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File: 185 KB, 256x357, The_Lion_King_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1779124 No.1779124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this game....holy shit, this game is such bullshit.

the first level is incredibly easy, and is nowhere near a good indicator of even the next level, where you need pixel perfect jumping to control the ostrich and have perfect mastery of your momentum to cross the logs.

then you get to the next level, and the bullshit is amplified, where you need to be spot on to grab the bones jutting out, time your jumps perfectly to kill condors, and then the acid segment at the end....and at one point, if you don't KNOW there's a condor at the bottom, you'll land on a platform...then get instantly hit and die....then there's the instakill geyser segment and another jump that, if failed, doesnt just make you start at the checkpoint, it forces you to play the ENTIRE goddamn stage again.

and if you barely manage to clear that....well, remember the turbosled segment in battletoads?

ever want to do that from a front perspective with gazelles that are really bad indicators of their size, speed, and distance from you, and rocks that stop getting telegraphed.

and if you manage to clear THAT you get to thorns and MORE bullshit jumps.

and that's all before even getting to adult simba.

people claim that aladdin on the SNES is way better than the sega because of how hard it is, but it's not anywhere NEAR the level of bullshit as the lion king.

>> No.1779176

>people claim that aladdin on the SNES is way better than the sega because of how hard it is

wait what? sega version is 100 times better are you kidding me?

>> No.1779187

I've beaten every NES Castlevania.
I can beat Shadow of the Beast with ease.
Alien Soldier is about as easy as waking up for me.
I still cannot clear that stage.

>> No.1779191

I agree.

>> No.1779203

which stage, just cant wait to be king, be prepared, the stampede, or simba's exile?

>> No.1779239

Just Can't Wait to be King. I've been playing the damn game since I was 3, and I have never gotten past it. The Elephant Graveyard is the furthest I ever got.

>> No.1779248

as far as I can tell, for the double jump on the ostrich, you need to jump again about a second before hitting the upper nest.

>> No.1779263

I remember this bitch. Played it on Sega Channel as a kid. I actually beat it... somehow. Remember the second to last level being that fucking lava stage, and enjoying how you've gotta backthrow Scar over the edge to truly beat him.

>> No.1779267

i booted this shit up on snes earlier.
got to the part in the elephant graveyard after you outrun the water. then you have to fight like 3 hyenas to open the next door. god damn, i can kill 2 but that third one gets me every time. i'm afraid after it dies another will show up

>> No.1779274

nah, you kill the third and you get to the stampede level.

>> No.1779278

Play Rocket Knight Adventures next time, pleb.

>> No.1779287


I played both back in the day.

Virgin's Aladdin has better visuals, the sprite animations are smooth and beautiful, but the gameplay itself feels not that tight, hitbox detect is weird (a common issue with other Virgin/David Perry games), and on top of that, the final boss fight was very pathetic.

Capcom's Aladdin had tight as fuck controls, better level design, gameplay was more built around acrobatic platforming instead of just pressing forward and mashing B to beat enemies. Plus the final boss was pretty impressive with a screen-size cobra Jafar and all.

If I had to choose one of them to play, I'll choose the SNES game. But again, mad props to the Genesis game for the nice visuals.

>> No.1779291

I actually just beat that the other day

the space level boss is stupid too, and the final boss is kind of underwhelming.

>> No.1779296

I just played through the Lion King yesterday. If you practice a butt ton, you can get past the double jumps with maybe 50-70% accuracy

>> No.1779347

The Genesis version of Lion King is actually harder than SNES because of the subtly different physics and some various minor differences that seem more like bugs/poor implementation than anything.

The most important difference is that Genesis Simba jumps higher, but not as far horizontally, when compared to SNES Simba. This is really only beneficial in one place, the tower of hippos around the second stage's midpoint where you can basically the entire segment by grabbing the ear of the first hippo on top from the left side. This you will want to do, because the Genesis version has so poor grab detection you usually lose several lives trying to get past it normally. The waterfall log climb also gets a little easier with the higher jump, but it's easy on either version if you follow the pattern.

