internet retro reviewers as the talking heads.

>> No.1809226

I personally vote for Spoony before breakdown to be in good tier. I mean his Phantasmagoria 2 videos were fucking god like.

What caused him to breakdown again exactly? Something about his whale of a GF braking up with him?

>> No.1809248

He's the fucking same as Blackb0nd and BBC, him and his brother are both shit.

>> No.1809256

sorry about that i would move him down but i cant

>> No.1809270

No Blackb0nd has ego issues really the drama that guy brought was so dumb and boring

Shokios's videos aren't even anything like B0nds same thing with BBC at least those guys are entertaining

>> No.1809285

Maybe it's because I haven't seen their stuff in a while, but last time I saw them they were all in a blacks only PC Elitists circlejerk where they try to constantly act like they have an amazing social life.

>> No.1809290

i havent watched really with danny but eh

i like yuriofwind although when he does that stupid shit i dont even watch it

>vomit shit

he isnt that bad at least he doesnt really make vomitshit videos he makes really meh videos i heard the guy was chill really

alpha again same thing although guys like razorfist are just gay

I said pre normalboots he wasnt really that much of a fag then

>> No.1809297

I was actually about to put down "DramaticBlackGamingCommunity" as the tier

>> No.1809328

son you need to start watching chrontendo

>> No.1809551

Kind of, there was also drama surrounding other people from TGWTG which caused him to leave the site.

>> No.1809558

After watching some of his videos I'd probably put him in good-tier, he's a respectable guy and his videos are interesting.

>> No.1809562

Irate Gamer is just, well amusing to watch sometimes, he's a blatant copy of AVGN but I still find some redeeming factors in his videos so I kept him out of shit-tier.

>> No.1809574

Myasshasworms is the best thing on youtube. He probably wouldnt like me mentioning him but fuck it.

Filmnstuff is good too.

>> No.1809736


I honestly don't know why I'm still subscribed to him.I started watching him before ps4 and xbone came out and he was pretty okay. He gave out news, and an opinion. Honestly pretty simple.

Then after they came out

I also don't like his constant mood swings of
>>I'm going to be on camera
>>Here's me playing games because i don't know
I understand you are fat and disgusting, but dnt tell people "This is the new format from now on" and then switch it back to the other format a week later.

>> No.1809773

That fucking guy is worse than Rush Limbaugh. Disgusting.

>> No.1809816

>(Classic) Video Masters
Literally who

>> No.1809827

Nice list



>> No.1809995
File: 103 KB, 1200x627, 4-hot-social-gaming-trends-to-watch-1b094eb00a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only YouTube channels you should be watching. Unranked.

>Review & High Quality Productions
Classic game room
EgoRaptor (Only Sequelitis)

Brutal Moose
Pat the NES PUNK


>Let's Plays
Total Biscuit

>> No.1810014

This nigger gets it.

>> No.1810037

How about /vr/'s exclusive Parker Peter Plays? Where would you rank him?

>> No.1810068

Stop it, just stop

Nobody watches your shitty channel, stop posting as other people and pretending anyone watches it.

>> No.1810106

>angry joe

>> No.1810114
File: 3 KB, 160x216, DXw0IpI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is Kinaman?


>> No.1810116

to be fair at least he knows that there shit I think he means performance I love my wii u and i play it alot but I dont think its better in performance compared too the pc and stuff

>> No.1810169
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>not pronouncing console acronyms phonetically

>> No.1810251

>Boogie22986 or something

Shit tier. What's his gimmick besides whining.


A Bald retard who reads things out loud.

>> No.1810426


Kinaman is fantastic. However the disconnect of the Dendy outside of Russian audiences prevents him from having a larger impact. Essentially doing reviews on a bootleg system doesn't give him much of chance anywhere else.

>> No.1810838

Actually, I'm not him, but I knew this would be the response.

>> No.1810865

wow another filmnstuff fan, all he does is bitch and moan but with his subject matter can't really blame him he plays some awful old computer games

>> No.1810878

If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.1810886

That isn't quality content that looks like all the garbage youtube recommends because those are some of its more autistic partners. Yuriofwind is an annoying little kid, anything from the normalboots crew is fucking cancer. Come on step up your shit taste son.

>> No.1810902

Aside from really looking very feminine and faggy, what's the problem with PBG? Never really watched his videos, only when he did crossover with one of his buddies and he's alright.


>> No.1810921

there is your hurr durrr random humor for you. Also he is just really annoying.

>> No.1810964
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>EgoRaptor (Only Sequelitis)

>> No.1811009

>high quality anything
>omg this is too slow
>hurr why can't i move quickly and dash like Mega Man X
>durr chest animations therefore this game is worse than the other
>btw i'm also bad at the game so more needless criticism
>herp survival horror games are boring they're key simulators
>plenty more i don't feel like mentioning

I don't hate the guy, but how in the fuck do people take him seriously? Some of his opinions are just downright obnoxious.

>> No.1811316
File: 19 KB, 344x345, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only retro (or gaming in general) YouTubers that I really watch are CGR and MetalJesusRocks. I watch Shofu if I'm in a Pokemon mood, but that's not really retro. Watched AVGN for a month or so last year until it started to get samey for me. I just like CGR and MJR because they both just have a love for games and just talk about them in a presentation style that's well produced and not too long for each video. I don't need too much comedy or rants. Seems like people are saying that Game Sack is like that, might check them out! Any others like these?

>> No.1811329
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1318214061677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~2million hits

jesus christ how mildly agitating he's making money with this shit.

seems to be a good thing i generally dont watch game reviews.

>> No.1811339

You're giving him more money by clicking that, morons!

>> No.1811359

no I use adblock.

>> No.1811364

So, if someone were to go about doing a video game reviewing channel, what would (hypothetically) be the right way to go about doing it?

Because I feel like the whole "angry reviewer" thing is really overdone. Yeah, it worked for AVGN and Jontron. That doesn't mean that it works for everybody. It'd be nice to see more reviewers talk about games that they actually like. And continuing plotlines are just...not necessary. At all.

>> No.1811404
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>Ctrl-F matthewmatosis
>Only very high praise

There's still hope for us, /vr/

>> No.1811451
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I prefer the Kinaman approach where it is just being informative without too much humor


>> No.1811670

What IS it with Kinaman's spine? I'd really love to know.

>> No.1811715

I find PBG to be very funny.

Not as funny as Greg Wilmot (the modern day Johnny Carson), but still funny.

>> No.1811840

Sean Malstrom. Not exactly a reviewer, but his tells it like it is about so many games that he might as well me. He's basically THE authority on videogames.

>> No.1811884

Oh wow, I had a nice laugh at that.

>> No.1811890

Some guys from a magazine that was called GBA world. The whole staff was pretty good, but Patrick was my favorite.

>> No.1811903

But the n64 has a tiny tiny rpg library. At least the snes has a fuckton of rpgs.(though a good portion of them you have to find the patched rom)

>> No.1812203


The only good people from your list:

you missed Satchbags Goods

>> No.1812282

I watch his pick up videos. They're decent