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File: 28 KB, 379x373, Ocarina-of-Time-Logo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1798086 No.1798086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think we can all agree that pic related is shit.

>> No.1798095
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>Babby's first troll

>> No.1798096

Good for you?

You didn't even bring up a discussion point to go with your obvious bait.

>> No.1798102

10/10 GOTYAY i'm such a nerd XD

>> No.1798107


go to bed egoraptor

>> No.1798123

Should I emulate this with Nesticle?

>> No.1798124
File: 13 KB, 182x277, Sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. its a good game OP, probably one of my favorites. Also sage

>> No.1798135

It's a good game. But whoever thinks it's the greatest must not have played many video games before this one

That's my opinion on it. I'll wager those of you who think it's the greatest too don't play many games that aren't Nintendo games

>> No.1798143

This post pretty much describes the N64 in general.

>> No.1798147
File: 53 KB, 152x153, 140393251480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ocarina of Time


>> No.1798149

They made a game after the NES?

>> No.1798168

On the other hand, I personally like the N64 for it's wealth of british and american video games, but I can see how the rest of Europe and Japan might not understand why it's so great

>> No.1798181


>must not have played many video games before this one

Actually, the correct assumption would be that people who think OOT is the greatest must not have played many video games AFTER this one. 3D games before OOT weren't really that good, there's a reason OOT was so revolutionary, it's just 3D games after it, especially on 6th gen, vastly improved on the formula, controls and of course graphics.

It describes people who only play 1 console or 1 brand in general, not just N64.

>> No.1798190

is nostalge

>> No.1798194

>3D games before OOT weren't really that good
I'll wager you must not have played many 3D games to say that a game released very close to 1999 was the only good one. Or that Ocarina of Time was influential to 3D game design (Perhaps to the Zelda series, but certainly not to the rest of video gaming at all)

>> No.1798202

This is the game that turned Link into a faggot. And just look at Link today. The problem is not that he is a ‘toon’ as early Zelda he was a ‘toon’ too. But modern Link is so effeminate he might as well be a girl. He also isn’t a swordsman anymore. He plays with wands and does ‘puzzles’. LAME. The reason why I suspect of this transformation comes from the people inside the Zelda team being just as effeminate. Aonuma couldn’t finish the NES Zeldas. Aonuma spent his college years making wooden dolls (seriously, how LAME is that?). When you put lame people to make video games, they end up making lame video games. The people matter. Give me kickass people like Gunpei Yokoi any day.

>> No.1798206

Oracles Link is the prettiest and those games rule.

>> No.1798209

>Aonuma couldn’t finish the NES Zeldas

That explains why Zelda stopped trying in the challenge department and got hand holdy

>> No.1798210

This. Nintendo having game play is a buzzword. The games are often too easy like the yarn series to appeal to children and casual. I mean Zelda almost has no gameplay compared to ys.

>> No.1798213


Well, at the time, I had PS1, Saturn and a Pentium PC. I was playing stuff like Tomb Raider, Jumping Flash, Mario 64, and a few others. OOT really seemed impressive to me, it also holds the virtue of having introduced Z-targeting to video games, something that became crucial for 3D action games in general.

What other pre-OOT 3D games would you say were better?

Mystical Ninja starring Goemon on the N64 was also awesome, and was released before OOT, but it lacked Z-targeting and all the complex stuff OOT had like the first person weapons.

>> No.1798216

He is asking if he should emulate Ocarina of Time with a NES emulator (Nesticle)

>> No.1798221
File: 39 KB, 319x400, alonedark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What other pre-OOT 3D games would you say were better?


>> No.1798223

Maybe he has a good computer.

>> No.1798224


Ys has almost no gameplay compared to Streets of Rage.

>> No.1798231

NES emulators can't load N64 roms. It does not matter how good your computer is

>> No.1798232


Yeah, I thought about listing AITD, which I also played on the PC... but, really? You'd say that game is similar to OOT? it's 3D, but plays nothing alike, it's a survival horror with tank controls and fixed camera, like Resident Evil.