The ostrich bits are annoying on Genesis since the hitboxes there are larger than on SNES for whatever reason, making you die even though it looks like you should've gotten past the nests without problems. IIRC the hint arrows at the beginning are also not present.

Regarding the terrible grab detection, this becomes a huge problem in the elephant graveyard, so try to bypass as many swing jumps as possible from the bones that stick out in the ceiling if you want to cut down on frustration. The elephant horns also seem bugged, breaking immediately instead of giving you time to move on, so be prepared to take some damage and just jump past them when you can.

I really like the different take on the first stage's music and the increased resolution is nice, but overall I'd recommend avoiding the Genesis version at first. It's fun to go to when you can beat the SNES version without breaking a sweat and want to increase difficulty, but because of all its problems the Genesis version won't make for a very enjoyable first playthrough.

>> No.1779351

>babby can't beat game

>> No.1779441
File: 37 KB, 800x600, cantwait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huehueuheuheheu fuck you kid

no fun for you

>> No.1779564

I think you've got it backwards. The SNES version is the one with the broken hitboxes and is harder in general. The SNES version has a lower resolution and suffers more from the "can't see shit ahead of me" syndrome.

>> No.1779570
File: 2.85 MB, 320x261, 1321817308438.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get to the waterfall level
>clear the logs easily once I figure out the pattern
>get game over on the boss
>no continues left

>> No.1779579

I beat this when I was a kid

Keep crying OP ya bitch Nigga

>> No.1779582


Nah the second to last level is the ravaged pride lands. A godforsaken Maze that will make you smash your brothers face into te screen

>> No.1779584

I've beaten the Genesis version, but the SNES copy I picked up at Goodwill won't boot. Are there many differences between the two games? And is there a consistent way to throw opponents because sometimes Simba just does this half-ass clapping motion and I never understood it.

>> No.1779660

>Are there many differences between the two games?
SNES version is lower resolution but more colors. Worse sound effects. Soundtrack is better some places, worse some places. I think there might be slightly less animation too (the giraffe heads on the second level don't move at all when you land on them)

>> No.1779745

Same. I was like 8. No guides used whatsoever and this was before the time of youtube when you could just watch a playthrough online to know what to do. I figured out how to kick Scar's ass entirely on my own, going through the entire game every time to meet him.

Get good OP you fucking faggot. Stop blaming games for your lack of skill. It's not 'bullshit' at all; it's righteously challenging and takes devotion and mastery. And 'pixel perfect' my ass. You're the reason why games have become casualised wank.

>> No.1779746

I finished this game when it came out.

It was hard but not that bad.

>> No.1779751 [DELETED] 

>This fucking post.
lol nigga please
SNES version shits all the fuck over the Genesis version in every way. I don't know for a fact if resolution was higher on either but SNES version easily looked far more beautiful than Genesis.

Music is highly subjective, but I really don't know how somebody can prefer Genesis over SNES version. SNES TLK sounds so much more layered and textured. The drums also sound much better. It sounds far closer to the actual movie than the synth-y/pop/techno sound of the Genesis.

>> No.1779753
File: 1.29 MB, 1366x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This fucking post.
lol nigga please
SNES version shits all over the Genesis version in every way. I don't know for a fact if resolution was higher on either but SNES version easily looked far more beautiful than Genesis.

Music is highly subjective, but I really don't know how somebody can prefer Genesis over SNES version. SNES TLK sounds so much more layered and textured. The drums also sound much better. It's far closer to the actual movie than the synth-y/pop/techno sound of the Genesis.

>> No.1779762 [DELETED] 
File: 1.05 MB, 1366x768, dicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


which smartass designed those?

>> No.1779765
File: 1.05 MB, 1366x768, boners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


which smartass designed those?

looks like the Sega version was altered/censored

>> No.1779769
File: 5 KB, 134x100, megos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look out! boners

>> No.1779779

>Can´t wait to be raging

>> No.1779860

>I don't know for a fact if resolution was higher on either
Are you fucking blind to the image you posted yourself? It's extremely clear the Genesis version has a much higher resolution. We're talking like at least 33% extra screen real estate.
>SNES version easily looked far more beautiful than Genesis
Yes the color count is higher, but that's only really detectable on static screens like the title screen. In the video you linked the SNES version looks much more washed out during gameplay, like somebody applied some overbright filter to the screen.

Also the sound effects are shit. The Genesis version has a young Simba roar that sound straight out of the movie...while the SNES version has a fucking cat meow sound. That murders the immersion.

>Music is highly subjective, but I really don't know how somebody can prefer Genesis over SNES version. SNES TLK sounds so much more layered and textured.
This is only the case for some tracks. I do like Hakuna Matata in particular more on SNES, but there are some tracks that were butchered in the SNES version with some particularly dull sound sample choices.

Have a listen to Be Prepared:



Yes, the SNES version has neat vocals, but the lead instrumentation for the tune is so dull and lifeless that it sucks the energy out of the tune and out of playing the game. The Genesis tune has more simple layering, but it suits the Elephant Graveyard level perfectly.

>> No.1779869
File: 41 KB, 500x320, raised-eyebrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like the Sega version was altered/censored
Considering the companies we're dealing with I'm pretty sure it would have been the other way around.

>> No.1779872

uh, why don't you go ahead and look at the picture instead of taking this personally dingus

>> No.1779873

It's called Depth perception, the Genesis version is more detailed as it looks like the bones are actually jutting from the wall.

>> No.1779875

top kek. they're drawn pixels you maximum autist. 'depth perception' my ass.

>> No.1779884

>uh, why don't you go ahead and look at the picture instead of taking this personally dingus
If it was altered it would have been because it's too confusing having two round things that look like they're grabbable when only the one the right is grabbable.

>> No.1779893

>I don't know for a fact if resolution was higher on either
>links to a video clearly showing the snes version having less area on the horizontal
Also based Matt Furniss worked on the music for the genesis version so it's objectively better composed.
Also your comparison pic is from an emulator and real world CRT interpolation would have fixed a lot in the genesis screenshot.

>> No.1779895
File: 25 KB, 640x389, 640px-Facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you're actually getting upset over a blatant post made for comedic effect. This wasn't a rag on Sega for censorship you fucking square. jesus christ. It was just funny how that bone literally looks like a fucking erect phallus in the SNES version and it's clearly different in the Sega version. Hell even if they did change it to make it less like a dick, rightly so. I've never seen a more phallic looking object in a SNES game.

Also iirc both sides of the bone was grabbable you facking douche nozzle.

I really should remember that humour on /vr/ is strictly forbidden as I'm dealing with the most autistic asshats this side of /vp/.

>> No.1779902

>Also based Matt Furniss worked on the music for the genesis version so it's objectively better composed.
Sorry but the Genesis version sounds like ass to me. You don't know what 'objective' means.

>> No.1779910

>i was only pretending to be retarded! it was a joke!

>> No.1779928

Don't worry. Not everyone in /vr/ is autistic all of the time, except for >>1779910 I guess.

>> No.1780395

I thought people said the SNES version was the one with wonkier physics

>> No.1780398

It is. The guy is just some wacko SNES fanboy trying to deny the obvious (like the resolution advantage of the Genesis).

>> No.1780424
File: 299 KB, 500x375, 1405564955931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this idiotic

>> No.1780620
File: 6 KB, 230x220, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all these manchildren are sperging out over a child's game released 20 years ago
Looks like the Great Sega Nintendo War never ended for some special snowflakes.

>> No.1780893


Not him. Not anybody from this thread, but you faggots need to chill the fuck out.

I see anti-SNES posts from time to time, and I see anti-Genesis posts from time to time, but for some reason the moment anybody ever questions the Genesis, or maybe prefers something on the SNES over the Genesis the flamewars go into overdrive. This is just from casual observation, but it seems like preferring the Genesis on /vr/ is done for hipster cred, or something. It's very fucking stupid. Console Wars belong on /v/ with the rest of their childish behavior.

You people are fighting arguments that most of us had when we were children. It is unacceptable, insufferably asshat-ish behavior.