>> No.1798236

I think we can all agree that OP is a fag.

>> No.1798237

It is a pre-OOT 3D game. That is what he asked for not another game like OoT before OoT

>> No.1798252

>it also holds the virtue of having introduced Z-targeting to video games, something that became crucial for 3D action games in general.
Z-targeting, or just targeting in general isn't a new idea that ocarina of time invented, you did it in Virtual On for example. And it was only necessary because of the N64's control scheme. Later games which used dual analogs used that control scheme.

>What other pre-OOT 3D games would you say were better?
>Tomb Raider, Jumping Flash, Mario 64
In terms of gameplay, I find these better. It's all subjective but I don't think Ocarina of Time is a massive improvement over these games and I don't hear anyone else saying so either

> and was released before OOT, but it lacked Z-targeting and all the complex stuff OOT had like the first person weapons.
>first person weapons
Didn't you play Goldeneye? Or any other first person shooter?

>> No.1798254

That's based off of something Aonuma said about his experience with Zelda shortly after joining nintendo. At the time he had little experience with games and he got killed by Octoroks. People have somehow interpreted this to mean that he never touched Zelda 1 ever again and hates it, despite referring to it as something to strive for at the last E3.

>> No.1798257


Alright, I also listed some others (Jumping Flash, Goemon, etc), but I wouldn't say AITD was "better" than OOT (I asked for which games were better than OOT). AITD is just too different, a complete different genre than OOT.

You can compare AITD with Resident Evil, not OOT.

And that's the point, before OOT, there wasn't many games similar to it on 3D. Again, it introduced mechanics like the Z-targeting, which changed forever the way action games on 3D would play.

I'm not saying OOT is the best game EVUHR, but I feel like the backlash OOT is having right now, in part thanks to that Egorapter guy video, is also because people trashing it are young and haven't played many other 3D games before OOT, instead, they grew up playing PS2 or Gamecube games, so yeah, no wonder OOT will seem shitty to them.
Back then, OOT was really something. If Alone in the Dark is all you can come up with, then I'll laugh, because they don't even play the same, it's like comparing Super Mario World with Clock Tower.

>> No.1798264


Yeah you could also lock on on panzer dragoon, but lock on =/= Z-targeting. You know what Z-rargeting means, right? It's lock on, but with the particularity that once you lock an enemy, he will move around you, like with an invisible rope between the enemy and you, plus you can toggle the lock on to other enemies.
Lock on on Virtual On, Panzer Dragoon or Star Fox don't have that feature.

Z-targeting was one of the most influential stuff in 3D games, many game developers talked about it so I don't know. And I don't see how dual analogue would change the z-targeting, it doesn't matter if you have 1 or 2 analogues. The 2nd analogue is used for camera most of the time.

>> No.1798268

Megaman Legends came out before OoT, and was a better game, although it had a crude targeting system which was alleviated in the sequel.

>OoT getting backlash from EgoRaptor
Someone is new. This shits been on /vr/ since its inception

>> No.1798269

>I asked for which games were better than OOT
There's no answer for this because you'll just say whatever game is mentioned is not better than OOT, it's your opinion

>before OOT, there wasn't many games similar to it on 3D
There were lots of 3D adventure games like Banjo and Spyro

>Again, it introduced mechanics like the Z-targeting, which changed forever the way action games on 3D would play.
Lots of games used targeting before OOT

>> No.1798270

>instead, they grew up playing PS2 or Gamecube games, so yeah, no wonder OOT will seem shitty to them.

I'll admit to being a faggot from that time, but I still think OOT was enjoyable. I think that if you gave a kid now a 3DS and that OOT port that improves the graphics and framerate a bit, they wouldn't even be able to tell it was a game from 1998.

>> No.1798272


Read: >>1798264
Legends also had lock on, but it doesn't have z-targeting.