Stop fighting over your fucking toys and play your fucking video games.

>> No.1780924
File: 3 KB, 439x334, sparkster pissed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rocket Knight Adventures on crazy hard

>> No.1782053

I remember beating this game as a kid, but I don't recall it being all that frustrating or unfair.

I dunno, maybe it's because I played the Mega Drive version or set the difficulty to easy or something. I think it's possible they revised the PAL version before release,

>> No.1782078

This game isn't that hard, I clearly remember beating it when I was 12, so I'm sure it's just as easy as an adult... I mean right? Right....?

>> No.1782367
File: 127 KB, 660x419, snesfan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see anti-SNES posts from time to time, and I see anti-Genesis posts from time to time, but for some reason the moment anybody ever questions the Genesis, or maybe prefers something on the SNES over the Genesis the flamewars go into overdrive

Are you so sure about that? The SNES is a bigger sacred cow on the internet than the Genesis. If you go to Sega-16, probably the biggest Genesis forum on the internet, the people there have a grudging respect for the SNES in some ways, but if you go to other places (say NeoGAF) where the SNES is popular it's like the Genesis isn't even worth existing (usually because of muh Square RPGs).

Pic related is the sentiment of your typical SNES fanboy. If Genesis fans seem over the top it's because they are trying to counteract the hysteria of the other team.

>> No.1782375

If the double standards in sixteen bit videogame console fandoms concern or remotely interest you I suggest you re-evaluate your life, what you've done with it so far and what you hope to accomplish before it is through.

>> No.1782383

>I suggest you re-evaluate your life

You do know which forum you're on right? Maybe you should evaluate your own double standards.

>> No.1782401

I remember being mad this game didn't have a two player mode. Gamepro said it did.

>> No.1782405

>typical SNES fanboy
More like typical autistic athiest retard.

>> No.1782407
File: 16 KB, 544x175, snesfan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1782409

>FF6 avatar

At least delusional FF6 fanboys have moved on from raging at the popularity of FF7 and are now attacking the Genesis. It shows some variety.

>> No.1782464


For fuck's sake, guys. Don't turn this into something you'd see on /v/

>> No.1782541

I (>>1779347), as a person who's beaten the game several times on both consoles, only wanted to point some differences in the Lion King versions and the reasons I think the SNES version is a better starting point.

Why are there cunts storming in to accuse me of lies and fanboyism while engaging in full-out childish console wars? That Virgin/Westwood fucked up a bit on the programming side doesn't mean Genesis is a worse console or anything, and Genny version has its advantages too like the increased resolution/animations, can't we discuss version differences without getting emotional? Grow up already.

>> No.1782649


I'm not talking about the internet, I'm talking about /vr/ in general.

Just take it to /v/ if you want a flamewar.

>> No.1782650

>That Virgin/Westwood fucked up a bit on the programming side doesn't mean Genesis is a worse console or anything
But the Genesis version was clearly the lead development platform. It's clear to anybody who played both with open eyes that the SNES version is the port.

>> No.1782728

That would be in line with Virgin's development habits, yes. It's hard to find out who did what with old multiplat licensed games, but whoever was responsible for coding the SNES version must've patched up several problems present in the Genesis gold ver

>> No.1782736

>coding the SNES version must've patched up several problems present in the Genesis gold ver
I'd say the changes made to the grab bones in the Elephant Graveyard level demonstrate that the Genesis version had a later build date regardless. The previous poster was right, the bones in the Genesis version have been drawn with an illusion of depth while the SNES versions have not. This demonstrates that the SNES version was probably an earlier build (maybe because Nintendo had more vigorous certification process so it required an early submission?).

Also just about every source on the internet says that the SNES version is the one with the hitbox problems. You are alone in saying it is the opposite. Alone.

>> No.1782986

Protip: All fanboys are retarded and are the exact same as each other, just with a different preference for a toy. A SNES fanboy is not any worse than a Genesis fanboy and vice versa. They're both fucking retarded. Grow up, seriously.

>> No.1782987

Exactly this.

>> No.1783127

SNES fanboys look after their own I see.