>Someone is new. This shits been on /vr/ since its inception

I was here the day /vr/ opened.
And yeah, popular games always have contrarian opinions, but OOT is having a particular heavy backlash moment right now because of Egorapter. It's no surprise though, these kind of e-celebs always bring discussion in the community, like, some famous e-celeb reviews some obscure old game, and suddenly lots of threads about it on /v/ and /vr/ and prices on eBay go up. They have repercution, whether we like it or not.

>> No.1798276


>Lots of games used targeting before OOT

read >>1798264

>> No.1798282

>but lock on =/= Z-targeting. You know what Z-rargeting means, right?
Yes, it's targeting, in Legend of Zelda you used the Z button on the N64. hence it's name. Z-targeting. It's a form of lock on created to deal with the issue of combat in a 3D space.

>Z-targeting was one of the most influential stuff in 3D games
I wouldn't agree at all given far more important innovations like Doom and Super Mario 64

>many game developers talked about it so I don't know
It's obvious you don't

>And I don't see how dual analogue would change the z-targeting, it doesn't matter if you have 1 or 2 analogues. The 2nd analogue is used for camera most of the time.
Precisely because you have more control over the camera. Like I said lock-on is a solution made to solve the problem of cumbersome 3D combat due to a lack of control over the camera and where you're focused

>> No.1798283

>its having a lot of backlash
If you started this thread I don't know what to tell you. Ego raptors video is shit and doesn't even fucking scratch the surface of why OoT is bad. Instead he panders on shit like "ITS HARD TO KILL THE KEESE" when they are -by design- annoying enemies to fight. "Opening chests is too long", etc.

Instead of:
>Senseless backtracking for Ocarina songs
>Dungeons are boring
>Entire child section of the game is basically irrelevant

Just off the top of my head.

If you've been here since the beginning there virtually is nothing to discuss about OoT.

>> No.1798287

> i think we can all agree

If a post begins with this, it's shit. If a thread begins with it, it's shit that knocked a valid thread off the board.

Both are reportable as shitposting.

But since you've all taken this bait, I'm not even going to bother. Have fun being trolled, you idiots.

>> No.1798289

>OOT is shit
No shit, no nintendo game is impressive if you didn't play it as a baby. Their only actual "achievement" was making the famicom/nes a success, and all that did was doom gaming to be forever held back by consoles.

>> No.1798303

>Yes, it's targeting, in Legend of Zelda you used the Z button on the N64. hence it's name. Z-targeting. It's a form of lock on created to deal with the issue of combat in a 3D space.

No, it doesn't have to do with the button being called Z, it's the fact that it's not only about the "lock on" feature, but also about how the enemy behaves once it's locked on.
In other games, when you lock an enemy, the enemy would just keep moving normally, OOT introduced the idea of the enemy moving in circles around you once you lock to them, that's what I'm refering to. It was the first game to introduce that feature, and many 3D action game developers talked about how that influenced them for posterior action games, this is not a secret.

>It's obvious you don't

way to be offensive for no reason bud, I just want to have a nice vidya discussion, no need to get aggressive over the vidya.
As I said, many developers talked about how OOT was influential and innovative. of course SM64 and Doom were too.

OOT isn't even my favorite Zelda or 3D action game, but credit goes where its due, and lately, a lot of people have been over-trashing it freely, I see no purpose on it other than doing it for being edgy... OOT was groundbreaking at the time, it's not anymore, but that's because it influenced a lot of the modern 3D action games.

Super Mario 64, Legends or BanjoKazooie don't have melee combat like OOT does, the lock on on Legends doesn't even work the way it works on OOT, you can't move when you lock on. And it doesn't have close range weapons.

let's face it, OOT was very impressive when it came out, but yeah it has its flaws, like every other game. So it's natural that people are looking back at it now and say "hey, this game wasn't all that perfect as people were saying!', especially those who didn't have a N64 when they were kids and kept hearing how awesoem OOT was, so yeah, I can understand that, but to say OOT wasn't important is wrong.

>> No.1798307


I reported this thread already but mods seem to not give a fuck

and yeah I know its against the rules to say I reported this thread, but who gives a fuck anyway.

Summer is real I guess, not because of the kids, but because mods are on vacations.

>> No.1798314

>that's what I'm refering to. It was the first game to introduce that feature, and many 3D action game developers talked about how that influenced them for posterior action games, this is not a secret.
Then I'd like to see some sources.

>so yeah, I can understand that, but to say OOT wasn't important is wrong.
To say every other 3D game before OOT wasn't as important is also wrong

>> No.1798324

>44 replies
come on, guys. at least report

>> No.1798330


>Then I'd like to see some sources.

Sources on what?
You understood what I meant at least, right? I wasn't talking about the locking, but about how the enemy behaves when it's locked on. If you can find any game that does that pre-OOT, then please direct me to it.

>To say every other 3D game before OOT wasn't as important is also wrong

But I never said that, did I? AITD, Doom, Mario 64... they were all the pillars for the 3D gaming standards. OOT is another pillar.
To say OOT is shit, but then saying AITD or Mario 64 are good would be a bit hypocrite, all of these games were important and itroduced new concepts to 3D games that would be used later.

>> No.1798341

Buzzword itself is a buzzword for compelling one word arguments that are irrefutable.

>> No.1798343

>But I never said that, did I?
> 3D games before OOT weren't really that good, there's a reason OOT was so revolutionary

>Sources on what?
You keep mentioning about how "Z-targeting" was a revolution that heavily influenced game developers and 3D games forever, I'd like to see some sources of this

>> No.1798345

Yeah man, it really was. Did you see that vid from Egoraptor? Perfectly sums it up.

>> No.1798349

>Egoraptor is the only person on earth who thinks OOT is shit

>> No.1798350
File: 70 KB, 318x551, 1318132644953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now THIS. THIS is how you shitpost.

Fucking bravo.

>> No.1798351

subscribe to better youtube channels

>> No.1798354

All he's doing is reposting from some faggot's blog.

>> No.1798362


There were only a handful good 3D action games, and I think we mentioned most of them ITT. Again, there is a reason OOT was revolutionary (same as Mario 64, same as AITD) so yeah, saying OOT wasn't revolutionary would be wrong. But it's not the only one, it's one of the most influential early 3D games though, that's for sure.

As for Z-targeting, action games like Devil May Cry (which itself also influenced the modern action beat em up or "hack and slash" games) took the Z-targeting concept of enemies surrounding you when locked.
Kingdom Hearts also did it, many other games did it, it became a standard on 3D action games. Again, if you can find any game pre-OOT that did it, please direct me to it because so far I couldn't find any, just average "lock on" that simply meant "you can shoot at this thing from agar", but not actual melee combat where the enemy surrounds you.

>> No.1798382


Double the shitpost points, then! He's not even smart enough to talk out his own ass, but has to borrow someone else's ass to talk out of!

>> No.1798383

>There were only a handful good 3D action games
In your opinion

> it's one of the most influential early 3D games though, that's for sure.
Considering it's release date, I wouldn't call it early 3D and again, not the most influential game to 3D gaming at all. I don't play 3D action games and think "boy you can really see the zelda influence here"

Also, you keep talking about it but I'd like to hear other developers talk about how z-targeting influenced them, like you say here
>It was the first game to introduce that feature, and many 3D action game developers talked about how that influenced them for posterior action games, this is not a secret.

>> No.1798408


well, okay, you seem to really want to have a negative opinion about OOT.
Mine isn't even really all that positive, more like neutral, I agree it has some flaws, but I also think it was influential (not THE most influential, but it's up there with others like AITD, Mario 64 and Wolfenstein 3D)... I think you're wrong in thinking it wasn't but to each its own, it's obvious I won't change your mind and that's fine. I just want to be clear I'm not defending OOT as 'the best game ever', I'm simply defending it against people who think it wasn't influential.